JSIAiiLISIIIil) IN lfW. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEI'TKMIiKl. U, U)l!. NO. IK EXTKAVAGANCE AT THE BAT Children Cry for Fletcher's Tbo Kind You Have Alwayi Bought, and which hai been la una for over over 30 years, hag borne the signature ol - nd has been made under his per Ccrtfflttits ,onal ,uP"v'i"n iinre its infancy. UWVZ5 Allow do one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jutt-as-good " are but Bxperimenti that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Exneriment. r What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance, Its , age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishnese arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sletp. The Chlldrea'a Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature yBears the Signature of NEEDED A COURSE HIMSELF. ' Why Shabby Visitor Failed to ' Impress Merchant With His Oiler to Improve the Memory. ; The stubby visitor laid his hat upon a chair, and drawing a book lei from his pocket, approached the iiu-i chum prince. "I on tell you," he said, "how 10 become a great success; how to win independence for life." "Three seconds gone from the i ininuie I'm giving you," said the merchant. "I have here," went on ihe ' thinker, "an infallible memory : system . Master it, and you will muster the world. You will not ! forget to post the letter your wife ! Eavc you this morning, and you ! can do without that worsted on your ringer." "My trouble," said the mer chant, "is that I can'i find a relia bly system for forgetting things I want to. Your minute's up." Sadly the visitor departed, but iwo minutes later he returned to the olHce breathlessly and excited. "I lorgoi my hat!" he said. I In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought i Get The Habit j pBuy for Cash. Saved j BTthe pennies by buy-C3 ing at I W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store "Mrs. Reach Tells How She (lot To Know Rut-Snap.' "Have always ft'uied rattt. Lately nuliord many od my faun. A neighbor emd hejuKt irot rut of drove, with KAT 8NAF. Thin Hturteit me thiukniK. Tried KAT-KSAl' myttelf. It killed IT aod scared the rent away." KAT-SNAP euiiH'B in llnee LVip.. .'.lie. tl im. ."old and ifmilunti-i'd by I'leli'e W hite head llilw.ro . Weldun. Wlil.OON, N. C. Dim Lumber & Millwork Go. j Weldon, N. C. ! j MASUFAl'TURKrW OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens I MADE TOOHDKlt AN 1 HKiil LAlt STUCK M.Ks. I Oood Materials. High Orade Workmanship Uur Slogan. m mint A? 29 nL,VTlXb. ry m SAVE MONEY By trading at home and still be a booster for your town. Many Bargains in Sum mer (Joods. The very newest styles in Organdies Qeorgettes and Crepe-de.Chine. We have a complete line of Ladies and f Gentlemen's Furnishings. I I L. STAW4CK, The diver has a practical way of gelling m the bottom of things. For a Weak Stomach The Kit'at "'tiff Ulluidi'd hy Oiiltn hci Imn'iH I ulilcti 111 U niuUitiiUf ot'i'USt'K liiiN fully pnivt'ii the tacut valih' of thin pri'iiataliou lui u wt-uk htoinucli anil i in jtairnl ilikfcstiuii. In many onsen thin relie! Iiun hi 'funic pt'imant'iit uinl the KullcretH have het'D completely rentoreil to Jit al t h A bird in the lund is all right if you have no knife and fur k. ! Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ! This is not only mil- uf the lies' t uuil iiiuKt t-ltu'it nt iiii-.hviiie lui I'miifliH, coMn ClOUp. II lit 1 W hlMi(MtlLr PtHlirll, hut IN alao pleusmn to take, winch n important nht-n u lufilieiiie m tint he trivet to you lit ehitilien ( 'hiimhii lailirt ( uutrli Hi in y Int" ln i'4 in um' lui many yt'iirn and 1 1 a met with mueh avur wherever I ttH ifooil quuhtirh have hecunie knowD. j Many mntheiH have ifivcn il their uu tjutthlit'il eihlorseiueiit Win. Kptuhy, ; t'lnllieuthe, .Mo., wntes: "I have raneil thue ohillteii, have alwayn lined Chain hfrluiu'H ( 'uiitfh Iteineily and louud it to he Ihe he-1 foi coiiuIih. cold and 1 cioup. It i pleasant tu take liuth atlults and ehildieii hkr it. Wy w le i and 1 have ulwayn hll xale trout ert u; j with it in tin1 hoiw.'' t'hamlieilaii.'t Co u nh Krinedy eoiilauiM m opium or , ut ht i nuieotic. mm m A woman's Hckleness is only ex ceeded by her constancy. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Scandal continues id be lashinn able society i!.nne. m "I Spend a $1 on Nat-Snap and Saved Ihe Price ol a Hog." .lame Mittuire, faniuiiK Hog Haiser td' Newleisey mys: "I Ad vim every farmer trouhled mil) rat- to use 11 AT- SN V. I'ned eveiytliiint to ifel rid of rale peiil 1 im HA t'-SNAl. Figured in tats ki led, haved the piiee of a hog." KA T S.S I' ooines in cake form. No miMinr nilh other tuod, t'att or dotrs won't toueli it. Three sues, 'J.'ic. r-Oe. fl. Sold and Kuaianleedhy I'ieit'e-White head lldw. Co , Weldo-.. m The Busy Store, WELDON, N C 9tt m nn mmmunmumt . Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All kinds of Canned Goods COOD GEOCERIES buildup the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity 10 think.. And right thinking brings best re f ults. Our prices make vou think Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Ntar Batchelor'a Opera ttouit. WELDON, N.C There is no science in love; it's all art. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beari the Sif naturt of I It's well to beconsisient, bui too I many people possrss th? cortsist- ' ency of mush, i . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER 5 CASTORIA Ketnember that an act of charity works both ways. "It Must Have Been Dead at Least 6 Months But Didn't Smell." "Haw a big rat iu our cellar last fali," writes Mrs. .iuaany, "aud bought a LVc. cake of RAT SNAP, broke it up into mail picera Last week wink' moviug we came aero9i the dead rat. Must have been dead six months, didn't amell. HAT SNAP ie wondeiful " Tbn:e. 2:,c, ouc. tl. bold and guaranteed by 1'icrce- White head Hdw. Co., Weldon. 18 cents a package Cainat are told evarywhrr in actnfito ally ncaled package of 3(1 cttiarettna , or Ian package (200 ciQarvttes) in a ulaaa-tna'papr-covarfd carton Wa atrnnHly racomntend thia carton for Ilia hunia ur ofhee aupply, or whrn you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Wln,loii.Slam. N. C. Atti Boy I Put Him Out of the dame With W. 8. S., And Make 'KM Faatl CAM ELS' expert blend of choice Turkish nnd choice Domestic tobaccos answers every cigarette desire you ever had ! Camels give such universal delight.such unusual enjoyment and satisfaction you'll call them u cigarette revelation I If you'd like a cigarette that does not leave any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor, smoke Camels! If you hunger for a rich, mellow-mild cigarette that has all that desirable cigarette "body" well, you get some Camels as quickly as you can I Camels' expert blend makes all this delightful quality possible. Your personal test will prove that Camel Cigarettes are the only cigarettes you ever smoked that just seem made to meet your taste I You will prefer them to either kind of to bacco smoked straight I Compare Camels for quality and satisfaction with any cigarette in the world at any price I FOREIGN BORN ARE ! STOCKHOLDERS GET NOW TAUGHT THRIFT Ceurae In Amarlenlutlan II Enlargad Be aa to Inolude (pedal Laaalon on saving Habit. Thrift la now one of the aubjeeta halng taught to tlinusanila of foreign, born worker! who are attcndlug Arnerlcanlcatlon claaaea throughout Ihe t'nllfd Statu In fartorlea. ibopa. churchel and night aphonia. Aa a majorltr of the altinrtanu at tkeae rlanara apeak but little or no BnglUh. the atudy of langmtgw conatl tutea uae ef the prlni-lpul auujecta taught, a half hoar drill heiag hold at each apaaiun. The method waa de need for the National T M P. A and la publlahed by that organisation. Th IntiaoBa are ffhort. eouatHlhig of about twenty alniple aentencea on fverydav mttltera. and a clatta la tauelit by re peating one aentence at a thue aftrr the teai her. who llluatratct It with inotluna and oojeota "I took at my watch." aayi the teacher, who takea out hla own watch The claaa repeats thla In chotue. theu Individually. The aoit aentenee deala with number., and the telling of time. Alt aenteucea are link ed together, and eaoh teacliea at leaat one new word with