y ' t i. t V x t-l - i U -I : U it f t : f i Make Your Own Soap! Women all over the country are learning that the soup they nu ke at home is better, purer and more eco nomical than factory made soai, . Just save the household grease that now goes into the garbage. Buy a can of Red Devil Lye and follow the plain, easy directions for soap-making. Each canful saves you fully a dollar! Good Soap From Waste Fats! A But Use Red Devil- Red Devil Lye has such tremendous strength and power that every canful will turn waste grease into many big cakes of splendid laundry soap, .-.jy to do. Follow directions, rii;ht on the label. Saved You A Lot Of Money You are paying hU cents to a J J.r lor as much soap as you cm m .k with a can of Red Oml l.jv m,i the soap you buy is not as pine ,i j-un can make yourscl! limn the I ...ml scraps you now waste! 'lom ..miic made soap will contain all ol li. - n.it -ural glycerin and will be lice ti.Vn (he adulterants so common in Uctoty made soaps. M.d. Br Win. Schield Manufacturing Co., Lis Handy aifter-top can beeps th II dy foi Look itind am l.y. 1 St. Louie, Me. I pnwdrrttd Lyf at t fu I ccnUratrd itrrnuth, re k A a. j. A Aw w without any wnnte. V l V IT V A thu UbeUndKetacar. RED DEVIL LYE Sure is Strong f YOUR GROCER SbLLS IT. PencU No. 174 EAGLE "MIKADO"- For SaW at your Dealer Made in fiv grade. ASH FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK istaMajgaWMiwuaoa's INVITATION.! a You are invited to open an account with the BANK OF ENFIELD. I If I - 7 a E FIELD, . C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Saving lepart-8 ment Compounded Quarterly. i YOU can bank by mail m I lamiOnntjmatJMMKWaaMaCmia Bargains for you IF YOU BUY ALL YOL K GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELOON N. C. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on" Genuine laJrl Bewu-e! TJoleaa you see the name "Bayar" on package or on tablet you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians fur twenty one yean and proved aaie by million!. Take Aspirin only aa told in the Bayer package lor Co da, Headache. Neuralgia, Rheuma tism, Earache, Toothache. Lumbago, atul for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tabkets of AepiTin coat few oenta. Drug- tieta alio sell larger paekaue.. Aapirin i the trade mark of Bayer Manufaotura af Monavseticacideatar of SaUtrylioand. Notice. North Carolina, Halifax County. The undersigned liaTing been appoint ed administrators ot the estate of W. K. Harvey, deceased, this is to noti fy all persons having claims atrainHt said estate to present them on or before the 30th day of August, Wi!!, or thisno tiee will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persona indebted to said estate will please see the undrsigned at once. W. A. HARVKY. J. VT. HARVEY, W. F. HARVEY, Administrators. Littleton, N. C Aug. 30, 9 8 Bt Executor's Notice. Having duly qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax county as Executor of the last will and testament of K. B. Lewis, deceased, late of Halifax county, this is to notify all persons holding claim against the said estate to present the same to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or before the 6th date of .September, JB22, or this notioe will be pleaded in bar of their re covery thereon. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement. '1 his the 6thlay of September, 121. ZOKA E. LEWIS, Eiecutor. 1 1 Constipation is the fore- unner of 8;v f of all 3 human ills, li brings ; on more sutttring, ; more sleeplessness, more ill-temper than .my other single cause. Br.t YOU CAN GET KID of constipation. Nor do you have to take any nauseating, griping medicines to do it. Take RICH-LAX RICH LAX is a new treatment It cleans the system, removes the poison, from the body, and puts you in shape to accomplish things. And RICH LAX does this without lea v in? you weak and half -sick, as you always fed aiur taking ordinary laxatives. Guaranteed at Om Store. We are aoaure that Rich Lx Will i;lt4it u Ih tt t wm you J C'ime to our atnc ami 't .