How's Your Appetite ? When Stomach Distresses You, Take This Advice Newport, Ky. "About three years ftfzo I had lnt'tin' ruiH.nwn in health. 1 had jxxr upiH titc uuil suffered with m digestion and fi vt-n- headaches. Th main trouble appi'iiml to be my stomach. 1 wm adviwd to m t I r. Pierce's (.lulden Medical liMouvtTV, and 1 did wo. and be fore 1 had taken a half dnzen hot t leu I w;w well as ever and have had up stom ach trouble siiuie." Mrs. Lida Mayers, 628 Klin St. You can quickly put yourself in A-l condition by obtain ii : Or. Pierce's ( nld en Medical Discover in tahletsor Liquid, or write Dr. I'ierce. president Invalids Hotel in Buffalo, -N. V., (or free coi fiden tial nedical ad v ice. THE ROANOKli NEWS Thursday.. Oct. 13, 1 92 1 Published livery Thum'at . MEETING AT BAPTIST CHURCH Closed Sunday Night With Fine Results JOHN W. SI f.lHir. I Jit.r jtii I'rmrkii.r. NTKKIU AT eKTnK i K AT ft K I. DON Al HLlONU t I.ANN MA1IKK. PAll-S 01- Sl'BSLKirilON IN AUVANCK: One Year, (hy mail) postpaid, t'.'.CIi. ix Months. " " I (HI. A weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and urroundingcounties. Advertising rates reasonable and Qshed on application. fur- SOME BUSINESS FACTS. A close student of business con ditions, writing in a trade maga zine of price movemenis and chan ging volume of business, remarks that "the line of demand, which varies as people are economical or extravagant, is rarely more than ten per cent, above or below nor mal." Another business expert remark ed recently that the actual differ ence in the volume of goods han dled, or business done, between boom times and dull times, was only about 18 percent. Such figures sound incredible at first, but they are probably near the truth. The difference between good times and bad limes is greatly ex aggerated. Certain industries may be affecred liighily. Some classes of merchants may have their trade cut in two, but merchants in gen eral suffer far less than that. Even in the present admittedly serious pit of depression, figures shows that the volume of goods passing over the counters of retail stores throughout the country is almost as great as usual, and in some cities it is greater. The big drop is not in volume of goods but in volume of prices. The employment situation, too, is distorted by imagination. From wide-spread reports of unemploy ment, one might suppose that no body has a job. The fact is that there is concen trated idleness in certain commu nities which specialize in certain industries that happen to be hard hit, but the big majority of work ing people are working about as usual. And, too, there is the great farm population and the professional people and nearly all the business people who are working right along pretty much as usual. By the same token, most people whether busy or idle, imagine they re worse off in dull times than they are. It is not the bulk of business, but the margin of business, that makes what we call prosperity or depres sion. The tail may some times seem 10 wag the dog, but still the tail is not the dog. THE RUSSIAN COLLAPSE. Twenty million persons in Rus sia are on the verge of starvation and yet there has been no crop fail ure in that country. The trouble is that under the soviet rule the trans portation system and the currency system have broken down The railroads have been allowed to go to ruin and the money issued by the government is worthless. All trade is now done on a bar ter basis. A man exchanges some- thing that he has for something that he wants. There is no credit Farmers have more foodstuffs than they need, but there is no market for the surplus. People in the cities and towns are out of food, but they have nothing to give the farmers in exchange for it. Tliev are out of work, and even if they could get work and receive money for their work, the money would be worthless and the farm ers would not take it. The disaster has been brought on by the crazy dream of soviet control of the government and all government activities. Soviet rule means that all men are equal and iiave an equal voice in the govern ment. Ignorance and incompe tency are put on the same level as experience and ability. The old government in Russia was corrupt and despotic, and peo- The revival services .11 the Bap lisi Church closed Sunday night. The attendance for the entire week was fine. At the closing service the seating capacity of the church was taxed to overflowing. Possi bly mofe people attended the ser vices than any ever held in Weldon. Mr. Furman Betis, of Raleigh, led the song service and did it splendidly, till Saturday, when he had 111 leave for a meeting at the State University. Kcv Marshall Craig of the First Baptist Church, Petersburg, Va., ai Jed the pastor for a week and greatly endeared himself to the people of Weldon. For