TTIMIe fTABLISHKD IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum L1V. WELDON, N. (, THURSDAY, OCTOIiKli III,. 1!)H. NO. Set C'Mli-nH 15Ftuiil Pranhi lirjiuilL-nPED CtNt '! AVojelablc fteparatiodfcf Aj I i ni the Sionudu M Bol' Tl.orohyPfornotlntDKt'" Cheerfulness uidRfAUta niMthcrOplam.MorpmiKi", Mineral. Not abu" Mr W Constipation and Dli'c, ana ibwm"" W5utUnjtWrefro5Inftl,c' -M Simile StfnsW,M NEW TUKB. Bargains for You Best Patent Hour Compound Lard Seed Rye, Clover Seed, VI heat Midline W. T. PARKER & CO., wholesale WfiLDON, lim Lumber & Weldon, N. C. MANUKArrilKKKXW fiUdlng Material for Modern homes, Sash, Doors nds, Mantels, Door MADE TOUKIIKK AMI 'load Materials, High Qrade i Iter la WW The very newest styles i i Organdies $$f Georgettes and Crepe-de.Cliine. UU n igg We have a complete line of Ladies and gggg. m (ientlemen's Furnishings. 4. L, STlfWCK, a . . a a l f t t A It I i ne Busy More, a iOOD GEOCERIES build up the increase vour mnaritu n ihinir fulls. Our prices make you think. L. E. Nw fiatctKior's Opera Houm, GASTORIA For Infants mid Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature, of In Use For Over xW ty Thirty Years GASTORIA $11 50 27c. 2.25 10.50 3,ti5 Cash Store N. C. Mi and Window Screens KKIilXAK STOCK SIZES, Workmanship Our Slogan work SAVE MONEYll By trading at home and gggg still be a booster for your town. t Many Bargains in mer Goods. at WELDON, N C Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham We have anything you may want in the .line of meats. All ... . Ac - A M.mftia NinUS 01 L.UUIICU vjuvu system, stimulate the brain, and AnH riohi ihinkinE brings best re Call in to see us. HULL, WELDON, N.C THIS DEMOCRACY? One young woman who no- j bly served others during Iht brief appreruictsliip in unselhMiness i one day came out of the kitchen where she had gone to give an or der to a servant and said in her moiher: "What do vou think, mother! 1 fitil Li u miih U delivering ou gr : n-,es' II; ai J he luJ w irke I pin i ilirmgh college before h : i i iii; 1 f i i he officers' training ennp, an 1 he took the first joh lie could find! 1 invited htm to come to dinner nexi Sunday." "You must not do ihat!" the mother said sharply. "Go back imi 1 excuse (0 irself from such an invitation. He is not in our set!" ' Bui we had him here several nines, mother! He is in every way worthy." "It is not the same," said tl e mother "You mean, moiher, that the overalls are not as good as ihe uni tnrin?" Alas for our boasted American democracy! The hoy in overalls did nut dine next Sunday with the American lamily. Of what use is all this talk about making the world safe for democracy if we have none of it ourselvi-s? Dr. Charles M. Sheldon in the Christian Herald. An Agreeable Surprise. "Ahoul Hint year iitfu when I wan nude riiitf from a severe eohi on mv I uns anl emu; lied inot of the night aul day, I tried a hot tie ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and wan urprised at tli piomptut'Ks itli which tt gave me re lief,'' writes Mts. .lumen tin im-n . ('lurk MiIIh. N V. Many another ha heen sin prised ami pleased with the prompt relief it third hi I liv this remedy. The expected may happen un expectedly. Cardni, the woman's Ionic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel Hatch, Ky. liead what she writes: "1 had a general breaking-down ol my hcahh. I was in bed for weeks, unaalc to get up. I had such a weakness and dizziness, , . , and the pains were very severe. A Iriend to. J me I had tried every Ih lg else, why r.ot Cardui? . . . I did, and soon saw it was helping me . . . After 12 bottles, I am strong and well." TAKE The Woman's Tonic Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out? U your lack of good health caused from tny of the com plaint! to common to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It should surely do for you what It has done for so many thousands of other women who suffered it should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has takt n Cardui. She will tell you how It helped her. Try Cardui. All Druggists i. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name) "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer IniUt on "Ihtrer Tablet of Aspiria" m a "Bayer package," containing proper directions for Co Mi, Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Kheti malum. Name "fijyer" mean genuma Atpiria prescribed br phyaician for nineteen years. Hamly Itn boxes of 12 tablets coit few cent. Afpinn m trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetto scidtiter of Sahryhcacid. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA f Helps jn 0 Women S a Cardni, the woman's rTM TJlg tonic, helped Mrs. Wil- tiW ffjfl liam Eversole, of Hazel gTSl TSr Hatch, Ky. what 'fM 'tM she writes: "I had a ff L STUDENTS CALL NATION STRIKE Form Patriotic Society Close Shops and Banks to Gain Patriotic Demands. GOVERNMENT ALLOWS POINTS Miw Harriet Smith, Y. W. C. A. Student Secretary in China, Relates Amaz ing Story of How 20 000 Stu denti Organized Themselves. By BERNICE GRISWOLO. Miss llnntft Sniiili, fur ten years a student secretary of ihe Vuunir Wuin pn'tt riirtsiltui Asxoeiiiiioii In Slmiiifhul, Chlnii, relutes the tuini.iiiK siory of how JO,(jt) Chines, slwients oi'Kiinlzed tlieinst'lves to oust the milltnrlfix fnnii Quvminient otli-'fs in IS-kiiitf tiol how they sii'veeded In hL't'nmlnif th lend ers of China. PenrliiK ihat Chitni was not to he pmiertt'd from tlie imyressUm of nihr nutitniH ty t lie 1'enoe Treaty, as slu htul exteefed o he, nme '-'11,(100 sln detits, nil of them hetween tile Sites of twelve a in I twenty-one years ami In cluding H.tKMi girls orptnlzeil ihem BelveB Into tins Cl'lnese Siiiilents' ln trlotlo SoeliMy Immedliitely after the puhMcuiiou uf the first draft of the Pence Treaty to flht for Chinese rights. Their fir. st move was tn strike from school or, rather, from lectures, us they remained In their respective schools and spent so runny hours dully In private study. They (lien organized Into hands for get tint; nut propiigamld literature and for puhllc speaking In the country and mint 11 towns and lu the tea shops In poorer districts of th cities lu order that they might rem h the vast numbers of people who could not read. Immediately upon organizing, the students published their demand., four In numher: (1) thut the militarists, who as a party were pro-Japanese and practically controlled the (iuernment at Peking, he put out of office; '.) that Shantung he returned to ChlDa: (.'0 that the twenty-one demands made hy Japan In 11U5 he cancelled; (4) that there he freedom of speech and of the press. They also Insisted that the Chinese constitution he finished. An Immense uinotint of literature was put out, i m ih of tt lu the Dew phonetic script which Is being launch ed lu China, so thut (lie uneducated classes might learn what was happen lng. Htudents lectured everywhere, on the demands, stirring the people to pH trlotlsm. When many of them were arrested while puntilliig In the si reels of Peking; they formed an Association of Imprisoned Htudents wlthhi the prison and refused to he released, pick ting the stockade themselves when OoTeriitnent guards were taken sway, until the Government submitted n proper apology for having Imprisoned them In the beginning. When tt became evident that eco noiolc pressure was all that would he effective both the hankers' and mer chants' guilds were called upon to back the students. "In less tlnin two hours," Miss Smith said, "the shutters were up at every shop tn that great city of Shanghai, where telephones are few and communication difficult. Every shop, whether large or small, was closed. The laboring people, feel ing as patriotic as the bankers, mer chants and students, also Joined the general strike. For a week everything was closed shops, money exchanges, fish markets, shipping, everything. The students struggled to keep public utilities running. The telephone serv ice was stopped for a short time, but the students soon had It running again. They held meetlngf day and night, try- Caiurrliul Deafness Can't be Cured ; hy local applications, as they cannot reach the disensed" portion of I lie ear. There is only one way to cure ilcufucss, ami that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an mtlamed con dition ot the mucous lining ofthe Eus tachian Tube. When this tul is m riamed you haw a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing', and when it is entire ly clused, Leafnessis the result, audun- ! less the luttammation can he taken out and this tube restored to Us normal condition, heanngwill bedesliuyed for ever, nine cases out of teu are caused by Catuiih, which is nothiug but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We mil give Due Hundred Dollars for auy case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's atarrh Medicine. F, .!. CHKiSEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cento per bottle. Sold by all druggists Hall' i Family Tills for Con mi pat io J VT the LeatherNjL S hoe Polishes Vs KeepYourShossNeat