UJLISilhl) IN l(Soo. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, TI.in.SDAY, A I (il'ST UM. Terms of Subscrii)liuii--i1.5u Per Annum NO. Hi Children Cry for Fletcher's A! am fc. sa arar -r ?he Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been la us for over over 30 years, l-ir;;e the signature of ff e a"i his been made under his per tJlxXrrjZjZfjAS 80naI 6uPe"isi(m sinre Us infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " ure hut Eiperiments that trifle with and endanger the health iif Infants and Children Experience against Exnerimi.t What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant useforthi relief of Constipation, Flatulency Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishnes:; ; :i;iit therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowel:- liil the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural bltts. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bourjhi Get The Habit IQ-Buy for Cash. Save"C3 KCTthe pennies by buy-""d ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., holesale Gash Store WP.LOON, N. C. im Lumber I Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. .MAM HACri KKliS OF Iding Material fur Modern Homes, Sash, Doors ids, Mantels, Door and Window Screens .MAIlK TO OKDI.It AMI Kill il'I.A K STUCK SIZKS 'Jood Materials, High (trade Workmanship Our Slogan. HE SPOKE TOO FAST. No doubt ihe doctor spoke rash ly. An inquisitive niece, seeing him return from the funeral of a wealthy patient, innocently in quired : "Uncle Tom, do you attend the luih-i als nl all your patients who die?" . j "(loud heavens, no," said the 'doctor. "Do you think I have mulling to do but go to funerals?" j FIRM M:l.mVI:K. j She- Do you believe ignorance j K bliss''' lle-W'liy? Slie Vou seem so happy. WASNT Ml: A DEAR. "You used 10 say 1 V;is perfect." "I was mistaken. " "You brute!" "I mean, dearest, that you could n't have been, because since then you have steadily improved. Huston Trenscript Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C AST O R I A Nqver look tor trouble, but w hen you ineei it put up your most strenuous fight, To Improve Your Digestion. "I)t yearn my iliirt-stioii wus so pum that 1 roulil imly rut the lilitfHt (uo.U. ttir.l i-i'iyt!utik! Unit 1 lirai.l of to ur't ii'licl", imt nut until uliuiit ii year ago when I nw 4 L.tuibt t lui n h Tallt-tH ml vntiNP'l unit irnt u liotlk- of llittiu diil 1 liiM tin- riirht trruliiH'iit. Since taking tlnMii my 'liL'tst iitti h liin'." Mih. llliuiclic HoHt'iH, hulluna. 1'a LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN 1 Malfc this beauty lotion cheaply for , your face, neck, armi and hands. At tin- vusi. uf a f-nuill jar nf ordinary 1 rt'ltl enum tint inn ir-aiv n full tiiiir ti r i ut i'i tlif nA uuiiit'Tfiil l'inn nkiii Kolli'iiiT iiixi nniil'xioii tMiiiiliiiiT, ' by Hipiri'iii tin- jiiiiv tif two fri'nli km- HIH illtu It tiudlc inllt lilt lilt! tllllV mill.'. (if r lianl wlnt.- Curt' hIuhiM ,v tuktli , to Htraiii ttic jnii'i' tlnnut'li n tin' 'li'tli ho mi li itu m nili ficts in, Hull tliii 1 tint) u ill K'-'i fur ni'Hiiii. luriv miii:iii Lit""- II ;il I- rii'iti jnuv in u-i-tl tu I'liiuli ami ri iii'iM' mrli lilt'inixht'it an ' I'r'i'klrH. -alliiMd"s- tin.l tun it mi in tli' n!. :il 'I. hi in. it. n- r. . liiti-iii r and lit'Ulllllit r. .lu-t tiy it' t Ii rt t tiinit'i'S uf nrrhnrii Mliitf at any .lnif Ann' ami ti Ii mt'iid iruin tlif "n'dT unit nniiV tin ; a nuart'-r pint uf tliiit cvM'itly frnj'iiitit ' Irinun li'timi atul riuifHu it !.iity into i tin- f Hi-', tii'i'k, arnw nnl lunula. It ,- DllirVt-luUtl til HUliMittlrll roll;'1', i ! liaii.l-t SAVE MONEY By trading at home and still be a booster forjjyour town. Many Bargains in Sum mer Goods. y The very newest styles i i Ot .iiulies "" Georgettes and Crt-pe-de-Chine. We have a complete line of Ladies and Gentlemen's Furnishings. 