llj jlll ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FUR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5C Her Annum VOL. LIU. WE L DON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOliEH 15, I'.Ms. NO. 21 '.TrJct Contontsl5Fluid Praohi ftCII. ft " 'Is ' ' ..S-j. J u ALCOHOL-aPtM iw !'::. ;.l l.l,wl hlf RtMillll- !::. fcSt Of i" yjH Bears the oignaturo of. Tf.on.hv Pmmotlnti Welti f Chcerfulnessuioriesvwiii""' i MnHh. rw,im Morohlnt nor Uo(iotNabSot,c1 i l.u..i u.mpilv for Constipation and Uiirrhoci ; and Fewi-ism" flic-Simile Si4iwtm ot laicnmiraiCoHPAW. P OASTORIA Tor Infaul :,; Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Crtria Always . n aw Enact Cony i t Wrri. In Use For Over Thirty Years SASTORIA Get The Habit CBuy for C ash. Save"J P7the pennies by buy-"C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO, Wholesale Gash Store WELOON, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful placeg (or when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. Aid good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR. DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is, fljnple to satisfy, your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. 0. A X T ED" r Boys Girls Men Women If not needed on farms come to work for us. Pleasant workgood wage JkaLs 4r Cost ifi Factqw By UTIFUL ROOMING HOUSE FOR GIRLS (JUST FINISHED.) Write or Come to See Us. lilili si u23 3m rkan Tobacco Co Brown and Perry Streets PETERSBURG, VA. ASK YOURSELF THE QUESTION. Does An Education Pay? Dues ii pay an acorn lu become an oak? Dots ii puy lo escape being a rich ignoramus ? Dues ii pi v fur a chrysalis 10 un fold mho a bu Li lly ? Dues ii pay n learn how loniake life a tlory insiu il .fa Kiiiul? Does il pay 10 add power 10 the lens of the microscope or telescope? Does ii pay for a rosebud 10 open ils petals and fling out its beauty and fragrance to the world ? Docs it pay to acquire a person al wealth, which no disaster or misfortune can wreck or ruin? Does it pay to learn how to fo cus thought with power, how to marshal one's forces effectively? Does il pay a diamond to have its facets ground, to let in the light to reveal its hidden wealth of splen dor? Does it pay to have expert ad vice and training, to have high ideals held up to one in the most critical years of one's life? Does it pay to make life-long friends with bright, ambitious stu dents, many of whom will occupy high places later on ? Does it pay to open a little wider the door of a narrow life? To push out one's horizon in order to get a wider outlook, a clearer vision? Does it pay to change a bar of rough pig iron into hairsprings for watches, thus increasing its worth fifty times the value of its weight in gold ? Does ii pay lo experience the joy of self-discovery, lo open up whole continents of possibilities on one's nature which might other wise remain undiscovered ? Does ii pay the sculptor to call out from the rough block the statue that sleeps in the marble, so that it may tell the story of heroism and greatness to unborn generations? Does ii pay lo have one's men tality stirred by the passion for ex pansion, lo feel the ionic of growth the indescribable satisfaction which comes from ihe consciousness of perpetual enlargement? The New Success. BAILIFF MAKES INVENT ORY SUITABLE TO FEELINUS. A lawyer who recently came to Columbus on business from Cincinnati tells this story: "A bailiff wont to levy on the con tents of a Iiouho. The inven tory began in the attic unci end ed in the cellar. When the din ing room wuk reached the tully of the furniture run thiiH: "One dining room table, oak "One net of chairs, (0) oak. "One sideboard, ouk. 'Two bottlesof whisky, (full)" Then tho word "full" wa stricken out and replaced by 'empty," anil the inventory went on in a hand that strug gled and lurched diagonally across the pugc until it closed with: 'One revolving doormat." Columbus ((),) Dispatch. KNEW HE WAS THERE. i The Cook Is that rounder Van Uibbs up yet? ' The Butler He is. I carried him up myself at II o'clock this morning. NOW RAISES 600 CHICKED After Being Relieved of Or ganic Trouble by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. t Oregon, lift-;" I took Lydia E. Pinn iu a v'ysttH Compound ior an or ganic trouble which pullad me down un til icon id not put my foot to tha floor and could scarcaly do my work, and ai