ESfABLISilLO IN 1866. VOL 1iV WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MA1SCH 7, 11)21. NO. 40 Children Cry for Flefr; the Kind Y'lit Have Always Bought, and which has beea In use fur over thirty years, has borne the signature of A ' - and has been made under his per- ? s?'f2Lj,r Bonal supervis'i'n since its infancy. lAaf-. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just as-good " are but Kxperiment8 that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment Never attempt to relieve your baby with af remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless aubstitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of t w Wf - - - - In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Kill That Cold With CASCARA & QUININE for 4jt&r&& AND Colds, Couihi OM L Gr'PP Neglected Colds are Dangerous T.k. no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the nrtt tneeie. Breaks up a culd ill 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Ucellen for Headache Quinine In this form does not aliect the head-Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL 11 STRANGE NEWS TO TELL. Boy's Information Might Have Been Conveyed In More Intel ligent Manner. A boy, apparemly very much aKiuiud, rushed into a house and said 10 the lady: "I don't want iu alarm you, but I've got big news to tell you. The man sent me up Irom I lie livery swblcs 10 tell you." "Yes, yes! What is it?" "Why, you know, your little boy, Aleck, what the man can't keep out of the livery stables round the corner? " "Yes, yes! Well?" "I told Aleck just now not logo into t;ie stables among the horses, but lie would not mind me." "Oh, dear! What has hap penal?" "I !e said he warned to see was what a mule would do when you tickled its heels with a straw." "Oh, dear, dear!" g;isptd the lady, and clung to the chair for support. "So Aleck got a straw," contin ued her inlormant, "crept up be hind the mule, tickled him on the heels, and" The woman started for the door. "And the sleepy old mule never lilted a hoof," called the visitor, "Never as much as switched its tail." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Tele gram. She States It Mildly. While suffering with a severe at tack of the grip and threatened with pneumonia, Mrs. Annie H. Cooley of Middlcheld, Conn., began using Chamberlain'sCough Remedy and was very much benefited by its use. The pains in the chest soon disappeared, the cough became loose, txpectoration easy and in a short time she was as well as ever. Mrs Conlcy says she cannot speak too highly in praise ot tnis remeuy. PRICELESS. A good conscience is to the soul what health is to the body; it pre serves a constant ease and sereni ty within us, and more than coun tervails all the calamities and afflic tions that can possibly befall us. SUNSHINE. If you can always think of sunshine when you start to think of me, Then I'm happy as a fellow with a bit of care can be, l-or l know a wilt ol music In this life as on we go Helps the spirit face the battle And the body meet the blow. There are men to bring you riches, there are men to bring you gems, But a bit of common sunshine oft outvies the diadems. And if you think of dewdrops Lit by sunbeams in the grass It is all 1 have to bring you As along my way 1 pass. If I make you think of orchards and of valleys and of trees, If I make you think of blossom-bearing honey for the bees. Well, it's something worth the doing, Just to make the rugged mile Seem a bit more easy going, Somewhat brighter for your smile. There are greater things and nobler-but it's true of all life still That there's something in this helping of a fellow up the hill. And the bringer of the sunshine, What a happiness he knows Every lime a thorn is buried 'Neath the velvet of a rose. m m tUi tU, 1U1 Mi .!V:JVl.l Ai, Ml 9il $U-)fV liHr At Cost For March Only CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of m m m m m I AM offering my entire stock of Shoes, Men's Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Ladies Dresses and Coats at wholesale tO&l to EVERYBODY. No goods charged at -o .nkniii r.nme earlv and get your pick of while they last m am m 9 m m I 4. l swtmcK, The Busy Store ... -.j. ti .nkH-AH ti .Ai; H MM WELDON, N CJ g WW 71 Choice Hams SUPERFLUOUS QUESTION. The bride was a dusky Amazon of imoosing proportions, while the ebon-colored groom might easily have been taken for her youngest. The ceremony went along swim minelv until ihe minister asked "Do vou take this man to he vour lawful, wedded husband "What yo' mean? she replied inrtionantlv. "What vo' ihink Ah's hear for?" ON THE HIGH SEAS. The bashful petty officer was on leave and was having a. hard time makine conversation. "I sunnose vou ve been in ine Navy so long you're accustomed thoroughly io sea-legs, she sug gested. 