a.tWMn ' r I I f&i-rK Tired, MW Dizzy With Headache, Pains here and there Should find relief from their uHorlnf( by taking the Woman'! temperance Tonlo and Nervine, which has helped lo many women some ol them right in your neighborhood. A woman iiftering from nervoni prostration, excitabilty, ordir.r.ineu, ilersngenieiit, or displacement of the pedal organs, will find health renamed alter rising Doctor Pierce's Kavorita 1'rescription. For women who an mn-down and over -worked: at the critical perlodi in a woman I life: from girlhood to womunliood, and later, this is PHtcci ally adapted to her needs, for it strenclheni and regulates. In tablet form or liquid, at drucKists. Write the stclali.t at Doctor Firm's Invalids' Hotel, Unlink). N. Y., fur free conll dential mcilical advice. Hend ten ci-uts for trial package Favorite Prescription tablets. Tha 3ystaai la aoiiiething like a clock i; needs oil occasionally. i'.vtTynn.- .!iu.ild tuko castor oil, or ."inethin Ix-tlr, like Doctor Pierce's - I.'uflnnt 1V1I. t.i, which are made of . .'.;-aj;'l. Jlup, aloo siiK'tr-coated. . ' nv.-.iliiUt, cleanau and oil the ;-.a tljck-work. THE ROAN OKI: NliWS THI'kS'Y, APRIL 10, 191(1 LOCAL INTELLIGFNCF. This will doubtless be a fruitless year. We hid ice several mornings fast week. Peaches, pears and plumbs are doubiless killed. Miss Allie Kelley is visitiiyz rela tives in Baltimore. Superior court was in session at Jackson last week. Ever notice what a lot of friends your enemies have? Peaches will be few and far be tween nexi summer. Miss Narcissa Daniel spent the week end in Raleigh. April has certainly given us some very cold weather. Col. A. J. Burton has returned to his home in Reidsville. A serious tangle is often the re sult of a matrimonial knot. Mrs. N. L. Stedman, of Halifax, was a visiior in town this week. Don't mind a li I lie thing like slander; it will rub off when dry. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen spent few days in Raleigh, last week. Women are born to love and be loved and they fight ii out on that line. Adam had a childish experience with little green apples after reach ing manhood. A man is seldom as black ts he is painted or a woman as white as she is powdered. Mr. Leslie Daniel who has been living in Hopewell, Va., has re turned to Weldon. Miss Lucretia Wilson, of Ra! eigh, spent ihe week end with her sister, Miss Rosalie Wilson. Sleep eight hours of the twenty four; eat three meals a day and walk on the sunny side of the way. Rev. Hardy Hughes, of Boston, Mass., spent Sunday night in town. He was en route to Tillery to visit relatives. Mrs. F. M. Shamburger who has been visiting relatives in Ox ford and Gainesville, Ga., has re turned home. Mr. G. W. Parsons and Miss .Agnes Jackson, of Salisbury, Md., : are visiting Mr. H. G. and Miss iKatie Parsons. The colored people of Weldon 'have organized a brass band. The (instruments have already been re tceived and now for music. Mrs. M. E. Mitchell and Miss Lizzie Mitchell, of Franklin, Va., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C Mitchell, in South Weldon. Don't grumble if your paper is not always flush up to the high standard of your ideal. Charna blv remember that no editor ii ca psblf of "in tin quite as good paper as you could yourself. Mr. S. B. Holloway, who has been head of the Exemption Board for the past several months, has left us and returned to his home in Enfield. Polite, clever and af fable to all, we would indeed be glad to claim him as t permanent citizen. NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION. Notice it hereby given that an alee . m,m, an.l Mvn Aommiaiioa era for tha tow a of Weldon, will be held at the town hall on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 1919, between the houra of . . .,,.. Tht the a u viuuh iu. - - . registrar appointed by the Board of OommlSSIOuers ouuiaiiuuMyu. lam 1. V T HarnM and U. C. Com- woll'ond H. & HarreU, Jr., an Judge B. I HAY Wait D. Married. Married at the resi-! dence of Mr. Colie Clark, in this' place, on Sunday evening last, Mr. Nimpet 0. Sellers, of Washington, in Miss Corinne Crush, Rev. F. M. Shamburger, officiating. Only a Few friends were present lo wii ness the ceremony. They lefi on train No. 83 for Florida, where they will make their future home. Miss Crush is a sister of Mrs Clark and is pleasantly remem bered by many of our readers. Congratulations and best wishes. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of Idlers remain ing "uncalled for" in the Weldon posioffice : J. N. Green. Ida Sexton. Miss Wesley Williams. Persons culling for above letters will please say "udveriised," giv ing dine of advertising. D. T. Clark, I; M , Weldon, N. C. April 7, 1919. Mr Johnston Dead - There- mains of Mr. Eugene Johnston were brought here from Richmond, Va., Tuesday night and taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. Nora Pe t kins where at 2 P. M. Wednes- d .y the funernl services v. cr. held. The r-urtitl was at the l.iulrion cetne'ery, where many ti tends wer: pr-tiu in pay the Ihm tribute of respect lo one whose ft i ndship had been tested and found nue on many occasions. Until his health begun to decline a few years ago Mr. Johnston was one ut Littleton's most lonl and patriotic business men. I lad he have lived a few months Lnger he would have been fifty years old. His health begun to decline soon after the completion of that excel lent business block that will stand as a memorial to his enterprise. He leaves two brothers Whit and Jack, four sisters, Mesdames Nora Perkins, Henry Nicholson, M. Nelson and M. W. Ransom. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. Littleton News Repor ter. National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. The follow ing is the National Woman's Lib erty Loan Committee for Halifax county : Halifax Misses Nannie Gary, Ruth Shaw, Esther Brown, Mil dred Campbell, Alice Hatcher.Mrs. T. S. Dickens; Mrs. N. L. Sted man, chairman. Ringwood Misses Julia Wil liams, Nannie Laughter, Janet Cousins, Mrs. C. A. Williams; Miss Willie Williams, chairman. Thelma Miss Lena Hatnill, chairman. Weldon-Mrs. F. A. Cole, Miss Eunice Clark, Mrs. C. F. Gore, Mrs. Alice Hudson, Mrs. J. S. Turner, Mrs. C. W. Gregory, Mrs. C. C. Parker, Mrs. J. W. Pierce, Mrs. W. A. Pierce, Mrs. Ii. L. Williams, Mrs. W. H. Capell, Mrs. L. T. Garner Mrs. E G. Garlick, Mrs. W. E. Daniel, Mrs. R. H. Merchant, Miss Louise Djrden, Mrs. A. L. Cochran, Mrs. R. P. Todd, Mrs. W. L. Knight, Mrs. J. S. Barr. Colored Mrs. J. A. Tinsley, Mrs. J. A. Alston, Mrs. C. P. Anthony. South Weldon-Mrs. H. V. Bounds, Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Mrs. N.J. Shepherd; Mrs. L. W. Murphrey, chairman. Triancular Debate. On last Friday night our school contesied in a double-header debate with the Roanoke Rapids school. Our de baters handled themselves remark able well; but their opponents showed that they had been on the debating; arena before. Three of our opponents had pre viously been in a State wuie than gular debate, and been to Chapel Hill. Only one ol ours had been to the Sim University, as a result of winning in a debating contest. With such odds against us, we did remarkably well. Our debators produced equally as good argu mem as their opponents, but were not quite so well posted on previ ously written rejoinders. Although we lost the decision of the iudees. Rev. M. Y. Self, of Scotland Neck, Prof. Henry G Ellis, and Lieutenant E. L. Potter, of Emporia, Va we gained a whole lot, first a knowledge of our weak points, second a determination to try again. Another featuieuf the evening was the splendid music furnished by Mr. Hardison and his company of musicians. The audience great ly enjoyed this. We are very grateful to our orchestra for us part of the program so efficiently carried out. At the close of the program re freshments consisting of candy, salted peanuts, sandwiches and pickles, were served to the deba ters, judges, president and secre tary of debate and members of the orchestra. Fill your soul with richness, then when sorrow comes to you, her black shadows will be parted into golden rifts by your gathered tun- Miss Shoulars Hostess rriaay