Middle Aged Womerv, Are Here Told the Tet Remedy for Their Tr Freemont, . "I was pnssiu i. ' Period u( life, tcintr fnrty-f-ix yr.trs ii-'. ,:i the ayuiiUt.u.s itu uk ut to tliat eli;ni, 1 e; nervousiu .-s, ami Wda in a frVLiwal ruu d;w :i so it wus haul fur mi! to tin ru v wnrk. yl ham 'rt;inle lomnouLU v. an the beat ri uirdy f"r wy troubles, to be. I Wfi better aim strnnvr in ev. ry v:iv ? taking- it, and the aniu.yintr reared," Mrs. M, Imjuue.n, Ohio. North Itarcn, Cnno.- - ble CoUipit:i 1 rrS "Vsi had fai Uil uiiuti ;.-t ...-,111 i Dothmtf liUf ii i. LYBIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND I ftss til greatest. irjpd foff &o 1,567 Days of Horror Ended Uerman Revolution Final Act of Stupendous Drama During Which Many European Rulers Have been Stripped of Power and their Dreams uf World Conquest Completely Shattered. COST TEN MILLIOX LIVES. The greatest war in history ended Monday morning. November 1 1, at 6 o'clock, Washington time, after l,5t7 djys of horror, during which virtually the whole civilized world has been convulsed. Announcement of the tremendous event w;is made at the State De partment at Washington, at 2:45 o'clock Monday morning, and in a few seconds was flashed throughout the continent by trie Associated Press. The terse announcement of the Sute Department did not tell any thing of the scene at Marshal Hoch's headquarters at the time the ar mistice was signed. It was stated, however, that at Hve o'clock Paris time, the signatures of Germany's delegates were affixed to the docu ument which blasted forever the dreams which embroiled the world in a struggle which cost, at the very lowest estimate, 1 0,000,000 lives. It is suggested that William Hoheiuollern is not safe from the conse quences of his deed, even though he h.is fled to Holland. After the sinking ol the l.usiunia and during the early days of the aerial raids on London he was three tunes indicted international law, it is said, requisition by England under the indictments still WELDDN AVIATOR'S FIRST FLIGHT Monday, Nov. 4, 1918. This evening at one o'clock I started on my first ride. 1 lud on my flying pajamas, helmet wuh u talking tube connecting my eir to the instructor's mouth, and my goggles nil fixed up nicely. Al ter examining our ship the Lieu tenant and I crawled in Then the mechanic runs in the front ol the ship and sas, "oft," ih.it is, that the ignition is off, so he cm spin the propeller thus tilling me cylinders with a vaporized mix ture of gas, so the engine will start easily. He spins it several times then says, "contact." The Lieu tenant says "contaci" and turns on the ignition. The mechanic then spins the propeller and the engine starts. Now came the ex citing moment, the engine was warming up and 1 was adjusting myself and hooking my lite bell, which is a large belt attached to the scat and holds you in very lightly. Before I knew it we were "taxing" down the field. "Tax ing" is goingalong the ground, run ning on the rubber tires. We went a little faster, then fasterand faster, until we had enough speed so that th e reaction of the air on the wings was greater than the weight of the machine, thus raising our ship off the ground. We were going at the rate of about CO miles per hour w hen we lift the ground audit was so smooth and easy that it seemed more or less like a dream to me except the continual hum and noise of our motor. Here we started climbing higher and higher, all the lime circling the flying field. It was a wonderful feeling to be up in the heavens sailing through nothing but space with no mud holes to dodge nor tires to look out for. After getting about 2,000 feet up we turned toward Ameri cus which was Hve miles away and almost before I knew it we were right on top of the Georgia peach city. My instructor with a little sense of humor asked me if warn ed to stop here and see my girl. Over the city we went exactly 2,700 feet and did a spiril and a loop. I thought I was a real bird then sure enough. Then he be gan circling about, diving, etc , to show me the effect of ihe rudder, ailerons and elevators. The rudder is the control that turns the ship ibout its vertical axis, like the wheel on an auto; the ailerons, which are on the wins control the machine laterally, i. e. from tip to tip; and the elevators control it longitudinally. The only differ ence between the controls of in auto and plane is that the plane ..