Health Brings Beauty Evtry Woman Should Read This Bunkstim, Ala. "I had been down with tumble of a feminine r-huractpr for a ii)d niiinv ViiiTi. I im-dicint ir-un dilTrrent docturs, but it did not do nut j any good. Thru I heurd nf Ir. Pi. n s . Favorite Prescript iun urn I I onU'trd -ome ! of this medicine, i twk six' worth of it and I would not take -u ty j fi-r the good it did me. 1 surely fitn n raise Dr. Pierce's Vavorite lreseript nm. 1 don't intend to be without it in my home as long as I cun net. it. 1 would advise every woman that is bothered with trouole from which women sutler, to use this Prescription." Mrs. illiumsim, Route 2. Clet this Prescription of Dr. Pierce's in tablets or liquid and 9 how quickl you will have sparkling eyes, a desir kn and vim, vigor, vitality. Write Or. iVrcen Invalids' Hotel in liuffalu, N. Y., fur free Uiedical advice. THE R 0 A NO Kli NEWS Thursday., Oct. b, 1921 Published Every Thursday. JOHN W. SLtlKiF. 1 Jilur anJ I'Kiin.r. ISTKKEW AT I'ObTOFKU'K A l WKI.DnN A K-CUSU-CLAHh MAJTKK. KAU S 01- Sl lSSCRIl'i lON IN ADVANLl: One Year, (by mull) postpaid, t'J.OO, Six Months, " " 1-UO. A weekly I icinueratic journal devoted to Hie material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and mi rounding counties. Advertising rates reasonable and fur nished on application. Statement of the Ownership, Munjgement, etc., required by aci of August 24, 1912, of The Roa noke Nets, published weekly at Weldon, N. C, by J. X'. Sledge, Editor, Publisher and Owner Known bondholders none. J. W. Sledge, Owner, i Sworn and subscribed to before me this 4th day of October, 1 92 1 . ; Jamie Havxakd, N. P. LAWYEWS AND JUDUES. A new objection to feminine ju rors has been voiced by a young woman lawyer of New Jersey, who lost a case before a mixed jury. "The nine young women in the jury were essayed by the smiles and compliments of the handsome young lawver on the other side," complained the lady, "My case was won until then." Now, what shall we do? Shall we put jury duty for women to a sudden end, or shall all good-looking men be refused admission to the bar? We shall do neither, if we are wise, as an exchange sug gests. Instead, we shall banish the idea that jury service is a matter of sex or influence. We shall insist that every jury decision be in accord ance with the facts presented and not with the emotions aroused. What is still more important, we shall stop the attempt of lawyers to influence juries by theatrical and misleading methods. And we shall drive from the bar all that unsavory crew who debase a great profession by conniving at the evasion of law, and who use every trick, legitimate or illegiti mate, to protect criminals known to be guilty. THE PEOPLE AND THECOURTS In a Mississippi county not long ago a mob broke into the jail one night, took a prisoner a white man from the sheriff and hanged him to a nearby tree. The man had been convicted of the murder of a woman and was under sen tence of death, but his lawyers had appealed to the supreme court for a new trial. This lynching cannot be ex cused, of course, for it was a terri ble wrong. But it can be explain ed, at least to some extent. The people, or a part of the people, feared that the delays and techni calities of the law would be used to thwart the ends of justice. During the same week the grand jury in a South Carolina court formally asked the presiding judge to impose heavier sentences upon persons convicted of violating the prohibition laws. The grand jury said in other words, that persons convicted of this offense were not being sufficiently punished. These two instances are cited to emphasize a fact which must be clear to everybody, and that there is a growing impatience with the way justice is being administered in our courts. There are too many delays, too many loop holes, too many ways by which criminals may escape their deserts. The public conscience is becom ing aroused, and judges, lawyers, lawmakers, jurors, and all who have to do with our courts would do well to pay attention. CONGRESSS has been so busy passing the buck that it hasn't pass ed many bills. To (lain a Good Reputation "The beat way to gain a good rep utation i to endeavor to be what you appear" That is precise ly the manner in which C'hamberlain't Cough Remedy has gained ita reputa tion aa a cure for eougha, croup and whooping cough Eiary bottle that has ever been put out by the manufac turers has beei fully up to the stand ard of excellence claimed for it. Peo ple have found that it can be depended upon for the relief and cure of these ail ment and that it i pleaaant and lafe to take. ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION. Patriotic Parade Good Music Attractive Floats, the Tirst Representing the Discovery ol America Free Turkey and Oyster Dinner to All Fx-Service Men College Foot Hall Game. Attention! All ex-service men and citizens of Halifax county to i the "big doings" in Weldon on : Nuvemher 1 1th, at which you are urged and expected to be present. The William Shaw Post of (he Arrvrican Legion, with your as sistance and co operation will most fiitingly celthrate Armistice Day, and will on that day have as their guests all ex service men in Hali fax county and their friends. All indications are that the program lor the day will be a "howling" success. This Post wants it un derstood ihat the entertainment will be absolutely without cost to their guests trotn Reville to Retreat and every moment of this time will prove to he entertaining. The program for the day will be ap proximately as follows: 10:00 A M. Pattiotic Parade, in which all ex-service men are expected and urged to take part. Good music will be furnished, the kind that will make the boys "step out" and an especially attractive feature of the parade will be the floats, the first representing the Discovery of America, with the following floats representing : "America's Freedom 1776," "Victory" "Education" "Health" "Schools" "American Legion," "Boy Scouts," "Campfire Girls," "Red Cross," "Industries" "Ad vertising" and many others. 1 1 :00 A M. Exercises in Op era House, with Community sing ing. Special music and an ad-r dress. Noon. Free turkey and oyste dinner for all ex-service men. Don't forget Buddies this ain't slum. 2:30 P. M. College Football Game A. and E. and Carolina Freshmen. Efforts are being made to secure these teams, but in the absence of definite advice, promise is made of one of the most inter esting games ever played in this section ol the State. Track Meet, competitive, between the three American Legion Posts in the county. N;00 P M Shaw Post Min strels, featuring "Deep C" Green, the famous local comedian, at Opera House. This will be a "Scream." The Shaw Post uf the American Legion requests that all schools throughout the county, and busi ness houses observe a holiday on i the 1 1 th ol November, in order to give all an opportunity to partici ipate in the exercises. Everybody come to Weldon on that day. Why not make your plans now? Your co-operation is earnestly solicited in ihat this may be the most suc cessful celebration ever staged in our good cuunty. Armistice Day this year should have a special significance in that this is also the opening day of the Disarmament Conference in Wash ington, and that President Harding has proclaimed this day a National holiday. The President has also requested all works throughout the nation to cease for two minutes at noon on that day for prayer for the success of the Conference. Don't miss the fun be in Wel don on Armistice Day. OLD WELDON, Things That Happened 33 Years Ago In Town and Vicinity. October 4, 1888, Mrs. Junius Long and Misses Kate and Emily Long returned home Monday. Mrs. T. L. Emry returned home from the Virginia springs last Fri day. MM Major Anderson is again with us, having spent the summer in Virginia. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Flore ice Rhodes, the be loved wife of Rev. J. M. Rhodes, which occurred on Thursday last at her home in Henderson, after a long illness of consumption. Her body was taken to Halifax the next day and interred in the M. E. church yard, Rev. Mr. Arnold, of Henderson, reading the services. Robert Tucker, white, stabbed and killed Weldon Davis, colored, last Thursday night at Warren Plaiffs. Tucker made his escape On Friday last a murder was committed on the farm of Capt. A. Garibaldi, near Crowells X Roads, the parties being colored. Stone wall Jackson killed Warren Til lery by stabbing him. THE UNIVERSAL CAR NKW PRICES (F. O. B. DETROIT) Chasis,, .$295 Runabout $ 325 Touring Car $355 Truck Chassis $445 Coupe $595 Sedan- $660 These are the lowest prices of Ford cars in the history of the Ford Motor Company. Orders are coming in fast, so place yours promptly to insure early delivery. A A Weldon Opera House WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY OCTOBER 12th and 13th Twice Daily3:30 and 8:15 P. M. fZT&T All Seats Reserved-Except Balcony "CJ" POPULAR PR I i ' r-2rsll: (WAR TAX NOT INCLUDED) D. W. GRIFFITH'S American Institution Telephone 328 WELDON, N. ( NOTES FROM AN OLD DIARY. 1 CHARLES D. HOUSE. By J. B. T. June 8th, 1860. 'Tis said that "that in a multi tude of councellors there is wis dom," this sometimes is true, but on this special occasion a decision was arrived at, adversely to my fondest wishes, which throw a damper over pleasant anticipations, of large enjoyment, at a social function in cur neighborhood, to be held on the day after to-morrow evening; you see, the situation is just this: I have a girl, (and this is where the trouble lies). Now, the committee of arrange ments, for some reason, advanced the date for the entertainment, and this will cause the absence of my girl, as she must remain away till close of school, which is still a week hence, thus, she will miss enjoyable occasion by only a few days, this causes me to feel no further interest in the affair; yet 1 myself, condemn this spirit of sel fishness, w hich should be elimina ted from every life, as it is truly a bane to ones happiness. It were better perhaps, that 1 give over selfishness for the good of others, and subtract from the total of life's pleasures