ROAN OK E NEWS smv, Nov. 28, 1918. CAL INTELLIGENCE. rerybody give thanks lo an is a combination of con ns. of the business houses will lay. play is a frost, the audience :lts away. J. I. Wyche spent last Fri dchmond. iter's ideal man is one who the word. C. J. Owen spent last Fri fichmond. ior court is in session at this week. L. C. Draper spent last n Richmond, nd Mrs, H. L. Grant spent lay in Richmond. iferred creditor is one who sks for his money. ames Pilley visited relatives lington, this week. sing of votes, it isn't quali luantity that counts. y loves company and she has a houseful of it. of the laws of gravity is not 1 at your own jokes. eys are high; but pray tell itnething that is not high. netimes happens that the o hesitates doesn't get lost 'oung man is really in love :r says he can't afford to unan's idea of happiness is : the troubles of the man es. J. W. Powell, of the Aure rings section, paid this of risit last week. Foolish for a man to boast of ioss in his own house when : is present. girl would gladly give up a on for the privilege of call ne chap her own. nen may be born equal, but sn't lake the majority of )ng to live ii down. es Lilly Gay and Foster have returned from the iboro College for Women. iksgiying service at the Bap- urch Thursday 4:00 P. M and bring an offering for the is. it has become of the "Home s?" They have all appar been mustered out ot the and Mrs. Hayward Cherry, noke Rapids, huve returned heir bridal tour ol the nonh- ies. . D. B. Trueblood and little intel, have returned home pending a few days with rcl- in Rocky Mount. James Pierce who has been ing the Officers Training I, at Camp Lee, has been red out of the service and 1 home Sunday morning; n sorry, Mr. Editor, 1 cannot ou any advertisement; I am :d with heart disease and ysician says I must quit ad ng so 1 can have absolute . J. G. Blalock and Mr. E lliams attended the services Roanoke Association last at Nashville. The services :en postponed on account of luenza and was shortened lo w. fc. Daniel received on ay a cablegram from Lieut ;s R. Daniel who reported : was well and then in Paris, as recently been promoted 2nd to 1st Lieutenant, and isi will soon be on his way to mi and borne. Can Anyone Answer Her? A "girl" living not far from this town, of rather ancient appearance, as asked why she did not marry. Her reply is practical, if it is any thing. She said, "1 have some money ot my own; have a parrot that can swear and a monkey that can chew. What need have I of a husband?" Can anyone answer this sensible female ? jOOD Wife. How much less is cqntained in these short words. Her power od is perfectly irresistible. ioi matter how energetic or rious a man may be, with ss or spendthrift wife his best i are in vain. Wilt." Will thou take her y "pard," for better or for ; to have, to hold, lo fondly , till hauled off in (he hearse? hou let her have her way, It her many wishes, make es up every day, and help 'iih the dishes? Wilt thou ler all the "stuff" her little will puck, buy her a monkey ind muff, a little sealskin e? Will thou comfort and rt her father, mother, Jemima, Uncle John :n sisters and a brother? And :e grew pale, and blank, 00 late to jilt; as thru the 1 floor he sank he sadly said It." Bread Upon the Waters. An exchange truthfully remarks that "there are too many people in almost every town who will not cast their bread upon the waters, unless 'assured beforehand lhat it will come back again in a few days a full grown sandwich, all trimmed with ham, butter and mustered, rolled up in a warranty deed for one-half the earth and a mortgage on the other half. Will Speak at the Baptist Church. Dr. R. T. vann will speak at the Baptist Church ol Weldon Sunday morning, Dec. St., in the interest of the million dollar campaign for colleges and high schools. Dr. Vann will speak at Rosemary in the afternoon and at Roanoke Rapids at night. The public cordially invited. Dr. Vann is well known in Weldon and is always heard with pleasure and profit. Painfully Hurt On last Fri day morning while attend ing io his duties on the yard of the Atlantic Coast Line, Mr. A. B. Pierce met with a very painful accident. He was knocked from car by a piece of lumber and his right arm and hand was badly mashed. He