f DID NORTH STATE" SUPPORTS WAR WELFARE WORK TO LIMIT Koitk Carolina, ns atat. ha a rec ord la tile WrM War rii-h will &1 wayi b the occasion of fraat tad Juat prttl to br fufur aT-no ration a Evory rait tnada of th id Norrji Suta. for man, monar, food. niAuufacturpO prod uU, waa prompMy and genurously aat. Tha war rwcord of tn boM in Um Brvlr, and Dune tuva be t tar. baa fcta: date bad by tr.e womtri j.rnl a.aa ho t ail tiiua at.od .jiidiy ltd gt thur fighting ton II. r huvi were la Uia taick of tb battl and rhn at aotna Mf to It tnat fn farms. !;ut riaa, aaftt, batln- tnrtrnJiy and t ton l&divVditaily r all irfl ip to via ttt war Cvr u (r fundi vaa mat aaif arer I.r.art) U-i.a. vVr tUTioc Slam pa tb Had L'r, T 14 C A. ud otJMr wetfart iitfm ti til rwt.ire4 aaoui auptyrt frwu, u.a Pp gt Nona Caru.iaa Wir t Ovf. Tba war la won and t,r tUn mmt of ui U li Ttr aa4 dwnj m Ti toyi unttf back from KYrni.a mui oft laair aa If or m with a fewung of a )6 wail aa4 copi'.ljr dot It ! vir fur ihaa Tuey hava don, all taat waa aakad r t : wd of thorn ud balUr but tbr ara a few pbaaaa of Lb a war In whub tba hotua toU toak part, that ara out ai yt MtOMMta4. t& mind li tba I'nitad War Work Campaign which wm bald Narmfear wf laat yaar. North (.'aru ltoa pta4f4 a total of ll.Jut.wtt Of tfcia graftd totaj taara baa o&iy baan .told la up to laia time tha aoatxut ll.Ml.am Ail of lb ia Dtonar waa jftadf aa to aaQra good taitii by taa ell iMnabla at taa auta. Tha war la ovar toi atf aaif of tha awyi bar bean act boaaa tvom Frame. Tboaa that rwmala aa tmpatiaot aad mitlaaa aa4 eaafto to gat baafc. Put youraalf ft a foratav amuHry, wKh ttranca lacaa aad taaf&afaa. boand by ao Iron ttacloUaa aa4 wUb your thotata lax-amc awar U UOME How wool4 fau faal Taa waif ara acanclaa. whub co naaraiti la Uit U&Aa4 War Work Canpafta, ara at tha Draaaat Uaa 4o4a ana of tha Mo-oat alaoaa at work la tfcatt hiatory. Maia4f taa iaya. Lana aattacaa with nil aufto at aauuaun ara htlatna Cha hwya la pro t thalr tloia of waiting, aaoraa aad ftooraa of Iraiaad aatartainrv ara Uavaiiac traai aaa end of fraaca to laa attar, Ii t ah tar aad aoa- aaiaa ad hajra taa bcyi cat wa Uatr m aaav, athiatk iwta ara halaf Maa4 thai aoaipara wita tonnar Otymak aaata; lanMltat pmllili h halac aoaa at taja aa to bmo tha haaa ga toaOar lar Om boy who today ica ajfcamaa- bo powar af rtahi t" tha Otrnii Tha war la woa and Tod avaa of taa hoyt wha haipod iSTCLASS ill 5 llliTaL We are in position to give first class service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition, Light ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need First Class Service at once call JONES & SONS GARAGE, Phone 205 P.OBox 244 MERCHANDISE SALE! We are expecting 10 close our mercantile business soon as we can do so. We offer every article in our store at and below cost. We have some great bargains, and sell ing some goods at half what the same goods cost at this time. Merchants who need cotton piece goods, can get such here at much less than wholesale houses are offering at this time. We must close this business soon as possible. Come quick. SPIERS' BROS., WELDON. N. C. NOTICE North Carolina, Halifax CouDly, Id tha Superior Court Hefurfl the Clerk Jaroea K. 1'owell, tiermn appearing by hit duly appelated giianhan Julio H. Powrll, and by KlhoU li Clark, hi oeit friend. By Tirtu? of the powen conferred up on tha aadertiirned in the judgment in j tha above entitled apRoial proceeding j the aaderaignad, will on the ' 20th Day oi June. 1919, at tha Fortottice dooria the town of