Ispl TflJi ipi iwsn. JrV (.rife vml SS Trtlk nrjtw Xirtsssmh C5) as a USTABLISHUD IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FO'R THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Anr um VOL. LVI WKLDON, N. C, TIUJ HSDAY, OOTOHEll 27, 11)21. NO. 2(J wr m m if sr r ir a ra trm & f II Children Cry for Fletc" ?r's HITS THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. What of the Voung (Hrl Rachel ? The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of 9 and has been made under his per jCJAf ,onal BUPrvlslon since Its Infancy. VsfeaWX uw no ,me t0 deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What isOASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It curtains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ' age Is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it haj been in con; taut use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giing healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Us6 For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought LJU COM PAN V N W YOr . CITV. m . Kg blU SALE OF End of Season Specials. m m mi tot uu m The following from (he pen of James Dempsey Bullock, of Wil son, comes pretty near hilling the n;iil right square on the head : "We have noiiced lhai several preachers laiely have asked, "Whai of die young mun Absa- Unuf rckrnng id me sins and crimes ci ninai loday, ilie re- spnnsibiliij lor ihcm and laying stress on the. cluim dial our boys ore not looked after properly, They could also nsk, "What of Ilie young girl, Kachel?" She ccriuinly is not lending her fath er's tlock hen she is out ai 1 1 and 12 o'clock ai night with Abso lom away from iie busy haunts of men in an auto. Whai (Ids country needs today is a few old fashioned mothers that know more aboul patching than politics, cooking than card parties, darning than divorces, meeting houses i tui n motion picture shows. Yes, we need the old-fashioned mother and father who believe in looking after the bringing up of their children instead of leaving it to some organization like the Y.M. C A., Boy Scouts, welfare officer,, etc. Some think if they pay into these organizations ihey have done their duiy. These organizations are a power for good for children whose parents are unfilled 10 raise them, bui nothing can lake the place of i he counsel and guidance of Christian parents. If the world is ever going to be better, it must commence with the individual home. The world will never be saved by drives. If the Bible were written as things are today one of ihe commands would be, "Parents, obey your children, seek first society and all things else will be added." Parents are willing today to sac rifice the souls of their children to get them into what is known as society." m T7ial PlnonJTn rvf All uu Organdies, Voils, White Goods uu tm uu S Big line of Attractive Oxfords 5 n& and Pumas and Men's Shoes II . Going at Little Prices. uu m- uu um Wonderful Sale on Boys and uu uu UU UU Men's summer Clothing 4. L. SWflBtlCK, The Busy Store, WELDON. N C UU u unuuumuu uuum nmmt M Uummmm u m m u m We are not boasting. We are only stating a faci and what hundreds of satisfied patrons say about us. Besides excelh i c of goods, we also lay claim to promptness and carefulness in the liiiirt! ol all orders. I sell groceries as cheap for cash as any one in iuwi, and will deliver same FREE OF CHARGE. L. E. HULL, Near Batchelor's Opera House,! WEl-DON, KC ihe uu of mm, ORGANIZED I906i Capital and Surplus $65,000, Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked iis success in ihe past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Quentln Oregory S. M. Oary, Vti-Hreidiiit. H. (Jregory The Citizens Bank FAX. N. C. " ' WB Invite the people ot Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronlse this Bank. .Why not have a checking account ? It Is necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides it gives you a standing In your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallett account receives a much attentiontias the .argest with us. t We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. (M ia ad talk it aver with na. We swe4 -om, ye sieed its. 63 T 1 urea "I wa.i weak and run-down." relates Mrs. Eula Burnett, ot Dalton, Ga. "I in thin and Junt felt tired, all the time. I didn't reet well. I wain't aver hungry. I knew, by this. I needed a tonic, and as there Is none better than e Tha Woman's Tonic C t kann ,aln CmrAni " M continues Mrs. Burnett. "After my first bottle, elept better and ate better. I took four bottles. Now I'm wel, feel Juat fine, eat and sleep, my skin Is clear and I ban btlned and sure feci that Cardal Is the beat toulo ever made." Thousands of et. women have f. i...'