Raising the Famllv- . .. """" "' r 2 J Buiiemas scared lor a moment nimwin I I I I . Pisher . 1-- Mv feOOONfciSS, l) Vff'i lutwtu Saw "iCM P rM&f v OFl;SSIONALf T"'tO mo. 5m r i WALTER P !,. .. has hi S norH Attorney-at-Law' VV' ""V v.. ' iVortha,,,;. .;.'; ;;(i-";o. II, j-,. tedcra: eouru. t ,,l,.,.', '''"'u.' ra.UolN.,1,1 ra, "r-'iau, ,. , ! Halifax ,.VloiM, , , 1 .SsaW'V INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CO N V .' 1 , . , -r SBk I 'OBEBlMHTS-iE BUSIHESS CAN Its performance is so regular that the merchant has the satis faction of knowing what his delivery will cost him month after month. i' I I Taaeawiaaai. coat ii unusually low j j J. A. Phone 315 HARVELL, Agent, Weldon, N. C. A LI K CANNED GOODS We protect our cnsiomers by handling ihe best brands of canned goods whose makers have high reputations to UDhold. I he prices of these better grades are low enough to suit all, Also a nice line of Groceries L. J. Moore & Co., Successors to E. Clark, Opposite Postolllce. The Store of Quality and Service v9K3XQOH XXOft XXX ilDBI INVITATION. You are Invited to open an account with the BW OF Efl FIELD, EH FIELD, ui. n. !zL Ef' alloed in the Savings Depart-3 irx: ment Compounded Quarterly. J I YOU can bank by msil ) Bargains for you IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON, N. C. 4 BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION IS 'LWAYS ADMIRED II yon lake a lew dosea ol CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS, you will see they do mora la clean up tUe complexion Iban all lac beauty treatments to "V. creation. An Imperfect complex. fan la canned by a sluggish Ltver. Mil lions ol CARTER'S Ml ILE IXC Q .PILLS i old. yoonn enrl mridi. lalii: litem lor Conatlpatlra, Biliousness, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Upset Slocnara and It Sallow, pimply and Blolcby Stain. These llllle puis ellml. nate all waste matter Irom lbs system, and clean np the cam. plaxion In a lew weeks. CnilMiuttwil,Mtart jJj Sm" PUI Satll Dw .all Met For Good Service And Quick Repair 00 TO THE RED STAR GARAGE, Halifax, k jo. Effects ol Constipation Constipation causes a stoppage of the sewerage system or the body The pois onous refuse matter that should he car ried away is retained in the system and ofteui pouous the blood and causes nu merous disorder) No one can all'urd to neirluct Ins bowels. A dose ofCham- lierlain s tablets will all'oril relief. Avoid .IiuMio cathartics aa thsy take away too much water out of the system and their use is likely to l.c Followed by comtipa. piitlOU A liiile bay, whose sprjined wrist had been relieved by hulling in whiskey, surprised his mother by asking "if pjpj had a sprained throat?" For The Liver and Bowels When your liver aud bowels hei torpid get a bottle of Chamberlain's laiili-ts. I hey will toun up vour liver and cause airentle uioveuient of the bowels. They also improve the digestion. Sprinkle places infected by ants with borax, and you will soon be rid ot them. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Favorits. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is favorite with the mothers of imall clul dren for colds, croup and whooping cougn. its pleasant taste aud the prompt cures which it effects ha won the good opinion of mothers every wnere. As tins remedy contains nr opium or other uarcotic it may be given as conhdently to a baby as to an adult A . , ppiy castor oil once a dav io warts for iwo to six weeks, and ihey will disappear. A little fellow who Stock. lies Was asked whv he manp barber poles of his legs. His peri rcLny was. e . am i n hit snavcrr 5 fTilJrootteeps I lTTjLirliealthij 3 us '.VildiimlrririilQrly.llirn) - n;y luiMiillvlr.f ln.iiiilicilcliiiig - j ' I liii,.tnifl, the chum- ol mint - Ii.ur trouble. I hm e niv luxuriant hair ; - Ihe envy of my tiirndi-to Una ; auaranleed dandruff remedy." : S W ll.lr.mt l iquid (ItiAniiMo m Wlljnol i M. im.,., H, y. ti.i in c.iD-.t1..t, with : Z iMi.i jlulr Tunic, will liMtua Uia I rj.'jf'AKANTEg.n I1AIR TONIC For suit here under a - i 'j-lxk cunranla Ml'HI'llliKY IHU'U CO. We Cam Help Yoo ,ake Momiev The right kind of printed forms will hcTp your business prosper by saving your time and keeping your records in proper shape. Our service as printers is not limited to t.iking your order and putting some ink on paper according to your directions. We are able to make suggestions for business printing that mav save considerable money for j on. Our pla.tt is completely equipped and we carry a stock of Th Utility &u$inti$ Paoer in order to give you the quickest service possible. 1) u A T A liood 'Hedciine lor the Grip. (.to. W. Want -in. (.iitdiner. Me., re- latts Ins exuerieut's with the criD. "t had the worst rinitfh, col l and eriD and had taken a lot ol trash of no account. Chamberlain's ( oul'Ii Hemedy is the only thing that has done me anv s-ood whatever. 1 have used one bottle of it ami the cold an I grip have left me." Lime water beaten tin with swept oil is an excellent mixture for burns. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR A FOR SALE BY Kurgerson Drug Co., Halifas. M. C. 'air, Weldon. jy 29tt0t WHimtwti nm Nature's Way S "sssssssssssanaaaiBsasaBBssBa !P wahinj bluet there I ii minv ahfl. But KUTTYHUNK BLUE the fineit made. Comrrfchr, 1910. h Diamonal M.IW..H a. r 406 North Fount Straai. Phu.ii': I STOMACH TROUBLE, OASES. INDIGESTION Pape's DiapeDsin'' is the ouiek est, surest relief for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, Heartburn.Fer mentation, Sourness or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few taoiets give almost immediate stom ach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so vou can eat fn foods without fear. Large case costs only tew cents at drug store Millions helped annually. 1 -.7-,4i FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS One hundred acres, thirty mil lion good stocky plants, ready now. Early Jersey, Charleston Wakefields.Succession.Flai Dutch. Parcel Post paid: 300, $1; 500, $1.50: 1000 ? Pvr.rcc. 2.000. $3.50: 5.000 '7.