received prompt medical attention and is doing as well as could be expected. He has the sympathy of his many friends, who wish, ere long, he will be himself again. Week of Prayer The Week of Prayer services held at the M. Church, following the dedica tion exercises were profitable and enjoyable. The women of the Missionary Society turned this into praise and thanksgiving services and there was a fine attendance at each meeting. The offering for the special exceeded any ever given before and it is expected that at the "Harvest Day" Dec. 2nd all the obligations of the So ciety will be met in full. Thursday Afternoon Club. Mrs. Harold Nash was hostess to the Thursday Afternoon Club on Nov. 21st. The sum of ten dollars was paid to the United War Work Drive. After the usual business, the following interesting program was rendered : Star Spangled Banner, Mrs. Newton Shepherd. Instrumental. Joan of Arc. Paper. Mrs. C. F. Gore. Thanksgiving for his house, Mrs. C. S. Vinson. Herrick. Jerusalem. Paper. Mrs. F. A. Cole. In Flander's Fields. Mrs. D. W. Seifert. A delicious salad course was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. L. W. Murphrey. Returned from Over Seas.- The family and many friends in Weldon of Lieut. Elliott B. Clark were delighted on Friday last by his return from Over Seas and af ter a long and eventful experience. Lieut. Clark "went across" in May, was soon engaged in active service, was wounded at inateau Thiery, one of the hardest fought battles of the war, was reported dead by the War Department on July 19th and again August 22nd. He was wounded in the light lung and also recdvid a bayonet thrust in his neck in ide tiy a savage tier man at such ilie qu.mtis mat n was kill or be killed if nut both and Lieut. Clark made quick work of his opponent, even though he suf fered two painful wounds at his hands. After this encounter he was promoted from 2nd to 1st Lieutenant, though before he was well enough for active service again he was ordered to return to America and reached Newport News about two weeks ago. Lieut, Clark's case was a little out of the ordinary as his name occurred in the casualty list on several occas- ions and his friends suffered much in consequence. He is looking fine now, however, and Weldon lives him a cordial welcome home with the hope lhat his stay may be permanent with us. RESULTS OF VICTORY BUY CAMPAIGN. Alter a week and a half of hard work on the part of our boys and girls, the Victory Boy and Girl Campaign came to a close. Nearly every boy and girl in our school has shown a great interest in ihe movement. 1 hey have made pledges ranging from ten cents to five dollars. And now on Satur days these industrious little people and the larger ones are found, either raking up leaves, picking cotton, or clerking in stores, to make the money with which to pay their pledges. There were 39 boys ten years of age or over who pledged $5.00 each or a total of one hundred and ninety-five dollars. Upwards ot forty boys under ten years of age pledged $28. HO, making a grand total of $28,180 pledged by the boys. The total subscription pledges by the girls amount to one hundred and fifty dollars. The following are the per cents, of en rollment by grades of the boys: 1 III) Grade, 100 percent. 10th Grade, 100 per cent. 9th Grade, 100 percent. 8th Grade, 100 per cent. 7th Grade,1 100 per cent. Gth Grade, 42 6-7 per cent. 5th Grade, 70 per cent. 4th Grade, 55 5-9 per cent. 3rd Grade, 69 3-13 per cent. 2nd Grade, 70 5 6 per cent. Adv. 1 st Grade, 55 5-6 per cent. 1st Grade, 70 per cent. A few pledges were secured out side our students for whieh we are very grateful. As chairman of the War Victory Campaign for boys For Weldon Township, I wish to lhank each and every boy for his subscrip tion. W. B. Edwards, Chair WELDON 33 YEARS AGO. 9 From RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Whereas, death has removed from our midst Brother John O, Drake, and whereas, he was : good friend, a faithful Knight, loy al and devoted to the Lodge for many years, be ii resolved by Weldon Lodge 227 Knights of Pythias, I. That we miss Brother Drake in our Castle Hall. His absence leaves a vacancy which can not be filled. In years of association he endeared himself to us by strong ties