OUTLOOK FOR THE NEXT WHEAT AND OAT CROP I BY CHARLES A. WHITTLE, j Improvement Committee, Atlanta, Georgia. The approach of wheat and oat now- j big time rataes a question in the Urm- era mind as to the outlook for '.hcse 1 crops. It Is well known that under the stimulus of Govenfment price ia enormous wheat crop has heeu pro duced, a crop of approximately l.ZUUV 00,000 bushels. It li estimated that this country re fulres 100,000,000 buehels and that Xurope will require from 41u,uuu,uuo to 410,000,000 bushels. If these figures proTe correct, there will be a very lit tle surplus left of the big crop of wheat tbla country has grown. 8lnce It appears to be probable that there will be no trouble to dispose of the preseat crop the next question is, what are the planting prospects fur other wheat growing nations? Of course the nation south of the equator, like Argentina and Austra lia, that have tbvlr summer when we are b avloff our winter, have already sown their fall crops, and wilt har vest them near erii(iua time. These Bailout have, thus far, good prospects, but they would hardly compare with any two leading wheat growing atatea at this country; therefore, they are But Important factors. Russia to the great granary of Eu rope ud Asia. Those who hart watch ed the political tread of that country see nothing hut war and paralysed agriculture ahead another year, If not tor srveral years. WHAT IS ACID Raw paospnus rack U i subitum b which phosphoric acid and 11m, are combined toother Is practically the urn, proportion. Is which Uy we found in boa,, and which 1, known a, pboaphate of Urn,. In tin condition tua 11m, and th, phosphoric acid hold to each other with auch a tight trip that th, phoa phorua oennrt b, dlaaolT,d by wa tar. It will r,adtl7 b, ,n that but for auoh a combination th, photpho rua would ban bean dlaaolrad out and washed to th. Ha l,(or, ,T,r man earn to Inhabit th aarth. But II kM baa looked up and bald for ut In (tie J"1 M ku IF YOU WISH To have in your home, comfort To add charm to it's appearance i To make your friends admire it To leave st mething to be cherished by posterity Then Visit the Great Furniture Emporium of Sydnor& Hundley Richmond, Va. And pick your Furnishings from the immense stock of FURNITURE, RUGS AND DRAPERIES. Reasonable OUR MOTTO:Quality, Design and One-Price. What SOME people are getting dangerously near to having a real thought concerning the effect of what they drint on their health, whether it Is helpful or harmful, others have known all the time that BEVO braces up and strengthens the weak, worried and worn, soothes the nerves, clears the brain and gives vigor to every organ throughout the entire body. W II Y ? Because it Is a pure, healthful, liquid food that harm onizes with nature In the up-keep of the human system, BEVO IS PURE. Water may not be. BEVO satisfies the thirst, many drinks donot. Substitutes may be a chemical compound to produce a similar taste, and therefore should be avoided. Carolina Beverage Co., SCOTLAND NECK, - - NORTH CAROLINA. European tuuntviL-s !:i si;ner.U art abort n( Ittbur. i e inotjllutuluu of unities DroreBeb alul ttinl lutt pe riod for tall nowing of small gmln In Ktirmie will have umnd before Any material chant; can be made through recovery of labor from the armies. Therefore, there la going to ut a continued ahurtafti of small grain in Europe, making it probably ueceaBary for this cuuntry to nuwly as much grain next year as thin. Hut Instead of the uatiou maiiilalu int its wheat acmige. it U fear ed the withdrawal of the Oovernmnut'i guarantee will result in a reduction. In the South U if not only a good farm prarlUe to grow wheat, oat and rye enough for home ueetla. but it is very d.'rinible, il) to have winter ' cover crop that will take up the plant fund that would otherwise w.wli out o( the mill with Hip winter ralm. I i2( to pn-vido hK'it winter