jg j ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI. WELD ON, N. C, TIIUltSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1021. NO. 28 Children Cry for Fle-K r's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over thirty yean, has borne the signature of and has been mode under his per sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ' Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourselt c What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. If curtains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it haj teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, . Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM CINTAUH COMPANV, NCW VOUK CITY, n BIG SALE . OF End of Season Specials. Final Olean-Up of All Organdies, Voiis, W hite Goods Big line of Attractive Oxfords and Pumps and Men's Shoes Going at Little Prices. Wonderful Sale on Boys and Men's summer Clothing, 11 4. l. mumcK, m m mu uu mm mm m m m& mm mm mm mm mm mm The Busy Store, WELDON, N C We are not boasting! We are only stating a fact and what hundreJs of satisfied patrons say about us. li- sides excellence nf goods, we -Iso lay claim to promptness and careluinesS in the filing oi ml orders. I sell groceries as cheap for cash as any one in town, and will deliver same FREE OF CHARGE. L. E. HULL, N nr Batchelor't Opera House.l WELDON, NX the m of mini ORGANIZED 19061 Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked its success in the past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Quentln Uregory President S. M. Oary. VtM-Prmident. F. H.UrcKory Cashier. The Citizens Bank HOME LIFE. It Is The Home Lite That Our Civ ilization Is Built. I he best of life should be and is for nufst people the home life. Thnse persons who are unfortu nate enough not 10 have experi enced ihe truth of this fact huve noi known what is best in life. If a nun looking hack over lite years finds that Ins greatest satisfaction ami happiness hus come from as sociations and experiences ouiside his own family circle, it is a bleak and desolate career that he sur veys, however successful it may seem to others. The talks and walks that a boy has with his fath er and a girl with her mother, the gumts that ihe family play togeth er, the jokes that to an outsider perhaps would have little flavor, even the quarrels, ending as they do in reconciliations that make the affections more warm than they had been before are there any better experiences and memories than these for anyone ? Some people fear that the value of home life is less appreciated now than it used to be. They think that automobiles and jazz and movies and magazine fiction tend to make people restless, dis- contened with the quiet of home, discontented even with their homes We think that there is not much reason to be apprehensive. The love of family is the most deep seated instinct in the race. Amuse ments and excitements that pre vent or diminish the manifestation of that instinct can have only a temporary fascination. As nr ihe automobile, it is for most persons a convenience that helps to enrich the family life though sometimes perhaps it impoverishes the family. The American people are too sound at heart to become careless and callous toward the family tie. It is on ihe home life that our civilization is built. If the home life decays, our civilization will crumble. In the home life of every family the members are re sponsible not only to one another but to the nation for theitnaintenance of a high st.indard. In spite of the prevalence of fiction that presents domestic uuhappiness as its theme, we believe thai by lar ihe greater number of Americans meet the responsibilities and rejoice in ihe happiness of their home life. How Not to Take Cold. .Some percent are suhject to frequent cold, while others seldom, if ever, have a cold. You will liud that the latter take Kood care of themselves. They take a shower or cold bath every day in warm room, avoid overheated rooms. sleep with a window open or partly open, avoid excesses, over eatiuir, be coming overheated and then chilled and getting the feet wet. Then, when they feel the lirst indication of a cold, they take t'hamberlaiii's Cough Kerne- jjy without delay and it is Boon over. HAl IFAX. N. C. WE Invite the people ol Halifax and surrounding country to pat- ronlze tbia bai.k. Why not have a checking account? It if necessat v In these times. It saves you n oney, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors, besides it gives you a standing In your community. Wa have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention ias the .antes! with us. Wa pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Csaas ia an talk it war with Wa awJ ye, y tu. Armistice Day November 11th -- PROGRA M M E r--- I. PARADE 10:45 A. M. 1. Scout Masier Hayman, Chief Marshall, wiih Scouts as Assistants. 2. Junior Order of Daughters of Confederacy carrying American flag. 3. The Weldon Band. 4. The School Chorus. 5. The American Legion Posts of the County. 6. The Red Cross Chapter. 7. Guests of Honor. 