I r it V , ; I. 4 r l hi 1' - rvjj- . flf r (! ' t I : , ' T I Woman's Weakness HOW CURED Elrod. N. C. : "Some venn airo I suffivd from irregularity lut till not pay any atten- , tnn to il. i Knttuifiiiy - yrewworw lilltLetuiiP. vX- I would have Kii h LJtxa a.-hinn through my ; l-lllTS tU-.il It WHS i f luiii-il t'..r me to ! I at nulit. I tri.-d ' C V n-lvi-rtt-Mt .nn-.in's'un , m;ir kt't hilT H'-lt'iiiy Itttk- r lut, -o ;' .l.iy ; in v huMMli i mo tu wr.u to 1 r. IVn o . ' hm,. Alter r,,vr,. inK hi.i 1 t,i.,k j ftree bottles of Pr. IVree'i Favorite IV- aeriptltJII :i!hl It ivul'k,',! llr.-- l:t.il'' 1 -itu , Hell, alr. w.41. and Ml tumuli. ; "l i-nn -Mift-ly rivi.iniiK-ii-l In t'lt-n-e uiid his ri-mtijuw t. :mv u!l'-ni.L' w..iu'.in. MRS. JOHN HKlPl.i.li-'V It-nte 1. AVOIDED OPERATION 1 Nashville, '1-iui .--' Scv. r.l i,-..r- airo I Wttftuu the veivt- ul ti.it mi; mi ,,n--:i turn for (Miinino 'rouble wlm I ' i IVt Favorite lr-npti'.T' v- r'-fiii-it'!, !"( t.. in.- I hi splendid in.-.ti in---'A it i .---I. ir.-l t me to ulolut,-h i- t!"' ' in' iliti aii.l I tu'vr : have hud to uiiiiiit t i hi ..iiiTitioii. Fir womanly Hiliu.-nt- ir I'l.-r.-,--. I ai-onie , i'n-aoru.tioli it n.-t -riiv mi in,-M"'lii-e Imt ulsn a rHmhle rein.-ay :itnl I :im ii" it to siM'uk ft it'itfl N'T'l lur it. - MKS, J V.IU.K ltml Arthur w S. FOR MOTHERS mhulK T-titi ' I 'r IVr.-e's I .M.r. , He l'r iit.n-.li Ii i- t'-t-ri i v't-i' it- hi" III Hi lt'' it :t''t 11 ' ' l'' itw I tin'-" M.1 111. I . ' ':"'l '!",v-rili- I'r-ii rij.li.iM !"t I' ln.iiti i ' " Wll-'ll t til -1 tilt- 1 I. .'I I- in t'i' ! .i ' Mr ik Wll.. I i' i' ' I Ol HIV IM!,. I.I ii. I I 'I'l' I ' I ' ' l!'U unit ft i ii' ii I h ' ' i t " ' ' 1 ' I ' -"t" 1H, 'l"-i I I I "II 1I.I..C !. 1 " ' I .mill ;.ii -wll- .,i i"iii' . ' tl ,M - ( -. I i I' '.I.-' I." lit!.. ' .' I" 'mil M. I" n'"'li.'i i"' i I l ,1'tiK r.'. "ii.tii-!i'l ( -im t i ;- - i ,! . , v.-..,,, - i ii.it.- -Mi:-i. v.' n' S I. I N l - , v'iV St. T 11 K ROANOKi: NB'S: A GREAT EDUCATIONAL KEATUkE Don't You Dare Miss It! 7s '4$ N 0 H SEE Al l, IHE NEW CAk' ii)i:.s Prepare now to attend the FOLK AUTO SHOW ':ty .i'1 WONDER. TL ACCESSORY DISPLAYS Thursday., Mak U'20 Published lEvery Thursday. KKTWKU At l'i ' l'i 'Kb'U K A! Bklln-V A" KCi'Mi-l i M A I ! Ml Kll:.SHI-Sll(SrKll'1liiMNl'Mi: Uue Year, (by mail) tiostpaij, ll.W. ix Muntlm, " " "j- J- THE U I OA NT I C MOTOR TRUCK ASSEMBLY A weekly IVmoeratic jourua! U-voU'.l o the material, eduoaliODal. puht;cal aiul arii;ultura! intt-reMisi of Halifax ami iLinouudiuif couatitfh. I &4r Billy Sunday Tabernacle NORFOLK, VA. 'I I 1-' 11 I L ij THE SOUTffS QRE4TEST 4UT0 SHOW EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTIONS Atteruoou and Evening ORCHESTRA CONCERTS J3RO A DVT A Y SPECIALTY ACTS Ailvertimug rateH reasonable and isbed on applicatiua. fur- FIRST BREACH OF PROMISE SUIT Ever Tried in Halifax County Verdict ol $6,000 in Favor ol the Plaintiff. 8 i3 0 O.OOO. 0 0 K X H I B I T I O jS1 Of America's Formost Automotive Products--A Mammoth Display of New Makes-New Models AUTO SHOW HEADQUARTERS, Southland Hotel, Norfolk. T Get Into foe -Tire Business W Tlie flrst breach of promise suit eer tried in Halifax county Ueifuu :it Jh.:ki o'clock Monday tnoioiti and lasted thtuuifli Tuesday practiciilly w;th Esi lt W. A. iJevtii, of ( x ford pre-i liiiii Tlie plamtilf, M:sa t'ora I.ou, and the defendant, Mr W. N. Hrncj;, ! both reMidentM of HuhkToud. Mr Her nu)f i a prominent nierrLnnt v( that place. Miss I.on Aa- repici'iited hy Me-t? i'aul K'lcii.u. of .