! ! 1 l'i IbI i?i Willi' i I fSTAULISIIiiD IN 1866. nr A NEWSPAPER F9K THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. MV . W EL DON, N. , TIIUKSDAY, FKIUSHAliY 120, 11)20 no. ;J3 ! Net LnnlenH 13 r mm uraonna as i .v""rir III CAST . n non nuklT L.,;dtheFoodbvlWul- i t!nrttlieStomdswl8ewelJ aThcrePronDiH U Cheerfulness na !.-- neltiwOpiam.Mej1' Uneral.NoTWAHuui.v ' Sf jfcWS i i.infiil Remedy lbf Constipation and Dirrho k;)ss or Sleep resuitiniittiertfr!!1' s s I':! a! Foe Similt SiinWL"' NEW T"nt Eiwt Copy of Wrapper. Bargains IF YOU BUY GKOCERIES W. T. PARKER & CO . Wholesale Cash Store WELDON N. C. ixon Uer & Weldon, N. C. MANI'KAITUKEKH OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doers Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Scree-n MADE TOOKDKK AND KKfil'l.AK STOCK SIZES. lood Material-. High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. zus. SAVE Ifl mil urn i4M Mio ""'-w-i'-i:'-i town . The very newest Georgettes and m We have a complete line of Ladies and Jft Gentlemen's hurnlsnings. m ft . . . . -ox mm aT m I 28 The Busy Store, w-ev cms iM- ona nfe no ndio TKsynv iw w tv ., ty -- '' !& TOOD GROCERIES build tip the mirease your capaniy to ininK. Ami rujiu unnMMj; imnit- u"! . rulis.- Our ricc-. make you think. Call in io see us. L. E. HULL, OTnnm 3 1 UMH For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. tx.r of In Use For Over VLJU it Thirty Years CASTORIA THI eiMTAun NIW VORK CITY. for You ALL YOUK FROM Millwork Co. m m MONEY m By trading: at home and still be a booster for your Many Bargains in Win- Jg terQoods. t m styles In Organdies Crepcde-Chine. m m mm n m m mm .... m WELDON, N mm MS- Choice Hams There Is nothing' more appetizing than a sjice of our choice ham we nave anvthinir vou mav want lu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. system, stimulate the brain, and I DOG AS CHILD'S COMPANION i With the Right Kind of Animal, Youngster Will Seldom Stray i Beyond Safe Hounds, An ol.-t-i vatloii of oiir I'r ll. I III'1 I'll -.!.-. I till! "I 1 hi ' ,.'s I - ! I nr.l l ii I'll, Ill's tiritli,' n . . 1 1 lusl llnl hail l ''-'X 111 plil A.lll." illl'I'ilS c. ic ll lil lilll. Si.t'i'inii'- p'nernli.atlotis al e iiii-a' e, lllll llll'I'e s nil ltl"-lioll ill' tilt" 1. title of ;i tl;.' :i child'' playmate uli'l P''1' to. !r. Sunn- doirs have the ni.:. ilMllu't 111. nisohes. Tht II nf Ihi' l "Ill's wl'.hln llii'in -llu'.v in" Murrains by I) :i r ill'i. Sui'll ll '! ' Ui. lllll ilfllc.ht to lluo lilllllllll ''"!! fniiy in !i runaway Journey unil are i'il iiil'i' coiiipuiil'.iis lor cliililri'ii. I'm i'ii' right kiml ni' ileus, mill ilii'i'i' ii iv ii ;.i. of Ihoin. who him' been lit'out-li! ! mi with children, iiri' quick tn ii'-suhie Hie lull' or guardian. Willi siirh 11 (!! no rliihl would ever get !isl ; 1 n 1 1 t . w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 not lit' ullowed In .stray In-youil houii'K Wo have In mil. I ll (irellt riill.r Whose ll'lllpt'l- wns snrli tlnil, lilt tnill"-tl we were in'iiinliiiiiii''i's. we nt'vi-r ven tured In elder his i itiii. if In1 witi" around, until ho hiul hail time to sat isfy lllllisi'll Ulllt WO I'lllllll puss IIIIIS- i.t Hin t' saii-iioil you wort' approved hy ilio i:..i ho called nnistor inul god .1.' s ho mil. , inisti't'ss. hi' hnil tin onil.arra.siii'j ttny of sliiiiillni! on his liin.l li's I plniiiii; his from out's . n.ii'i.l .Mini nook -n t'liii'sd quili' llkt-- ly, If you wort!, not woll hl'lni'il. f kno. k you oti' jour fool. Ill' mis the Ins.'iiiii'iililt' i' pin. Ion i if thf hnhy uf tin- family-. i h..y of four or Iim who Inul ti pri'illlt'itioii for I'liunlni! Iiwny. Wh' ti Ilio yotliu-sti'l' sinrloil, Mi.' ;r,iit I'alio followoil; whou thf t-liilil it a. Iii'.l Hi.' i-'ati'. Iho ilo.