T 2L ESTABLISHED IN 1866. VOL. LIV. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum WELDON, N. C, TIIUltSDAY, MAY 15, 1!)1S. NO. 1 .1 iFcl '. J Y 4 iasmsiSK ri n riirs i rain I lisfe :Net Conlwn tSFluidPraiilwd li ASM ti " Hi 3 ALGOIIOI.-ai'tHliCNJ AVKAolndk- fromralioilbrAi v.ii, ..iiiiifVood bv Ursula- tlniilhcStoiMChiMiwm ThcrctyftomoMDtos rjwcrfulnoandRMlC(1l: neither Oplum,Morphiiitiofj Mineral. Not nahooi iv Jump 1 hdnfulHuneilyfcr Constipation and DiM" and FevCTtsnnc immr SLEEP racimileSi4221' ForlnfaH., ..u! Children. Mothers & That Genuine C :-aria Always Bears the Signature of MISS BOOTH, IN RAGS, aided mm POOR Salvation Army Commander, Dis gulsed, Roamed Through Slums, to Study Intimate Problems ol East End Unfortunates. i my Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Ose For Over Thirty Years rain THI CINTtUH OO.'JfUNV NIW VOMN CITV Get The Habit ECTBuy for Cash. Save E""the pennies by buy ing at . W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON, N. C. Dim Lumbar & Millwork Co. Weldon, N. C. MANUl ACTUkErW OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND KKltl'I.AR .STOCK Sl.KS Oood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Spring aii Straw Dress good! -ALSO- i mm tt Shoes and Clothing. LADIES COAT SUITS m tun i AND SPORT COATS 8 Oeorgettes and Crepe-de-Chine. - - I. L s TA INFln r.K m MlhH KmUIwIIIH' linuttl, tlUIIKllIlT t)( tin- lute tieiieiul WIIIIiiiii llnmli, f-umder nf tin1 Salvation Aniiy, ha given her llfu to the service nr lbs pour und the unfortunate. Kew per iuiii, If utiy, know she wi'iit aliuut la jgg The Busy Store, WELDQN, NC g ?. M 1 II Evanglln Booth, Commander of thi Salvation Army In tho United tltatts. the Kast Eml of London disguised In ragH that she might help the unfor tunate. When her futher stood ereel a tu Id a sturm of abuse and ven physi cal violence she stood beside him. She knows how the poor suffer be cause she has suffered with them. Shi knows there still remains In the wreck of a dissolute iuhii a spark of man hood that will kindle a redeeming flame, because she has fanned man 9 flickering sparks until her patient hai regained his fret. She now beads th Salvation Army In the United State at the great moment of Ita career. Tha old tine slurs and doubts have been banished, burlng the week of Muj 10-20 the Sttlvutlnu Army will appeal to the people of the United States foi thirteen million dullnra to carry out Ita after-tlie-Wrir program. Contrtbuti to the Salvation Army Home Service Fund Campaln. Remember, to the Salvation An.iv "A Man May b Down, but He Never Out" The Salvation Avmy returns from the trenches of France to take up Its !mi If century old buttle In the trenches of poverty In the tutted States. Re member the Salvation Awiiy Home Service Fund campaign for 113,000,000 May 19-26. "Bayer Cross" on Tablets. American Owned, Entirely! Choice Hams mere is nothing more appetizing than a slice ot our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Quods. POOD CEOCBRIES build up the sysiem. stimulate ihe brain, and U increase your capacity to ihink. And right thinking brings best re runs. Our prices make you think. Call tn to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batchelor'i Opera House, WELDON, IN .C FADES AWAY "Bayer TabUts of Aspirin" Offer Relief with Safety! For Headache Colds Neuralgia Toothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago Grippj Influenzal Colds Achy Joints Neuritis Pain! Pain! Adults Take one or two "Bayw Tablet of Atpirin" with water. If necessary, re peat dose three fines a day. in Aspirin !i tfcc trade mark of Rarer Minufae tur of MocoaccticauJcktcr 1 StlicrUctud Buy the Bayer packages only. 20-oent package Also larger aitea The Flow of Meat Two-thirds of the live stock in the United States has to be raised in the West. One-half of the consumers of meat live in the East. In other words, most of the live stock is one or two thousand miles distant from most of the people who need