I i r ; t -s -V- f i: ; 1' A NATUKt.5 way Alcohol and dangerous sedatives are fast falling into disuse. When the body is debilitated the effectual means of restoring strength is scons EMULSION which does what your regular food should do tut all too often fails to do ncuric':cs and strengthens the whele body. It is the rcsul'.s Hid follow the use cf Scott's Emulsion thct have mdo its multitude of friendj. WELDON POST. FKKXCII MEMORIAL DIPLOMAS. The U'jr Department, Washington, D C, has forwarded 10 Weldon Post American Legion, I:rench Memorial Diplomas, to be presented to nearest relatives of all those in this District who died in (-'ranee It was the intention of X eldon Post to have suitable exercises on Hehru ary 22, Washington's birthday for purpose of presentation. On ac count of die influenza epidemic it w as deemed advisable to postpone to later date. And as soon as a date is decided upon notice will be published. The following is a list of the nearest relatives named for presentation- 1 The s..r i CD Scott't tmu. ir tn our own vi As punty i '11 SCOtt ft UUWT1C, 1-1'- 1s un-mi.-.. I A.m. i:j THE k ( ) A O K I w s rn I'lOilAl MR. HENRY C. SPURS One ot Weldon's Oldest Menhiinm Died on Monday Niht ot our Ji.-.t mi .11 a h. i.Te he real- i benertted .en g.iod ! grjJujHy I d was n. it i Mr. H C. Spiers, on. most popular merji mis, Monday night, M nvh I si. pital in Richmond. V i . u nad been taken lot specs ment Imping he would he is his health had not be .'or several months. He : grew worse, how ever, a Mrong enough to be brought back home as he most earneMly desired. Mr. Spiers was born near M.iny Creek, Va., but came to Wcldon about the year l.SSO, when cjune a young man and soon .irtcr enter ed the mercantile business in w Inch he continued until his death. In 1S.S9 he was married lo Miss Nannie Price, of Wilson, who with one daughter, Mrs. L. B. limory, of Salem, Va., survive him. From his youth he has been an earnest, consecrated Christian worker. As steward in the Jiureh and secretary of the Sunday school he has been an efficient, faithful of ficer, always at his post and never absent from the services of the church when possible for him to be present. The Master's work was pre-eminently Hrst w ith him at all times. No sacrifice too great nor attraction strong enough to prevent his being in his accustomed place. Zealous for the advance ment of his church he ever studied its interests and worked to promote its cause. He was a warm friend and helper of the preachers who came to serve the church and in him they felt they had found a friend both true and taimiul W'nh much missionary zeal when quite a young man he was manager of the Bright Jewels, a children's or ganization ot the Woman's Mis sionary Society and was a paid lip member in all the missionary or ganizations ot the churdi now in operation, He was iniensely interested m the Llupel in South Weldon and tor several years has delighted in ev.irgelisiic I Minday school w orK in this and Northampton counties. He loved thenld-lashioned hymns and tunes of the church and be lieved in a religion ot the heart de spising anything like slum or show in connection with the services. H:s remains w ere brought to U'eidon and pi ice.! near the altar ot the church he had loved so well and the funeral services were con ducted from there by the pastor, Kev. l. u. tlavnun, wh le Rev. I 1 M. Snipes, Rev. Vm. Towe, uf 1 darysburg, Rev J. I). Bandy, of j l-aetteville, and other ministers! assisied. The old hymns "Ama-j nig Grace how Sweet the ryiund," "How Firm a Found itt.,;i, " and "Sometime We'll I ::Je:'s:and, " were sung at the church and "Je sus, Lover