of friendship, a friendship which he always expressed in straight forward business relation ships, in cordial greeting, in kind ness of disposition, in willingness to help a brother Pythian, and in faithful loyalty and devotion to the Lotlee. Thus he did not live in vain, for he who sheds abroad snirit of sympathy and kindness uplifts his fellow man, and sets in motion a benificem influence which lives in the hearts of those who come after. Our grief is tempered by the remembrance of his virtues, and our friendly associations with him. 2. That our profound sympathy goes out to those of his near loved ones who live to mourn his los: We ussure them that our deep and sincere regard for Brother Drake enables us to estimate their sorrow and to give them our deepest sym Dathv. 3. That a cony of these resolu tinns be spread on the minutes of this lodee. a cooy sent to his wife i codv to the Roanoke News, and a copv sent to the Warrenton paper. Respectfully submitted, N. C. Duncan, C. E. Carter, T. E. Brown. Committee, Auvertised Letters. The following is a list of letters remain ine "uncalled for" in the Weldon postuffice : Mrs. Annie B. Williams. Mrs. Matilda Smallwood. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. D. T. CLARK, P. M., Weldon, N. C, Nov. 25, 1918. Peanut bags for sale at A, L, Stainback's, 40c. each. A bride with sour disposition is apt to spoil the honeymoon. WS.S. WMUVWOSSTAJsTt Statistical Status of War Savings Stamps for Halifax County. the Roanoke News, 15-22, 1885. Oct. November 1, J 918. Capt. R. B. Peebles, of North ampton, and Messrs R. 0. Burton, T. N. Hill and J. M. Mul len went io Raleigh this week to argue cases before the Supreme Court. Judge Louis Hilliard, of Nor folk, was in town Monday. Mrs. Ransom Hurt. We re gret to hear that Mrs. M. W. Ran som, while on a tour through the mountains, was accidentally thrown from her carriage near Cranberry, and painfully though nol seriously njured. To Leave Weldon. Messrs. John L. Judkins and W. T. Mar row, composing the firm of J. L, Judkins & Co., have rented a store in Warrenton and will move io thai town. Married. At the residence of the officiating minister near Little ton on Sunday, October llth, by ihe Rev. J. H. Northington, Mr. William E. King to Miss Nannie E. Baker. Vice-President. Our county- man, J. m. Mulllen, bsq., was elected vice-president of the Slate Bar Association for the Second District, at the meeting of the As sociation at Kaleigh last week. This is a most excellent selection. Married. On Wednesday, the 7th insi., at the residence af Mrs. H. F. McGuire, Halifax, N. C. by the Rev. J. J. Reilly, of New Bern, Mr. S. M. Gary was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss M. U. Tormey, daughter of Mrs. M. McMahon. They left the same day for Baltimore, Washing ton and other cities. Death of Capt. Joe Howell, Capi. Joe Howell died at his home in Northampton county on Saturday last in the 66th year of his age. Capt. Howell was well known in Weldon having been conductor on the W. & A. Railroad for fifteen years. He was buried Sunday at Smith's church, about five miles from town. Captain Powell was the father of Capt. J. L. Powell, of this place. Death of Weldon E. Hall Weldon E. Hall, of Scotland Neck, son of Dr. A. S. Hall, and brother of the senior editor of this paper, died at the residence of Dr. J. B. Hall, in Scotland Neck, on Friday night last. He was buried Sunday morning at the Episcopal church cemetery. Married. At 9 o'clock Tues day morning the Presbyterian church at Oxford presented scene of brightness and beauty as, escorted by a dozen couples of at tendants, Mr. S. W. Cooper led Miss Willie H. Wiggins lo the Hy menial altar. 