teprpfr IjUf 3B89KS: ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, OCTOKEU II), 1021. NO. 21 850 DISASTER DEATH TOLL FOR ONE YEAR rmrv r tvT"vni'vr Children Cry for Fletcher's I i lr! 4i y 2Y J 4 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hai been la tut for over thirty years, has borne the signature of All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Sxperiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself, , What Is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising . therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleet. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Si (Bears the In Use For Over 30 Year Th Kind You Have Always Bought THl C.t.U. C.M..KT, NI.W QlfV, 88 ' w . B1U SALE S t t hi of Season Specials. Final riean mm Organdies, Voils, White Goods gg Big line of Attractive Oxfords gg tm ana rumps ana Going at Little Prices. mm : tm Wonderful Sale r. 11 Loyn and Uf Men's summer Clothing The Busy Store, itiiiliilliiiSlIf Iff If Is : . , . n . i i i . f ya i We are not boasting. We are only stating a f;ici and what hundreds of satisfied patrons say about us. Besides excell a of goods, we also lay claim to promptness and carefulness in the fiiim ol all orders. " I sell groceries as cheap for cash as any one in n.wi', and will deliver same FREE Or CHAKCjts. L. E. HULL, Nir Batcbelor's Opera House.l THE BANK OF HALIFAX, ORGANIZED 19061 Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the Mine elrkieni management which has marked its success in the past Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Qutntln Oreforyl, Pmldwt S. M. Vine - The Citizens Bank HAI IFAX. W B Invlts the people of Halifax ronizs tnis bank, why not have a checking account t It Is necessary la tbese times. It saves you money, anal you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides it gives you a standing In your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to Th smallest account receives as wlto us. W pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Casse ta anal talk It aver wit its. iVa aped nn, ran mu4 ua.) . and has been made under bis per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. Signature of mm - Up of AH Men s onoes WELDON. N C 8 WELDON. N.C Oary. Hreeideot. f. 11 firetrnry Oasblcr. N. C. and surrounding country to pat open an account with us. much attentlonjias the .argest Red Crosi Qlves $1,871,000 Re lief When 65,000 Families ' Are Made Homeless. Forty-three (Haunter, resulting In th death Id the I lilted States of 850 persons and tin Injury uf 2,900 called for es)ergeni7 relief meusures Hnd the expenditure of 11,871,000 by the Aiiierlcun Hod (Tom during th fiscal yeur ending June HO, 1K!1, uy an announcement based upon the forth coming minimi rqwrt of the Ited Cross. These illastir caused property dum ikb estimated at $:to,ooo,000, affected slty-Kovon communities and rendered ft",000 famlllen homeless. The yeur' disasters were of vary ing typed, Including several which pre viously had sever been thought of as tailing within that classifies tlon. The Ited Cross furnished relief In seventeen Urea of magnitude, five floods, seven tornadoes or cy clones, on devastating storm, three explosions, Including tb one In Wall street; one building accident, tw typhoid epidemics, th most serious be ing that at Salem, Ohio, which af fected 9 per cent of th population; one smallpox epidemic, In the republic of Haiti; one train wreck, th rac riot at Tulsa, Okla. ; th famine In China, emergency relief In famine amoog th Indians of Alaska, th grasshopper plagu In North Dakota and an earth quake In Italy. Publ Most 6rlou By far the most svre of th dis asters In the United 8tats during th period covered by th Bed Cross re port was th Pueblo flood early in June, 1921. Tt rehabilitation prob lem confronting th Bed Cross In Pueblo "was on of th most difficult In recent years. Whan th first nwj of th horror was flashed throughout th country, tb American Red Cross National Headquarters responded with S grant of Slfln.OOO for relief work. Governor Bhoup of Colorado, appre