i CALLED HER FAMILY TO HER BEDSIDE Six Ttirt Ago, Thinlunf She Might Die, Sayi Teu Lady, Bui Now She Ii a Well, Strong Woman tod Prauei Cirdui For Her Recovery. SALVATION ARM Y NEEDS I Annual Budget Shows Reasons for $13,000,000 Drive. Chain ' Hays City, Tel. Mra. Mary Kil u, ( thla place, eaya; "After tba birth of my little glrl...mr ailda com menced to hurt me. I bad to go back to bad. Wa called the doctor. Ha treated mo... but I got 110 batter. I fot worao and woraa until tba misery vu unbearable... I waa In bed for (bra months and Buffered luch agony that I waa Just drawn up In a knot. . . I told my husband If ha would get Do bottle of Cardul 1 would try It. . . I commenced taking It, bowerer, that rentng I called mj family about ma... for I knew I could not laat uy dare unlaaa I had a change for the better. That waa ill year ago and I am still here and am a wH strong woman, and I owe my Ufa to Cardul. I had only taken half the bottle when I began to feel better. The misery In my aide got leaa... continued right on taking the Cardul until I had taken three bottlee and I did not need any mora for I waa well and never felt better In my life... I bare never bad auy trouble from that day to this." Do you auffer from headache, bark- ache, palna In aides, or other dlscom forts, each month? Or do you feel weak, nervous and fairirod-out! It ao, give Cardul, the woman'a tonic, a trial. J. 71 That Salvation Army Smile I If l Vk. MMaakiaaaUIBimaHaU.j 1 1 1 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT Fa Saveral thounnnd reterana of th? Artfuiine Forest rerently enteral New York harbor. Among them wire several badly wound Mnrlnes. due man, vuatiy UUtUitfulsUtl becauitti of a coat r.leve time daiiKlwl empty at his shit, (tod a Croix da Uuerro, wui nmkhiK tun way alowly to tiie waiting amliulami whan a Salvation Army girl awiwhed hira aud offureil doughnuia and coffee "Now I kuotv I am home," he wild. "Thone douglmuta talped a wool lot ow there.' and, drat crack out uf the ho v. lien e land. e 8ud moro wait ing for ua. The heat thing atom the KaWatiuii Army wurk out near the front Hoe waa tba a mile that accompanied tho gift. Those girl hud a knack uf wrapping up every doughnut and every cup of coffee in a Mnlle. The dough outa ware floe, but tbe amlle that took the place uf powdered ugt.r ' Ae Salvation Army Home Service Fund Campaigu for tm.Umi.oOu upena May lw tolMtopiYftftlL Vaat Actlvitiea Conducted by 1,000 Corpa In United Statei Future Plana. New Ynrk. (Sptrla!) The annual budget uf the Kalvuilou Army, ruiitutii lug u detailed and couiprehciielve aiate 'mt'iit uf (tie coat uf maintaining lla va ried activities throughout tin? Vnlted K mil's, lius been Issued from National llcuiliune;s, Went Fuurteeiitti 'reel. The mutislh-a t-how why It la to' es-.iry fnr tUe SnUatloii Army to go lit't'ni-i the AmerU'flti people In the Wfi'k t May l! to I'd and auk Uu-in to CMlitllliilf $1 :-.,ihk,ikjO to lis ll.'lllf Kenhv fund Tin ic art' Wt ntm and Mlllnnti of tlif Sal Mil Ion Army In tbe In tied hi it Irs, The tost of mimituttjiiii: !! I S.iW.'i.iMhi The maximum lnoiiie v hl h iht'wf corps mil) cxpt-ct from collfriion.s in iiieciiiittx, i "in rllMiilom of mi'inht'iH tiii'l oilier outside loiiitl (union Is $71.iimi, making the net to tnl cost uf RiipportlnK ttie col i in $1,- PTOIHNt. Tin cost of inaliilaliiltiK dhi.slmml i ami -to ih'lut hcadiuartcra, whl.h hu Ionise (lie wurk of (lie loeul rorpa, will he, according to the budget, $:.:iO.