E1 H'S wW III . ESTABLISHED IN 1866. VOL. LIII. Children Cry The Kind You Have Always Bought, end which has hc;ti In use for over over 30 years, has i..-ie the sit-nature -.f All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-gond " are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health f Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. c What is CASTORIA Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It conlalna neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic Rubstance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has ceen in constant use tor the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ytfears the Signature of Bears the In Use For Over 3 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit EBuy for Cash. Save"d Xthe pennies by buy-TSS ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WRLOON, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health.' HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. ran Fnrnitm Company, Weldon, IrT We are in position to give first class service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition,Light ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need First Class Service at once call JONES & SONS GARAGE, Phone 205 P.O.Box 214 for Fletcher's i and has been made undtr Ms per sonal supervision since its iuiuiicy. Allow no one to deceive vnu in iM i. Signature N. C. WELDON, C, m lllll 111 J" w or ivj JAW fiJ I? h 1 N II .J 1 REMEMBERED and FORGOTTEN By LAURA JEAN LIBBEY a "Tito heart Is liard tn nature nnd unfit Kit Ionium iVH"W.-'l;i;', tis lieliin vulil Of nyiupiithy and lln-nforo dt'ml nllke To hive ami frli'iidHlup botli, that ll tiol rletmeii With stRlit nf other enjoying life Nov fcla their happiness augment hti own." At the bi'sinnlnj? of tho New Timr one should hriisli the ilust off hts list of frliMidH, looking up those who huvu tIioiu(l quietly out of one's every iluy life without a very good rettson for ft. Milking new uciUiilntiinet8 Is uhu tilly nn eiisy mutter. Hut to nurture those acquaint :iiuvm until they hls 80111 into filendH, cemented by loyalty mill eotistiiney, Is a different problem. A mint or woman may emint tie qnninlaiu'ps by the seore people who Invito theta to their homes to dine, to theater parly, or merrymaking yet Ihey are still u iuaintimeeg only. J riendxlilp n tern in tatieh more than this, while few nWiiiilly understand tt. Mmiy n one has numlcd up h hundred fio - en led llleiidit hi'liiv. I tilt If ntlver- slly iihniiIIr one tomorrow there uiuy nt he onu heart niuonR the intmy one eoiild turn to for nuluee uad cheer. Not one pair of bunds would be ex tended to draw one In from the cold, tlie vtorm and darkness. If one Is sud denly bereft of shelter. Past benefits are not lentemhered. Acininlntniicef find It easy tu forgot. Only friends re member the past and ItH ballowed meiuorlea. A wuiuan will reiot-uiber every detail Chamberlain's Tablets. When you are troubled with indigent tion or onu at i put i n take ChamherUn'i Tablets. They strengthen the stoniaeh and enable it to perforin its fnnetions naturally. Indigestion is usually nr companied by c mstipation and Is ag gravated hy it. C'hamherlaia's Tiibb-tH Mul a gentle movement of the bowels lahevLAf the constipated eoudnioo. k NElVSFAPtK FOK Til E PtOHt. WELDON, N. ('.. ! JII HSDAV, .1 T A KY Hdlo People! TVTY NAME is Nmeteen Nineteen 1V1 You see I'rwjust .brand-new; With a big joyousjshout, Daddy Time let me out To bring,new hope to you. TSjOWtHaTyoure got my number, A Perjiags-you rather doubt That Ihavecome here to scatter good cheer. all the glooms to flout. I I world's savs the.worta s none crazy . And"hincrs are all dead wroncr: But anevjittjfboy brings a promise of joy, Sogreet me with a song! jier eourlshlp where she (U,nf"na,i her lover, Ibelr Introdncllon, the Im pression she formed of him at tlrst Bight. Sna ev(ti remain hers what hei reveries were it nil her wonderment as to whether or not be thought of her Nile remembers each call he made; alt