THE ROANUKh N r. S MidSummer I'HUKSDAY, SEPT. 11, 1919. 1 ublisheil Every Thursda) . Reductions hi. IMS AH C VliK. nil.Nc; n our hue now reduced to make room f '' L -!;e t ,, K u !,. (, a,-, ,,rr,V,:,g J:1,lv. , would p i J' - ' Pnscontmue, 'UH Kli:z;ru'''" FANCV '''-A'n sKikrs.f S5 00 to $18 00 EACH p OIK LIM-: of LAhlLS ir.J MISSES SttLATl' U 1 shades and stvles .,r . ? . 3 LATtRs ItUISI'l NliSLKII'l!ll!NliAMr: On Vfi. .I.y mail) iolpaiJ. tl ill. Six Moulin. ' ;j A .vt'ckly he moerutic journal devoted to the riiutenul, educational, political and agricultural ioten-.t oi Halifax and 1 liTUUDdlDtfi'OUQtlVH. Mvciihiiij rates reanonuhle an. I - a hel ud applicatiou miss should possess one ol these s.i u,-r s iini ul nnsvt'ss iin ,.i ih ' -vcr! 1 ---v.- 1 j 1 win nh-ase von Let us be of service to you at your convenience, A TWO-FOLD DUTY Many thoughtful mothers first give their children Scott's Emulsion regularly-and then take it themselves. It is a tonic -food that contains elements as needful to an adult as to a child, build up your strength- -try Suit's. Bcutt A Buwilt. Blaoma.ld. N.J. ! 4 And a woman's conscience i- .il iil si as elastic as her tongue. .'U.n is burn 10 rule bui woman es along and beais him out of his j ib. 'X'hile ihe world is studying ihe comrol of the air, some one should an jnge lor control of hoi air Senators who indulge in abuse of America s allies are trying 10 make the world unsafe for democracy. As for iheir admiration and grat itude, Americans are now able tc tell it directly to the marines of Chateau Thierry and Belleau Wood. Capital and labor each needs to learn that the other is not nec essarily wrong headed and stub born and that reasonableness al ways pays. THE Peace trearv anH ih .i of living are linked, says President Wf:l -- wuson. i ney must go down to gether. Swallow hard, gentlemen ot tne Senate, swallow hard 1 No the coal operators are ac cused of a "famine plot" to sky the price. X'e have no sure proof or mis, dui we all know that coal mining is a dark underground business. Havana is said to be preparing itselt to become a great resort tor thirsty Americans. It does look as if the Cuban metropolis across the channel has the chance of a lifetime. Mk. Loikji; may triumph m the galleries and conquer in the l-'or-cign Relations Committee, but he is sure to lose in the Senate. Thus Mr. I.ttilm- anil tor I!-... e i -uiu.-C M.n C Mill Ciii'i-.-e,l.,l ; I .-wviuiu in JLMIIg IMC ute. Sen- 3 : Uj . I Let Your Engine Test Polarine Your motor can prove ilie value of Polarine Motor ( )ils more convincingly than all the luhi.rutory tests in the world. Draw all the old oi! out of the crank case, till with U for tuenty sicmuls, draw all 'he kero sene off rc-till w ii h I'oluniic-ihcn take ONK UNIFORM QUALITY TIIRFK CONSISTENCIES I'olarine Oil Polarine )il I leavy Polarine ( il Extra 1 leavv Alio, Polarine- Tiaiisinisslim Oils and Creases for the lubriiuiioii ul M,,t,,i- l',s- l,,i,- ourearoul and notice the added power ,rucKS ne and t.jM,hnc- Iractors; and increased i.olease. ta 'Jnd iiii,,.,, ( i iigmes; Motor- For Sale I.) ,,11 Reliable Garages, Accessory, and Hardware Stores For maximum power and most mile, per gallon, buy Standard Motor Oa.ohne at reliable garages and dealer everywhere. louk fur the sign-the sign of a reliable dealer. U! FOR MOTOR CARS STANDARD OIL COMPANY (INKW JHRSEY) Parages and Dealers Sailing Polarine Oils: VX'l-LDON. N. C. Collins & Cram, Clark & McClamb, J A. Harvell, "J A. Hinnani, l'ierce-X'hiieliead Hdw. So. Vi'ekliin Pharmacy, illey-Muore Hdw. Co HAI.II AX, N. C. Koanoke Hardware Co l-ITTl.ETUN, N. C. Cole-Daniel Hdw Va ' S. J StallmR-,. i Co. JACKSON, N C H. J. Bradley. KOSIiMARV, N. C. J. F. Stallings, L. A. Shell Co. S. B. Toppings, Harrell Bros. KOANuKI: RAPIDS, N. ( Taylor Collier, VC'hitley (iarage. THLLMA, N. C. Hamill Shaw H. A Shaw Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman's Ionic, hflped Sn. Wil liam Evtrsole. ol Harl Ptch, Ky. Ktad what he wrilei: " had a stncral breakinc-down ol my health. 