ot My ,uf at tne grave, and so rests a nun who served God the very best mat he knew and rendered mat service with a willing heart His broiher, Mr. J, I), Spiers, of Smithtield, and Mr. H L Har vey, ot Richmond, accompanied the remains from Richmond I he follow mg were the pall hi .rets. Active W A Pierce, W T. Parker, I), R. Anderson' !).. D. B. Zclhcoffer, W T. Shaw H D. Allen. Honorary Capt. J. B Tilgh man. H. L. I l.irvey, J. W' Sledge F Clark, H P. HarreN, VV L. Knight, L I Draper, H L Grain, Dr A R .olhu tier, C. J. Owen, C. P Bounds, A . Stain back, V.. (, u.irhck, W . F Daniel J. T. Pope TO HE l'::-.s: ;M) TO Mrs. Lilhe Gav Shaw, Mrs. F-hzabeih Rosiman, Mrs. Fmma Bumpas, William T. Currie, Berry Brmkley, Lew is W illiams, b: F Dickens, F mi :e V ii.g'ian, W all-r K- eiel, R imi H .tut dvn, Ml- s4.. Vt: so,;. He' i . I Iva:n V: D: "'. Bosioo I ir- .-I-, I el V Lugoiie Davis, Ch iihon W Parks, Mis Sallie Harlow, W . James F Fraier, J G. Ashe, J A. Little, H. Lawrence, Mrs Mary Morns, R H. Walker, Mrs, M Fleasiey. Mrs, B I: Andrews, John P. W hiiMin, Mrs, John A. Williams, G W . Dre-vett, (.. H. Aiston, J. M Williams, R B. Bnckell, W. F. Barrett, Mrs. I. aula Ward, Bessie Fvereit, Mamie J, Webb, James Outlaw, Miss Marcia A. Jones, Mrs Cornelia Matthews, Mrs. Nellie Drumgold, Miss Lone N. Boyd, Mrs. Crane Pitt, Mrs. Pattie Pierce, Mrs. Mamie Bailey, Mrs. Hatne Bvnum, RELATIONSHIP , Mother ; Mother j Mother Father j Father Brother Mother ADDRESS Weldon, FnHeld, Enfield, Fntield, FnHeld. R. 2 Linleion, R. 2, Littleton, R. 4, Murtri sboro, Litilet II. R .?. 1 sse. R, , Lntield, Mm ft c-h r '. R uuo..e R I i ha si in g, Seaboard. R 2, Seaboard, Roanoke Rapid- Warren Plains, Halifax, Gumherry, Weldon, Jackson, Littleton, Mtirfreesboro, Roanoke Rapid Rosemary, Rosemary, Seaboard, Littleton, Whnakers, Halifax. R. 2, Garysburg, Weldon, Margarettsville, Jackson, Weldon, Fnfield, Angier, Weldon, Littleton, Ringwood, Halifax, FnHeld, Garysburg, LLL101 r B. CLARK. Commander, Weldon Post No. 3S, American Legion s WL carry a stock from which you can select anything you w ant in the Hner lines of Chinaware, lvoryw.ire, Cut Glass, Lite. U hen you want something out of the ordinary, in these lines, something specially artistic and distinctive in de sign, 'twill pay you to come here, Mother F I'1'- r 'a ile M .ilu r I nh: r W ile laiher I .iiIht i Faiher j Mother i Father Faiher j Father Faiher j Mother Faiher ! Mother j Wife Faiher Mother Father Brother Father Father Father Mother Sister Wife Father Sister Mother Mother Unknown Unknown Mother Mother Mother LILLIE GAY SHAW. As days go by life seems the same Still many changes come, We always hope for better things Vet say "Thy will be done. " Friends that now about us cling Are early called aw ay, In sorrow with our senses dazed We almost cease to pray. l is hard to see our loved ones die And leave us here to weep, When human aid's of no avail They sleep "their long last sleep. " It but reminds, that mortals weak Within themselves can't know, The troubles now that on the way They'll sufter ere they go. We only look to Him who aids Whose timely help is sure, We realize our helplessness And must his help secure. In sorrow 's time of dark despair We yield for want of power, We need kind Heaven's Comforter In every gloomy hour. A sweet rose bloomed to gladden home A ray of sunshine clear. A bright and sparkling diadem For home of earth, too pure. The Master claimed this iewel bright For earthly courts, too fair, To bloom again in Heaven's realm And breathe Celestial air. We loved this dear child, reared as she was in our midst, a bright example of Christian