Il jjjl ass -;sl'AHLIMillil IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, APRIL 121, IU'21. Terms of Subscription $2 00 Per Annum V L. LV. NO. Net Contents lSFluid DraclH CASTQRIA lj ALCOHD1.-3 I'EB CKNT. ;j AVcSclatilo Preparation for As , siniilnlinvilherooa by Houla i linfillieNlomMlisnndliowelsti : TlionylVomoUiiiDiicsli ,hccrfulntssanUKCsi.wmii " noithcr Opium, Morphine not . : i VnnVturnTIC JlUl'ltU. iUM . JumUifl S Mitf rd ConslipntionandDwrrnoci t- -,uknss ana , rcsut 1 i 1 1 cmrc rromMiilan7- facsimile Si4natrr; Tire Centavb CoNMtW- NEW ullyg Exai-t Copy of Wrapper. li At- P, fett ft ft ft I AM offering my entire stock of Shoes, Men's Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Ladies Dresses and Coats at wholesale COST to EVERYBODY. No goods charged at cost to anybody. Come early and get your pick of these bargains while they last ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 4. L. SW1BACK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C ft ft ft mmmmmmmmmmxm iVu .vm Aij. so. JSb. :sa &j. Xm- 'te, Ab. so. sa aw .Jrv .is,- . Jkj- GOOD GROCfcRIES build up the system, siiinui..te the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings besti re mits. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us.; L. E HULL, Near Batchclor't Opera Houge.l ixon Lumber Si Weldon, N C. MANUFACTUKEliK OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors 3llnds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOKDRR AND Hood Matarlala Hlh Oradf The Citizens Bank HALIFAX. WE invite the people ot Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize this Haul., w hy not have a checking account? It is necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides it gives you a landing In your community. Wt huve every facility known for Suund Banking, and invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention as the largest with us, We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Coma in mad talk it aver with us. We need you, yon need us. fin i wins For Infants njid Children. Mothers Know Tha Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature, of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA (U, li mm MM mm urn urn mm m urn Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than;a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. WFLDON, N.C -I Millwork Co. HI'Ol'I.AR STOCK SIZES. Wnrkmatmhip Our Slogan. N. C. or To Insure It, Says Court Official, Each Should Be a Partner, as in Business Enterprise. A wide experience with husbands and wives has enabled Mrs. Julia L. McGuire ofihe Chicago court of of domestic relations to formu late ihese principles which she gives in People's Magazine, "It can all be summed up in aboui ilie same way textbooks on business tell one to sum up the proposition of going into business partnership : "1. Know your partner. Study him or her under trying circum stances as well as when things are going well. "2. Be sure that you and your partner agree in your purpose and ambitions. Compare notes with each other and find out whether you have the same tastes and hopes for the future. Find out your pros pective partner's idea of what to do in prosperity or adversity. "3. Settle upon your working program for the future. Decide how you w ill apportion your work ing funds; face frankly the possi bilities for trouble, and arrange in advance io meet them. Deter mine in advance the direction in which you expend your establish ment when you have savings to disburse. "4. Insiitute an adequate sys tem of cost accounting to see it that your funds go for the purpose you have agreed upon. Get into the habit of being frank with each other, of clearing up misunder standings instead of letting them rankle. "5. Go to it and stick to it along these lines. "6. Unless one of you has hid den faults, you will not fall. "That is what I have learned from my contact with forty-four thousand unhappy marriages, which have been able to sum up, scrutini.e and analyze, The sound est advice n both men and wo men that I could give is: 'I'lay Fair and use common sense with husband or wife." Relieves Rheumatic Pains. "I am suhject to ilit'uniatisui aoil n lit'ii 1 liave a ripeU of it one or two ap plii'utiuiiH of Cliainlit'tlaui K Liniment relieves the jiaiu ami maki'H rest and sleep posnilile. I would not think of Joinn without it," writes Mrs. C. Owa ey, Mobeily, Mo. MI'lHT AS WELL. liven Abe Lincoln, though never noied for his beauty, had some pride in his appearance. One day, the story is told, while going down the street, he met a man who looked him over closely and drew a gun on him. "Stranger," the man said, "I swore that if ever I met anyone homelier than I was, I'd shoot him on sight." "Brother,'1 drawled Abe, "if I'm homelier than you I reckon you might as well," WHEN TO USE IT. Knicker What is the secret of wealth ? Bocker Save something for a brainy day. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Miiiouri Lady Suffered Until She Tried Cardui. Sayi "Result Wat Surpriiing." Cot Along Fine, Became Normal and Heiitiy. Springfield Mo "My bade was so weak I could hardly aland up, and I would have bearing down palus and waa not well at any time," sajra Mra. 0. V. Wllllama, wife of a well-known farmer on Route 0, thla plaee. "I kept retting headachea and having to go to bed," contlnuea Mra. Williams describing the- troubles from which aha obtained relief through the uae ot Cardui. "Mr hueband, having heard of Cardui, proposed getting It tor ma. "I saw after taking some Cardui , , . that I was Improving. The reault waa surprising. I telt Ilka a different person. "Later I suffered from weakness aid weak bark, and felt all run-down. did not rest well at night, I waa eo nervous and irons. Mjr husband aald he would get me some Cardui, which he did. It strengthened me ... My doctor aald I got along fine. I was la good healthy condition. I cannot aay too much for it" Thousande of women hare Buffered as Mra. Williams describes, until they found reliiif from the use of Cardui. Since It has bslned so many, you ahould not hesitate to try Cardui It troubled with womanly sllmenta. for sals ararjrwlMta. LOVE RAISED THE TUNE BY FRANK L. In the meeiin' house that day Love the tune was raisin' When her bright eyes beamed my way there was grace a-niain' What the parson said no doubt was the same old story; Anyway, my soul that day fell like shouiin' "Glory !" Old hymns ringin' sweet an' clear, heavenly light-it crowned her; There were angels hoverin' near flutterin' wings around her. Leasiways, so it seemed to be; and I said, a-singin'; "Sweeter face is hers to me, than any angel's tlyin'." Life's been sweeter ever since; to its joys I'm clingin'; In the silence of my soul I go to Heaven a-singin'; I'm glad the angels on that day, when all the grace was given, Could not persuade my dream o' love to follow them to Heaven! THE WISEST MAN. Suppose, my little lady, Your doll should break her head, Could you make it whole by crying, Till your eyes and nose were red? And wouldn't it be pleasanier To treat it as joke; And say you're glad 'twas dolly's And not your head that broke? Suppose you're dressed for walking And the rain comes pouring down, Will it clear off any sooner Because you scold and frown? And wouldn't it be nicer For you to smile, than pout, And so make sunshine in the house When there is none without? Suppose your task, my little man, Is very hard to get, Will it make it any easier For you to sit and frei? And wouldn't it be wiser Than waiting, like a dunce, To go to work in earnest, And learn the thing at once? Suppose that some boys have a horse And some a coach and pair, Will it tire you less while walking ' To say, "it isn't fair?" And wouldn't it be nobler To keep your temper sweet And in your heart be thankful You can walk upon your feet? Suppose the world doesn't please you Nor the way some people do, Do you think the whole creation Will be altered just tor you? And isn't it, my boy or girl, The wisest, bravest plan, Whatsoever comes or doesn't come, lo do the best you MIND-READINO STUFF. Irene, belle of the village green, was in the drug store with her ar dent swain absorbing an ice cream soda when her straw became bent. Hey, she called tu iheclerk, my sucker's broke. The swain colored. Ding it! he exclaimed pettishly. How'd you know I was? HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. She (after the hasty betroihel): "Darling, this ring looks so famil iar." He (studying her more closely): "Can it be possible that" "She; "Yes, it is the very same ring! Why, you're the very fellow I was engaged 10 three weeks last