1 he ceremony was performed by ihe Rev. W. B Willis. Miss Wiggins was a rest denl ot Weldon in 1981 and was a popular young lady, a belle in the true sense of the word; and many are the manly hearts thai will be made to beat faster by ihe announcement of her marriage. Death of Dr. Mullen. We regret to announce the death of Dr. R. L. Mullen, brother of Sen ator Mullen, which took place at Ringwood, on Sunday under sad circumstances. Dr. Mullen had been living at Ringwood practicing his profession, and attended a pa tient whose protracted illness had produced bed sores. In dressing these he got some of ihe poison into his system by means of a hang nail and was taken ill Friday and died Sunday, aged about 30 years. Brinkleyville Bunerwood Conocanara, nheld aucetts Halifax, inleton, almyra Roanoke Rapids,. Rosencath Scotland Neck Weldon, WILLIAM G. McADOO, Who recently resigned as Secre tary of the Treasury and Director General of Railroads. RED CROSS NEWS. The Red Cross room will be open every afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock io receive Christmas pack ages. If you have not received a label from over sea the Red Cross will furnish you a label. The lime limit for mailing pack ages will be out ihe 30th of this month, so be sure to get labels at once. Mrs. W. L. Knight, Chair. What Causes a Town to Die, More towns die for want of con fidence on the part of business men and lack of public spirit than from the rivalry of neighboring owns or adverse surroundings, says a writer in a western paper, This is irue. When a man search of a home or a business location goes to a town and finds brim full of hope and enthusiasm over the prospects of the place and earnestly at work to build up the town, he soons become imbued Willi ilic same spirit, and as I re sult he drives his stakes and goes to work with ihe same interest When, however, he goes to a (own and every one expresses a doubt and apprehension of the prosperity of the place, moving about and in dulging in mournful complaints about imaginary evils which are likely to befall the town, he feels that it's no place for him, and shakes the dusi from his feet, while he departs with all possible speed for some other town. Try and make a live, enterprising, progressive town out of ihe one in which you live. When you are working for or saying a good thing for your town you are accomplishing a good thing for yourself. TOWNSHIPS. 11 11 " ia i 3 Si B X Total, 1420 20 0,48.08 ltj,876 83.87 391 3 1 44.1U 31,878 55.5 47 2 22.(12 33,110 32.37 K.81 Ii 51.50 127,380 39.32 tilifi 1 447.08 47,4H8 (18.88 74(1 13 12;55.15 C.1,050 G7.4 Ml 15 12ifi0.72 73,43(1 70. IM 65(1 3 ljSll.OU 83,30(1 52.21 1437 21 32 70.(13 3,500 I0H.55 247 5 43,30 25,080 42.04 1150 2d 21 t5.93 X9.43U 85.23 807 4 11 50.83 85,(108 47. MK 10440 1(10 10(1 51. OK 828,212 04.4 m ,0llT',lK5T, I Bracing as a North Wind T the end of hard day, Just lit down to a cup of Luzianne Coffee. See how you pick up with every savory sip. Luzianne is far, far different from any other coffee. It's got something that all the others seem to lack. And it's packed in dust-proof, moisture-proof cans that bring Luzianne to your kitchen just the same as when it left the roaster. Buy a can and try it for yourself. An iron-clad, air-tight guarantee says that if you are. not entirely satisfied with Luzianne, your grocer will give you back your money. And he will 0 HaBB ! Let our catalog ! Help Serve y our Christmas Gift ! Problems 0 I THI YEAR It's high time that you were buying your Christmas presents if you would carry out the suggestion of Uncle Sain to huy early Those who have our catalog in their homes may do this with the least worry and trouble, since t hey have at a glance il e choicest and most appreciated of all Gifts before them at the lowest possible cost, and every order they send us is rilled promptly, and the article or articles ordered are exactly as rep resented. It you are one that knows nothing of the pleasures of Shopping by mail, get busy and try choosing your Gifts ilns year from this old reliable store. If you haven't a catalog a post curd will bring one by return mail, and you will then have be fore you this store's vast stocks from which to chouse. PAUL-GALE-GREENWOOD GO. (Iiicurporttteill "Largest Jewelers South." (UtANHY STKKKT, Corner ISinPFOI k' VA It "When It Pours, It Reigns Now do your bit, Don't cough or spit; And do not sneeze, It spreads disease. It takes a cross female io give it to a man straight. I COMMISSIONER'S SALE, I Uudor and by virtue of an orderofthe I Superior Court of Halifax county. , made iu the ipeeial proceeding entitled i "J. O. Aptilewliite vi. Oilhe Bell, ialt" the underlined commiitlloner will, on The 16th Day of December, 1918, Si' at 1 o'clock M., at the court houie A great man is the handiwork of door at