Li if ii il J i ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI. WELDON, N. C, TIIUIiSDAY, OCTOBEK 20, 1921. NO. 2-J r, i. -fret Contents 15 Fluid Praohir j ' fij! fpPSl For Infanta and Children. (.....,0 Mk--'-eB:4" , : '1 ISTDR LCOHOL-3 PER OBNT. AVeMabterYcparatioii&rAs . .... .l -r ' a k..Dutla. aiini uimo neroou in int" tin4ihcSioMdi5aftilBisrf merebyPromoiin4Di4csta Uiecnumess aim ni.---nclthcr Oplttm.MorphuW Mineral, w ot"-"""" - At JM J AiiTindilBcmedl'fcr ConstipaUonandDwrrt' and (eWBr 1.DSSOF M.EEI resiittin frinlrfanjy Simile Sinatoreo' NEW Tt"V. Exact Copy of Wrapper. y Tr Trf ."i st w pv ! 3 5 ' r J BIG SALE OF End of Season Specials. Final riean-Up of All Organdies, Voils, White Goods mm mm mm m mm mm mm Big line of Attractive Oxfords gj and Pumps and Men's Shoes n mm Going at Little Prices. t2M mm mm Wonderful Sale Men's summer Clothing Jf m a avi iiin j if MM 4. t. dMbiir 3 mm mm mm The Busy Store. ' We are not boasting. We are only statine a fact and what hundreds of satisfied patrons say about us. Besides excellence of goods, we also lay claim to promptness and carefulness in the fining of all orders. I sell groceries as cheap for cash as any one in town, and will deliver same rKbfc ui- chakue. , L. E. HULL, Near Batchetor't Opera Houaa.l THE BASE OF BALIM, ORGANIZED 19061 Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked its success in the past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Quentlo Oregory President S. M. VUw - The Citizens Bank HAI IFAX. WE Invite the people ol Halifax and ronlze tbls Bank. Why not have a checking account? It I necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides it gives you standing In your community. W e have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. Tha smallest account receives as much attentlooas the .arg est with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on f nvlngs. tewaa la aal talk rt aver with its. We acwd on, yea ataael eta. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the ay Signature. of In Use For Over Thirty Years i urn m mm mm on Bovs and mm WELDON. N C g WELDON, N.C Oary, PrmiidMit. P. H.Oreirorr raHhi', N. C. surrounding; country to pat IF CASTOR A RED GROSS WORKING FOR HEALTHIER U. S. Thousands Aided by Instruction In Care of the Slok, Food Se lection and First Aid. Row th American Had Croat fuldes thousands of persons to health II shown In a summitry of tha society's tltUles In the health Arid hi sad upon the animal report for tha laat As- ymr. Through Ita Nursing Service, IUt Ilmne Hviitene and Tare of tha Slik courses, nutrition classes, Flrit Air classes. Life Saving claaaaa and Health renters and In numerous other ways cleslKiicil to acquaint masses of Itlzenx wlih proper methoda of living, the Itci! Crimp enrried Ita message of health Into nil parta of tht country. Thi! work of the Red Cross during the war In Its traditional field of nurs Ing, furnishing tha military and naval establishments of the nation with 19, 877 nurses, la well known. And there are today 37,f87 nuraea registered with the Aiiierlni n lied Croat and subject to rail In emergency. During the fli cs 1 year, l.fWSl Red Crott nurtet were accepted for assignment to Oovern ment service, 388 by the Army and Navy and 1,103 by the United Statet Public Health Service. In addition to the nurtet enrolled by the Red t'rosB for Government serv Ice, the Red Cross Itself employed a total of 1,818 public health nuraea In the United Slates and Europe. By far the greatest number waa employed In the United States, 1,257, while 81 were In foreign aervlce. Hume Hygiene and Care of the Sick classes, giving thorough lnatruetlon In the proper cure of the sick in Instances where the Illness Is not so serious as to require professional nursing cure, dur ing the fiscnl year numbered 5,179. A statistical picture of the Red Croat operations In this field follows: New classes formed during year 8,17a Classes completed during year. 6,299 New students enrolled 101,068 Students completing course..,. 7S.482 What the Red Croea accomplished In giving proper Instruction through ltt Nutrition Service II Indicated by the following table : New classea formed during year 1 Ctaiies completed during year. . 