- - it , '..Hi ail ffi-utnii.t il to me as : whiih it. f.uivly pro7t;ii symptoms have ri" -A" LYDIA C RNKH for murder in England. Under tor his extradition may be made standing against him. has three axes to control and the auio has only one. All this detail explanation may seem rather dry, but it gives you an idea of the prin ciples of aeronautics. Afier being in the air a halt an hour we nosed down and made a pretty landing on the field. I forgot to tell you that the town looked likea little doll village, the roads of redelay show ed up very plainly like red ribbon and ihe fields and woods looked as if they had been drawn by an ex pert drattsman. At about 2,000 feet the railroad looked about two inches wide and everything was beautiful. 1 noticed when we got over Americus the very house m which we took dinner yesterday and wished for some more of that good turkey and oysters. My instructor is Lieut. Stout and a very nice gentleman. I am glad I drew a good instructor, for it means a lot. All this week I fly in the even ings and have five hours of classes in the mornings. This morning after a three hour class with the Lewis airplane gun, the gun in siructor appointed me gun instruc tor to teach when he was away. 1 took that to be rather nice, but 1 had rather they wouldn't keep me after 1 get my commission, but send me to the other side. Donald. HOW TO FIGHT SPANISH INFLUENZA II? DR. L. W. BOWERS. Avoid crowds, coughs and cowards, bat fear neither germs nor Germans I Keep the system ia good order, take plenty ol exercise iu the fresh air and practice cleanliness. Remember a clean month, a clean skin, and clean bowels are a protecting armour against disease. To keep the liver and bowels regular and to carry away the poisons within, it ia best to take a vegetable pill every other day, made up of May-apple, aloes, Jalap, and sugar-coated, to be had at most drug stores, known as Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pcllcta. It there is a sudden onset ol what appears like a hard cold, one should go to bed, wrap warm, takfl a hot mustard toot-hmh amf drink copi ously ol hot lemonade. If pain develop! In head or back, ask the druggist lor Anurio ( anti-uric ) tablets. These will flush the bladder and kidneys and carry oil poisonous germs. To control tbo pains and aches take one Anuria tablet every two hours, with frequent drinks ol lemonade. The pneumonia appears in a most treacherous way, when the innu enta victim is apparently recovering and anxious to leave his bed. In recovering Irom a bad attack ol influenza or pneu monia the system should be built up with a good herbal tonio, such as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, made without alcohol from the roots and barka ol American forest trees, or hia Irontia (iron tonic) tablets, which can be ob talned at saoat drug stores, or send 10c. to Dr. Pierce'a Invalids' Hotel, MufUlo. N. lor Wl BJOM ( Cases j q tz ?Tl v k m m gfi.3ite$t g d AM MEDICINE CO. LYNM.MASS. , WILLIAM W. lihICKELL. Anodic Halifax Hoy Mas Paid Ihe Supreme Sacrifice. The sad news has reached us that William W. Hriekell. the eldest son of Mr H. Brickell and his wife. Mrs. Irene .Moselcy Brickell, was so badly wounded inaction in France, on ihe 1 7 rh day of Octo ber last, that he died in a short lime afier reaching the hospital . er there. This is another death at brings the war very close to us. Hilly Brickell, as all of us knew him, was thirty-three years old October the 6th, 1918. He was a member of Company L:. Iltlih Intantry of the American Lxpedi- lionary Porces in Prance. U'hile the great mass of our peo ple have suffered little inconve nience by reason of the war, and while many have actually grown richer and richer by reason of con ditions which it has brought about, this young man, the hope of his parents and iheprideof his friends, has paid in full and to the limit, the debt of a soldier. In hours like iliis, one stumbles over the ways of Providence until the thought is borne upon us that it is not how long a man lives, but how well he lives. Measuring this young sol dier by that standard, his life was as full and well rounded as if he had lived out a man's allotted time. He has given the full measure of a patriot to a cause that is just as holy as any for which men ever sirove. When we come to think who he was, on both sides of his ancestry, ihere will be no surprise that he was not afraid on ihe battlefield. He was a type of our best stock. The older citizens will remember his grandfather, whose name he bore, Mr. Uilliam W. Brickell, whose life waS another name for uprigntness, integrity and dignity, and whose sons had a part in the Civil war, more ihan fifty years ago. So when his country called last year, every