ciating th long and successful eiparl- ence of th Red Cross In organising disaster relief work, placed th en tire responsibility for th administra tion of relief la Its hands. In response to appeals from Prat- dent Harding, Governor Shoup and other governors of western ststes and through local chapters , of the Red Cross and other community organiza tions, public-spirited ettlsens brought the total contributed for Pueblo's re habilitation t more tban 3,0OO. The terrible havoc wrought by the flood waters Is a matter of record. More than 2,31)0 homes wert affected and 7,331 persons were left homeless. Estimates of ifflOO.OOO as aa absolute minimum for rehabilitation war made by Red Cross officials In charge of tb relief work. , Fast Work In Wall Street The Wall street explosion was nota ble In that relief workers of the Ited Cross were on the scene twenty min utes after the disaster occurred. The race riot at Tulsa also was unique In disaster relief annals In that outside of a small emergency relief fund con tributed by the Red Cross, the only relief measures outside the city con sisted of the service of social work ers, nurses and a trained executive whose object was t assist local force In directing their own efforts. In decided contrast with the pre vious year, only one tornado assumed the proportions of a major disaster. This occurred on April 15, In the bor der sections of Texan and Arkunaas with th city of 'IVxarkuna ns th center. The significant feature of this disaster relief work was Hie fact that It covered so much rural territory as t make necessary a large number of relief workers. The famine in China, necessitating relief expenditures totalling more than 11,0000110 by the Amerlcmi Ited Cross was by far the most serious of the foreign disinters In which the Red Cross gav .ild. Builds Up Its Machinery In connection with the administra tion of disaster relief measures, an In creasing effectiveness on the part of the Red Cross to deal with emergen cies waa manifested during the past year. In 828 Chapters of th Ameri can Red Cross there have been formed special committees to survey the re. sources of their respective communi ties and to be prepared In case of disaster. In others of the 8,402 actlv Chapters, a network of communication has been formed through which Instan taneous relief may be dispatched to any part of th United States. That Its work In thla Held may b continued with ever greater effective ness, th American Red Cross la ap pealing for widespread renewal of membership during Its Annual Roll Call, to be conducted this year from November 11 to 24. LIFE SAVING CORPS ENROLLMENT 10,000 Orowtb of tied Cross Lire Having Carp throughout th country con tinned unabated, during th last fiscal year, a summary of the year's acbievementa by that Red Cross Serv lc shows. Tbr are now 180 Corps with a total membership of more than 10,000 members, of which 1,2T ere sufficiently skilled In the work to act as examiners. Among the outstanding achievements of the Ited Cross tu this field during the last year wti the or ganisation at the United Slates Naval Acadtn y, Annapolis, of what Is per haps the largeat life saving corps la th world. How Better Than Pills? Tlie question has been asked: ta what wajr areiChamberlain's Tablets su perior to the ordinary cathartic and lirer pills? Our answer iaj thejr are easier and more pleaaant to take and their effect so gentle that one hardly realisea that is produced by a medicine. Then, they not only more the bowels but improve the appetite and strength- tbda"tiUL I I- M' i f 'TO si ,i f ' . . !l't "The Birth of a Nation" bringing forward David W. Griffith's rare art of musical spectacle, opens an engagement of two nights, Wednesday and Thursday, October 12th and 13th, at the Weldon Opera House. The first half of the great picture exhibits the salient events of the "Civil war.which come to a close at Appomattox jusi fifty years ago Lincoln's call for troops, Sherman's march, the Battle of Petersburg, Lee's surrender to Grant and the awful tragedy at Ford's Theatre live before the spectator