0 -k. Ll.'-'.'ll.S'- ESTABLISHED IN I860. A NEWSPAPER fOii THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtiun$l.5C Per Ann . VOL. LI II. WKLDON, N. ('., TIIIIKSDAV, OCTOHKK 21, NO. I'i II irf Children Cry for Fletcher's a, r ; IN THE POTTER'S HANDS. ' Ood (Irnnt that the New Vessel May He One that Seemeth Ootid Unto (he Putter. The- Kind Tou Have Alwayi Bought, nnd which has been la use for over over 30 years, h;. the signature of - and has kvi, n.v.'e under his per-UCVJ&V- ,?al suP"visiu" inc-e its infancy. 7TT t TuV f Uow no "i? to deceive yu this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infant and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria in a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric. Drop, and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. It age it Its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS f Bears the ature sjBcais the Sign In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Havo Always Bought Get The Habit KBuy for Cash. Save C3Tthe pennies by buy ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WI-l.DON, N. C. f Mill THE Dining Room should he a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisiy your desires, whatever they mayjbe, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk It over with us. We are as eager to QIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. 'Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. 117 i 11 L ! V CTl-1 1111 Biy; fiiri: Uti - Womo If not needed on farms come to work for us. pieaunnt work-.-good wages JeLs j Cost 'ffww BEAUTIFUL ROOMING HOUSE FOR GIRLS (JUST FINISHED.) Write or Come to See Us. British i . ..... I' 11 II l i t) uonpaoy ufi22SiB Brown and Perry Streets PETERSBURG, VA. STOMACH The mission nf Jercmiuli wns to preucli scriiinns in u pcnplu who hail conic im.i ,i u-mMe cundiiion because of threatened war. God warned them to understand that, even though they were his people, they must continually ucknowlege his sovereignty over them, and that they must keep in right rela tionship with Him if they would prosper. God mid Jeremiah to go down to the potter's house and get an illustration for the next Sabbath's sermon. The preacher went down and watched the potter for a while as he fashioned vessels of clay on the wheel. Suddenly the potter crushed one of the vessels that was almost finished, and that seemed to Jeremiah as good as any of the others. Having destroyed the vessel that did not please him, the potter pounded the clay into a lump and began to make it into a new vessel. God told Jeremiah to go and preach, using that as his illustra tion. For as the potter has cower over the clay to make and change as he pleases, so is the nation in the hands ot God to do with as seems best to Him. For three years we had watched the nations of the world being crushed down again into lumps of clay for the starting of the vessels mat would be more pleasing to the Poller. Then, suddenly, our own nation that seemed to us to be growing into a vessel beautiful and strong felt the hands of the Potter, and down went the walls. The plans so well laid and so nearly worked out are spoiled and almost forgotten, and now we are a lump of clay again in the hands of the Potter, and He is pressing and smoothing and moulding as we turn upon the wheel. God grant that the new vessel may be one that seemeth good unto the Potter. It is noi for us to try to mould the national life and purpose with out God and his Son Jesus Christ, into whose hands the nations of the world have been given; it is for us to make sure first of all that our nation is right with God and that we have the spirit of submis sion and obedience to Him. Then the vessel will come out a vessel of honor, for the hands of God will be moulding the clay on the wheel. A Remit If ui Woman, o.i vim kiimv that a Iwautil'ul nouiau Ichvh U kikkI ,lii:i'tit,u '.' If your iliRVHIhm . faulty, rat lightly nf imat, anil liiki- un ut'i'iiMuijul iltiHt1 uf Cliam lifilaiuV Talileta in atreriirtht!, vour ili Ki'Htmn, I'net' l-Vii' Mr. Marlon Holcotnl). ol Nam";, I luiitf while 1 sulfered with siu: i. .:, , tavc pains and a heavy feeling : dull ri'l! f- : "For quite i 1 .1 Would i i .il.:, a most it.' .41 1 vtlii I ILT Willi '. I li'"riii to li.ivi.1 !ls I laliluK, hit Iri'ltl. '.'