- lil...'Uoil his a. L-i'i: Iv hut tiniily. H'or nny oiii to havo toiii'hiil that cltiltl wlioii tho Ilauo w;S noar woiilil hivo oust 1 1 ) 1 1 1 his lift- unlfss ho I. i.l lil -t shot inul shut to i.ill. Iho lllll'l : -.'ll.-' of III!' ll.'L'.IS B SOIII'I'l. of .'Olislllllt lllllll.i'llll'lll t thoso who ki .iw liini host an. I lovo him most : inul ..f Ills iloviiiion Hn rf Is. happily, no i.iiistiiiii. If all i-liililivn hail iloss as pla.nnnl.'s llit'l'i' woiilil ho ffwor to run ii way mill gt'l lust. Ni)" Hftlford Stiiiitlitnl. Varnlih Not Full Protection. Wood Is not wholly proU'i'li'd frmn moisture h niriilshint, wlihli In Nhown hy tt sls uf the r'oiwt I'roilui-ts liihiitii'ory In Wlsoonsln to Iiiivh uiily a i--1 iirtltiitc otToft. The wumls iisotl ..ii..- luroh luissw I. red ftfuin. Afiliiin innli.iKmi.v. white ash, white pliu. pine, I'.ut stillt.i snnioe. solllht'l'll yellow hald 1'ypri'ss, liiffiise t'filnr, lirfiinl ottliir. ntnl sutur pine; l.ut thole fi'i.'iu'e In WHS Ilo piTfi'litlho' tin (llfli'I'fllt spet'lf: tho nioi-lun iilisorlifd throtii-'li the t'Olltilll. M'hi '.nits of hlL'h t.'rnili' smi' ...n.isi, u.-io aiii.ll.il to four n, t. si....,ios two Illinois he- I,,,, t,,ush-t ed inul two dipped with I .l iim.'hilie llosii;neil to ISlve .. ,,i The Illinois were tlrled 7" hours hetwoen fonts unil ten tlnyi t,., tto. flnnl font: mitl were then ex- .i i7 .-a VI to mi utiuosnhere pnic .t ...ii.. ,im.i with moisture. The . i." ...... tu.i ihiiioIs then sltowetl ten liruso-s'."" i urKtiiiues of inoistuie per square foot of surfttte; tile ilippeu, uc.it.-." ami live granimea. For YA Weak Women In use for over -W years! Tho. : jnds of voluntary letters irom women, tell ing of the good Cardui has i! :iie them. Thi is the bet proof o! the value ofCar . ui. It proves that Cardui is a good medicine 14 YA Ya YA YA YA VA YA 14 Ya VA Ll lor women. YA There are no harm rut or habit -lorming drugs In Cardui. It is composed only cf mild, medicinal ingredient?, with no bad aiter-ellects. TAKE WA YA YA 14 YA YA VA HI M I j 1 The Woman's Tonic You can rely on Cardui. Surelv it will do tor you what it has done lor so many thousands of other women! It should help. "I was taken sick, ras taken sick, lr .Veste, soiThihts, Va. a - r seemed to. writes Mri of Madison "I got down sir weak, could hardly walk . . . Just staggered around. ... I read of Cardui, and after taking one bot tle, or before taking quite all, I felt much belter. I took 3 or 4 bMilcs at that time, and wai able to do my work. I take It In the spiiug when run down. I had no appetite, and I cornn enced eating. It Is the be . I tonic I ever saw." Try Cardui, All Druggists w r L-l BCI gfDJSCARDED crashes into it, causint; craniping and nausea. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead! If you feel bilious, headachy, run Btipated unil all knocked out. just go to your druggist and A a lwttV of Dodgon'i I.ivcr Tone for a few rents, which ia a harmless vegetable sub itltute.for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten yon up better and quicker than nasty calomel Manila carnival big attraction of far east This Is the season of the year when the Philippines become the playground for the entire orient. It Is carnival, season In Manila. In 1II08 the flrst Philippine carnival was held on historic Wallace Field In Manila in February, when the climate of the Islands Is at Its best, und each succeeding year there has been larg er and more elaborate celeliruiloii. The 1'JL'O, or Victory Curulval, will be the greatest event of Ita aort ever held anywhere lu the Fur I'.ust. There are cotumcrchil and govern ment exhibits In connection with lie carnival, and on no other occasion Is It possible