a EVERY FORD OWNER SHOULD KNOW Just what I'ord Service is, inul why n is diH'crciu li.nn r Jti i.ir y garage service, and hy il is more profitable 10 paimmi- ihe Auilinncl I'm I hi- i.-i? The l ord healer is a pari of the Big Ford Family. He carries a lame sunk m v, ,,ine I ord pans fur repairs and replacements so you don't have in wait while he se ids t ,.- i icin, and he uses only genuine pans because he knows the 111111,111.111 pans aren't dep- n.l.ihle and don'i wear. i a unli niols thai enable his I'ord ii in ii a minor adjustment lo a cotn i li ii presents ihe reasonable, stand- He has a thoroughly equipped up to ihe nnniiie i Mechanics lo elficieuily and properly make any ivi pleie overhaul. And when ihe work is finished, In ard lord prices. Now, we are Authorized I'ord healers a pin id dm ureal l ord Service organization which was formrd ehielly to put wiihin each 01 iiuny a dealer who would have more than a passing interest in I'ord repairs and ailiusinn nis e are prepared and equipped 10 render prompt, careful l-'otd service. Drive in or 'plume i2H and we'll come afier your car. Weldon Motor Co., Authorized Sales and Service WELDON, NORTH CAROLINA. Asks Co oit.haiion oi- I). I). ( '..Having been appointed hy Mrs. C. I:. Harvey, State presi dent 11 I). C, chairman ol Hie soldiers' home committee, will) a uniiuiiiiu-c coii-uniig of ali chaptei president!, in the Slate, Miss Mar tha Haywood begs the prompt co-opi-raimii ol' her committee in mak ing this Christmas for Ihe soldiers at ihe home a luppy one. All ot the men would like knitted muf flers, Ked Cross size. Some w.iiii overshoes and umbrellas. Others i need overcoais. Candy, j mi, ' cakes, woolen socks, magain: s, ; cards lor solitaire are enjoyed by ; all. Apples seni by the barrel limn j the western counties have given j untold pleasure. Money nidus will be spent as duected. AruJcs t may be sent direct lo the home ad- 1 dressed lo Miss Mai tint Haywood, i who has been appointed by the! Governor a member of the boat d I of directors of ihe home. j The Junius haniel Chapter will please notice the above and should j they desire to respond, send to i Mrs. Ida Wtlkins who will forward lo Soldiers I lome. YOUR AMBITION I I Jo y- t f'r. t ;t easi., I, .J is :jiir ebb. 1 i res, .:e and invio.'uiion .u iic-n, itve you lo;t some ol vour lition lo i!o tilings ;it low You should find lielji 3 mm mmmm Taken faithfully (or a reason;.! ) seldom ails to freshen I'm !!o-xl. health and imparl a fcclino ( f For that thud-out feeling I ii;,i : u i,..'iC, oco(t.l liuild ti) the general w.!Mf:in;;to t'u: body. A.: Scot t'u r.mrhion. 'I'ltc i. lit ivi ' ft H I'.. Jlk. nillKSUAY, DKC. 18, 1919. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. THli HO AN OK 1: NEWS" X liv Not?-We pay so much ' lor shoes these days that w e think they ought to be sold under a mi leage guarantee, like automobile tires. Plilil.K; OiT.NlNi; lis tin s -The public has waked up to the fact ih ji it pels most ol the blows in the conllicts between labor and capital. It will noi be long bclore it will reluse to be damned by either. Movkd to Wi-:uh.n Mr. II. M. Neville and lamily moved to Weldon last week from near l:n field, where they will in tuture re side. We gladly welcome these good people to our tow n ai.d hope iheir stay among us w ill be both pleasanl and protilable. Christmas one week