of the Griffith drama. In the second half the Souih's "second uprising," this time against the carpetbag regime, is shown in a thrilling story of reconstruction days. The romance of ihe ''little Confederate colonel" Ben Cameron with the Northerner Elsie Stoneman, and thai of the Unionist Captain Phil Stonrman with Margaret Cam eron, the South Carolina lassie, maintains two threads of continuous love-interest throughout the story. The fun and frolic of plantation days, as well as the heartache and paihos of the stricken South are shown. The. great out-of-doors is Mr. Griffith's special field. Great battle scenes and the rides of the clan are staged with the thousands of participants. There are 5,000 scenes in the spectacle and (it is estfmated) no less than 200,000 interesting historical details. On the musical side Mr. Griffith attempted something pre viously unheard of in conneciion with motion pictures. This waa the synchronizing of a complete sym phonic score with the appearance of the important characters and the enactment of the principal scenes. This instrumental music is played by a large orchestra, and supplemented by part-singing behind the scenes. Somehow the old war-time tunes, thus themaiically treated, make the "counterfeit presenti ments," of long ago seem irresistibly real. Among the leading players in what was probably the largest theatric cast ever assembled may be mentioned Joseph Henabery as President Lincoln, Donald Crisp and Howard Gaye as Generals Grant and Lee; Mae Marsh as Flora Cameron; Henry B. Walthall, Lillian Gish, Elmer Clifton, Miriam Cooper as the quartet of lovers; Ralph Lewis as Congressman Stoneman; Spottis woode Aiken and Josephine Crowell as the elder Camerons and George Seigman as Lynch. ft 3 fi-i a i a mm .'jaa V fThe Red in ' fj-'W It t ' 1, I i -Ten Million Dollars a'Year . k4!iiT 4:to help the ex-service man V 3 : Jatid his family ; wlnnualRoH Coll 'JVoiur-idJou v To bring bafort th country In visual form the vast problem It It helping to solve., the Amsrlean Rod Cross has prepared for Its Annual Roll Call, Nov. 11 to 24, a poster showing how rather than diminishing the total of World War veterans entitled to Federal aid continues to grow. Red Cross Service to these men Is costing $10,000,000 a year. President Harding Now Heads Red Cross , mmmw . (0 HMogmwooo & luptf'ntv- Sucoeedlng former Prsldsnt Wilson, President Harding was recsntly elected president of the American Red Cross. He Is her sn accepting th office. From left to right: MaJ. Gen. Merrltte W. Ireland, Surgeon General, U. 8. A.; Dr. Livingston Farrsnd, chairman Central Committee of th Rtd Croea; th President; Asst. Secretary f th Treasury Eliot Wadswortli) Rear Admiral Idward R. Stltt, Surgeon General, U. S. N. Mi There are still a few good old fashioned women who dislike to see their names in ihe papers. OhildreiivCry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA warra -i' "'.. " i , jj i j ,i I ' I I s T ; , T 1 A IIS 1- "liS i.A;V, . 1A "31 i rr msr Crass is spending rii. rr'v : I'rT or ' i k mJ t-.-.,4..i.- jmtm mi I Air And ii will soon be lime to begin to wonder if Mr. Bryan will run for president again. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS.HOLR.IA ' JAa. i1 ' Red Cross Gives $310,000 to Aid 'Clean-Up' Drive An nppiHtn-lntlnii of ,i 10,001) fur Hfil ("rims win-It in ciinnei'tlun with tho "fleiiii-up" nuii.iilii liistlliilftl by t!i( iuniiiii'nt In Ix'Iiik the I'litiins ,f hII (Umitilt'il service men win, ure eiitiilt'd to Keilernl it id before tlie prnper kuv eriiinent bureiui for nctlon, tins been mmie by the American Hed 1'rnss. The Kxecuttve ('(ininlttee uf the Ainei-lriin Red Crons In muktiiK the iiiiruritil inn Hiitlmi'l.ed the upproprl utiuii uf $:Ci,ttilO uf ttiti sum to the Anierituu I.tvimi to deCmy Die ex pense of the Lej;inn representittlves iiKsUned t the vurlous districts uf the Velcrun Itnreiiu. The reimilniier of the appropriation whh nullioH.ed for Hpporthiiiinent ftninn I lie several Divisions of the Ited Cross for curryiiiK on that part of the "cleHM-iip'' v-rk that falls di