to gain at once such a com prehensive Idea of the produ . lion and How Would You Like lo Harvest Two Crops of Corn a Year as They Do in the Philippines? '"w, . MSt VA. i's-W. -X. mmm I I mmm 'M-ti f"" fmtbmmmm, 'Is No, reader, this corn was not grown' by on of our local farmers 1 It wasn't grown In the United States, even. II was grown In the faroff Philippine Is lands by Filipino schoolboys. Two tine crops of corn a yeur are produced In' the islands. The Philippines are doing mune won derful things In tho agricultural line. The Philippine government bus line it rlculiuiul schools throughout the la lands, and the Philippine legislature, composed entirely of Flllpluos, is each year making larger .and larger appro prlihoiis for this Important work. l.ic staple food of the islands Is rice, but corn la coming right along In popu lar favor Its use was given great Im petus In the last year because of a rice $100 REWARD. $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dread ed disease that science has been aide to cure tu all its stag. s. and tiiat is alanli Hall's Catarrh Cuie is the only posimc cure uuw kuowu to the medical fiutei nity. Catauh heiug a constitutional disease, it quues a constitutional treat meul. IIuIIb'b Cutarih Cute is taken in teiually, acting directly upon the mu cous nil faces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of tin! disease aud givim? the patientstrcugtlibybuild lug up the constitution and assisting it. tltunir its work The proprietors have so much faith in Us cui attve powers that they oll'en'ne Hundred Dollars lot any case that it fails to cure. F. I. CIIENKV id CO., Toledo, libit. Testimonials sent free. Price V. cent, per bottb . Hold liv all diugsists. Halt's Familv Fills for Constipation writer Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynainile mi a slity.siMi liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it nd wit In nit making you sick, you iu.t iro b.n'k and jet your money. If you tnl" calomel today you'll be !.'!; and ll.illtiatid tomorrow; be side, it may alivnte you, while if you t.fe 0"'-on' T.iver Tone yen will wake up teeliug KruiU' full uf ambition and ready for work or play. i H is harmless, plea.ant and safe to I give to chlMren; they tike it. development of resources of the archi pelago as that which Is offered the visitor at the carnival city. In the evenings the carnival becomes the center of Philippine und oriental social activity. A huge open air audi torium serves for tit elaborate nightly balls, und on Its iiuiiiiii.il Ii lluor thou sands of couples swing together to the strains of music furnished by the fa mous Constabulary und other military bands. Probably at noother place In the world will one see un equally Im pressive cosmopolitan spectacle. The Manilu visitor who can plau his trip to urrlve at the Pearl of the Orient for carnival time niuy well deem him self fortunate. '' ' shortage. Other Important Philippine crops are hemp, sugar cane, cocoanuts, coffee, tapioca and pineapples. Lum ber Is also an Important Industry. There are hundreds of thousands of a.'.es of land lying Idle In the Philip pines, which have a greater area of fertile land than Japan this lu spit of the fact that the population of the Philippines Is 11,000.000 while that of Japan la around 5o,000,000. There Is every ren to believe that some r)y the Philippines will have a population as large as that of Japan today. The rillplnos are the only Christian people in the orient, and their young men are working night and day to prepare themselves for the responsibility of cltlwnshlp In th Philippine Republic, which they bellevn to be near at hand. ' Chronic Constipation. There are people w ho never have a movement of the hoAels without it is produced by a cathaitic. Most of them have brought tint condition on them selves by the use of mineral waters and strong cathartics that take too much water out of the system and aggravate the disease they arc meant to relieve. A mil. I laxative tunic like Cliauibeilaiu's Tablets afford a gentle movement of the bowels Cat you baldly realise has been produced by a medicine, and their use -rv ... it.