-cotian J Ncc, ant Travis Tiav.a, uf Hah fax, Mr. lleuin wi-) dffun'led by Mr W K. I'ani- 1. oi Wldun, Mr K r. i':;ca, uf Luiifl.". nd Mr. Asiiby l-.;nn. of -.-..tund N.vk. Tlie plamtiil" aHt-kf 1 v a Lite d-'feu daitt l.a l pru:ij :?t'd to tjiany l.cr and without any explanation biune hisi con tU't of ntarriage with her, aud asked da-intfeo in the -uiii of flo, ty). The defendant did Li t .ieny thefact that lie had made such a eon tract with the plamtilf, but claimed that on accouut of ivrtam trait of character which she exhibited after thetr eriatfc:nent he broke the coutract, and prayed that the jury rind the plairititf' had not N'tn damaged or that nhe he ifivt-n (tnlv nominal damajeji and cnU The arunii-nts of coun-rl fur hoth plaintuf and dtd.-D lain were mastt r piecea of eloiiuenceand if- ins f oratory. His Honor's (d.are to the jury wu lair and impartial. After be;n,; o-;t f r a' out half au It uir the jury rei;irni d a Verdict of Vi.'jot) in furor of Misa Loinf. -IN- WELUOX "To add to ihe miseries of the world," says Mr. Austen Cham berlain, of England, "I'mieJ States goes dry." It's hard 10 see why the rest of the world should w orry. It we can stand it, the other coun tries ought to. "Thkrk .ire differences between Senator Lodge and Senator Bo rjh,"saysa Washington corres randent. One difference is that Borah is frank enough to admit he wants to kill the peace treaty. Senator Harding, one of the many Republican presidential can didates, is wasting a lut of his own and th; people's lime cam paigning for votes in Texas. If he doesn't become President until Texas decides to support him, he has a long wait ahead. Senator Sherman, of Illinois, declares that Republicans must "save'' Senator Newberry, now under charges of corruption, fraud and conspiracy in connection with his election to the Senate. There was not a very enthusiastic public response to this cry for help. Here are the governor of Mary land and i legislative committee calling for beer and wines, North Dakota folks in referendum repu diating the anti-cigarette law, an Alabamian running for the United States Senate on a damp platform. Will the wicked never cease from troubling? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S n f RTORI A RUB-MY-TISM is a powerful an tiseptic; it kills the poison caused from infected cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc. 1 1 Fffin PI 11 ilT.?-; "1 'Mix " Jr E are particularly proud of consignments from old customers. There are shippers whose names have been actively on our books ever since we started business. Our come back business is a large one and pos itively proves that we are obtaining values. Give us half a chance and our sales will win the other half. J. W. PERRY COMPANY COTTON AT NORFOLK, VA. PF.ANUTS AT SUFFOLK, VA 111 J tilll Agency to Let Direct Faitun Itulrilmtor's Proposition! Giving exclusive right of sales agency, for which we make no charge, to right purty who will open a small t x.'.isive tire store or install a tire iV; .nttiient in store already esi.ibiUlu-d. Our present tactury distributing agents are doing a big business and order:: g more tires daily. Their customers are coining back for arkers' all around, and they are ulso recommending Parker Super-Size CurJ Tirvs to their friends. Our factory production ii being increased to supply more agencies. First coupon mailed gets first in formation on agency proposition. THE BEST INSURANCE AGAINST INFLUENZA Prominent Educator Believes That Vapomentha Is A Sure Preventive. s Mail Coupon liehiv Today! THE PARKER T1RF 4 RMKBi.rt CO. Factorit '"H:napo!i. In.'