Jflkf JOi. LIQUIDS AUD PASTL3 FOR UlACKf MW V7WHITC,TAN AN0OX-BIOOD mlmf Vaaaj(DARK BR0WN)SHOES VaV MISS HARRIET SMITH Of Chinese Y. W. C. A. Ing to keep the railroad employees st their posts and explaining that It was patriotism for them and for water works and electric light employees to continue to work. At the end of that week the students had won the first point and the militarists were out of power." When suffrage In any form Dually comes to China Miss Smith feels that It will be granted to both men and wo men because of the way women are helping to build things up now. Wom en students took an active part In all of this bloodless revolution. They had their places on alt of the councils. Their part of the work was to trans late much of the literature Into phonet ic script and when a boycott was de clared on Jupunese goods to begin pro ductlon of goods In China. "All of the students threw away their straw hats purely Japanese products at the beginning of tbetr movement, and the women students set about making white duck hats, which were called patriotic hats and immediately became very popular. Then they began devoting themselves to the making of parasols aud of tal cum powder. Some of them paraded, but none was arrested. "China Is the last country tn the world to fear class feeling and antipa thy, which seems to he gripping the rest of the world," Hiss Smith says. "In China there is a wonderful social solidarity. People get together, not so much by localities, but by trades and professions. Every one belongs to a guild, and these guilds are wonderfully organized, as the Chinese have a genius for organization. I lesplte jKor Hues of communication, lack of rullrouds aud telephones, these guild hold closely together. Yet their organ ization has nothing to do with caste. "With a leadership as highly organ ized as that of the students a great nmount can he done. Leading men of China Interpret the student movement as very sign I (leant the forming of a new national party. It Is the duty of nit Christian organizations in China to give these students, who are now the leaders of the Government, every pos sible bit of nld and Inspiration, as they need more than human help to brlug China out of her difficulties successful ly. The Y. W. 0, A. Is doing what It can to help the women students. AM of these students have given up their vacations and are working hard throughout Ihe summer," Miss Smith has seen China change, within ten years, from one of the eld est and most rigid monarchies of the world Into a republic. She saw the first republican flags go up and feels that China has accomplished a great deal, fighting all the time as she has, against the great odds of Japanese and Kurrtpeau aggression In addition to the old monarchists party. Given time, China will become one of the great re publics of the world, she says. Miss Smith lives In Richmond, Vs., and Is home on a year's furlough. She expects to return to China m the spring. It is folly to cry over spilled milk; (here is enough water wasted as it is1. Indigestion, Biliousness, Consti pation. Chamberlain's Tablets have restored to health and happiness hundreds who were atOicted with indigestion, bilious ness and constipation. If you are troubled in this way give them a trial. Vou are certain to be pleased for they will LwueUt you. Many a girl after visiting a drug store appears in the pink of condi tion. Will You Spend 50c. on Rat Snap To Save $100? One 00c. package can kill 50 rati. The averatre rat will rob you of flu a year in feed, clucks and property destruction. RAT NAP is deadly tn rats. Cremates after kilhuf. Leaves no smell, Comes in cakee. Hals will pass up meat, grain, cheese to feast ou KATSNAP. Three Sizes, ii jc, :h-c and 1. Sold and guarant ed by Fierce-White head Hdw. Co., Weldon- jMW-.!.'.. )'" JU ,viX,m.,rj,m..U mfmm ji. ,n i, m 18 cents a package Lamfla ar mold mvtvwhuf ,n ti tmnttftctlly pmckairt uf JO cttarettew; or tmn vtLf (200 tijfavWfn) in a tlmni-paper . covered i-atton iV mtumtfy rec ommend fni tuttitn for Ihe home mi office eupiiiy or whvu Quttavel. Mjny think of u free govern ment as one w hich does noteinplny tax collectors. Where There'll A Baby on Harm Keep Nat-Snap ItulN mi' uii imiNt Taunt. oiut tlx-y Ifet 1 11 wtilt. the limine look out. HuIh kill infant hilmi.' tlu'in is mil iiiiuhii:iI Nursinif liuttlt-H utliuct rat. Ktaki- ii cake ol" K.AT SNA I' uliil lliruw Ituioiilul. It will Miirelv ml yuu of rats am! iiik'c. Throe Si.rit, 'c., ."inc. anil . SoM ami Kuarunlrt'dby I'leroeAVIntr liiail Hilw. Co., WrMoa. Solomon was a wise old man As wisdom used 10 go; Hut in his day there wasn't So awfully much to know. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Now lhal prohibition has spread its mantle over the entire counny may be the first robin may nut seem so early next spring. Polk Miller's Liver Pills The Good Old Fashioned Kind that have been doing Good Work (or 50 yean without change of formula. More popularthan ever. Great in Malaria, Sick headache!. Constipation and Biliousness. At all druggists. Manufactured by Folk Miller Drug Co., -I rt Inc., Richmond, Va. 1 UC. NOTICE. North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court. H. O. Crawlev and tleueva Crawley Vs. Kinma Walnut) and her husband and UNKNOWN CHILD of Kd. Lewis. Klsie Ciawley, L. 1.. Dickens, Kosa Coley and Chai lie I'oley, Nellie . I Dickens, M. L. II ux, Irene Mux. Finltie II ux. Dora II ux Scales and I'eter Scales, '.elia Lewis and tieoigc Lewm, Mary Jackbou and Will .lack sou, John Dickens, Honaid Dickt u, Kuth Dickeus aud Kuth Dick ens. 'I he defendant, Kuima Walsoii aud her husband, the UNKNOWN l illLD uf K.I Levu, M. L. Hux, Irene Dux, Hiu'.ie Hui, Dora Hux Hcales, Peter Scales, John Dickens, Hutti Dickens, will take notice that au action entitled an above has been commenced in ths Superior Court of Halilax County to sell a certain tract of land in which they arc mtT") fnr th porno1 of parti . tion: and the said defendants will fur ther tmke notice that they art? required to appear at the otlice nl the Clerk of the Superior court or ttauiax iouiuy ou the 15th of November, lltj, at the Court House in Halifax County, N. C , and answer or demur to the complaint id said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the lrlb day of October, I9ltf. 8. M GAKY, Clerk of the Superior Court, oct 23 U Notice ot Administration. Having qualified aa adtuiointrutrix ot the estate of W. L. Furgoraou, deceased, late of Halifai county, Una la to uotily all peraona having claima airamm laid eatate to present them to me, or to my attorney, at Littleton. N. (... properly verified, on or before October 'iulh, lu-20, or this notice will be plead m bar ol re covery, all persona indebted, to said es tate are requested to make immediate settlement. This Oct. 17th 1419 F. P. FEKUl'SuN, J03. P. PIHFt.N, Administratrix. Attorney. 10 23 (St igareites They Win You On Quality! Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great because their refreshing flavor and fragrance and mellowness is so enticingly different. You never tasted such a cigarette! Bite is elimi nated and there is a cheerful absence of any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or uny un pleasant cigaretty odor I Camels are made of an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are smooth and mild, but have that desirable full body and certainly hand out satisfaction in generous measure. You will preler this Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! Give Camels the stifieit tryout, then compare them with any cigarette in the world at any price for quality, flavor, satisfaction. No matter how liberally you smoke Camels they will not tire your taste! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winiton-Salem, N. C. .1 About the first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In other stores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is lhal we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so w hat we want 10 know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look ai our window this week and come in and prove what we say, FARBER & JOSEPHSON. Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. The Citizens Bank HAI IFAX. N. C. WE invite the people ol Malilax and surrounding country to pat ronize this Bank. Why not have a checking account? It is necessary in these times. It saves you money, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors Besides it gives you a standing in your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention as the largest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Come in and talk il over with us. i need you, you need us. BaMMKaWIMOKMatattnMaTiOMWaTM ' INVITATION.! You are invited to open an account with the I Bf1K OF WIELD, Eft flELD, r C. I 4 Per Cent, allowed ment Compounded Quarterly. Jaw YOU can RUB IT ON MHM i ii sum ini aamar in the Savings Depart. bank by mail CASTORIA For Infants and Children ' In Use For Over 30 Years Always bcara Iht agnstuis of

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