TABLISNED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER f OR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum Hi. LIV. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1910. NO. V.i ltd a vmui f 1 1 RACTnniii At "''I ID ALA'"""1' a nai. knyvi.J''illliKBi i CheprfulncMMKlHeACofllatas ' neither Opium, Morphine nor. "St at ft ;1 Am""" 1 norm J" ...tin U, ftvr j AhClplllineraeu .v. c 7 Conslipauonanu uio"'"- a c.-lchiirt alia . Loss "r -,-: resulting diwfronwnlnni)' " j ; n The crNTAonCoWAW. "5 c Exact Coiy of Wrapper. Get The Habit BBuy for Cash. SaveC3 lthe pennies by buy-"C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., rholesale Cash Store WHLOON, N. C. )im Lumber & Milkork k Weldon, N. C. , MANUKAtrUKEKS OF llding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors lids, Mantels, Door and Window Screens ! MADE TO OKDKK AM) RKtifLAKHTOCK S1J,H i flood Materials. High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Spring ail Simmer jRESaS.GOODS -ALSO- t Shoes and Clothing. IM AND SPORT COATS I a Ata J I tl ft UfJViVft ft I The Busy Store. WELDON, NC W Batckelor'a Opera Houm. wnw a til II in For Infants rti ul Children. Mothers faw That Genuine Ctoria Always Bears tlio k r i i of In Use For Oyer Mir" IT' Thirty Years CASTORIA THIQINTauNOCIMMHV NLW ORM OITY urn t.atvtoq nnAnn aTTTnra . m The very newest styles in Organdies Georgettes and Crepe-de.Chine. Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice o( our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Qoods. DD GEOCBRIES build up the sysiem, stimulate the brain, and icrease your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best xe l. Our prices make you think. Call in io see us. L. E. HULL, WELDON. N.C WORD WAS NOT UNFAMILIAR. Might Have Been Better If Youth Had Found Out Something About that Parrot. Gen. Charles T. Menoher, the bruve commander of the brave Rainbow division, shU at a dinner in WushiiiKiim : "I he civilian who tries to leach a sold kt luiw iu conduct u court uianial i e m i ih1s me of the young nun u ho trie J in leuch I lie purroi lu lulk. "This young man said he knew all about parrots, and guaranteed to teach u bird a bird he thought was young and untrained to say 'hello.' "So he sat down in from of the parrot and said, 'Hello, hello, hel lo' like that for 45 minutes. The parrot didn't pay him the slightest attention, bul when he got through it odeued it eyes lazily, drawled, 'Line busy, ring off,' then closed its eyes again." Detroit News. PRACTICAL ADVICE: "Can you, as an old, experi enced public man, tell me, as a young man just starling, just how to preserve a high degree of integ rity before the public?" "Sure thing. Always demand cash and don't be fool enough to take checks." REDUCED. "Mother," asked the Modern Child as she was being put to bed, "what are prayers?" "Prayers, darling, are little mes sages to God." The Modern Child grew thought ful. "Oh, I see," she said at last, "and we wail till bedtime to send them so as lo get the nighi rate." CANT BE DONE. "One of the oldest and most fa mous taverns had been forced out of business by prohibition." "Drat these reformers ! I dare say many interesting stories are told about that place." 4 "fit ....,.. "How we are ever going to at tach any legendary lore to a soda foumain is more than I can see." Birmingham Age-Herald. BOY'S BILL OP FARE. Ceorgei Bailey, answering the inoik'y, "Wat is good for a boy to eat?" wys: "At ihjs lime nf the vear. ac cording (o ihe theories extant in Nunh Carolina, in 1870, a boy should have daily plenty of green fruit, pine rosin, young cucumbers. raw new potatoes, green DiacKuer, doughnuts, branchwater and two hours in the swimming hole. Atlanta Constitution. NO PITY THERE. "I'm of l very sympathetic na ture." "So?" "Yes, feel sorry for any man in trouble. I don't Jike to see duitib brutes suffer. "I know it but what ate you get ting at?" "Notwithstanding my tender feeling towards mankind I can't find it in my heart to be the lea .l bit sorry for the Germans." "BEST MEDICINE FORWOMEH" What Lydia C Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. PorUmouth, Ohio. "I aulfmd from IrregalaritiM, pain in my aid and wat wo w ! unn i could hardly pit around to do my work, and aa I had (our In my family and thrae boardara it mada it vary hard far ma. Lyuia . Pmkham'a Vaga Ub4a CompeunJ vraa racoiniuaoUiid to ma. 1 took it and it haa raatorad my health, it la certainly tho bait fijdldne for woraan'a ailmanta I aver aair." Mra. Saba 3HAW, k. no. i Kxtawouth, Ohio. Htt. Shaw provad tha marit of thii nabana and wrota thia ktur in ordar tbat utter auftering woman nia; ond ,iief as aba did. Woman who are Buffering aa ah waa ihuukl not drag along from day to day without irlving thia famona root and hrtb remedy, CydiaB. Pinkham'aVega ui'la Compound, a trial. For apecial advice to regard to auvh ailmenta write to Udia B. Pmkham Usdicinr Co., Lynn, Mau. The reeult of IU forty Jean axariacioa ia at jroar aarnc. ip Ijf'.v. VALUE OF SAVINGS BECOMES APPARENT On f ar Len af War la That al National and Indlvldyal Thrift, Now Rapidly Qrewlng Now that tha new Oarmaa loram laaant haa accepted the Inevitable, and