that was wild or done; bow she hml detected his growing love for her even before be guessed It himself. She re members tin- hour of their hetbrothal and the conversation Unit brought It quite unexpectedly about. As for the man she married, not one man In a hundred can remember what emotion swept iieross'lds heart ut bis tlrst meeting with hei whom lie was to love evermore till death did thein part. Ninety-nine men out of u hun ired will confess to their wives. "I'm hirst If I Just know just how I hap pened to propose to you." When a man can forget that most thrilling m all moments In tils life ho can forget anything. Such men find it very easy to forget their wife's or children's hiribdtiys, realizing that renieinbrunce would call for presents. Mntiy wives are glad to have the chil dren not forgot teu. Hut they are Just a.s welt sallslied that he has forgotten how swiftly time Is running away with lh Ir good looks and aging them. I.: i st, and by no means Ictist, no nam or woiniiii. no matter how happily imo rled. shou'd allow the old folks at home to imagine themselves forgotten by them. It doesn't take much time In write a few lines oneo In u fortnight. We should always remember nt to for get those who have becu dear to us. Only Keep Green One. Pnu't carry over any old hills Into the New Year burring, of emirm green bills. A Good Resolve. Kesulvo to be belter uu lured during Ihe 'omlng year. Qukk Cure fur Croup. Watch for tin1 titst wy nitoms,hoaiie ness and lmvc 4 'Imm hei Iain's Cmu' b Hemeily at onn . ll is nrompt aud ef fectual. Old maids are chumiing hecause they are maichless. Children Ory j FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I NEW YEAR'S DAY I itood on a lower in ihe wet. And New Year and Old Year met. And wind were roaring and blowing; And I said, "O year) that meet in tears, Have ye aught tliat ii worth the knowing I Science enough and exploring, Wanderers coming and going. Matter enough for deploring, But aught that is worih ihe knowing?" Sen at my feet were (lowing, Wave on the ihingle pouring, Old Yoar roaring and blowing, And New Year blowing and roaring, Alfred Lord Tennyson. GOOD NEW YEAR ADVICE. "Tim nhl frunll'rir wish rings true, A Happy Ni-tt Yuai. trltnls, to you." A man who keeps up the eiHtom of pemllnn New Yeur curds to his friends Included tills year a second card beiir int; ibex words: "Instead of retuniini! evil for evil, try In return evil uiiti good ; tu say nothing ill of others; to net kindly even with dumb anlmala, "Live thus one dny, two dayn, or more, ami compare the ntate of your tubal wilh its stale in former tin vs. "Muke ihe al tempi und you will Mo bow the dark, evil moods have pitttsed nwuy and bow the soul's lmpptncsn has InCli'HMMi. "Make tlie attempt, and you will see that the K"l'd bve brings the greatest and most desirable of till thiugs.' On these cards Is written, "This In Tolstoy's advice. It is good to plu on a cateudar where It will be seen every tel. A man i m' i- suiK-r I v. I . in ihe "Mu" ihan he is Troni the in numerable remedies surrcsimI hy his friends. Betiuty is nature's teii p i irv giFt m the fair sex. Children Ory Fun FLETCHER S CASTORIA t-.i . - V y '.. it.iilnitiiit knur, v. 'I I'..- ','.( Mi)- ,mt i'i i Ii ;l, n l,t thr ',: U-n;n ittui J;',,ii J iiri':ui orr lit,- .' .it.n' i v fnruit I.j ntttr rtint! ') . i, old uir, il ,,,-,'Fh iy .tirlt i',- :m.i ilh ji:r 'm'ul akhiiv ),ts, .-i tbnui to tor in cloudy days, A fiiiiul in jn n friend in 7t,.'i IV.v. .'.. ,', ; :,' must o f So worr lw shall return to nu With nil liis ch'irm.t end gifts, S' .. And .