to date, the enjoyment which seemed a week ago would come to me at this time. NX' ell, no one on earth is exempt from trouble, and I might as well conclude to bear my por tion. I was in Weldon to-day, and father sent me to the flour mill (operated by Mr. T. A. Clark) on a business errand, and on my re turn, 1 noticed an angry looking cloud stretching from horizon to horizon, with as nearly a straight edge, as one could imagine a cloud (o have, it's majestic appearance caused me to notice it, more care fully than I otherwise would have done, and to call my father's atten tion to it. Well, in a short while, the most disastrous wind and hail storm developed I have ever known. Everything in its track be ing damaged more or less, both in town and country. The farm of Col. J. B. Zollicoffer came nearer devastation than anything I have ever seen. The Colonel was at Halifax that day, and on returning, when he beheld the desolation ex claimed, "I am a ruined man." But with the determination of a man, put his slaves to work, straightening up the plantation as best he could, and planting such crops as would mature from this late planting. A Remarkable Record. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy has a remarkable record. It has been in use for colds, croup and whooping cougb for almost half a century and has con stantly grown in favor and popularity as its good qualities became better known It is the standard and main reliance for theBe diseases in thousands of homes. The factMhat it can always be depended upon and is safe and pleasant to take are greatly in its favor when it is wanted for children. Death ot a Much Beloved Citizen of Halifax County. Died at his residence in Thelma on Monday, October 3rd, in the 63rd year of his age, Mr. Charles D. House. Mr. House was stricken with paralysis several months ago and for awhile, his friends entertained the hope being a strong robust man that he would recover his usual good health. But the past few days he showed signs of failing rapidly. The whole county mourns the death of Charlie House. In every relation, through a long life in this community, he measured fully up to the standard of a man. He has left hundreds of friends and never an enemy. Mr. House possessed in the high est degree the power to discern the difference between right and wrong And he was always prompt to hold to the right. He ever steered his course through life by the compass of justice, truth and fair dealing. He leaves to his family and friends as an imperishable heritage, a life in which honesty, truth and just dealing were ever the guiding stars. He leaves a wife and five children. The funeral took place Wednes day and the interment was at the family burying ground. ' Peace to his ashes, say we. A Qood Phytic When you want a physic that is mild and gentle in effect, easy to take and certain to act, take Chamberlain's Tab lets. They are excellent. "All the world's a stage," and lots of people are saying the show is no good. How Better Than Pills? The question has been asked: In what way areiCbamberlain'i Tablets su perior to the ordinary cathartic and liver pills? Our answer is, they are easier and more pleaaant to take and heir effent so gentle that one hardly realises that is produced by a medicine. Then, they not only more the bowels hut improve the appetite and strength en the digestion. Geraldine Fakrar has started a suit for divorce, and there are those who wonder why Mr. Far rar did not beat her to it. Catarrhal Deafness Can't beCured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inllamed con. dition of tle mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire, ly closed, Deafness is the result, andunt less the inllauimation can be taken out ind this tube restored to its normal condition, hcarinirwill be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in darned condition of the mucous sur faces. All druggists. Circulars free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio It seems hard to realize that on ly three years ago the war was still in full sway and the casualty lists were coming in every day. COTTON STORAGE, We have storage capacity for every hale of cotton grown in Wake, Franklin U arren aud Vance county in spnnkler ed warehouses. Kate 3;c. per month, which includes storage, insurance, band, ling. CAKOL1NA BAC.UINU COMPANY, to l) It Henderson, N. C. LOST Between Poplar Grove Cemetery and Weldon on Sat urday afternoon, October I, 1921, by Mr. F. J. Haywood, Concord, N. C, suit case containing the fol lowing articles: I black Lynx Fur. 1 Man's Dark Grey Rain Coat. 2 Blue Japanese Crepe Kimonas I Black Marabou Scarf. I Silver Hair Brush marked E. J. B. Finder return the same to this office and receive reward. Daniel & Daniel, Weldon, N. C, Sale of Land for Taxes I will sell to the highest bidder for casti at the court house door in the town of Halifax, on Monday, Nev. 7, I Ml, the following described lands in Weldou Township, for taxes and costs for year lH-'O. Mrs. U. A. Chock, 1 town lot tjeo. W. hdnionds, 2 acres, Wit kins land Heniy If Francis, 33 acres Emily Muy M arable, 1 towu lot Jennie (lee I'oters, 1 town lot Elizabeth Price, H3 acres, Jacoo Held, 16 acres, W. H. Willpy, 1 town Henry Williams, 1 town lot. Henry Ivsy, 13 acres, Oeo. Auatiu, 1U acres, Walter Gatlin's estate, 1 town lot Jim Uatlin's interest J. E. BKANCH. Tax Collector Weldon Township. $1UG M 2.0U 4.75 6. 