graces, and well equipped for the Master's work nut ashamed to uphold a cause ever dear to her heart : it is sometimes be oiid i. ur reasoning, when such bright examples are removed from earth, but ihauks.be to an Allwise Father, "whom we know too good t do wrong, and too wise to err." "Good night," now cometh gentle sleep; and dreams that fall like gentle ram. good night I oh, holy, blessed and deep, the rest that fol lows pain' How should we reach God's upper light, if life's long day had no "Good night." Weldon, ,. L , beb. Z5, 1 9JU. J. B. Buy the if not the beit paint made, return the balance and get all your money back. It Pay to "MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT i I A Ul iV H A 1. 1 1 A 1I : CO.. Scotland Ni-ck. m st Tti, r are slrrplv adjlnn LlnwJ Oil lu L 4 M S.m,.P..t. P.,t S8!vS,MIJLK' AND REAL ESTATE. 01 w I. Mas Had Sionmch trouble ((lr Seven earn i'liftMlun- aji!'ih, nt ( rnnorr, Mich i Hun, liiia had ntniiwh toml.i,. lur si-vxri yi-ar an.l r.mlil nut ml n-in-ulili ur fruit without nn MnriKKh :unl ir.t- mirlilN. Hv iakiim 1 1 :t r -, I :i ' 1 1 ' TuiileU lie is ni, a) ilu tu nit M-fi tiilile,, or liuit without rauHinir pain or xlpep leKsni.sn. I f troubled itli inilim'stion or coustipulion kivi' tliese talilets a trial. They arc certain to prove tn'iif ticial. Not Noticeable. "The cost of living is terrible !" "Yes, but mighty few people are anxious to dp tosave money." One thing tin hasn't suffered any frsm hih prices is ihe con gressional garden seed It is com ing along in the same old fashion. -Tl i i: nl c ill Id. ) t I I Y Tin. Kl . I.I i - t t l STY J Frank .1, t 1, nrv makew t.atli that lie is sciIHil I'llttln-I ol the 111 III of F. J. i li-aif v ,v i u. 'lunik.' Inisinrss in the city o!' I ol, .',., 1 ..iinly an. I state aforesaid, A!i! ti.ai cant linn will pay tine lluu '!n .1 Itnhuo. lor eai'h ail'l every case of uiunli tlial cannot lie cureil liy the o ii,tii i. t auioii ..leoiciue. I l(Nk .1 I'MKSKY, .-soiu to l-i-iiiie me and NuliMcnliei) in mv prcHcnce. tliihiilh ilav of I icceinlier . 1 1. If li. W. til.KASON, Notary I'ulihc. Ill II KN FY A CO., Toledo, (.Mho I estmiuuials ent Iree. l'rice ." cenU per liottle. Sold by all ilrutrtfiMtR. HaH Kamilv PilU for Constipation A well cooked breakfast will go further toward preserving peace in Ihe family than a dozen Our Home" mottoes. 'Bless 1 OST Between the residences L of Miss Annie Gary and Mrs. G. C. Sanders one small gold pin, set with pearls. Return to nie and be awarded. Mks. G. C. Sandkks. The Best Laxative '' .My Bedi'iitaiy lialuts hive n u.n-ita- it 1 llic use of an occaNion.il laxatic. t hae tried many lint fouinl nothit g hettcr than Chamiiei lam s Tahlei!.," wntcs Ueortte '. Dauh-la, II mlwick, t Mr. Iiauii'ln in proprietor ol the Har.l v. i.-k Inn, ime of I lie uioilel hotcla ol T.iiclai. I. Why Colds Are Dangerous. You arc ofteu tol.l to ''beware of a cold." hut why? We will tell you: Kv ery cold w.'ukens the ImiKt. lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more senous diseases. People who contract pneumonia first take cold. The lornrer a col.l haiiL's on. the Krcater the lau Iter, especially from iferm iliseases, as a col.l prepares the system for the lecep t:u:i a:.c clavMicpiueiit ul me trerini of consumption, diphtheria, scarlet fever an.l whoopinit couifh. The quicker you tret ml of vour cold, the less the, lauccr orconliaelinif oneof the diseases.) Iiam berlaiu's Cou-li Kenip.lv I, as a ureal repuuiiou as a cure for cohU ami can he depended upon. It n pleasant to take CUT FLOWERS FOR ANY OCCASION SEE Grant & Smith, BOONE CHANT HARRY SMITH Agents for VAN LINDLEY & GRANOY. USERS