- in ' UU0, $12.50. Count and deliv- ery guaranteed. Parker Farms, Moultrie, Ga. Headache, Nervousness. Sleeplessness and other disorders of the nervous f system quickly relieved! by i I Dr. Miles' Nervine! ; ; Which soothes and allays ; ; the pain rest and sleep ; ; follow in a natural t ; ; manner. I Free from habit-forming f drugs. ; ; Mrs. J. V. Thompson, Dallas, Texas, found relief. She says:!! ; ; "For thirty years I suffered ' with sick and nervnm V,A. '. . t aches. Took several bottles of I I nr. Miles Nervine and it has 4 been four years since I had " headaches." '. Money back if first'; bottle fails to relieve or;; satisfy. ; ; SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS " ' HllltltllllltlUMUtt L. KITTNER'S SHOE STORE. tSP nCLuL PR.ICES frm nw until SPRING on rw all Shoes. Knots nnrl Ui,kl,.. e j scrlpt.on. Come and let us fit you from our care! Ttlllv cplAetaH j o.v..vu oiuv.IV. REAL SHOES at Real BARGAINS Shoes, Boots and Rubbers for Men, Women and Children. Do your Shopping at KITTNEH'S. nH you'll save money. L.KITTfEffS SHOE STORE Next Door to Weldon Drue Co. WELDON, N. O 1 TOlSBSg -- M UEOHOEC. OHeen ' ATTORNUY-AT-LAW Office in Oreen ltu,,iot ' Weldon, n. C. Wm. L. KNIGHT, " Attorney and Counsellor-at'.i.. WELDON, N. C. Office in the Daniel Huildi,. tenTdP,,!r"d l.LIOTT B. CLARk7 Atlorney-at-Uw, WELtXiN, N. c. Ollicf in Oreen Huilditig. ASHLEY B. STAINBACK Aiiorney-at-Law, Notary I'ubllc. ' WELDON, . N. C I ractiee. intliecourtsofii.i,, . adjoining counties, l'rmnm .,, to all bus,.,, ,, entnisted t f,,17)il'lt over M. C. I'air's .tor.. ' 0tllt' H B. HARRELL, Jr7 Attorney-at-Uw, WELDON, - . n. C. Practices in the courts ur Halifax aid adjommg counl.es. I'rompt atteat"! to all business entrusted to me over Kica'a Jewelry More. N 'sj ; ' l'hone ai. " ,n jj T. CLARK ATT0REY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. FraetiPeS ill thn nnitrta nru.n adjoining counties and ii. the Hupreai aourtnf th St. i. u :., given to collection, and prompt retou! W. J. WARD DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL Bl'll.lHM)' WELDON. N.( sen!2 ly OR. Wm A. CARTER, VETERINARY StlBr.cnv WELDON. N c Long I'istance calls answered promptly Whatever designs, our assonm V t... . "I charmmgnew .- k'. juu pcrtectiy :ou r PRICES WILL SATISFY. ItC.N.RIClfsc 1 It L. .TTH tfflww' Iav! aasasaa - " ' ia l I TRUSTEES SALE, , ....uu ui iiic auiiinriT Ofa cerUin Deed of Trust, dated the stli day of February, l!):9 from C J Adkins and wife to tieo. C. Green, Tru- , .ecunnr certain indebtedness there in Set out. default l,a,-inn wn the payment of said indebtedness, and ... .ucm ui mo noiaer tuereor, the .....,Uiu nui, ou llie 26th Day ol February, 1921, at 12 o'clock M at the I'oat Office door in Weldon, Y c, sell for cash, to the mgum u,uer, me lonowing described 1) I)t NO. 4 I.nnt.in;n. . acres: Lot No i,ennl.,, ? .r..J",u ,-iuacres: Lot No t) I containing 35 4-10 acres; all of ...u . o nK a part ol the Brvant nitehecd laud and shown on a certain Coast Kealty Company, which map or r.-. . ,.vUlu lu iiicomce oi tiielter. ister of Deeds lor Halifax aonni. i . I'lot Kooll n. I uV - I,i... " i : "? . neierence ry and wife to Charlie Adkins, 'recorded I alifax county, same being madeaoart theraot. -Fi f-21 That i.O.m ..... . t.,r .i, ,.t: u.. """r prcei M , lying uu oeing in the wuuiy oi naiiiax, state of North Caro lina. and aiiininmir t)i ..t .. Emry, John Wallace, W. H. Drewry'and others, it hitf I v , .L' u - a i ua me man made by E. T. Clark for the executor. , , . us. which lam map j, fSJi"1 rDi.Krrk S-' ''ae a'8' Ulster'. Office Of Ha if ennnlD .1.1 . t lor a more perfect description of the r-pc.,, ,lrre,n conveyed is hereby made, said tract containinu- An ' (3) Those two certain lot, of lands 7 "pioveuionis inereon known and designated ..,.ot No, 3 ,nd 4 w C on a d lit nf II.. ....... r r p.upi.