one knew that there would be Brickells in the line. It was our fortune to know him from his youth. He was of hand some face, splendid figure and had a disposition of the gentlest ele ments. His life was quiet and he was one of the props to his parents as the shadow of age began to creep upon them. His education was in the schools of the county and at Buie's Creek Academy. While ihere he made a profession of faith and united with the Baptist church. His con duct was consistent and exempla ry, he was faithful to his religious duiies, and he adorned the life which he lived, devoted tn his father and mother, sisters and brothers, and their friends every where would wish that they might share this burden that has come upon them. And when the end came, what more can any one wish ? He died not in the glare of public life, but as a private soldier, safe in the salvation for which his Saviour died. His name is on the Honor Roll of his country and he belongs to the ages just as truly as if he had been among those who lead instead of among those who followed. It will be a loving duty of those who remained at home to keeD in tender memory the name of Wil liam W. Brickell. His father and mother have been greatly honored when this vounu soldier wx re counted worthy to have made the supreme sacrifice. An average woman doesn't care anything about the silver linings of clouds if only her own gowns is silk lined. Lots of Folks who come into the world with neither wealth nor in telligence manage to hold their own from start to finish. HA'.im U. D. C. Mi-EriNG. , The regul ; mn-thly m"-,;n; of I t:ie I' li C . H l:f,r; .W;.r, i w as held uf ihe rcsi.leilce of Mi . N 1.. Siednijii la-.t Thursday. Never was a more interesting ami enthusiastic meeting held, ilie excellent rep it made bv ihe prcs . lie .it slioweJ ill it he chapter had e n busy in jil 1'. 1) (.; work, ussisong me "Ked Cross" finan cially and as individuals. I" tic splendid treasurer's report sh i ri'i."".'i.il gains and having Ilk I all Otlllgjnoli;. ulllll ill V":ir The next business betore ihe meeting was the election of officers h r the ensuing year, w ho were i unanimously elected .is toll . a ; ; President, Miss Niimie tiny, vice-president. Mis W. A Will cox; Second vice president, Mrs. S. M. Gary; Uccoiding secretary, Mrs. N. L. Siedinan, treasurer, Mrs. John Bass; Corresponding secretary, Mrs II. B, Pcrgurson; historian, Mrs. U. 1.. Applewhite, Recorder of Crowes, Mrs. N. (i. Gow.ni; Junior Leader, Mrs. : G. Shaw. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Applewhite and Miss Llizaheih Christian, served delicious salad and cottee courses. After singing ihe national an them, "Star Spangled Banner" ind "Dixie" the meeting adjour ned io meet with Mrs. W. A. Wjllcox in December. COMMISSIONER'S SALE, liiiifr and by virtue of an order of the Siip.'iiur Court of Halifax county, iiaile tn the hpi-cial prueee.h nic entitle.! -J. O. Applewhite (,iie fU-II, piIm" llie uiiilertiikrue.l commissioner will, oo The 16th Day ol December, IMI8, at 1J o clock M., at the court hourte i loo r at Halifax, Y , oiler for salt to the Int'lient liiihlei those certain tracts of Ian. I tyinir an. I heiDjjin Halifax town slop. Halifax county, c, ami tle- Henoea as ioiiows; TKACTNO. 1. Two certain storm ana lot whereon they are located the town of Halifax, N. t' , formerly owned by Mrn. I. .1, Howerton, fronting on Maui stret-t and ruiiQin from the hue ot the store now owued bv the sai.l I), t Hell to northern Corner or the tree m-arest the dwelling of Mrs, I,. ,. How ertou, and thence uu a straight line to lheiutoi.Mr.il .Josephine Stephenson, thence the line of l C, LMI and hit. line hack to Mam street. Tlt.UT No. y. Thediu lot on the Williams place beinif located on the pub- nc r. .an ieaiinr irom tnuilax to hnw son corarnencuiir at a stake ou Haid road about :0 feet from a path which leads from Raid n.ad to Uules Hiding through Haid Williams place audrunniuir ilomr said road towards law,on'H to another stake, thence hack from waid road -jiHi feet to another stake, theuce at nifht angles to said lanl mentioned line I.m feet to another stake, thence at ruflit an if I en to naid lant mentioned line i4l feet to the point of hei(inninif on am puoiic roai containing one acre. I li AC 1 NO. :i. Hcjfinuiinr at a utake, Matthew I'utmau'fl western corner on the county road and runs along saui I'ittman's line N tij detf. W :Xio fret to a stake, said t'lttman s curnftr. in liar pm' hue, theuce along llatper'n line N ' ' im'i i a stake, corner Kiehmon.l Milliard n, thence along