(I. nisi octintu iu km my stomacn an up. i umtiJ lliey were nn rmnri nt all fur mi Ic.i.kla I .... vwm u, 1.1 1 UI ,,j MUUIIC 1 IIUUU viee.tble tasle in my mouth. Ii iter, oil or grease, 1 would spit il i iiii.ii aim ncuuaciie. I nau u-.-i'U alter a course of these, I wouU Lo t seemed to tear my stomach all up. mytrouDie. i neai THEDFORD'S 1ACK-DR A DIFJERKNT UUY. A ruekii' wns reading an article about ihe Kaiser which compared him ut:h Nero. "Who was Nero, Kll?" he :isked oF a fellow-rookie. "Vt isn'i he a man thai was always c Id?" "Maw," wns ihe reply, ".hy, was Zen, anoiher guy al iHRcil)er.M Can Now Hat and Sleep In Comfort. If tnmhlc.l with iiiitieBtioD or sleep IfHHiit'Hs you sliouK) irail what Mim Ag-m-H l uititi, ul rhictitfu, III., huM to nay: "Overwork, iru'tful&r meals and care leMBiitt8 reyartlinif the ordinary rules of hnillli, L'liuliially undermined it until (tut fall I liouamea wreck of my former self. I u tiered from continual head ache, ttiin uualile to digest my food, wliii'h Nt'i'ined to lay as dead weight on my Htomueh. 1 wax very constipated and my complexion herarne dark, yel low and muddy a I felt Hieeplemnesa was added to m tinnery, and 1 woull twakeiin tiled ;ti when I went to aleep. I heard of (liaiiiherlatu'a TuhletH and foit in I mul'Ii relief alter taking them that I kept ii i the tieuuneut lor nearly two .miith. They eh aimed my t Ntomach, iiiutforalrd iiiv Nvleiii. aud in ttt lime I can eat and aleep in comfort. I am toilay entuely we.'l." LtWONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make thla beauty lotion cheaply for your fact, neck, armi and henda. At tlie eiiat of a Binalt jar nf ordinary nild ere in one ran prepare a full quar ter pint of the niottt wonderful lemon kin eoftener and complexion beautifter. hy atUexirig the juice of two frenh iin ona into ft bottle coutiining tlin-e tmnti'a of orchard white, (.'are ahould W tulen to atrain the juice through a fine eloth n no lemon pulp geta in, th n UiIa lo tion wil keep fresh for month. Every woman knuwu that lemon juioe la until to bleach and remove urh blemishes aa frecklt-a, aiMowntAH and tan and ia Ihe irieul ekin aoftt-ner, wbitutr and heautilliT. Junt try it! (let three iun 'i J orchard white at any drug store nmt two lemonn fruni the grocer anJ in,ik up a quarter pint of thla aweetly fruerHiit lemon lotion and naaaae it daily mtu the facet neck, arme and handd, h i auuraVma to mootaeD rouh, nd aanda. recommended very hlphly, so began to use it. It cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made, i do not have sick headache or stnm;;: 'i trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the hvef nr.d helps it to do its important work of throwing out wasle materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for use in tin;: of need. Geta package today, if you feel sluggish, t ike a dose tonight You will feel fresh to morrow, i-fice 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CEKTA DOSE UTS) A BROTHERLY HAND. 'Twas only a grasp in ihe hurry, The busile and business oF life, The sirong, friendly grip of a broiher, As ihe crowd jostled on in iis sirife; But ihe grasp left a lingering feeling Of friendship, encouragement, cheer, And you fell all refreshed and light-hearted, Like the world wasn't all dark and drear; 'Twas only a hearty, warm handshake, Grasp with its greeting so bland, Yet somehow all day seemed ihe brighter For that grasp of a broiherly hand. 'Twas only a much in ihe darkness, When trials and dangers were rife; A warning, a guide, a protection, An omen of good 'mid the sirife; 'Twas only a hand stretching outward, To beckon, or cauiion, or cheer, A monitor piloting upward A counselor faithful and near; 'Twas only a touch in the darkness Thai touch had a meaning demand No signal so true and unfailing Like the touch of a broiherly hand. SECOND COMMISSION. Is that Vision of the Young Lieutenant Coming to Thousands of Young Men After the War Is Over? W 4 "Di;ar I:athi;k," the soldier boy's letter read, "I know you and mother will be glad lo learn thai I have passed the final tests in the officers' school. I received my commission as lictcneni this morn ing Some nf the fellows who used to beat me at Ihe university in mathematics and in chemistry failed