- H.sl.Ics the work of aupcrvlslnit the local hciuhiiiurtera, the pnMticlul mul divisional hcadtiuartiTH are In rhnre of sfverul of the Salvation Ami) c lnii:il ii'-lh 1 1 led, ll)('lint!li Ihf t'l'fl'il tlon of frc-li air ciiiups for rhlMivn rciit-i' iiml cniplo.vment bureau and ih ptoi Inciiil I n m Is. I inter !he IicjhIIiik of "milloiial am ten Hoi hi I oiilialiona" I lie Suit at tot Arni iioliifles the expenses of num tiumiiL h;il an-Hinolit! it.s lies) kll-'Wt Iti-MiiiliujK, hose uliich nui lie i;roiip t- Hinler ihe t'cneral name of "aoeltil ork." l'or Hits purpose the Army Willils jfl.'JTH IHKI. The pension fund budget la $-ttNt ikhi Thf Sulvatton Army has determlnei; on the i-reeihui ,(f many new building-f.-r oeial work tn the future. I lu liiiili'ltiL' prt'tfraui will require expi-mli tilivs ,,r ?l,N7MKX-. 'I'll v i eiiNiiii'ler of the amount Nntitn for Hie Home Service Fund la for corps, divisional and provlmlal build Iiils ami a Kinnll contltiKvut fund. 1 'chills of the Salvation Army's ae ttMii.s In the ('lilted Statea for th lat iciir shun how reiharkable Ii (he si-ope of the Army's endeavors ami hl.it' vast numbers of people It nerve- 1 For iniiaiiee. the Army maintain set em tlw hotels for men ami women last aar l.dMl.V.'fi persons f-nn-.l kU'i-.iiii; aceitinmodaTlons In tics.' Ued-t were aupplled for 127 8N1I hil dreii In the Army "a four children, homes In the same period, while 48, Ml' hlldren were sheltered In the l Iirns bfds tin I pi: or '; lies. In the Industrial hoinei ere aupiilled for 1.742.S1S seue homea and materially turn t.vm girla went under tlie care rmy last year, rmy has 2.918 officers and m V United State. .hm yeai "in-bed to tvar 24,00Utuuu per Fertilizing Growing Crops DOES IT PAY? WOMArj'S NERVES MADE STRONG By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Winona, Minn. "I sufTiwd for mora than a year from oervouanesa, and waa bv uuu i coma not J- N. Harper, Soli Improvement Committee, Atlanta, Georgia. we application,. 0f lertlllira to tne frowini crope aa a supplement to a drat application made at seeding time li widely practiced In the South. The writer recently obtained from county aianta the names of leadinn lannera of North and South Carolina who make a bale or more of cotton per acre. These farmers were ad 4resaed a letter and asked, among other tbtnfa, to tell how they fertll toad their cotton. In these answers a Urge proportion report that they aaaie side applications of fertilizer A few of these reports that are typl i vi His resi era giren herewith: Mr. Jno, C. Fletcher. Medli a r Kind of aoll: "Ught loam with clay Fertl liter wed and method of ap uring: -use about l,4i0 Ihs. per n, mi appuea just berore planting and the other halt about June 16th." Mr. . O. Mann, Enfield, N. C. Kind of aoll: "Sandy loam and oeay 10am to gray etlff soil " FertUlaar ueed and n,u,hr.H n. Plying. "From (00 to 1,000 lbs. per ai re ,of an I JI. At time of planting use nun v iu evu loa., anout June let whea cottoa la chopped out make an other application of 400 lbs." Mr. Fred H. Young, Tlmmensvllla, 8. C. Kind of soil: 'Sandy loam with clay eubeotl." F.rtlllier uaad and method of ap Plying: "0 to 1.000 lbs. of fertlllier used. April let apply 600 lbs of fer tlllier, ridging on rame and