.I'l'llll I II ill II ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. i'eniM oi jaasjrii)tion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIII. WELDON, N. C, THUHSDAY, MAY I, l!H! NO. ."1 f . , Hi TOawfl lPn It Ec f !f et GonUmU 15 fluid Draclmj r .;'.v'i ALCOIIW.-01WIMM 5 AUilhlffriaiitiaoBrAi ""I , 4 fulfil i,k tlx Food BrfrH- j v i Lithe Stomidx and Bo UW! "IIIIIIUU !, TSrn.hvPmmon4IM4rt1bl ; ninenu. m ."5s I h.lnfnlBemcityfcf I. und DlitTla' h una revinro" -- - jvb Cv.S-FP Exact Copy of Wrappsr. Get The Habit E7Buy for Cash. Save"C3 " Cthe pennies by buy-"C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO , Wholesale Cash Store WKI.OON. N. C. r er-T-" r-rgg 04 THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health.' HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs In boards, China Closets, 2erving laDiesana ine iikc, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, In the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. We are as eager to QIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. RENUS 11 We are in position to give first class service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition, Light ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need First Class Service at once call JONES & SONS GARAGE, Phone 205 P.Q.Box244 CHS Trim t. '-v for Infant-, i- . .'-.i.Wren. Mothers 1 -7 That Genuine . Always Bears tho Signature of In Use ForOver Thirty Tears GMP Tables, Chairs, Side- j 11111 xW Ar WELDON, N. C, MADE BY THR1F1 Group Saving Has Provec Highly Profitable to Thous ' ands of Employed of Sanelj Managed Concerns. Evvry ImalnuHK In cither thrifty 01 unthrifty. It thrift governs, that lliiM'u will he accurate knowledge oi costs. Hound finance, far-si-iilng policy , the, best use ( labor and material with Intelligent creation of a monej surplus to meet emergencies, if un , Ihrlfly, the concern Is bound fol Imnkruptiy, which will arrive ioonei 1 or later. Thrift goes far beyond the eiecu i live office, and so does lack of It. A thriftily managed buslnnsB will havi j sti-atly, skillful employees, working li pleasant surroundings, with evory ad -mi-HKc in uie way oi equipment, unc rvi'ry advantage In earning power The unthrifty I uslness is too familiar II attracts chiefly the driftwood amoni workers. Unpleasant surrounding! anil poor equipment make work drudg ery. Waces are below good stand arils, ami the year Is usually marker by periods of idleness. If not labo troubles. Thrifty managers bare learned It recent years that thrift facilities ex tended to their employees are part ol general thrift In management. Th employee mutt set aside his surplus too. He Is more than willing to miv if he Is the kind of man who values s job with a thrifty concern. But II has not always been easy for him tc put his weekly savings in a s-cur place. Savings Institutions may U far from the pay window. Employer, have overcome thla handicap In manj cases by accepting depoelta to bs transferred to a bank, by sailing s curltles in their own boarnese to em ployees on the Installment plan, mid In other ways. They have also takes pains to see that employees are Dot victimised by loan sharks or blue-sky promoters. Since the Thrift Stamp and Wai Savings Stamps came into existence there has been a wide development of this thrift movement for employees, an part of the management of a thrifty business. Employers know that thrift decreases labor turnover and also In creases output. The worker who saves is not worried by debts. Hs thinks well enough of kts Job to set tie in the community, buy a homa, raise a family. War Savings Stamps offer the best medium for group savings In business organisations. Thousands of faring! clubs or societies formed during the war to help finance the government have been found so valuable th.it thousands more wilt be organised. The best proof of the he:ttth, stability and usefulness of any Industry is Its hearty teamwork with the Treasury Department in organising savings to etetles for the regular purchase of Thrift and War 8.ivlngs Stamp. OFFICIAL YRADi: MARK OF THE 1919 WAR SAVINiO T A .TO (The picture of Benjamin Franklin reproduced above appears on the Wil Savings Stamps of the new series.) !1 WEARoW ttuttotv THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM ANJPERATION By taking Lydia E. Pinkham'n Vegetable Compound, One of 1 housand of Such Cage. Blnrk River Knlls, Wlt.-"A Lydia . lW-Uiii'a Vegetable C"mr"1""' saveu me irom an operation, I ctnnot say enough in praise of it 1 suffered from organic troubles and my aide hurt m so 1 could hardly be up from my bed, and 1 waaunabletodomy housework. I baa the best doctors in t-.nri.lM.nl thev wanted ma to have an operation, but Lydia E.PInkham's T. ..-.I. r.MHnl mrrmA m BO I Hill not need the operation, and I am tellin all my friends about It "-Mrs. A. W. Binzee, Black River Falla, Wis. It Is just tuch experience as that of Mrs. Bimer that has made this famoua root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean. Any woman who suiter from Inflammation, ulceration, displacement, backache, nervousness, Irregularitle or "th broea" should not reet until he ha given It i trial, and for special advice writ Lydia i fuikham atedicioa Co., Lynn, UaM. ! i liiiriiniuHii L J LEST WE fV:mn-. i ;-.; '. (PmmI by Mary Plckford) Your Village And Mine It is Just a typical American vil lage perhaps yours or the one in the next county. It has two churches and a hotel and there 1 the "corner" where the men gather after supper to consider politics and "the state of the Union." Its population is about 8.000. ..When war was declared It gave It sons with a glad heart, and they marched away bravely -many with a sob in the throat, perhaps, but with a splendid vision guiding their