evening, Marcn :ain, in ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Rodwell, the Senior B. Y. P. U. had iis first quarterly social. The reception hall, parlor and dining room were tasteful !y deco rated in peach blossoms and ferns. A contest of "Abbreviations of the Stales" was one of the attrac tions. Mr. W. B. Edwards and Mrs. Hunier winning the first prize while Mr. Strotherand Miss Rosa Rodwell won the booby. One of the most enjoyable feat ures of the entertainment was the making of an apron by the young men. The young ladies then sew ed the letters "B. Y. P. U." on the apron which was presented lo Miss Orie Shoulars as hostess of honor. Miss Shoulars wore the apron in serving refreshments, consisting of cream and cake. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Rodwell, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. C F. Gore, Mrs. J. G. Blalock, Mrs. Sidney Allen, Mrs. Ruth Hunier, and Misses Garner, Pearle Harris, Narcissa Daniel, Orie Shoulars, Rosa Rodwell, Marvel Mitchell, Maude Harris, Messrs. W. B, Edwards, S. E. Shirley, B. G. Rodwell, Eugene Daniel and Mr. Strothers. Good Roads. A good country road is always to be desired and is a source of comfort and conveni ence to every traveler. Good roads attract population, as well as good schools and churches. Good roads improve the value of the property, so that it is said a farm lying five miles from market, connected by a bad road, is of less value than an equally good farm lying ten miles away from market connected by a good road. A larger load can be drawn by one horse over a good road than by two over a bad one. Good roads encourage the greater exchange of products and commodities between one section and anoiher. OBITUARY. Berry Wesley Cullom, son of Joel and Nancv Cullom was born January 28, 1844, and departed his life ihe evening of March 28, 1919, at the age of 75 years and two monihs. He was an old sol dier, serving through the Civil war and while there received some se vere wounds from which he re covered and lived to the ripe old ae mentioned above. He profess ed faith in Christ in early life and ived a faithful Christian until hts death The sudden going of Uncle berry, as most everybody called him, has cast a gloom over the en tire community not thai we have any fears of his eternal welfare or that we doubt God s will in doing right for if we are to judge a tree by ihe fruit it hears we are confi dent that he is not dead but only transferred from a life of service, pain anil sorrow to a life of eternal l'iy with the angels around the none of dod. Hit always looked on the bright side oThfe and tried to see some good in everybody. He loved lire but ai the same time he was not afraid oi death. It was the writers pleasure to visit his home only a few weeks before his death and I have never visited a home where there was any more love and sunshine in my life. He always seemed to be happy and loved to hear good old lime songs, his favorite song being When ihe Koll is Called Up Yon der I II Lie mere. Ana such a loving and devoted wife. But dear wife, you have nothing to grieve for that you have left un done for I believe you have done all that was in your power for him while on eu in so don t grieve just humbly bow and say the Lord gave and the Lord takeih uway blessed be the name of the Lord. The beautiful flowers that covered the grave bore a silent tribute to the esteem felt for him by his friends and neighbors and the tears shed were tears of love for one whose many kindnesses were sacred in our minds. We are very sad to know that on earth we will see him no more but over on the other side w e hope to meet with other loved ones where parting will be no more. Uncle Berry leaves a widow, several brothers, and many oiher near relatives. The funeral services were conducted at the home by his pastor, Rev. Mr Towe. and the remains were laid to rest in the family burial grounds to await the resurrection morn May the Lord sustain the broken hearted widow and loved ones in this sad hour. Loved ones it is sad to think Uncle Berry will be among us no