1 "I wasn i lookin at em at an, he blurted, blushing. There is no gaining without foregoing BEST SONG OF ALL I'm dreaming to-day of a home in the West That sheltered an angel divine, Where weary from play, with my head on her breast She soothed me to rest, Mother mine, She sang sweet and low as she rocked to and fro, Many songs that my fancies recall, And I'd drift into Joyland, from sad Broken-toy-Land, With the song that I loved best of all. "Hush-a-by, rock-a-by, sleep, baby, sleep," Softly she sang long ago. "Angels are smiling and wailing to keep Watch over baby, 1 know. Rock-a-by, close your eye, baby don't peep Time for the sandman to call." That lullaby tune mother's lips used to croon, Was the sweetest and best song of all. I've wandered away from thai home in the West And heard many singers divine. But none seemed to sway or to lull me to rest Like one I loved best Mother mine. Sometimes in my dreams of the angels, it seems There is one with a heart of pure gold, Smiles at me from a far land from Heaven's own Star-Land, As she shings that swe&t song, as of old. Why Colds Are Dangerous. it ic the serious disease that colds lead io that makes them dangerous. They prepare the system for the reception ana development m mt germs of influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, ayptneria, stanci fever, whooping cough and mea sles. You are much more likely to contract these diseases wnen you have a cold. For thai reason you should get rid ot every cold as ..;n., ie nnQihle Chamber- Iain's Cough Remedy will help you. ll is widely Known as a cui c for bad coias. LITERAL IMPRESSIONS. They say John's new wife has an awful temper. How did she strike you? With anything that came nanay. An Ideal Remedy For Constipa tion. It would be hard to find a better remedy for constipation man Chamberlain s laoieis. rui best effect they should be taken im mediately after supper. They are easy io take and mild and gentle in effect. SOMETHING LIKE LOTS WIFE. HIGH YIELDS Make LOW COSTS Increase the yield per acre, cut production costs, improve the quality of your crop and protect against weather, insects and dis eases by the liberal use of H 1 vt- .i. a or x " ,-i . W 7HKi UxWUIi Salt n bhp nm mr d 'Atfiaruta' K 1 " 200 Lh '' ' ' See your Royster dealer and place your order now F. S. Royster Guano Co. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C Charlotte, N. C Washington, N. C. Columbia, S. C. Soartansburg, S. C. Atlanta, Cm. Macon, Ga. Cotar.bus Ga. Montgomery, Ala Birmingham, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio rOYsnvs t nuutiii Ai' ttiUJHOS CU fir. - )WI mti J'" WNUFACTWI.-' ' ' :f.SR0YSTC86WDC0.. ; tNORfO(-ri.VA. . There is nothing jjmore appetizing than a slice ol our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods GOOD GROCbRlliS build up the system, stimulate ihe brain, and increase your capacity io think. And right thinking brings best re ruhs. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us.,, L. E. HULL, Near Batchelor't Oper Houe.l WELDON. N.C Dim Lumber & Millwork to. Weldon, Nj C. MANUKACTUREHSJOF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors FooiUsr Energy Cod-liver ?i! ener gizes aid creates a buttrer? of strength that fortifies the whole body. SCOTT'S EMULSION in rnrl-liver oil ill its best possible form. A If winter is claim- ina ita toll UDOn iff your vitality, take MJ Scott s Lmulsion Seatt4Bewae,BtoerfielI.N.l. ALIO MAKERf OF ItiriDlDS "Did you hear that Bill was dead?" "Mn Mthat did he die otr1 nh hp had lumbago. They mhhprl his hack with alcohol and he broke his neck trying io lick it off." When You Feel Rheumtlc. .,.,uJ iiaiiia of rlieuina i i,...,i.rliu'i Linimi'iit i e"'1 i. u. the uarls tliorouifhly tiwilayitl'"llln","'ul nu illlmiUiprii'Jtt!ic reiiei viincii i. tttunlH. BOTHEHtO. Ma, do cows and bees go io hpuven? Mercy, child, what a question! Mt'hv? " " ' ... a Clause if ihev dim t the milk ana honey the preacher said was up there must be all canned stutr. IMPOSSIBLE ADVICE. Never deceive your teacher, Willie. Always he open with her. How can 1 be when she is al ways shutting me up? Love is thai which routs in sac rifice, grows in service, blooms in joy Children Cry I FOR FLETCHER'S I CASTORIA NOT A TERM OPPROBRIUM I But Really It Seemed as Though I Mather Had Some Strong (irounds for Complaint. ! The following story is told of a ; certain school in Central New I York. Dr. L , the health offi- I cer. had iust made the customary ! physical examination and filled out the various health certificates. One afternoon he received a vis it from an irate mother. "I should like to know," she said belligerently, "what you mean by calling my boy 'a poor nut?' " Madam, said the astonished nhvsician. "1 haven't an idea what you are talking about. To the best of knowledge 1 have never applied the epithet you mention to anv oerson." 