Hil- oani s one ot tieg ;n. fret to stake on the county road, thence along the county load man easterly direction It) the piaceof beginning, Lot No. J in Williams plot. ' li ACT NO. 4 The followmg lot or parcel ofland situate and beinif hi ih- town of Halifax, t ountvof Halifax, and iMaie oi .ortii aroima, lieiriuinng or the eaut side ol Mam street, at the cor uerofMm. W. II Arrinifton's loin theiicu along Main Street m a northern dneeiton ii. teet, t inches, theuce at right angled with said street in easterly direction Jo.", feet, H inches to Authoiiv -outlier's hiif, thence at light angles in asomnern .nrmion along said Smith ern hue G.'i feet, ti i lichen to Mrs V If Arlington's hue, thence at right angles aioug uie saiu arrington in a westerly direction ju.j leet, t inches to the be ginning, containing of an acre. TK.UT NO. The following tract, piece or parcel of land situate in Halifax county, near the town uf Halifax, to wit: Commencing at a stone on the lane or alley leading from Lewis Cook'i corner ueai the W, . (. , to the Halifax and Wcldoo road, and runuing unuuirafueriv r-t leei io a sioiie, thence runuing northeasterly K'. feel to Isaac Johnston's line, thence nortliwesleily along Isaac Johnston's hue S4 feet to the said lane or alley, theuce along the said lane or alley southwesterly !." fret to the beginning, containing 1-3 of an acre, more ur less. TK.UT NO. H. A lot or parcel of land situate and being in the towuof Halifax county of Halifax, State of North Caro lina, fronting L'l feet on Kiug or Main street on the east side thereof, com mencing at a stone, corner of the lot of . li. I 're wry, anil running in a south ern direction along said King or Main street feet, thence at right angles to said King or Main stieet in an eastern direction about I.m feet to the lot form erly belonging to Mrs. Josephine Ste phenson, deceased, theuce at right an gles to said lat mentiuoed hnu in a northern direction aioug the line of the said lot formerly belonging to Mrs. Jose phine. Stephenson, deceased, -.4 fret, thence at right angles to said last men tioned hue along the line of the lot of W. II. Hrewry to the point of beginning on King or .Main street, said lot trout mg fret on said Main or King street. TKliMS t.K SALE. Ouedialf cash, balance in two eijual instalment due six and twelve months after date, and (cured by a deed of trust on above property. This the 9 day of Nov. 11)18, OHO HUE C. GREEN, tlkjmmissioner. Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom These Presents May Come ttrcelnig: Whereas, It appears to my ntirc. lion, liy duly authenticated rrruni of the proeee.linirs tor the voluntary disso lution thereof by the unanimous eon sent of all the stoek holders, deposited in my olliee, that Hounds Kiln i: tne , enrporaliuii of UusMaie, whose prineipal olliee is situated in the town of Weldon, Countv of Halifax, State of North I arolina, (0. l Hounds tiemn the airi'nt therein and In ehaive thereof, upou whom proee may be served), has complied with the require ments of Uiapter 'Jl, Kevisal of i'Mt, entitled "Corporations," preliminaryto the issuing of this Certificate of disso lution. Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan (Iriraea Secretary of Slate of the Stale of North ('arolina, do hereby certify ttiat the said corporation did, on the2Tthday of Oct. WIS, Ble iu my olliee a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, execu ted by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on tile in my said ortice as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereto set my hand and athxed mv ollieialseal at kaleigh, this filh day of Oct., A. I) 191B. J. IIKYAN.JKIMKS, Secretary ofHute. W 81 4t CHEERY, whole-hearted, Southern hvpitulity it's almost a magic phrase to many, liut really it stands for honest friendship, cordiaii'y and (you've guessed it) lots of delicious goodies. Lu,-ijnne Coffee is always in cluded in Southern hospitality because it tastes so good. Fra grant hot cofFee for people who k now what's i;oo that's Luzuinne. Good old Luzi.mne I'lnv ir um-m-m I --better try some i uick. Your grocer t-ai it und i' you aren't satisu, d, he'll givo buck very cent - aoucst I t4 ri lyZIAlSJWFoffee " Wfien ir fours. It Ketgna" THE OLD TIME REMEDY BEST, Genuine Indian Blood Purifier Free of Modern Opiates Much More Reliable Medicine. Strengthens One Quickly. Old folks all over the country will say that one bottle of GFNIIINI: INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIl-R is worth dozens of these new-fangled concoctions so apt to be full of