if- I V - r i V 1: ' ' it V t EAGLEMDCJPencil No. 174 For SU at your Dealer Made in five grades ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK ataTsrTjautmMM(Miim INVITATION. You are invited to irm n account with the BWK OF EflFIKLO, EfflCLO, I. C. I f ler Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart- 9 I S ment Compounded Quoitetl) . S jjjy YOU can ninmiMiinniniinnnHmniu Bargains for you IF YOU'BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., "Wfh o 1 e s a 1 e Cash Store weldon! nJ ct ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuint Beware I I'nla vou x Mi "Bayer" on paeknge ..r on tablet yen are not gUui; genuine Aspirin pre rrilied by physicians for twenty-one yean anil proved safe hy millions. Take Aspirin only aa Mil in the Bayer packafpe for (ViMs, Hcadaihe, Neuralgia, Rheuma tism, Karache. Toothache. Lumhaon. n,l for l"in. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aenirin coat few oenta, Drug gists also self larger paAaoea. Aapirin M the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture af MoDoaeeticaa deater of SaJioyucsuaa. Nothing will turn ambi tion into ill-tempered laziness quicker than constipation. And nothini will ren der the body more liable to dangerous diseases than this same poisonous condition. Don't bt constipated! It Isn't aafel It ian't aensiblel It isn't neceasaryt Be well but don't rely on ordinary laxatives to help you. Try instead the newest dentine treatment lor constipation RICH-LAX This preparation not only overcomes con stipation, but it does away with all the nausea, cramping and deranged digestion caused by ordinary laxatives. Guaranteed at Our stoas. We are so sure that Rich-Lax will please you that we want you to coma iq our atore and art a bottle and try it to tiraly at our rtak. It it doesn't aurt you. if it isn't Iha baat laxative mefticina you avar uaad. aimplv -ell ua no and wa will gromfidy refund, toe full uKfcaas area. For Sale by M.C. PAIR. Trustees Sale of Land. Under the power and authority con tained in a deed of trust executed De cember 1, IMI7 by John Kaulcom to .Ion. P. Pippen, Trustee, to secure the pay ment of four certain notes of even date therewith, and default, having been made id the payment of said notes, the undersigned trustee will, on the 14th Day ol November, 1921. sell to tbs highest bidder fur cash, at public aution, in Littleton, N. C, id front of the Bank of Littleton, at 12 o'clock M.j the following described laud, towit: Lying in Halifax county, N. C. Lit tleton Township, near Summit station, Begin at tbe point where i'ersimmon Creek empties id to Great Creek and run N 31) W 2276 feet to a stake in Andy Johnston's line; then with Andy .John aton N 60 E 1H91 feet to a stake; then S 27 E 470 feet to a pine: then 8 4 j E BfiS feet to a gum; then S. 13 W. 17S feet to Maple; then 8 14) E 6H0 feet to a sweet gam; tben 8 22 W across Great Greek 8012 feet; then H 64 W SW) feet; then 8 73 W lit) feet; then 8 76 W 2U'i feet; then N 62) W !M4 feet; then N 44) 3JKJ fietto persimmon creek, then down tiaid persimmon creek luXd feet .to the point of oeginuing, eonisiuiug nu acres more or less. This the 11th day of October, lull. JUS. P. FIFPLN, Trustee. - u mm TrCrlH' Trustees Sale of Land. North Carotins haiiiaa Cuuuiy By Tirtue of the authority contained In a certain deed of trust, executed by ti. 8. Barnes sod recorded in Book 307 at Pane 4a, in the Register of Deeds of fice of Halifax eounty, N. C, default having bren made in the discharge ot the obligation secured by said deed of trust, and the holder of the said obliga tion having requested the sale of the land so conveyed in said deed of trust, the undersigned will expose for sale on Saturday, November 26, 1921, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the Post Office door in the town of Weldon, Hal ifax county, N. C, at Public Auction to the highest bidder for caab. the said land so conveyed in and deed of trust, the name being described ss follows: It being lot No. la, according to map recorded in Book of Maps No. 2, at page 80, Halifax County Bugistry; aaid lot lying on northeast eorner of Fifth and Sycamore streets, in the Town of Wei-, don, aforesaid State and county; front ing it feet on Sycamore street, and run ning back between parallel lines 148 feet to lot of Mrs. A M. logo -r Tbis the 17th day of October, 1931. ELLIOTT B. CLA RK, Trustee. Plane ol Bale: Post Office, Town of Weldon, W.C. " .