8. Rosemary Band, 9. FLOATS-DIVISION I. Discovery of America By Rosemary Study Club. America's Freedom (1776) By Daughters of Revolution. American Unity By Daughters of ihe Confederacy. Our Allies in World War By Clubs of Littleton. To the Men who Fell By Clarksville Literary Club. To the Disabled Veterans By the County Nurse. Victory (1918) By Thursday Afternoon Club. Disarmament By Woman's Club, Weldon. FLOATS, DIVISION II (Forces that keep America Safe.) Church By Baraca Classes. Health County Health Department. Education Roanoke Rapids Schools. AMERICAN LEGION Portraying its Four Virtues Loyalty Shaw Post. Fraternity Scotland Neck Post. Unity Littleton Post Charity Enfield Ppst. Federated Clubs Weldon Book Club Industries Roanoke Rapids Mills Thrift Bank of Weldon Boy Scouts Weldon Troop Farmers Mr. J. P. Holoman FLOATS DIVISION III Advertisements. II Public Service in Park 1 1 :1 5 A. M. Music by Band and School Children. Address by Congressman Henry B. Sieagall, Washington. Ill FREE DINNER for all Ex-Service men and Honor Guests. 12:30 P.M. Farber's Hall. IV FOOTBALL GAME 2:30 P. M. Carolina and A. & E. Freshmen. V Shaw Post Minstrel 8:30 P. M. PARADE 10:45A. M. INSTRUCTIONS. The parade will form on First street ai 10:45 a. m. The participants are asked to assemble at 10:30 a. ni., in iheir regulargroups as follows: The band, the girls carrying the flag, the school chorus and the Boy Scouts on 1st street opposite Chero-Cola works; all ex-service mem guests of honor and Red Cross girls on 1st street opposiie Weldon Motor Co., all floats will park on 2nd street below Opera House and remain there until called for by ihe Scouts. LINE OF MARCH. The line of march will be up Washington avenue to Postoffice, cross ing to Elm street, up Elm street to 7ih street, crossing back to Wash ington avenue, down Washington avenue to 2nd street. GENTLE HINT. He: "1 trust I am not tiring you with my presence." She (sweetly): "What presents?" MUST WORK FAST. Darling, 1 love you! , Why, we haven't known each other an hour. I know, but I am only here for ihe week end. 6 aaa mi aj i aaa "M jm jm af, mi.mM. mar m A Tonic For Women "I was hardly able to drag, I was so weakened," writes Mrs. W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C. "The doctortretted me for about two months, illll I didn't get any better. I had l large fam ily and telt i surely must do something to enable me fo take care of my little ones. 1 had heard of CARDUI The Woman's Tonic "I decided to try it," con tinues Mrs. Ray . . . "I took eight bottles In all ... I re gained my strength and hive had no more trouble with wo manly weakness. 1 have ten children and am able to do all my housework and a lot out doors ... 1 can sure recom mend Cardul." Take Cardul today. It cay be Just what you need. -At all druggists. EH MORE LIGHT. "More lighil more light!" When sunsets hues are steeping All heaven and earth in waves of living light; And silence, o'er creation calmly creeping, With ringers whispers heY good night. "More light! more light!" When Dawn's soft golden tresses, Blown through the sky, proclaim the vigil o'er, And rosy, to the Zephyr's sweet caresses, Aurora smiles through heaven's half open door. "More light! Upon the page so full of wonder, Which God's great gracious love to man has given; That though the veil which ii has rent asunder The light may stream to show the path to Heaven. "More light!" For dying eyes when sunlight fails them, And all creation quivers to the sight; "More light!" 0 God! Thy light avails them, And Thou will give it, for Thou an the Light I AT GRANN Y'S HOUSE. At Granny's house things somehow seem Like they ain't real all just a dream Of days when Granny useft to be 'Bout big as half as big as me. We like to sit in Granny's door An' hear what she calls "days of yore." Which Granny says was 'way back there When sense was sense an' men was square. Why, Granny says, une man back then, If he was here, would be worth ten, An' she says, wimmtn, loo, could work As hard as some now sit an' shirk. She says today things don't endure; Why, just look at th' furniture! You ain't got rockers more'n a week Till they break down er start to squeak. Them duys when folks got wed It stuck judge didn't care who had bad luck. An' Granny says th' wimmens then Got out o' bed 'fore half pas' ten. Oh, Granny's mad th' way things is Girls ought to git th' rhemaiiz! An' she can't stand th' way that ihey Wear Sunday dresses every day! An' Sausage now is all a sin Th1 way it's got th' cornmeal in; An' folkes back then cooked fer iheirselves An' don't git meals from grocery shelves. Oh Gee, .but Granny's mad the way This world's turned out to be today, Still what I can't git through my head, Is why such good folks all is dead. , SCHEME WORKED. Experimenter Secured Sleep, but Hardly Knows Just Where to Award ths Credit. He could not sleep. He had read (hat if one would put the lips of the fingers of one hand ag,iinsi the tips of the fingers of the oilier, one could go lo sleep immediately and the next thing would be day light. He decided not io tell his wife, With the lights out he placed t he lips of his fingers together and lay still for several minutes. Then he moved slightly and was quiet again for several minutes. Naturally after a time he began to squirm, but he kept the fingertips together. The wife, noticing the restless ness and the finger lip perform ance, inquired irritably: "Edward, what in the world are you doing?" "Nothing," he sheepishly re plied, and was soon asleep from ihe fatigue of holding the finger lips together. Now he doesn't know whether lo give credit to the finger tip or deal or thanks to his wife for break ing the spell." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AS T O R I A THE ONLY RESOURCE. The class in chemistry was wrestling with a tough problem. Suppose, supposed the profes sor, you were called upon to at tend a patient who had swallowed a heavy dose of oxalic acid what would you administer? There was silence for a few mo ments and then a voice spoke up: The sacrament. Chamberlain's Tablets Have Don Her a World of dood. "C'hamberlain'sTablets have done me a world of good," writes Mri. Ella I. Button, Kirk ville. N. Y. "I have rec ommended them to a number of my friends and all who have used them praise them highly." When troubled with indigestion or constipation, give them a trial and realize for yourselt what an excellent medicine it is. AN IMPERFECT CONTAINER. Her tears gave the thing away." "Well, we might have known it would leak out." "Cold In The Head" is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds in the head" will tlnd that the use of HALL'S CATARHH .MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Wood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Medicine is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thus re ducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Horsfcrds-, SELF-RAISING SELF-RAISING ! J fetii tairicii. 1 3-" ! U i V: Fin B-CirBsaiie si Soda, "if - c? AT HOME, t'V',' ""- i if jr fcpttti'.u.Mtfc y " fee a-. I r J;, iLtvIN OUftCIf 4 0 am M isa j iritiii'.;:!',,, s BREAD PREPARATION Thr.fn let nn tnvotnvv nliti.f "nrl. n t 'a ttil the Bclf-raisin(? flour you make by mixing I lorsf orcl's with a sack of your favorito flour. Hot breads, biscuits, cukes and pnstry mnilc with Horsford's are always liirht, delicious to cat and you know they are wholesome. I'or free Prize T.ist, write: Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I. Makes Hot Breads BETTER . Premiums FREE llXVITA'liON.I I You are invited to open an account with the J BWOFlfFino, i eflrnlo, fl. c. I A Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-1 t ment Compounded Quarterly. S py YOU can bank by mail 1 i i SOMWOSSOmBBllMI Bargains for you IF YOU'BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO,, Wholesale Gash Store WRI.nON N. Ci THE TOURIST. "Hello there, Dubbs, how did you find the Sahara? Pretty hot?" "It is so hot the lizzards carry sticks to climb so they can cool their feet." A Timely Suggestion. This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife re plenishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the winter is over and results are much more prompt and sat isfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the tirst indication of a cold appears and before it has become settled in the system. There is uo dan. ger in giving it to children as it contains no opium or other harmful drug. ALL ACTION. What does the Work? THE cleaning power of all soaps and cleans ers is lye. Soap is nothing more than grease and water and lye, sometimes perfumed. You can make your own soap at a great saving, out of Red Seal Lye. Simply mix it with grease and water according to directions. Red Seal Lye is the very best lye your money can buy. It is pure lye, granu lated, and pa'ked in cans that are easy and convenient to use. To use it by itself for cleaning floors, woodwork, dishes, clothes, simply dissolve it in water and use the water as a cleanser. Red Seal Lye, sifted into the sink, ab solutely cleans out the pipes and prevents them from clogging up. It softens water saves soap and is a wonderful disinfectant. Always ask your storekeeper for, and be sure to get, the old reliable Red Seal Granulated Lye. v6UtATEDy IS Always follow direc tions when you ue Red Seal Lye full print ed set it furnished with rivh tin. They tell you how to use Red Seal Lye safely and savingly in many help ful ways. C. TOMSON & COMPANY Philadelphia, Penna. Zizzy Doesn't the moon look engagingr Zazzy Yes; there's a ring around ii. And iheir friends received invitations. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of r fr.. , . THANSAcr eu3ifesv JQSkX NICKNAMES. Willie: Ma, what do they call a lady who makes eyes at a man? Mrs. Willis: A flirt. Willie: Why, that isn't what papa called her all. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank bonk. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When ati opponuniiy comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU have cultivated him properly. Why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? fJktXii K ttwa .aBBMVjMK aaaaaaaaaaaBa, Vs. J if

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