- botilt; nj Iry it en tirely at our nan. II it ilo?aii't auit vuu, if it iu't the beat laxative nisxlikine yuu ever uieii, aiinuty tell u to and w will Ltiytnylly reJtuul Um luu putxliaw price. For Sole hyM.C. PAIR. jCetterheads Snvelopes 'Sill Beads GiveUslbur Orders ior H-inting E. L. HAYWARD, WeWon. N. C. BIRDS r"I flf "S! fJl. tjSrv J$ fia & Issiaasi m TILE DESIGN -a. i 1 -Wat . - mm ' mmmmmmmt x v - a amrm yajisi ilh Art-Craft Tile Design Uid HoriionUlly ) 9 l I Directly on New Roof Board Np7 I (iEPisEll CwJ I PTlCJtT5 aj A Bungalow wi SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF? IT'S ART-CRAFT! CEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have the secret of Bkds Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity - it gives "to any building the charm of a high-priced roof at a remarkably low cost. Weather-proof and spark-proof . Absolutely reliable. Also idid right over old wooden shingles. Come in and let's get down to figures. The cost will be less than you think. BIRD & SON, inc. (Established 1795) East Walpole, Mass. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. HE I MLLWOEK Phone 235 1 WELDON, N. C. BS'iwJi ---5 2T fv V-y. ' 1 ".V JJsW-fV i . . IB. alil al i 0 , ' Always comfortable and cheery to in coldest winter weuther with pOLE'C ORIGINAL HOT BLAST HEATER 1HE stove thst consumes the vnluable fuel gases by means of Its famous Hot Blast Combustion is guaranteed to save one-third your fuel. (See cut). We unhesitatingly recommend this remarkable heater to those who want the bat and most economic 1 stove imJc. Don't accept i substitute. Lfi it) show JOM jouri miiijl. Ji muu.J u... HA MA I AIAIMA (111 aM HI i:h- utf li T.HiiHH.n ni 1 1HA1.I m liiiiiin1,11 w WELDON, N. 0. Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of Calomel Fnrrerson Dru( Co., Halifax, r If. C. Pair.iWaldon. Jy290t . Money back without question if HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DI9KASB REMBDIK8 (Hunt's Salve nd 8op),(aii in the treatment of Itt?h, Sceema, lnstworm.Tetteror other Itch- Inff akin diets eta. Try this ftrnbneat at our risk. ft -VI J I For Sale Bv M. C. Pair. Calomel in quit ksilver. It attack a the bnps ninl jMirnlyzt'A the liver. Vonr dealer sell eaeh bottle of pleasant, liarnilfBM "DimIhihiV Liv.t Tone" under an ironclad, money -biu-k guamntee that it will n'K'iIi.te the liver, stomach and Wels letter than calomel, without sickening or salivating you 15 miMio bottled Bold, tY?cWRi;r:S! Alt inakifs tiii'l nil HtyW (Mi up. Home that were u -t'd iiii'l rtlfiM J by the II. 8. (ioT't. Har nirm, B'uU' your rii T 'l nnrl wo will tloscribo and quote. Tim LINOWRITCR, u pt intitiR olfte Ntcr.HBiTTt Hibbon finv rnlfir 7ir dolivrrd, riivf tmtnc and model. Car'. on inur Hi 13 100 nheet I.H5dfliv'tl. Empire Type Foundry, tiv. Wod TV, M tat Type,tnnten uT-n'i, Buffalo, N.V, MRS. JAN1E HAYWARD, NOTARY PUBLIC, WELDON, N. C. Ofticea of Dan if I .V Daniel. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS, Expert Dyers and Cleaners. Cleaning oft'ortiera, CurtaiDN,Blan kelH, Silks, Laeen, Velvets, PJuhIi, Ladies OreMHes and (ientleinen'ti Clothing, Carpets, Ktu. All orders will receive prompt at teutiou if left at THIS OFFICE. Select Your Victrola Now WMBWTjrrw ?! mr. mm r.nin .n.l.lllc hum. IcoltJ tlilll Bin'1 Rlbboa Has KO otb. bt ' I""J Dnnlll and for HI.CUSS.Tf B S ..... .,.r.i.a B nefA Safest. A'nrayt Reliable SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVEniWHERt If you ui k one nl those who ure iIiiiiUiih nl I living insi 11 ' I k i 1 1 u Machine," don't decide on un inlcricr innt.e u Vicirolu cosis no more l ei us demonsir.ne the ninny pninis nl supmnriiy. The Victrola brings you all insirunients it brings all ihc Ic.idiuK unisis in tone and reproduction it stands today in a class hy ii .ell. A small initial payment will place your Victrola in your home. W e carry in stock all the latest records ('all at our store and h i us dem onstrate. kk Furniture Company. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. t. nt.MKI. I'- UASIE1. DANIEL & DANIEL, Attorneys-at-Law, WKLHON, N. C. ruptiin in Din courts of Halifax aDd ..rtliu.niiioii an, I in the SuDrcine and o.li ral nourts. (Jollt-etions made in all itH nf North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax oih-d avory Monday QEORQE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (lltice in (Ircen Builihuit Wrtdon. N. C. Wm. I.. KNIGHT, Aitmnry and Counsellor at Law, WKI.lNiN, N. (' (lllice iii the 1'anii'l ItuiklibK. Huiiiei. promptly and faithfully at uded to. A T LVKITTSER'S SEOB STORE. C l.l-IOTT B. CLARK, Attorney-at-l.aw, WKI.IKIN, S. C Oflica in (Ireeu Huilding. ASHLEY B. STA1NBACK Attorney-nt-Law, Notary Public, WELDON, - - N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and lioi uinif couutics. IMumpt atttention o all busineNS enlrunttd to me. Ottics over M. C. Pair's Mtore. s SPECIAL PRICES from now until FALL on all Shoes, Boots and Rubbers of every de scription. Come and let us fit you from our care, fully selected stock. REAL SHOES at Real BARGAINS Shoes, Boots and Rubbers for Men, Women and Children. Do your Shopping at KITTNER'S, and you'll save money. Exclusive Agent for Florsheim Shoes. L KlTTfER'S StfOE STORE Next Door to Weldon Drug Co. WELDON, N. C Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment win please you perfectly. OUR PR'ICHS WILL SATISFY. RICKSf T II E 1411 flf it) ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, S68y000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT . W," E. DANIEL, PRKSID1NT, I.. V DRAPER, nasuiis. OH nnoDaananaonii gO Accept Dg g No Substitutes g Q lor o g Thedford's g BLACK-DRAUGHT Purely Vegetable ii a Liver Medicine g BODBBaSSSQ&awl NOTICE. Buggies, Harness And Wagons. Wb carry a full line of the weir known, both Hackney and Chase City Wagons at Rich Square, N. C, and the Oxford and Knight Buggies each of which are noted for comfort and durability at Weldon, N. C. Also a full line of Horses and Mules at both places, during the winter and spring season. Thanks for past favors. Rich Square. Un nM AM DnnO Weldon N. C. IIULUItlAII UllUUi IN. CKIGHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND Ik BB . r. rm.rwwq.THS. 9 J'lAMOND IIKAND PILLS III KKD "'JA TIM 8 TKillD WORTH THifKU H. B. HARRELL, Jr. Attorney-at'Law, WELDON, - - N. C Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties. I'rompt attention to all business entrusted to me, OHice oer Kick's Jewelry Store. 8 -'f 7ru I'hone ti4. T. CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW. WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and h. the Supreme court of the State. Special attention triven to collections and prompt returns 0 . DR. PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST, Over Weldon Drue Company WtLUUIN, N. j W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDINOf WELDON, N.C ep!2 ly D R. Wm. A. CARTER. VETERINARY SURGEON, WELDON, N. C. Long Distance calls answered promptly An Appetizing Meal Everybody wants It. 1 Everybody likes It. Everybody' looking for It, BUT You can't let It unless you have the right kind of groceries. Uet 'em HERE I Phone 280. R. M. PURNELL, Weldon, N, C. Lamest Stock ii the SontL When in Norfolk call on us Vou will tind what you want ud get it quickly. Having no canvassers, no agent's commssious are ad. ded to our prices. This en. ahlrs us to use firstclassnia terial sud liuish it pr( eily We Pay Freight and Guarantee Safe Arrival'. THE COUPER MARBLE wOPHS (Wtiyearx in business.) WM Rank rit NORFOLK, A ill II I llMII III' OF UP-TO-THE MINUTE MILLINERY. FANCY (KJODSsnd NOVELTIES. Kutterick's Patterns R & G. Corsets, Misses at 7Dc.( Ladies 76c. to tl MJuPrices will be made to suit t a tinaes. Hats and Bonnets made suds! trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLy FILLED. MKB. P. A. LEWIS, feIdo,.K.c

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