ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI WELD ON, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER (i, l.)2l. NO. 23 NECESSARY OUTLET. I 1 1 K-. Wt r.nntonts 15Fluid DraohmJ lilll I , a 4i r.iiHill.-a PER CKNT. AVcclablcPrcparatiaiSirAi similiitinsllheFood by Beula-niheSlomAdisan(lB)H Therehy'ftomiiiaiJDiiMH Cheerfulness ana woi.---neltherOplum,MorphUe". i im..f.iTBpme(tvfcf IConsiipaUanuDUrrtw. and rls"SVFp ;resuttiif!;2!ljSi!!' I NEW -VP CMOU For Infanta and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tho Signature of LW ft $ li n Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMf CINTlun COMMNO, NIW VORK OIT, urn m m urn We Are Closing Out All Our Summer Garments At Extreme Bargain Prices A good time to replenish the summer wardrobe with the garments needed to finish out the balance of the hot weath er season. m m "Look Well to the Outlet of Life." The electrician had slopped at the street corner to renew carbons in the urc lamps. A small hoy had slopped to watch him. As the day was bright and sunny the boy was astonished to see that the man had on rubber boots. " hat do you wear those boots lor?" he ascUd "Do you think it's Ruing to rain?" The woikman laughed good naturedly. "No, sonny, I wear them so as to be sale from electric shocks wht-n I handle these lamps, lileciricity can't go through rubber Very well, and one of the funny things about electricity is that it can't get into a person unless it can get out again." Is it noi true of other things in life also? Take love, ltcan'iget into a human heart unless it can get out again. It must either find an outlet in service or die. Yet many persons forget that truth. Young married people sometimes let themselves become indifferent to each other's needs and problems. Each feels that the burden of do mestic care rests wholly on his or hershoulders. Instead of helping each other they grow cold and critical. Little by little the beauti ful flower of love that ai first filled the home with fragrance droops and dies. Love cannot live with out service. Forgiveness too can never get into a man unless it can gel out again. Have you ever tried to ask God's forgiveness while you were secretly angry with one who had done you either a real or a fancied wrong? The very doora of heaven seem locked against you. You eannot really pray, for, like love, forgiveness cannot bloom in the sterile soil of a selfish soul. Whosoever seeks the secret of human happiness will find it in these simple words, "Look well to ihe outlets of life." The clearest stream in the world will quickly become a stagnant pool if its wa ters find no escape. Clog the chan nels of usefulness with the rubbish of selfishness, harshness or indo lence, and the streams of affection will soon become a foul and stag nant morass that reflects no loveli ness and enriches no barren place. GREAT IMPROVEMENT NOTED h riff msi &iKj 1- III' ' If. '! WAV "WA 7"-r ' UU The 4. . SWJBMK, urn Busy Store, W- - w Ttp IT- 'IT TT ' " -rw WFI.nON. N c "The Birth of a Nation" bringing forward David W. Griffiith's rare art of musical spectacle, opens an engagement of two nights, Wednesday and Thursday, October 12ih and 1.3th, at the Weldon Opera House. The first half of the great picture exhibits the salient events of the Civil war, which come to a close at Appomattox just fifty years ago. Lincoln's call for troops, Sherman's march, the Battle of Petersburg, Lee's surrender to Grant and the awful tragedy at Ford's Theatre live before the spectator of the Griffith drama. In the second half the Souih's "second uprising," this lime against the carpetbag regime, is shown in a thrilling story of reconstruction days. The romance of the "little Confederate colonel" Ben Cameron with the Northerner Elsie Stoneman, and thai of the Unionist Captain Phil Stonrman with Margaret Cam eron, the South Carolina lassie, maintains two threads of continuous love-interest throughout the story. The fun and frolic of plantation days, as well as the heartache and pathos of the stricken South are shown. The, great out-of-doors is Mr. Griffith's special field. Great battle scenes and the rides of the clan are staged with the thousands of participants. There are 5,000 scenes in the spectacle and (it is estfmated) no less than 200,000 interesting historical details. On the musical side Mr. Griffith attempted something pre viously unheard of in connection with motion pictures. This waa the synchronizing of a complete sym phonic score with the appearance of the important characters