lo pass; they could nut stand the grind. I'm iioi crowing ovtr them, of course, bui I can't help feeling set up a little over my fii at commission, for, if l do say il, I worked hard, and I thought of vou and mother, and I was bound to pass." The middle-aged couple who had given lo the service their only son read his letter with tears of pride. "The boy is doing well," said the father, as he perused it a second lime. " 'Licuienani' sounds right to me. U'e must not forget lo address Ins letiers thai way. He has earned his title." The mother murmured asseni and tenderly placed the letter with ihe others that the boy had written since leaving home. A year afterwards a letter from the boy came from "somewhere at Ihe front," bearing the mark of the "Y. M. C. A ," and in the hand writing of a Red Cross nurse. This is the way it ran, in part : "I have been here three months, and they tell me you have been kepi informed of my condition. This is the first lime I have been able lo dictate a letter." (Here followed un account of the engagement in winch he had been wounded ) "While lying in this hospital I have had a remarkable experience. There are five nationalities in my ward, and the Red Cross administers its wonderful aid to us all alike, of course. A lew nights ago, in a sort of waking vision, I seemed to see these nations lifting up beseeching hands for help to be lifted out of darkness into light. Then a figure came walking through the ward all in white, and it was the Christ. He stopped by my cot, and I heard Him say as plain as I ever heard you or mother speak, 'I commission you, with thousands of others like you, to preach the gospel to the world thai has noi heard or heeded it ' "All (hat was as clear to me as any real happening. Il was a real happening. I cannot describe to you ihe wonderful beauty of thai figure as it came down beiween the cots. Bui I, as I lay there that night, said io my Loid and Muster ihai I would accept His commission. If I am spared, I will Come back as a gospel messenger to fight the bailie for souls. I have received my second commission, father, and it is greater than the first, don't you think?" Is that vision of the young lieutenant coming to thousands of young men afier the war is over? They have been living the life of adventure and excitement. It will not be easy for them lo senle down to the com monplaces of civic and business life. But the world will lie open to ihe great adventure of the gospel mes senger as never before. The naiions that have fell the hand of Christ held out to them through the Red uunmiu hie i uuNK mens v.nnsnan Association, and the other agencies of mrrcy, will be ready as nev er before to accept Him. May ihe vision of Him and His great com mission come to thf vnung men now in the fighting ranks as it came to this one in the hosi . I "over there " Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Hlil.ll-VC IN "I.UCK CHARMS ' J hciitinc; ,mi;n It A I. I AI I II IN At I. MINIS or IIIINCS- I.IVIM; MAS COTS rsri.ciAi.i.v i'oi'iii.ak M:my and various and queer aie llie "Lick dial ins" (il li!hlinp, men. Tiny ruhbils and black cats made of "lucky" metal ate found quite frequently. Among the l-'iciich il is held particularly lucky to have a gold coin in one's possession when gi -ing into buttle. The Briiish carry a lucky flower, the whiie heather. A piece of this heather properly tucked away in side the hat-hand is supposed to, save the wearer from a filial wound. ! W hen il comes to living mascots, j the fighters have a collection big I enough lo siock a zoo I logs of almost every breed under ilic : sun cats, monkeys, birds, rae ' coons, while ruis, goals, deer, lion : cubs, bears, armaoilios and wli.it not; about anyii.ing thai wanders i into camp or is sent in by friends ! SUPKttlOK AI IITUDi:. "Is (ihbwiu a man ol large ! ideas?" "In one sense." ! "How is thai?" j "Anyone who disagrees with i his idea looks extremely small io i him. X i:r I: -v Fall d Winter Biiiissuoons -AI.SO- Shoes and Clothing. m ! m m m am II LADIES COAT SUITS fl II f AND SPORT COATS H 1 w IS MM- Iffy Agency for Kinston Steam Laundry mm Collars 2',c. Shirts I2c. gjj I 4- LSWIIHoK,' I II The Bl,sy Store' Wl'LDON, N C HIS ABSENT DARI.INO. "I've got to raise $50 this week." "Is il urgent?" "I