DR. WM. A. CARTER, VETERINARY SURGEON, ATS all diseases common to domes tic animals. Long distance calls answer ed promptly. Office South Weldon Phakmacy, Weldon, N. C. sfi-i U THE THE ROANOKE NEWS Thursday, May 15, 1919. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Weldon goes over the top once more. Mrs. Mamie O'Brien spent the week end in Wilson. Mr. J. C. Tilghman, of Towns ville, spent the week in town. Mr. Camm Tilehman, of Camp Jackson, is visiting relatives in town. After July a man may have hie coueh without feeling required to prove an alibi. Mr. J. A. Harvell's garage is completed and presents u very fine appearance. Mr. T. Burnette, of Gaiesville, spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. T. M. Allsbrook. Mrs. James O'Brien, of Rich mond, spent the week end here with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pugh and Master Edward, of Portsmouth, Va., are visiting relatives in town. 666 quickly relieves Constipa tion, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and headaches due to torpid liver. Rev. J. G. Blalock is attending the Southern Baptist Convention which is in session at Atlanta, Ga. We are proud of the confidence doctors, druggists and the public have in 666 Chill and Fever Tonic Mr. W. H. Allsbrook and son, of Smithfield, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Alls brook. Rub-My-Tism is a powerful an tiseptic; it kills the poison caused from inftcted cuts.cures, old sores, tetter, etc. Rub-My-Tism is a great pain kill er. It relieves pain and soreness caused by Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. ' Miss Blanche Savage, of Rocky Mount, who spent the week end with Miss Esther Allsbrook, has returned home. Mrs. A. E. Allsbrook, of Scot- land Neck, who has been visiting her son, Mr. T. M. Allsbrook, has ireturned home. Messrs. S. J. Dixon, Henry Farber and J. J. Willey attended ithe meeting of the Mystic Shrine, it Wilson, last week. Mr. J. M. Whitehead, who has been living at Roanoke Rapids, has returned to Weldon to live. We are glad to welcome him back. Arch Deacon N. C. Duncan was in Weldon on Monday last much to the delight of his many friends who were delighted to see him The rock fish season is about over, An oia nsnermen toia us that there more were fish in the river than there had been in 23 years. Mr. Leslie Daniel left Sunday tor Detroit, Mich., where he goes to accept a position with the company he was formerly with in Hopewell, Va. Mr. W. W. Wiggins, one of the appraisers for Halifax county, at tended the meeting of the apprais ers for the easters district, at i Goldsboro last week. Too many young people depend ton their father's money taking rthem through this world, and their -.mother's prayers making every ilhing all right for the next. A committee of young ladies de corated the Confederate monu ment with flowers and flags on the eve of memorial day which was appropriate and much, appreciated. This Is the best fish market we J know of. Although there were I hundreds and hundreds of rock Rth nn the market near v everv day last week, they were all sold at a high price. Last week during a severe thun der storm lightning struck a house on east Second street and com oletely demolished it. Luckily for those who lived there none of them were in at the time. Mr. W. T. Shaw, of Weldon, was here with Rev. J. E. Holden last Sunday and spoke in the in terest of the Centenary movement in the Methodist church at the morning service.-Roanoke-Chow- an Times. Mr. Moses E. Tucker left last week for Kansas City, Mo where he will take an electrical course. He will be in charge of Mr. C. B. Brickell's Garage, which Mr. Brickell will open here bouiJuly 1st. 666 has proven it will cure Ma laria, Chills and Fever, Bilious rcver, uoiasana Launppe. it Kins the germs that cause the fever. Mr. Dare Boone, of Winton.was in Weldon on Monday last making short call to relatives and friends. Mr. Boone is a rising young law yer, an overseas man and is now engaged in the re-distribution of taxes for his county. NOTICE. See Dr. Carter nhout inoculating your hogs against hog cholera. There is some hog chol era in this territory and you should have it done now to save your hogs. Phone 7. A Pretty Good Record. Last issue was the first u'me we fatted to come out on time since the Johnstown flood 30 years ago. The store underneath our office was undergoing some repairs which kept us from operaiing the press, so we were delayed until