Halifax, n. c, offer fur aie to many small men. j the higheHt bidder thoee certaiu tract ! of land Many of our customers have said that this is a Bank where they feel at home. IT is true that we endeavor to render 100 per cent service to all our clients, whether their deposits are large or small, or regard less of the branch of banking in which they are interested. PROBABLY it is this desire on the part of our organization to please that makes it worth your while to start your account here. To Avoid and Relieve Influenza BY DR FRANKLIN DUANE. Man? Dooule have bnen frluhtflned b what they have read or heard of Influenza. The more you fear the disease, the surer ou are to gut u. no rigtn anout your usiness and for ant it. As the disease Is spread principally by contact thru sneer ing, coughing or spilling, many ueaitn au thorities have advised that everyone wear a gauze, which U dally washed and satur ated with a one to livo hundred solution of zinc sulphate In water, and then dried ueiore wearing over me none ana raotuti. You should avoid crowds, common drink ing cups and public towels. Keep your strength up by taking lots of exercise In the open air and plenty of nourishing food. If you have any of such symptoms as chllllnots, nasal obstructions, nushixi face, headache, feverlahness, restlessness, wak- whs, or Irritating cough, give up work at once and go to bed. This will save your strength to help overcome the disease. Put our iool in not waier ior uitwn minutes, thoroughly loosen the bow t Is with soma such mild and non-Irritating physic as Dr. l'lerce's Pleasant Pellets. Drink princi pally of not lemonade and then cover up with plenty of clothes In bed so as to get a good sweat, vvueu sweating is free ana tne lever reaucea Mice a ause 01 two n urlc Tablets every tour hours, followed by drinking at least a glass or two of hot waier. Anunc laoiem oeip quiciuy to relieve the soreness of the muscles and bones from which most patients complain, and help the kidneys flush out the poisons. To relieve nasal obstructions and eicessbve discharge from the nose, prob ably nothing Is better than such a mild, toothing, antiseptic wash as Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It will give great relief. Employed as a gargle, In same strength as made up for use in the nose, and as hot as can be borne. It Quickly ar rests soreness and dryness In the throat. Ittflueaxa weakens the patient's resist ance to disease, so that there is danger ot broDCblus and pneumonia developing, io combat this tendency and fortify the pa iientato strength Insist that he keep In bed at leant two days. Probably nothing will at thitt stage hasten the recovery and strengthen the nnifoiii .nore than an iron Uric tttblet - : uiw or that well known herhiu -.ic, i Pierce's Golden Medical Diw.ry, vi.ich has been used by Ibousaudb iu the oust two guDeraUous, 7U KITTNER'S L. SHOE SIOEE I have lnmy store a complete line of Men's Women's and Children's Fall and Winter Shoes. All latest styles and eol ors. r-Come Earlysri and have your choice, (lood Shoes at Reasona ble Prices. AKNOUNCEMBNT Ivmg and being in Halilax town ship, Halifax county, N. C, aud de scribed as follows: TRACT NO. 1. Two certain stores and lots whereou they are located iu the town of Halifax, N. C, formerly owned by Mrs. I. J. Howerton, fronting on Main street and running from the line of the store now owued hy the said U. C Hell lo northern corner or the tree nearest the dwelliug of Mrs, L. J. How erton, and Iheuee on a straight lint to the lut of Mr s Josephine Stephenson, thence the hue of L .'. Bell and his line back to Mam street TRACT NO. a. Thcfiin lot on the Williams place being lucaU-d on the pub lic road leading Iroin Mahiax to I law nous comint'iicing at a stake oo said road about M ftvl from a path which ! tHau r. vni.kiti evnmruV nf rnnsniru- ous and original designs, created for every type of figure and ihey have many distinc tive Features well worth your consideration I OJ .. Air... krTW 3 wJfT&llpfypW TTtTtyt." weldon. n.c. New Seasonable Styles ll is our pleasure io announce an advanced display of beautiful, seasonable models of Henderson Fashion Form Corsets lialn Iruui Mid ri.ail to ii'utfirlt'i hiJidk through MmitWillinniBplacfaudruuuiutc 1 hIuuk