"Of Vital Military Value" Says the Commander-in-Chief ..a r. e,",, P-iM'111"" ..wee . fc nrVS na" .va wot """-re!,, "'"',tlB ..... coo".. m THE President has expressed what Is In every American heart. As a nation we are united in the winning of this war. As a nation we stand behind our fighters eager and prepared to do for them whatever will hasten victory and make the fighter's task a little lighter. As individuals there is little we can do. As a na tion we can work wonders through the seven organi zations authorized and recognized by the Government They come to you not as Catholics, nor as Jews nor as Protestants, not as the representatives of any creed .or enterprise, but as Americans to ask that you join in this great united undertaking for God, and country and our fighters. The President has voiced his belief that this spirit of unity will be "crowned with abundant success." He believes it because he knows this campaign is "of vital military value " and he knows that you will leave nothing undone to win this war. It rests with you." Think of this campaign as your sole responsibility. What you give will mean its suc cess. You cannot leave this undertaking to others. It is YOUR campaign. In France, Americans are fight ing this war as if the result depended on the way each individual fights. At home, this campaign rests with you. What will you give decide to night and make your share the biggest thing you ever didl Why you should give twice as much as you ever gave before I The need I. for a sum 70 paw than any gift .v.r alW4 for tine the world began The Ooraro ment ha. hied thi. mm at $I70,500,OU). Br giving to these ..van organixationa all at onca, tha coat and .(Tort of all additional campaign. I. etved, Unlesa Americana do giv. twic. a. much aa avar before, our aoldiara and Bailor, mar Dot arilcy during 1919 lhali 3600 Recreation Building! 1000 MilH of Mori, film 100 Laadlng Sttura Btara 2000 Athletic Director. 2 W0 I.lbrariaa aspiring 5.000.000 book M Hcateae Houeea IJ.00O Big-brother "secretariea" Million, of dollar, of home comforts. Whan yno give double. Too make aura that every tighter baa tha cheer and comfort, of thee eeven orfenirationa every at.p of the way from home to the front and bark again. You provide him with a church, a theatre, a cheerful home, a atora, a echool, a club and an athletic field and a knowledge that tha fouta back home are with him. heart and aoutl You have loaned your money to aupply their phyaical need Now give to maintain, tha Morale that la winning tha Trail UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN 1JI 4 WifY SrclB 4U You Eml7 You might (tet sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an Investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to yet Into. We oav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts a THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX IT. C. N. L. Sttdman, P. C. Orejory, P. H. (rrmry PrMurtr-nt Vire-I'raaHlpnt. Outlier The Citizens Bank HAl IFAX, N. C. WE invite the people of Halifax and aurroundlnt country to pat ronlze thli Bank. Why not have a checking; account? It Is necesiary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re eclpt aralnst payments to your creditors. Besides It gives you a atandlng In your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. Th smallest account receives as much attention as the largest with as. We pay 4 per cent. Compoundeded Quarterly on Savings. Coat In and talk it over wltb us. W need you, you need as. H An" Omni SraMr nibrrlnf tm or th wmr work organiwtior : U A SENSE ol obilottoa for the varM and tnerul trvic. raoderad to th amy taPrano. . . prompt, m. to (otn to Ova appa.1 br ha furthar Brianctal fyP0- J nT opportunity to obaarv M OyCTftoia, ttaoaaor, ra ooaHty of ka PvJandffar.ttabTafkf "Pon eajrfvooptvandl wiah onre,rvfly Where Are They Fighting Now? YOU will know exactly if you have good up-to-date Map of the War Zone THE RALEIGH TIMES, in order to aid its readers in understanding the V!'ar News, is issuing a series of high-grade Maps oftthe Fighting Fronts as supple ments to the regular paper. Send your order QUICK for the best evening daily in North Carolina. Date.. .1918. THE TIMES, Raleigh, N. C. Attached herewith is money order, check, currency for One Dollar in payment of THE TIMES daily for two months, starting NOW. I am to receive the series of large scale War Maps being distributed during that period as supplement of the paper. Name. NOTICE North 'ftrolin, II hI i fa x I'oitDtv. ,r o. a pic V lilt" Hf-ll, tin ii'ivstrM"r nf p ('. An Appetizing Meal l-veryhody wants It. Everybody likes it. everybody's looking lor it, HUT Vnti can't get It unless you have the right kind uf groceries, (lit 'em tll ttli I Phone 2H0. k. M. lt'RM:LL, WfMort, N. C. PKOi'ESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKLIiON, N. C. I'racticoH in the courU of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Surruie anu Federal courta. (.'ollectiona made in all part of North Carolina. Branch oitice at Halifax open every Monday UEORUEC. GREEN, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW , Ottice in lireen Huilding Weldon. N.C. Wm. L, KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WELPON, N. U Ottice in the Daniel Building. Business promptly aud faithfully at Untied to, ASHLEY B. STAINBACK, Attorneyat-Law, Notary Public, WELDON, - N. C. 1'rarticrR In the cottrta of Halifax and adjoining rountien. I'tompt atttention to all buineR enltunted to me. Otiice over M. C. i'air'a ulore. liilhe Hell, wuluw, t.eanna Tittman and Matlhew l'lllniuii, Kllen Ivory and Adia.m Ivorv, Kathleen Hell and s. I Hell, Allee liell, lueen Hell, linfui Hell. Klliott Hell, Kva Hell and Lin ruin Hell. The defendants, Kllen Ivorv, dison Ivory. Klliott Bell, Kathleen flell, above named, will take notice that an action entitled aa above baa been commenced is the Huperior Court of Halifax county to aell the landl of P. C. Bell, deceaaed. to make aaaeta to pay Uebta; and naid defendants vrll further take notice they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax coun ty, at Halifax. N. (' , on the 8th day of November, 1HI8, and answer or demur to the complaint id Raid action, or the plu i ut it! will apply to the court for the relief demanded in aaul complaint. N M. GAUY, Clerk Superior Court. Tina the llilh day of October, 1018. New Quarters lf J"8 moved Into our handsome new brick building with a full supply of everything; in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder. FLUES I FLUES.!! Now it the time to place your ordera for Hue. IT want em. We make em. Hum HtHDWJlUE Co., Halifax, N. C. 0. E. LEWIS, Manager. S 18 8m T. CLAKK ATTORNEY AT LAW. WELDON. N. C.t Practiced in the courU of Halifax and iljoioinu; count i pb ami iv. tin- Huprem Court ol the Mate, Special attentioi It i ven to collectioni and prompt ret u mi W. J. WARD, KKNTIST, OH ICE IN DANIEL IH lMiINO WELDON, N.C eplV Iv ktiu. HARRISON'S 3 Go to HARRISON'S V IIP IIUI Address- i at aeaa.ae Kor Automohilp Jippaim and Huppliea, All k niiU of Machine work done (Sta tionary, (iaKohne, Marine and IS team Kngint'B, (.mis and Pistols, .atiofaetios guaranteed. AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies on hand (or tale If. W. HAKKISOK, Weldon, N. C (lAKAdlE. CUT FLOWEIfS KOR JLL 0CCSI0fiS Holes, CamatioDB, V allies, Violets and OrchidH the leaders. Wedding Flowera ariaiiied in latfst art, Floral Designs, ar1 istioaiiy arranged. Fall and Winter Bulbs Art Now Keady, Plant Early for Beat! Results. Roiebtuhes, Kveivreens, Shrubberies, Mutts trees and Hedge t'lsuts id fan oua various at J. L O'QUINN I COMPANY, rhone 149 RALBKlHJNorth Carolina. Refined Young; Ladies at Telephone Operators, Between Id and 9.1 yeara of tgt; 8th trade education; aalary paid while learn ing; rapid advancement; splendid aur roundinga: aiek benefits; vacation with pay after brat year. Apply to ' CHIEF OPERATOR Home Telephone & Telegraph Co GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWITERRS. Weearrya larye stock or standard Typewriters. Can furnish at onee Mon arch, Koi, Oliver, Keminrton, Roval. 4m.h Prew?CT, L. U Su..U J. ru.'a mad Underwood, Any other make from 5 to 16 days notice. We Lave both the visible and the invisible, vie bought a large stock of these Typewriters from one-fourth to one-haif the refular whole sale priee, and on sate now at one-fourth to one-hall the regular Tetail prices, 4 (rood Typewriter from 17. 60 to tl5. A better one $17.60 to twtf.5U, The best from $:u up to any price. Will be glad to answer any inquiry ia connection with these machines, and send samples of the work done b? any of tbe Type writers we hare. Every boy and ftrl should have ons of our cheap Typewri ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write welt on a typewriter eaa demand a large salary. A arose who buys a cheap typewriter from us and wants abetter one later, we will take back the one bought and allow the same paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within six months. It not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies, SPIERS BEOS. WELDOn.B.O. OF LT-TO-THE MINUTE MILLINERY. FANCY GOODCand NOVKLT1EH, Hutterick'i Patterns R & Q. Corsets, Misses at 75e. ladies 75e. to 1 Ma. Prices will he msdc to suit thei times. Hats and Bonnets made and. trimmed to order. ALL MAIL URPKHS PROMPTLY HL1.KII. MRS. P. A. I.KWIS, Weldon, N. dt SEND YOUR ORDERSi FOR: ALL KINDS OF PRINTING TO. E. L. HAYWARD, WeUon. N. C. Op Largest Slot. Mi id lit Whan in Norfolk call oa (a You will Dnd what you waat and get it quickly. Havmff no flknn.un a at t-nt's comtniaiicris ate ad ded to oui ptires. This tna ablta us to uie firateiaas ais. terial and tnish it properly i. We Pay Freljht ant) Ouarantee Sate Arrival THE COOPER I1FBIE (M years ia business.) H4-tl Raok Kt. NORFOLK. T Plan! WIA pMr! aawaa, UtlC 1 Cdl I Onion Sets Now! ITlPV TVinlro a 1 pearly white onion of large size and mild fUvn.. and are the best of onions for use as a green onion during the early spring or for a profitable crop for market or home use early iicAu summer. WOOD MNQ 1.1 Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. H Cetaloa telllna about a aaeaen ana Farea aeMa far rail naatlna rraa as) faaaeet.