it in the form of food. Fifty years ago, when live stock was raised close to every consuming cen ter, the country butcher could handle the job after a fashion. But the job got too big. Now millions of animals have to be moved hundreds of miles to millions of people. Somewhere on the way they have to be turned into meat. The packers solved the problem. They set up plants where the "live haul" and the "meat haul" were in the right balance. They built up distributing systems refrigerator cars, refrigerating plants, branch houses. They saved time, money and meat everywhere. The stockraiser bene fited in better markets and higher prices; the consumer, in better meat and lower prices. As the country grew, the packers had to grow, or break down. Because of its present size and efficiency, Swift & Company is able to perform its part in this service at a fraction of a cent per pound profit Swift & Company, U. S. A. THE $13,000,000 SALVATION AMY POSTER AMANMAYBE.DOWIf BUT HES NEVER : ,0UT!" fi fi SALVATION rUM Army '1f41 HOME Service Fund X ruMDA 11x1 rff. $f it. 4 ' V may 19-26 m:MWi 1919 "A nun may tit down, but lit', ntr out," lli SIiIIbd Army lo, furulibtJ ttit Ititiut tor ttif sdtclKl Hum HrU- Fuutl Camiitlga yuitr it Ku4 by Frdrkk Duuou, uuuil artlnt. Frouj tkila U liaa avutvwl a atrlklui artlatle ortattun. typifying tlia hand uf tba Balvatloa Arnjjr rvaiblai uut to reacuo tboia wbo are aiuliruudtd la tba cluuda of povvrty aud vli't. A Balvatlua Arruj laaa ta tba irliii.ljal Itiura, aud tba ecarlet IIdIdi of bar cloak, tbrowu back aa abe eufulda tbuaa wbo are calling; out to bar In dlatraaa, fur-ulaln-a tba poatar with Ita u auot of brilliant color. Tba background la af blicka, raja aul graaua, ludjcailui o( lb atura cjijuda uS oilaary and waut CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Ovr 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 1 Do You Enjoy Life? A man in good physical condition is almost certain to enjoy life, while the bilious and dyspeptic are despondent do not enjoy their meals and feel mis erable a good share of the time. This ill feeling is nearly always unnecessary. Afewdosee of Chamberlain's Tablets to tone up the stomaeh, improve the fft? nation and retruhitR tha hnweU ia all j at this needed. Try it. SALVATION ARfttf - VALIANTJN WAR Having Served Gloriously in the Trenches, Is Coming Back From Overseas for Peace Time Activities. ASKS HOME SERVICE FUND. National Campaign to Replenish Re sou rets Dtpleted by Long and Dl rect Contact Services With Our doys Scheduled for May 19-20. New York (Special). Like the t.000,000 American boys whom It served so gloriously In the trenches of Prance, the Salvation Army Is cuintni' buck from overseas, ready to put asM' Ita khaki uniform of war service, don attain the "Civvies" and embark once more on Its normal peace time activi ties. And, just like those doughboys, th Balvatlon Army has rnme nut of th war victorious and with citation fm bruvery, decorations for gallantry un der tire and golden chevrons Indlm tlve nf honorably won wounds on Its arm. The victory which the Salvn tlnu Army has won Is a victory ovi i the ulniacles that lay before It In Its purpose of efficient service of the fight ers of reran lug's army. Its citations are the thanks, cheers and prayers of 2(KKI,000 doughboys. Its wound strip sre rightfully golden of hue, for tlu-y typify the unselfish way In which the Army threw all Its resources finan cial, Kplrltual and moral Into the ef fort to help the American soldiers In Frauce. Now the Army Is asking the people of Ai ii'rli-H to give It concrete evidence of ihe urutltude which hus bewi so loudly, mid so willingly expressed. From May 19 to 20 the Salvation Army will conduct In the I'ulted States a CunjpHlgu to raise 113,000,000 for Us Hume Service Fund. The money la needed both to recoup the fortunes of the Army, shattered by Ita long service of the soldier and to permit It to carry on the work It has always done on the birder