53 11 US sue 6.45 4 US 4.20 4 79 Sale of Land for Taxes. 1 will sell to the highest bidder for oaBh at the court house door in the town of Halifai. on Monday, November 7th 1921, the following described lands in Faucetts Township, for taxes aud costs for year 19:20: C. W. Johnston estate, 3UU acres, Dan iel laud, balance 37.65. W. J. Collier, 63 acres, home, 37.63 J. E. Daniel, 222 acres, home 04.40 P. B. Irby, 26 a. Daniel land I'D. 1X1 Mrs. Barn L. Hudson, 47 acres Mungoland, 1H.S3 Victoria Kobertaon, 31) acres, Robertson land, 10.84 Charles Hill, Dereraaux land 41.H1 J. B. DICKENS, Tax Collector FaueettaTosmahijt. Notice Publication Of Summons, North i arohua, Halifax County. In the SuperiorCourl FLORENCE McLAMB, Plaintiff Vs. HENKY Ml LA Mil, Defendant. The defendant above named, Henry McLamb, w ill take notice thatanactiou entitled as above Ib now pending in the Superior Court of Halifax county, N. C, the purpose of the said action being for absolute divorce from the bonds of mat rimony between the said plaintiff and the said defendant, the said action hav ing been instituted for that purpose aud the cause thereof being statuatory grounds set out in Section ltlf,Sub-sec-tion 1, Consolidated statutes of North Carolina. Volume 1, 1919: and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Cierk of the Superior court of Halifax county at the Court House in Halifax Town, N. C on the mth day of Octo ber, 1921 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plainlill will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 2tith day of September, 1921. S. M. UARY. Clerk Superior Court. 9 29 4t DAD Trustee's Sale of Land, Coder and by virtue of the powers contained in two certain deeds of trust one dated the 17tb day of September, 1919, and recorded in Book 3U7. page 381, the other dated the 12th day of April, 1920, and recorded in Book 319, page 1'Je, wherein Florence Hill conveyed the hereinafter described lands to the undersigned Trustee securing certain in debtedness therein set out, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by each of the said Deeds of Trust, at the request ol the holder of the indebtedness in each of said Deeds of Trust secured, .the un dersigned will, on the 22nd Day of October, 1921, at the Postotiice door in the Town ol Weldon, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., sell for cash those two certain parcels or tracts of land lying and being in the County of Halifax, state of North Carolina, and described as follows, towit: FlitnT THauT. Bounded on the north by the Public Koad leading from Weldon to Halifax and the lands of J. A. Johnston, on the east by Bald public road, on the south by the lands ot lsh aui Hill, aud on the south by the lands of lieorge A Iston and J. A. Johnston, containing by survey ten acres, more or loss. SECOND TKAIT: Bounded on the uurth by the road leading from Weldon to 11. J. Pope homestead, on the east by the lands of W. A. Pierce, on the south by the public road leading from Weldon to Halifax, aud on the west by said Public Koad, containing Ufteen acres, mure or leas, This 22nd day of Sept, 1921. UEO, C. UKEEN, Trustee. NORFOLK MIRROR FACTORY 11. OMOH t'NDKO, Owuer. Manufacturer! of American and Prcnch Plata Mlrrori. We are specially equipped to do Leaded Art Glass Work For Residence and Church Windows. Write or 'phone us for information. ' Phone Norfolk. Him 321 timer UL W UK The supreme Picture of a time." N.Y. Mail "Anything more thrilling never seen." N. Y. World. II rt mmmm li "An Amer ican epic." -New York eh "A triumph ant achieve ment." -New YorkiTimes. With an Orchestral Accomplishment of Original Score TruthfulThrilling Tremendous The Great American Story, Told in the Most Spectac ular Form of Entertainment ever Shown in the Theatre ' Nothing has ever equaled its cumulative power to make the masses get up on their toes ant root."N, Y. Sun, May 3, J921. $C. S $'4, $'4, $'4, &i &r &4, "fc-fc Save the Difference ! What Every himk Mi Know Co-operation in anything is the basis of success. We have co-operated in bringing down the cost of food. We have succeeded as a Weldon mercantile establishment as we have gained a firm foothold, and that we can only further succeed by giving honest values and quality merchandise. A TJ-Tote-Em cus tomer MUST be satisfied. Every article is strictly guaranteed fresh and wholesome, should you make a purchase with which you are not satisfied let us know, we will cheerfully refund your money. UTote-Em UTote.Em SETA ROAD TO TRUE ECONOM r 3 11 li V I V A L WELDON METHODIST CHURCH Begins Monday, October 10th, and will continue 10 to 15 days. Rev. C. K. Proctor will aothe preaching and Mr. H. Lee Smith will lead the singing. IWELDON METHODIST CHURCH. L a HAYMAJN, franr.