-' '" Time of Sale: Twelve o'clock, noon. Terms of Hale: Cash bank by mail VAST FORTUNE FOR KS3 WHO FIND PIUTE LOOT Gold And Jewels Lis In Hidden Csves And In Hulks Of Sunken Galleons Beneath Ocean Billows. There la at least a billion dollars lying around In various parts of ths world In gold and silver and Jewels waiting for the first corner to pick It up. But don't get excited. You can't pick It up. Thousands of treasure Keekers have tried and failed. There la no secret about whsre this enormous fortune is located For ex ample, the Seaman's Journal prims a list of treasures trove which Includes the Foreutla, flax ship of ths Spanish Armada, sunk oS the west coast of 'Scotland with $15,000,000 In gold In 15X. The Spanish galleons scuttled In Vigo Bay to avoid capture by ths Eng lish in 1702 were loaded with guld, sliver- and Jewels valued at f 120, (iufj.000. Benito Bonlto, last of the great pirates, planted 160,000,000, looted from the west coast of South America, on Cocoa Island 300 tulles off Panama. Eighteen expeditions hare fitted out openly and many more secretly to seek this treasure. Mil lions are believed to have been burled on the Bay Islands off Honduras by Francois Olonols, the French free booter. Many More Listed Is addition to all the treasure sunk by (ieruian submarines In the great war, the Seaman's Journal lists the following: On Alborsn Island, a rock in the Mediterranean, lies J5.O00.0O0 in gold burled by a pirate crew of the "Young Constitution," when cornered by a British gunboat In 18:11; ths "Black rrince," loaded with 13,000,000 in gold to pay ths British soldiers, was unk by Russian gunfire at Sebasto pol; the East Indian "Orosvenor" went down off St. John a ( ape Colony with 18,000.000 aboard. On the Island of Mauritius Is burled $150,000,000 In cold, silver and prec ious stones, pirate loot from the French and English ships which In turn had looted India; and on a little Island In the Spanish Main lies $1,200, 000 In gold hidden by the French pirate, Latrube, one hundred years ago. and another trsasurs estimated at 16.000.000 Is buried near by, while a pirate hoard of 15,00(1.000 lies on an island In the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Seventy Turkish vessels sunk In tbe famous fight of Navartno In October, 1827, by the Anglo-French-Russian fleet carried I6.00o,0o0. "Oom Paul" Kniger had something like 14,000,000 when he fled from South Africa. Some declare It was lost In the wreck of the "Zulu land" In Delagoa bay; others say It Is burlsd In the Transvaal mountains. Lying 110 feet below the surface ot Lake Naomi are two galleys belonging to the Human emperors Tiberius and Gallgula, which contain gold, Jewels and art treasures worth at least 16,000,000. Lost Spanish Gold Three Spanish ships sunk by Ad. mlral Blake off Cadis, Spain, bold H. 000, 000 In gold. Tbe Spanish treas ure ships foundered In Santa Cms bay, Canary Islands, contained (10,000,000. On West Indian Islands lies 16,000,000 burled by the daring Captain Kid, most notorluua of all pirates. The $2,000,00(1 hoard of Captain Melville, Australia!) bushwhacker, Is hidden In the bush of Australia. The treasures and loot of Attlla the Hun, $60,000,000 In all, lie burled somewhere under the Rivet Danube. There can bs no doubt that then treasures exist. But Whether under thirty fathoms of water or as dry si sn undertaker's sye, they are out of reach. However, there la treasure that can be ploked up with little effort. It la right at your hand; In fact, U Is part of your own pay. All you have to do Is save It by Investing It In Government Savings Securities. The hundred you can bars by saving and safe Investment may not sound so In teresUng as ths million you cannot touch, but It Is a lot more useful. You can get your bands on It "IT FLOATS" What Floats T Von Do If Tea Have A Lite ft mm Matte Of SAVIN Of , Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Our Advice Won't Cost You a Nickel IWFAKE the old buildings just as comfortable as the new ones, and just as good looking, by putting on handsome, fire-safe, weatherproof, and long-lasting BIRD'S ROOFS Whether it is a dwelling, barn, garage or factory that you want to re-roof let us show you how little it will cost to use the riijht Bird's Roof. Every dollar you invest in Bird's Roofs will surely re'urn one hundred cents in satisfaction as honest value is built into every square foot of Bird's Roofs. Whether you need Bird's Paroid, Bird's Art-Craft. Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Biri's Granitized Roofings, or Bird'." Twin Shingles our advice as to the correct roof to select for your building won't cost you a nickel. We know from experience that Bird's Roofs make good, and that is the reason we sc 11 them. BIRD A OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. Dili LUMBER Phone 235 Sale of Land for Taxes. I will sell to the liijhent hiiMer for caul, at the court Iioiihp door in the town of Halifax on .Monday, Novomher Vllia the lolluwinif deHmhed lam if in FaiieettH TownHlnp, for Iuxph and contH for year HL'U: ('. V. Johnnton e1att.00acien, Dan iel land, tialanee :t7,tM, W. ,1. I'ollitT, fi.S acres, home, .1. K. Daniel, acres, home P. It. Irhy, t'.'i a. Daniel land .Mrs. Sarh I.. Hudson, 471 acres Muiiko land. Victorta Kohertfon, 1(1 j arret., RnliertMon land. CharleN Hill, Devereaux land ln.si 11. LM .1. It. DR-KKNS, Tas Collector FaueettaTowuHhi). Sale ot Land for Taxes I will itell to the hifheHt .udder fur cah at the court house dour in the tnwu of Halifax, on Monday. Nov. 7, 1 if.il. the following tlertcnhed land in Weldon Township, for taxeH and cohIs for year iHiiO: Mrn. R. A. Cheek, 1 town lot fdh.,U ieo. W. Kdniomls, ' acres. Wil- k ins land l.!M) Henry U Kraucis, :t3 acres .ffc) Emily May Marahle, 1 town lut 4.7-") .leu n u (iee Peters, 1 town lot Hf3 Elizabeth Price, fti acres, II IK, Jacob Reid, lo acres, M.iiii II. Willey, 1 town tlii! Henry Williams, 1 town lot. CtA't Henry Ivey, 15 acres, 4.HM (ii'O. Austin, 10 aciew, 4, lit) Walter (lathn's estate, 1 town lut Jim (iatlin'H interest 4.7U .1. K. HRANCH, Tax Collector Weldon Township. Notice Publication Of Summons, Nurth 1 arolma, , Halifax County. In theHujietiort'ourt KLOKENCK MrLAMH, I'laiuliif Vs. 1IKNIIY MiLA.M U, DpffnJu.it. The defendant above named, Henry Mcl.anib, will take notice that an aolmi, eutitleiUas above is now pending in tlin Superior Court of Halifax county, N. (.'., the purpose of the said action being Tor absolute divorce from the bonds of mat rimony between the said plamtiir nnd the said defendant, the said action bav ins: been instituted for that purpose and the cause thereof beinit statuatury grounds set out in Section luTtH.Huh-sec. tion I, Consolidated statutes of North Carolina, Volume 1, lulu: and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Huperior Court of Halifax county at the Court House in Halifax Town, N. C on the 24th day of Octo ber, 1921 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiH will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint This the 2nth day of September, lH.'l. : 8. M. UARV. Clerk Huperior Court. II iI9 4t ul) TYPEWRITERS! 1 m&kw and all ntylet $10 up. Home that wer uihm) and reinon! by th V. B. OoVt. Bargain. State your nmla and w Till describe vod quote. Tbe LI MO WW Tin, printing office m kbuittI Ribbons hit oafori&i dcliverod. Oire bm and model. Carboa peperHxll 100 beetri$l.Mdf'lir'ts. EmplrtTypfFoundry, Afr. Wood Tyt, Metal Typthin&sSuppiw9BuSIH.Y - Sip IT SON, inc. (FstuVi 1:1 Administrator's Notice, The u u tiers i ir tied having j uali tied in the olliee of the Superior Court of Hali fax county on the Hrd day of Oct. HL'l, as administrator of estate of N. A. Mar tin, deceased, heteby notilies ail per rons holdiutf etaima auaiust said estate to pieseut them to me at my store in H uluii x county, or to my attorney. W. V.. Daniel, Weldon, N. C, duly verified ou or before twelve montliB from the date of tins notice, or the same will be pleaded in bar theieof. All persous indebted to ttaid estate are reijuested lo make immediate pay