should say so. If I don't get it my wife will come home." Catarrhal llealntss Can 't be Cured by local iilieaiiuii, an thi-y cmoiot ri'ttell the ilim-itNtsT portiuo of thu ear. There m only one way to cure. uValnexH, autl that iH liy culifclitulloual remeiliea. lieafni'Ha la caiiHCil by an Inllumeil con dition of the mucoiiH lintnir of the I'.ufl. tachiuu Tulic. When tins tube ia in llame.1 you have, a rumhhnjr Hound or nnierlect hearina", ainl when il i entire ly cloacil, HcafneHHiK thereull, an. Inn IcHa the iiirlaminaliou can he taken out anil Huh tuhe restored to ita uonnal Couilltiou, hearillKill hetleutloyeil lor ever ; tone cases out often are cause.! by I :0unh, Hindi IK nolhiUK hut an lu Ihoned coudition of the inucoua aur laeea. Me mil iiivellne Hun. lied llollao. foi any cane id lltufnete i caused hy catairlo Ilial ea )l he cured hy Haifa ( alarlli Meitniine. I . .1. ITIhNfV A I'O.. Toledo, Ohi o I cstunouialn aent free. Price 7.' ceutt per holtle. Sold hy alt ilrumriata. Ilvlfi- l-aniilv I'iIIh for CoiiNtinali a HIS STATE. "Your friend is in a grave rev ery." "That comes from his being buried in thought." IHT IT! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTif CSLCIL Btarts your liver without miking you nick and can not salivate. Every druggist in town your (Iruggigt and cvorybodYs druggist hm notiecrl a great fallins-olT in tha aalc of calomel. They all give tho eanie reason. Dodaon's Liver Tono is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people knoir it, while Dodson's Liver Tono i perfectly safe and gives better re sults," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson's Liver Tone is per sonally guaranteed by evcrv drug gist who sells it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every ease of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. llodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adult-. Take a spoonful at night and wako up feeling fine; no biliousness, lick headac! e, acid stomach or consti- iied towels. It doesn t gripe or (feiuse inconvenience all tho next Ilia CLIP THIS AND PIN ON WIFE'S DRESSER Cincinnati man tails how ts ahrlval up urns or caltusta to thay lift off with Angara. Ouch t 1 I ! I I Thla kind of rough talk will be hrard I ma hrre la town If people troubled with coma will follow the imple advice ot thii Cincinnati authority, who claima that a tew drnpa ol a drug called (reeione when applied to a tender, aching oorn or hardened cal lus itopa anreneaa at oace, and aoon the corn or callua drlea up and litta right off without pain. He aaye (reeione dries Immediately and sever taflamea or even irritates the aurroundlng akin. A imall bottle ol freetone will cost very little at any drug store, but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callua from one's feet. Hllllona ol American women will welooma thta announcement sine, tha Inauguration of the high beclt li vou dniagM doesn't have freeione t r aim to order a small bottle for Tu. 30 t ii i: J i ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, $63,QQ0. WE INVITE YOUR AUCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINUS DEPARTMENT. W. K. IIANIKI.. t asm oknt. W, li. SMITH. vii'k-i'HKNii,a.T. 1 . " lUtAI'KH, e a s in kb. ivvrrArnnTl j ii i 1 1 ii i ni . u You are invited to open an account with the 8 BWOFEflFIUD, ' I Eji FIELD, fl. C. at 4 s Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly.! gf YOU can bank by mail; 9 sunaotmroiaWKaaaiaxxiiani jj CLOTHES DON'T IKE A MAN UT IHT HELP t HAT is, they help him in business as well as social life, by giving him a properous, wel groomed appearance, Men who dress In good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid. eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, w e sell the reliable Interwovan socks "The Hosiery of a Gentleman " All fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, Lisle Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50o. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSON. Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. Firs Insurance & Surety Bands ! Life, Accident and Health, Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants J.. C. DRAPER - Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C.

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