TABLISHKI) IN ,866. )L. LIV. A NEWSPAPER fR THE PEOPLE- Terms of Subscription--150 Per Annum NO. 123 i Net Cjiiu-nts lSFjuirf prohi .4. I CAS! g Al uumii-tf h tNl. " AV'i'iol.iblelVfpaKtidjdfAi 1 similnl,mtUieFdl,u,.i,il- I liiiijtheStoniduuidBaMU'' Tliercby Promoting Dttf,a'1 neither Opium, Morphia w i . :.i'.crttl. flui rtAHGCM wrs Know That 6enUine Castoria 0ears tl10 of IonewasHAPPVEithBrWav A mini. "!" . Parishion. er or his who been qui,e J cenny married, a" ;bu wJe .mM.tehPP'neM.'errihe Mori,. were rife, saluM' '"" WeH joh... "Jho"'MlRllln, on?" , ,, "Oh. happy e,WUiK turned """ rll V I. , (l I'"' " Ui? il AVMot.iMcftetur.tiw.6rAi 1 :J:IPI MnnlnlimUlieFoodhunU-1 wu . fln01o (V Til I IV 11 1 1 ! & ) I ft ift In !iZ AhelpfulfenKdylbf J AT II, QD b ; v;onslipatiMlDi1rrlot, I U Vl Vij. and Frverltlmjanil ; I rf5irttinihwrfroniiilay Cn V6" VJ ! FfctbimileSiinMmof ' VI I ! JSL Tnirtv Years ISS AST0I1A ..ere were - . . ,, ,, ,, (Hill. "fL 'here are ple" wl,en- ever she sees my ""-lies ,he .hin -"f J h or any. Jhin,. and fires . .. me If hits me, she's hJPPV " M,e d n't, I am. (" WC on fine ! TiiS ApAKK VISION. A cenaincul-red private b of Dave Spiers . blo Mbefore hisC. 0.ixica.eynu 8f regular army ""'R,ue 'Ushl''R. Ir a few ihy'-r- eu his y s.are up.)" ",e unforiu"u.e and "sked: . , "Have, lw"n lhcrna",c"fPig- eon-,ed V"n Knl in of when V0, wem W drunk like .his? r n ..I hi blooJshu, Dave rolled " c eyes uneasily K'Wrd ,' - and .hrouah .w.-ll" lips "ni the sul. len reply: "l '1 .f sah!' -Musican Henry A. V,lttl Jujee. 'nUite9,on, H"'.0;;"' C,Bl. S ' " and .., II. u, "-ewrun.or:oro. yes, Best Paiem Hour Clover Seed Wheat Midj,')K $11.50 27c. 2.25 10.50 3.65 and c,ou9iavgivell.(.niyuu I "ll ttrp perlmu u l"l are nal. U117 I W. T. PAREE CO., rholesalfi 0ash store A woman seldom means mean things sl ;Wm YouSpen- M-s,, 'rKf rat "' ' 5"r Id likon Lumber &Millwork Oo. 4 a. RAf.sNA i't, ""t kilhwr. ,' pans U) ' me8 'Men. f , on It At K'm. pliw t 'r r. .,,,1 , Al' ti, ...... S.- ,;" 'old an,l trrf.'.,.,on " 'me- ml ll.lw.t'O'l Wddon. w' r.UtJ Hding; Material for ftodl. Hes, SaSh. Doors adl, Mantels, Door Window Scr"n8J ! Bookkeepers mere.y r, I heads .-tJ?!""',i.ln' Cou!h "letf f"t coukI,., u(d.";, all l,,'n...,''"Pn.J ugl,. Kroio " j ,u , p 'lHale I U( 1 1 I' mi. ? MADE TO OHDhr aNU flood Mtrll.. Hldeghlpo,,, gWg. oS save still beb0Oster for your g town- g mer I ?ihe very BeWe.t 'gU (.oH- j Georgettes and CfePe'Ue.Chne. g I We have a compl' ot Udies ad jentlemen's PurnlshinK 4. i. STAlMCK. j The Busy Store, N C i vr uot in tiive il .r. "ure nin nir CASTOR l A A woman never thinks man thinks sl!5J2!Jlh. Ct.rrh.lDe.fe'sCan',beCu hy local am,li110""' r y i -' ii uie hit- ,0 . ..iil imnai ri rv,iiat,",,y: .van. r1 ai,ruril,Pn,, ;;: k.. MieJ yuu I""'1 , ,en 0 J "r .yeluswl ..-.f'"ll'u P l'0n. letl,einH.M.'"0" " i' udlhiMuhr 'r",0r , "l, " nut'.l 'l..lcauuotlT-,"y """'-r,h ired luut far. 'ai'up,,. i . - .... IN f ' mil Ham s nothing atnve man ho d,eH 'aspIrinFOR cold Ntm, "Bayer" it U!rMlint flny nm.s v:. -v wnt: vlfl"' U1 banned Oo in 10 s'KlnK bring' us. A i HI"- - banned 3DGE0CERIES build , .hp .Vhf '"iuilf brain- and your caDacitv n . AVh M ft?. Lh.f- b re wur prices mske y0u I L. E. HULL, CIVe to the living. ir u'C Kndly If e iH CuZ,',t'l'l!we"" -he dead, 1 ,ii, oui on senile in , .. -"ius and nenuix i-'"""-'' "no ' ''Perfections, l.olJm .r,es Up ,v u worth livms " ail ulud and bi - ,eii If ( Kr:li Th ie.i Sler,,h5livi' us we Heap upon lhe 1101 till 1 , ,1.,, '"-to cliioii, 'TeUi ldeJ., ,Ie!: Peless breast, nr .ear. ,7 UlJr pleading on ears unheeding, r " - unavailing u,t "CJrV lor,,, al reS. e Addi onriearsf'r pleading ' ' unavailing 011 gaheear.Tl",eliv'""s we lv" .he dead, l d v ?."