-iij. luruier v "r " l P E' J' Ci' "U ""n " he "" iropeny, winch said man or plat is reconled in Hook r.t I'aa, .'I3:i lleKister's Office for Halifax count, each of said lota fronting 5u feet on a new maile street, and running back in Parallel line. 140 feet Wan illey, and beiug those certain lota which were con veyed to K.J. Kounds bv K ' (i,r, aud wife by deed dated February nth IBM, and recorded in Hook Sis, it pj. oio, said Heg,ster', Office, and suh7e quently conveyed by Wm. L. Knight Commissmnfir tn I U' u- 9 . ' i.'.. WVrea1et u o D B. Howell, the .7 T"",,u,"'a conreved by deed dated March an h. iim .,f ....i.j : . it . . .. ' icviii.icu in Ha a Kegnter , on,ce, ,n Hook 274, at 1-age HO, and leference to all of the aforesaid map, plat and deeds is hereby made for amore nerftt ilutt.rint.nn iinn r .j uu lueniin- .-..uu , Mlu minor iana. for a mote perfect description of the above described lots or parcel, of land reference is hereby made to deed from Adk, JWh ' u1"1 to U- J- nd L'rtie i t i.w7,fh "ld deed ' recorded in took 21, l'age iT8, Kegister', Office for Halifax county, and is made a part OE T II K 1 I j V U 1 1 ESTABLISHED 1892,; Capital and Surplus, $67,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W, E. DANIEL, raasiiiiNT. W. R. SMITH. VICa-l'RISIDINT. L. C DRAPER, cisHiaa. N 0 T I C E . An Appetizing Meal Everybody wants It. Everybody likes it. Everybody's looklnf for It, BUT You can't t is ,,nt... ... a. H . . I . .a JVH have the right kind ol f rocerlas. uer. em MERE I Phone 280. R. M. PURNELL, Weldon, N, C. Lamest M jb tit Soii When in Norfolk call oi ui Vou will And what you waat and get it quiekly. Having no eanvasasrs, no agent', eommttions sto ad ded to our price,. This su able, us to um ttrstclaiiois terial and finish it nrocerl v We Pay Freight and QuarantM Sate Arrival THE COUPER URBIE WORKS (68, years in business.) WW Rank rtt NORFOLK, VA (iiiJ Display Buggies, Harness And Wagons. WE carry full line 0, , well . Hacknev and Ch... n... ... Knon. both Square. N. c" and Z'.L'l each ol which are n,.H BuXl at Weldon, N C. AVfu.i 7 Tnl Mules at both places, durlno-th,. and season. - "-r ana spring OF UPTOTHK MINUTE MILLINERY. KANCY (iOODBand NOVELTIES. Butteriek'sPatUrni R & O. Corsets, M isse, at 75e, Ladies 76e. to $1 aV PrirjB will k. . .1 - i ,1.. - ..... nil. u.uc w aun 11. . time,. list. ii....n... n...i. is trimmed to order, ALL MAIL ORDERS PROM ITLY FILLED. MRH. P, A. LEW IN, Weldon, N. 0 CiSSTEIlS FILLS DIAMOND 4jCfr BRAND Lanrw, t a .w . .. . . ' fSni77S,TTs i or i-in-cww-T s PIAMOND 1IK4KD HLL9 la In and oi.n M....UI. . . . . SUB 25 a (uiaVa-tas tin. 7 . i . ru.ua KKH au. f oaa, Ina-i, a i . v. . .T - cavaKa.f.aa 3 J''ond aaawB riLia, for iweoirae JMra Irrardni as Seal, Safest, always ReliabM. 50LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS & EVERYWHERE KI& Thanks for past favors. I trad marks ivTcaririitfhOiontnlmd orno I an,!, br FREt SEARCH aa ,u nK n,iuiiM. 1 PATEHTS BUILD fOSTUNES far I .ua., ruaanaar. Wriuuaiar. 7 icicui, i Rich Square, N. C, HOUUIAN BROS, Tr D. SWIFT h CO. -A PU ' r lWI.RS, . ,!3 ; ,a4hii.,iea,n.C., January Sa, iST lnu- B cBBfic-faaaioa iMsrrrn-rt