f- IS 5 i 8 r Grapes If you know a Scuppernonj Grape grower cut this out and send it to him. I: Akl; BUILDINO A The prices of these better grades are low enough to suit all, Also a nice line of Groceries L. J. Moore & Co., Successors to E. Clark. Opposite Hustolfice. The Store of Quality and Service THE ROANOKE NEWS Thursday, June 12, 1919. Published Every Thursday. BNTSHEO AT PutjTUI'FlCK AT Kl.DUN Al SBCOND-LXASS UAITUR. K-MISOFSIBSCRII'TIIIMNAHVANCF: One Year, (by mail) postpaid, tl.&O. Six MouthB, " " .75. wiM'kly I 'euiocrutic journal devoted to the material, educational, politica and agricultural inU-rt'stH of llalilax and BurroundiDgcounticH. AdvertiNin rater, reasonable and fur nished on application. Necessity is also the mother of a league of nations. Congress comes to bat full of ginger and the determination to hit out a home run. STILL it was not intended that Germany should accept the peace terms with applause. The world will never be as bad as some people think it is or as they think it ought to be. ALAS the college graduate will not arrive in time to solve the world's most serious problem. If Foch ever announce a lunch eon engagement in Berlin he may be relied on to keep it to the min ute. Lots of men who have traces of greatness in their make up spoil everything by kicking over the traces. Denmark will not object to re ceiving more territory provided that territory is not all cluttered up with Germans. AUSTRIA is to take one of the heads off its eagle. That two headed bird never knew where it was going anyway. Mandate or no mandate, the Turk may as well recognize the fact that his days for organizing massacre parties are over. Herr Scheidmann proclaims that "the world has again lost an an illusion" the illusion that Ger many was to rule the world. CATARRH CAN NOT BR CUPED with I.Hal appl'eiittnn", a !;(", caiul reach the aeat of the disease. Catarrh il a local disease, greatly iullueuced )y coDHtitutional condition!), aud in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medicine in taken internally ami acta thru the blood on the mucous aurfacea of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the beat physiciai.. in Urn country for yeari. It n composed of tome of the beat tonica known, com bined with lomeof the beat Mood pun Hen. The perfect combination of the ingredieot. in Ilall'a Catarrh Medicine ia what produce! inch wonderful re aulta in catarrhal conditiona. P. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Olii-o Testimonials sent free. Price 76 eents per bottle. Hold by all druggist Hell's Family Pills for Constipation Wanted- BY a wonderful discovery the famous Vir,,-n; i Daro wine is now produced in NON-Al.COHOl.iC lorm, meeting every requirement of pn aibitioa h .-. Growers of Scuppernong Grapes are they, fori-ad to fertilize thoroughly and care for the vii-s.viU. than ordinary attention, to insure a bite cu-p. We will be in the market as ubiial for big supplies for which attractive prices will be paid. M-NV 2SH.IKH) UU.I.ON I'KliSS HOISI: A I" AKEUDEEN. f OA NX WD we protect our customers by handling tlie best brands of c June J goods whose iiukers have high reputations to uphold. Clemenceat is said to eat but one meal a day, but that may be like Mark Twain's smoke a day from early morning to midnight. The ex-Kaiser will feel that the discovery of the throne of King David in Palestine comes too late. A year ago he might have claimed it. If the railroad raies must be raised, perhaps the owners of the railroads want the government to raise them before giving up con trol. Germany is strong now for the fourteen points well by the lime we timsh ramming ilium down her throat it became necessary to add a few more. Another thing that should dis pose Congress to favor the league of nations is that the league w ill provide a few snug harbors for lame ducks. Congress is now giving a life like imitation of a lot of gentlemen try ing to make believe that woman suffrage was always their heart's greatest desire. It may comfort certain United States Senators to know that Pres ident Ebert, of Germany, also hopes that the American Senate will re ject the peace treaty in its present form. With the rest of the world gone dry and Germany putting out the "old familiar juice" Germany should worry about its war debt. It can get rich on the growler trade alone. Some returned soldiers are solv ing the problem of displacing wo man workers by marrying the wo men and taking over the jobs. This is not forcible annexation, but benevolent assimilation. With the end of the