off. ihe year is growing old. Shop to-day. Shop early. Holly and mistletoe season, fins is the good old winter time. I he my windows are gorgeous. I he holiday season is almosi here. N.i nun evei Nailers the woman Ik ll.ltV I line 10 begin Willi your Chrisl ,n .is smiling. Christmas spirit is in the air, and eveiy where. J ut keys are are now on the ragged edge. A wooden leg made of oak never produces a corn. The evidence is piling up dial it pays to advertise. Old Santa Claus has an eye on the good children. Some people sin a lot of times by telling the truth. vime women are good looking .'.mill they bind it out. I here are limes when il is belter ' in be "never" than laie. hon'i wail lor the last day. Make your purchases today. Uost people who grant a favor :x;'eci two in return. Miss Carrie Rowe, of Norfolk, is usiiing relatives in town. t.uod things maybe cheap, but cheap things are seldom good. Hie error of a moment may be come die sorrow of a lifetime. l ots of women do foolish things so ihey can snub those who don't. Children don't care just so San, li s reindeer don'i go on a strike. A lien flatierer meets flatterer his satanical majesty sits down and rests. A dance craze wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for the crazy dances. w hat a shock it would be to others if they could see us as oth ers see us. I he summer girl doesn I appre ciate the mountain scenery unless there is a man ii. e are afraid the hens do not tggs-actly understand the require nients of the season. With a bone-dry country, what will ihe average American do for a New Year's resolution. j The man who doesn't have the services of thai great teacher, ex perience, may live to a great old age. With Christmas approaching, it is the high cost of giving rather than ihe high cost of living that worries us. The Golden Rule is a good one to follow in giving Christmas pres ents. Don't clutter up your friends' homes with things that you would n't have in your own home. Rev. L, D. Hayman, we are glad io say, has sufficiently recovered from his recent illness lo take charge of his work, and will occu Pv the pulpit of the M. t. church next Sunday morning and atnight. An. Trains Restored. All the trains which were taken off last week on account of the coal strike, have been put back and are now running on schedule lime. By taking these trains off inconve nienced a great many people who : will rejoice to learn that full ser vice has been resumed. ; Cost oi Living Advances. j The cost of living, as based on 91) staple commodities, advanced 1 .3 per cent during the last month, : and now stands at l.il per cent above the pre-war level, or the highest ever known, according to ! figures made public by Bradstreet i Textiles, provisions and groceries ! constitute bulk of the conunodi ties. Holiday Goods. Mrs. 1'. A. Lewis and Miss Agnes McGee, ho have been in Baltimore I'm the past len days have returned. bringing wilh them a veiy attrac live line of holiday goi-ds Don't forget to visit Mrs. Lewis' store efure making your put chases. Makkibu in Richmond -Mar ried on the Nth insi. , at i'ie res idence of Mr. L li. Islington, by Rev Mr. Warren, of St. Thomas' church. Mr. h. G. Bond and Miss horoihy Jenkins. Both i f U el in. We extend many cungratu lauons and wish for them a happy voyage down life's pathway. YOU CAN BE SURE W hen you consign youi