KraziiiK ror llvcHtnik, 3 to fuiniKh iu eaM) ( spring Home fresh ivreal bay which will be the better il it ban vvtcU or I bur clover intmiug it. i1 i Iritmiuii vi ueLilile iit.il i r or humus to turn Into tlie null at the Bpriug plow lug U all Hit votl.'U a ;u fa 14 wre town to mull gruiu m the fall it wniiiii uru more cotton and nTh batUr lull, Imaer rvtunn from fur tlllwrt ami greater li.ru. yrntH Trw mile attention is glveu tu ob lalnlDi good wheat, oats aud ryw sead too little attention n given iu paring a good seed bed. and too little ftrtlllxen are uaed in gnwing the mall grain crops in the South. What li worth doing at all. Is worth dulug well. PHOSPHATE? held under the bills, and Id th, caaa of the phusphurus we have been given the key lor Its unlocking b- the uae of sulphuric acid, which cnuveru the Insoluble rock into u aolulilc fonu It the soluble pliuaiitiorn add wert separated rom the linn- which car rlea It and dissolved in umw It would be Hindi mure inconvenient to bauille than to leave it silll combined with lime In the dry powder wlncli we tall acid phosphate, thin lime simply serv lag the futu tioi. ot a bottle to carry the phoaphonm. aud saving the much larger cii.-iiae that would tie mvol ed in the voniplete extrai'tmu of tb pboaplioric atld. converting It Int. ' liquid form and ;,r.)VidlnK bottlee It which to cam- it. -MiDtiilv lliilleti' Ublo t.xiielji.., tt il.,:. Prices and Liberal Discounts. Do you Drink ? DRINK BEVO JAPAN TO MODIFY KOREAN RULE. Se Predicts Dr. S. E. Hagar, 29 Year Southern Methodist Mission ary In The Orient. Nashville, Tenn That Japan will mode rite her rule In Korea Is the pre diction of r S. T Hag, recently rfttuniftd missionary of the Method 1st Episcopal Church. South. Ur Hagcr ha spent more than a quarter of a enttiry In Japan doing religious work "Japan la learning that her success Id giving good government to Korea In fraught with difficulties, and that tolerance and good will must take the pi me of harsh and severe methods "The military leaders aim mainly at making their rule thorough and perm a bent, and naturally there It great temptation to the man of the sword to make his rule severe I uut democratic taeas are growing i In Japan and monj temperate treat i mailt of the subject race will come about " lr H.tanr save the t'brlstUn mis eloiiarte In the Orient sre Utud st i ilm success nf the Centenary move i meat, through which the church raised . $53, (M O 000 uu for missionary wrk Id ; all lands Miliums of this will be Sfaul i& Iht irieut HJndredi of new raisaleturles will t Ttnl md there will be a great advance uWemeut lu mediae! work edttoaUo tvatf erajigeJis FAMILY SECKIiT. "I bei I know what makes sisier wear her hair bunched down over her ears," said the small boy. "Do you?" replied he affable young man. "Yes. Bui I ain'i gom' m tell. Only if my ears were as big as sister's. I'd do something like j thai myself." WORSE STII.L. "Miss Ann was very angry when 1 kissed her in (he dark and refused 1 io accept my apology." "Perhaps you did not make il sirong enough." "Oh, yes, 1 did. 1 told her I had mistaken her for her preity I young cousin " Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Gash IN EUROPE WORK IS TO OPENED IN BELGIUM AT ONCE. Commlnlon Abroad To Study the Sit uatlpn. - Extentiv Pro(jram la Planned Church Buiy In Othtr Land. N&shvilte Tfnu (Spf-ual Coi re pondfiic ) -On August Sum a .