Witldon, N. C, at U o clock M., anil for eash the once nth undivided 10 teres t of Jame K. rowall, nubjat to the life ena e of Jainnt M. Powell therein in and to the IblUiwmsr, deaenbed tract of laod lymif and beiu in Koanoka Uapidi Tuwnehio, Halifax eonntr, detenhed ax follow, to-wit: Bounded on the north by the latMi of J. B Powell; on the eaat by the publio road leading from Koa noke Raptdi to Halifax, on the eoutb and waat by the lands of Jenne Rhea, containinft 1U0 acres, more or less; it Kfnr kooan aa the J. M. Powell home place. GEO. C. GKKEN, Commissioner. win it an it ill In Franra r.u! for any evetittia.ify. ow Ui-.n a 'drtbt; (fie moi.w7 b;:ii bat-a pi-'dn-'l 4a la payiEg It rai tnie blna par.riutuic will b k; .wa Need Far Fundt. crrary Jonepb-it Dar.n ii, In ap proving tha budicati of lot War Wort otlatlen, tnala au arrant rutiuaat U tb paopin of U-.e dauq tu p 'Q full tnt piadat. &i-t-Vg 14 a CvJlOU M utaxoctfLt jf rtLry Nvwtua D Dakar aitd fa:rct.ary Joaaphua Daa if la. K("ardifi(( the hmU' whit b will ficaiit- Ui a.'tivui. f lh a-fen -ir iAaaatiorii pri'?.,'.! in th cttr.ipiUt. from u.utr Ut Uai. to t'ot'omta." Ji. Ljf 1 , Ui it'i-:'i'!.ri. 4 dH'iaraU ni.'ru friiui otTmu cufif tiuh1 u naoai.il,) irf "rniiiacaii.:g a; i. tn mm of Lli ajpaU auftnx'itU.tg thtf w trt" "la iHjf )u.i,.mi.t." tha iuul.1 it cooLluuvl, 'U.e faJ- nuin aoAamitd lo tba caj.p.tlfn wui U rv'toirwi, U u..4' Mlati ftiu u d wl.at tha i.aii. -paopla dair) lu btv U-.aai do la n U4 Lh kl.i' aad aaiiori aud U. oUior tUa Inr.lvdad lu LLa ar.Ua ppiu M irufr, t .t i-h'iM, in our , i ;g maul, u1 au inr of itn'-h h. TLi detnjbiUat.o, pt-JU, ao Ut m thoy hav b'43 d.-f.ff.uinad, dia- u pkAin tha wrk of t.i d.ffar-tit .imv laauooa nl ue ue-Uiw f-r la a Uli. and. ula u coQdiOufL tiu-b acaaartly UuLrax-tvrliM turn period u( dam obil taat loa, Uiia pr-Uiau wnlfara wura wUl ba avaa aiuru ueaded tfcA aa." Wlaa tha ftiata Claan. yiftaaa out of a bjndred emmtica !of the gtau of North Carolina hava airaady raporlad every eaat collacied and hi mm tmrni aa oraw-gcatfcemm la ra ported. i Tha euoaty ohaimaa and traaaonra of tha couotiaa a at paid ap hata warkr ad aa hard aad falthfaJly aa thaaa to tha wwinftft whfeh bata paid taa a&r Ora mbaartptkm; to ana eaaaa. par hapa. mora ao. had V tha aaosia af thatr eoomty hava aot local arlaa aad peraoaaJ piiaa aooaah to pay laair uwn aahaaripOona, antr Uura mm kt wd bxur nj Itt IhulavMBc ud inndrila Hul th var ll via tua to tar ip odlifiliiim mUlnui tn tk ptomo ; It lot Ik t o Ui vUUra OiiclM. Tk tau at Mora Cn Us no Uta aiAk t ncoN t& th VMM War Work Cmjat atmilw ' e Ihaa la Cormir driraa. Th akaa sst Ht OUar tok a o kal M m-a. T BBM cBsuacr inM Ik ftaa aUfeBtftOioa at tmtn-l Ikal tkr aoa thaer aD. WBLDON, N. C my FOR HASTY CALOMEL Bterti your liver without making you tick and can not ulivate. Every druggist in toirn your druggist anil everybody's druggut hai noticed a great fallms-of! in tha 6le of calomel. They all give tha time reason. Dodaon'a Liver Tona ia taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson'a Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better re sult," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson a Liver Tone is per sonally guaranteed by every drug gist who sells it A large bottla costs but a fewcenta, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Ilodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adult. Take a spoonful at night and Wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, tick headache, acid atomnrh or eonsti- fitrd tosriU. U d..