OF CALOMEL Sayi Drug' Acts Like Dynamite on Liver and You Lote a Day'i Work, Ktirtunaie is ihe man who knows enough law to avoid it. A Timely Suggestion. The next time you have a cough or cold try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is pleasant to take and vou are sure to be pleased with the relief which it af fords. Tnii remedy has a wide reputa lion for its cures of coughs ami colds Hu...i,kfip)rltp,j,1) siuiflD Jin ums lou-nua mem tap iSflsai anul pas wmHO onoqs a a11M tiui "nut aqi japus pn ssa -posn qi on) hMpaoqiu ufM imqjialisi mmwn tpima nsuosAA .aisug to ni omoj pnoqt uxwh VIN0WA3NJ v vzuramj NI 'iktioo 'jaona ad An Appetizing Meal Rveryhody wants It. Everybody likes It. Everybody's looking tor It. BUT Vou ran t get It unless you have the right kind of groceries, (let 'em HRRE I Phone 280. M. M. PUKNKLL, Weldon, N. C. NotiCE, " Notice liertl.y (fivtu that Die buu-oef-s hprctofurt eoudurtei) by the un dfcisiifncil untJrr Ihe tirm nume and nlvlr ( M i ohfn hrukf ( otnpany iu Wct.inn. c,t vi-ll hereafter he kuowu kinl coiitiufted as Murphrey Drug Company an I w ill he conn lined at the Mameataud on W ti-hntk'toD Avenue id hu town, and earned on under said it vie and tirm name. The puti-uiaire ofour cuitnaipra is ap preciated and it will ha our effort to continue to eudr to them faithful aer vii. I.. V Ml Kl'HKEY, ThtTf'i no reaMn why a pron ihould iakt ttickfnintr. Rulivatinir calomel when a few renli buy" a larp Wttle of I)k tnn's l.iver T.me- a perfect nubtstitute r rnlumfl. It i a pleaHiint, v Oi?'tnhl liijuid which vill (Htart your liver jutt ax mrely at calomel, but it iIhhh t make you lick an.l inn mt oalivate. I'hiLlren ami rtiMn folki ran take lHxtton'i Liver Tone, beeauHe it it per fectly harmle-pi. t'alonifl ift a ilitueroiH rimy It ta mereury and attack your mv Take a dose of natty rnlumfl ttwlay and you will feel weak, U k and nauseated to morrow. iKm't lone a day'i work. Takt a no4uftit of lHtdxon'R Liver Tore tn etead and vou will wnke up feeling (freat. No more Viliousttei, constipation, slug giuliiieftH, lieadHche, eouted tonjjue or tour etomaclt. Vour drupgUt says if you don't rind Oou'aod'k Lier Tune acta bat ter than horrtbltf calomel your money It waiting for you. ft S I sign, 'will pay you to come here. 9 B I 1 iiC N. RICK 5 Cl I 8 : i MONEY - TIME - LABOR is not saved by buying poor Paint. L & M SEMI-PASTE PURE PAINT and pure Linseed Oil to mix with it. It is positively the best, because made in semi-paste (thick) form and enables SAVING OF $1.00 ON EVERV GALLON of Paint you use. Vee a gallon out of any you buy, and K want to thank the people of Northamp ton and adjoining counties for the liheral patronage they have given us in the past at Rich Square and earnestly solicit a continuance of the same both at Rich Square and Weldon, N. C , as we are now conducting business at both places. The senior member of our firm, J. P. Holoman, will from now on make Weldon his home and will keep constantly on hand a full line of the best HORSES AND MULES thu ...... i .. ...mivCl ..un auoru. Any one in need of a first class horse or mule will profit by calling on him at Weldon, or M. J. Holoman at Rich Square, be fore purchasing elsewhere as we are a firm of1 many years experience and we guarantee satisfac Jion. We also buy and sell Raal Estate. I Yours to Serve, ; HOLOMAN BROTHERS. I WHEN VOU WANT Why you Should Let Us Auction Your Land 1 you alone to may mean a an indifferent TALK NO, 7 SI I 1 IM, I AND HV oi k N MODl kN Al'CTION Ml THUDS T MAY take vears for negotiate a sale It compromise in price with Inner. Our AUCTION method closes the deal at a KEPIMTE. J'UEDET! RMINED D.VIi;. It reaches all prospective buyeri .l itue-pits them against each other. 