188 New students enrolled 2.S41 Studsnta comDlatlna: course 2.013 in addition te the above, a total of 22,006 children were given Instruction In the proper selection and prepara tion of foods. Through Ita 2110 Health Centers, the Red Cross reached tO,2S2 persona In these Health Centers, 4.018 health lec tures were Liven and 780 healta ex hibits held. ' In the United Statea last yea. TB 482 persons were killed ind 8,801,000 Injured In Industrial accidents. Te prevent this inormous waste the Red Cross held 8,100 first aid classes wilt a total of 104,000 students enrolled. Amerloa Suocore Russlana Food, clothing nnd medical relief costing $700,000 has been provided by the American Red Crosa for the thou. sands of Russian refugees stranded last year in Conauntlnople asd Tr Ulty. CARRYING ON SERVICE FOR DISABLED VETERANS OF THE WORLD WAR THAT IS COSTING $10,000,000 A YEAR, THE AMERICAN RED CROSS IS HELPING FULFILL THIS NATION'S OBLIGATION TO ITS DEFENDERS. HELP THE RED CROSS CONTINUE THIS WORK BY ANSWERING THE AH.VJAL ROLL CALL NOVEMBER 11-24, 1921. CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH rtUbaaa Lady Was Sick For TkfH Tsars, Suffering Pain, Nerrou and Depressed Read Her Owi Story el Recovery. Flint Rock. Ala. Mrs. a U. Btegell, f sear here, recently related the toh lowing laUrettlsg account of her re eoriryt "I was In a weakened eoa dlUoa. I tu atek Urea years la bed, suffering a gnat deal of pain, weak, aerreua, depressed. I was so weak. I eoallat walk across tke fleer; Just had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried ivery thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still I didn't get any relief. I couldn't eat, and slept poorly. I believe 11 I hadn't heard of and Ukea Cardul I would have died. I bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me what It did for her. 1 began to eat and steep, began to gala my strength and am now well and it rone. I haven't had any trou ble ilnce ... I sura can testify to the good that Cardul did me. I don't think there Is a better tonlo made and I believe It saved my life." for over 40 years, thousands of wo aien have need Cardul successfully, In the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you suffer as these women did, lake cardul. it may any you, wo. At all eVrugglaU. ERE THE BY FRANK L. STANTON. What is the sorrow ? A little space The cry of fallen in thj race; The dying cry which the world heeds noi 111 remembered, or soon forgot, Joy or sorrow will end in rest Dust, and a rose on a dreamless breasi. What is ihe sighing? It is noi long: One in the end are the sigh and song, One in faith, and one in doubt The cry of the vanquished ihe vicior's shout. Victor and vanquished musi creep for rest When the dust is blown o'er the dreamless breasi. And what is the transient gloom and glow; Is ihe beautiful love thai we cling to so, The rose-red lip, and ihe sparkling eye ? A gracious greeting a sad goodbye! With pallid faces and lips grief-prest, The lovers creep to ihe rose for rest. So we smile at the dark on the pathway rough; There shall be sunshine and rest enough, After the siormy ways are past, Rest shall be the sweeter at last ai last ! Dust on a rose on a dreamless breast IN THE EYES OF THE LAW. I Policeman's Stand Against Im modest Attire Would Seem to Be Somewhat Far-Fetched. Two girls were crossing a Coney Island street. One had on a heavy, old-fashioned brilliamine bathing suit, with long skirt, high neck and elbow sleeves. The other was in street clothes. A policeman slop ped them. "You!" he called to the bathing beauty, you can t pass here dressed like that. Go back and put on some decern clothes!" The girl looked down at herself, then up at the policeman and smiled. "Why, look at Mme!" she ex claimed, what about her gelling by?" The officer glanced ai ihe oiher eirl. She wore a filmy nei waisf, glaringly iransparent;gener. uusly decollete, and a skirt ending a few inches abover her knees. "But she is dressed, said ihe guardian of ihe law. Now you go and put some clothes on or you can'i pass here, see?" Catarrhal Deafness Can't be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, aud that ia by conntiti tional remedies. Deafness ia caused by an inflamed con. ditiou of the mucous lining of the Kiis. tachian Tube. When this tube ia liaiued vou have a rumbling Bound or imperfect hearing, aud when it is entire, ly closed, Deafness is the result, and uut less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out often are caused by Catarrh, which ia nothing but. au in. flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. All druggists. Circulars free. K. J.CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio DETAILS NOT SPECIFIED. "So you obtained your wife through an advertisement, eh? Then you will admit that it pays." "Well, I'll admit lhat it gets re sults." A Remarkable Record. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has i remarkable record. It has been in use for colds, croup aud whooping cough for almost half a century and has con stantly grown in favor and populaii as its good Qualities became better known it is the standard and main reliance for these diseases in thousands of homes. The facts that it can always be depended upon and is safe and pleasant to take are greatly iu ita favor wheu it is anted fot children. AN IDEAL UNION. Mrs. Fuller Washingion: "Am yo' daughter happily nun t ied, Viis Cooper" Mrs. Cooper: "She shu' Bless de good Lmd! she's done got a man hat's skceroi to death ol her." To Gain a Qood Reputation "The best way to gain a gooil rep. utatioo is to endeavor to be what you appear." That is precise ly the manner in which Chamberlain Cough Remedy has gained ita repute- tion at a cure for coughs, croup and whooninif cough Kverv bottle that hot ever beeu put out by the manufac turers baa been fully up to the stand ard of excellence claimed for it. Feo pie have found that it can be depended upon for the relief and cure ol these ai menu and that it Is pleaaant and safe to take. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA W AYS END. THE POWER OF POSITION. 'If I Be Lifted Up I Will Draw All Men Unto Me ' We began our trip with a day at Niagara Falls. As we siood watch ing the rush of mighty waier the iremendous power of it fascinated us and made us forget ourselves. There is enough power in the falls turn all the wheels of ihat pari of the country. Where does Niagara Falls get iis power? And how is ii thai such vasi power is stored up in the wa ter of Niagara, whereas water of many limes ihat volume, such as ihe Dead Sea, is powerless? Of course the power is noi inherent in the water itself; if ihe Dead Sea could be raised 10 the top of a cliff and poured over ihe edge, it also would have vast power; but there it lies thirteen hundred feel be low ihe level of ihe sea licking ihe power even to lifta tiny stream oui or us own depths 10 serve the world. No, the power is not inherent in the water itself: it is ihe poer of position! And as I looked at ihe rushing water, I thought of another power, not ol water, but of souls the power of an endless life. What was ii thai made Paul able to say, lean do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"? It was not ihe power inherent in Paul himself, for not many years before his spiritual power was low like the water of the Dead Sea. He had suuk into ihe depths of selfish ness and sin. The power of Paul and the pow er of every soul mighty in Christ is the power of position. It is he power of ihe life lived above the sordid world. Christ said, "And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me." He was "lifted up," and He has shone down with his infinite light and warmth into the sea of sin and raised souls to himself. There in that position of power beside Christ we are no longer helpless like the Dead Sea but have infinite powerso thai we can say, "I can do all things." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Purify With It! 