colloti and peanuts In us ili.it we are goinr. lo woik just as hard to gel vm lop pi i .1 s as il il were our own. We can also gel you permit-; tup P' J nuts. J. W. PERRY COMPANY Gl-r A HoliHY. A hobby is the business man's savior limn rusti ficaiion, vegetation and -tai vaiion. Il tills his mind when he is away from die office wiih something be sides; it turns his brain power into different channels and gives the poor brain cells he has used all day a much needed rest It in creases his interest in lite; it hroad- ens his outlook; it sh.upens bis wiis. Therefore, we say, a hobby is a good thing and not a foolish ihing as some people have been wont to call it. It will serve vou faithfully and well. Get a hobby. r'OW'.lvi: Thi-M. Wti it i tbt good ol dwelling upon -lights ol hostilities? Many ol iheui are tan cied. If we have enemi.-s lei us nvnid them and reluse to think ol Ihem. To consider the wrong- that we think another has put upon us fills us with anger and all un rhuriiableness. Let us rather think of our friends who are source of peace and' pleasure and (Mn'miranemenl. of Christ win t,ii,t "Puttier, forgive Iheni foi ihev know not what they do,' and of His apostle who wrote h ihe Corinthians, "Charitv suhVi etl long and is kind, seekeili noi In own, is not easily provoked . ihinkeili no evil." i The Dkbati- at tiii: Graded School. The exercises at the ! School auditorium on l-nday last i were interesting and enjoyable, j The members of ihe Wilson Liier ; ary Society gave a study of the I life and work of Paul Lawrence ; Dunbar which was followed by a i debate by pupils of the seventh 'grade on the question, "Should ihere be a curfew law in Weldon." riiis was decided in favor of the affirmative much to the chagrin of some of the young gentlemen on ihe negative side. Land Sales. Never in the history of this county has there been so many land sales. People disposing of their lands every where. Some think il is on ac count uf re-valuation next year and are selling their lands lo avoid the higher taxation, while others hold that it is the high prices that has caused them lo part with their great landed estates. The high tax advocates bad better go slow. If they don t look out there will be some changes at the next election of our county officials. The peo ple are thinking, and talking, and don't you forget thai. A Loss ro rill-: Town. Mr. John P. Iloloiuan has brought Dr. R. P. Morehead's nice suburban residence in Weldon, Shadeland, and his farm nearby ai a cost of $40,01)0, and al the end of die year will move his family to that town. This is a great loss to Rich Square. Mr. Holom-an during Ins residence here of 20 years or more has been one of our most progressive citizens and a leader in every forward movement, whether it was to build a new church or parsonage, new school building, belter roads, in fact every movement that had for its object the uplift of the masses and to make Rich Square and the sur rounding country a better place to live in has had his hearty and active support. Mrs. lloloman has been no less active. Aspresideui of the Betterment Association and member of other civic organiza tions she has been an untiring worker for the common good. The departure of such people means a loss lo every individual in Rich Square and community. Roanoke Chowan Times. Your loss is our gain, brother, and we extend the