bv' i mi 1 ARCS. STABLISiliil) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER r (I K HE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH is, 15)20 . Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. UV. NO. 30 ! PRAYED LIKE THUNDER. Mini, i.. in ii ,i n I, j irrr 7Sv,-a,.aL'-, Chitoren Cry for Fletcher? back; Jr. Illl ui utMtitt 5 7a uprtai Jeatia return IT Mi iorti iptl; Toe Kind You Have Alwayi Bought, and which has been to us fur over over 30 yeara, has brrr.e the signature it - - d has been made under his per- U&ffiu .?al uPrvi:iion since iis infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitation and " Just-as-tja, j " an; Luc Experiment that trifle with and endanger tlu health 'i iniants ana tnuaren experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castnria is a harmless substitute fur Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains' neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ate is its guarantee. For more than thirty vns it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipati 'n, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness urisL therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Jtowels, ai Jj the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural eleeo. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS p Bears the Signature y-3 In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have, Always Bought TMI CfNTAtld COMrANV, p rw vnutt city, Bargains for You IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCER1LS FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELOON N. C. Dixon Lumber & Millwork Co. Weldon, N. C. MANUK.M Tl'KL'KM OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOKMKK AND UKUl l.AK STOCK SI.KS. Oood Materials, High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. m The New Things For SPI1S Pretty Wearables In n 1 COATS, SUITS, DRESSES SKIRTS WAISTS AT TEMPTING PRICES. mm Pn . m I ; m H A m " ' M V j :4 1 IS Ik vfr--$ mm SAJ mm 22Trh mm ar mm W m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm min rM I Bin k tlf r. L. o iniNDHun, mm a - - WELDON, N C KM -n- 'rw rw r . T A 4M-m me dusv store, mmmmm mm mmm m-t M m mtt mmmmm mmmmm mtt Choice Hams There Is nothing; more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may, want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods OOD GROCERIES build up the system, siimulaie the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re ulu. Our prices make you ihink.QCall in to see us. L. E. HULL, .Maar BatciMlofa Ofra Houm. WELOON, N.C Where Are The Nine?" I The chaplain of a regiment on th; western front, on his rounds b: fore the lighting ceased, met an officer of the same regiment who seemed to have something on his mind. "I think I am due to make you a confession, padre," he said at last with an embarrassed laugh. " Two nights ago, during a heavy barrage, our telephone lines were shot out I found I had to gel over to the major's command post, three or four hmtdrcd yards away. As I looked out, it seemed to me shells weu- dropping along the road like a Western hailstorm, but I had to go just the same. I don't mind telling the world that I was seared good and plenty. "I liadn'i said a pr.iycf since I was a liule roy, and never expec ted to say another, hut as 1 went I found mysrlt praying to God as naturally as ,f had been praying all my life lung. Someway I got over and somehow I got back, al though it didn't seem possible that anyone could do either. It wasn't until then that it came over me how instinctively and how mightily 1 had prayed during that shelling, and I said to myself that there was only one way about it: if 1 prayed like thunder when I was being shelled, I should be a mighty low down thing if I stopped praying just because I wasn't being shelled. It also seemed to me that the de cent thing to do was to own up; and so I made it a point to tell you thai now every night I'm saying my prayers." "God bless you: and keep it up!" said the chaplain. As