ment. This the Mh day of October, 1'llM. M. K. MARTIN, Admr. ofN. A. Martin, deceased, lo in Ht Sale of Land for Taxes I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door iu the town uf Halifax, on .Monday, Nov. 7, the following described lauds in Halifax Township, for taxes and costs for year IWM: C. .1. Adkinft, !," acres, Whitehead laixl $:t4,:m .1 L. Harklev, tiuardian, '.13 acres Cockreblaud 10,49 L. B Suiter, JtiDacres.part Camp hell land Colored I'eter Ruck Est, 1 town lot llUHi .ehe Mood, 14 acres, Hlash land h oO Henry Hood, 14 acres, Hlash land 8.50 Susan Huile, Till a. Tillery land 2.I.'J5 .loe llines, oH Tillery and 17.50 Essex Johnson, lM a. Slashes 411.:,:. Adhtie Josey, 2 town lots li.fW Eilward PieieerWa. Williams (CitHl Dave Rey.noldH. 70 a. clashes I). .1. M11.I.IKIN, Tax Collector Halifax Towhsip. NORFOLK MIRROR FACTORY II. W.MollHNDKU, Owner. Manufacturers of American and French Plate Mirrors. We ait Hia!ly tituij.jji J to Ju Leaded Art Glass Work For Krsidenee and Church Windows. Write or 'phone us forinformation. '1'hiine Norfolk 224(16 321 Brewer St. H0 ISt BnoaBnaaanana gO - except Bg g No Substitutes q S Thedford's g BLACK-DRAUGHT 0 Purely Vegetable . n ii a S liver Medicine g an p. tin auaaunasimsnuzi VV ),-,.lf. iVUss. T 1 WELDON, N. C. NOTICE. North Carolina, Halifax Couuty, In the Superior Court, llefore llie Clerk. JKHKY cllKKK et nlH, riaintills Vs WALTKKCI..NTt)X,etals, Hefendauts The defendant licorice Claulou, will take notice that a special proceedintr entitled as above has lieen commenced in the Superior Court before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax coun ty, .Y C, for the purpose of dividiufr tlie lands of the lute Sum Clanton after liiyinx oir the dower of Ida clanton, w idow of Sam Claiitun, and the saitl lieorjre Clauton, defendant, will take notico that he is required to appear at Halifax Court HouHe, Halifax, N. ('., before the clerk ol said court on the 10th November. A. i , llt'l, and answer or deninr to the petition or complaint in said special proceeding, or the plain tills will app lyto the court for the relief de manded in said petition. ' S.M. UARY, Clerk Superior Court.- Sale of Land for Taxes. 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door, in the town of Halifax, on .Monday, Nov. 7th, lli'Jl, the following described lands in llulterwood Township, for taxes and cosls for the year HiL'n : .1. O. Iloptinxtiill, 'Jim aeres.liome WM Alice Cook, 411 acres, lluilford Cook place, 8,51 Mrs, II. M. lleptinstall, 4111 am os Sanders ulace II". 97 W. E. NiniOLHON, Tax Collector llulterwood Township. Executor's Notice. Having duly iiialitled before the Clerk ol the Superior Court of Halifax county as Kxcculor of the last will and testament of It. II. Lewis, deceased, late of Halifax county, this is to notify all persous holding claims against the said estate to present the samo to the. uu deiniiuieti, duly venlii-it, on or before the tlth date of September, lli'J'J, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their re covery thereon. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement. This thetithday ofNeptember, 1U2I. ZOKA K. LEW IS, Kxecutor. MRS. ANIE HAYWARD, NOTARY PUBLIC, VPELDON, N. C. Offices of Daniel & Daniel. FOOTER'S bYE WORKS, Expert Dyers anil Cleaners. Cleaning of I'ortiets, Curtains, Ulan kets, Silks, Laces, Velvets, flush, Ladies DreBses and Gentlemen's Clothing, Carpets, iCto. All orders will receive prompt at tention if left at ' THISOFFICE. I I '"" " -!, - T T is simply economy lo get a Great Majesiic Ranee ai the preseni price and avoid the wasie and inconvenience of using the old at- range ihrough anoiher winter. Any slight reduction in price next year will not make up for wasted fuel, repairs and baking failures you are sure lo have with an old worn-oui range. Why wait? With a Great Majesiic you will do better baking. You will save fuel. The beauty and comfori of your kiichrn be in- creased greatly. No more uneven baking no more fussing with damper and grilles no more inconvenience. A Great Mujcsiic is a modern kiichen ne cessity time saving und lubur savint;. Don'i he without one any longer. Call at oursiore or call us up we m e ready to serve von Weldon Furniture Company. 