Thursday morning. Superintendent of Public WELFARE, -The county commis sioners and the county hoard of education of this county must elect a county superintendent of public welfare before July 15. I he coun ty superintendent is to be the chief probation officer of the county and the chief .attendance officer. Memorial Day Exercises, -The Halifax Chapter U. D. C. observed Memorial day on Tues day last wiih interesting exercises among which was the planting of a tree by the Junior Chapter in honor of William Brickell who gave his life in France. This is appropriate and - will serve as living memorial to this fine young man. R. R. Officials Visit Weldon, Mr. E. P. Laird, superintendent of Atlantic Coast Line, Richmond, Va , and Mr. A. T. Towmaster, superintendent of transportation of the C & 0. Railroad, made a visit to Mr. H. L. Grant last week. Mr. ijrant took these gentlemen out fishing for the famous Roanoke rock, which they enjoyed immense ly. Pennies More In Demand Than Dollars. Pennies are more in demand than dollars in these days of soda water taxes Since May I, when these taxes went into effect, the United States mints and sub-treasuries have been flooded with orders for millions of one-cent pieces and these coins have been shipped to the banks by the bushels. A Great Catch of Rock Fish There has been more rock fish on the market in Weldon this season than has been seen here in many years. Rumor say the cause of this is that one of the large seines in the lower Roanoke was some way broken, and so let the swarm of fish pass by and reach eir old time haunts. Some of the fishermen said the river was so thick with them a boat could hardly pass. A Six Month's Term The people of this State have deter mined that every boy and girl born within our borders shall have a fair chance in life to become a use ful man or woman. To this end they have prepared for a six months school term, with compul sory attendance, a juvenile court with a probation officer in every county, and a county board of charities and public welfare to look after social conditions and find remedies for social evil. County Board of Charities. The State Board of Charities and Public Welfare are required to appoint three persons in each county who shall serve without pay and act as a county board of charities and public welfare. It is probable that two men and one woman will be appointed in each county. 1 he county board meets with the county superintendent of public welfare and advises with him as to his work of general wel fare in the county. Judge S. M. Gary. Mr. S.M Gary, the clerk of the court of this county, is now the judge of the juvenile court for Halifax county, and has exclusive jurisdiction over all cases of delinquent, neglected or dependent children under six teen years of age. The juvenile court is not a criminal court, but a corrective and disciplinary and protective agency for children who are in need of such care. Located In Weldon. We are greatly pleased to announce that our friend, Dr. W. A. Carter who has been practicing his profession at Emporia, Va., has located in Weldon. Those in need of his service will do well to call on him. The loss of a horse, mule or cow means something these days and you cannot afford to lake chances on prescribing yourself, when a first class veterinary surgeon can be had. Compulsory. After July 1st of this year, when the law goes into effect, every child between ight and fourteen years of age must attend school for the full term of the public school, which is to be six months hereafter. If a child is unable to attend on account of pov erty he may be helped from the public funds. It will be the Busi ness of ihe school authorities and the chief attendance officer of the county to see that the law is com plied with. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of letters remain- iiiM '"uncalled for" in the Weldon postoffice : Ollie Baskerville, Lenard Ben ton, William Hriggs. Persons calling for above letters will please say ' advertised, giv ing date of advertising. D. T. Clark, P. M. . Weldon, N. C May 12, 1919. Cause ol Headache. By knowing the eause, a diaeaee may often be avoided. Thia ia particularly true of headache. The moat common eaun of headache is a diaordored atom ach, or conatipation, which may be cor rected by taking a few doaea of Cham berlain'aTableUi. Try it Many otliara hare obtained permanent relief by ta king these tableta. They are easy to