feet. Prom the training camp these boys went to rrance and were moved np Into the battle ltne. The Hun was making a desperate effort to destroy civilisation In a bloody drive on Paris. Then The richest man In the village met the hotel barber and they gripped hands In silence. Their two sons lay dead In the Argonne. The village butcher boy red head ed and Irish smiled for the last time. He died fighting that freedom might not perish. The town's Beau Brum mel he had never amounted to much won the Croix da Guerre but lost both eyes. Oas claimed the son of the widow who lived in the little green cottage. At first she could not speak when she received the brief telegram. Then "John waa all I had. I hoped ha would come back. It I had two sons I would give them too." That was all. .But America as a whole never felt the real hand of war not a France felt It nor a England nor even as Can ada. Why! Because our dollars stopped the war. They mad possible those tre mendous preparations for a long war that resulted In a short war. Never was such a stupendous assemblage of munitions. Germany wilted. Thou sands of millions of dollars were saved. But best of all, tens of thou sands of American boys were sated Amtrlca prepared on faith. Amer Pint Amsrlean Flag to Inter Germany With Our Army f Oscupatlon. Tk W ory -Liberty Loan will pay th bill tc: maintaining our Expedi tionary Forces oversea. (Illustration oopyrlghted by Commute oa Public Information from Underwood a Underwood, N. T.) A load of liquor merely adds in a man's load of trouble. j CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Ut For Over 30 Years Always bean J . FORGET ica holds iu dollars cheaper than it valued It sons. The war Is over. Victory is ours. America escaped the frightful burden of debt which would have been ours If the war had lasted two years long er. We sUll have those dollars in our pockets. And the boys are coming home. But tho debts the government did contract the debts that won the war must be paid. They will be paid. America has pledged Its faith, and the faith of America has never been questioned. We are now asked to lend the gov ernment some of those unpaid dollars we atill have in our pockets, and. to secure the loan, Victory Liberty Bonds will be Issued the safest In the world. Then let our hearts and our purxi-e eay how thankful we ure that, per hapn, half a million American boys were saved. HE HAD THE GRIT THAT WON THE WAR Carter Glass, secretary of the treas ury, copied the following note, anion others, from the note book of a Red Cross nurse when he waa In Trance: "One boy I shall always remember. Ills right shoulder was practically shot away and he had a liig wound In his back and one In his left eye. But he sat straight up ami wouldn't let anybody help him. He didn't Hay a word while they pulled off tho tight clinging gause from the red, raw, wet flesh that quivered In spite of him. When the nrst wound waa finished all ba said was: "Do you think I could rest a minute. Doc, before you do the second one!" "Red, raw, wet flesh" Americsn flesh. It waa not yellow. Think of that when you are asked to buy Vic tory Liberty bonds, you who think you bar don enough. Children Ory FDR FLETCHER S C ASTOR I A A receipted bill is always consid ered a good certificate of honesty. Children. Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Sill U if" p-i j Ami li i !;, i f' :i V'r :! Hi1'. . ' It: fit SwBfA 1 MWXTOhirir."' i 1 mm iB's iifttett in. .hi . - ...',. ii.""" - y.u"r,c .ii;n i l! j l MJtyiAlrtZarfrfc v l wsci?y Sv , Beware of Counterfeits! Some are Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." Quick Relief with Sufety! For Headache Colds Neuralgia Gripp, Earache Toothache Achy Gums Lumbago Rheumatism Influenzal Colds Neuritis Lame Back Joint-Pains Pain! Pain I Adults Take one or two tablets anytime, with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. 6iace Ui original introduction of "Dayer Tablet of Aspirin" millions Urfltl Willi!! nf then ppiuilne tab lets have been preteribi'd by physi cian and taken by the people each year, with perfect safety. Aspirin ll the trtrl. mark of Btytr Vmtifio tuft f MvMamucaaUcttcr gl SalKylictci4 - 'Ask for and Insist Upon 'BayCTTaUeUofAaplrin.'' American Owned, Entirely. to etas ftiwaga Larger aim also. LIT FEAR "Bayer f on genuine V 1 II . Tablet. Pl"m- ASPIRIN What a world of appetizing flavor these three words call to your mind! mm MsMfM ere n .' : i'v. cot Caporal recipe- complete: Golden Virginia tobacco, blended with jtllt a dash of Turkish, not merely "cured", not jut "sugar cured", but maple-rugat cured Mil1 7 That' one thing everybody DOES iuuu. know Ptirf 7 The world's leading medical journals 1 UIC, The London lancet, ay: "Sweet Caporals me the purest form ia which tobacco can be imoked." Good? Yes wfltV-sugar cured! Sold avvrywhero in !ilrt hemuphrt mnd en both idi of tho quatot- and mora told tocUjr ihanoTOT 13o 2 for 25o Large Foil Paokag Mm ...IMIiir-ii;'''::!:; , f I 1 I J MOM After taking inventory of my entire stock I find that I have more stock than I can carry through summer with Spring and Summer line. Therefore I am going to glvt my cus tomers the benelit of same. ALL WHITE GOODS WILT, BE CUT IN PRICE The 35c. Gingham we will sell at 25c. the yard 50c, Gingham at 45c. per yard. Serges also reduced considerably In fact everything In our store has been cut In price, especially such as Shoes, Suits, Coats, Etc. Come in to see us. M. FREID, WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, TtMniiuCTasTj INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BUftK OF EflFIZLD, EtflELD, ft. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed ment compounded guarteny. YOU can bank by mail gas' . . mma ! in the Savings Depart-" X s 5 A