welcome hand to Mr. John P. Holoman and his family. A NOTK OH APPRECIATION. To the Roanoke News; I am noi a contributor to your Daoer. but I feel that 1 would be doing myself an injustice as well as Dr. Lassiier, to keep silent, therefore I take this method to show to him and my friends' my appreciation to him for his earnest and valuable services rendered my boy during his affliction. He not only administered to his bodily ail ments but would always advise him earnestly to pray and obey his Maker. I shall never forget him and shall ever pray that the Lord will ever be wiih him and that his life may be one grand success A Patron. COTTON AT NORFOLK, HI J Hiii VA. I'LANt'TS AT SCI h H Is, VA Iff'' :rf:,(LOHd '0 ! 11 l It li ll i It .41 Do VourXtnas Shopping Early We haf a full line Cars, Wagons, lite, l iieMniks lui sale al diii of Toys, liuy l-arly Ro-, euiary Store only. Kiddie Ogletree's 5IO25c. Store, ImSDMAPY KOANOKI: KAl'IDS WI-I.DON 9) it 3t it t t vt t It t 'It Calo:!,.' mercury, Sour bi'.e I'd attacks tin- loll.- in Museums You know what calomel is. It's Calomel is d.iut'erous. It crashes into , c. ampins and sickening you. Calomel should never be put into your system. Take 'TUlson's Liver Tone" Instead! l,i yi f.l!i;l!li'' I- JrilJItlirt rl' bolt!.' of n-. U tntiivh v taki- m.-l " . 1 li.lii'lH, HllWjViflll, kin" kt'il Ollt Mini ;i ! uf iliiiiiri n u , i t,.T thitt your . .r.U a lurjji Tone, whit'li Ji-iituN' for f.- .hUhiu'1. It i niiiiriiiitecil t' start vmtr liver without ftirrltiir u ug niM.lt', inul fan nt citlivate. Dmi't t.tu rulom. l! It imikcs you -i. k th'1 tu'xt .liiy; it lose you a Jy'i work. Iio-Uon'n Liver Toue at rulytit cn you right tip and you feel (jrcat. I live it t ttni chil.iri'ti bromine It is pcrft'Ptly lianiiloflH anil dowtn't grip. SELECT VOUR XMAS VIGTROLA NOW fall-, mi One touch of nature keeps whole world on the lookout new sensations. Tut; Lt:uutR Musi Uai anu; -Il is often very difficult torealiie thiii the people who do spiteful dungs toward us are hurting them elvfs much more man auyuur else. Vi e often feel impelled pay them back in their own coin hui ii would sure be a losing prop nail mil for us 10 do. Often when we are in bine nlooJ we are '"' Mined to think thai some people can "gel away wiih murder, wnicn k a verv popular anu staug " for saving that their day of reckoning never comes, no mat ier what they do. But ten in one, .f arp doine wronly, or nghl ing unfairly, they are not as happy as the ones who have suffered by unfair treatment. I he led- ..... t i.Fh must balance before the nrk is done, even as the tederofafcank. ,. dJX ' B. Y. P. U. Lnti:ktaini:d 1'lie li. Y. P. U. Society of the liaptist church were entertained at ilieir regular social meeting on l:ridav. December 12th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dan id, in South Weldon. Quite i good number were present and en joyed an interesting contest and music, both vocal and instrumental. The hostess served delicious cream ind cake. This church is in highly gratifying condition and has i wide awake membership. die recent drive to secure me $75,000,000 there was only one person in the church who was ap nr.wehed who did not contribute some amount to this cause. Till! (Ki:Ai HKilltt'AY. We j are informed lliat the plans and specifications for an asphalt or con crete road from Weldon to Una- noke