lour years 1 he was pastor at Kinston, where 1 he was greatly loved by all the peo ple. They did not willingly give j hi in up to Petersburg, and while here, eight of his friends from J there came up to spend a few hours with him and to hear him preach again. His presentation of the gospel j was earnest, tender, appealing, , with the charm of eloquence and the spirit of his Master. He only came for a week, but it aroused a pity that he could not remain longer as the meeting had just reached thai stage where we might look for large visible results. The co operation of the Christian forces of the town was beautifur and highly appreciated. It is to be hoped that the meeting continuing in the M. E. Church this week will round up the work so splendidly begun and that the whole series of meet ings will prove a great moral and spiritual uplighi to the town and community. A Bolshevist does not believe in wearing any man's collar. All things come to those who wail, even a new tariff law. Ikeland, apparently, had rather have own way than be right. When a man gets real blue he is not so intolerant of the Reds. The Soviets had a remedy for everything except food shortage. The boll weevil, like the rain, visits the just as well as ihe unjust. It was a mistake to locate all those oil wells in Mexico, anyway. Another grievance against capital is that it is hard to gel hold of. THE UNIVERSAL CAR NKWPKICKS (F. 0. B. DETROIT) Chasis,....-!.- --$295 Runabout.. $325 Touring Car j355 Truck Chassis .$445 Coupe $595 Sedan $660 These are the lowest prices of Ford cars in the history of the Ford Motor Company. Orders are coming In fast, so place yours promptly to insure early delivery. I Telephone 328 WELDON, N. n Weldon Opera House - WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY OCTOBER 12th and 13th Twice" Daily3:30 and 8:15 P. M. All Seats Reserved-Except Balcony 1X3 TiAnTTT A Ti TVTVT i iIjO Nights 75c. and $1. ruruLAii rnijo-Matini (WAR TAX NOT INCLUDED) inees, 28 & 50c, D. W. GRIFFITH'S American Institution The suprt me Picture of lime." N.Y Mail. PRE-NUPTIAL AFFAIR. Mesdames D. B. Zollicolfer and J. B. Zollicolfer Entertain in Honor of Miss Travis. Chicago tenants seem to think they can lower rents by raising cane. When prohibitionists fall out, the moonshiners sell their moun tain dew. The times are out of joint. There are only two Smiths in Con gress now. It is not clear just what we got out of the war, but we are paying dearly for it. Lloyd George may not always jump with the cat, but he always lands on his feet. MAYBE they are called infant in dustries because they are always squalling for protection. We are still of the opinion that there are just as able men out of Congress as there in it. A Democratic exchaage says the Republicans are making the coun try safe for Democracy Don't be too hard on the fel lows who play golf. They might play poker, which is worse. Don't be driven to drink. Hootch is said to be selling at from eight to twelve dollars a quart now. The severest critics of the gov ernment are those who sit all day in ihe shade and whittle on a goods box IT is a wonder that the Japanese question hasn't been settled long ago. They haven't any vote in this country. A Brooklyn minister complains that present day women's styles are shocking. Yep; and men have become mere shock absorbers. A Oood Physic When you want a pujrsio that it mild and gentle in effect, easy to take and certain to act, take Chamberlain' Tab let. They are excellent. aaMBBaattaVaBaaVaaMMMMBVaMbui Sale of Land for Taxes 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Halifax, on Monday, Not. 7, IH'21, the following deacribed lands in Halifax Township, for taxes and costs for year 1SH): 0. J. Adkint, 95 acree, Whitehead land 14,36 J L. Hartley, guardian, 33 acre Cock reb land 10.49 The old government L. au.r.2Uore., Colored Peter Back Est, 1 town lot Zehe rlood, 14 acre, Slash land Henry Flood, 14 acre, Slash land Husan Haile, 60 a. Tlllery land Joe nines, 00 Hilary land nle suffered deserved to die, and this new gov ernment doesn t deserve to live. Hundreds of thousands of per sons are going to starve to deaih under before relief can reach them. There will be a change of some Kex Johnmn, 2uu a. tissue kind after awhi e, and men conoi- aIT'' , Sr- "' "m i. ; . :... hut Jwlwerd Pierce. 60 a. William lions will begin to improve, but D8 ReyooUs- 7o a. slMne, what a fearful price will nave been ' d. j. miu.ikin paid for Change in government. J Tax Collector Halifax Towhup. 