- .,,'. I II If? 3M I'rthr Wmm itil il lllll is not so likeli to be followed by ennath I at ion . The age of romance for a wo man is anywhere between 6 and 65 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Still Believe In' Falrlea. A ease Just heiin! In the TTppeniry eourtK reveals the survival In Ireland of n belief In the fairies. It was a elnlin for t'otnis'iisiillon for cutting trees and hushes around n fort at Sluinhnlly. The elnlnmnt said he espe chilly valued .these hushes as "there wiis'dnncInK and lights there every nlk-ht" It was alleged thut the defendant had taken awny the bnstu to evict the fulrli'S. The Judtji' pointed oil! thut If there wore fairies Ihey would visit their nn irer on tho iiiiin who dared lo cut the hushes mid not on the owner. IT" did not accept the fairy theory mat dismissed the claim. Receiving Wlrelesa. Hy use of photography, a method Invented hy 0. A. llovle. an electrh n' engineer nf Schenectady, wireless mes sages can lie received and recorded at a fur greater speed and with mure ne eiiriuy than heretofore. The Inven tion penults the eye either to supple ment or replace the enr In rending wireless messages. The niachtae has reached u rate nf 41 X) words a inla nd', and In lest as iiy us (inn words. t'p to this time the most rapid melh et of r riling niilhi slgnnls has his-ti hy phonograph, hut this must still he tniiiscrlhcil, so to speak, hy the ear und not the eye, and moreover nn peniiaiient visual record Is made. Harmful Duit in Factories. The dust In various Industrial e. tiiMlshinetits Is found by Professor Wltislow of Yale Medical school, tn range from about one-twentieth of n grain of aolld particles per 100 culih feel of air lit a good inelal n,lls,ilng simp to l'J grains In a textile factory Hut while a carpet or blanket mill yields more dust than such Imltislrlo as pottery, asbestos, lohnceo anil steel grinding. Utile of it Is Inorganic mat ter. and It Is the dust from ahraslvt materials that seems mot huniifui und to tend must to produce t liberal IllttlS. To Foil Auto Thlevee. To aid Ir. the capture of nutomohili thieves' it I...s Angi'les man has In veutctl cbitup In tie locked about v tire a ..rh makes a loud noise ea-t time It strikes a pavement and leavm tn easily followed trail. Dollars and Cents Counting it only in dollais ami cents how much ill. I tliut cold cost you'.' A man may uol ulvtuys sttii wink when he has a cold, but perhaps it would be better if he did It takes about ti n ilavs to get completely ml of a col.l un der the usual tieulmi'lit. 'Flint tunc ran be much shortened by taking! hum lierlaiu's Cough Kcnieily ami propel care of yours. If, in fact, a bottle of this reiuedy in the hojise is a mighty good investment during the winter and spring mouths. Some of us are old before oru time because we had a peach of a time. For The Children. Too much care cannot hecNeicise.l in securing a eouirh m.-dieiiie foi children ll should lie pluisjut tn take, contain uo tiaitol'ul dititf and most effectual in ciitiinz tin it coughs and folds. Long experience tias shown that t hainlici Iain's ( 'ough Itcmedy meets these con ditious. it is a favorite with many mothers Ainiosi every man has the gi is taken idea ihat he is essential to ill.