he went his way the chaplain thought of the ten healed lepers, only one of whom came to give thanks. ''Just about every man in France has had something of that same experience,'' he said to himself. "Why don't they all re member it afterwards?" i M. STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marion Holcomb. of Nancy, Ky., says: "For quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. I would ha e j; ins and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most t!. -livable taste in my mouth. If 1 ate anything with '.i ..'tir.oil or grease, 1 would spit it up. I began to have r. ,ni ir sick headache. 1 had used pills and tablets, but a!, r a course of these, I would be constipated. It just r,:, !!u d lo tear my stomach all up. I found they were no go jd at all for my trouble. I heard THEDFORD'S TENNESSEE FOLKS ADD THZIR TESTIMONY Knst Cluitl t. ,,,... i rCCUIIlllll-'lllJ I 'I. I'l'Tf- v vx ' aw - " ! i n I.iirliiv -iv ., .r i'ver 7;-' iwl ,t 'Mi t!t"V li;.V i.-iVf Uikv.t :il V:itim tim W'h't. lit H 't- I i.f ; t' liir uii'i fys' M puri 'i -r nivl tiio 'I'ii-.'i-wiiit. I Ui'ts' when ilt li.rd ( a hiziitive. 't'li.' S I. ..f ..... ) Pi lilXI'.TIl ' li 'VO (". 'T U-cM aim ran lie n i I upon fo- rfuhs. Anyone in nml of imi-U-cinoof tail kind will lincl 1 r. i I i mil IVIkU goo.1." J. W. HW1S, M lllaas Si. SAVED LIFE Momphw, 'l't'iui. "i:vir sinco f was OuiM a you n wimi.-m I hint' u-;"! lr. Piorro'a ivuhhIics Uth for myx'lf aiuj children. I was fspci inlly hclptti hy thu Favorito Prescription' durin; tlu- tri'i'U months of cxiHrtuney. It yot only toned up my system :unl kept me in imtIitL con dition but I h:i! comparatively no uirTeririK. Then at the eiitic;il time of hie 1 took fciu 'Prescription' atain anil had in mo of the misery that most women endure at that period, hut cium- thru in splendid health. - "I had one experience, with Dr. Pierre' Golden Medic. I Discovery that I never ahall forget. U lien my oldest Imy wna two years of ae li- had such a cold on the Iuiiki that the doct- n Hind he couldn't possibly live bo 1 stopped the doctors' medicine and just (javo him sniiiU doses of the '(Jolden Siedical Diihovery' and in a short time he was perfectly well. He is now forty yeart of age and has never hud pneumonia nor any other lun weakness since that time but has leeu. :nd is stttl. strong and robust. I know the (lolden Medical Discovery' Saved his life. "i must iiot ioret to mention Dr. Pierce's Pleasant 1V.I -f- fir I have found them to be all tiiat could Im desired as a laxative. Everj' niemlKT of my family has taken them. 'Medicines such us Dr. Pierce's are a blessing to mankind, and it is a pleasure for me to recoiiii";'tid tlicni."--MHS. MAfl "ARET HOK. U. H.l. Box 3S7, MM Will t2piqqni 3Atv n(iH4piqi piatniqi rtuam nniunoAA .'""it icvd H'Nl""! VIMOWn3N1 V VXWHTMNI OVER-ACIDSTY ol the tomacli lu. upiot ri.-i.y nighl'l ret. if your Komacli ij scid diihirbed, distolve two cr tlirce KhiqidS on trie tonguo before tftltlni; and en- I 1 u: 1 r Tki, iamb i ,1 juyiciiciu..i. . .-. .-i goodneM of Ki ntoiJ. (jtidriiitcca by SCOTT 3 BtiVfte MAKERS OF MJO'fVii ElflliLilOM J Fur Salt ! Six Burner Detroit Vapor Stove, Apply to' SPIERS' BROS , WELDON. N. C. recommended very highly, so began to use it. It cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. 1 do not have sick headache or s!o!'ivh trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throw in;.' out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. Get a package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE tin PA'S OFF HIS HEAD, BY S. E. RISER. Pa bought himself a derby hat and brought it home last night, And ma can't keep from thinkin' that our future won't be bright, He paid nine dollars for the thing; when ma found out the price She seemed to think she ought to ring the doctor for advice. "Good gracious, pa," she said, "what made you ever buy that kind ? There must be something, I'm afraid, that's over threw your mind." But there was worse