planting about ten daya later. Fertilizer ap plied In three applications; 600 Ihs. before planting; about May 1st, an other application of 600 lbs.; and still another application of 200 to 260 lbs Juno tat." Mr. . F. Shalton, 8peed, N. C Klad of aoll: ' Nurlulk loam, or oara gray boh." Fertlllier used and method of an Plying: "100 Iba of a 962 used per n,:r luuriug normal times an 8 4-4), italf of fertlllier applied In drill at lime of planting; the other half when cotton la i to Inches high." Mr. A. O. Clarkaon, Wateree, 8. C. Kind of aoll: "Huston loam." Fertlllier used and method of ap plying: 'X600 Iba. of a fertilizer an alyalag 10 phosphoric acid, 3", nitrogen, and ao potash. Apply two thirls of fertlllier at time of prepar ing the land and one-third In May or June." Mr. 8. P. Winnurne, Come, N. C. Kind of aoll: "Light loam." Kertlliaer used utid method of an- lug: "600 lh r,. f 10.5.) well and feel fine in the momine and Allln in iln mrw .nl. I i .. able to do my work. I Rladly recom mend I.y.lia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable (ompound to make weak nerve etrontt." Mra. Albert Sultze. 603 Olmstead St, Winona, Minn. How often do we hear the expression amonu women, "I am ao nervoua, I can- By Mrs. Sultee'a eiperience and giva this famoua root and herb remedy. I.ydia b. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound, n trial. For fnrtv VuaM I l i" - , ueen overcom ing such aenoua conditions aa diaplace- menta. innamrit,nn i , wUi,, uanauun, irreg- ulantiea, periodic pains, backache, dn zmesa. and nnmii ' r. .iu,iiNa ui women, and la now considered the stan dard remedy forauch ailmenta. (during normal times 700 ihs of aa . Apply fertilizer and stable manure in drill before planting Ap ply onethlnl ,.f ' . .r -, 1, user as a snle application when plants are about knee high." Mr. H. A. Monroe, Cameron, N C Kind Of SOU- "Hru.,ll.. -.... ' with clay sub.,oil " ' "" Fertilizer used nH m,i,..., ... Piling; "600 lu 800 lbs. of fertlllier ry ..e u.uu. ran applied at time of preparing the land, und 2011 to '300 lbs. aoolfe.l hi aldu .1 l blooms appeur. Mr. F. H. Waller. Kingston, N. C. Kind of soil: "Oray sandy noil " Fertilizer used n,l n,, .. - plying: "sou lbs. per acre of a 10.4T Apply fertilizer In drill .bout ten days prior to planting side dress one or two times about June L'O and July 10." Mr. W. F. Peterson, Clinton, 8. C. Kind of aoll: "Iiurk gray." Fertlllier nue.1 un.i ...... kl.j u uwu ,uciuuu ul plying "400 lbs. when rows are laid off: 2G0 lbs. as side mi,ii, ,,,. lit second ulowtnr aft .i,n,.,n. 250 Ihs. as another side application when plants are knee high." side Apphcatiana to Cotton. At the time the cotton nlant la i full bloom ample plant food must be available or else a large percentage of the squares will shed. While ther. are other factors that cause shedding. ior eiampie. a lack of a proper amount of moisture; still. It has been urovea that even with the most favorable moisture conditions, a lack of plant food Is the potent cause of thla trouble. Under boll weevil conditions, the fertilizer used In side applications should contain a high percentaae of phosphoric acid and a rather low Der- ci-ntage of nitrogen. Thla fertlllier hi- the effect of forcing the young bolls to gulck growth and early ma turity. 