1 wu in oea lor weeks, unable to get up. I had such i weakness and dizziness, . . . and the pains were very severe. A IrimA oid me I had tried every thing else. whv nnl CJfaw i . . . did. and soon saw it was helping me . . . Miier u oottlet, I im llron,; and well." TAKE Kviii-:m Hie railroad brother hoods have been reading up on strikes. Hl.JM B: ; N Senators who are opposing the League of Nations are looking so far into the future 10 discover trouble that they are overlooking a lot right in front of them. The Woman's Tonic Do you feel weak, diz- xy, worn-out? Is your lack otgoo.! health caused Irom any ot the com plaints to common to women? Then why not give Cardui a It should surely do lor you what It h.u dona lor to many thousands ol other women v. ho suilered it should help you back to health. Ask some lady Mend who has taken Cardui She will ten you now helped her. Try Cardui. AD Druggists in KntiPINc; waoes when- lhu .j- and lowering prices is one rempiK- the President suggests for the high cost ot living n is the surplus I over expenses that measures the ' value of income. F-VKN the world war ended! sooner ihau in my persons expect ed, the race h,,is are over mum- of ihe temppiiuenial strikers are returning to work and food prices are coining down. Maybe the world is on ihr way back to sanity Senatok Fall by his amendments io ihe ire wv m u,uaury r0r membership in the Sen atorial "Cal.imiiv J v-iuii aiuii with Senators Lodge, Knox, Bo rah, Sherman and Johnson But some day New Mexico will lake a Fall out of this organization. iT.m: OK ohIo. , 1'1'V OFTOLKlKJ. , I.UCAStOtNTY I frank J. clu n.-y makfs oath tlmi lir IS senior Dsrtm i i.rthi. Urn, ,.r . t Cheney 4 Co.. ,infr businens in tin- citv of Toledo, touuiy and State aforesaid, and that laid lii m will pay one Huu- ureu Dollar fui mrh .n.l .,..,. iw Ul v-aiarrn tliai cauuot be cured by the uae of Hair, taiarrh Medicine KHaXK J. CHKKY, Sworn In h-r.e rrrarlt 1-.. ; i . my prenenee, tin uth day of lieceruber n. it. i-vwi. A. W. O1.EAS0.N, Notary Hubhe. Hall'i Catarrh ( ure i.i. , ly and acta directly upon the blood and uiucuua auriacea ol tne ayitern. F.J. CHUNKY 4 CO., Toledo, Ohio. Tatiroonialn aent free. I'ruw 7 per bottle. Sol.l by all druirKials. Hall's Family Pill, for Conciliation Chaikma.n I'ouiiNii, ol ihe House VCaysaud Means Coinmit-i'-e, suggests as a measure of econ omy the discharge ol clerks in the ( lovernment departments m Vt'ash ineton. Hv n-.w ...,. i.. :. - J UUH.IIUIIIt.lll might be proposed to discharge the Republican "investigators" and their retinues who are travel ing thousands ot miles at the public expense to hold post moriems on dead issues. OBEY THE LAW. Kead And He Governed Ingly. I f li I ' Accord- I Mk. Tai-t charges Mr. Lodge with inconsistency. Mr. Lodge 1 can answer with a showing that he has consistently opposed everything j President Wilson has advocated. SANITARY ORDINANCE, He it enacted by tl. ituur.l ul AM,.,, men ami Mayor oi W clji.n, N ( I It il.ail be uiiian lul tu ue ul mum 1UIU ttUV leNi.lHii,.,. ... i. ... i i . tlieo.ty ol Heldou whieli m lueale.l uu al.ulliu ,m u. ,.v , "-"''Mf hi huil.iiim I m ,,ui liue, Bhele one oi iiioi,. ,.h,..,. I.... I "' control ItlB ihfTTl connecie.1 with sa,d ,tel. pt,JU,ied waier 19 avoilaMcu mow tl.e cuv mams ...ou .no uuu.iiej 1, el lu.Ui ,BlJ ,e ""'cui ouiiulUK - I. That alt prapmre ,u ihe city 01 don not included u.,ier seetion 1 shall be soverued by tl u-queuieuu 0 the state -Board -of