'PHONE 71 -- i A Tl L KIIIilER'S SHOE STORE. OPECIA 'RICES from now until FALL on O all Shoes, Boots and Rubbers' of every de scription. Come and let us fit you from our care, fully selected stock. REAL SHOES at Real BARGAINS Shoes, Boots and Rubbers for Men, Women and Children. Do your Shopping at KITTNER'S, and you'll save money. Exclusive Agent for Florsheim Shoes. L.KITTfWS SHOE STORE Next Door to Weldon Drug Co. WELDON, N. C- Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perfectly OUR PRICKS WILL SATISFY. T 1 ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, 1.000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT, 4 PAID ON SAVINQS DEPARTMENT V E. DAN I FX, FHRSIIISNT, on N OTIC E , Buggies, Harness And Wagons. WE carry a full line of the well known, both Hackney and Chase City W agons at Rich Square, N. C, and the Oxford and Knight Buggies each of which are' noted for comfort and durability at Weldon, N. C. Also a full line of Horses and Mules at both places, during the winter and spring season. Thanks for past favors. , R"hNfrre- H0L0T.1AII BROS. Within Reach Of All . . No longer need you put off getting a Great Majes tic Range, The price is right WELDON, N. C. II K A L. O DRAPER, (UBHISH. Weldon. H.N. RICKS C iiiiiiiislli2 !L 'J'1 1 !H-M CHICHESTERS PILLS BRiNO DIAMOND ClSMOND UKAND PHI,! In Bud Cold metallic boin, 1'altd wiia Blurtyy Illbbon. Tits no Mn. ""'"lirlV D,..l,t sua a.. f.r IIII.C1IX S.I i J ri n u (I N 11 B 11 i s l r 1 1 I B, 1 r twtntv jvo tear, recorded ai Bet Safeit. -vay. Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 3XS, EVERYWHERE K PROFESSIONAL CARDS W.K. IMSIKI. ' V. . U1S1BL DANIEL & DANIEL, Attorneys-at-Law, W ELDON, N. U 1'ractice in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Suptcme and Federal courts. Collections made In all parts of North Carolina. Branch office at HnlifiiK open everv Mnndav (JEORUU C. OkKliN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ollice in tlreeu lluililing Weldon. N. C. Win. L. KNIGHT, Attorney und Counsellor al-l.w. WKI.IKIJJ, N. C Ollice in Hie Dunit'l HiiilUillg, lliiiiien. piomptly and faithfully l temleil lo. r; 1.1.IOTT II, CLARK, Atlorneyat-l.aw, WKLDON, N. C, Ollice in tireen lluililing. ASHLEY B STAINBACK Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public, WELDON, - - N. C. Practices in thr courts of llolifax and adjoining counties. Prompt atttention to all business entrusted to nie. Ollice over M. C. I'oir's store. H, B. HARRELL, Jr. Attorney-afLaw, WELDON, - - N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adj i nc counties. Prompt attention to ull business e.itr,iatej to me. O'lice ovei Kick's .lewflrv Store. -8 25 7m Phone 'Jl. ATTORNEY AT LAW. WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts ol Halifax ai d adjoining counties and iL the Supien.e eourt of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt returns DR. PAISLEY FIELDS DENTIST. Over Weldon Drug Company WULDUIN, IN. l, W. J. WARD, ' DKNTI8T, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDlNHf WELDON, N.l! sepl2 ly OR. WM. A. CARTER, VETKRINARY SURGEON, WELDON, N. V. Long Distance calls answered promptly An Appetizing Meal Everybody wants It. Everybody likes It. Everybody's looking for It, UT You can't get It unless you have the right kind ol groceries, (let 'em HERE I Phone 280. R. M. PURNELL,' Weldon, N, C. Lamest Stock in ibe South. When in Norfolk call on us You will Hud what you want and get it quickly. . Having uo canvassers, no .-I J. agent's commssions are ad ded to our prices. This en ables us to use tlrstclassn a lenal and linisli it pri ) eily We Pay freight and (luarantee Sale Arrival' THE COUPER MPBU Wild!. (UUiyears id busiuess,) IrW Rank ttt VOIU'IH.K, A II F- rX UP-TO-THE MINUTE I MILLINERY. FANCY HOODS and NOVELTIES. , Butterlck's Patterns R & 0. Corsets, Misses at 76c.' Ladies 70c. toll M. Prices will be made to suit tie times. Hate and Bonnets mad, si ,ii trimmed to order. "s.uj ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY KILLED. MRH. P. A. LKWIH, WUe,it.CI

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