I liiv on a wnall (arm and ralia lix hundred chlckena every year it mad It vary bard for ma. "I saw the Com poand advertised in our paper, and tried it It hai re, to red my health ao I can do all my work and I am w grateful that I am recommend ing It to my friandt." Mri. D. Ii. Alters, R. R. 4, Oregon, 111. Only women who have raftered the tor ture! of iuch trouble! and have dragged along from day to day can realize the relief which thin f amoui root and herb remedy, Lydia K. Finkham'a Vegetable Compound, brought to Mra. Altera. Women everywhere in Mrs. Altera' condition ihould profit by her recom mendation, and if there are any com- licationa write Lydia E. Pinkham'a lediclne Co., Lynn, Masa., for advice, The result of their 40 yean experience i at your tei-viea. IIP Iff Made to Order Trusses, Abdominal Sup. porters, Elastic Stock. ings, Artificial Limb), Crutches, Canes, Invalid Chain, Brae, Etc. Open Saturdays Till t P. M. j EXPERT FITTERS FOR LADIES ANO GENTLEMEN. 1 Thompson & Pentz Phone 81 58 310 City Hall Ave., Norfolk, Va. It ii Hi li Hi vli Hi Hi Hi li Hi li Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi li li Hi Hi li Hi h li vli Hi HOUR OF STRESS Here's a ruse fer Belgium, For Belgium a sen?. The first of that high oi niviny That stood to fight the Wrong; For her whose choice was wne and death, Rather than ease and slianie; And the rose is the world's love, The song is her own name. Here's a crown, a crown for France, For France a great cry The heart of that brave company That rose to win or die; For whose stake is life itself, And all that life can give, The crown is for her valor The cry is "France shall live!" Here's a toast for England, For England a shoul, U'ho for thai great company Sent her bravest out; For her who stands, with all her race, A wall by land and sea; The toast is "Faith and honor first !" The shout is "Victory!" Here's a heart for America, And for her a star, She who for that high company Must send her sons afar; She comes with one undying hope, That all the world be free; And the heart is yours and mine The star is Liberty. Here's a pledge for all the lands, For great and small, a World, Who in that noble company The trumpet call have heard; Whose sword and Hag, whose life and soul, Are mighty to defend! The pledge is "Death or Victory !" The word is "To the end !" . lf Hi li Hi Hi iti tit 3 TRY IT. j To (lrow I'tcKle In a lt.it tie ! This is iin experiment that 1 the small Imiv or I will find : lots nf fund. It will he fun for j yen while il is grmviug anil fun j for your friends after you have sue iled ill growing Ihe iiekle until it tills tin' l it tliv Thev will mil In' able tn understand how so large a pickle was ever gotten into the neck of Hid buttle, which will be many times smaller than the pickle, of course. Here is the. way to do it. Se led a bottle at least six or eight inches long, round if you can fi in 1 such a bottle, but n flat one will do. Oo out to the gar ten with your bottle and fuel u tiny cucumber that will just go into the, neck of your bottle. If yon have no cucumbers select a tiny 8itiush. or even a green tomato. Do i ot pick the pickle just push into the bottle and leave it to grow on the vine. Watch it and keep it pushed further ami further into the bottle from day to day until it gets so big that it is all the bot tl will hold. A tomato or squash will flatten out and take the shape of the bottle if you koep pushing it in. Now when the bottle is full you may cut it from the vine and take it to the house, If you wish to keep the pickle in tho bottle for a few months or a year you can do so as well as not. Just mix a tablespoon of suit with a half cup of cold water, and fill the bottle full, then push in a good cork. 11 will then keep us long as you can wish und you can show it to your friends as a curiosity which they will all enjoy seeing. Youth's Com panion. A HAPPY CHANCK. "Don't you sometimes get tired of explaining to your con stituents what you have been doing in Congress?" 