scale which the public now dt'iimnds. Raising the money by thte menus, the Katvotlon Army explains, will eliminate, perhaps permanently, the iHM-PMlty for the ceaseless solicita tion of fluids which hus been a bug bear to the Anny und the public ullke. Il will permit the workers of the Army, who, forced te devote more tliiui htilf their time to gathering money, were In cuiineqiience only liulf edit 'I cut In their evil 11 upI little und socliil service work to devote all their time In future in the duties for which they have been trained. The amount nf the fund hus been tlelcnuiiied exactly I l...!cnlly l uieuns uf budgets prvpttrcd Incully b) workers of the HttUiitlmi Army lu ull purtrt of the United Siutfs, Already heudqii.triiis for the cam mlirii have been i-iUbllshed In New Vwrli City. A ready rtii.iiixe In Hi tuurugeiueut and cheering mUIu's foi success has been heard from all part of the country. Men and wnun prominent In all walks of life ha volunteered their services as actlv partlrlpauts In the drive. The Army 2,000,000 loyal rooters the boys wl went overseas lu khaki are all I'-n-up ready to help. The Army nut 1 nl. helped theiu over there, but It fo:ini! Jobs for many of them after they hut. been mustered out of service, helped theui get the civilian clothing that was necessary If they wanted to take thoe Jobs, fed many of them, gave them ahelter and furnished them with trans portation to their homes. For the war service of the Salvation Army Is still under way. Its workers are still, many of them, In France, and Its huts, clubhouses and hotels for the reception of the boys returning front abroad are In full swing here. Neither, the Salvation Anuy asserts, will Its war work be abandoned until the laat boy la out of the khaki of the army or the blue of the navy. Tbs larger activities which necessitated the) coming campaign will exist and b financed Independently of the service) of the fighters from abroad. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The moment a girl finds her ideal she begins a search fur a substitute. IRY FOR KM CALOMEL Starts your lirer without fcia'. lng you aick and can not alivata. Erery druggist in town your druggut and everybody' druggiit has noticed a great falling-olf in the) aal of ealonw. They alt gift tha aanu) feaaon. Dodaon's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodaon's Liver Ton is perfectly safe and gires better re sults," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodaon s Liver Tone is per sonally guaranteed by every drug gist who sells it. A Urge bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give eaay relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, yom hare only to ask for your money back. Dodsan's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely Tegetablo remedy, harmless to both children and adulti. Take spoonful at night and wuke up feeling fine ; no biliousness, tick headache, acid stomach or consti pated bowels. It doesn't gripe or p ose inconvenience all tha next W1 1. I Fi 1. JT Dinl(3 " sugar-cured 5 ill SWEET EAFHKAL CIGARETTES Golden Virginia tobacco, blended with just a dash of Turkish, not merely "cured", not just "sugar cured", but maple-sugar cured B .1 $m - rim 2 fori. c iffj llilii Jh ",'!' IJ ff J ''sL.wa- itaSi'!!lfifI.,Mlrt.1iMfc. awnwamanimaniia.isjjiauTOi ararmf-nitiiniaBni 1 1 iWITATION.! You are invited tu open an account with the 1 14 BWK OF EHFKLD, elficLo, l. c. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart, ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail aaauauttaguaunatmarjuaoraaanamaonsm r lief About ihe first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is V'How does it feel?" In other stores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat rhaf will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we want to know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boyi Outfitters WELDON, N. C. s I

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