taieatauUaadreatlelaegeet. New Board of -Commission ers Meet and Organize. -The new Board of Commissioners met last week and organized by elect ing the following officers: Treasurer W. L. Scott. Street Commissioner W. T. Whitehead. Attorney Geo. C. Green. Superintendent of Health Dr. S. B. Pierce. Chief of Police J. R. Crew. Night Watchman-R. S. Hall Superintendent of Water Works Z. Stringer. Clerk E. L. Hayward. Attended the Memorial Ex ercises. the following visitors were at the memorial services at the Graded school on Friday even ing last : Mrs. L. M. Gay and Mrs. C. T. Maxwell, of Philadel phia; Mrs. Fitzgerald and Miss Gladys Young, of Dunn; Mrs. W T. Shaw, Jr., of Taium, S. C. Mrs. John Kerr, Miss Mary Polk and Miss Harris, of Warrenton Mrs. Alley, of Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Dickens, Mr. and Mrs. Siedmun, Mrs. Gilliam, Mrs S. M. Gary and Mrs. Bass, of Halifax; besides friends from Scot land Neck, Roanoke Rapids, Ga- rysburg and the country. The Centenary Drive Mr W. L. Knight made an interesting i ilk at the morning service at the M. E. Church on Sunday last and one lady was received into the church by baptism at the evening service. The Sunday School workers are engaged in a campaign for new members all through this week and Ihe great Centenary drive begins next Sunday. There will be a house lo house canvass among the membership of the church and every member is requested to re main at home during Sunday af ternoon. This is general through out the M. E. Church, South, and it is hoped lo inaugurate a great spiritual ingathering as well as raise the $7,000,000 allotted to ihe Church annually for five years. Honor Roll for Month of April 1st Grade Annie Sue Howell, Dorothy Tilloston, Doro thy Jones, Robert Sheffield, Ola Belle Whitehead, Piercy Williams, Martha Pierce, Narcissa Moon, John Drake, Martha Horton. Advanced 1st Grade Lloyd Ray Cullom, George Merchant, Clyde Green Fulgham. Second Grade Margaret John ston Sledge, Kate Pilley, Evelyn Anthony, Ovid Pierce, Maxine Drake, Natalie Cole, Roy Alls brook, Arthur House. 3rd Grade Henry House, Shepherd Green, Janie Blalock, Anna Olivia Drake, Virginia Green, Virginia Turner, Elizabeth Allen, Eleanor Barr, Mary Frances Parker, Clarence Taylor, Whitley Draper, Lonnie Garner. 4 Grade David Jackson Ward, Mary Norman Harris, Walter Lee Scott. 5th Grade Hazel Grant, Eliz abeth Green, Vivian Sanders, Kennie Taylor, Bernice Dixon, Virginia Parker, Lucy Barnes. 6th Grade Frances Scott. 7ih Grade Helen Rowell, El- lice Bounds, Elsie Mae Crew, Lu- cile Allen, High School Lucile Wallace, Margaret Hudson, Ethel Crew, Lucile Merchant, Anna Shaw, Ida Vivian Hayward, LouiseHayward, Virginia House, Bessie Jones, Mabel Holdford, Katherine Wal lace, Margaret Anthony: Distressing Accident. Wel don has been shocked and grieved in many ways recently by the suc cessive distressing events which have followed one another in rapid succession but by none more than the painful accident which occur red on Saturday night and resulted in the deaih of little Dallas Augus tus the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Zollicoffer. This was caused by burns from a bath tub of very hot waier into which the little boy fell while playing with a ball. Mrs. Zollicoffer had set the tub down and turned away for a minute when the accident oc curred. The little fellow suffered intensely for a short while but died about 1 1 ;30 P.M. The parents are crushed with grief and the large family connnection and other friends unite with them in sorrow and deepest sympathy. The funeral services were con ducted from the home by Rev. F. M. Shamburger, all the ministers of the town taking part as well as Rev. N. C. Duncan, a former rec tor of the Episcopal Church. The burial was in the family square in Cedarwood cemetery. The pall bearers were the little boy's grand father and great uncle for whom he was named, Drs. A. R. and D. B. Zollicoffer and two own uncles Messrs. A. S. and H. D. Allen. The floral offerings came from far and near, were many and beautiful. Our hearts go out to the bereaved family to whom we would offer some word of comfort did we not feel thai nothing we can say can assuage their grief and only time and the consolation of knowing thai the little boy is safe with Him, who took little children in His arms and blessed them and said of such is the Kingdom of Heaven, can help them in this hour of heavy trial. SCHOOL NOTES. Certificate of Dissolution. Tu