1 heir emu pel it inn is your gain. Our corn plete, efficient SERVICE covers the course iroiii iirve to sale in record time. Ue Mills are IMMEDI TESIJRI:..SA'I ISI:AC TORY. Write now for the ''Pathfinder." It means time and money to you, No matter if your farm Is rented fur IV20, we can sell it for you NOW ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY "The Njnie Thai Justifies Your Confidence." I'eiershurg, OITICliS: Va. and Greenville. N. C. KLFERENCliJ Any person for whom we have sold. BANK INFERENCES: Any hank in Peiersburg, Va., or Greenville, N. C. WEAK LINKS IN A STRONG CHAIN That's just what imitation pjns are uhen they become a part of your Ford car They r,Bhpeb"!,Lh! ":l.irn' ,herr! onE, durable V.nadium'eel that Z7nr in-Z .. . c 1,1 pu"- '""ra fm are specially cast and resiliency, and some need just "louphn-ss " wearing surface, heat-treated others need i-ord meiallureisis have been smdyinK ihese problems for sixteen years and know iust tr They IToZ Z hones Fnrdn,;,;",'; 'il?60' sPec,1' "?rn,ulas mertm parts, and thai Vt'e crrv r,,mnU,. " ... ' .. - "'"-,"'" "' pc,.,,. longer man counterfeits. truekV knA ZZ "" '"1 "1 f " ' ne l Pam ll,r .l Psenger cars and - s,-.ut ,0, njui.n-u in jiivc careiui, nujusimciiis io compieie overhauls. DrOtnDI hOrd SerVIPC fmm ninir n - . . - - ..win iiiiiivi i.i . ... ' Kd..a u . r .i the Au.horized Ford dealer for service ' "'an SOrry' Lome 10 Weldon Motor Co., Authorized Sales and Service WELDON, NORTH CAROLINA. INSIST UN GENUINE FORD PARTS Notice of Trustee's Sale. I utli'i' auil by virtue of the pu mts vested in me l.y two d-ilaiii dei.l- i.r ' trust by William E .lolinsou. wbu h n,. duly recunleii iu the olhoe of the h, . i ter of Heeils for Halifax countv, I will' on me WITH THE APPROACH OF PRI NG YOU LONG FOR THOSE PRETTY, SNUG FROCKS. Damaged Ms Going Cheap Come and Get Bargains SPIERS BROS. WtJdoo, N. C 22nd Day ol March, 1920, at 1'.' o'clock M., in frout of the couit house door iu Halifax. S. (.' , expose to puhhc sale to Ihe Inithesl hul.ler for cash the ODe-lisll lliterekt. snliii-i .)..... iiilsnsl, of William H. Johnson in the j '"tt til- i rarn ir.l iru.M ..r -...l l.yinirmul Imniifin llrinklcvville town ship, Halifax county, N. f.,' comnienc ciuit at astump ami pine siaki.,l'erLius' i slale, X Oti w Hi,,: rt, t,rnc S li'ij -.n irei io i'itiiiis estate, across aiery uraiiou near post oak, thence ilown Watery Hrauch : feet to Klack (luin, thence N no K. 7 feet to Sweet ;um, thence feet tu a pine, theuce f K 4(i feet to a sw eet gum and stake iu head of branch in li.1,1, thence lui'i feet ilown branch theuce S ;J t aoi feol to ash stump with two pointers on liocky Swamp, theuce . ti'J K 49 feet to I'erkins' estate comer on Rocky S amp, thence N f,J W ami feet lo a black gum, thence N a K feet t0 the beginniuif, containing la acres more or lest. ' Tim the lath dav of Feb. I'J 'u HWAlN 8. MiRMAN. I ru.tee WE WILL PAY a straighilaTary $35 per week and expenses lo mun or woman wiih rig to iniro duce Poultry Mixture. Eureka Mfg. Co , fcasi Si. Louis, III. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAQTORIA ' . , JSI'1 s,,Bllcs' st coming io ihe matron and miss " c 1 Jin conHdeni in saying, tu pcase you became we a.l those UkC paMel shades so pleasing for ihe 'Pnng dresses. X'e also have ihe braids and ihreads fur i P-'Pular running si.ich so much used at present. Come m and see lliem. THE 111 J K'-o-,.. rr STO HE M. FREID, Proprietor. IWELUON, N. C.j UDIES AND GENT'S 0UTF1TT. r 17

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