'a Depend on Ked Devil Lye to do even more than prevent bad smells in outhuute or toilet. It purifies the place where it is used... Kills germs, dries up filth, destroys fly eggs before they hatch. Keep a can handy and stop imelli where they start. Help in countless everyday ..i . I esbite i Ked Devil m Su& is Strong M alsslarssl Of Vm SCH1ELD MFG. CO. t. itmr mo., y. i,. l $10,000,000 AID FORJTETERANS Rod Grots Provides Friendly Servloe of Many Kinds to Army of Disabled. BULK OF WORK BY CHAPTERS 2,397 of These Are Helping Ex- Servioa Men Obtain Bene fits U. S. Provides. One field of Red Oroas service alone, that of assisting disabled veterans of the World War, erjtatle expenditures (4,000,000 greater than the aggregate receipts of tha Annual Roll Call of 1890, the American Red Croat an nounces In a statement urging a wide spread Increase In membership at the Annual Roll Call, November 11 to 24. At the present time National Head quarters and the nation-wide chain of Chapter! of the Red Cross Is spend ing approximately 110,000,000 annual ly for the Mile of disabled ex-service men and their families, while the ag gregate receipt! from last year's Roll Call were approximately (0,000,000. It Is In the 2,289 of the 8,600 Red Croas Chapters which itill are helping Solve the veteran's problem of adjust ing himself to a normal civilian status that the greater pert of the cost of Oils service It borne. Of the total turn spent for veterint' relief laat year, National Headquarters expended a to tal of more than (2,600,000, while the remaining disbursement of approxi mately (7,000,000 represent! the con tribution of Chapter! In this country wide effort to assist the Government In providing the aid sorely needed by these men and their families. An Ever Expanding Problem That the problem of the disabled service man Is ever-expanding and probably will not reach the peak be fore 1925, li the assertion of well-in formed Government officials aud that 2,387 Red Cross Chapters regard It as their most Important work la evi dence that the expansion la In nowise confined to a particular section but Is, en the contrary, nation-wide. At the end of the fiscal year, June SO, 1921, there were 26,800 disabled service men in the 1,692 United States Public Health Service, "Contract and Govern ment Hospitals and Soldiers Homes, and that number la Increasing at a rate of 1,000 a month. Thousands of these men receiving medical treatment, compensation and vocational training from the Govern ment today, started their efforts to obtain them through the Red Cross Chapter. The Chapter, acting as the disabled man's agent la claims against the Government, Informs the man ai to the procedure necettary to gain for him that which It provided him by Federal itatute. Hit applications for compensation, medical treatment and training are properly filed with the aid of the Red Cross Cbipter. Many Forme of Assistance If there is delay before the man's claim li acted upon, the Red Cross Chapter lends the man money to meet the Imperative needs of himself ind hli dependents Most vital to the man's gaining full benefit from the Government's care is keeping hit mind free from worry about his home. Keeping the veteran'! fam ily from hardship cf every kind and Informing him of Its welfare la an. other province of the Chapter. Free from fear on this score, the msn's re covery and advancement usually is rapid. Every month during the last year, the American Red Cross has given service of one kind or another to an average of 129,213 former service men and their families. An Indication of the extent of the faith repoaed In the Red Croas Chapter It to be found In the fact that there were 356,544 re quest! for friendly aid In the lolutlon of personal problems. . 441 Worker. In Hespltale While the mm prior to enterlgg Government care dealt largely with the Chapter, afterward he coniei Into con tact with the service provided by Na tional Headquarters. There are 448 Red Cross workers In the United States Public Health Service and con tract hospitals snd other Institution! In which thete men are being cared for, whose duty Is te provide for his recreation, help hlaa with his conipan ssllnft clnlmt, keep him III touch with hir family: In short, meeting h.e every neeil outside of tluit provided by the (imei-liuiit. Wliiie llieve .rt a fw of the reMpuiisltilllilea uf the Nutlonnl Oiitunlrution, they are by no meant all Among other Ked Cross accom pli, hiueiits for ihe ur are: It handled 70,782 allotment and ll loumire claims. It ilellvereri through Its Chapter or ganl ntlnn llUWi nlliitnient checks to vete ii. who had moved from the ad ii finiiNhed to the Rureau of Win ICIsk Insurtiiii'e. It provided n special fund of (10,000 for itiolliiil cssUtiince to men under vofiith ii--' tntiuiic. I, n "J. ".I , loins totflllnn $4Sn,0"0 to tun, i il.ln: -. niiitloniil training, of will. Ii S.'i teT .en! Itns hen i'epi.liL flow Better Than Pills? The question has been naked: in what way aretChamberlain'a Tablets su perior to the ordinary cathartic and liver pills? Our answer is, tbey are easier and more pleasant to take and their effect so gentle that one hardly realise! that it produced by a medicine. Then, they not only move the bowelt but improve the appetite and atrengtb n the digestion, THE DIXIE O, Souihern lads, we sound the call, come join our happy band, To form a league for eager work we've joined in heart and hand; Our mono is "For God and home;" we answer calls of need, We iry to make a better land, and do ihe kindly deed. With cheerful minds and willing hearts we do our work each day, We are too busy for the right for wrong lo lead astray; Willi nerve and grit that none can break, with strong hearts brave and irue We'll fight on Lite's great battlefield, and win its honors, too. We dearly love and will defend our Banner of the Free; Whose stars and stripes speak to the world of glorious liberty;' Hail to the colors that we wear, the red, the white, ihe blue, The emblem of the nation grand, to which all Guards are true. -James H. While. ANOTHER AMENDMENT. Thai "All is fair in love and war" Was long ago conceded irue, And long ago some husbands swore That it must rt ad "and niani ige, too. I aaaaasaiBaiBsiaaaiBaasaaaaBaBatBaaaaauatiDrji What does THE cleaning power of all soaps and cleans ers is lye. Soap is nothing more than grease and water and lye, sometimes perfumed. You can make your own soap at a great saving, out of Red Seal Lye. Simply mix it with grease and water according to directions. Red Seal Lye is the very best lye your money O HIGH TESTJv; ErtORANULATtDjy 9& 3iniHaTO.CAxf Always follow direc tions when you use Red Seal Lye a full print ed stt is furnished with each tan. They tell you how to use Red Seal Lye safely and savingly in many help ful ways. P. C. PIERCE- WHITEHEAD HDW. CO., Weldon, N. C. Let Blast in Your I R IT OUR GUARANTEE . We guarantee a saving of one third in (net oter any lower dralt tloveol the same JiV, wuli BultcuaL Uruie or slack. 2, We guarantee Cole's Hot Blast t use less hard coal for lieating a given suace Hun any bast: burner made with same sue hre pot. 3, We tfuatantee that the rimms can ha lieated fmm one to two hours each morning witli the (m l put in tha Wove the etenmu More ,.,., . . 4. We truarantee that the stove will hi. Id fire with loft coal or hard coal from Saturday evu.inji tu Mod day morning 5. We guarantee uniform heat day and oight with oft coat, iitid coal or lignite. to. We guarantee every stove to remain absolutely air tight as long as ust'd. 7 We guarantee the feed door to be smoke and dost Pr8We guarantee the anti puffing dralt to prevent puffing. , , , The above guarantee is made with the understand ing that the stove be operated am tiding direttioni, and connected up with a good flue Cole's Original Hot Blast No. 116 J. tnilil mnt' i tint iummMiihm In., VAti. THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity comes for investment where you can beiier yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnltivaied him properly. Why not start thai account today and be prepared to laugh ai adversity? WU ir.' "' W?i:lti m h.Mtttt,'-ii i i GUARDS, SO THAT'S THAT. A woman's dress, from hallo sole, From linerie lo locket, Should always niiike a perfect whole And does in hubby's pocket. the Work? can buy. It ts pure lye, granu lated, and paeked in cans that are easy and convenient to use. To use it by itself for cleaning floors, woodwork, dishes, clothes, simply dissolve it in water and use the water as a cleanser. Red Seal Lye, sifted into the sink, ab solutely cleans out the pipes and prevents them from clogging up. It softens water saves soap and is a wonderful disinfectant. Always ask your storekeeper for, and be sure to get, the old reliable Red Seal Granulated Lye. TOMSON & COMPANY Philadelphia, Penna. Us Hand You 1 This Bag of Money It Represents the Big Saving in Fuel You Can Make With Cole's Hot Home MM Cut Shown No. Mb fHfr..,'. 'Jm iSi i imsa WELDON. NCJ isisjsssasaaasstaMtaaassstaajnssi. toured l n 11 11 I 'i v 1 J ft J BakssasBBS I