counevtlvea. At the end of the leaion It la ahown to the elaaa In printed form on a chart At the reuueat of the Tn aaury De partment, a eperial thrift leflaon deal Ing with War flavlnga ftampa ha been written and re now In the handn of Arnerlcae aaoretarlea ef the T M C A all orer the country Thla j leaaon la an eicellent llluatratlon of the method by whteh thousand or fo'algn bora workora are now learning Engllah. and It la aa follow, Haa J"bn baa eome money Pun -He puta It In a atorking Saya- Jim aaya: "It la nut safe" Anawera John anawera: "No? t will see" Looks He looks tor his money Is Stolen The aaeney la stolen. Sarea- John aaeel more money. Asks- He aaka: "How can 1 keep my money ' Baya Jlai aaya: "tee this. John " Shows Jim abowa him a hook of War Hayings Stamps. Saya John aaya: "Where dll you get ttr Buy John kuya eome War Say tage Stamps Puta- He puta them In a bo.ik. Saya John aaya: "This li safe and good." Buya John buya more stamps Saya He aaya: "America la late east ae la my money." U. S. THRIFT APPEAL Oorporttion Mall War 6vlng aump Ntiu When Sending Out Dividend!. Nut usljr is Minn becoming prl or tha gpnprfll ciliH'iitlon of the peopl ' f uniill ami imxlt't-ata lnnans who are being taught aul t nrourantr! to cult I vat hablti of wuh saring aod aaosl ;bl apendlng. flTorti ar belnn maditi to attrurt to llie thrift ittmpalga .he atockliuldera of practically avery largo curpumtlun In tlm I'nltud Stai Already twenty aii uf tbu largnat oorpoi -aliens In ttia oountry Iuto ; agrued to mail with iiutUos of dlvi dand payments to atin-khuldur In aurta calliup uttontlnn to the daalra billty of invortting their niwk earn Inge In War SivIhri Stamps Theea oorporatloim wlilch have an eiodlng ly wide diatrihution of stock are; anktmg the larpNt dlvlittud paying : iroipurationa In the TTnitcil Htntaa, i Rome of them already are mailing ; thrift Insert to their stockholders, ; and others have agreed to do ao 14100 the next dividend date. The lnaerta ; which stockholder! receive along with their dividend notleea are aa follow: "Double your resources by I eat ing savings retuilarly "Old you ever tttop to consider how easily and rapidly you ran auQttmn late a uousldeiuble sum by liireMnf small amounts rfgulnrly at compound Interest? "Tou eau begin at oar by ttTost Ing all or part of your savings tm Vu Savings Stamps or the 1919 teen Which you can buy In any amoual up to $1,000 They bear four par oool interest, compounded quarterly. "If you should have an unexpected eall for ready cash before your stamps nature. January 1. li!4. you ean re deem all or any n timber of them at any time, for tbe full purchase price, plus Interest. "No other Investment offers such an attractive rorablnatlon of safety, In- come, redeemablllty and convenience " TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE ' wSwM" YouE? FflD MHI nm ITliri , rou . m.lgnt Ket slck or h"rt--be prepared for it lUli fillbll LALLiStL You ni,I?!tIwant t0 n,ake a" investment-start i.ow, nan uiuiicy 10 make money, you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to jret into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts 3 THE BANK OF HALIFAX $ HALIFAX IT. C. "Beware of small eipeaeee; a amatl leak will ainlt a Ri-eat ablp.". eeld Franklin He knew. Bt&rtB your liver witbo.it u Lia yuu sick autl tau uu. Bulivatu. Every ilnii'tM.-t in tu,. i. u. Ji'ugiriit tttui t.'Vt.'rvUi,!)'.s iliu'is!: lias noticed a grvnl rtllin-oir in 111" falo of vulotiiel. They nil (live tli tiiiine reitiitin. Potlson'H Liver Tun is taking ita mv. ''t'aloniel in ii inr;erotM uiul ji.-o know it, while l'l.-on'3 Liver l'!n is perfi'i lly safe tind gives belter ;e sulli." tiunl a prominent local ilrurr gist. l.lodson'i Liver Ttne i.; t- so'iulh' giiarant.H'iI hy evei v ,lr: gist who selU it. A large holih costs but a few cents, and if il fail t" give easy relief in every ease df li sluggishtiLSa and eonstipaiieii. liavn only to ask for you.- ..i"i. " hack. llodsou's Liver Tone is a j le.e a .'