rectly upon the Ked Cross ortfitnlzutiou. Young America j Sends Vast Relief To Needy Abroad Various relief projects of the JunPtr American Hed Cross fn Kiirnpeaa un tries resulted In helping 'J:;7,imhi destitute children during the last fis cal yeur, arcorrilng tu the annual re port of the American Ked Cross for that period. The growth of the actlvU ties of the Juniors abroad is mani fested by a compHrlson which shows this figure Is L'OO.OOO larger than that of the preous fiscal year. The National Children's Fund raised by school children, members of the Junior American Hed Cross, wal drawn upon for $420,557 for these proj ects. Receipts for the National Chil dren'! Fund during the last fiscal yti tettlltd I159.81T. KJ yd Lj Indigestion g Many persons, otherwise Tlrorous and healthy, are bothered occasionally with Indigestion. The effects of a disordered stomach on the system are dangerous, and prompt treatment of Indiges tion la Important. "The only medicine 1 have ne1ed has been euiuttiiiiuH Iw aid 11 un and clean th liver," writes Mr. Fred Ashbjr, a Mc Kinney. Texas, Jarmer. "My medicine Is Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT n for Indigestion and stomach trouble of any kind. I hare D a n a n never found anything that n D ta a a a a touches th spot, like Black- Draught. I take It In broken done after meals. For a Ions time I tried pills, which grip ed and didn't girt the good results. Black-Draught Urer a n D B n D a medlcln 1 easy to take, easy to keep, Inexpensive,"' Get a package from your druggist today Ask for and insist upon Tuaatora me a n only genuine. Get it today. a ED- ' tSI ESJf'a- - if ' I .- 4 h tiJ?- ft THE BIRTH OF A NATION COMING. D. W. Griffith's historical spectacle "The Binh of a Nation" will come to the Weldon Opera House next Wednesday and Thursday, October 12th and I3ih. The "Birth of a Nation" is one of the most widely discussed topics in ihe country. It established an absolutely new an in ihe reslm of the theatre the art of pantomimic screen wilh music. It also created a tremendous sensation because of lis vas ter and more forceful treatment of the same theme as Thomas Dixon's "The Clancman." The consequences of ihe Civil War in Southern reconstruction are fully deali with, and ihe nation reborn is apotheo sized. Mr. Griffith, pioneer among directors, managed the stupendous achievement without ihe aid of dialogue or speech, for motion pictures, accompanying music and effects tell the coherent, logical and moving story. A Wonderful made with ONE large can of Red Seal Lye mixed with S't pounds of grease and water (according to directions) makes ten pounds of wonderful cleaning soap. You can either make hard or soft soap which ever you need, and you'll say it's the great est cleanser you ever saw. For Red Seal Lye is absolutely pure lye of the highest quality. It is free from any adulterations. Red Seal Lye is granulated and packed in cans that are easy and con venient to use. There is nothing like Red Seal Lye for washing greasy pots and pans or cleaning out greasy sinks. You simply sift Red Seal Lye into the pan or sink with a little water to dissolve it. It eats up the grease, combining with it to make soap, and water washes grease, soap and lye away in a jiffy. You'll find many helpful ways to use Red Seal Lye as a water softener a disinfectant a purifier and cleanser. Always ask your storekeeper for, and be sure to get, the old reliable Red Seal Granulated Lye. P. C. T0MS0N & CO., Philadelphia, Penna. THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank bonk. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow io liHve around. When an opportunity conies for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU have enhivated him properly. Why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? VCH5 tt 'km "BIRTH OF A NATION" at Cleaning Soap E 4highttest$ 'xf'RANULATfOj' Alwiyi (ol. low dirtctioni when you uh Red Seal Lyt full print d U fur. niihed with ich( can. They tell you how to uie Ked Seal Lyt fely and aavingly in many helpful waya. Weldon Opera House, Oct. 12-13.