more in this world but it is comforting to think some sweet day when hie is over we shall meet again. We shall greet those loved ones gone before in that hap py Iiuiiic of luVC. Trials here below we meet Sorrow, pain and care In that happy home so sweet Joy and peace will share. Bright the dawning of that morn Night returned 10 day. Parted friends no farewell know All tears be wiped away. A Cousin. CARD OR THANKS. I wish to thank my kind friends and neighbors for their many kind acts shown me through the sick ness and death of my dear husband Mrs. B. W. Qullom, A girl often discovers that the man after her own hurl doesn't Tup Hnvfiu Dm t Thr fnl I lowing pupils have made Ihe re quired standard of excellence to be placed on the honor roll for the past month : First Grade Annie Sue Howell, Dorothy Tillotson, Herbert Elks, Dorothy Jones, Robert Sheffield, Ola Whitehead, Ida Moon, Nar cissa Moon. Advanced First Grade Lloyd Ray Cullom, George Merchant, Rebecca Johnson. Second Grade Virgie Harri m, Margaret Johnston Sledge, Katie Pilley, Evelyn Anthony, Maxine Drake, Natalie Cole, Ray Allsbrook, Leo. Dixon, Arihur House, Josephine Freid. Third Grade Margaret Capell, Elizabeth Chittenden, Mary Harri son, Henry House, sneplierd Green, Janie Blalock, Anna Olivia Drake, Virginia Turner, Elizabeth Allen, Florence Freid, Eleanor Barr, Mary Frances Parker, Her man Farber. Fourth Grade David Jackson Ward, Alma Wyche, Elizabeth Bounds, Walter Lee Scott, Eu genia Hudson, Nellie Wright Vin cent, Matiie Jones, G. C. Sanders. Fifth Grade Vivian Sanders, Bernice Dixon, Sixth Grade Frances Scott. Seventh Grade-Elsie Mae Crew. High School-Lucile Wallace, Margaret Hudson, Charles Vin cent, Ethel Crew, Lucile Merchant, Louise Hayward, Virginia House, Bessie Jones, Mabel Holdford, Louise Farber, Sadie Sylvester, Margaret Garlick, Bettie Merchant, Kaihenne Wallace. It's a pity a man can't dispose of his experience at cost. Much Suffering is Needless. Get Relief Without Fear! Don't Lay Awake in Pain. Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with water. If necessary, re peat dose three times a day, after meals. For Pain! Neuralgia Toothache Earache Headache Colds Grippe Influenzal Colds Neuritis Sciatica Rheumatism Lumbago Owned by Americans! This "Bayer Cross" on each tablet meaiH genuine. World-famous BArrjM original vw- iris, iniro ilucul 11)00. Atptrln ! the trifle tnarV of Bayer Minuftc ture of Muiioaceticacideiter of Salicylic-acid Always insist upon the safe "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." Buy only original Bayer pckagm 20-cent package Larger ilzea. NO OTHER LIKI IT. NO OTHER At 0000. Purch... ih.- "NEW HOME" ami yrtu will Kit) alila auet II lha urine vi-u oav. 'Ihe aliininaiiuit i repair ki.n.fl l.y .micriur wrknianiliip anil beM it malarial in. iirrt Mr l-ma -inuf al mini. Bum cm. I'-i-i i-ti haMna il.a NEW Hunt WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Kn- - n lh wntid ovti (or utii wwinf ulillM, lS..tiU iiniicr T Mher nttu. THE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE C0..0RANGE.MA3S, NOTICE. Hsviog qualified before the Clerk of lllfl nuppnur Kuun ui iiiii& uuuaij. North Carolina, ulroinistrstor of John u Hurlou, aemasea, an persons holding claims atrtinst the estate ofthe said deceased are hereby notified to oresent them to me for payment, duly proved, on or before the 16th day of Aortt, ItTJU, or (Ills uuuoo win vm pieati- ed in bar of their recovery. All persons lodebted to the estate of uie said de ceased are requested to make immedi ate payment. This the 5th day of April. 1919. A. J. BURTON, Administrator of John 0. Burton, dee'd Keidsville, N, 0. Wanted Saleslady wanted with experi DAY OF MISERY SLEEP TONIGHT ! KEf HOME ence. Apply to The Leader. J till I. .'!.. 