8lda Applicatlona to Corn. While it usually pays to make a larger side application of fertilizer for cotton than for corn, still, many of the best fat-mere in the Southeast advocate liberal aide applications foi llet ill '"iiijia a would lie awake and get ao nervoua I would have to get up and walk around and in the morning would be all tired out. I read about I.ydia E. 1'inkham'e Vegetable Com pound and thought 1 would try it. My nervousness soon left me. 1 alee corn. Tbe period of tbe growth of corn ! much shorter than that of cotton; con sequently, there must be preaent In tbe aoll Large supplies of avallahia plant food at tbe critical period of lta growth, which la from the time It li waist high to lessening time. Subscribe? 10 THEROANOKE NEWS, Only $1.50 Per Year"" Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CA3TORIA Children .Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Land Sale For Taxeo I will sell to the liiliet bidder fur cash at the court house door in the town of Halifax, Monday, June 2, ltim the following described lands in Little ton township, for taxes ami costs for year Huh: Sarah Alston, ltown lot, Ji-j hU Millie Asli est. 10 acres (lee land, 2 41 tterry Drown, 1 town lot, h Horn lloyd, ;ij acres, Harper j m ade ( arter est. 127 a lleep ( r'k 21 44 Jamea Harris, a a. Johnston tract ;l mi .lames Harrison, 3 a. " " 11 -'t J. J. W. Harris, 34a a. Turnpike II. 1. Mayo, 1 town lot, Ned Snow est. 62 a. old home sterling Harris. Isj a. Itopera llattie Alston, 1 town lot Howard Fitts, 2 a. Oak (irove Henry Tet Jonee, 4 a Kdwards Uliver Solomon eat, 5 a. home Francis Thompson est, 14 a. r. Alston Mrs. Paul R. Howard. 1 town lot H. W. KINK, Tai Collector Littleton Township rn u:. 3S 04 9 Tti 0 113 !l 711 33 2 3ti 2 HO 3 W 4 l:t mm halm Wipe Imm 1 1 ill I mm Mm 11 all A Good Tire Year You have doubtless noticed the growing pivpundenince of United States Tires, Every one is asking for tires of known value and proved dependability. And that is precisely what United States Tires represent in the minds of motorists here and everywhere. The idea back of United States Tires to build good tires the best tires that can bo built, is appealing to rapidly growing numbers. We can provide you with United States Tires to meet and meet exactly your indi vidual needs. United States Tires are Good Tires Butclielor Bros., Vt'eldon. Halifax Hardware Company, (G. li. Lewis,) Halifax. Glasgow & Browning, Linleion. Glasgow & Baucoin, Littleton. L. G. Shell Co., Inc., Rosemary. L. J. Bradley & Co., Jackson. M. D. L. Harris & Son, Seaboard. P. C. & C. W. Gregory, Tillery. IF YOU WISH To have in your home, comfort To add charm to it's appearance To make your friends admire it To leave something to be cherished by posterity Then Visit the Great Furniture Emporium of Sydnor& Hundley Richmond, Va. And pick your Furnishings from the Immense stock of FURNITURE, RUGS AND DRAPERIES, Reasonable Prices and Liberal Cash Discounts. OUR MOTTO:-.Quality, Design and One-Price. LIFT OFF CORNS! Sale of Land for Taxes I Kill Jail tn til.. hir,l,-t t : J , cash at the court house door in tha town nf HaIiIVt nn Mnn.l... t - , wu uuua , ii uue .11 litll), the following described lands in cuuu luwusuijj, ior iaxa and costs for year IttlS: C P. Anthonv. 