-mi. missiuu oumpused of UUhup Juuu's AtklDK, of North rarollua, Jolm ii Pepper, of Tentii'Sftee, lr B?lle li HvUDtttt, of Ktmtui-sty, aod Mrt Li.U (I Juhnnon tr iJeoiitia, atl for fcv i'op Io arrange for t be opening uf Uuntvo MiftoiK and i.I.Hantbro i work Id lilsmm, Krati'-o and o:l.r war torn nun tries Ibry rcpic-ietit fh t'eutfoary Com Uiloalou and ttif Hoard of MIkihui uf tilt Mt!iotllnt Kidktopai i'liui.li Houlh. whuh hao Htt airide f liconi) of t'untfimiy fiaiilH fur rlltoua re iuntli iu iijii In Huri ija iLv) nlEb iittiorlt ;w puutitf I'lopfrly and opiu wuit ut urtia lu liflnluut and lu make a vaieful survey uf tbe uutils la other cuuoUiei ud rfLDintiiti.d an adxUattv prugra;n Ui(j!iniiat,L' itboulb. sulat centers, ruibiou literature Aud direct t,v.tLifcf lliui v. ill be the mctbodt employed in iviuv1 ol the tAiun'-Tes to be tn tttred tbe work will be von dueled, lu t o operation with the Methodist fcpln copal t'huicri, which 11 already o;erut lug la Krauce. Italy and the Balkans, aud u plautiitig to eipdiid ita work greatly as a result of the l'tnteiur. which In the two churches brougui millenary pledges ngtcregatlug more SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to dear and whiten your akin. the juice of two I'TUons into s kit tlf i'diitaiiniiiT three ounce of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the bent freckle and tHti h'tion, and complexion beiiutitier, at vir, T M11U.11 I'oHt. Vnir rroerr bus the lemons and any dm? store -r toilet ntimter will supply tl I. i- olit.ei-H of oreluird v.hite for a few ii nts. Maae thin sweetly fragrant li'linn into ilie fHi-e, neck, urmrt and eiuh iluv ntid we Imw freekli'H and bh niinlies disappear mid how i-h-Hr, Holt and white the ekm liecomet. Yen! II in hatnilesa. LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply lew drops then lift tore, touchy torus tf with lingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop i little Freeioiie yn tn atliiDR corn, inHantlv that corn ittops burtinff. thfn you lift t nlit uut. Yen, mtigic! A tiny bottle ut Fretiune costs but u-w emu at any drug store, but is auffi-ut-nt W remove every bard corn, uft torn, r cum Uetweea tbe toea, and tU mlluaes, without uurt-m-as or irritation. Frei-ioue in the awi national discuvery A a I'ipuauati Kt-niu. it u wonderful MERCHANDISE SALE! We are expecting io close our mercannle business soon as we can do so. X'e offer every article in cur store at and below cost. Vi'e have some great bargains, and sell ing some goods at half what the same goods cost at this time. Merchants who need cotton piece goods, can get such here at much less than wholesale houses are offering at this time. Vi'e must close this business soon as possible. Come quick. SPIERS' BROS., WELDON, N. C. NOTICE, By virtue of the power coutiiued in a eerum deed of lrut of November I, Witt, eieeuted to uie by Martha Carter, to secure the payment of certaiD notes therein described, and default having bean made in the payment thereof, and at the request of the Holder, 1 will, on 8th Day of September, 1919, in front of the Court House door in the lonu ol Halifax. N. C , at VI o'clock m., ell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: Bouudcu ' t iiranvilte Mayo tract on the aorta, -it Mill trset on the cast, south ana west by the Wade Car ter laud, ben g the land left said Martha t artar by hei father, being eighteen and one half acres, more or less. This the lllh day ofAuguit, lllld II. D, H4MII.L, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hat ing qualified as administrator ol the estate of Wade Carter, latt of Hali fax county, N c. this la to notify all persona having claims against the tslate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Thelma, N. C, on or be fore the Hlh dayof August, mi, or tins notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said state will please make immediate pay ment. Thie 14th day of August, Ism. C. I. HOUSE, Admr. esute of WedeCarter, dee'd J. H. TAYLOR. Atty. 8-M-t I STOMACH Mr. Marion Hulcmnb, uf Nancy, !., s.iys: l ot quite a long while 1 suffered" with :4oin;;i li tioiib'.v. I woi.ld have pains and a heavy feeling ,:':rr r:y ru ..Is. : most disacreeable taste in my mouth. If I a! a: m wit.i butter, oil or crease, 1 world spit if up. I bc.-.m M nave regular sick headache. I had used pt!U and UlMs, but after a course of these, I would he ct.:isti!'