a a re; 1 Why experienced motorists ust' 1-oiarine. Polarin: dim II II at low i Polaiiu, and en,; Polarin; power gasiilm I Standard ' the piiiui (tarmacs ai. M.'tor ( Jils do n. . i ri-j , t .!i engine licat tn cuancal ni.v lature. M. i 'i- Oils .r. icjt hciiings af in:; p.irls uganl vc:ir. .Minor tins kc; the most i l I Ml'OUM (II AI I I Y I1IKIK CONSISI I NCH'S I'nlurme t )i I'ularine hi Heavy I'oltiriiic Oil I'Mrii Heavy lso l'uluriitc transmission Oils and ..,:.! -niles out nl'il tankflil of t-iscs l.ir (lit lubrication id Mntnr Cars; Minor I ruiis, iwnisi-ni: jnu uusilline I O.N I'OI.AKIN !: Iractursj l-arin and Shitionni) (ias Fn- gincs; .Motorcycles; .ioior nouts, cic. P"" ""' """' behind .. , . - - . .. , ,, ciiaii-burnin - economital at reliable t'or alt' by All KcliaulC Ijaragt, .ACCCS" i dt.ii.ii ev.rywhtr.. anj Hardware Stores. l ook fur the .;- the sign vj a reliable dealer .4. r ,coiini FOS fOTOR CARS STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) Garage and Dealer. Selling Polarine Oilt: WELDON, N. C. Collins & Grant. Clark & McClamb, J. A. Harvell, J. A. Hinriant, Pierce W hitehead Hdw. Co. So. Weldon Pharmacy, Vi'illey-Moore Hdw. Co. HALIFAX, N. C. Roanoke Hardware Co. ROSEMARY, N. C. J. K. Stallings, L. A. Shell Co. S. B. Toppings, Harrell Bros. ROANOKb RAPIDS, N C. Taylor Collier, Whitley Garage. THKLMA, N. C. Hamill & Shaw, H. A. Shaw. ML I ' ) I 1 ) T prSj Great Majestic Range 1 J J J SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION AND BARGAIN SALE OP Majestic Ranges Ai our Store One Week Only. Ill1 N-' THE BARGAIN AND ITS X'ELL U'ORTH YOUR X HILE! Through special arrangements with the manufacturers, and during ihis Bargain Week only, a beautiful, useful and substantial set of Cook ing Ware will be given with every Majestic Range sold This ware is good ware (not cheap ware) it's wonh a lot to you. Come and see for yourself. And Remember the price of a Majestic Range this week will not be increased, and there will hardly be a great reduction for years to come, if ever, but there may be an increase soon Week of Oct. 20-25 To Be Truly Economical There Should be a Majestic in your kitchen. En ... : J:..- .... i L-buiiuiiiy la nui mciciy apcuuuiK me least money Buying a range at too low a price is indeed false economy. The first cost is not the only cost-the little additional first cost of a maiestic is notning compareo wnn us economy of fuel, durability and satisfactory service. Nearly a million Majestic Ranges.now economicallv.scieniifirallv anrt satisfactorily serviing millions and millions of people, civilians and sol diers, is proof positive of their superiority over all others. There is only one best. The public has judged. The Majestic is recognized as the standard of all ranges. The construttion, material, workmanship and beauiy of this wonderful range is unequalled, and it cmuuuics luipuriam icaiurea possessed oy no other range. TWO NEW AND IMPORTANT FEATURES The Wonderful Unseen Riveting. Oh, Joy! Top Needs No Blacking. Yes, it's rivet-tight, just like the old Majestic, but the rivets clinch A smooih, highly polished cooking top, burnished blue, not only adds inside of nickeled parts, leaving nickel smooih as glass, and ihere are 10 lne pcau,v f lhe Majectic, but absolutely eliminates the work, dirt no big, bulky bolt heads on the inside. And, remember, rivets hold 8nd orry "r'ne ' kP 'he range looking nice just an occasional light; bolts wnli only one or two threads holding are bound to work lnm coal ' pararine retains its beautiful velvet blue color. mi. - I. ca use no enu 01 irouoie. i ne Maiesuc is smooth inside and If you haven't a Majestic, avail yourself of this opportunity to eet outside n s a sinking heuuiy-mure than skin deen . .i,.,, ,..,i.Vt..i i : .J ' . "YY Ed r wv-Munimcu wnn i. us wumiii mi inngc Know inc insiae ot ranees -T WT-W-W vv--v . ' VV H I 1 1 If ' IV I ! WXTTTT TU 1? rf ' -A. 1 XX XV.JJ. WELDON, N C. WtfY $ reto LL You EfJ? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts 5 THE BANK OF HALIFAX g I Love knows nothing about Dhi- losophy and cares less. N. L. SUdman, PiMldut P. C. Gregory, Vim-Prmident P. H. Oregor, Caahiw The more some people tell you the less you remember. if Mitcneii rainier was pro German," as Senator Frelinghuy sen charges, what would he have done had he been thoroughly "loyal?" Where are the strike benefits coming from when everybody goes on a strike P It's going to be awful lonesome in this country when the strikers cease from striking and the peace treaty is ratified. James Stuck Sayi "Hais Cost Mt $125 For Plumbing- Bills. "We couldn't tell whtt iu elo(t(tioj up our toilet and draiut. We had to tear up floor, pipes, etc., found a rat'i neat in baaement. They had choked the pipe with refuse. The plumber'a bill .i $125. KAT-SNAP cleaned the rodent out. Three Sizei, 25c., SOc. and fl. Wold and guaranteed by Pierce White head Hdw. Co., Weldon. CRlAT hup to business. Believes In Liberal Use ol Print er's Ink. "Yes sir, Mr. Editor, the besi proof that we believe heart and soul in the liberal use of primers ink is shown by the amount of newspaper advertising used by our company." This statement was made a few days ago by Mr, John son, Publicity Representative of lhe Atlantic Coast Really Compa ny to lhe editor of ihis paper. Our conversation with the rep resentative of the Really Company was most interesting, because he proved his statement lhat news paper advertising docs pay. The name of the Atlantic Coasi Really Company is familiar lo mosi of ihe newspaper-reading public all over ihe South. Why ? Because il is kepi before the people through newspaper advernsing, in fact, it has about got to the point when you automatically think of the name when you hear of a real es uie auction sale. Thousands of dollars are spenj each year in newspaper publicity telling the people about ihe land which is offered by this progres sive company. Proof that it pays is shown by ihe success of ihe land sales conducted by them. You can't sell whal you have 10 offer unless you can interest the people in wha you have 10 sell. Newspayer ad vernsing produces ihe interest. The adveriising department of the Atlantic Coasi Realty Company is composed of experts in ihis line of endeavor. From ihe chief ad vertising man right on down the ranks, every representative en thusiastically "digs in" to tell you about ihe property he is advertis ing and the history of the rise in land values. They are a line bunch of fellow s and deserve the success that is so richly theirs. Keep on the lookout for their advertisements in this paper, for it will tell you all about the property which they will offer in this section at an early date. CLARK PROPERTY SOLI). The E. Clark Property Sold Mon day By the Atlantic Coast Real ty Company The Bidding was Spirited Throughout the Sale. There was probably the largest sale of properly in Weldon last Monday ever known in the history of ihe lown. Mr. E. Clark offered for sale all his property in town ex cept his stores and lots in the rear of his store's and his residence. The bidding