aa offlolally alf nad the peace tarma dlMatad by tha alllaa and the coun trtaa aaawlatad with them, Ihe great at and moat dlaaatroua war that arar acourfttd tha world la ended. Par nearly are yaara the world haa been topiy lurry. Tha thtnga that war needed yeatarday are no longer required, and tha actlrttlee of the grant war eatabllahmenta and muni tion planta are being diverted to the manufacture of bnplamenta of paae. There maat aaw be a readjuatmant. OorernmaiiU that hare thought la bit Hone and apent money with a leiUh hand, muat retrench and think la mll llaoa and rn amaltar amount, and aanat gala a aaw peripeetire. Viewed la tha retroapaiit the pert played by Amartoa la the great world war la en ot tb moat glorloua ehep ban In blatory. And la the making of lata brlUlant kutory the plaia Anerl aaa oltlaaa played a atellar role. Tba aouatalaa af muntttona, tha aanlp Bast tor th mllllona ot aoldlera, tba greet ikipa that carried tb man aoroaa tba eaa, could not bare been arorlded had aat tba eommon people .af Amertea prorldad th money. Much of thia money waa obtalaed through U aala of Liberty Baada and War Saylnga and Thrift BUunpa. Thai great volume of money baa net ha waaud. rirat It brought perm ft -aaat peace la tha world, and aow that real pe&ce t here, erery cant that waa aa lareated will come back to thoee arm aided their gorerament, and It will eoaie back with Intereat. Thia war that la aow happily aadad haa taught tha popl tha valu ot iav lAg. Thy went Into the earing gama aa much through patrlotlam aa aayUlag alaa. But now that they are reaping tha raturna. and aea that what they did with a patrietle motly la a real foaadatloa for tvtnre fortnna, they bare galaad a aaw confidence In their coaatry. and they will continue t buy the eecurlllee tha Treaaury IH Bartauat oaTera, and will make the eoaatry many-fold mora proaparaua thaa It weald aaa beea bad not tba war taatlllad tha tea eon that wtU pro re taralaable tat tatiira yean. PAYING OFF THAT MORTGAGE Theodora oaTlt aald: Thrift It gaaraly th ua of hard common eenee la tba apaadlag of money." Paylag eaT tha wortgage on the tnatallmeat plaa by buying War Savlnge Suropa la aaa at tha aeae of thia bard corn- Nat only doe thl plaa otter a prac ticed way of aarlag email amouata of mawey, but email aawaata may be earning latareet aa eeoa aa they are aat aelde toward tha celleetlng of tha larger earn. Thia Intereat In tarn enaterlailr help to reduce tba per eat late real ret aommsaly charged eat mortgagee Waaa tha mortgage cornea dua It map either be paid ot la whole, ot In part and renewed, tha method of paring through Wtr Seringa Stampa being employed until th principal "May tba rait future aot hare to lament that pa aeglected If Buy Thrift (lamp aad War Sertoli waaaa. la tha glae aa th book af War Bar lagM Bump laroted with peppermint or wmtargraaaf Bap oaa aad thai Drinking rrjay induce good feel ing, but a different feeling may be on lap the nexi morning. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S OAQJORIA CANNOT LOSE MONEY IF INVESTED WISELY Fundi put Into War vln(j tumpgj Art AbMlutoly af and YUld H.ndm Profit to Hold.r OtTramt.t MeurttUa afford tho Mfoat and moat pftotloal loTitmat la tha world. A War Savlnga Sump la a promiiorjr not for fi If radamed at maturity, or for tho orlflaal coat of tha itamp plui aocruad tf ra doemad baton aMturltr. It wai only attar Amarlca antarod tha iraat world conflict that tha tuall waga aarnar In thia oouutry waa af fordad tha opportunity of Inveatlng la govarntijB)Dt aacurltlaa; ot becomlnf oo-partnera with tha lovarnment. That thara ara today mora than 20,QM,0O holdara of goraramant lecuritiea la a fact which apaaka for Itaalt When yon buy a War Barings Btaaaa yov ara halptng tha goraramant. To bo abla to maka a loan to tha govenv mailt, avan aa amall aa tha mm repre sented by a War Sarlaga Stamp, la a proof of patrlotlam and r,o a practi cal man. (citation of tbat tpirlt of na tional thrift and UvJIvidiietl varlnga which baa come to ua aa a ptjiiiianeat heiitage from tha war. WEALTH OF NATION CROWING RAPIDLY la Waihlugton aome of ihoda aa perta, who are maatera of t.urue and who have a mind attuutd ti jutlatlca. fiwauenlly dig up Queer tiling. , On of thia type haa figured out that the total wealth of the United Sutea la tWO.OOO.OOO.OOP. Then be tguie out the aew wealth produced auoually, which h tarma "net Ini-oiun." . Thia geta lato dlaay ggurea, too. Ho eetl mla that laat rear the national wealth laoreaaed til. 000,000.000, wklah ha admita la going falter thaa tha aormaL another Waahlngtoa official polnta out tbat one of the beat waya to coaaorvo thia national Income la wealth la for individual to buy War Seringa Stampa ONg (APg PLACg POR LIB ERTY BONDS THg BANK PUT YOUR THIPg Tha Cumberland (Md.) Eve ning Tlmea printa tba following, which ahould be a reminder to all who ara aow keeping their Liberty Booda or War Seringa Stampa In boaea around tba houee or In broken tea pota or la mattreaaea: Mra. William B. Diver, wife of rireman-Bnglneer Dever. Baltimore and Ohio railroad, of Rowleaburg, W. Va ; threw II, M worth of Liberty Baada into tba Cheat river, back st her hom. by