.".f. I; t:it seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found il.cy were no good at all for my tumble. I heard THEDFORD'S recommended very highly, so hcuan to use it. It cuicd me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. I d.t not have sick headache or stomach trouble any moie." W.ick-ltum ut a-ts on the jaded liver and helps II to do its inipoii.nil wotk of throwing nut waste materials and poisons truth the s s tem. This medicine should be in every lumreliold for use in tune of need. Oct a package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tomtit. Yuii will feel ftcsh to morrow. I'nce 2'jc a package. All dru ,i-.:s. ONE CENT A DOSE Street Receipts and Disbursements Krom September 4, 1M0 to July t, 1KS. Disbursements S'j't -1, Ittlti. t'.V liore A I'd . talaiy urul lii'lji, l.:,,ti " ti H. I,, J, issit.-l 'A t'o.. Mlt-t't wmk on t'tilitl.U'1. '. In i'l't I. - t. I- .,.. io,, faittiy au.l tie.st umk 11', t " l. " K li I .ailHr . ( it . -t r t-t utirk tu net. 11". '1 " M, " Ni w.tnt t'oiitiai'l o.. I'lilu itn I ti.it i.1' Nu I-, " I '. 1' t.oit- l u , salui y mill tn-fl lu lji tl n " ii, '' CiuiiL'tV Co., Ii'ud njif t'ui stif.-t tttnk, :;i 17 " lu, " hs, .1. A JuliiHtou, wand lb 1 tortu, ,'nti on " --, " K. l. LasMtfl V l'o , pint p;ty tu eul ou ttttret rtoik 1 . hinj ho leo. 4, " V. . 1 sun- Co sahtry and help on stu'-i i t, on Jan. 1, If 17 " in"; ;,, " 1 " H. i. l.af iter ,V 1 o., ntit't'l vsurk lu .U11. 1. isn , l I'r-h. .", " I', liore A t o , wuluiy ami help lo.i L'.'t " " " 1! li. I.a-Hiter A l'u., strret work l " " " I' F. iure A t'o., coD-ultiif servii'ea -.'ihi ihi Mai. ', ' " Hilary uiitl street work irj 1 HI Apr.'-', " H-i iHt MayT, .t!i ol 'uu 4, ' mi Mi " 1, 1 profeutual service, s,u un Jul , salary nm h, " " Meri'liant8 .National Bank, mite oimi ihi 11 " li. ii. I.iiNMiter A Co,, strt't't work 1; 771 (j Au(f.1, ' t V Cure, proft'huioiml service -.'.'.immi " " ; service x, st'p. 4, " " " street hoi It i mi j Oct. '." 4", I Nov.li, ' " ;;, Feb. 4, K I!. I'.iieiltauin, slleel ttoiV t; i,j ch4, ,,.,- 1-afHiter A i o Ksluuate No. 1. 1 ;t; Apr 1. " F. L. Hueihauin, alaiy aud priutin ll-i " " i. ii. FasBitei A Co , Ktiuiate No. 'J, -j m MayT, " F. F. Hufiliaum, alaiy, IM, , " C. F. iioie, halaiy. (H, " " K (i. Fachiter A Cu., Fstiinate No. H, A -m '. Jim S, " c. F. (iore, nalary, uiouths. t-v ,,o luly 1. street work I It. ii. Fasmter A Co., uottn ami iuteiext jh ,,71 ;j Interest on HoiuK INi Receipts 1'ulitln, Shlewalka, iiuadnay, , N C. Hughen. lolal, Halauoe in Ireanuiv. ai t A n ,1 HSTABLISHKU 1892 Capital and Surplus, $63,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT! W E. DANIEL, PHRRlDINT. W. R. SMITH. Vlt'l'VHBBUIBNT. I iff We are in position to give first class service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition, Light ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need First Class Service at once call JONES Phone 205 GARAGE, P.O.Box 244 TROUBLE fi II 71" Work 11 k LilJ I.. I' URAl'ER, Ujj n & SONS WELDON, N, C, i.4 41 U."i lt,l"li 4!i 41 4.'. f;i 4;l .17 ; 1;:. OAS If CRIMSON CLOVER THE VOT'TirHTTTI. SOII, IM- puoviNa caop. Ail L'JtrcUont Winter n1 Bprlnff O'. . ; Ct"p uit r,r nnif OiccD re (I Ocjod Hay Crop CrlMti'iti Clover --"i I "n fi-. ,,, i ,,. i ' i . ! .hi'v fo 1'iirtv In T f" .ril Hun inn it nl ''" 'HSt , litfitinif it iiml'-r lli K l v ,tv K WHitZ Ut- ,1 , . .. li ir SE SURE TO SOW WOOD'S SEEDS Tli. v nr" t'fir--f'illv wrlcfil nntl . ,." f I til I tl'l ' I' 'II ff' ft -ru !: .'Illtf'rt llllll I'bjfC'tktll- lit'lf Wf. J Si-rdS. SEED POTATOES for Fall Crop :. iIk trmvi'M nn' r'ttii tf tt'iU .Ml.il -ri- - JU'l n- w. riiml ft litti r-il 'it n.ic" In .lull'' fitnl J'liv. 1-,. ,!. - m iv -t il tupli ittiaiti i i.it.i- r . r(i.' f t- "Wonfl'i Crop Spt clal" i-n .ut: ttipi.- v nifi'1-in..t...i. l.t..l .il.-- Mti.l. .1 fr.