was spirited ihrough out the sale. The most of this property was bought by Weldon people. The following is a list of purchasers and prices paid : The corner lot known as the old "Tom Clark drug store," was bought by the Weldon Bank and Trust Company, price paid, $9, 593. Lot No. 3, was also bought by the Trust Company for $3,000. The next two lots were bought by C. W. Gregory, for 7,800. S. A. Harrington, five lots in fame block, for $5,675. W. L. Scott bought the "Den nis" house and lot for $5,200. I:. B. Clark bought the house and lot now occupied by N. S. Barnes, for $5,200. E. N. Ricks, Roanoke Rapids, bought the house now occupied by Mrs. R. P. Todd, for $5,000. The ' "Campbell" place was bought by E. N. Ricks and Geo. C. Green, for $8,300. The house now occupied by J. T. Pope, was bought by N. S. Barnes, for $3,050. At the home place, the first six lots were bought by Barnes & Gregory for $4,000. The oilier lots were sold for $4,000. The aggregate amount of the sale was $60,000. THE AIRPLANE. I. Over the Roanoke News' garden An airplane flew; But nothing there Either cared or knew. 11. Autumn butter flies Chased each other; A young robin cried Calling its mother. 111. Gay "pansies" With soft brown heads; Sunflowers yellow And "poppies" red. IV. A "blue bird" On frail larkspur; Never knew Whai flew over her. V. Sparrows chirped Ana a blinking toad, Watched for flies, On the white sand road. VI. They don't care Hnw smart yeldnn mn r. To fly through heaven, in an airplane car. VII. To a Weldon girl with hair of sold: The flying adventure Looked very oold. J. T. WARINf.. In. Macon, N. C, Oct. 4, 1919. t Mr. I the national joy smoke makes a whale of a cigarette! -" i nprnut i in i v Sift, ... J r I I. IV .'our smuli, cards on the table, ' 1 . iniv Albert ami roll a Mv.d bnt.au to keep count rud of the sport lhat lies .. '.ii ( 3 A. tor Ihe KOU certainly Art youn vvlu n y call for a tidy red tin or ,i tu.vy : makin's cigarette. You'll v. m tu l.i. of your smokestunts! Wlv, yon n awaiting your call in u licr .c uli..d packing I i Talk about flavor! Man. n..m. y .i, tu-. -..'i the listen of half your smokecareer until you know what . n'ii.n; 'w with P. A. ran do lor your contentment! And, back of l1. A.'s IU.1. r. imJ tar-; fragrance- proofs f Prince Albert's qunliti land , our rxcln-inj ,'ati nted process that cuts out bite and parch ! With 1'. A. your sniokeson.; in a makin's ciga rette will outlast any phoiiOj'.ra;'';! record y'i ever heard I Prince Albert is a cinch to roll. It's crimp cut unJ sfuys put like a regular pa" Prince Albert upsets any notion you evrr h.,1 as to how delightful a jimmy pipe can be I It is t!w tol.aico that has madu three men smoke pipes where one was smoke.! l.'fi.ir. h has won men all over the nation to the joys of smoking. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winaton-Salem, N. C m mam;- I TW- I u U CAXXKD GOODS U'e protect our enstomers" by handling ihe best brands of canned goods whose makers have higb reputations 10 uphold. I nric. . . f Ihuc. U . . 4 . . . .. . I . . (iivis ui in"i. uciicr grimes are low enough to suit all, Also a nice line of Groceries L. J. Moore & Co., Successors to 11. Clark, Opposite Pustollite. VThe Store of Quality and Service 4 inttfar J. P, STRONO Prominent keel Ifstate Broker ol Massachusetts. iraiiouaaMuraKxrowiM 9 8 Hu-lun, Auir, '.'.MIi su, "I have bwu in ihf real malt- hroUiuie husi Dt'SH for many- vi-ar I liavn sull'cit.,1 from Iohh utMlefli, ni.l'ircstioll anl ner vuualii'Ha. tiut Bin.