'No," unswered Senator Sor ghum. "I'm thankful if they give me u chance instead of jumping at their own conclu sion." Washington Star. Mother Eve may have invented curiosity, but she is the only wo man on record who has never turned around to see what the oth er woman had on. wmmmmmm mmmmmw JUST FOR TO-DAY Lord, for tomorrow and its needs, I do not pray; Keep me, my God, from stain of sin, Just for today; Let me no wrong or idle word Unthinking say; Set Thou a seal upon my lips, Just for today. Lei me both diligently work, And duly pray; Let me be kind in word and deed, Just for today; Let me in season, Lord, be grave, In season, gay; Let me be Faithful to Thy grace, Just for today. In pain and sorrow's cleansing fires, Brief be my stay; Oh, bid me if today I die, Come home today; So, for tomorrow and its needs, I do not pray. But keep me, guide me, love me, Lord Just for today. 3H 1r A LEAP FOR LIFE, A British observation balloon, anchored ai il.e U'cmcIh huiu, lia its cables cut by enemy aeroplanes, and the balloon soared thousands of feet upward into the clouds. A wriicr in the London Mail, who witnessed the incident, describes wh.ii followed. From the point where il vanished, he says, we presently siw one small speck, then another, dropping from the clouds. For some hundreds of hei they fell like dead weights, then parachutes opened, and the specks, now revealed as men, were steadied in their earthward course, Kuaiing rapidly, bu safely, to the ground. After the balloon got free, they had desiroyed their papers and in struments, clambered over the side of the basket, and leaped for life into the great void beneath them, trusting thai the parachutes strapped round their waists would open when they should. Think of that desperate spring into ihe vast, gray vapory nothing. ncss beneath the Dalloon; ihe feelings of the men as they made it, un certain of what would happen; the awful sensation of casting yourself blindly from such an appalling height with ihe knowledge that only f flimsy piece of material, which might act rightly and might not, inter vened between yoi 'ell nd a crash into the earth many thousands of feel below; the tense airaui of the stone like drop through two hundred feci nf ihe void before ihe parachute opened, and then the anxious mental auery, through the later stageaof the descent: "What shall I light upon?" a matter of supreme consequence that chance governs absolutely, in this case, the men made a sate landing. nn n nn m m m nm Shoes and Clothing. $3 11 m a LADIES COAT SUITS II Mr mm f AND SPORT COATS 8ft woo Fall ail Winter ijRHSS GOOD! -ALSO- mm m PQ- Agency for Klnston Steam Laundry For Weak Women In use Iorovcr40yetnl Thousands of voluntary letter! Irom women, tell ing of the good Cardul has done them. This ii the best proof ol the value ol Cardui. It proves that Car Jui is a good medicine tor women. There are no harmful or habit -lor mm;; drugs in Cardui. It is composed only ot miid, medicinal ingredient-, with no bad aiter-t'icu. TAKE The Woman's Tonic M You can rely on Cardui. Surely it will do tor you what It hat done lor so many thousands of other women! It ihould help. "I was taken tick, teemed lo be . . . ," writes Mrs. Mary E.Vei te, ol Madison Heights, Va. "I got down so weak, could hardly walk . . . kot staggered around, ... I read ol Cardui, and after taking one bot tle, or before taking quite all, I tell much better. I took 3 or 4 bottles it that time, and was able to do my work. I take it In the spring when run down. I had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It hi the best tonic I ever taw." Try Cardui. All Druggists 1.10 m The Busy Store, WELDON, N C ao T II K 1 fill ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus. $60,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. K. DANIIX, PRBHIUnNT. W. K. SMITH. VK'B-I'RBSIDBNI. J. O. DRAKE, ciiaiaa. MiaiaMM..M.MMMMMarMMiiw..MMaaFPWlffMiaiaBI invitation! You are invited to open an account with the BW OF EflFIELD, ENFIELD, fl. 0. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly.) YOU can bank by mail," CLOTHES DON'T MAKE A MM BUT THEY HELP THAT is, they help him In business as well as social life, by giving him a properous, welr groomed appearance, Men who dress in good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality Is the first consld. eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwovan socks "The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, Lisle, Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSim Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. Fire Insurance I Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DRAPER. Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C.

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