dope. "Genuine Indian Blood PuriHer," is the name by which a certain old formula of the Indians has come lo be known, and it is said there is but one concern in the country in a position to manufacture il. A bottle or two in severe cases of stomach, kidney, blood or bladder trou ble work wonders apparently, and testimonials to its merit run away back to Daniel Boone and Jackson's time. The Weldo" Drug Company have recently secured a stock of Gen uine Indian Blood Purifier and anyone feeling anaemic, weak, nervous rundown and lacking rich, red blood would do well to pay a visit to iliis progressive store and see a bottle. It is put up with great care from fresh herbs, roots and berries, gathered and prepared in the old Indian way by the PHARSON RliMLDY COMPANY, of Burlington, N. C, which is a guarantee of freshness, full strength and quality. Price $1. Also for sale by Roanoke Pharmacy, Roanoke Rapids, N. C, and other leading drug stores of the country. I Hi 531 J- We are in position to give first class service on Automobile Rena ir ing, also Automobile Ignition, Light ing and btarting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need First Class Service at once call JONES & SONS Phone 205 GARAGE, P O Box 244 L. SHOE STORE I have in my store a complete line of Men's Women's and Children's Fall and Winter Shoes, All latest styles and col ors. r$Gome Early g and have your choice. Oood Shoes at Reasona ble Prices. ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. KITTHER'S SHOE STORE, L. KITTNER, Prop. O pposite 1'ontoflice Weldon, N C. KITTNBR Gat the Ganuine-i'Vi ltjYtvtconomy WryHn tvery Cake m.mU 1 I I .3aTSTf JB hm WELDON, N. C Spanish Influenza can be prevented easier than it can be cured. At the first sign of a shiver or sneeze, take CASCARA QUININE ItandatftJ cold Wsnxjf for to year la taW form ttfa, iur, ao pUte reaki up a colri la 44 hour reliavaa (Hp In J davi. Mooay bark I f It fatil. The lanuin boi hi a RM top UbUr.HiU'aplctuia. At All Drug Storta. Administrator's At Ringwood, N. C. On Tuesday, Nov, 19, at 10 oclock.a.m. Tilt undersigned will sell a stock of goods consisting of Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, Medicines, Soda Fountain and Fixtures, Store Fixtures, One Saw Mill, with portable engine and boiler, one log cart, hogs and farm ing implements. All of this stock of goods is practically new. The saw mill is in fine condition. For further information apply to the undersigned, S. G. WHITFIELD, Admr. of estate of J. E. Ayres, Jr. cnneio, in. U HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE" Six room house and lot for sale, on Cedar street, Weldon, N. C. Terms reasonable. Apply to , , J- H. Marks, ll-7-2t Weldon, N. C. as w ANTED Ai once, good milch Latest Creations In Ladies Suits And Coats 1 AN be found here h'very color 1 Come In and select yours before Ihe famous Vti and Dunn Shoes nre now on exhibit In our win dows f-very well dressed womnn wears Uti and Dunn's Shoes. . None other llkss '(in I'erfect In style and fit. I II you are coiitemplatinir: handsome one-piece dress, don't fail fo see our dandy line of Ser-es and Silks by the yard at once. Nothlnf better or prettier found at any place. We have your skirts Dialled, vour button mn.d. anvthlnir m may wish In fancy work, call on us to serve, we shall be glad to have same done lor you. We are always glad to see you whether you buy or not. "COME IN." M. FREID, WELDON, N. C. LADIHS AND GHNT'S OUTFITTER, TWO CAKES PALM OLIVE SOAP V ) X 1 With every purchase of 50c. Palm Olive Face Powder or Palm Olive Face Cream 50c, we will give TWO 15c. CAKES of Palm Olive Soap. FREE as long as our stock lasts, l M. Cohen hi Company, Weldon, North Carolina. 2,-,"M0--O-)-aa0)B()ammm()aaM FOR THOSE WHO !l PAIR'S ! ! j IX) Home-Made Pies, Hot Chocolate, (Whitman's Make) Tomato Boullion Sandwiches, h CP O a4 is c CO o A H C Coffee, Lyiinhaven Bay Oysters on the Half-Shell For Those who Prefer The Best. M.C. PAIR Confections, Toilet Articles, Fruits. Cigars, Medicines, Complete Luncheonette In Connection. WM THOSE WHO PREFER THE BEST Wit JUT ( NEW UN I: OF Dinner Sets, il Cut Glass. iwsnirt Waists J HATS ;J; Laces, Toy.. . J It will pay you to 'fore pnrchasing elsewhere. PRICES TO mmuu r m to H Weldon, North Carolina. and style you may wish for they are picked over 17 U LJ LJ PREFER IHE BEST. o 1 9 o CO (D o CO CD CO onlyJQc J , . .fcV to to to to to li I Ar lOTi , w inspect our stock be ii SUIT ALL. li u f ft in ar I r. 1 1 1 K H lu t-lUUs Ul UH cow. l. I. Garner.

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