. Cariiil Just as Mrs. 'i, -'. Mil It should AliDUl .I.- Jruealsta. CT tut K Trustees Sale of Land. Under tl.' i anil authority of ilred of tru-l ulrilontlie 19th day of January, by Teter JpoIodh to K. I . liuun, TiuHli e, lo secure Ilie pay ment of tuui certain notes, and at the request of the holders, the undersigned trustee will on Ilie Uth Day pf November, 1921, oiler for sale to the highest hinder for caidi, at I'.'o'clpck M., in l.ittli lun,' N, I'., at the front dom ol Hie hank ol Lit. tleton, the fullowniK deHi'iihcd lands, touit: I.vmir situate in Littleton Tonimhip. t oiiiily of llahlax, and Slate of North Carolina, and deneulieil as liillons:'rhat tract or parcel ol land this day convey ed lo Um said IVIei uy J At Kratftr and tits wile, sml lHiiir lots Nos. 2 and 3aud m ', hcicn un the east side of lot No 1 of thst sobdivisinuiiltlic prop erty of J M. ttrsui made in Aupuat, lllia, hj the Kustler Eniiinecnuj t'oui pany, Ktnch said plat is ol record in the olhce ol the KeRist-rol Keeds for Hall fas county in flat Hook No. D at I'aue 51, to which reference is here made, said Lot No. 'i containina; 1.S.8 acres, and the eastern part of lot No. 1 con taininu: M,7 acres llolh of said tracts being at or near Hum nut Station or i'riut This 11th day of October, It. V. IH'NN, TrusUe. COTTON STORAGE. We have storsiP' capacity for every hale of cotton eumn in Wake, Kranklin Warren and Vance county in sprinkler ed msrehousi'S. Kate S.w. per month, Inch includes storsge, insurance, hand lint. CAROLINA BMIUlN(i CUMI'AN i . lo S 4t Henderson. NC. I OST, STOLEN OR STRAYED -L Light red speckled hound weigh ing between forty and sixty pounds $25 Reward for rsiurn. L. F. Rook, 10IJ3( tioscmary, N. C. am S :'S s 1 ' r-- . , v. ? s . A Mystery Cake Can you name it ? Here is another new Royal Cake, so delicious and appetizing that we have been unable to give it a name that does justice to its unusual qualities. It can be made just right only with Royal Baking Powder. Will you make it and name it? $500 for thBest Names For the name selected as best, we will pay $250. For the sec ond, third, fourth, and fifth choice, we will pay $100, $75, $50, and $25 respectively. Anyone may enter the contest, but only one name from each person will be considered. All names must be received by December 15th, 1921. In case of ties, the full amount of the prize will be given to each tying con testant. Do not send your cake. Simply send the name you sug gest, with your own name and address, to the ROYAL fUKlNG POWDER COMPANY 149 William Street, New York 7 ' How to make it Uu level measurements for all materiali H cup ihortrnlng Vi cupi sugar Grated rinjof '4 orange 1 UK and 1 yvk 2li cup flour 4 tcafcponiu Royal Biking Powder 1 cup milk 1 H tquarei ( I 4 on.) of uniweclened chocolate (melted) 14 teaspoon salt Creim ihortentng. Add unr and stated orange rind. Add beaten cm yolka. Sift together Hour, in It ittd Royal Baking lVwdrr and add aiVrnntcly with the milk: bt)y fold in one tcatcn etfH white. Divide batter into two narti. To one part tidd the ill folate Put hr tablcspoontuli, alternating dark and light -titter, into three gicascd lavet take pant, liukc in moderate oven 10 inkiiutca. FILLING AND ICINO 3 tablepotin melted butter 1 tnhle uponna orange Juice 3 cup confectioner i kugur 1 em while U'owdered m 'V bv used but 3 nquuren (1 otO duel nut m ke .is Miiooth IuiikI unawveiencd khocoUte Crated mid of In otangc and pulp ot 1 urangii Tut buttet, fiom ot.inwc. u tniw until mi'i'tli. tav f-old in beaten er.a wh .ed !ir top i.l cake. While in Ulivcoteticd ah.ived (uc 4 t,u3re). To tciiian 'range