summer!" FOOLOSOPHY. "You sometimes hear somebody say that somebody else ain't got sense enoueh to pound sand in a raihole," says Uncle Seth WhilfL tree. "Well, the way I figure it out, anybody that's-got that much sense ought to have more sense than to do such a dern fool trick." Moderately strong sail and Va ter taken by the leaspoonful at in tervals is a cure for catarrhal cold. To nd u lii e ul ciinkcis pin in oyster shells, one at a limi. while it is burning brightly. Those who m irry Inr love ate just as likely 10 hunip into disap pointment as those who marry for money. ' The divine is not discovered by definition. It takes more than a homemade halo to make a hero. Wisdom is in ngmg the head and keeping the heart youthful. The ground of all great thoughts is sadness. A bluff by any other name would e just as unsatisfactory. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA STANTON can? Phoebe Cary. AIN'T IT A SHAME? Mr. Pfogy: I declare! Wo men's clothes are gelling more and more disgraceful. His Wife: What now? Mr. Pfogy: Just listen to this ad. in the paper: Another startling cut in evening gowns. All ladies' garments half off. ONE ON POP. Pop! v Yes, my son. Creation is the beginning ol a thing, isn't it? Yes, my boy. Then a thing can't be created but once; is that right? Surely my son. Well, why did you say last night I was creating that rumpus again? WORSE AND WORSE. No, sir, said the old married man proudly, my wife isn't given to small talk at all. Lord, but you're lucky! ejacu lated the newly-wed, who was be ginning to find out things about the gentler sex. Sir, I said "small talk!" the Fisherman, the "Mark of Supremacy," on every bottle of emulsion that you buy. This means that you will always ask for scorn Scott A Bowvo, Bloonficld, N. J. ALSO MAKERS OF 1U-H01D5 (Tablets or Cranules) for iNninrsTiAN ! .mSHJBSSBBBSBBaaaBajSBBi iiiTFORTfj I .tJfV Expect to find ! REGRETTED HIS FIB. Persistent Questioner, in the Clas sic Language of the Street. "(Jot Back at Him." I he dcep-sca fisherman often has a sharp tongue and is noi like ly to get the worst of a verbal duel. But George, the skipper of a Yar mouth trawler, who figures in "North Sea Fishers and Fighters," by Mr, Walter Wood, certainly met with his match once whether he knew it or not. "There's land people who come and bother you with foolish ques tions," he complained in recount ing the hardships of a skipper's life. "I try to-put 'em off, but can't alius do it. There was an old lady who worried me past en durance with her questions, askin' if the herrin's were caught in bar rels, as she'd sometimes seen 'em that way in shops. I told her no, and then she aggravated me lo thai extent that I told the only fib I ever spoke in my life. " 'How do you kill 'em when you've caught 'em?' she asked. " 'We bite off their heads,' I answered. "She looked at the catch of herrin's we had, 'My! My!' she murmured, walkin' away. 'How tired your poor jaws must be!' " CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature HIOH IDEALS. Don't jeer at the imaginings of young people. When they dream of what they would like to be and do, they have a vision of what they may be and do. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Administrator's Notice. Iliivinif (jimlilii'tl as aluiiuist'mtoi t.f tin- cutiite of Jim Vincent, deernst'i!, lute of I lull fax county, N. ('., this h tu notify all persons having claim uiruni-'t the entate of the saitl ileeeunri! to ex hilut them to the i!uli-rML'ni-i ul lim ullici' in the Tumi of Weliiun. Mate of North ( 'urohna. on or hehne the -.'till day of March, lit-'l.', or this notice will he pteailcil in lar of their rceovciy. All nelsons ititlelitcl to waul estate will please muke iminciliate payment to the uiulrrnitrneil. Tint the yJinl (lav if March. II. t. Itnwli, Atlmr. of estate of .Inn Vincent, iU'C. A. H. NTAlli.U'K, Atlnrnev. ;t :M tit ' (liirii Administrator's Notice. Ilavim qualified a Administrator of the estate of .1. 11. Johnson, decease! late of Halifax county, this ih lo notify all perBuiiH having claims airamst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undcrsiirncd ou or he fore the 1 7tli day of March, 1!