war the postman's bag contains fewer black bordered letters, but it bears a heavier lot of missiyes that the postman knows are wedding invi tations, and that he smiles to de liver. To hear Senator Penrose urging retrenchment in governmental ex penses gives one a sensation akin to that of flying wrong side up in an airplane. Still, the Senator may prove a wonder in the re trenchment line. "For the coward there is neith er glory nor peace." We don't know who said it but in the lan guage of the day, he said a mouth full. Opponents of the league of nations might try the sentiment on their consciences. Each of the nations represent ed at the peace conference seems to to think ii expedient at one time or another to arise in the majesty of outraged dignity or something and walk out, Rut it is significant that each in passing the doorkeeper asks for a pass check. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA rj GARRETT & COMPANY Bush T. rmin.il Building No. 10 BkOOKLYN, N. Y. 1 )H J GOODS I We gather from the critics that Postmaster General Burleson is to blame for letting those bombs into his old department, and that it was one of his mail cars that bumped into Samuel Gompers. These critics have not yet thought of blaming Burleson for the war, but give 'em time. j VELDON 33 YEARS AGO. j p..-. -0 i-rom the konuiike News, June 3 III, leWtl The Campbell place was sold Saturday fur division and was Dur- chased by Mr. R. U Edwards for ? 1,400. We are glad to learn that Mr. J. N. Tillery, of this county, has taken rooms in Major Entry's new building and will hereafter be a resi dent of this place. U e welcome him to town and only tisli we had hundreds of others like him. EIGHT. Last Saturday Molt Powell and G. F. Collins, both white, engaged in a dispute here about some money and came to blows. Collins threw Powell down and Powell cut him on ihe head in several places with ,i knife, but not seriously. Runaway Marriage Ar Ga RYSBIirg. Mr. W. R. Roffe and Miss Florence Chambers, both of Petersburg, fell in love with each other, but the young lady's father objected. Last week Mr. Roffe through a ttiend al Garysburg had a license ready at the latter place and on Sunday the young couple eluded opposing parents and came out to Garysburg, where they were made one just as a telegram was received asking for their arrest. June 10. Mr. H. C Spiers re turned home last week after a month's visit to Baltimore and Vir ginia. Mrs. Lizzie Norment, of Wash ington City, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. W. R. Smith, re turned to her home Saturday. Married. On the 23rd of May by J. W. Johnston, Esq., J. p., Thomas J. E. Hockaday to Miss P. I. Glasgow, all of this county. In the Church of ihe Advent, EnHeld, on the 8th instant, Rev. A. S. Smith, D. D., officiating, Mr. C E. MeGwipan to Mis Sadie C. Bellamy. DIED. At the residence of Mr. A. M. Inge, about six miles from town, Monday afternoon, his little daughter, Delia, aged about three years, of diphtheria. We extend our sympathies 10 the bereaved parents whose jewel has been transferred 10 the skies. CASTOR IA For Iaftuit and Childria In Um For Over 30 Years AlwayttMJt J? - HALIFAX SUPERIOR COURT. Criminal Cases Disposed ot Last Week. The following criminal cases j were disposed ol .11 Halifax Supe-! rerior Court last week : j George Bishop, a. and b. Two j years in jail. To be hired out. j Joe Ousby, houve breaking. 2 years on county roads. Mary Frances Alston, a. and b. ti months in jail, to be hired out. Ellis Williams, Floyd Stokes, Tom Perry, larceny. Guilty. Pray er for judgment continued upon I paying cost and appearing before S. M. Gary, Judge Juvenile Court i on the l?th day of July, 1919 and i be dealt with according to judg ment of said court, i Fergus Harvell, a. and b. Not guilty. Win. II. Alston, burglary. Not guilty. Edwin liarrcll, liquor. Twelve j months on county roads. Willie Etheridge. Trespass; $ I fine and costs. I J. H. Elliott, trespass. Judg- mem suspended. ! Jim Pippen. Abandonment. Not guilty. Jesse Carroll, c. c. w. Judg ment not pronounced. Jim Hardy, abandonment- Sen tence not pronounced. REI'OliT OI'GRANDJl'RY. To the Hon. Judge of the Superior Court of Halifax County, N. C. We, the Grand Jury of Halifax County, beg to report as fullows: The County Home is badly out of repair. We most heartily en dorse the recommendation of a I former Grand Jury to provide bet ! ter buildings and more modern equipment. I The jail is in first class condition. The convict camp at Roanoke Rapids could be improved by the use