. tasting, punly veirelabK rv!iM-:y. harmless lo both children :'.n,l adu Take a ppoonful at night and w.ki up feeling fine; no biliousness, (ie! headache, acid slouiaeh or consti pated bowels. It doesn I gripe or iftluse inconvenience all the next litn emlonl otilimial "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Buyer Tablets of Aspirin" N. I.. Stedman, i'teti'enl M. C. Oreeory, vire.rreHidnt F. H. Uregory rashier. L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS Hilar THAT CAN BE MADE I Cost to you $3.25 a Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMajDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Olitain COLOR CARD from our Agents ur . LONGMAN A MARTINEZ Manufacturer. New York " iiiitirK INVITATION.! SI m You are invited to open an!account with the B S a BW OF E IF I ELD, EflFIELD, fi. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. s I 8 THE LUCKY THREE Oalr three nea eut of every hun dr kare a ailna account at the aae ol forty -eve. alaety-aeven per cent of them loalni their entire aarlnaa ta aoae raverae. Are jrou ukkn( a chance, thirty three to one. oa being one of thoae otaety-teren? Or are you rr.akmg lure that you will answer "present" when the roll of thrso li called? It's Just aa easy to tie m thia latter claaa aj la the Srat if you think Ninety, aevea men out of every hundred don't think eavina spasmodically If they aava at all. aad laveetina la aecurltua of which they do not know the value Government aecuritlee are absolute ly aafe. pay a hlah rate of interest and are easily obtainable In small de aeaalnatiotie. Have reauUrly and aafaly, and yuu will be aura to he anirng the lucky throe KEEP ON SAVING ZOO War 8avif.gR Stamps bought thli ye or will be $1,000 In 1M4 fur that uw office equipment, new car, pnatgraduate courie in a spec ialty, payment toward a borne, for tbe youngsters' education, or against a rainy day. 100 Stamps now wilt be f 600 Lhu. for advum-empnt or yrutection; and &0 will tie 160. Tu your own mark of your needs or desires and gift there via W. 8 S W. B S. pay more than 4 1-4 per cent and are absolutely eafe and convenient investment for the busy man ur wutnsu Put Your Family on Safety Line. YOU. can bank by mail earaaraacTOauraauraeara I "Broken ecus can not he mended. I Neither can "cashed In" Wsr Sarinft 1 Stamps grow to their maturity vaiuo. i War Havings Stamp, are bcttei than J wonty. tieiauae they ears mora muaey. There will be no "ralay" day for the maa w'.u ri'eularly aaves nr., I n Teels iila m..jev m War 9... .ga lamps. Diarrhoea In Children For diarrlitc. in children uut- yoat uid or older you will tiuU uotlmi bi-ti. i ttiaa Charnberlaiu's Colic aud I.ii:iiiIh .i Remedy, followed by a duse il caftin oil. It should he l'.eit at hand and (given ae aoou as the nrat unnatuDil ooseneu of the bowels appears. FOR SUMMER COLDS Catarrh, Asthma, Hay-Ferer, etc. Insert in the nostrils a small quantity of f SALVE Will not stain the Clothes. At all drug stores 3VI. (Ut and $1-2Q or mailed direct. EUK DIK (MTAKT. . ItsaWa, R. Ci "alS Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets were sold by a Brooklyn manufacturer which later proved to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of As pirin" the, irue, genuine, Ameri can made and American owned Tablets are marked wiih the safely "Bayer Cross." Ask for and then insist upon "bayer I ablets ol Aspirin" and always buy them in the original Bayer package which contains proper directions and dosage. Aspirin is ihe uade mark of Bayer Manufaciure of Monoacenc acidesier of Salicylicacid. yi-m fi a . yi-m ?i h. I 1 OVER-EAVT ie the root of nearly all !.,otr. j Tils. It your dipestien u wcr,l; cr out of kilter, bettor c.t Ick tva-J us j the new aid lo 1-ttn' -I.J.tion-Ple.sant tJ UAx-Lcl A't-moids halp tti..!;t ... . t ycut digest; truubLs. MADK hf ICOTT IH1WNE MAHKN. OP kCOi t 1 1-tul.ilON About the first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" in oiher stores ihey ask "How does it look?" The difference is lhai we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we w ant to know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our w indow this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens ant) Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C.