- Workings of the universe. Periodic Bilious Attacks Persons subject to periodic bilious at tacks will observe that their appetite fails tin in just i el'tiie an attack. That is, they do not really crave food but eat bi cause it is meal tunc ll they will eat only a liL'bt meal and un meat, then take two oi 'Chamberlain's Tablets the ultack mav be avoided. Ii is easy for a man io manage his wife. All he has to do is to Follow her instructions. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears tbe Signature of ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Bavsr Tablets ef Aipirin" in a "Bayer package," containing proper directions (or Headache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" mnam genuine Anpina br . H. ii.lv on nuKes 01 l lauicvs cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Uonoaoetit- semester ot saiicyucucia. PROMPT RELIEF for the acid-distressed aturaach, try two or three KhioiDG after meals, diseolviJ on the tongue keep four stomach sweet try Kl-saolds the new aid to digestion. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNK MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION LtlA THE BEST INSURANCE AGAINST INFLUENZA Prominent Educator Believes That Vapomentha Is A Sure Preventive. Dr. R. M. Brame, discoverer of Brame's Vapomeniha Salve, has a letter from C. C. VCricht, Superin tendent of the Vi'ilkes County, N. C, Public Schools, in which he says: "We have used Brume's Vapomeniha Salve lor nearly all the ills for which ii is prescribed and have always secured satisfac tory results. If used in lime it has never failed to break up colds, usually ihe forerunner of Grippe, Influenza and Pneumonia. I speak from personal observation. I believe if this preparation is used in lime n will prevent the develop ment of pneumonia in every in stance, if used according io direc tions. " These sirong statements are fully justified by the remarkable recov eries that follow. Brame's Vapo mentha Salve is applied freely over the chest and ihroat and iii- MANY of our savings deposiiors opened their accounts with just $ I . Bui bow their dollars have grown since. Into hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of dollars. It is just a matter of saving so much each week or month, but the im portant part is the START. inn w:7r.v: l 5T - A Hi mi '! V. vi viz i vl ii vi kt This is the Name we have earned. Why? This is in Reality Everybody's Store A trial is all we ask. Ogietree s 5 1025c. Store, S ROSEMARY ROANOKE RAPIDS WELDON M l'y SpeJd LL You Ennfl? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know) You might be visited by thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit Is a mighty good one to yet into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX & HALIFAX 1T.O. P. C. Urag-ory, Vice-PreeideBt. N. L. Stedman President seried in each nostril Brame's Vapomeniha Salve peneiraies the pores of the skin, relieving con gestion, at the same lime healing vapors iirise und are breathed through the mouth and nose, loos ening i tie phlegm and causing the paiienis lo breathe freely, lis ab solute it Itahiliiy is evidenced by dozens of unsolicited testimonials. Branie's Vapomeniha Salve will relieve pneumonia, influenza, la grippe, plcutisy, bronchitis. whoop ing cough, c.itiirrh. asihtna, tonsi litis, hay lever and inflammation of the skin. Vapomentha is applied externally and it will not stain the clothes, as oilier salves do. No home should ever be without ii. Buy it from your dealer or direct From Brame Drug Co , North Wilkesboro, N. C. A small bottle costs 30c. ;a much larger one, containing six limes as much, $1.20 Adv. "5 'S "5 'S 5 xS, y r; 'I 'D vi vi vi vi vi ii vi .ii;.. P. H.Urefory Cashier, ' 1 i : f? S 1 A '' 3 I i I in 4i t.ji V ; tt" Mw6tUcfclor't Opera I sum. WELDON, N.C .nil fc.-'o'I?" asiasj nimim ii m '