1 llir- lllullb) UU II J 111 ll Luzianne is such a cof fee as vou long have wishea for-oraistinc-tive Quality and of fla vor unsurpassed. It is literally true that vou will never know now good coffee can be un til .you try Luzianne. coffee S The Reily-Taylor Company J New Orhant f I 3 I J SAVEtheLeather Keep your w LIQUIDS AND PASTES FOR black , white, TAN, AND OX-blOOd (dark BROwnpnoes rwr.r.oAnrv coapooATioNsiTa,surrua I 2. The New Edison "The Phonograph with a Soul'1 Is the world's greatest musical Instrument. It gives you every kind ol music, exactly as performed upon the stage. It gives you all that the ear can give of the art of the world's greatest artists. Do not let Money If you are paying tor Liberty Bonds or for some other reason you are not particularly flush at the present time, do not let that fact prevent you from owhlng a New Edison. Don't hesi tate. Come to us and tell us confidentially what terms will be convenient for you. W. M. COHEN DRUG CO.. Weldon, N. C. GOOD GEOCBRIES build up the increase your capacity to think. mits. Our prices make you think. L. E. Near Batchelor's Opera house, Friends & "AMjmm j m mw TOU CAN DEPEND ON THIS M1TV4 Wt carry full lint of everything kept In a first-class Jewlelry Store. Repairing promptly done c. n- Waslngton Avenue, (Jeweler) Dixon Lunik & Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door HADE TO OKDF.R AND Qoed Materials, High Qrade '" lil7l'AN?it I V IN Shoes Neat So Much Dcwn--so Much A Mouth WE are not an Installment house. We do no advertise installment terms but no honest man or woman who loves music need go without it. Mr. Bdison has said to us: "do not deny music to the music lover. To thoso of slender li.comea. make terms that will not harass them." Stand in the Way Choice Hams There Is nothing; more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods system, stimulate the brain, and And right thinking brings best re Call in to see us. HULL, WRI.DON, N .C Watches re two Important leatures of every dv ' that you wish to feel that you can rely upon. A good Watch Is quite as satisfactory as a true friend. W carry a full line of Watches (lood Timekeepers In Artistic Cases "Take time by the forelock" and buy one TO-DAY. They are guaranteed. We have a full line of A'rni Clocks guaranteed to be "Sleep Breakers.' RICKS, WELDON, N. C and Window Screens REUULAR STOCK SIZES Workmanahlp Our Slogan- wllr About the first qu Mimi our si.les-t.cn will ask you when you u y on nut- of our new Is "Mow docs It feci?" In oilier stores they usk "How docs it look?" The ililt'-'ivno.: is ill n wc will first select a hit tiuii Mill bt conic you, unit we know ilium "Mallory" Hal will look right, so wlitit we want to know is whether the hat feels rielit on Ihe head. Ik sure lo have a look al our window tins week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WI-l.nON. N. C. A BANK is mnre than a building, a number of officers, bur nished brass and plate glass. IT is the result of the greatest of all human endeavors indus try and co operation. YOUR own interest in your family, your business and your self must dictate what any bank can mean to you. OUR interest in the success of every depositor determines the value of this bank to you. New Seasonable Styles It is ouroleasure to announce an display of beautiful, seasonable Henderson, Fashion Form They are exquisite examples of conspicu ous and original designs, created lor every type of figure and they have many distinc live features well worth your consideration The excellent assortment of styles that will predominate this season will permit us to til you with a Henderson Back or Front Lace Corset correctly, satisfactorily and in a manner that we believe will have your highest commendation. Prices range from $3.50 to $1.25 You are cordially invited to inspect the latest offerings. Come see our New Cloaks and Suits I'llONK NO i HERB are many I good meat buyers in judging: quality, And I we are perfectly willing; to share our secrets "with you. We buy only the best, but we want you to know right at the time of your purchase that you are getting what you want. And our I prices are right, too. X We carry a full line of family groceries, etc. The Pure Food Store I PARAGON GROCERY COMPANY, I PHONE 2-2-12-2-2 Weldon, North Carolina. (Mm advanced models of Corsets Prompt Delivery our Hobby. Real Service little tricks employed by 4 I i thine van) it Tv' r