4. L. SWiBUM, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C m m m MM MM W& m m m MM m m m m m w m m RAT-SNAP KILLS RATS - AImi iinti'. Alisuhili'lv prcvfiitH oltirit i fium I'aii'uv. iif parkuire proves tlntt. U A At' t'niiii'f in i-itkt no imxiii with utliiT fimil. liiiaiuiitfiil. U-V mi' fakt'i t'lituiirli I'm I'sutiy, Kiti'lii u in ( filar i ,iitf mi r.'i'ukoi tui rim'kt ii Imti-f, , t-uup. r Miiail titiililniL'!' ; 1 no ii .r i i ruki m fin Mm li lui all luiui ; uiul oiii -luiiitlimiii, siuiuie tjuiMius. i ul i an.l iruaiantrtf'l hy l iwoe-While-; hea.l IKIw tV, fliluu, .N. 4'. NOTICE, llv iitue of Hit- purti'i cniitaiiieil tn a I mtaiu I ! ol trui of .Novi'inhfi 1, 1 liilii, cM'L'iii' il tn iiifliy Muiltiu t'aitfr, 1 tn M't'mc iht )uvtiH'i)t of ri'itain uoteH 1 ihi'ii'in ilcM'tii'i'l, uii-l itt'futilt having mvii iiuutf in Uit- pavuient lliLMt'of, and ui tin- n ipi.-t nl tltf Iml.lt-i, I will, on Hlh Day of September, 1019. I mi hunt of t ut- ( 'ouit 1 1 uiiMi' 1 1 our in the I iniMi ot llulim, N. ('., at I-.' ii't'lofk in., ! si-li u tin' hiirlit-st ItuHifi lot immIi, the 1 l-ilii,MiL' ilfM'nliol it-al estate: I 'iiiikIi-1 hy tin' tiianvilii' M.iyo tract j i.n 1 1 iiuiih.' Kvfiflt Mill tract on, the cast. s.Milh ami weft hy the Wat It t'ar in iaii.i. ht'iiitT Hit laml left anl Martha j t'aii.ii I'V lu rtathfr. ttciniff iirhtt'en ami ! niif-iiall ' at'lr.s. Iliult'nl IfitN. i Thih tlif I Uv of Auifilt, l!ll!l. Ii. It. It M 1 LI., Trulee. RATS DIK- Choice Hams There is nothing more, appetizing than a slice of our choke ham We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods OD GHOCBR1ES build up the system, stimulate the brain, anJ ncrease your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best ,ie s. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, WATCH HIM GROW W$ P 1 A Hr It "ktby" whs will give you no trouble one who tat, extraordinary food. Tike habit, of Thrift and Sivingi. Put In Thr.fl Stamps and Fei ........... ,. ;u., . o Oro tou'ii ttni him wonderful joy. Pershing Wants Pledges Paid So Welfare Work Will Go On With Armv "To the End." Washington, l. ('.-- lt.iyiiioriil U. rn-ilick, iluiiini.in i.r tli Cum iiiirf.sion uti Training Caniji Activiiii'S, has mail.- ,i . I 1 1 1- a l, i(i-r which he has received from Ueiieiul John J. IV I'shiiif, slmwiiiK the vital lmiiortanci! of contlnuliiK the wt-lfure work with the anny until the eml. Those who have not paid tholr I'nitid War Work ramuaiKn FUhsniitinn3 will come in for much crilleisni If they do not do so dur ing "SiMM'il-iy Week, July L'sih to August 4lh. rieveland II. Pode, national treasurer of Ihe I'niti-d War Work ajri'n(-H, Mated on July 15th that he had only enough hinds on hand to run the seven organizations until August 1st. Therefore, unless every outstanding suhscriplion Is paid during "Speed-Up" Week, It will he necessary doiiljlless to cut down tlie. work of the uy, -ncies which now means bo much to our soldier.-' still In uniform. (Jen. Pershing's letter In full reads: AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES Office of the Commandtr-in Chief France, May 3, 1919. Mr. Raymond B. Fosdlck, Chairman, Commission on Training Camp Activities, War Department, Washington, D. C, My Dear Mr. Fosdick: On the welfare societies that joined In the united campaign for funds at home in the fall of 1918, all, with the exception of the War Camp Community Service are continuing their helpful work with the American Expeditionary Forces. This work is of the utmost value to the troops ,ind is thorough ly appreciated by officers and men. It gives :ne ;t rpe.it deal of pleasure to testify at this time to the value of their services. I sincerely hope that the amounts so generously f.ubjcribed during the last campaign for funds will be paid in so thnt the work of these societies with the Army in France rn;y be continued to the end. Sincerely yours, JOHN J. PERSHING. NOTK The War Camp Community Si-rvite has. from the nut set. concentrated Its efforts tn encampment rili.'s in tin; country. a Fa -iM fc i T- .. F' -J " "asSiiit What you pay out your Koou money for 18 cents a package 1S c,Sarette satisfaction-and, my, how you do get it in every puff of Carnuls! "PXPEKTLY blended choice low-mildness of the tobaccos yet so- Turkish and choice Domestic taining the desirable "body." Camels xoduccos in darnel cigarettes eltmi- are simply a revelation! You may nate bite and free '.hem from any smokethemwithouttiringyourtaste! unpleasant cigar, tt aftertaste or unpleasant cigarettj odor. For your own satisfaction you must compare Camels with any cigarettt Camels win instant and permanent in the world at any price. Then, success with smokers because the you'll best realize their superior blend brings out to the limit the quality and the rare enjoyment refreshing flavor and delightful mel- they provide. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Win.ton S.l.m, N. C. iCnlKL Why 4u You Ewti? S pi Jtpi -; !r You miM Ret sick or hurt-be prepared for it Ii ULU JuSu' I UiCi' You might want t0 make an investment-start i ' now, "Takes money to make money," you know Crashes into sour bilo, maki Yo11 n,iSht be visited by thieves or fire-an account I you tick ana you lose with us prevents loss. I he saving habit is a mighty ! a day's work. good one to pet into. We Dav 4 per cent on Sav- I . ings Accounts 5 THE BANK OF HALIFAX 9 About Gone Many thousands ol women sullering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use ol Cardui, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one IromMts.Z.V. Spell, of Uayne, N.C. "I could aot'stand on my feet, and Just sulleied terribly," she says. "As my suf fering was so p,reat, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardui. . . I bCRan improving, and it cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for me, lor my nerves and health were tbout gone." TAKE It is surprisinc how near a young widow can come to proposing to a mini without actually doing so. Why I Put lip Willi Wilts for, Years," W rites IV W indsor, l-'urmer. "Wait ULr' 1 lioimlit ionic rat poisuu wliti-h ncaily killnl nur lini' v.;it?!i dog. It Ml M'llM'd II Ui:il Kt' Hlllt- li'd 11 lunif liiiHMvilh in'" utilil my nt uliliiir told il t It V T -A M'. That - tin- sure r:lt kllloi aiul a :l!i- iini'." Ilili',' si.eH -."nv, '.in , 1 old unit lOKllalltn .1 liy I'lrliv W'hill' I,. ad lldrt l'u . U.-Uiui.' W hen a man admits his wife is an angel it's salt' to usk him how he has been a widower. Why People Buy Uat-Snap In Preference to Pat Poison. (I i li.U'-sNAI' al.suhit. ly kills rats and nuns (!! What il dui'Mi'l kill it st'uu'saay. . ttals killi-d with ItAT sN AP Icavt' no sin, II, tlu'V ihy up in sidr. lit Made in cakt'M. no tnixiiiir with utlii'i' Intnl. (.'m lain i,r dons wonl tmu'li il I lut'f i.rw. a'ie . ,ur.. $1.1111. SuMaud trualaliWTil hy I'li'lfi'-W hitf-lit-ad llanlwaii' ' u . Wt'ldutl Calomel vilivil,s! It's mercury 0a inn l in In J i ilvnamile mi a flufislt i,-r. In n i aliiinrl (Sim. v into imiUi t wilii v.Hir hi I,- il i:.sli. . into it, tan-due' i .'niiiiL' uiul name. . If ymi fi'i-l In is, lii'.ulaeliv, em stipaled and all kii.n I s d out. just i i tu your lniLr;;ist and e t n lnt 1 1 lind.son's Liver 'I'liiir Im' a fi v n :r whifh is a liarailr-i v. ; v'.il.li' -.. stilule for dunperous tiilniiiel. Tak. a sjxioiiful ninl if it doesn't your liver and slrairliten yoa i, . Iieltrr ami ijuii ker than nasty i nioie and without inukini; you si. k, just o back and p-t your ni 'ii. If you lake ealomel lodav you'll ' siik and nauseated tomorrow: I, sides, it may salivate you. while ' you take llodsoti's l.iver Toni? vi will wake up fei'lin.' jrreat, full , aniliitiori and readv for uor'. or p..i. 't is liarnilcs-, pi, i-'aiit an.l i.ife . five to ehilJivu ; lliey like il. "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM N. I.. Steilman, I'. C. Uregory, F. H. Gregory I'restilei t V President I'sshicr. 1.&M SUM-PASTE PAINTS j VEST THAT CAN BE MAD1'. I Cost to you $3.25 a Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Obtain COLOR CARD from our Agents or LONGMAN & MARTINEZ Manufacturers New York kjafeMWiiKritamiiMmira s rr Batchelor's Opera Houtw. WELDON, N.C mi ilu iini'f, uiiot- Unjy viit li'A'I'-SNA I'. Ami tlifV li-avt un mUn heliili'l. Iutl't Ukr our wtinl tor it try a I'JU'kutt. Cain auo1 iluiTH wiMi't (ouch it lUtH pasHiipttll ftni'l to Kft I AT SAI rbri'f -M.tn. j.k'. Si.o I i nk') i tutiuh for I'autrs', kitcln-n or tvllur. .'MU. Sit i - t uki'") tm hu-kt'i luniHc, fiiopB, or t in all IuuMhil'h. j flmiMt 't ( aki'M fiiiniirli for ull i I it i in ami iiiii-iiuiiiiuii!!. nunuiri' ihiihi- itiL'' or lai'toi y hinhiinirH. Soli ami tuaiaiiU-r'ii liy ru-icf itm-nciu ihivv I t u , lloii : Sale uf Land fur Taxes. 