Kapids have been passed upon and accepted by Mr. Page, of the Highway Commission, and ihe road will be buill very soon. This road comes under the Feder al aid appropriation which will pay one-fourth, the State one-fourth and the county one-half the ex pense. The road will enter Vt el don through Third street and the of the railroad at l-'irsi street and also at Bass' crossing as well as the dangerous curve at C.hockavotte will be eliminated. This will be a great advantage and before long Weldon and Roanoke Kaoids will be a continuous city, linked together by this elegant payed highvay. IS II yon are one of those who are thinking of buying just a Machine," don't decide on an interior make a Ytcinla costs nu more. Let us demonstrate ihe man- p mils of superiority. I be ictr.'la rungs you ill iiiNiruinents u brings all the trading artists in tone ami repruoiuin'M n stands n.-d ly in a c!a-s I v ilseb. A Finn 11 initial pay ment' will p':ru;e your Victrola in your homo for Ch:istiu;v We cany in "to.k all the laUiEt reo ji is Call at our storo and kt us drmoustrato 1 . iw 4 m- t V Jjj .5 i jit: PEASE with your gift, get it accustomed to Buy. IT VOU wish to please ii here 1 he recinieilt is 1 1.1 u.. n. ,., I , ii-uniT;itiiin of us. who know what thev like and dislike. Put your Gift Prohlems up to THIi l.l":AI)l:.R STOKE-catering to the well-dressed folks. SUdtiRST: I 1)1. til M Silk Shirts, NtLkvstiir, (lliivcs, Hal, Cup. Silk llne. Hunilkcrchii'fs. l:OB HI:R I Purs, i Sweater, Silk Hosiery, Oloves, ! Silk Umbrella, ! Coat Suit. I One Piece Dress Agents: Howard & Pcister Shoes tor men; Dorothy Dodd Shoes women. xi.V'i. notii.v- kM nu. I) m-.s T. i ii.rs ' rrv : Woman's HOW CURED Elrotl, N. "Amu'.v-;ir.-.tiii I nulTi'it-d from irn'Riilariiv but "lii imi im :iny :itiii timi if it- I irmiliiiiily pn-wwnisiMiimn'MTiif. 1 WDIlltl luiVt .lirli iicliitiu lliri'iu'h my shuuMlTl tlllll It :iH I ...ilih.iIiIi' fur mi' lt S T: lin'sl tit niiOtt. 1 iriitl t!'in:irk.-1 nlK-'i"r'ly link r.li-f. l.y liiv misl)iilitl iiskf i ind y-, VTTsmmI a.-ritK' my .-so . "V 1 u liim. AMit Hiviv- ijilt Iiih lttlvii:o 1 tiiult hmtl.H of nr. I'irtw" rnv.mt- 1 Hcrititioii ititd it worki'tl lik iikiiiio. I mo Will, l"it W'll. iilt'l Mt likn Jl tl-W WtHllim. "I o:in mlvlv nfumimnil Dr. I'iiw anJ hi rciiHtli. in miv sulTriiin wtm:ui. MUH. JOHN ItltUHiKHS. Ituulpl. AVOIDED OPERATION Nashvilln. Teim. "SfViTHl t!ir iiro I W!t4(in tin' wrei'of haviim an tM-nitiuti lcf r.minirit'lnHil.lfwhn Dr. I'lrm-'n t:iv.rite IWnptimi was nitmimi'iitlitl t nw. 1 ! HHt!ilil lllltll.-itl.' (SIX iMttlltH f it) flUtoBtl Mif tt nhs.iltit.-lv Ttf.-t iM'iiltli'mul I ih'V'T lutvi) hal U Hiit'iuit to mi nMTiitimi. Ir womnnlv uiln t'iits Dr. rioivc'n lnvunifl rn-wniition w lint imly mi ini'XiM'itwvii hut ,,k,i it ruliiill.' n-moilv titid I urn alwuvx IJ t spk il Ktxnl woTii Inr H. WII.1.IH. UH)1 Arthur Av., N. FOR MOTHERS 'XtiHlmlk Tt-nii. "Dr. IVm-' I-In- "nt rii'lKiii li ' lt'it " K"'"1 '"''I' 1 IH IH.IIIV W:tV IUkI It thf lH--.f WMH .,, .it,- 1 hnvi' t'v.'r t-ilii'ii I I' v 1 ' ,.,,IIH' l'h' ltl.tl,.ll' fl'l I.IW.IHH' I V. Iit-ll tlllll llll" Inul l-tli.' .Ui lull Wi tk UH'I HlTVtltlH, Ull'l II I' 11 ut my uiliiH'iit ittnl hntll in" "i,i in I' Hint -iti'i tivlli, I itl I'tki n tit- I ti' I'li'tiTII tH'M illltlhtt ' ' 1 11 1 fi.lMlli II I'll UVi'Hflll l"H" J" 1 tun.', it l,ti u-tiiii' li-t'liii". li'':iloiv .,..1 Ill lilt 1,1 llllll'litll tl' ' ' l.,..iiil nM'.imiii. n.l 'Kavtuit.; l'-''lt"'1! it-i it Winn ui's tmtlii inf." Mllf. SWKl.NrA. ItMi l-'Uy 8U -Mil. 1 1 8 mi ll-Hi; is ilierc a housewife who Joes not delight in appetizing All meals pitriiculurly durinu tin- joyous Xmas season ? I I ., i r .i ,i , H-ti.