127.W H 50 8.50 23.40 17 50 42 33 268 U3 0O am On Tuesday evening, October 4, from nine to eleven, Mrs. D.B. Zollicoffer and Mrs. J, B. Zolli colfer opened the attractive home of the former, for the entertainment of the many friends of Miss Mary Ellen Travis and Mr. Troy Myatt, Little Elizabeth Travis and Mel ville Zollicoffer received cards. Miss Susan Fitzhugh showed the guests upstairs to the cloak room. Mrs. W. A. Pierce greeted the guests and presented ihem to Mrs. T. C. Harrison, who in turn intro duced them to the receiving lin', which was arranged in a crescent like shape in the north parlor. Those receiving were: Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Zollicoffer, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Zollicoffer and little daughter. Miss Mary Jane Zolli coffer, Mrs. Braxton Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Zollicoffer, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Travis, Miss Mary Ellen Travis, Mr. Troy Myait, of Smithfield; Miss Elizabeth Clark, of Washington, D. C; Mr. Robert Mellons, Smithfield; Miss Aver Myatt, Smithfield; Mrs. Outlaw j Hunt, Oxford; Mr. Seth Myait, Smithfield; Miss Mary Pierce, Mr. Allison Travis, Miss Margaret I Pierce, Mr. James Ballou, Oxford; Miss Charlotte Johnson, Raleigh; i Mr. Ransom Sanders, Smithfield; Miss Lillian Joyner, Greenville; Mr. Gus Travis, Charlotte; Miss Sarah Holland Hester, New Bern Mr. Stanford Travis, Jr., Miss Irene Myall, Smithfield; Mr. St. Julian Spring, Smithfield; Mr. Al len Zollicoffer, Rosemary; Mr, Louis Travis, Halifax. Mrs. L. C. Draper directed the guests to the dining room door where Mrs. Edwin Zollicoffer and Mrs. C. Foster received. Here Mrs. Harry Smith and Mrs. L. W. Murphrey served delicious refresh ments. The guests were invited to the punch room under Mrs. W. L. Scott's direction, Mrs. J. W. Pierce, and Mrs. W. A. Simpson, of Portsmouth, Va., assisted by Mrs. S. B. Pierce, Mrs. W, B, Fitzhugh and Miss Kate Garrett, served refreshing punch. Miss Florence Allen operated the Edison, thus furnishing lovely music throughout the entire even ing. The house was very artistically decorated in the flowers of the season. After the departure of the guests the receiving li'ie was invited to the dining room. The decorations here were green and white. Sus pended from the chandelier was a canopy of while maline eniertwined with asparagus fern. Dangling from this was a profusion of show- er bouquets of "sweet alysium" tied with white ribbons. The soft glow of innumerable white tapers enhanced the beauty of the huge wedding cake which was used as a centerpiece. From the cake each member drew souvenir, lied with a little verse which, when read, formed an at tractive romance relating to the at tractive bride and hers-to-be Catarrhal Deafness Can't be Cured I by local applications, as they cannot reuch the diseased portion of the car. There iB only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inllamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in llamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire, ly clused, Deafness is the result, andunt less the intlammatiou can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearingwill be destroyed for ever; nine cases out often are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in llamed condition of the mucous sur faces. All druggists. Circulars free. K, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Golf, may be a great game, but nobody ever heard of George Washington or Abraham Lincoln playing it. A Remarkable Record. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has a remarkable record. It has been in use for colds, croup and whooping cough tor almost half a century and has con stantly grown in favor and popularity as its good qualities became better known It is the standard and main reliauce for these diseases in thousands of homes. The facts that it can always be depended upon and is safe and pleasant to take are greatly in its favor when it is wanted for children. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Us For Ovr 30 Years AlwayabMr Uf , m Make Your Own Soap! f ! - TV,l!,,t v1 ' ! Keep the kitchen f grease you now wate j But isn't Mexico to be invited to the disarmament conference? And if not, why not? To Qaln a Oood Reputation "The best way to gain a good rep utation is to endeavor to be what you appear." That is precise ly the manner in which Chamberlain's Cough Remedy lias gained its reputa tion as a cure for coughs, croup and whooping cough. Every bottle that has ever been put out by the manufac turers has been fully up to the stand ard of excellence claimed for it. Peo ple have found that it can be depended upon for the relief and cure of these ail ments and that it is pleasant and safe to take. CALOMEL MAY TURN ON YOU NEXT TIME Next Dose Vou Take May Salivate and Start World of Trouble. Calomel is mercury: quicksilver, It crashes into sour bile like dyna mile, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into the sys tern. If you feel bilious, headachy, constipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vejitable substitute for darjtrotis calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up better and quick er than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you jusi go back and get your money. Don't take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straightens you right up and feel great. No salts necessary. Give it to the children because it is per fectly harmless and can not sali vate. NORFOLK MIRROR FACTORY H. OMOHUNDRO, Owner. Manufacturers of American and French Plate Mirror. We are specially equipped to do Leaded Art Glass Work For jieeidepce apd Church Windows. Write or 'papae us for information. 