- ifn:it:i,n: - Without bi.v -ihlijiHti'in on in v p i't whnt-.il pifticiil.irs cimi-i rning pt-ringm- Ition . I'urlter Super-iie ( ortt ,t nive r-fcl.t i 1 ireR. . - . - , me tull Oi iupti 'tvn Sn.rt .iJ.hr City I 1 FOR SALE! Jjn Aeres bright tobacco land, situatpd in Halifax county, Va., six milea from .n. ,o, it,, sinn v Hra nuli-a f ennnrpt roatt and one mile of (rrT toil road. one mile from llouaton, a . contamiuK one (food frame dwelling, four or he tobacco farnm, tito of which arc new, mablca, anil all Decennary outbuilding. Htuated on Bannler river, ivith nice low landa in cultivation, high landieapeeially ailavtrd for the cultivation ol hnirlit totiacco. 7.-I.UUO oliroou mereuaowuir uai i.... t i,i. ,. . rD.t nnnnrtiiniti, fi.r nv one geiiltmir ao ideal farm and aliould he ma.le most nrotitahle an an investment. Price .r.,5i or Ill.fniO with timber niilita reatrved. For further infoimatioo addresu P. U Box 47. Lynchburg, a Dr. R. M. Brame, discoverer of I Brame's V'apomentha Salve, has a letter fro i C. C. Wright, Superin tendent cf the Wilkes County, N. C, Publ c Schools, in which he says: W e have used Brame s Vapomentha Salve for nearly all the ills fi r which it is prescribed and have always secured satisfac tory rest Its. If used in time it has nevtr failed to break up colds, usually the forerunner of Grippe, Influenza and Pneumonia. 1 speak from personal observation. 1 believe if this preparation is used in time it will prevent the develop ment of pneumonia in every in stance, if used according to direc tions." These strong statements are fully justified by the remarkable recov eries that follow. Brame's Vapo mentha Salve is applied freely over the chest and throat and in serted in each nostril. Brame's Vapomentha Salve penetrates the pores of the skin, relieving con gestion, at the same time healing vapors arise and are breathed through the mouth and nose, loos ening the phlegm and causing the patients to breathe freely. Its ab solute reliability is evidenced by dozens of unsolicited testimonials. Brame's Vapomentha Salve will relieve pneumonia, influenza, la grippe, pleurisy, bronchitis, whoop ing cough, catarrh, asthma, tonst litis, hay fever and inflammation of the skin. Vapomentha is applied externally and it will not stain the clothes, as other salves do. No home should ever be without it. Buy it from your dealer or direct from Brame Drug Co., North Wilkesboro, N. C. A small bottle costs 30c; a much larger one, containing six times as much, $1.20 Adv. ox K T II K 1 Lib ESTABLISHED I892 II I Capital aiiSuipk 563,10. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W E. DANIEL, PIBXIUaKT. W. K. SMITH. TICI-PUtlOIIIT, , C URAPEKJ C41HI1H. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAST O.R.I A A Land Selling Service Cooperative Helpful TALK NO, 10 S! 1 1 INC, LAND BY Ol K OWN MODFRN AUCTION MliTHODS. TE aid and co operate with the in. dividual 'rv'oal l:state Agency. OUR MODERN METHODS are as readily acces sible to such agencies, as to big business interests- A C. R. CO. SERVICE Is highly beneficial to both. What we offer is a QUICK, PROF ITABLE SALE of land. Our skilled experts improve and develop land to greater market possibilities. Then our MODERN AUCTION METHODS complete the deal. Experience has proven OUR WAY the DEST WAV for more satisfactory results LARUE RETURNS. We Invite Individual Real Estate Agencies to avail themselves of our experience. W rite us today. Let us tell you of our ' Seller Purehaser-Tenant" plan. No matter if your farm is rented for 1V20, we can sell it for you NOW. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY 'The Name That Justifies Your Confidence." OFFICLS: Petersburg, Va. and Greenville, N. C. ri:i:i:rlncl;:1 Any person for whom we have sold. BANK RF.FLRLNCES: Any bank in Petersburg, Va., or Greenville, N. C. HAVE FORD MECHANICS REPAIR YOUR CAR The mechanics in our shop who will adjust or repair your Ford car, or Ford truck, are men who understand the Ford mechanism and who know the Ford way of making repairs and replacements. They are experienced Ford mechanics and because of their familiarity with Ford cars can do your work more intelligently and more quickly than can other skilled mechanics who lack Ford experience. The work on your car will be done in a completely equipped shop with time-saving Ford tools and equipment. Whether your car needs an adjustment or a thorough over hauling, we are prepared to give you c.irclul and prompt service. And nothing but the Genuine Ford-made parts and replacements will be used. When the work is finished, the charge will be the reasonable, siandard l'urd puces Our stock of Ford parts is always cotrpiete And our Ford garage and Ford mechanics are at your service at any time. We ate Authorized Ford Dealers and not only repair Fords but sell them. Drive in or phom- US Be fair to your car and your pockeibook. Weldon Motor Co., Authorized Sales and Service WELDON, NORTH CAROLINA. INSIST ON GliNl'INL FORD PARTS icsriaaSaSai am Publication of Notice. Sottli Carolina. Halifax County, In the Supenoi I unit. ( OKA BKASWKI.I., I'laiutill VerauN KLEClIKH KliA-WKU., Defrudaut The aliove-uamed Fletcher lltaswell mil la lit notice that a minimum in the above entitled proceeding a u.ut-.t aaiuat the aaid ,lrli n.lmit on the sth day of Match. lu.'O, by llmi s l.iuy tlerk of thc'upo!ior Cult .f iiiii cuuuty, aud that unitnutit naa ri-tutu-ed eniiuraed that the defeiidant Cuuld not after due diligence he found In the cuuuty uf Malifai nnr in the Mate uf North Carolina, that the acliuu pending in tlie Suuenor Court oitlalilax county it entitled ai above that the purpuie for which the action n brought by the plainlitf againat the defendant n fur a divorce a vinculo matrimonii, the grounds fur divorce being for absolute divorce on alatulary ground): that the "Ompiaint in the above entitled action iias been nled on the '.".'J dav of &arch IUJ0, in the oltice of the ClerL of the Superior Court of the aid Mate aud county; and the Defendant mil further take notice that he is required to appear anil answer or demur to aaid cumplaint at the term of the court which will be held on the thirteenth Monday after the First Monday in March, 1H-J0. Herein fall not. Una the 8tU day of March, Is-'U. M. OAKY, Clerk ol llilifei Superior Court At-HLEY B BTAINBACK, Attorney for 1'laiutitl 3 IS 4t I OST Between the residences L of Miss Annie Gary and Mrs. (J. C. Sander-; one small p.old pm, set with parls Ketu'ii to me and be e wtsrdtd. Mrs. G. C. ciArtbtKS. siKI(. SUTTS N Tricotines, Jerseys nnd Man's.wear Serge, In all styles and shades. kEEI'I.NU. ables us to give you bargains l,ke these, Styled mk"i im io me ma of fashion, these are gar. ments that give satisfaction You can pay mo but you can't get more. THE mm "3 Llfiil STOKE M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GfcNT'S OUTFITTER,

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