of a few screens in the kitchen. Respectfully, O. W. Pierce, Foreman of Grand Jury. ANOTHER BONUS. Senator Park Trammell, of Flor ida, the author of the bill which became law creating the bonus of $ ;0 for men serving in the navy, military or marine forces of the United States in the war, intro duced the following: "Thai all persons serving in the military or naval forces of the United States during the war with the German Empire who have since April 6, 1917, resigned or been discharged under honorable conditions (or in case of reservist) been placed on inactive duty, or who at any time hereafter (but not later than the termination of the current enlist ment or term of service) in the case of enlisted personnel and female nurses or within six months after the termination of said war in the cases of officers, may resign, or be discharged under honorable condi tions, or in the case of reservists, be placed on inactive duty shall be paid, in addition to all otheramounis due them in pursuance of law, a further sum of $ HO each. " FARMEKS FOR THE LEAGUE. A recent report indicates thai an overwhelming majority of the 12,000,000 farmers of the coun try favc-, not only the idea of a League, but the League Covenant as ii now stands. More than two hundred agricultural organizations national, State and local have adopted resolutions favoring the entrance of the United Stales into a League. Ninety per cent, of these resolutions were adopted since the publication ol the Cove nant. Copies were sent to Pres ident Wilson and to the Senators representing the States in which these organizations are located. The list includes most of the leading national agricultural bodies among them the American Agri cultural Association, Farmers' Ed ucational and Co-operative Union of America, Farmers' Equity Un ion, Farmers' National Council, Farmers' National Reconstruction Conference, National Board of Farm Organizations, National Reconstruction Conference, Na tional Board of Farm Or ganizations, National Federation of Gleaners, National Grange, and the Non-Partisan League. The League Bulletin. Have You? Every ambitious girl has in view some idcil wotk, and if they do not reach the point of perfection in that work they will be dissatisfied. Do not think be cause they do all the work set be fore them willingly, that they are satisfied. Don't you know that they are working to be promoted higher? Do not think that a pro fession will make your girl less womanly, no, never. Every wo manly woman likes to be indepen dent. Parents, do you realize that your girls will soon be women and have to fill women's places? Have you done your duty by trying to fit them for their position? If so, God bless you. If not, God help you to do so. Ciamnteed r Read the Lurianne guarantee. Study it I It is the broad est, fairest coffee guar antee ever written. You Cent mis of tb - . 11 ;rsr;;:'. can use "v-.t.us or L' get your money back if you are. not tlio roughly satisfied. bJ IVKhV I'lH'Mi SlH D IN AS Alk HUH UN I AN m The Reily -Taylor Company New Orleans IUT THAT CAN ;K M AUK Cost lo yuu -M a (iallon wht'O mii.le ret.il y to tine. Keeoiiinif mlrtl liy Batiaiiptl u situ for ovei in yeai. Obtain COLOK CARD (ram our Agenl or LONGMAN 8 MARTINEZ, Manufacturers New York Ho to Make Mischiei-.-Keep your eyes on your neighbor. Take care of them. Do not let them stir without watching. They may do something wrong if you do. To be sure you never knew them to do anything had, but it may be on your account they have not. Perhaps if it had not been for your kind care they might have disgraced themselves a long time ago. Therefore do not relax any effort to keep them where they ought to be. Never mind your own business that will take care of itself he is looking over ihe fence be suspicious of him; per haps he contemplates stealing.some of these dark nights, there is no knowing what queer fancies he may have got into his head. If you find ny symptoms of any one passing out of the path of duty, tell every one else what yuu see, and be particular and see a great many. It is a good ay to circu late such things, it may not benefit yourself or any one else particu larly. Do keep something going silence is a dreadful thing; though il is said there was silence in heav en for the space of half an hour, do not let such a thing occur on earth; it would be ton mu:!i for this mundane spete. If, alter all your watchful care you cannot see that they have done anything bad, throw out hints that they are no better than they should be that you should not wonder if the