'It's down in black and white, coniinued his visitor unappeased My Jim has just been transferred to D school, and it's his health cardasDlainascanbe. 'Poor Nut.' The lieht of comprehension dawned on the bewildered doctor. He smiled. "Ah I see! 'Poor Nut,' my dear madam, is merely ai ab breviated way of saying poor nu trition. SEVERELY DAMAGED. The amateur huntsman sighted along the barrel at a distant bird and pulled the trigger. There was a roar and he ran forward, io find nothing but a placid tree load hop ping about his business. "Not so bad, not so bad," mused the hunter complacently. "1 did not kill him but 1 certainly knocked all the feathers off him." r " Jj AMP STU.L VE i b b yea I 1 Pains Were b"h TPrriTIC na a w B y Read how Mrs. Albert H nwonru nf U F. I). NO. Tfi 1, Blulord, 111., got rid of B her ills. "Uurint, ... I thniiclit I wmilH ti'ie. Thr rt bearing-down pains were n actually so severe I could am nnl ctanii tin. nr. uirp nt j my hinds on Ihe lower V THE BEST FRIEND VOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble I or sickness he is a good fellow io have around. hen an opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, Hh won t turn YOU down it YOU have cnltivated him properly. hy not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? part ol my stomacn I sin SIMPLE ROAD TO HAPPINESS. As Benevolent Old Gentleman Pointed Out, Desired Result Might Easily Be Attained. The beautiful young woman, dressed in fashion s most pro nounced style, entered the street car and sal beside a rather benevo lent-looking old man. As the car started she haupened to glance out ihe window at a bunch of little girls playing on the sidewalk. 'Don't thev look happy, she eushed. "But no wonder. Why, 1 remember my happiest days were when I used to wear short little eineham dresses." "Now. ihe man had seen her emer the car, and he was well in formed about the length of the dress she was wearing, so there uas no mistaking his hint. You might trv gingham instead of the silk you're now wearing" he sug gested. The best of all the churches is the temple in your own breast. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ilmnlv felt as it life was fj for but a short time. My nusudliu was wuiiicu ... ( W evpninp. whi e read ing the Birthday Alma- MQf n ramp armss a case similar Io mine, and went straicht lor some Cardui for me to try. TAKE J The Woman's T "I took ft faithfully and the result! were immedi ate." adds Mrs. Gregory. I "I continued to get bet ter, all my ills left me, I and I went through . . . , with no further trouble. My baby was fat and strone.andmvself thank God am once more hale and hearty, can walk I miles, do my work, ihourh 44 years old, feel like a new person. All 1 owe to Cardui." For manv vears Cardui has been found helpful in building up Hie system when run down by dis- I orders peculiarto women. Take Cardul, VlhY SPliD LL You Ew7 You miirht get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You mSt want to make an investment-start low ' 'Takes money to make money," you know You mijrht be visited by thieves or fire-an account with prevents loss. The saving habit Is am.ghty good one to jret into. We oaV 4 per cent on bav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX. IT. C. N. L. Stedman PrKaidnnt P. C. Gregory, Vla.Prwiir!nt. P. H.Orerory Caahitr, I FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Dodaon'a Liver Tone Killing Calomel Sale Dnn't nii-ken or Mllvate vouraeif or paraiyxe your aennitive livpr by taking calirniel which ia quirkailver. Your denier tch b Ule of pleaant, hannlfftii "Iknlson'a Liver Tone" under an ironclad, money back guarantee that it regulates the liv. r, tuuiai:li end bowels better than calomel without mak ing you tick 15 million bottlea aulil. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A One hundred acres, thirty mil lion ;ood stocky plants, ready now. Early Jersey, Charleston X'!iru hlds,Siiccession,Flat Dutch. Parcel Post paiil: 300, $1; 500, $1.50; 10( 0, $2.50.. Express: 2,000, $3.50; 5,000, $7.50; 10, 000, $12.50. Count and deliv ery guaranteed. Parker Farms, Moultrie, (ia. Blinds, Mantels, Door ana winuow for INDIGESTION CASTORIA HADE TO ORDEB AND REUULARBTOCK BIZK4