ii .utl Ul.p"er . i, Public Laws Qf.iHiM 3. It baa been deleruou,., bi tn,. ,luv or and Hoard nt' 4IM .. and Can type of -privy is best -uiiad 11 .... luuumoDs 01 ihe niea- isci in the city qt WelJncuto.Dir under w e requirements oft lieSiatc '. Uw file Hot ami ( an 1i...A ,.e. -.. lore .don.,.". li I ' '""' e,. .,f WlA 'I ren ,n ,l,e Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAS.T.O.RIA m h ';rr'wu tu u authontv frouvthe otT -tavuu.Z 4 Th rj'lv nfimrm f . ty owdw in the iotHtttiun uf tlieBut juJlan type of diy urehM,n from the .i. -.a,B 'tc ruuipUieiit neeeasary to meet the j-rcmeiu, oi -,-.r.. .. Hiuiei.vouers.Wltl outprota upon ucb lerms ., , UIUereu By wie Uty Kuanj .-I Thltt ll nr.l.nnn.. . .. .. ....utr3 or pmu or or. diuances previously enacted are .- . y .. ,,, urulnt0l.e tn heIII 11 Tli.i -..1 , .. . .. .. .... ,u,uuce shall oe force from the date of its passaire nf' .l, . 7 01 "7 ? P""W'ns ..... consntute a mi.deme.nor and .hall be punished by -..r u.i.i. ior. ine nrat dav ., ,r ,. additional dav t violation 1. continued, datmi; from tllS c'.t" ,pec"Ied ' "' "Otieefrom PlJiflpH aini-l .a s Sentember. 1919. ' " of . , A1 ,L Only a short time remains for the people of Vl'eldon to comply with the sanitation law enacted by the last Legislature and avoid the penalties provided under the law. tyery home that is not connected with a water sewer.iot. ,.,.,.. ;.. '7..1VIO umciej discussing ,,e new Lm- .,.t enforcement Mayor X'. X' ,n Rins says "ll is the duty of every good Muen to heartily join in the efforts I'emg made to rid the community of typhoid fever and similar dis eases. The health authorities have Pointed out ihe sources of ihese di. ease-, and hive shnu o o, u.j - ..... ., ,, lucuiou With such excuse lor ihe presence of a case "' 'VPhnid fever, and it is the plain dun of every resident to see that he and his family are protected by having his own home sanitated. The healih nave ueni- onstrated that typhoid fever, sum mer comnlaim' amnnn ih K.,ki and similar diseases are excrement bourne diseases. There is no Kuess work about this: it has been conclusively proven. It therefore follows, as the health Authorities Point out,- that the proper disposal of human "excrement mean. ,h - wuiij llll. removal of the source of these dis eases. In the lace of these admit ted fac.s I d0 not believe iU d.eie is a man in this town who will de liberately endanger the lu'po ..r 1... - . v 1 ui ma own loved ones and the lives nf his neighbors by lailmv m it, ,h. means provided and advised for safety. I "Lull inb.i-m , ..I .1 - -mini in uic various j types of ihe sanitary privies that win he approved by ihe State Hoard I "f Healih, which is chareed will, .1 r " Hcuuiyot enforcing this act of the Legislature, may he obtained from my office, or a special bulle tin will be mailed dire.-i m ib- ; terested person upon application to 1 in C. It r . . ""..-Mjieuoaru ot Healih, Raleigh. Sanitary inspectors representing the State Board of Health will be gin their duties the Hri ntiv,nk.. ...... VVIUUtl and 11 is time for those of our peo ple who have not already taken action to get busy. "The necessity for foil ,-mrmi; ance with the law is a double one. aoiti a moral and legal duty rests upon the head of each home I believe thin nil nnpi-;i;,... ...;n ... - .. -. .,, , i,UCI,3 W,, see tne matter in this light, and will act accordinnlv It u-iti k i.j.