V Sgpa jj Terms of SubscriDtion--$l.5G Per Annum ESTABLISHED IN 1866. VOli. LLV. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APML 1, VJ'20 NO. !38 0 irrmrrry t" Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Bave Always Sought, and which hits been la iwo for over over 30 years, ha: b rni the sinaturo i 1 f - and baa been made under his per- fir total supervision since its infancy. iaXUcAHi 4uow D0 one to deceive you iu tiii... All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-ginid " ure 1 nr. Experiments that trifle with and endanger Ihr health i Infants and Children Experience against Exuiriu.eut. What Is CASTOR I A Caitoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness nrisii;; therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Buwels, aiilj the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY: I Bears the Signature of LANE IS TO LEAD SALVATION ARMY Former Secntary of Interior Is Chairman, 1920 Committal i franklin K. Lane, wbo recently re lltnod ae StrrUry ot the Interior De partment, baa adopted toe chairman iliiu of tlie natloeal committee In charge of the Salvation Anny'i bom a.rvlce upueal tor 120. This la Mr. Uu i Bret bt civic work after tei eiinf hi a cabinet connections. In a loiter to Commander Evannel lne llooth, Mr. Lane declared that sympathy for tbf aufferlni people of other landa mux not cauee America to utglaot her own poor and unfortu nate claaaaa. A. In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CVNTSUH COW Bargains for You IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON N. C. Dim Lumber Si Millwork Do. Weldon, N. C. MANUt'AtTUUKKS OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Bllndi, Mantels, Door and window atrcc,.. MADE TO ORDER AN l KEHII.AR STOCK S1ZKS. flood Materials. High Or.de Workmanship Our Slogan gg The New Things For ' item 4 FNANKLIN K. LANE, "In all oiir tUoufhH for other pe lee. we may not rlhttully forget thoaa on our etreeta," wrltet Mr. 1Hne. "The lrl wbo haa stumbled and aaea no n-fiise but the srave; the man who hue li'en broken, through rt panted ulaapiiolntiueul, dissipation ol dtei-aae; the nefi'ted. unloved child; the Salvation Army uneaka worda that .,- iiullna to the spirit, holdi out a iupp'irttn hand and Harts them on the way upward out ot tue aiuugn oi An.tnA If we were not all Intended to do thla kind of work, then I believe the machlna of nineteen hundred years has berii In vain. u, I. mm Iwia made It clear to otfl tala of the Salvation Army that he Inlands to be a "working chairman i., ,h rt anneal. ABked to deliver an aililioss In the Interest ot the Sal tation Army he readily acquiesced, "but," he sail, "I should like to ad Sres! . wurkers themaelvea; the a and women wbo are carrying e thla wrk." s Pretty Wearables In i COATS, SUITS, DRESSES SKIRTS WAISTS AT TBMPTINU PRICES. 4. l. swmcK, a..-,. . WtLUUn, n w kk n H III i ft 'v,', i w.s i mi m W', m I I m i ii III. m IU m I m in Choice Hams Thro l nothln more annotizlnv than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want i.. th linp nf meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods ,-rN rnnrcoici i...iiH ..n ih '.vsiem. siimuliiie the buin, anJ bmcrcVry ioih:nk. AnJ righMhink.nl brinp besi re r-l fall in in Q4i IIS. runs. Uur prices maKe you tiiine..ai L.E.HULL, Misery Mrs. f. M. Jones, d Palmer, Okla., wtltesi " From the time 1 en tered inlo womanhood ... 1 looked wim ortaa Irom one month to the next. I sullercd with my back and bcanng-down pain, until life to me was t misery. I would think I could not enoure 1110 pain city longer, and 1 gradually got worse. . . Nothing seemeu to nni me until, one day, . . 1 decided to TAKE HI Was a 1 il i The Woman's Tonic ab i .K'W.r' 4 mm Am. ieiji-ijaPTOjaear x It's dollars to doughnuts no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! CAMELS quality, and their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat isfv evprv smoke dpsire vou ever exDressed. You will prefer this Camel blund to either , kind smoked straight! Camels mellow-mildness will certainly appeal to you. The "body" is all there, and that smoothness! It's a delight! Go the limit with Camels! They will not tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga retty odor! yusf compare Camels with any ciga rette m the world at any price: Camel ar inU vry witre in m-wntihrally tafod package of JO ciilarvtttm; or (fir parkin I JUO ciflarvttBa) in a fiaanmr pnpvr-iovered carton. VVf utron$ly recommend this carton for tht horn ot officm tufjply or when j ou travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wlniton -8alem, N. C. 1 Wi A i sTV 1 SP. V .? About the first question our salesmen will ask you wlif try on otie of our new l; Mill m mm Is "How does ii ieel?" In oilier siores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is that we will first select u I. that will become you, and we know that a "Mullury" H;it look right, so what we want lo know is whether the hat right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSOri Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. 