All tu Whom Tlii'm- Prem-iilf. May lo inn 1 iici'imtr Wlii'tnif, It uhiit'tuh to wv Nil infiii' - t it'll, liy luly uutlit'ittirulc'l n ruhl of llil' HiH'i'l'iiim.'H Imi 1 1 ip Vol II II I Hi V illa- I lution iheirol ty t ln muiiiiliHui i-nn- nl of nil tic floi'UioMi'r, ili'poitiil inv olliri', Unit Hie Ihxic iiYiilly Inc., :t iMinotiiiMii 'if tlit" si. id' uIiut l lj'lilil lillhV I h MtlUlll 'l in Un it mil of WYliloi), County of Itiiliiux, talc of Ndiili ri.ti.lmu, i H A. l"' k In inif tin- uifi'iit llifii'iti imi in I'liiuiti' tlii'ivnf, iiiiii v 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 iinvs limy tip I 'i vnl), lilt Coniilli'l Willi l!ic i'iinir- , iclMK ol ( liilpli I .M, lirwtil of D'l.i, it u Icil "t tu in Hill inn," m ill no tin i v lo i the ismiiUK ol thot lYililieuU' of l'ihi)' llltloli. I Now, Tlifipfoip, I,. I. I'.ryiia (.tinitt, Sct'ictiiry ol state ul the Htiilp o Ninth Caioliiiii, tlu lii'icliy rcilifv tliut the miM corporation ilnl.on tin -Itlnluy ol April HUH, llle m tny ullicc a miiy exccmni and aUcsteil cuihciit in wiitnitf to t lie dissolution of huiiI roipoiutioti, pj ceil ed by all the stock hoiiiiTt tiicit-oi, which Hani t'lHiHitit urn! Hit rei'iml of the procpuiluitrx al'oipuiil arc imv, on lilc in my mini olliep im provuli-il hy Ihw. in lpstiiiiony lictpoi, l nave Hereto net my Imtnl ami allixcl inv ullu'itil seal at Kak'itrh, Hun L'lth iluy of Apnl, A I'. liny, j. iiu i a.n (itii.Mi.s, Si'i'ii'laiy ol utc. 0 1 4t Notice of Sale. North Carolina, Halifax County, Hv virtue of lceil of Trust exucuU'il to mo on the ii.th day June, lit..,, hy Mi'lny Kearney and uthcrs to Hccurp a ui to IN. . w arren. i win on the -mi day of June, 1911), in front of the Hau ler s l.auk, in the town ol UUletoii, . at 1 1 o clock a. tn, Hell to the Inch est bidder for ca! the following dc- nerihed land Hituated in If utter wood TowiihIhp, Halifax county, N. 0 1km u- ilea hy the minis ol .Mek iHireHd, Mm. olio, v nanus Pickens una others, con tinuing 'AH acres, mote or lesi, and bciutf twine land that Mrs. M. A. Morris Hold l. 8. MoflB, more fully described in deed from MrH, M. A. Morris to 1. S. Monti, luted lUth day oflitfCPinbei. 1901, and recorded in Hook 142, on page Hril, in (he ollice ot the Register of Deeds fur Halifax county. This the 1st day or Mnv, 1!H9. A. W. (iliKKN, Trustee. N. W. WAIiliKN, Mortgagee. fi 1 4t Our chapel exercises have been changed and have found to be much more satisfactory. On Monday and Wednesday mornings the first six grades meet in the aditorium, Tuesday and Thursday mornings find ihe seventh grade and high school in the chapel hall, and on Friday, the whole school assembles for the morning exercises. We are very glad to have had the three pastors of the town conduct our devotional exercises and extend to them a standing invitation to come again. On Tuesday morning of this week four members of the ninth grade English class discussed ih query Resolved that Caesar' death was a public necessity. The Wilson Literary Society gave an extemporaneous debate on last Friday afternoon. These peo ple showed themselves lo be good material for state-wide triangular debatore. I he Cershing Society will pre sent in its last meeting of the year on Friday afternoon of this week a Burn s program. All are cor dially inviied to attend. W. B. E. NOTICE. Having oualilied before the Clerk of the superior i;ourt of llahlax couuty, orui Carolina, an administrator ol JohnO Hurtou, deceased, all persons holding claims against the estate of the Raid deceased are hereby notified to present them to me for payment, duly proved, ou or before the l-"th day of Anril, ittil), or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate ot the said de ceased are requested to make immedi ate payment. Tins the Oth dav of April, lUlti. A. J. HI UTON, Administrator of John 0. Hurtoo.dec'd. Keidsville, N. C. -v. ...I i I'ilri P OOKINti for the boy who has come buck is mother's biggest pleasure these days. And the New hetroil Vapor Stove makes it certain ihat the mother-made pie or cake he longs for will be perfect. Perfect, thorough and rapid baking and c-mking make this stove appreciated by every household. Al though it burns oil, it is comparable only lo a gas range in its powerful, instantaneously efficient burners with their sturdy construction and their ease of control. Detroit Vapor Oil Stoves No Wicks Light Instantly Work Like Gas A Detroit Vapor Oil Stove gives the same service and