-j -w - .. a smiciiuiu record to have this town rated as tou per cent, sanitary by the State Board of Health, and it is a record that we may easily attain." THE mm M I S T ( ) R E M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LAUILS AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, Sd Much Down- So Much I Moil I UE are not an installment house i. l II not advertise installment terms-but, honest man or woman who loves music Vo without it Mr Edison has said to us: ' not deny music to the music lover. To thd, ol slender incomes make terms that will ; harass them.'' The New Edison "The Phonograph with a Soul'' I is the world's greatest musical instrument. It gives you ,' k.nd ot muHlc exactly a, performed upon the stage it , Do uot let Money Stand in the Way; If you are paying (or Liberty Bond, or or some other ou are not particularly Hush at the present time, do H hat lact prevent you front owning a New Edison !) t h- v.c us anu leu us conlidentially whut terms i loinenienl lor vou. W. M. COHEN DRUG CO.. Weldon, N. C. 1 will . Sensational Clearance Everv once in a - while we receive a new proof of ihe Wisdom Of the ainhnrc nt .1,. c.j .... ,llvl u, UC rcu. eral Constitution. Suppose the ireaty 01 peace and the covenant of the Lea-ue of Nm nine hurt n U. -t.uvcu uy Doin oranches of ihe prcucni Kepuoiican Congress! DJ ti . is . nai.u. s. oepartment of "Kncunurc says About what -v Kins van uo. - Aceordin. to iiovornmcnt e.uros. two rtts breeding "nnlh...o a.... ...,,, lurtorec venrs produce 3.9.708.4,2 mdiTiduil r.t.: Act KM b.NAf it le surest rhniaeit ICSit cunreuient citom.i, v. '." with othei loods. Dry, up ,fl klh ClrM nn tn...ll " " iis or uoirs non't touch it. oldndgurnteed l,y fierce W hite Hrd Hsrdvrsre Co , Weldon It . ... "Unfonunatelv everv hnm. .. ' . ' "J." Tr Vis"in Jru no, be connected with' IZl " " P'"K ' ttnfr sewerage system. Rutrvcro h-,. I .. can, and must, have a rmr iin,i u,., nrivo Cir. .-. un.uusness o . , ' " me i years ago 1 suffemt Iruin ly, first law of nature. In nrnirli aue-t attacks of ..m.h ...... lre a sanitary privy this natural law b"'ou"I,m -n8'hwuii,,n . Tab as well as the State law, will be ' ,dt"t;Bed 1 c"i"ded to t.y thea, School Shoes U'hen ihev ur, ,n .1,-;- i . : ,v ,,,c" icuuer ages 11 is mighty easy to ruin their - .oiiiui uc nijcare h m" hoosin8 Ihe shoes your ..11 h T r Nl 1 1 NbR --..o .11- Mim 01 snoes ihat follow the natural lines of a child's foot 7 no' P'nch. cramp ur make wuina. iirv nr ihia i. . j nr.i. . ' - , miiu 01 snoes .. nic excellent service too fXb.c mos,,OIKs know. KITT iNtK b prices are much lower Always Rlad to show you KITTNER'S SHOE STORE, L. KITTVTR, Prop. SHOES For 1 he Whole Family Electric Shoe Pn0i- c . connection. J"up ,n OF ALL SUMMER GOODS ! AT this time of the season we find that we havt' more goods than we care to carry over! a to make rnnns f- ihu . . "y' a.readv remode.lin stored' we "hTve Tark." for au ck mov nv vpP.i i. - j " . "rilB that wi.. mean Tots 'to The" uckvZ chaser. Come in and see U n , , CKy puf t . tt v nan. MKV.,V..,KV, IMM HH.I.HI. TMTl P, fllONti NO. 7 f. U. ):iI (iti r l tJiL mLA 'fulfilled. I luipioicd rinidlv " u... t .- - uiin v er- bryke, Lima, Ohio. Administrators' Notice. Tht? umiArn-1... 1 11 ., ami H i- . " Jofnston the .. j . ' ,, 1 'W'M 0. the clerk uf ,T.t l. l- county as adraiuisti.tor, o( ,".'' bV7o, i,u"r,'J.i'u.u"'-,j'"'. ... jy 1 luug UO UIQlT Claim a Wiast the,, ...j iiittfstste to prewnt tha a-m-tn n.-. 1. ...... . .. . F'caeni r iV j " 01 belure "v "onths IJOto the dat nf 11... mmjuu ill h. i...ilr . ' "";; "ue tiiereoY " ' 'K"7 All persons indebted to said estate arc requested ., ma.e immedi.t. p.yT,m I Im the ard day of September, 191. n JuriNSTON . . H. E. MUKPHEV, Adminiatratois of the estat. of kurena Johnston, deceased. -eae Attorneys; W. K. LlANIITI n.i i JS?if-"P''Eji--iltletoaV.V'C.- r i i biteLL weldon icml X e solicit y,,r r?:uUr or WM uai banking bustness. ' ou ,re .nvited to call, inspect our banking, home, and meet the ets who will serve you in the conduct of your financial af fair,. Service is ihe slogan ol this bank.