and the enactment of the principal scenes. This instrumental music is played by a large orchestra, and supplemented by part-singing behind the scenes. Somehow the old war-time tunes, thus thematically treated, make the "counterfeit presenti ments," of long ago seem irresistibly real. Among the leading players in what was probably the largest theatric cast ever assembled may be mentioned Joseph Henabery as President Lincoln, Donald Crisp and Howard Gaye as Generals Gram and Lee; Mae Marsh as Flora Cameron; Henry B. Walthall, Lillian Gish, Elmer Clifton, Miriam Cooper as the quartet of lovers; Ralph Lewis as Congressman Stoneman; Spottis woode Aiken and Josephine Crowcll as the elder Camerons and George Seigman as Lynch. We are not boasting. We are only staling a fact and what hundreds of satisfied patrons say about us. Besides excellence of goods, we also lay claim to promptness and carelulness in the tilling of all orders. 1 sell groceries as cheap for cash as any one in town, and will deliver same FREE OF CHARGE. L. E. HULL, Near Batchelor't Opera Houte.l WEI.DON, NX HE Wl OF HALIFAX, ORGANIZED 19061 Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked lis success in the past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Queotln Gregory PrMident S. M. Oary, VlM-PresldeDt. P. H. Urejory ()ibir. The Citizens Bank HAI I FAX, N. C. WE Invite the people of Ha I flax and surrounding country to pat ronize this Bank. Why not have a checking account ? It Is necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides it gives you i itandlns In vour community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. Ths smallest account receives as much attentionas the .argest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Cone la and talk It aver with us. We need you, you need us. "Did you know," asked the proud residenl of Terrell, Texas, "that ibis is a wonderful health re sort?" "Why, no," replied the traveler. "I hadn't heard about it." "Fact. When I came to this city I couldn't walk and had to be car ried from my bed." "Remarkable! Remarkable! May I ask how long you have been here?" "Oh," said the citizen, prepar ing to fo hume, 'I was born here.' FRAUD. When a Mobile doctor came to visit the Robinson family by whom he had been summoned he Found Mrs. Robinson in bed, her dusky face decorated with bandages. Mr. Robinson was sitting in stolid mis ery by ihe bedside. "Cheer up, Sam," said the M.D. She'll pull through all right." "Don yo' go tryin' to cheer me up, answered Mr. Robinson dark ly, "fo' it's onpossible, doctor. Heah Ah has her insured against accidents of all kinds only fo' days ago and paid down mah five dol lars, an befo de week is out she falls downstairs wid a bucket of coal and now look at her, all busied from end to end!" NO CHANCE. "Mrry you'" exclaimed die temperamental girl. "Why, 1 wouldn't marry you if you had a million dollars." 0"You're right you wouldn't," replied the candid man. "In that case 1 would be more discrimina ting." A MAN OP HONOR. Roomer: "I regret that I cannot pay you. my rent this week." "Landlady: "But you told me the same thing last week." Roomer: "Well, I kepi my word, didn't I?" It is fair to say that most jazz musicians look as if they were do ing it for money? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA " v . i NOT FOR HER. An old dame at a railway station asked a porter where she could get her ticket. The man pointed in the direction of the ticket office. "You can get it there," he said,! "through the pigeon hole." J "Get away with you, idiot," she exclaimed. "I low an I get ihrouh that little hole?" I ain't no pi-! geon!" CASTORIA! For Infants and Children I In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature jears -m III 'jfr .V " j - v ? ''.i. ', THE BIRTH OF A NATION COMING, D. W. Griffith's historical spectacle "The Birth of a Nation" will come to the Weldon Opera House next Wednesday and Thursday, October 12th and 13th. The "Birth of a Nation" is one of the mos1 widely discussed topics in the couniry. It established an absolutely new an in the realm of the theatre the an of pantomimic screen with music. It also created a irt -incurious sensation because of its vas ter and more forceful treatment of the same theme as Thomas Dixon's "The Clancman." The consequences of the Civil War in Southern reconstruction are fully dealt with, and the nation reborn is apotheo sized. Mr. Griffith, pioneer among directors, managed the stupendous achievement without the aid of dialogue or