f. ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVL WELD ON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1921. NO. 2!) Kit Contents 15 Fluid Drachm J -nflA g ifijj j 'Vf'ffifi) j For Infants and Children. 11r.11Hnl.-a PER CENT. 31 AViMnhlc Prcoawtionror As similntin$ thcrooa oy isu ! tinlhcSloiiMKksBndBo ft- Thereby Promoting DiiesWj Cheerfulness ana Hesiwiu""- noltw nnliim.Morpninen" Mineral. Notnabouuv. MM SOi . rusrs c i (...(..riilDi-medvfcr u Constipation and Dtarrtw" a.ul Feverishness nd rc5u!U.lwrefroro!!!ran(y raVsimileSiinrtm?1 new w""; Mr Exact Copy ct Wrapper, ir-1 $8 B1U bAL hi OF End of Season Specials. Final Clean tm Organdies. Voils. White Goods Big line of Attractive Oxfords and Pumps and Men's Shoes gjg Going at Litxie Prices. uu Wonderful Sale on Boys and f Men's summer" Clothing, Wg The Busy Store, We are not boasting. We are mii siaiing a fact and what hundieds of satisfied patrons say about us. Bi sides excellciiec of goods, wc jIso lay claim to promptness and carelulness in the Hiiira ol all orders. I sell groceries as cheap for cash as any one i.i i u, and will deliver same FREE OF CHARGE. L. E. HULL, Nr Batctaelor's Opera House.l WELDON, N.C the b mum, ORGANIZED 190Q Capital and Surplus $65,000 Conducted under strict Banking principles uml the same efficient management which has marked its success in the past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Quentln Oregory President S. M. ViM - The Citizens Bank HAI ifax. n. c W E Invite the people ol Halifax and aurroundinK country to pat ronize tbla Hunk. Why not have a (.necking account? It U necetsaiy in these times. It saves you n oney, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your crrdiiom. Besides it gives you a standing in your community. Vt e.have every facility known for Sound Banking, and invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as with us. W pay 4 per cent. Crvpounded Quarterly on Savings. " Caan la Md talk it ever Hb its. need yau, yau aaed us. Mothers Know Thai Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMi okntauh oomMnv. new vonk CITV, 38 m - Up of All m m m m m m m m WELDON, N C m Oary, t'rpHirfi'nt. P. It. irKury ".hi..r much attentlon'jas the .arrest LW V 11 ' 1 I I 1925 THE DAY. Preacher Naties 1925 as Resur rection Date. "God's clock of the ages has struck the hour for the setting up of his long promised kingdom on earth in 1925. Many now living in this city will live to welcome their loved ones as they will be called forth from the tombs ere long," declared W. E, van Am burgh, of Brooklyn, N. Y speak ing in the interest of the Interna tional Bible Students' association yesterday at Odd Fellows hall. He cited many scriptures and facts from current conditions in support of his belief in the reality of the resurrection. His address in pari was as follows: "Bible chronology gives the date of 1914 as the beginning of the overthrow of the Old World, and we are witnesses to that, so it gives 1925 the date for the inauguration of earth's jubilee, for the freedom of all peoples of earth, living and dead, Zachariah viii:8-9, and Mat thew xxiv:21-22 show conclusive ly that many will live through this stress. Reasonable deduction from the mass of evidence should con vince us that many now living in this city will live to see these things completely fulfilled and will be here to welcome their loved ones as they will be called forth from the tombs ere long. "The signs of the approach of "Thy Kingdom Come' were to be a World war followed by the great pestilences, famines and earth quakes. We are witness (hat these things have already come, and that we are still in the throes of distress. Daniel tells us that when Christ shall assume control, knowledge would be vastly increased and there would be much running to and fro. Today knowledge is in creasing along every line of science so rapidly that old dogmas, creeds and theories lie around like dead men upon a battle field, unburied and offensive, and people are trav eling everywhere in all manner of machines as foretold by Nahum ii:3 4.'' Springfield Republican. How Not to Take Cold. Some pei'NuuR are subject to frequeot coklx, while oihcig ueldom, if evcr.have a culil. You will tiud that the latter take good care of themtielveH. They take a tdiowi r or cold bath every day in a warm room, avoid overheated rooms. Bleep with a window open or partly open, avoid excesm'R, over eating, be coming oveiheated aod then chilled aud itettiug the feet wet. Then, when they feel the lirst indication of a cold, they take Chamber.'ain's Cough Reme dy without delay and it is soon over. QUASHED. Blackstone: What made the jury disagree in that prohibition case? Webster: There wasn't enough evidence iu go round, so all except ihe firsi lour jurors voted for a reasonable doubt. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA -Scientists tell us the sea is grow ing more salty, a measure of pro tection, no doubt, against the fresh things that inhabit the beaches. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Missouri Lady Suffered Until Sta Tried Cardui. S&jri "Result Wit Surprising." Cot Alonf fine, Became Normal and Healthy. BprlngfKld Mo. "My back was so weak 1 could hardlr stand up, and I would bare bearing-down pains an was not wall at any time," lays Mrs. D. V. Williams, wlft of a wsll known farmer on Routs I, this place. "I kspt getting headaches and having ta go to bad," continues Mrs. Williams describing the troubles from which sh obtained relief through the use of Cardui. "My husband, having beard of Cardui, proposed getting it for ms. "I saw after taking some Cardui . . . that I was Improving. The result was surprising. I felt Uks a different person. "Later I suffered from weakness snd weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at night, I was so nervous snd cross. My huaband said he would get ms some Cardui, which he did. It strengthened me ... My doctor said I got along fine. I was la good healthy condition. I cannot lit too much for It" Thouaands of women have suffered as Mrs. Williams describes, until they found relief from the use of Cardui. Bines It has helped so many, you should not hesitate to try Cardui U troubled With womanly ailments. IW sals srarywksrs. H.N Science Cu'j Frame House Fire a yfet (iS4' 1 "Q 1 in i I ir 1 m ' l -,t .i. M I r Plan by N. L. M. A. Sketch Illustrates New Vt Fir Rciiative Con.l .s of DANGER from lire tn frainn houses has baen reduced fifty ior cent, through ImprovemetitH in con struction worked out by the nn.it com petent engineers in the lumi..:i- i;.:!us try. This announcement nun just been mads attar these engineers have been working; upon Improved designs In frame construction during the past year with a view to reducing the flro hazard for wood houses to a minimum. Practical ly no change tn H';ir;ineo In houses constructed by the improved methods and very littlu, tf any, addi tional cost lv involved, but the meth ods recommended by ihe engineers glvi proteotlva features making the framo bouse essentially reulstlva to tire. Interposing of panels and short pieces within spai'.es that ordinarily serve as flues for rapid spread of fire, for Instance, reduces danger from thl.i causa. Other protective Improvement- prevent wooden parts catching flr-j from chimneys, finpliuf, hea tint plants and ntum and hut witter plpew. While wood will bum and there li no such thing as a "flrepiuof" housi within the reach of Um ordinary pocket book, the new protective meas ures devised by the lumber engineer j offer an economical type of construc tion that is fire relative and us nearly fireproof as frame construction as now developed, can be made, according to their conclusions. The methods con form strictly to the scientific codes of the moat progressive cities and carry a minimum of fire risk because of trio necessarily slow spread of combustion In houses following the new type of construction. . WHY HE HAD TO LEAYE. A Wedding and a !sle a Little Mixed. "The editor of the one locel newspaper in a small town gives the following explanation of "Why I Left town." He states: Some one seni the editor of the Poketown Gazette a few bottles of home brew. The same day he received for publication a wedding announcement and a notice of an auction sale. Here are the re sults; Mr. Smith and Miss Ola Ander son were disposed of at public auc tion at my farm one mile east of a beautiful cluster of roses on her breast and two white calves, before a background of farm implements too numerous ta mention in the presence of aboui seventy guests, including milch cows, six mules and one bob sled. Jackson lied the nuptial knot with 500 feet of hay rope and the bridal couple left on one good John Dere gang plow for an extended trip with terms to suit purchaser." "Cold In The Mead" is an acute attack of Kauai Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "coIdH iu the head" will lind that the use of HALL'S CATAKKH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them lens liable to colds Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system, thus re duciug the inflammation and reatoring normal conditions. All druggistB. Circulars free. F. .1. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, Ohio EAKLY IN LIFE. fcmploytr: Will your last em ployer Jecommend you? Applicant: I don't know I haven't worked for him yet. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A CARRIED lirik TKOUPR. '"They kepi company for a long lime before they were married, didn't they?" "Yes; and they've kept compa ny most of the lime since. All her relaiions seem io live wiih them." CASTORIA For Infants and Children i-' In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears l the BlfoaW of - 1 1 "" u .PMoro1 N.d'rV't. ' All That Was Left of a Frame Dwelling Built by Old Methods, i (Numbers Correspond to Those on Sketch) (1) Fire stopping at all Intersections of walls and partitions with floors, ceilings and roof, (2) Herring-bone fire stopping In partitions midway between floor levels. (3) Partition and wall corners framed solid. ( (4) Wall between porch attic, and house sheathed solid. (5) Header beams 20 Inches from the fireplace breast. Incombustible hearth, (8) Wooden membeai 2 inches from chimney, space between filled with loose Incombustible material. (7) Plaster applied directly to chimney breast (S) Flue lining in chimneys. (9) Top of chimney 2 feet above peak of roof, (10) Protection over heating plant. (11) Roof framing 2 inch.ii from chimney, flashed, permitting free move ment of chimney. (12) Top of heating plant IS inches from ceiling. (13) Furnace 8 feet from warm air riser. (14) Sr.iokc pipe V2 times its diameter below the