'Phone Norfolk 22466 321 Brewer St. 89 ISt and make soap of it with Red Devil Lye I Better and purer soap than you can buy and o inexpensive. Dollar Worth From a Cartful For the mere price of i caniul of Lye you get I pure soap worth from 80 cents to a dollar! Home-made op cwitmtrii all of tbc natural glycerin and U tree frxios the adulterant o common In lictory made toapa. Follow Plain Direction On Each Can Youf vocti ttt Red Devil Lye. Betl value your money ran bur. Handy ailtrMop kefpi contend lull strength and ready for ute fvitLout ute. Clear directions tor ip-makinc fully given on rtry can. Get II today !ed DevilLye Sure is Strontif MaauUcturU by WM. SCH1ELD MFG. CO. ST. 1.0115, M0 P.I.A. NOTICE. North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. JERKY CHEEK et als, Plaintiffs Vs WALTEUCLANTON, etals, Defendant The defendant George Clanton, will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax coun ty, N. C, for the purpose of dividing the lands of the late Sam Clanton after laying off the dower of Ida Clanton, widow of Sam Clanton, and the said tieorge Clanton, defendant, will .take notice that he is required to appear at Halifax Court House, Halifax, N. C, before the clerk of said court on th 15th November, A. P., 1921, and answer or demnr to the petition or complaint in said special proceeding, or the plaintiffs will app lyto the court for the relief de manded in said petition. S.M. GARY, Clerk Superior Court. Administrator's Notice, The undersigned having qualified in the otlice of the Superior Court of Hali fax county on the 3rd day of Oct. 1921. as administratorof estate of N. A. Mar tin, deceased, hereby notifies all per sons holding claims against said estate to present them to me at my store in Halifax county, or to my attorney. W. E. Daniel, Weldon, N. C, duly verified on or before twelve month from the date of this notice, or the same will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. This the 8th day of October, 11121. M. E. MARTIN. Admr. of N. A. Martin, deceased. lu 13 01 COTTON STORAGE, We have storage capacity for every lit.,, wf Cuilwu iftwAb iu 7Vhe, FiKukim Warren and Vance county in sprinkler ed warehouse. Rate 86e. per month, wbicb include storage, msuraoce. hand ling. CAROLINA BAGGING COMPANY, IV (1 4t Henderson, t. C. LOST Between Poplar Grove Cemetery and Weldon on Sat urday afternoon, October 1, 1921, by Mr. F. J. Haywood, Concord, IN. L., suit case containing the tol lowing articles: 1 black Lynx Fur. I Man's Dark Grey Rain Coat, 2 Blue Japanese Crepe Kimonas 1 Black Marabou bean. I Silver Hair Brush marked E, J. B. Finder return the same to this office and receive reward. Daniel & Daniel, Weldon. N..C I OST. STOLEN OR STRAYED--L Light red speckled hound weigh ing between forty and sixty pounds Keward tor return. L. F. Rook, 10l33t Rosemary, N. C. "Anything more thrilling never seen." N. Y. World. ii ( 7 ii i r I i i l i 1 "A i A nor icai' t pic." Niw York Telegr in. "A triumph ant (achieve ment." -New York Times. With an Orchestral Accomplishment of Or iginal Score Truthful-Thrilling Tremendous The Great American Story, Told in the Most Spectac ular Form of Entertainment ever Shown in the Theatre ' Nothing has ever equaled its cumulative power to make the masses get up on their toes and root."--N, Y. Sun, May 3. 1921. W W W W WW W W W W W W W W Save the Difference ! What Every hmk Should Know Co-operation in anything is the basis of success. We have co-operated in bringing . down the cost of food. We have succeeded as a Weldon mercantile establishment as we have gained a firm foothold, and that we can only further succeed bv giving honest values and quality merchandise. A U-Tote-Em cus tomer MUST be satisfied. Every article is strictly guaranteed fresh and wholesome, should you make a purcnase with which you are not satisfied let us know, we will cheerfully refund your money. U-Tote-Em Jl U-Tote-Em ISTA ROAD TO TRUE ECONOMV REVIVAL WELDON METHODIST CHURCH Began Monday, October 10th, and will continue 10 to 15 days. Rev. C K. Proctor will go the preaching and Mr. H. Lee Smith wili lead the singing. WELDON METHODIST CHURCH. L. a HAYMAN. Pastor.