-Mi't grips or Wse inconvenienco all the next I t OTA AH ). SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Qlrla! Maka this chsap beauty lotion to dear and whiten your skin. Squaete the julna of two tenons Into a tattle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and ynn have a quarter pint of the bot fn-rklf and tnn lotion, and complexion twautitirr, at vt-ry, very small coat. Your (rrocer hss the lemons and any drug store or toil- t counter will supply thn'e ounces of orchard white for a few eftits. Maaaaire this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arma and (Hindu f-arh day nnd see how freckles and bl- roinhes diapp ar and how clear, soft and white the skin beoomaa. Yea I II It karaleu. what brtti:r? H',r 'A hi! is your highest amhi- j She Six ri-ji ne a:U just re- j leieJ. To Present Belching. a r k,'u:ar Libit of rutin iluwly . (M'i- yuur 1j.j1 lliuruutf lily, an-1 v.ju :i,4v f.avt- u.t f:irti.(!r trouble. It' vmj il.uui-I. lai' i.r wf t.i.a.-iiboriam ! 1'ablfta i m ti. iau'v it'tcr supper. At the jue of 21 a man starts oui to reform the uorM. but at the jjj- of 50 is buy trying to keep . the uurM from teformmg him. i Lame Hack Kelieved. t r a :a:nf lua a; ply ' 'KambrlaiO u.'-ui. tAii-tf 1 -lay an.i tin uj i u( back our tii? icat of ; :i:n U.vuclilv at fftfli ipphcaliuii. Tike a Jjy uff occasionally anJ -ur ears accumulate more I he Doctor Away Hrom home hen Mont Needed IV 'H- art .,!'lc a i;ry n.ji'l. -ba'-I . !,'! i.n-1 f : ut lU'-ir 'auniy pl. ! i'.u,i a.a b'lin Ii'jiih' wlu-ri Llicy ii.'.-'. rjCi-i nt-rnci'. I'nt'at-l bur a. n .u tii- t-ii:ai'h tU'l 'riij'At'lt. c-bc ii, ; nl.i.ea rfjmre pruujpl trt-at-aii'l Lav-- in maoy mstaueei pruvi'D fatal hefure meilicine could be prucurt-'l ur a pbyttician luiumoQed. Tbf nw.'it way la to keep at Land a bot W ..i ' l.aoib'-riatn ( ol.c aol 1'iar-riio'-a lme!y No pLynciaa can pre icntie a better mt'ilic.Q for tbeie di-i-I'a.it'H by haw u if it id tb-; Louse you fioape much pain an.l nutfenntr and all nL I'.uv it now. it niav "af I ff. When a min is nuking money , people expect him tu pjy fur what he gets. UR OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift tore, tuuchy lorrs orf with linger DoeiVt hurt a bit! Droo a littla , Freetone on an aching corn, instantly thi turn stops hurting, then yuu lift j it rijht out. Yes, magic I A tiny bottle of Freftooe cunU but a ; (-w cents at any drug .tore, but is iiiffi ..i.t tu ruauve evt-ry hard corn, soft :jrn, ur corn between th toe, and th allui, witUuiit aort-naiM gr irritation, t'rtiuiie ii the a"TiBitiiii4,l dinuvt-ry : SIMMONS FOR RELIEF. MatP uf Nurtti I arol.ua, iiahUx tuuiily. Id the supt-riur uurt. h 1'. S ilkeriou, I'laiutnl I V.. : VV. J Mitchuti.,loe)diine Mitcliuru and Ndly Moo'lv and her tiubaud i Moodv, lieeD'lants. ! To "heriM of Halifax County, ' ireetiuff: j You are hereby corn man. led to sum I raon W,,l. Mitchum, Josephine Mitch j uni and Nellv Moodvand -Moody, buitiariil of N'elly Moody. I This in an action for partition of the ; . acre tract left by William Mitchum, l adjoining lands of the late W t reo I ncr. et al, the defendants above-name! it tbey te found within your county, to appear at the orhceof thetlerk Superior ourt, lor the county of Halifax, on third day of June, A. I', ti'ly, and an bit the complaint, a copy of which will he deposited in the otbee of the Clerk ol the Superior Court of aid coun ty within ten days from the date of this summons, and let the tlefemlantH take notice that if they fail to anxwer the aid complaint at that time, the