? treasure, a 1 love's fu;uns(inled m hV. ' uav. new jewels iu UWn of bisSi ,.n - u , . ....:h iBiiuy, and ,1... ...1.1 lc more briKh,iy su" hirer than a worhl as ()js Encouraging Bolshevism .. . that faln.i cr7 'ory thing i"-- -o1y en rLaKes unrest also encoUrages MisUnderBtftflding of Amer. dustrial organization, and g,ts benefits to mankind, ieadB d.unrest, dissatisfacuon, and J exampl?' the Pederal Commission tells the pUb lthat the large packers had an wade of Cotton-seed ou.) theproducesletter8takenfrom 21 es of one of the Packers; Sjethat 8 66(1 Pfice tkBuUt failed to mention that mfn 58reed deter datthereq"t of and j,, Aeration ww e Food f-Everl the Department 0f jus. rrn in its unjust attempt to "J3 prejudice against the grshas made public theSe Same letters, witbno expianaUon m.Hov long must this kind of Presentation conunue? In on, is thcved, it not Suy breds discontent, but re. Sults ininjusUcetoour industry. si! Z, cK 'X; easure, KO vyrtf -issAv iLll:'!;! Smoker rialin J,""' that the oali.e i, , H I (Ac eiurntUM UiJ j() ii" ' 1 noPcfPr,r'nnj,.(- y III "1! V OfCOUDtsHt? AT ffl if-' lite'- Cw ' ' ' 1 al I" ""., , , an .;,..,wi'''-iov"".., Mr Ij Bttii I 1 "Ut .end ycT iftSuV ! :,reit you. . Arf.. Swift "nPtn Union Varda, -"icaor ,. Swi& Company, U.S. A. 1GARETTES If you want to know what rare and unu.'.ual enjoyment Camels provide smoke them in comparison with any cigarette in the world at any price! CAMELS ire a cigarette revelation any way you consider them! Take utility, or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that wonderful melluw-mild-smoothncss you never belore got jn a cm-ette smoke I Yet Camels are so full-bodied and so t'ull-ol'- s.ilisiai-ii" you marvel that so mucn ae- liglit com" ue put into a cigarette) Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and chuiee Domestic lub.iccou makes them irresiMiuiy uppr tizing! And, me Diend nlains why it is tM,ihi.. f,,r vou to smoke r.,Mi,..lii liberiillv ,;,i vnnr t.MtAl .vujjuui uiii'ti j v" You will prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! You'll realize pretty quick, too, that among the many reasons you sinoke Camels is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odort Once you know Camels you won't take much stock in premiums, coupons or gifts! You 'II prefer Camel quality! a J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. W.nito" Slm. N. C. VS. 44, Old app specially of discovering lost opportunities. Where I here's A Baby on Farm Keep Hat-Snap. Ital an. un limit lanim. ""''' "" y Kfl Hi,. Iiuiii l""k oul- ""l" kill infant luting thi'in imio' uual. NurmiiB I ttl.H ulliarl ratB. Hraltr u cukt, u AT SSAI'ali.l lliniw it Ulouu.l. It " ill aurtily rnl you of ial '"' "'' 'rin,.f sura, i.e., "' ' uU aiut iruaiaiitwlliy ririn'-Wlnl,. Iirail II, In Co., w.l.ln--. A crnic is a Brown up b.iy win continues to ihr nv sioiies. " these Mats v ouliln'l eat My best Irum,'' Savs I red l.amb. oul ul let', I itfiKlil.uruifc. It.ilSNAI'. It It liunl t rul Htoi,'. liied fut yralit "toil' Mil,l 111.. ..,,11,. nuiki-,1 ,ii,.,. t.alliiri'l "I1 "lil wt i-vhi v ,. , lllUfl,l more HAT ''NAP. Itavnit a lal 'h,v wouliiu'l ,at my .e-t if"1" '' tlii,' KAT-SAAP aiouii'l " 'l lup,. Hii' jr,P ..ii,. am' Njlii ami Biiaiuni lean llanlwan- ( 1 J jgliii Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Co. "If !,.,,! I,y rii'iir mil' n l & M SEMI-PASTE PainTS to -6S;ST THAT CAN MADE "C0 V SATISFIED US" FOR OVtnOYrA ..a- ?btal Cm op CABt ''om " Anni. - '"ll 1 Wahirar, " H.w v.rk DODSON TELLS THE inUUIIK IIL Pimiir hiliOtW. tluBKl-L . You'r oe,Jacliy, ,0J JJ. conitipatwi. j , Tu.r.,L.e vou ? akin aailow and jo .J'.tart caloDi' gu-ranteei A?'