speech, for motion pictures, accompanying music and effects tell the coherent, logical and moving story. LOST LOVE, The rose though crushed bears fragrance still, Though you may tread it as you will, Around its petals, dead at last, The sweet perfume of all that's past Sends forth its incense i the sky And softly asks the reason why. The heart of fondest hope bereft Still sadly beats despite itself. From day to day it struggles on. While the past joys forever gone From day lo day add to distress, And for that heart there is no rest. The mind benumb'd by sorrow's load Yet travels its dark, wretched road. As it recounts each pleasure lost. Seeing it dead and crushed and tossed Beneath the feet of cold mankind; Thai mind to solace now is blind. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SBKL t 'LIGHTENS EVERY WOMANS WORK .j:. 1 P A Remarkable Product That Saves Women Time, Money and Work USE Red Seal Lye according to direc tions and you've got the greatest clean ing power on earth. Lye is the basis for all soaps. Red Seal Lye not only cleans, but disinfects and purifies at the same time. You can make your own soap by mixing Red Seal Lye with grease according to di rections. You can make a wonderful cleans ing water by dissolving a teaspoonful of Red Seal Lye in a quart Jf water. This solu tion will help yoif in washing and cleaning anything and everything about the house with safety. A little Red Seal Lye sifted into the sink cleans out the pipes and keeps them from becoming stopped up. Red Seal Lye is the finest quality lye that can possibly be made, and is all pure granu lated lye, without any foreign ingredients added. Use it for all purposes according to directions. Red Seal Lye is packed in cans that are easy and convenient to use you simply sift the lye into the water without any danger to your hands whatever. Always ask your storekeeper for, and be sure to get, the old reliable Red Seal Granu lated Lye. P. C. TOMSON & CO., Philadelphia, Penna. NOT QUITE FINISHED. The most embarrassing moment of my hie was when a tvew steno grapher ciiine to work for uiy boss. Aboui noon of the first day with us I wrote to the old stenographer and I left ilie note in the typewriter when my boss called me in Just then the new stenograper came b.ick from lunch and she read the note. When I came out of my boss's office she said, "There is a note of yours in the typewriter. Do you want to finish it?" Thp nnie rend: "Divir lVpuie. 1 am writing to let you know of our new stenographer. She is dead from the neck up and as slow as molasses. She has a face like WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Miiuri Lady Suffered Until Sh Tried Crdui.-Sji "Result Wm Surprising." Cot Alouf Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. Bprtniflild Me. "Mr back was sa weak I could hardly Hand up, and I would have bearm down paint ant waa not well at any time," aara Mre. D. V. Wllllama. wit of a welt known farmer on Houl t, tola place. "I kept setting headachaa and having to to to bed," continues Mrs. Williams describing tho troubles from which ahe obtained relief through the uea of Cardul. "Mr huaband, having heard of Cardul, propoaed getting It tor me. "I aaw after taking some Cardul . . . that t waa improving. The reeult waa aurprlsing. I felt Ilk a different peraon. "Later I auffered from weakness and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not reat well at night, I was eo nervoua and croaa. Mv huaband aald he would get me some Cardul, which ha did. It strengthened m ... My doctor aald t got along fin. I waa In good healthy condition. I cannot ear too much for It" Thoueands of women have Buffered aa Mr. Wllllama deeorlbea, until they found relluf from the use of Cardul. ,1 Since U has helped to many, you ahould not healtate to try Cardul It troubled with womanly ailments. For sal mywhar. B.H i,i.HlfiM TFiTS:v-5 jV-V Sll 'ING top WiV 2 ; TV The Very Best Lye Your Money Can Buy Always follow direc tions when you use Red Seal Lye a full printed set is furnished with each can. They tell you how to use Red Seal Lye safely and savingly in many helpful way. 1 1 I .--v t a THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity conies for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, Hli won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnltivaied him properly. Why -not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? 4 i'JUJtvIOIiV vlu SeatosuaaiMatatMariaaa HMMmxm),...- I WEl.nON NC I IV -J SkW&X J i n ii ii ii iF a ii minaii A N u Hi