- T.W. WOOD & SONS, . BEEDHHEN, BlclimiiUlt, Va. . , J I'ktOI liSSIONAI. CAIDS. WAI. I I k I DAMIiL, AltiiriKv-at-l.aw, i : I . i n . n i rui lifc- hi ii.i' diiuti. ut lUlilai aliu N,MlltUIII)llll Uli'l 1U till' .sllU'lllt uut, tvilciul riniit- l ullii'lK'iis iniiilc ball ltu tH ul V.i Id l .tn.lilm lllalicli nltic .(I llllllu ui.rli ,'V. IV liitnltiv llliOKUI: C. (jkliKN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I'lLL't1 iii t'lii'ti UuiMiutc eldtin. N. C. Win. L. KNIGHT, Attorney arid c'ounstllur at l.nw, t KI.I'oN. N. V. I lltll'f HI 11:1 I M II II I Ullll linn HiiMtitM. ni.iiillv mi, I Isitliftillv at trmli'.l til. r, i.i.iorr h c.uk. Attornt y-at-l.aw, U Kl.lHiN, S I'. IMll,l Ill lillCII HulUllllkT ASHLEY B STAINBACK, Attorney-at-Low, Notary Public. WELDON, - - N. C. I'raetuM in the courts of Halifax auJ atljoMMiiif oiiuntit'H. 1'ioiiipt alttt iition to all FuMiu-hh eritntt-tl to me. nitiee over M. C. I'air'B Klure. T. CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLDON, N. C. I'raetict'M in the courtn ol Halifax and ailjoiumr coiiniien aiul il the Niji renin court ol the Mate, special alti-utioo kfiven to collection ami prompt returui W. J. WARD, DKNTIMT, DM It K IN iAM.,. llt'll,iMi: WEI.IiON, N.t . st'pl'J ly ' mvt. i.. I., msvia, in TRAVIS & 1HAVIS, Attorneys-at-Law, HALIKAX, N. C. I'tui'tnv ill Hip Slate ami tnlelnl, ,,iiits MISS K. N. HILL, I'l lll.lt TKNtJtlHAFllrll Wt:ii,n, N. i'. utlitv hami'l liuilJiuf. HutiiH '( to ."l. DR. Wm. A. CAIM1R, VKTBRINARY SUKGKO.N, WKI.IHIN, N ('. I.un liistuiicr isIIh aiisiveird iruuiiitly Otliof id suuth Wrkliiu riianuai-v. tr.uiv Haiti k -.nil i -IMI.-I.ls (H,till,t.l I hd H.1 ...mI.-I ik.t.l f'UI l.dtuo Jl.. d.- BUILD FORTUNES Y'"l I -II I en iM..lit t. II lif . Ktlatl l UitrUI iU tv fju muDt-y. Willi tjJt, D. SWIFT & CO. I'm I ail I LAW. U03 Se.nlh St., Kastiinijtoo, D. C SHOE STORE I have in my store a complete line of Men's Women's and Children's Spring & Summer Shoes. All latest styles and eol. ors 3 Come Early ; and have your choice, Good SJitics at keasona. ble Prices ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. KITTNER'S SHOE STORE, L. KITTNER, Prop. Opposite t-ostoffic Weldoo, NC. KITTNER'S in get it. ifor "T 5w V NOOTMlRUKIi. NO OTHIK Ally. ' Cii.li... ll,."NF.W H1)MF",, Mr u.-rl .1 l ,,., , .,' I.;,,., .,,,,.. 1, . , .,,!,,' it.ilV l niilrfil tn. i,, .v.,,, 1 ' ou,i:i t tt It.. 1. 1 ..t. h:i t u,t ''hriirLH WARRANTED FOR ALL Tlai . it. 1 1. ,, ,P .., " - t .. ..I i.ii.iri , , , ,W( tm .iivn 'Mt atWH ; w t0 i'iu' An Appetizing Meal Everybody wants it. l:erybody likes It. -Everybody's looking lor It. BUT You ian'1 Ret It unless )k' have the right kind of grocery Uet em HI-HE I l'hone2m). : k. M. PUkNELL, . Wfldnn, N r New Quarters: Just moved lnt our handsome ne brick buildinK with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer the mechanic and the j house builder. ' I LI ES ! PLULS1! I Nim in the tune to place your orlti i for tlucM. I' want em. We inuke tm l; JjjfDWJlE CO., Halifax, N. C. U. E. LEWIS. Manager. i la am OF UM'U-THEMlNl'Tl: MILLINERY. FANCY UOOlaod NOVELTIES, Butterlek's Fatteroa K & U. Corsets, 1 i Misses at 76c. Ladits T.'ic. to l, M. Prices a ill W made to suit lbs times. Hatstnd boDnets made and, 1 trimoied io urjtr. i ALL MAIL UKliLR I'ROMl'TLY HLLKU. MRS. f. A. LIMlf, eldoo, N. t'.i i I SliND YOUR ORDERS Fi H ALL KINDS OP PRINTING 10 E. L. HAYU'AKD, V-'eUon. N.IC. 9 Lamest Stock io Mi .a Sooti. Wlieo iri Norfolk eall ou ui You mil rind what you wuu aud get it quickly. riaTingiio caoTassera, no . agent's cururu lHRlilS u it- htl ilea to our pn (is. 'IhiseLS allies us to use i.hwIs.kuj a terial and bnisli it proper I ! Wa Pay Fralgbt and Uuarantet Sala Arrival'. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (SSiyaut inusmssa.) It-W Baaa Bt. KOBFOUC, V A ESI 1

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