-Hi! il irieres vie to,), the lltou ;.',(, 7 hiit I've not used I; m, as 1 ouht! Ami uhen I think ithout this year, i'-rerer uo:v to disnffear, .Yi'ii' ntso f the yens of yr?, Iuni out iinee htuj, to he no more! With ,hih',h.)M's sprt, lehen dreams I dt earned. I When (oney's rays upon me beamed, ll it It dear nht hoim , und all its elhi;n:s, A'l snuHn-i eyes and l-rn'i arm, With beekonina hopes of -it"l lute, With hearts sin. ere, that strntier irl-wt Ihe hells say sadi:: "Gone for ye, "'lime sneeps your fleasures all awiy!" Ah! cease to ring t!mu mournful bell, I do not like riy funeral knell. I ttriain mute ees, thmt tdessed sleep. And lei me joy in dreamland reaf! 7 he notes are hushedthe year is dead, Aud what he tens and iare has fled, lint noouce more I hem it rimi, ow moviiuf ;eith a steadier sieing, lif'indint, stecet notes, ronveyiu; eheer, 'I he bells ring in the bright Sew Year. Xe;i life, neiv hope, new peace, new iheer. l::re:eeV the old. ueleome Sew Year! ) es. iini-ii belh, riiui from lofty spire That hea: enwa id point, ieji hope to inspire' The happy song is in your clung, ll hi -h ,-ne sweet ni-ihi Hod's angels sang : "CAoiy to God and peace on earth (,od will to man," at Jesus' birth. RCV. S. F. K KUKRI'S. CHIPS FROM THE RIME BLOCK. Well, AhlM nf tht lteeni'd Hook, turn nver nne mure It-nf, Mini Jut dnwn my resntutiteis. 1 shall try i in;il;e litem hrief. lint, cnino tn think tibimt It, httt will all the angels say when lliey see my rcsolutitais, simie as i-very New Year's dity? I suspect they'll iiiy: "Thitt duffer has dnmned mu ihe n in Itl set, and he'll smash 'em all hy Mumliiy, or by Tuesday nlnht, I'1! !iet! I wish wo anjiels had a burp l'"r liM'h and every time be bus made that resolution to quit writing silly rhyme. I'oor Aiii:.'l uf the Jtomrd Itonkl Vitu've got a man-sized Job, writing lowti the resolutions for the New Year's morning mob! I would sag L''si ymi Mivi your strength and uer lieail expense, by making up some rub ber stamps fur ten or twenty penen. lust save the slumps this evening, find tile them all away. You'll need them In a year from now, another New Yem's dav ! TAKE TIME TO LIVE RIGHT. The season fur good resolutions is 'tpprnaehiiiu'. ThuiMiimls re reviv ing to liegiu the Nrv Year by com mencing some effort at self-Improvement. Must people suffer from poor health lieeniiso ihey sny "Ihey hiivetl't tlmo to hike cure of themselves." The hnimKs iiuni knows he needs rxerelse, but denies himself beenuso lie hiisn't lime. Most i pie run their lives tn such I slipshod fashion t lint they haven't Mine to eat properly, to think proper ly, and to rest properly. And the result is that they die ahead f time bemuse they haven't had lime to live properly. The kuni'iirfxi is 'i hfuliln lo.il-.. ing iinimul, but il is nearly hUv ivs on its last lees. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always heart the SignatuT of c3 ALSO :s and C'cthinr. 1 LADIES HQ AT SUITS SI tm JL'ST WHC!:IVKI) a Line of FUR 't reasonable prices. f j:. The Buv Si ore. 1 1,111 ran ! ESTABLISHED IS92 apitd and Surplus, $63,000. lib WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 RAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. H M.I., I'liK-lMKM. W. Ii. SM ITir. Vll K-l'ltl:Sl IllCNI. i' il.WlTATlOA'. You are invited to open an account with the I i j Bl' K OF EflFMLD, I E fit FIELD, fl. C. 1 Rer Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart Ij r ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can to UBHMBMIllim hTAmtff.r. ni- mim urn i MAN BUT THE! HELP. THAT is, they heln him in business as' well as social life, by giving him a prosperous, well groomed appearance. Men who dress in good taste say they like to luiv here because of the excellent assortment, to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid. 1 1 ration i In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwoven socks'-1 he Hosieiy of a tientleman." ll fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, Lisle; ' Cashmere and Cotton at 1 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens anil Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. Di'Lmki & Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND REGULAR STOCK SIZES. (Jood Materials, High (trade Workmanship Our Slofan. xo. :M mm ?. m um;' mm JSf 1" WRLOON, N C i.. r inf a pi:rt, (' AS II I K l(. ill bank by mail j m M il

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