-iil ii U- iinnptiinff nrtieles I i i I M 1 u loose in on, "i " , ,,,........ - IlL J.hi D.iiine PiWMAMH j ih.il .tie hind to secure ut litis tune ol ttie je.tr abound Willi us. X w slaoH t iraitiirj lompy, : n,,,re x"",s si""s and ea,s j WELDON. N. G ' i W e have all the iugredicnis lor your Iruil cake. I mmttwiu!imwiimi!(winmii!)iiittittaii.iitiitHtH!iOitM!ttp I I agency fob ' ipi0MiijiMpiir uni"" " 1 HI- XMAS git' deserves m.,re ilitm passing eiiiisideraiion. I I yXJ" S i ,,. I.. ...1..,.,,..,, Ir.,m -I rtvil uih Sli ik ll sllollid H I I Sit W . 1 I hi- :i gilt that will list a lifetime, designed ami cngiated to return I h 1 -r7Z ihe loud. eiuU-aiii'g. appi eeiaiive air of tlmiigl.lliilness with I If , f . , M 9 inch ii is given. We line a selecuoii ol sueh ai tides lliat will I f fSt , '! B sun your tveiy need m lilts line, as will no oilier. B-l Iiv-!?t'? ', V "'I S r -mi i i i.!.ifyr;m-i 1 ! s liSir "M -D fr it c ell 1 ' i z r ' r I , r f. I 1 H 1 1 K I mm INFLUENZA starts with a Cold Kill th. ColJ. At th. f"' ...... uk.tfltL.s CASCARAkPQUININE BROMlDt Si.nOnd cold iim..l lor 85 , ouiatc liu-.. -i i-l' . V..V . . .. . . r... v r, ' ri i 1 1 Money hull ' ...ill. I Mr. Tl. H. J tlil.'l 111, picture. Al All On sarn NOTICI-. lo liom 11 May l uuo. oi This ml" iinllly ll n-isni, tlml no Jo mil ami I""-' "' eumnii-it-'i aiivtiiu ,1, H.ili-snl llnii-. Ml". t'liltlu, IIiik. in iilhrl tilings in o.milnu.liiii iiiioiiBii Aki-iiIi, Ui-liii si iitiltivi'M, oi' uIIiimims. Mi'i il'ii, I"" ull l'l"l",r 1-1 .lin unit -e In ,t-l,v ilim-lill.il liill'lll'y "I"1 H'P"U a.l.ilitv I". u"V ii-l'ii-' .nations oi atu.e mpiil-i hiel. mav have ot may hi-re all,., hi- inailf I'V any pi-iaoli, (u'rsoiia, Oi a, o, i'i.ia.iiin pui miiiiir to rei le, t us us AK'Ht", Aui!lii,ui',-.a or ulh "ihoi Uib 1 Jlli 'lay of l.pc'inlifr, 1919 1U.V1M.IM 00 I.K, lli:Hllt;Hi' HAMMOND. W. 1-'. Ot,l.K. 12 IS tt TOWN ORDINANCE. It diall 1',- unlit,, tut tin anv (,.'is..n o' IH-iM.ni. to I'Uil. uultMiiolnl.-- In-twrt-n l-nst s.n-i-t noil tli,' I iiii'u Slulhilt. Anv ii-isii TiiiliituiL' tins ntiliiiauei mIiiiII, upon pnnvii'tion. pay a tine of Iwn ihilliiia ami li ft v oeiits w SWI lor i-ui-li ami i-vi-iy oil'eiis... Ilv iinli-i of tl'iunl of l oiiiiiiissionei-s: tV W WllililNS. Mavnr. I-;. I. II AVWAHii t till, l:.'ll ..t i )U 1 1 AV I- Al X'AYS I II-AK1) I 111: SUUi;ts;hUL iviaii IHlKlil 1) l llt'.KY. In ninety -nine cases ol one nunarea il isn't l.ak at all hui the result ot a systeuiutic campaign lo attain Mieeess. .savings account "luck" is the surest sort of luck because it is built on the tuiHlaiiieiital principles underlying success. Siart an account today; cultivate il and you will he "lucky." Nt)lK:l: -To Tax I'ayi-rs of Weldon Township: Alter the lirst day of January, 1920, you will be charged a penalty of 1 per cent, and an additional 1 per cent, after the first day ol each niottili until your taxes are paid. J. li. Bkanch, Tax Collector. . -" ii ' n ii. r. '', -A i i

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