-e hiking Armi-l'hus. phalr, I nlwp lHtt,-r an. I eul milium fuat of ilmtrenn, and caii Iri-I a Kieat clianire iu my hvhU'iii " I lit'te ih Uulluiiir in nie.lu-al Noiruce that i'iualsArKo.riioapliateni llic treat ment of iiidnri'Kliun, iln-uuiatiMu, uer vouKUeaK, kklnrv aud hvi'r tor ale by Weldon liiuar t o. " SORE THROAT AND COLD On Chest Gone Overnight MIN TOL Acts Quickly. hou't fiua nilli Muotaid I'IuhU ih or luumaid rreanm Ihal mil o,, i ,1.-1 cate atoniaetiH. lost ml m Lilt,. MiV TIII and secure mm., .i, u , u'ii, snip. I S coirlnutr ulmiiHi niNtui.iiv an. I a.nv thro n ' and cold on client mil he nunc u,ui ;i uiirlil I !i MINTDl. eivea piuinpl lelietfoi hron- I fi rim.. I .. .1. .. .,i ... i , W - ......... nmi iin-,, a-iii:na. urau- i-lu-, ueunaltria, conirentmn, wimiipiui; coilll, plcutmy. ilieumalHin, hnuliai;ii, paniM and achea, mire iiiumi'Ii-ii, hihiuh, clnlhlaina, fromrd led. hruiM. uvuntui, and relievi'H tired, ai'hini; oi nnulleu feet.. ami Hie, .lie jam, llonpital aue l.-.'i. The Home Itelief l.ahnral.ines, Uoittoii, .Maas. or Sale hy Weldon Druir in innrPBaaan mWMaaaaaaH lit) OTHI-R purchase of a lifetime requires II : th one , , i , : ,v " Mini I should he shown in huvine the engagement and wedriin. rings. V('e have chosen a stock which offers you ihe best va riety and the most proper, correct selection. We can meet your requirements in these lines, no matter what ihey may he lVa fsuvmtlF cutokss j N. RICKS? WATCntS i J E W E LER W1L1"1" " 8 aiiomiaitiaaaoaamKMai, Notice of Re-Sale. Hy virtue ot the pi. cr cunferred up on the underaiKued Truatee liv certain Ileedof Truateiieculi-d hy Martha l ar tcr which ia duly recorded in Ihe ollice of the Keiriater of Herds for Halifax county in Uouk US at akgn IZI, defauh hatinit been made in the payment ol the indebtedness thereby aecurml, aud bemg thereto duly reoueated, I will on ' Monday, November 3rd, lo. between the lioura of r.' iai audl'o clock P. M,. in front of tliecourt houap duor 1 in Halifax, N, l' oiler for public auc tion to the InuliPHt Inddar for eaiili the I followinK described real estate lnwil: Thai ceilaiu Iracl oi panel of laud neat Theluia, in Halifax couutv, Imuui ed on the north by Oranville Mavo, on theeaal hy Kverctt Mills on the south by the Wade Carter land, and on the west by the Wade Carter land, contain ing eiehtcon and one-half acres, lis' Uiois or less. Thia the 3rd day of Uctober, pita. u- . ... . " W HA.MII.I., Trustee. WM. L. KMliHT, Allorney. Administrators' Notice. Having ciuahried as administrators of , ,,- u, n . b. o. r ooper, deceased, ate Of HallfRl Kr.nl v V .' notify all persons holding elaiuia or ac counts against the estate of the deceased to nreseut the same to us. duly ventied before thn .h aa nr,A-., i..... this notice will be pleaded in bar of ....... m.u,ci y ah persons imlcutcd to the estate of the said deceased will please make prompt payments. ic mi uay oi ucloher, 1H1H. T. A. K. CUUI'KK, L. K. I OOPKK, Admra. of H. S. ti. Cooper, deceased oct 11 (It. T II K m mi liSTABLISHKD I82 II Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CA3XO.RIA Capital and Surplus, $63,000. WE INVITP. VOL'H ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Vl K. DAMKL, i'RBHIliaNT. W. H. SMITH. ' VH s-l'r.LSlt'EM. h. C UKAFIR, caaaiaa What Is your Age' It doesn't matter whether you are this of twenty or the other side of seventv, it will pay you to consign your cotton and peanuts to J. W. PERRY COMPANY, COTTON AT NORFOLK. VA. PEANUTS AT SUFFOLK. V 10 2Ca

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