1 town lot' bailie brown, 3 afres laud k. a. (jneek, I town lot WitlHpId f:iftrk 1 inn l.n Willie Hay, 6 acres Und Tom Daniel, 14) acres land C. M. Kripea. Exec. 1 town l,,t Klizaiiatii BnH Tnl. - I'narlea Long. 2 acres land ' 1 aisy uong, 'i acres land Tom Ijnir I l.A .M., lJ Kmily Marable, 1 town lot, r.xutn oniiiii, w acres land Efekiel Simins, 1 town lot Key. J. W. Wood. 1 town lot .T I. t. 1 DDIa Tax Collector Weldon Township. JIT.04 1 IS 20.12 6. R5 S.: 7. M 6.1s . 1.8S 1.25 I'Kl 4.77 3.51 1 0.35 12.78 6.92 Apply few drops then lift lore, touchy corns off with fingers WILSON INDORSES SALVATION ARM V. Prealdent Wllaon, burdened aa lia la, founil lime to cable hla endoraement of Hie Salva tion Army Home Serrlce Fund Campaign, which will he con ducted JuilLa n.w wk or lay 1V-28. Tba cablegram : M Command.r Miss E. Booth, " Paraonal, Salvation Army, 120 Wst Fourteenth etreet New Vorkl : ft V- Dmim't hi,, - t.:., urop a mile rreaaone on an aching eorn, instantly rViZ ,.top,w burti' Uwn ia -e , magic 1 A tinv hnttiA nl pru.n.. 1. 1 . j w. a inauus VUlll Vll A lew cenU at any drug atore, but ia luffi rient to remote every bard corn, aoft core, or corn between the toss, and tba calluaea, without soreness or irritation. Freesone ia the sensational discovery A Cincinnati genius. Jt u wadrru I am vary much Interaatad la know that the Salvation Army la about to antar Into campaign for 1 sustaining fund. I fael that the Salva tion Army needa no commen dation from ma. The lava and gratitude It haa ellcltad from tho troops la eufflclent evidence of the work It haa dona, and I feel that I ahould not ao muoh command It aa to congratulate It Cordially and ainceraly youra, WOODROW WILSON. SAYS LEWulJ J01CE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! Make thla cheap beauty lotion 10 tiaar ana wniten your akin. 8iiKie the Juice of two lemons Into bottle cuntaiiiiiia thr.... orchard white, shake well, and you have - M. ...- F,, ui lw ireuKie and Ian lotion, and r,imnl..Tt,,n I,....,, A., -a vcl V. verv small ciih, ' Your (rroccr has the lemons and any drug store or toilvt counter will supply three uuncea of orchard white for a few wnts. Massage this aweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and btrmishee disappear and how clear, aoft -..-. vain hwojhob. zeal is la l I,.. Cow Peas Soja Beans TUduco your fTiilffT -pi-tifio Hiid pave f'''d hiiln by growing Cow 1'eaa and JSoja itcii riH, Thoy cnrih tho lnn! n't only when pluwetl undur, but w tu n usiil fur ftiniKt- and gruzinff. Thry can lnt isniwn to mlvantno In your turn crnp adiJine nltrogin and hu mus to your eoii. It pays to order WOOD'S SEEDS Our Cow Few, Boja Bmnn nr nipprlor in clMnl.m(i and quality to cow pras and beans dm tirillnarllv totd. Write fr 'Wond'fl Crop Bpprlal," Klvug rriceM ttDd miint)le Infnrma tlon atut all Field and Oar den tii'vd. T.W.Wood & Sons liciiaiD, mionmona, Tlrfima. KITTNER'S L. SHOE STORE I have in my store a complete line of Men's Women's and Children's Spring & Slimmer Shoes. All latest styles and col- ors Come Early S and have your choice, Good Shoes at Reasona ble Prices ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. KITTNER'S SHOE STORE, L. KITTNER, Prop. Opposite I'ostoflice Weldon, N ('. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKL1ION, N.C. 1'ractices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Huprome ana Federal courts. Collections maile u all parts of North Carolina. Hrancti otlice at tiaiuax open every Monday An Appetizing Meal l:er body wants It. I:ver body likes It. Everybody's looking for It. BUT Nun inn't get it unless you have the right kind of groceries, del 'em HERE I Phone 2H0. R. M. PURNELL, Wrlilon, N. C New Quarters egy Just moved into "" our handsome new brick building with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder I'LUliS! ll.UI'.S!! Now m the time to ("lure your oitKid f'i liut f. t VMitil fin. W v inuki' 1 111. tfjtDYHE Co., Halifax, N. C. Q. E. LEWIS. Manager. 3 IB 3m UEORQEC. UREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Otlice in Green building Weldon, N. C. Wm. L7KNIQHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, VKI,lKN, s. r. Oltice iu tlit jtaiiifl Uuilding. liusiUfBs promptly aud taitlifull)' at icnueu to. LLIOTT B. CLARK, Attorney-at-Law, WKl.lHIN, N. t". Money to loan ou real estate tlllice ill Ureen Huikling. ASHLEY B STAINBACK Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public. WELDON, - N. C. Practices in the couits of Halifax and adjoining counties, l'rompt attteiition to all business entrusted to me. Ollica over M. C. I an a atore. T. CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. (!. I'rartices in the courts of Halifax and iljoininir cuunties aud il the upreine court 01 me Male, special attention Biven to collections and prompt returns W.J. WARD, UKNTIHT, OtHCE IN DASIKL Bl'lLMMi WELUON, N.C aeplS ly B. L. THAVla, aa. a. l. raavis, ;a. TRAVIS & TRAVIS, Attorneys-at-Law, HALIFAX, N. C. I'ractice in the State aud Federal courta if 'I H.W. HARRISON'S Prf iei Qo to HARRISON'S P 01 For Automobile He pairs and Huppliui. All kinds of Machine work done ttta tiouary , (iasoliue, Manne and Ntram Kuirinra, (inns aud I'istola. Saiiafarlion liuaranteed, AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies on hand lor salt II. W. IIAKKINON, Weldon, N C OF I'F TO THE MINUTE MILLINt I V. FANCY UOOiiSand NOVELTIES liutterick'al'atterna R & 0. Corsets, Misiei at 75c. Lad i en 7fc. to 1 B0l Price will he made to suit tlit times, llatk and lionuftn Diadt and trim med to order. ALL MAIL Olil'KKS l'KUlUl'TLY ULLKP. MRS. V. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. SEND YOUR ORDERS, FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING TO t. L. HAYWARD, Weldon. N. C. Pi! n I I Larsett Stock: id the South. Whan in Nnrrnllr a.II A- Vn ,ll Rn,l .1... . Sufi; a" 11 quicaiy. f , ) Having oo cauvaaacra, ao rc. - - iit", i-uui missions are aa I 1 drd to our prices. This ens-- 1--' ablce ua to uar lirslclan ma terial and linish it properly i W Pay Freight and UuaranU Salt Arrival; THE COUPER MARBLE VKtFrf, (llSiyears in busioeaa.) Ill "li I'ank rft. NOIJFCI K V (iAHACiIO. S1 lrd mtirka ud oprletil okUlmal w no t. Ik ud mu4L sktUiiM or ftkU ud 4a vripUan far FRII BIAROH 1 mn OU awtsNlUbslltr BukKfainMM, PATINTt BUILD POKTUNIB tor rot). Uvr ft kMraklM toll bw. kaU tBrval 4 Mil Ml MMHU. Writs loaU.fi. D. SWIFT & CO. 803 gavaaih 81., WasHatai, D. C. ,v OP f KEW HOME I my wife" I I s U 1 NO OTHER LIKI IT. NO OTHER AS OOOO. a?,rrhaaa tk. " MtfU Unlj t " " n"6 na jom will ha vi lilrtUiM at ihc i .Lt you p,v. ih,. Hiai ntiiou ttVMt epctt- I,,- u)friut Mofkmarxhip tad bM Ukiltif, UMifiulifi,u,e, lilPUn rviccM miol. mum on h.w,.,..h. rNFWMnur WARRANTED FOR ALL TIMI. .e ona over lortuperiut wwtof ,ualitit. J ul undM ur oibtr umi. the Mw home uajiiig mmw cmmit. i t atlas

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