convenience as the modern city gas range and at a much lower cost. It is more econninicil than i-ither gas, coil ( r wood. Burns 19 hours to a gallon. There are no wicks, asbestos rings or wick substitutes of any kind in the Detroit Vapor Oil Siove. Heavy durable iron burners vapone the oil giving an intensely hot blue fiaine right under the cooking utensil. Call anytime and see our demonstration of this oil stove without a wick. You will be interested to see how it works like gas, I ) u WELDON, N. C. M JOYFUL EATING Unlets your food it digested with out the aftermath of painful acidity, the joy is taken out of both eating and living. Ill-HOIDS are wonderful In their help to the stomach troubled with over-acidity. Pleasant to take relief prompt and definite. MADE BY SCOTT A BOWNE MAKERS OF 5COTT3 EMULSION iU The Citizens Bank j HA! 1FA. N. C. til E invite the people ol Halifax and surrounding country to pat IT ronlze this Bank. Why not have a checking account ? It is necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re ceipt arainst payments to your creditors. Besides it gives you i standinz in your community. We have every facility known for Suund Banking, and invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention as the largest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Come in and talk it over with us. We need you, you need us. Hfyy ' SpEfiD JLL You EM? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX & HALIFAX 2ST. C. iHb bbb( 1-bbbbb o )aa ( I laaIDM Prompt Delivery our Hobby, Real Service MO ! NOTICE. To Our Ice Customers: It has been customary in the past to make two 2 Ice deliveries daily except Sunday, but we find with the high cost ot laoor, luei, ana in fact everything that we have to use for the manufacturing and de livery of Ice, we will either have to raise the price ot ice or in tne Future make one (1) delivery daily except Sunday, at which lime we keep our plant in South Weldon and our Ice house down town open until noon for the accommodation of all those who wish to send after ice. With the help of the people we hope to keep the prices down to normal. WELDON ICE COMPANY. By C. E. Carter, . L. Stedman, President P. C. dregory, Vipw-PreaidVnt. H. Gregory Cannier. THERE are many little tricks employed by good meat buyers in judging quality, And we are perfectly willing to share rur secrets with you. We buy only the best, but we want I you to know right at the time of your purchase 5 that you are getting what you want. And our I prices are right, too. We carry a full line of family groceries, etc The Pure Pood Store PARAGON GROCERY COMPANY.! PHONE 2-2-12-2-2 Weldon, I i, North Carolina, j aam(aHaB4MBaVOMBt" ANNOUNCEMENT FERTILIZER USERS! ELP MAIL WANTED. Sales men wanted in Crew.Farmville, Chase City, Va., Weldon and Roa noke Kapids, IN. (... tsuiia up a business of your own. .The C.rond Union Tea Co. will show you the way and furnish you the capital, personal bond, horse necessary. (Irand Union Tea Co., No. 3 W. Uroad St., Richmond, Va. J. J. Hudson, IManager. 5-1 5-3t MULE LOST. Strayed from my farm on Sunday, May 4th, a small black mare mule, with long hind huffs. Will give $5 reward for her return. James Wallace, tw Weldon, N. C. 666 has more imitations than any other Chill and Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wants imitations in medicine. They are dangerous. COR SALE. My house and lot, corner 2nd and Sycamore streets, Weldon, N. C. For particulars, apply to Mrs. Ida T.Wilkins. TOMATO PLANTS. The large I Brimmer and large . Ponderoas Tomato Plants for sale. 25 cents per dozen. Apply at This Office. This Company is now installing at all its plants complete and up to-date machinery for grinding and mixing ACIDULATED FISH SCRAP with 16 per cent. ACID PHOSPHATE. In due course we will put out this product finely ground in even weight bags, tagged and ready for immediate distribution by any make of drill or fertilizer distributor. We will also supply you next season, separately if you prefer, ACIDULATED FISH SCRAP, 16 per cent. ACID PHOSPHATE, SOFT PHOSPHATE, LIME or other fertilizer materials at lowest possible prices. Write for our book of testimonials from farmers inNorth Caro- Una who have used our Acidulated Fish Scrap fertilizer. THE IB iB OL WILMINGTON, N. O. THE FISHERIES PRODUCTS CO., WILMINGTON, N. C. SPIease send me your testimonial book on Acidulated Hish Scrap Fertilizer. 3C

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