than that to come; pa bought an overcoat. It almost seemed to strike ma dumb; a gasp stuck in her throat I mean when pa told what it cost they soaked him fifty bucks. Ma said : "I guess his reason's lost; his mind's all drakes and ducks." And then she went and felt pa's head and asked him if it hurt, "Gel ready now to faint," pa said; "I also bought a shirt." ' He smiled a kind of sickly smile that chased ma's fears away "I hope," she told him, after awhile, that's all you bought today, Because I did some shoppin', too, a winter coat and hat Both bargains that but very few would ever get them at; The hat was thirty five, but all I paid was twenty-nine; I've got it out in the hall; I hope you'll think it's fine. "The coal's a beauty; you'll be glad I picked it out, I know; It's something like the one I had last fall a year ago. You'd never guess the price I paid two hundred and eighteen; It looks as though it had been made to order for a queen. You'r; glad I got them, ain't you dear? Come on, cheer up and smile; The coat'll do me for next year unless they change the style." Then pa said he'd bought some shoes ten dollars for a pair; Ma nearly fainted at the news: it drove her to despair. "Why pa!"she hollered, "l.mdaL.e! Has something cracked your dome? It looks as if you wished to drive us out of house and home!" Pa put his lingers, in his ears and moaned a sickly moan; Ma's worried, for siiesiys s ij fens his reason's overthrown. MONEY - TIME - LABIUM is not saved by buying poor Paint. Buy the L & M SEMI-PASTE PURE PAINT and pure Linseed Oil to mix with it. It is positively the best, because made in semi-paste (thick) form and enables a SAVING OF $1.00 ON EVERY GALLON of Paint you use. U$9 a gallon out of any you buy, and if not the bet paint made, return the balance and get alt your money back. ZTiMZl'p'i It Py. to "MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT" ll.l;lYIIAi;l'. Alii: u., ,'.itlmi,l Sank. 2 til St KIIUmiUKMIIMIMfMMXiN.iW.k wmm 8 i m) rj 1 s 1 WE carrya snu k It cm which you can select anything you want in the liner lines of Chinaware. Ivoryware, Cut (ilass, Etc When you want something oui of the ordinary, in these lint s, something specially artistic and distinctive in de sinw 'twill pay ynu to come here. i J -A- i irumiMMMMMWMMMMUjntmaimffiM' We never understood why a i plucked fowl was called a dressed chicken until we saw a ocietylbelle in lull dress. CASTORIA For Infantt and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of Hope is a nerve tonic for ambi t nus mm Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Do what you can when you can noj do what you would. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA AN OLD-FASHIONED (JIRL. Mrs. Olden What did you mar ry for, my dear; love, money, po sition or what? Mrs. Bridey l-'or a husband. The Hest l.rtvutiva ' My hal.iu lia nrci'saits ti'il tin-uf of an oivuiiiuiial laxative. I liave tru' l many Imt fuum! nottnnir bettri llian cliainlii'ihiin'H TabltU," wrilm lii-iirifi- !' Hanicli, I lai.ln irk. Vt. Mr. OamrU i prupiiptiir !' tin' llar-d ick Inn. one of t lie'i't- of New hni.'latjl. .-4 4 fSSSS.VIII'AUK V l-'AIKLY SO. "Did you follow the diet I ad vised?" "Yes, doctor." "Religiously?" "Why, tolerably so. I said grace about three limes out of five, I should guess." Why Colds Are Daniteriiiis You are often tuM In "leare of a cold," but why? We Hill tell you: Kv ery cold weakens the luni;, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases. IVople wlm eontraet pueumonia liisl lake eold. The Ioiil'it a cold lianirs on, the u renter the dan ger, espeeially from term .liseaaes. a a cold prepares the system for the reeep tiou and development of the mel ius of consumption, diphtheria, scarlet lever ami whoopintr comrli. Ttie quicker you Ket rid of your cold, the less the dauVer ofcontrartin oDeof the diseases. Cham berlain a Couirh Remedy has a (Treat reputation as a cure fur "colds ami can lie depended upon. It is pleasant to take. NOTHING- LEFT. Judge "Have you anything to offer the court before sentence is passed on you?" Prisoner "No, your honor; my lawyer took my last dollar. "Bos ton Transcript. A Timely Suggestion. The next time you have a couuh or cold try Cliamherlaiu'a Cough lu-medy. it is pleasant to take ami vou are sure to be ph ased with the relief which it af fords. This remedy has a wide reputa tion for its cures of coujehs and colds. WHEN LOVE WAS BLIND. Estha If I had 'known what a fool you were I never should have married you. Romeo You might have guess ed that when I proposed to you. Pneumonia often follow a Neglected Cold KILL THE COLD1 HILL'S Y' HINT CASCAMtf QUININE V!. v.1.! y Standard cold remedy (or ?0 yeara in tablet lorm ate. sure, no jfiidtes t-realia uj! a toM in 21 veUcvrs k1'!' '-i J days, t v l.jcic it it tjtia. The . ttinrii' box a Red wuli Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stof Notice of Trustee's Sale. I mlrr ami by virtue of the poneri vt'-itcl in mo hy two pertain deeds of trust hy William K. Johnson, which are duly reeordfti in the otlii'e of the Regis ter of 1 'eels for Halifax county, I will mi the 22nd Day of March, 1920, at 1 o'clock M., iu front of the court house door in Halifax, N. expose to puhhc -ale to the hiifhetit hnhler loi cash the oue-li:.if interest, suliject toa dower inUrrst, of Viltmii K. Johnson in the following dent r i be 1 tract of land: l.yitijr and hniniu Hriukley ville town ship, Halifax county, N. (V, cojnieuc cinK at a Nt u in and pine HtakeT'erkiut' estate, N Ml W Hm7 feet, thence N GHJ ' .XI feet to I'crkins' estate, aeross Waterv Itranoh near post oak, thence dow n Watery I .ranch :to;M feet to Black Cum, thence N so K. 7K feet to Sweet (iiiin, thence 711 feet to a piue, thence S .":; K 4(i!i feet to a sweet Kimi and stake iu head of hraneti in field, thence loi'o feet down liraneh theuce S ;t$ fcl M feet toash stump with two pointers oo Itoeky Swamp, thence N (lit K 4ttt feet to Perkins' estate corner on Kocky Swamp, thenee N :. V mm feet to a hlaek RUi", thence N K .'.Ht feet to the lit'Kiiiiiiiiif, coiitainuiK 11.M acren, inure oi Jess This the IMh .lav ol M. I'CU. kwa In s. nokman, Trustee. NOTICE. Notice is hi nhy triven that the buni tiess heietofoie eondtieted by the un deisiuiied under the til in tmtne and stvleot W. M. ohen lnu ( ompauy in Welduu, N. ('., w ll heiealter be kuown and iDiiducted as Murphrey Drug Company and will he mummed at tlie same stand on U ash i in: toil Avenue in said town, and curried on under said style and tirm name. 'I he puliDiiau'e ol our eustouieis in ap preciated and it will he our ellort to continue to lender to them faithful ser vice. I.. W. Ml RI'IIKKY, ti. K. JiANSUM. Damaged Going Cheap. Come and Get Bargains SPIERS BROS. Weldon, N. C. About the first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "Mow does it feel?" In other stores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know thata "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we want to know is whether the hat feels right on the head, lie sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. MANY of our savings depositors opened their accounts with just $ 1 . But bow their dollars have grown since. Into hundreds, and in some cases, thousunds of dollars. It is just a matter of saving so much each week or month, but the im portant part is the START. 11 I mjuz WELDON. N.C. I 7S -fl ii i ii mmm This is the Name we have earned. Why? This is in Reality Everybody's Store A trial is all we ask. Ogletree's 51025c. Store, ROSEMARY ROANOKE RAPIDS WELDON m i vi vl i vl iu vl Hi 1tiY Sped tLL You Em? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for It You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you knowj You might be visited by thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts a THE BANK OF HALIFAX 6 H-LIDTXl IT. O. N. L. Stedman P. C. Orcfory, P. H. Orcrvry President VlM-Praadmt. OMhin. li 4 i'i 1 11 VI i i

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