-,', or thin notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery . All persons indebted to aaid estate will please make immediate pavment. K. F. JOHNSON, Atlmr. of Kst. J. H. Johnson, doc. 3 17 (it efj Notice of Registration and Town Election. The voters of the Town of Weldon N. (.'., will take notice that, pursuant to and under the laws of the State of North Carolina fcoveriiinir I 'ity and Town elec tions, and under the provisions of the charter of the Town of Weldon relation to elections the reirular bicuma) election fbr the purpose of electing ft mayor and seven commisioners for the Town of Weldon, will be held at the Town Hall in said town on Tuesday, the fird day of May, between the hours of n;ihi o'clock A. M , and sunset; that the reg istrar appointed by the Hoard of Com missioners on the 7th day of Match, UKM, and hereinafter named, will, he Kinnimr on the 1 - 1 1 1 day of April, 1H.M, and closing on the L'l'nd day of April, l!t-l, keep the UetiNtration books open for thy ret'istration of voters from H o'clock A. M. to o clock V. M. at the Itetrislrar's Olhee eveeptuiti Satur days, when the said lieifistratiou hooks shall be kept open until o'clock 1'. M. That said Iffi'isti ation books will be open on the '-Mid day of April, UiL'l, he uiif tiit 2nd raiuniav he lore I tie election for the mvpeelion of the electors uf the Ttiwn of Weldim, that the folltiwinir named rctrisltui and j mitres ot election vtill conduct tite rerirttriition and elec tion: J. W 1'ierce, Ketfistiai ; K. C Cornwall and K. M. l uinell, Judges of Flection. In order lobe eligible to vote one must have been a resident of the Htate of Noi th Caiolina one (I) year, of the County of Halifax, six (lb months, am) in the Town of Weldon four (4) mouths precedinu such election, No new regis tration of voters is ordered for such elec tion. W. W. WliitilNS, Mayor. K. h HAYWAIJI), Clerk. DocUon's Liver Tone Instead of Calomel Calomel is quicksilver. It attacks the bones ami paralyzes the liver. Your rtValer sells each "bottle of pleasant, harmless "Dodson's Liver Tone" under an ironclad, money-back puarantee that it will repulate the liver, stomach and bowels better than calomel, without Bickening or salivating you 15 million bottles sold. . Get the $mlOiex Prescription fm-lha Bilious Get that exammalters ArUVf AT ARE your lights dim and yellow? Do you l ;;ci m l.izy spark? Does the starter labor to throw the engine over? Your battery may show none of these symptoms, and xf7 net.U looking over. Tuning up the motor and putting grease in the cups and transmission don't tonstirit the Spring overhauling. What s-bottt iht- bat tery, the electric heart of the wiioh; works? It may be all right, but find out. When you do need a new battery, you'll be glad to know that Prest-O-I.ite is back to pre-war prices and that an allowance will be made on your eld battery. Drive around to the Prest-O-Lite Service Stalion and get the correct dope on your bat tery's condition. That's the common-sense thing to do. A little attention now may save you the price of a new battery later. FRANK S. MOORE, Weldon, N 0. I I ; mwmi hswwwmj t- Pill' UP whets you . see thin . KVC l Vtv - r. J J'Ti J'K 1. BHaaasaMBMB i"TV!i mm THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank bonk. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow 10 have around. When an opponuniiy comes for investment where you can better yourself arid you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU have cultivated him properly. X'hy not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? 17 '51 VgSEStfOSXS n.'M:lrriW ? WfiY SfEfJD LL You Ewtl? You might et sick or hurt be prepared for it Vou might wnnt t mako an investmentstart .low, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We nav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts 3 THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX- 1ST. C. N. L. Stedman P. C. Urecory, F. H. Gregory President Vife-Presidpnt. Cashier, STpworr flyiralMofeV io ' 10 lOlfiJ M 16a STRAIGHT Better imm lfciaM....iC. Batterp bscs .'as f.ian cue limit "i uf iis p;u i.r v a vuiyf,? sturt and tor ou'fk'j rcpiay . .' Vr far V M.KE. THIS SfVC invest INVESTMENT Offlf STIlt LEAVE. B ,-1 , WELDON. N.C. t &nd more phasing than any miia na.vanix cgar. Aw yoiir cv.Ver fcr your avctrii? Aye. il'ijour dealer rant supply you writi us. L LEWIS CIGW M'F(j.CO.Newark.N.J. Laij jt Independent Ciar Factortj in the World