people found out what they were alter a while, then they may not carry their heads so high. Keep il going, and some may take the hint and begin help it along after awhile then there will be music and everything will work like a charm. Follow the above directions and you will be pretty sure to make plenty of mischief. Only Brave. There are fath ers who grandly struggle against the hues ot fate, and never lisp the secret of their despair, whose young dreams have all Faded, but who patiently bear their allotted burden with what tries to be resig nation. I here are noble women w hose domestic afflictions would crush them if they were not hero ines, who silently suffer and make the most of their disappointed years. They sing and so the world thinks ihem happy, when they are only brave. CONQUER WEAKNESS by keepinfl your Dowers of resistance at highest peak. It is as natural for Scott's Emulsion to strengthen as It is for your lood to nourish the body. i7 uou would conauer weak ness-increase your resistance- take scotrs Lmulsion often. & Bowot. ttloom&ckl. V I. -T Certificate of Bissolntioe. " To All to Whom These I'resmits May vuib . tier 1 1 tig. Whereas, It appears to m, satiafac lion, ly iluly autlieotirateil reeoi.l of Ihe proreeilinirn lor the voluntary ilio lutioo thereof hy Hie unanimous rim sent of all the ati'khijil.r, ilepositeil iu my onice, mat the Welilnu Illicit ami t-an.l Intprvrnictlt t'ou.i.auv me , a eorpoiation of Una state, ahoae p" pal olhce is situated in the loan ul n h,i, iu, County of llalilai .-mir ui ..uriii , aiolina, ( V, Y . lfslus neiiiK ine bki'ui uiereiu ami lu rharife thenar, upon ahum proee.s msv he serveitl. has complied with the require ueuts of Chapter lil, Hevisal of 1H05, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this (.'ertilicata of Disso lutioa. Now, Therefore, 1, J. Bryan (Irnuei, Secretary of State of the Slate of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the Mid corporation did, on theuthdsy of June 191H, tile in my orhce duly executed and atteated consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, eiecu ted by all the stockholders thereof, which .aid consent and the record of the proceedings afureiaid are now on tile in my aaid office a. provided by law In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto et my hand and art) ied my official seal at Kaleigh, this Oth day of June, A b Ma. J. BRYAN GHlMES, Secretary of Stat. 12 t the wnoie can Luzianne andthen coffee For Ji'st One Day. We can all find strength lu carry our bur den in one day; to be kind and sweet, and true, and firm, just nil night falls. Tins is all life ever asks of us. To tight one day's temptation, do one day's dunes; check angry and fretful humors; hold our tongues in subjection, and, if we can say nothing kind, say nothing, nothing at all, for just one day. For Colds, Catarrh or Influenza. Do you fee weak and unequal to the work ahead of you Do yuu utill cuugb a little, or doea your nose bother you? Are you pale? Is your blood thin an i watery? Better put your body into ahape. Build strong! An oM, reliable blood-maker iod herbal tonic made from wild roots and barks, is Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This "nature remedy" comes in tablet'or liquid form. It Kill build up your boJy, cure your cold, and protect you from dwea aernis which lurk every where. no of the active ingredients of ttiH temperance alterative and tonic ia will I'hcrry bark mth stilhnttia, winch U bo good for the hintvf und fur coughs; ulao t regon grain; root, blood root, tituiio root, Queens rout, all skilfully cuniluned in the Medical Discovery, The.- rooU have a direct action on the stomach, improving digestion and asaimi latum. These herbal extracts in the ''Discovery" aid in blood-making, and arc best for scrofula. By mi proving the blood they aid in throwing oil an attack of influenza. Catarrh should be treated, 6rst, as a blood disease, with thia alterative. Then, in addition, the noae should be washed daily with Dr Dane's Catarrh Kcmedy. Send lUc for tnal kg. of Medical Dis covery TublcU or Catarrh Tablets to Dr 1'ierce, Invalid.-' Hotel. BuiLUo, N. Y. ASK YOUR BANKER A successful business man never hesitates to call on his banker for advice. His banker mighi hesitate to ad vise the purchase of an automobile because it is a source of expense; but when you mention your haul ing needs and the necessiiy for a a truck, you at once enlist a bank er's interest. The earnings from a good truck will soon pay the original cost of ihe truck. Your banker does not think of truck buying as an expense. He knows that it is an industrial econ omy an asset in your business which you will quickly recognize in your Dank account. 