Plain tiff will apply to the cuurt for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summoQsmakedue return. iiven under my hand this l.'th day oi .way, a. ik, l'Jitf. S. M OAKY, Clerk Superior Court. Don't Quit Readine -Newspapers Now. Just because the war is over, or because you may be busy with raising a new crop, is no reason why you should cease to keep up with the great problems facing the wona, ana tne umtea btates. The period of readjustment is at fland. New conditions are coming to pass anu new issues must be met. iou must read a daily news. paper to Keep intormea ana to know what is happening and how decisions on important matters are rcacr.ea. The man who is informed is the man who will keep ahead. When you read a daily newspaper, read the best. We believe that we are giving you the greatest value for your money when you subscribe for the Greensboro Daily News. Largest market report. Wash ington and Raleigh bureaus. David Lawrence articles. Lon don Times cable service. Special Sunday features including comics, special section, and magazine feat ures. You get a new European map with 6 months subscription. Write for sample copy. Subscrip tion price: Daily $5 per year; Daily and Sunday $7. GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, Greensboro, N. C. I " a rj wit ) Gunranit-eJ I if PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! They are all They IF YOU WISH To have in your home, comfort To add charm to it's appearance To make your friends admire it To leave something to be cherished by posterity Then Visit the Great Furniture Emporium of Sydnor& Hundley Richmond, Va. And pick your Furnishings from the Immense stock of FURNITURE, RUGS AND DRAPERIES, Reasonable Prices and Liberal Cash Discounts. OUR MOTTO:-.Q,uality, Design and One-Price. KEEP IT SWEET Keep your itomach sweet today and ward off the tndi gestion of tomorrow try IIMI0ID5 the new aid to digettion. As pleasant and as safe to take as candy. MAOC BY BCOTT a MWH MAUM or acorr cmi 3J V CIBARETTES Golden Virginia tobacco, blended with just a dash of Turkish, not merely "cured", not jusr "sugar cured", but cured 13c-2 for 25c Larg Foil Paokag s r boosters and deserve your trade. will treat you right. I U ISS R. N. HILL, III PCBLICSTENOtiltAI'HKK, Wfti.boN, N. C. Utilce: Daniel building. Houn: i) to r. DR. Wm. A. CARTER, VETERINARY SURGEON, WELDON, N.C. lauf lii.Unee oalli tnawered promptly. Olhce in South Weldon fharmacy. COR SALE. My house and lot, I corner 2nd and Sycamore streets, Weldon, N. C. For particulars, apply to MR&lDAT.WlLKINS, 1 FOR SALE, Used Chevrolet Tour ing Car. Has been driven about 7,000 miles. WELDON GROCERY CO., IS&lweldon.N.C. I Cow Peas Soja Beans nclu'-f your fcrt.liiT ex" p--ne anil nave t-td bills by T'fv. !!.( Cow i'ca4 anJ SJ TUt-y t-nwh tho Hn.l not (nly whn. plowed un-kr, but vsii.n ub-''1 r-jr fi-a;o Krtzinp. Tht-y an by grown ,, ailv rtnt,it; In y-.ur corn r-.jv nitrog. u ar.'l hu mus to uur evil it Eaa to WOODS SEEDS Oar Cow Pea". GM Vnnn ttrr nporliir In . i..nlin.- anJ duality to row P' "'I'1,,1"""'! or.flnarllv ..!.!. Writ for Wocl' lop Spfll. e'vlnit rrn-. and " M-nMe Informa li.,n iboU all Field i.J Gr ilvn SJ T.W.Wood & Sons aiEst n. Siebaoa. TUfialft. PHOI:l:SSIONAL CAUOS. WALTliU li. UAMI-X. Attorney-at-Law, KI.IiN, N I . I'rftrtici'i. iu the courtu ol 1 1 uli fax na Nurthftiiipton nu l ill tilt' Miprt-liie au-l l-e-Urai 1'iHirtn I ulliTtiur. maur null t ftrtM uf Norlh l aruiiua lliuiicli utlice ,t llaliffti open evttry Monday OliOHOE C OKIiliN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAVV, Uttici? 