1 at (mice Aisw BsltMor'i Optrt HotiM, WELDON, N.C " took lour bottles," Mrs. Jones Rts n to aay, "and was not only grMtly rrlicvcd. but can truthfully say that I hsve not s pain. . . has now been two years since I took Cardui, Md 1 am still in g"oi health. . . I would sd vlse any woman or girl to use Catdul who Is a sufferer from any lemale trouble." II you sutler pain caused from womanly trouble, or U you feel the need ol a good strengthening tonic nhmiH unvour run-down tpm. U!;e the advice nf Mrs. lones. TryCar j.. i ii hii.,l hei. We UUI. I ' I believe it will help you. AH Druggists ""Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. WALTF.K K. DANIHL, Attorney-at-Law, WK1.HUN. N. (' I'raotit-i'B in Hit' ciMirtKol Halifax ana Northampton and in tin- Supi-i-nie and Kwli'ral courts. t'ollci'UiiiiB niailu nail uai tu of North Carolina. Ilraui'li ollice at Halifax o)in evury Momlay (JUOkOU C. (iinil:N, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ollice in Green Kuildintr Weldon. N. C. Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-l.aw, WKI.DON, N.C Orlice iu the 1'auiel lluihliiiK- liiiKineHH iioniitly ami faillilully temleil lo. LLIOTT B. CLARK. Attorney-at-Law, WKI.IMiX, N. C. Ollice iu lii'i'i-ii Huililiii).'. ASHLEY B STAINBACK, Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public. Wl-LDON, - - N. C. Taetii-i'K in llie fourth uf Halifax uud aaioiuiuil countii-a. l'roniit atiu-ntion to all liusiuesa cntrimti'il to me over M. C. I air a store. II. B. HARRELL, Jr. Attorney-at-Law, WULI)ON. - - N. C. I'laotiee iu the eouita of llulilax a a.ljoining, eountiee. I rompl In .ill liuaineKa enUUMi'il t I owi liiek'a .lenelrv Store. T.CLABK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKI.DON.N.C. nt may in tliecourta ol Halifax and aUioininit counties an.l ii. the Supreme jourt of the State, special attention liven to Nllerimn ' "i" .r... -. W. J. WARD, IIKNTIST, OKHCE1N liANIKLBl'ILKINU WELDON, N.C aepl'.' ly . U Tvis,"il. "' . L. TKAVia.JU. TKAVIS & 1 WAV IS, Attorneys at. Law, HALIFAX, N. C. J'ract'.-' hi H.i sun en.lreO.ittin-1 ' . V, A. ( AH 11 R VETHKINAKV SUKt.l ' Loiiii I ihlune. l ull- " y' '"' I " " ' Dr. BEN I) ftU N DHNIISr. ttllice in Kamlolph HuildiiiK ENFIFI I). N c. 12 'i.'iilin attention (Hlice A PLAIN M AN. Dey hain't no complaint in dis sysiem o' mine Fer things what am useless an' rare; 1 hook up de mule an' 1 swing ler de line, 1 breathe de fresh air an' 1 drink de sunshine An' whistle fer keeping off care. De white fo'ks may have all de silver an' gold De saphire, de ruby, de pearl, De furro' de bear fer keeping off cold But give me de fields whar de flowers unfold Away f'om yer life wid a whirl. De sweat o' my brow, when nil shines in de sun, Am alio' yer jems I desire; Hit's wuth all de crowns since de kingin begun, Likewise all de laurels o' victories won By biggots, wid cannons an' fire. De birds furnish music, de sun gives me light De moon an' de stars g'ard my rest, An' 1 wake wid de pep for renewin' de fight An' bless de good Lawd for a keen appetite, Likewise fer de sleep o' de iesi. 1 say hit ag'in, in dis system o' mine Dey hain'i no complaint fer de rare, F.gyptun flesh-pots wid de sparklin wine; De big striped milyun, fresh off o' de vine You can't duplicate 'im no where. So give me de fruits o' de plain, honist toil, A life o' de plain simple bliss; De breathe o' de rose, an' de fresh broken soil, Away f'om de din where dey's nuthin' ter spoil De flavor o' love's simple kiss. f I A PLEASURE TO XJtA 4 V " ,J7. I 7tAHSACT WMfSttm Many of Our Customers Have Said that This is a Bank where They Feel at Home It is true ihat we endeavor to render 100 per cent, service to all of our clients, whether their deposits tire large or small, or re gardless of the brunch of banking in which they are interested. Probably it is this great desire on the pun of our organization to please that makes it worth your while to start your account here. wmMsrjiiajwstwiioosiiM EVERYBODY STORE 1 V" 1 WE carry a stock from which you can select anything you want in the finer lines of Chinaware. Ivory wire. Cut r.lass tic When you want something out of the ordinary, m thef Iipm. wn.eil.in specially ariisnc and distinctive in de sign, 'twill pay you m come here. For CROUP, COLDS. 3k. 9rm mm eat. at It J a el " e H aSitVIRIWHt Cul0tM JC.N.RICKSC rzvrttrxrfQ&S' ' jml pOM- Yrn 1 f f This is the Name we have jfV earned. Why? This is in 'f? Reality Everybody's Store W A frinl is all we ask. vl " Vi VI Ogletree's (IX vi v Vi) vi vl vi vi io.wiwiaoiiawwoi 5-1025c. Store, J KOSRMAHY KOANOKb RAPIDS Vi Wl-LDON III FOR SALE! Acre.br,f 1 lobacco laud .X f t outli BortoD, a., live ni.lee of tonevto d "Q ' e dwen,;, four or tt e mile from llouaton, a , conlainiug- one jooa I ran. ontbuidlI1 .bacoo faiaia, tao ol anion arr u, . - fa h iDd,eBpecially ,tu.t. d on Haui.ter ..ter, with bi ' IV.aa ofVood merehaaUble -tim WHY SpeHd 4ll You Efi? You miirht jret sck or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an investmeni-sian now, " lakes money 10 maKc moiwy, -uhr kd iiciti hv thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty gooa one io p;ei mio. vc vv ings Accounts a THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX IT. C. rihte N. L. Stedman Preaident P. C. Qregory, Vite-Preairleot, P. H.Oregorf Oaeaier it?: I I I

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