Juice and rind into howl. Cut rlp ig skin and scedc. ntul udd. Pfat nil ti tgeilier , k ...I..,- ....;.. I Ifl. i. ..u ,.n j-it. ud this ivinn un olt. sprinkle with res with sharp kntfr ing mid 2 : squares uiiiweetened lVC chocolate which has been tucked, bptead tlua tlutkly between layers and on aide ot ukc LIMITED. Among the witnesses culled in a trial in a Southern court wus an old darkey. "Do you swear that what you tell shall be the trnih, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" intoned the clerk. "Well, sah," returned the wit ness, shifting uneasily. "Dis law yer geniinun kin make a pow'ful lot easier on hisself an' relieve me of a nighiy big strain ef he'll leave out anything about gin an' chick ens. 'Ceptin' fo' dose, Ah guess Ah kin stick to de truth." A Remarkable Record ( hamberlain'g Couirh Krmedy has a remarkable rrcortl. It has bcim id uh for coUls, croup aiul nhoopiQK couh for almost half a eentury and has con stantly pronu Id favor ami popularity as its good qualities became belter known It is the standard and muiu reliauce for these diseases in thousands of homes. The facts that it can always be depended upon and is sufe ui.d pleasant lo take are greatly iu its favor wheu it is wanted for children. A Good Physic. When you want a physic thai is mild and Rcnlle iu cllect, easy to take and certain to act, lake ('huinberlitin's Tub lets. Thoy aro excellent. PAOINfl Q. WASHINGTON. He had been fishing with no luck. On his way home he enter ed a fish market and accosted the clerk" "John," he said, "Just stand over at thai side of ihe store and throw me five of your biggest trout." "Throw them? What's the big idea?" "Just so 1 can tell the family I caught them.' 1 may be a poor fisherman but I'm no liar." Mother would bi willing thai lit tle feet should muddy her Freshly scrubbed floor if that were any as surance thai the same feet when larger would not wander in for bidden paths Tu Osi.ii a GuuU Kcputaiiuii " I be heat aay to Kaiu a (rood iep ulaiK.u la to eudeavor to be what you appear" That is precise ly lb.' uiannei in which Chamberlain's ('uh Wenirdy ha. gamed ,( reputa tion as a cine tor coughs, croiii and whoopinir eolith Kvery bottle that has ever been ;iut out by the manufac turers has been fully up to the stand, ard of excellence elatmed for iL Peo ple have found that it cau be deuended upon for the relief and eure of these ail ments aud that it is pleasant and safe to take. CASTORIA For Infants and Children , In Use For Over 30 Years HER OBJECTION. "Do you like ihe modern dances?" he asked. "No," the maiden replied prim ly. "1 consider them only hug ging set to music. " "And you dislike" "I never had any ear for music " Many a man has set out to natti er ihe fruits of victory, only to find them knotty and worm e.nen. Always bears the Signature Is it proper to say that dandelion wine has a kick or a bite? if HUNT'S QUARANTHKn SKIN DISKA9S RKMKDIK3 (Hunt! ft.1...i4 f.ill.1 the treatment of Itch, Ecatm, IntT akin dlHu.n Vi-u Ki. treatment t out rsttu I'or Sale By M. C. Paik. How Better Than Pills? Tlifi (iioMtioD hag been askeil; lu what way au'iCltaiiiluM'laiu'g TahletN hu (lenor to the ordinary cathartic and liver juIIh? Our answer in, they are easier ami more pleasant to take and their t licet mo tfeotle that one hardly realize that in produced by a medicioe. j Then, they not ouly move the bowels j hut iuuiruvtt the appetite aud utitjutrth eo the durettioD. i Catarrhal Deafness Can't be Cured by local applications. a they cannot reach the diseuned portion of the ear. There its only one way to cure deafnewH, ami that in by ronstli t n tional reniedieH, Deafness i canned by an inllamed con. dition of tlie iducoun lining of the .Eus tachian Tube. WlifU thiri tube is tn llanied you have a rumbling houiu! or imperfect hearing, and when it in entire, ly cloned 1'eufnewsiH the result, audunt lows the inllammatiou can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearniffwill bedestroyetl for ever; nine eaei out often are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing hut an in Hamed condition of the tuueoun sur faces. All luiia'iHtH. Circulars free. K. J. CIIKNEY A CO., Toledo. Ohio Eop Scouring Potsl 4 WHO'S WHO IN MATRIMONY. On ihe sea of matrimony ' Tis a knack to keep afloat; He who pays the alimony Is the fool that rocks the boat. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STO R I A ONH OOODTUKN. Prohibitionisi(sipping suspicious ly:) "I wonder what caused this cider to turn." Old Soak (maliciously): ."Per haps there was a worm in the apple." Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASX.OJRIA Put some Rfd Devil I. ye in the water and fill greasy iron pot and pans and skill ets with it... It themtoak. They will not need hard scouring. This wonderful 1 J softens the water, loosens the grime. dissolves the grease, gets tin- r ware shining in t jiffy, saves kitchen work in countless ways Keep a Can Handy for the Mean Jobs! 1?ed Devil brE Sure is Strong Wm. SCH1E1JJ MFO. CO. T. I.WIS.S.O.. II S.S. UNREQUITED AFFECTION, What means that sad old word good-by That wells up from the heart? Thai often brings the bitter tear When loved ones have to pari. Did not we know ihai absence brings A pang of sorrow deep, We might perchance not lake on so Nor yet one (ear drop weep. But Where's love's charm has brightest been Where love sweet faith has kept, 'Tis hard to surrender all And try, and all forget. Had no loved word ere passed the lip lindearing terms unknown, The bitter siroke that harshly fell Might not have been my own. Bui why should one hold vain regret? When withering hope lies dead, A faded flower can ne'er rebloom When on its leaves we iread. Jusi so, the heart is withered, crushed Where no responsive thrill, Shows forth from any act in life From lost affection's will. Be it so, sweetheart once dear I yield! I will not chide, I failed to win a jewel fair Now sorrow must abide. Bui when the soothing hand of time Shall o'er me comfort fling, A brighter day may come my way And all dark clouds take wing. Weldon, N. C , Oct. I si, 1921. aMaaaaaiaMWaaaaajaaBsa.MlvJaa .M4n Tir HT ! warn nil LI I 1 .1. B. T. ' THE OLD RELIABLE SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION Mixed with ordinary flour, Hors ford's makes a self-raising flour of absolute purity more whole some ami a better lenvener than any ready-mixed Hour on the mar ket. Horsford's is economical it never spoils a baking. In suc cessful use over 65 years. Kor free Prize List, write: Rumford Savt th. RED LABELS for Valuabl. FREE Chemical Works, Providence, R.I. PREMIUMS Maket Hot Breads, Cakes, Pastry Wholesome-Delicious-Nutritious r 1:1 -- fy HOIISPORD'S SELF-RAISING firtad FrtparaOu. Fir BiCsiaiti t Salt J J """ j eV i AT HOME, t-t'hl !2 E la Pisa7iisiian j Si o ; fag-'- -HaCB Save! Save! YOU can save money, time and labor by us ing Red Seal Lye for all your cleaning up. Make your own soap with Red Seal Lye simply mix it with grease and water according to directions on the label. A teaspoonful of Red Seal Lye, dissolved in a quart of water, makes a wonderful cleans ing solution for use in washing greasy pots ana pans, iioors, woodwork-, porches and cellars. Red Seal Lye is a water soften er. It saves soap and purifies and disinfects at the same time. A little of it sifted into the sink cleans out the pipes and keeps them from being stopped up. It kills all disagreeable odors, in sects and vermin. Red Seal Lye is the very high est quality lye that can be made. It is granulated and packed in cans that are easy and convenient to use. Simply sift a little of it into the water, Always ask your storekeeper for, and be sure to get, the old re liable Red Seal Granulated Lye. P. C, TOMSON & COMPANY Philadelphia, Penna. f EXTRA 7 GRANULATE Of 8g Alwayi follow direc tion when you ue Red Scil Lye full print ed set iB furnished with eth can. They tell you how t j use Ked Seal Lye aafely and savingly in many help !ul ways. mm ami m'&r?iWw; THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank bonk. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity conies for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnltivated him properly. Wh not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? it v TTr a m i n Emms 1J LVtLDON. NCI 1 i

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