Haul ruai) tnwaliiM liawnou'11 to I another Htake, thrncv hack fruin Haid roml J!W fret lo another make, thence ! Tt, .vooll-ni ucenrtmom rf !uli.e ihai will M Kottr .ke I predomtnate .his season will' permit us to ht you with a Henderson tsacK or i-ront Lace Corset correcily, satisfactorily and in a manner that we believe will have your highest commendation. Prices range I ruin ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and t reasonable prices. KITTNER'S SHOE STORE, risfht angles to said last mentioned line yU reel to the point ol beginning on said iuIiIic road contamiug one acre. TRACT NO. ;t, HrgiuimiR at a stake, Matthew I'lttinau's vtesteru corner oil the county road and runs along said human's line N 6( deg. V i'M) feet to a slake, said I'ittuian's corner, in Har per's line, thence along Harper's line N liiil deg. W 7IT feet to a stake, corner Richmond Hilhard's, thence along litl hard's lineS ui deg. W 3Ho feet to a stake on the county road, thence aloug the county road in an easterly direction to the place of beginning. Lot No. '2 in Williams plot. TRACT NO. 4 The following lot or parcel ol laud situate and being iu the tuwn of Halifax, rouuty of Halifax, and State of North ( arohua, beginning on the cast side ot Maiu street, at the cor ner of Mrs. W. 11 Arriugton's lots, theuce along Main Street in a northern direction b'.r feet, U melics, theuce at riifht angleB with said street in easterly direction 203 feet, ii inches to Anthony Siuither's line, thence at right angles in a southern direction aloug said Hiuith ers line Uj feet, tt inches to Mrs. W. H. Arlington's line, theuce at right angles along the said Arrington in a westerly direction Uuo feet, 0 inches, to the be ginning, containing J of an acre. TRACT NO. 5. The following tract, piece or parcel of laud situate in Halifax county, uear the town of Halifax, to wit: Commencing at a stone on the lane or alley leading from Lewis Cook 's corner near the W. & W. K. K. to the Halifax and Weldon road, and running southeasterly 84 leet to a stone, thence ruuning northeasteily ttf feet to Isaac Johustou line, theuce northwesterly along Isaac Johnston's line H4 feet lo the said lane or alley, thence along the said lane or alley southwesterly 95 feet to the beginning, eon taming 1-6 of an acre, more or less. TRACT NO. 6. A lot or parcel of land situate aud being in the town of Halifax county of Halifax, State ol North Caro lina, fronting 24 feet on King or Mam street on the east aide thereof, coui- menciug at a stone, comer of the lot of W. if. It re wry, aud running in a south ern direction along said tviug or Main .Street 'ii feet, theuce at right angles to said King or Mam street id an astern Jufatiliuu elwut ioJ ft lu ihe ioi lurui- erly uelougmg to Mrs. Josephine bte-1 phenson, deceased, theuce at right an gles to said last uieutioned tine in a northern direotiou aloug the line of the said lot formerly belonging to Mrs. Jose phine Stephenson, deceased, 4 feet, theuce at right angles lo said last men tioned hue aloug ttie line ol the lot of W. 11. Drewry to the point of beginning on King or Main street, said lot front ing '24 leet on said Main or King street, ihHMS tit bALK. One-half oash, balance in two equal instsJaienU due six and twelve months after date, and secured by a deed of trust on above property. This the V day of Nov. ltfU. GEORGE C. OHEEN, Commissioner. L. K1TTNER, Prop. Opposite, F o toffies MHdcn, $3.50 to $1.25 You are cordially invited to inspect the latest offerings. Come see our New Cloaks and Suits r. o. hot (ifl Choice Steaks Rrealc the monotonv of boiled and roast meats with an occasional steak You will find ours tender and ma ea hit with the family. juicy sure to Ct tha 6iwulnetf7."j and Avoid r9afmZ7 Cj&3fiin tvary Cake i Whether you want a sirloin, club, tender- loin, flank or round steak we can meet your I wants And we know, too, that our prices will pleaseyou. 5mrTHIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY. PARAGON GROCERY COMPANY, PHONE 2-2-12-2-21 Weldon, North Carolina. TOMORROW NEVER COMES. US0WQS STAMPS UKTTED STATES lOOVHtMMEHT Have you redeemed you War Savings Pledge? If not, go and buy your Stamps TODAY --not TOMORROW, Remembei a pledge not KEPT is worse than a pledge not made. i