1 Aili Bill to tlif limliril Iml.lcl furl imIi At tli court Iiuutf lour in lh t M.ittnol' HhIiIii ln.tiy , t'pt 1 1 I 'iHittln- lolluMtiuf ili'NiMilinl lamlt in j : Halifax ton ntltii. tir taxfi ul emit Im vi-ai it'n l (' Hrll I'Htal". .'nil acirn Wil- j ham lau.l U ;o . N K. IVnm r U.'n ft .1. H. ' l i'tlliiT !1 i M i m. ,111 hVaner, I tovui lot 4H..S7 j l.miiH I'lorlich, I toMii lot Mm Anna Kioehi'li, slurt tM Ut j h H V (ioHaii, I totin lot '':'-) I.aviii-iu'e litutliei, -la I't-m I ui y laml 4 U- i ('iilmeil 1 Willeiy Clait-, Mo a -lthli I'.'il Adet (.'oDiilauii, I tuwo lot I til Wilnt ( iatilon, 1 town lot t fHi JaLt- Hill. 100ft. Moorpian l II. 73 ,loe Jour-. "ti a i illety land, ".'4. -17 H. .Merritt, Hi a home 6 Mary Kol'Bons. 1 touu lot 4U aw Tlllfiy ebt , IJHs. Uonw lo Heuuetta Williaini. H a Cheek 3 O'i Kdn-ard Pierce, t 7 Williams iHOtl 27)l 1. J. M1LL1K1N, Tax Collector Halifax Township. The Woman's Tonic She writes further! "I tm In splendid health . , . can do my work. 1 feel I owe it to Cardui, for I was In dreadful condition." If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suller bom headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardui, Thousands of women praise this medi cine for the good it has done them, and many physicians who have use Cardui successfully with their women patlcnU, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what it means to be In splendid health. like Mrs. Spell. Olve Cardui atrial. All Druggists The poet pjints with words and the advertiser spenks with type. Mr. Vnufchan, Farmer, Tells Mow He Lost ull His Prize Seed Corn 'Sinni-tnm- aijo sent aay lor noun pt'tliiMveil si'ol eotu. I'ut it in a pun in'y sark aii'l himir it on a rope suspeii tied fiom tool'. Hats pot it all how heats in t-, hut tliey iliil heeause I pot f ileail whopper in the murninp after try I lip KAl'SNAI'." 'I'lilie Hies C, ."tic . H till Sulil aiul puarantffil hy rieiee-White-hea.l ll.lw. Co.. Wel.lt-.. IXVITATION.J You are invited to open an! account with the j i BflK OF Eft FIELD, Eft flELD, fl. o. Therefure Insist Upon U'u uine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Most men would rather get the short end of an nrgument lhan keep quirt. ! Children Ory i FOR FLETCHER'S 1 CASTORIA i i : A prudeni niiin never huts into ; danger for the purpose of adver i lisiug his hravei y. j Children Ory ! . FOR FLETCHER'S ! CASTORIA I s II jii i lr Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-!! t nunt Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail Millions uf fraudulent Aspinni Tablets were sold by a Htuukhu manutaciurer which later proved to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of As pirin" the true, genuine, Amen can made and American owned Tablets are marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Ak for and then iiimmI upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspuin" and always buy them in the orig nal Bayer pnekngf winch rnni'iins proper directions and dos ige. Aspirin is ihe trade mark uf Bayer Manufacture uf Munoatenc-: acidester of Salicylicacid. '3 uouirj(!ia!!Him;nro)( f,.,.vsv.;... ,i jr CASTORIA Far Infants and Chiunej In Us For Over 30 Years FOR SUMMER COLDJ Cslsrrh, Aittimi, Hsy-Perer, . Insert in tne Donrili imill ijvisniiiy oi Mm Will not Main the Clothes. At all drug rtorel 30c, We and $1-20 or mailed direct. UK MDC COIPAKT, I f fcatm, I. C PROMPT RELIEF fur the aiid-dititroowd tomarh, try two or three after mealsf diaeolved on tbe tunRue kvep your atomach t try KI-I1 tha new aid to digestion. t N,UE BY SCOIT & BOWKE M.UvEKS OF SCOTT'S tHttSlON About the rirsi question our salesmen w ill ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In other stores tlicy ask "How does u look?" The dill'ei ence is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we want to know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure io have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON. Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C.