- . , I l Uli f iMaaV!5 7Ur t. ! ",,o btt.r ff id atraiehten debt ! "",n or some men is, hheriy, or give me vl A,?i Srl'"ble Surprise t,,r,,,,:';,'l line" I ,,.i.-..,.it,!, ' ' -,.i,i ""' ....hll '""l,.l ll-!,ll!lit." ''v ,. P.",',,,.,,!1"" iil,riKi-,l "'e .,. I mil,., u1' l"-ll " ",' ;i ,.i,i.i,,,?l"J1;i':.,i1ti,ti .'."."p' rollf u" s ,IV iHK,ul a cbn; Mill , Ta. Good Old liter F-h.ond Pill. Headache, Conali THIS nation and Mil . Your Ciand , n th.i relied 10r "" Nn,n v ben,, at any P"c Ainid,,. c' tl fnul0 '"ci:',,',k'.Md,i-..i'i,''" . mcliiQui'a. ,-l,lull Most women wuuU rather pjkh up a quarrel tlun darn siockings Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR' A A man seldom regards the things he doesn't say. Constipation Tlie Ijckiiiuiuk ol aloiont eirry "ioua .lior,lri is con'tipatiou. If )uu. "' tornjoy fu ,1 l,tallli keef )'01,,r , V'1' reitular. Tin. m heat afcoilil'l'"1' lv proper ,li,-t au,l ex,.reie, hut sometime. uieiheiiie ,t neede.l and l'" , tlie ease vou mil liiul Cliaiulwrlain a Tahletaa're exeullt-ut. '"' " ml treutle 111 their artion, eiy and pleasant to take. Hive the"' " trial. Tliejr ouly cost a quarter. Bui few people who go "P in the air go up in an airship- The Citizens Bank HALIFAX. N. C. W H Invite the pePleu,llalllax and surrounding country to pat .,, .u..l Uku . .klta. .. . . . ionize mis j nui nave a n'"nl" "wuni r it is "ecessary In these times It ,BV(.S you money, and you have a re- ".ui aifanit pay"" uur creditors. " " Kives you a s,andini In your community. We h(ve every facility known for sund Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. I he smallest account receives as much attention as the larrest with us. we pay 4 per cent Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Come In and talk 't over with us. We ned you, you need UB HOW i(j AVOID BACKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS Told by Mm, Lynch From Own Experience. Provldmce, R. waf M run down In u.allb, wai nervom, hail head. achat, 'J ach.d all J" i wai t,rc m'1 " noniubitionforany. lhJtak a numb, uf nwdi c,ne which did m. n0 good. One day 1 read oK,ut '-y' E Pinlham'i We ll,!)!,; Com pd nd whdtitiiadd'jnsfur noni.n, I tried it. My iH-rvouaiiesa .i l.aekache and headaches diaapiwared. 1 ' weight and feel fine, o I can honestly recommend I.ydia E. Pinkham a eg, tahl. Compound to any woman who ia suffering was."-Mrs. Adeline B. Li-NCH, riain St., Providence, R.I. Backache and nervousness "ymp turns or nature's warnings, wnicn in dicate a functional disturbanc' or an unhealthy condition which often devel ops into a more serious ailment Women in this condition should Jot continue to draft alon?witbout help, but profit by Mrs. lyncb experience, and try this famous root and herb remedy, tydia E. Pinkham's Ve?tuk- C-pound-and for special advice wrlto to Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co., Lynn, af aet, iiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiii Does This Saving Look Good to You? Fuel is high here is a way to gain big fuel economy and a perfectly heated home. Why not save the gas half of the coal ty "11 other .. .nith the fuel o, ..... . aiuvca, " vuig Cole's Original Hot Blast IJVn'ATIOi. You are Invited to open anj.'account with the BW Of EflflZLO, I WielD, il. c. j i Per Cent, allowed in the Saving Depart-! T meni "'"pounded Ouarlery Jj" Y0lJ -an bank by mail nO0Aiaa.alUUIUkX I Fire Insurance SURETY BONDS. See me when in need of the above insurance and Set protection from the leading companies of America. L. C. DRAPER, Agent. Subscribe to The Roanoke News. Only $1.50 Per Year in Advance.

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