1-very progressive bank in ihe State is glad to lend money lo any suDstantiai larnter or business man to buy a truck. Your banker will want to know. however, what sort of a truck you intend to buy, what record n has, the kind of service behind it, and the financial responsibility of the manufacturer. The splendid performance of In diana Trucks running in all other sections of the Stale is not equalled by any other. It is built at Marion, Ind , by the Indiana Truck Cor poration, a concern which enjoys the highest possible financial rating. The State distributor is the Caro lina Motor Co., of Staiesville.N.C, a firm that is well known in truck circles, and one not unknown to your banker. U'uli audi evidence ot responsi bility behind it, the Indiana Farm 1 ruck is commanding very favora ble attention among the farmers of this county. Every Indiana Farm Truck car ries the Porta Power Units which turns it into a portable power plant. It makes use of every idle second of the truck more than ever a real investment. Sale of Land for Taxes. I will aell to the bigbest bidder for cash at the court bouse door in th. town of Halifax, on Monday, July ?lh tain, the following described lands id Faucetta township, for taxes and cost, for year 1U1S Lawyer Barnhill, 31 I t acres, kobersoo, Hu Robert Roberaon, 60 acre., Rob erson, I7.S3 1. B. DICKENS, Tax Collector faaoctu Toamafai p REMMBERTHIS IS I .Mil WEEK replenished lor tins occasion, so Nemo Corset and Brassiere you New Nemo oil' Reducing Corset No. 361. This corset combines extreme economy of price with great durability, beautiful lines and positive llesh reductions. It is, however, only one of the remark able values we have lo offer this week. Self-Kedudnir Corset, $J SO, $5 00 Little Nemo Majrle Hip $3.00, 3.50 Juspul ilassieres $1.00. $150, $2.00 We are al your service to make you get the right Nemo Corset mid Brassiere. M. FREID, WBLDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, Sol harass them. The New Edison "The Phonograph with a Soul'' Is the w orld's greatest musical Instrument. It gives you ever) kind ol music, exactly as pertormed upon the stage. It glvn you alt that the ear can give of the art of the world's greatest artists. Do not let Money II you are paying for Liberty Bonds or lor some other reasoi you are not particularly flush at the present time, do nut 1st that fact prevent you from owning a New Edison Don't hesi tate. Come to us and tell us confidentially what terms will be convenient for you. W. M. COHEN DRUG CO.. Weldon, N. C. ANKOUHCBMENT .MM New Seasonable Styles It is our plea iure to announce an advanced display of beautiful, seasonable models of Henderson fashion form Corsets They are exquisite examples of conspicu ous and originul designs, created for every type of figure and ihey have many distinc tive features well worth your consideration The excellent assortment of styles that will predominate this season u ill permit us lo fit you with a Henderson back or From Lace Corset correctly, satislaciortly and in a manner that we believe will have your highest commendation. Prices range from $3.50 to $1.25 You are cordially invited to inspect the latest offerings. Come see our New Cloaks and Suits T I'lli.Mi Mi. 17 . O. UOl Oti ifj mm IU IIHN vou open a bunk account your billi arc pa.J ty click. II Your check, when returned, becomes i receipt. No trouble about change, no disputes about payments, no ques tions as to where your money has gone or how much you have received. Your pass book tells the stoty. Be on the safe side and open an acco nt with us To. Day. XL?!"0 rVVtLPON, N.C. j I W'e have been anxiously look,, ' forward to the time when wecot,' tell you all about all the new Nr- invention:,. Until now this has been an ijj possibility, because we were co.1 operating with the Government t help decrease the demand For COr. : sets. Our slock of Nemo Corsets w Brassieres have been speci that we can readily fit you to just should wear. it Sllf WWJUH h:J6l lucli Down so Much . Month WE are not an Installment house, We it not advertise installment terms but ni honest man or woman who loves music net! go without it. Mr. Edison has said to us : "do not deny music to the music lover. To thou ol slender incomes. make terms that will not Stand in the Way f Accounts fok vr cent - Tl 'i . i- ' ful 1 1 tn i tio t i Is : u a k ' ti mi : da i - or HI, " "" tS'" '