mlatak. with rubblab aha bad cleaned from their home. Tha valuable bond have not bean roovrd although a diligent aearch of tb Cheat river bottom In tbat vletallv aaa been made. W. B Derer-l great loaa af honae ha a parallel. W. W Wood, Baltimore and Ohio rail road engineer, Wat I1M worth of Liberty Bonds from hie pock et They ware a 1M and too laaua. Engineer Wood Intended to depoalt the bond la a leant bank. They hay net bees lo cated. A laborer unloading a car of coal at Paw Paw, Saturday, found a 1100 bond la the Ml. It I thought to bar dropped from tha pocket ot a ear loader at th mine Tba laborer re ported tb matter t the cam panfe atatioa agent at Pa Paw, K la aald, with a new of returning It to Iu owner. Wise is he who profits by his experience, but wiser is he who profits by the experience ofothor?, I Children- Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Camei are told very wiWefn cienti fit-ally lmd pMckag t f 20 eigrttemorten fack Mgem (300 carrtlea) in a tiftinm-paper-covered carfn. We tranftly recommend thit carton fur the home or office t-upply or when you tmvmt! R. J. RcvawlaltTolaccoCe, WtaitM-SaUm, N. C. 18c a package 1 II! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASH CALOMEL BUrta your liver without ruKkiD' yon lick and can not talivate. Every druggist in town your druggist nnd cveryboda hag noticed a great faUiog-olf in tha sale of calomel. They all give tint same reason. Dodaon's Liver Toua ia taking its place. "Calomel is donireroua and nifnil know it, while Dodaon'e Liver Tone ' is perfectly safe and givea better re- suits," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson s Liver Tone is per sonally guaranteed by every drusf- I gist who sells it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to : give easy relief in every case of livtr i sluggishness and constipation, yuu hare only to ask for your money j back. Dodaon's Liver Tone is a pleasant- 1 tasting, purely Tepctable reniedv, harmless to both children and adult Take g spoonful at night and wake ; up feeling fine; no biliousness, giuk i headache, acid stomach or conati-1 ted bowels. It doesn't gripe or use inconvenience all the next libs .nlnr.l ,. ,l,,,,,ol "BAYER CROSS" ON ASPIRIN Always Ask for Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Only Aspirin Tablets with the safety "Bayer Cross" on ttjem are genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin'' owned snd made by Americans and proved sale by millions of peo ple. Unknown quantities of fraud ulent Aspirin Tablets were told re cently by s Brooklyn dealer which proved to be composed mostly o Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin ' 'should glwayt be asked for. Then look for the safety "Bayer Cross" on the package snd on each tablet. Accept nothing eiac! Proper di rections and dosage in each Bayer package. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceiic scidester of Salicylicacid. KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and ward off th indi gaauoa oi tomorrow try KmiqidS th new aid to digeatioo. As pleananl and as gait to take gut candy. MAoat snr acorr a sowm CAMELS are the most rufrtshing, autislying cigarette you ever smoked! Put all your cigarette ilesires in a bunch, then buy some Cam Is, give them every luste-test and know for your own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth body and in many other delightful ways Camels are in a class by themselves! Camels are un expert bleiul nl choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. You'll noi only prcler this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight, but you'll appreciate the remarkable full-bodied-mildness and smooth, refreshing flavor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation! Camels win you in ao many new ways! They not only permit you to smoke liberally without tiring your taste but leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or un pleasant cigaretty odor! Compare Camels in the world at any price! You'll prefer Camel quality to premiums, coupons or gifts! EAST CAROLINA Teachers' Training School . A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Car olina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Sessions begins SEPTEMBER 24, 1919. ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President, FREENVILLE, N. C. L & M SUM I BEST THAT CAN BB MADE Coat to you $3.25 a Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Obtain COLOR CARD from our Agenta or t LONGMAN ft MARTINEZ Manirl.ct.rer New Y.rfc INVITATION. You are invited to open an) account with the B0K OF EflfliLD, EtflELD, y, 0. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can About the first question our snleamen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does ii.feel?" In other stores they ask "How does ii look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look righi, so what we want io know is whether the hai feels right on ihe head. Be sure io have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON. Mens and Boys OutlitieVf f WELDON, N. C.i ' 'v " with any cigarette fl - PASTE PAINTS bank by mail

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