1U l.rerD HulMlll Weldon, N.C. Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-lw, W KI.IhiS, S. V. Illlioe i u tlie I'alni'l l'.uilOiC(. l!uu ec promptly ami faithfully at ttioll lo , L1.I0TT B. CLARK. Attorney-at-Law, WEI.IHJS, N. (', uitio iu i tit.-o I'uilJin ASHLEY B. STAINBACKt Attorney-nt-Law , Notary Public. WELDON, - - N. C. 1'iacticea in the court cf Halifax and adiciuiittc countipR. I'ronipt attUntioo to all ( unmcMs entruNtt'd. to me. Orfice over M. C. I'air utore. E. T. CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. (. I'ractiCfo in the courttt of Hatifai and adjoioinif oouutie and il the uprt-m court of the Mate, special atttntioo g-iTeo to eolleetioon and prompt returni W. J. WARD, KKNTIST, OHH E IN 1'A.MEL 111 lLlil.NU WELIiON, N.l;, .epll' ly ft L TKAVIS. ih. E. I- IHiVI, JR. TRAVIS & TRAVIS, Attornes-at-Law,' HALIFAX, N. C 1'iaciioe in the state anJ beilcialcointa .K.UIIIISIIN'S Qo to HARRISON'S finivn oi 111 For Automobile Repaint and Supplies. All Itindu of Machine work dont Sta tionary , tianoline, Marine and Hleam FairtDeH. tiuDs and I'iitol. Satisfaction guarantt-ed. AUTOMOBILES Tlresand Suppl es on hand lor salt H. W. HAKUISON, W eldon, N. ('. t O SHOE STORE I have in my store a complete line of Men's Women's and Children's Spring & Summer Shoes, All latest styles and eol ors i-Come Early and have your choice, Good Shoes at Reasona. ble Prices ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP All Shoei repaired promptly and at reatonablt prices. lITTUCD'O ill I I 111.11 u SHOE STORE, L. KITTNKR, Prop. Opponte I'ontultice Wrldi n, K C. Ji trade varki JdtAprtcttaMalMt wm f. m ud raH.L skeu Um or ytavtoi and 4. T,p,,. f,.r mil HARCH ws4 wputi fipKlwUMIItr. UaitknilenUM; . PATIHTi BUILO rORTUNtt tor Vou. Our rrt buttklati twll hw, Ilu Iu LaM Uat n ywt bxxm Wmu luojay. D. SWIFT & CO, 303 S.nnlh St., Wl.ttM, D. C. v 1 an umml 5 I'll gretit NO OTHER LIKI IT. NO OTHER At 0001 NEW HOME" ell.. nil . , ..ir .1 I w-m o " i.. ". Hie PtlW HOM1' WARRANTED FOR ALL TIMI, . Kn .',lh!tM i.ff lur ftr-jf ir nf nllWl N J "'Uft oii.f da-,,. T-t A m. M St'H3 Mli'Sf CO ,0RAa,aij, An Appetizing (. Meal Hverybody wants it. Everybody likes It. l:verybody' lookmn lor It. BUT Vou can't Ret It unless you . have the right kind of jrocerin , Uet 'em HliKB I Phone 2 SO. R. M. PURNELL, ; Weldon, N . f. New Quarters pjy Just moved into """ our handsome ne brick building with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder. FLUES! FLUES ! I Now is the time to place your orlen -for rluei. I nant em. We make em. Halm tifDWfE Co., Halifax, N. C. (1. E. LEWIS. Mnaier. 3 13 3m OF UI'-TO THE MINUTE MILLINERY. FANCY tiOODSmd NOVELTIES, ituttenci l'fttterm R & 0. Corsets, Miaaea at 75c, Ladie. Toe. to II. at. I'ripp. will be made to .uit th. time.. Hat and llonnel. mad. and, trimmed to order. ALL MAILORDERS I'KOMI'TLY FILLED. MRS. 1'. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N.tli SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING TO E. L. HAYWARD, Wcia'ull, N.'C. Lamest Stock io South. When in Norlolk nil on at You will nnd what jou ftftnt aud gtt it quickly. Having- no cauTftuaer., no , ftifent a comruia.ioii. ar. ftd ded to our price.. This .lift ' fthle. ua to u.e tiiatclfttaa oift trrial and nui.h it prop.ily - We Pay Freight and Guarantee Sate Arrival I I O1 I HI . Grand rah) THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (bSiyear. inJbu.iDe...) But tM. KOSl OLE, Vi.

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