ceiling. (15) Heat pipes 6 inches below ceiling. (16) Dot" 1-d tin pipes, '-inch ah space between in partitions, kept 1 inch from all woodwork. Steam and hot water pipes 1 inch f-jin woodwork. (17) Heat fires running through flrors, fire stopped with loose incom- material WHEN WEARY WILLIE SCORED. Uncle Isaac Was Just a Little Bit Too Emphatic in His Verdict Concerning Coat, Weary Willie slouched inio the pawn-shop. "How much will you give me for this overcoat?" he asked, pro ducing a faded but neatly mended garment. Isaac looked at it critically. "Four dollars," he said. "Why," cried Weary Willie, "that coat's worth $ 1 0 if it's worth a penny!" "I wouldn't give you $10 for two like ihat," smiled Isaac. "Four dollars or nothing." "Are you sure that's all it's worth?" asked Willie. "Four dollars." repeated Isaac, "Well, here's your $4," said Weary Willie. "This overcoat was hangin' outside yer shop, and I was wonderin' how much it was really worth." A Timely Suggestion. This is theseason of the year when the prudent and careful housewife re pleuishes her snpply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the winter is over and results are much more prompt and sat isfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soou as the hrst indicatiou of a cold appeals aud before it has become settled in the system. There is no dan. ger iu giving it tn rlwljicu as it contains no opium or other harmful drug. WIFE WALTZ. Marry me? he pleaded. Her answer if you dance I With one-step, he was by her side And so she look a chance. Chamberlain's Tablets Ha ve Don Her a World ol Good. "Chamberlain's Tablets have done me a world ot good,'' writes Mis. Kiia L Button, K irk vi Me. N. Y. "1 have rec ouimeuded them to a uumher of my frieuds and all who have used them praise them highly." When troubled with indigestion or constipation, give tin' in a trial and realise for yoursell what an excellent medicine It Is. SHREWD TRADESMAN. Father: Who gave you that cut on the side of your head, Johnnie Son : Nobody give it to be, pop Father (sharply): Nobody? Be careful nowl ion: IN ope, nobody give it io me. 1 got it in exchange for two black eyes and a bloody nose. Hood Health. ' If you would eujoy guml health, keep your bowels regular. No one can rea sonably hope to feel well, when consti pate J. When needed, take Chamber lain's Tablets. They are mild snd entle. Risk hi Half J If WOULDN'T STAND FOR REBUKE. Beggar Woman Had Her Own Point of View Concerning "Business" She Was Engaged In. Secretary Lawson Purdy of the Charily Organization society said at a dinner in New York: "Professional beggars are a self- righteous crew. What I mean is that they regard their trade the same as you and I regard honest work. One winter afternoon I came on a beggar woman I knew of old. She was begging in a bit ter .wind on a corner, and three little children in calico rags shiv ered at her side. " 'You Jane,' I said reproach fully. You begging! And those three little ones! They aren't real ly yours at all!' " 'Well, damitall, said the beg gar woman. 1 wouidn t nave io beg so hard if ihey were really mine, for then I wouldn't be fork ing over a dollar a day to hire them.' " Trustees Sale of Land. North Carolina Halifax County ttv virtue nf the atith;)ritv contained in a (rtnin rl,fl nftniMt. AYPIMlteH hv N. S. Karnes ami n corded in Jlook 307 at l'aire 4Gtj, in the Kegister ol lieein oi- nce ol tiaiuax county, it. u., uemuu having been made in the discharge ot the obligation secured by said deed of trust, and the holder of the Bald obliga tion MDirincr mm nntitpit 11m unle nf thA land so conveyed in said deed of trust, the undersigDed will expose for sale on Saturday, November 26, 1921, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the Tost Ollice door in the town of Weldon, Hal ifax countv, N C, at l'ublic Auction to the highest bidder for cash, the said land so conveyed in stul deed ot trust, the same being described as follows: It being lot No. Ill, according to map recorded in Hook of Maps No. 2, at page (ID, Halifax County Registry; said lot lying on northeast corner of l ifth snd Sycamore streets, in the Town of Wel duu, aforesaid State and county; front ing "Z feet on Sycamore street, and run- mug dick Dntwern paranoi nnrs n m to lot of Mrs. A. M Inge. This the 17th day of October, 1921. ELLIOTT B. CLAKK, Trustee Place ol Sale: I'ost Ollice, Town of Wehlnn. N f!. Time of Sale: Twelve o'clock, noon. Terms of Sale: Cash. EeZE.JA! Money baek without question . It HUNT'S GUARANTEED KIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fall In i the treatment of Itch, Bet em, Kina-woimTetterorotherltcb- Ing akin disease. Trr this tie unset at our nsa, For Sale By M. C. Pair, j Executrix's Notice The underlined liavuiK qualified a Eiecutrix of Ihe estate ol Trim Newfl', deeased, late of Halifax county, this is to notify all persons haviuir claims against the estate of the said di ceas, ,! to present them on or before the first day of November, 1WJ, or this nut.ee will be plead in bar of their recovery All persona indebted to- said cstute will come forward and make settlement. 1UAW NEWELL, Administratrix of Trim Newell, dee. K. 1, Littleton, N C. 11 il (it I SI YOU can make better Self'Raising Flour than you can buy a 25-lb. sack of your n-milar flniir nnd mix with it n purkiiKi' uf Hnrslnrd's. This nut km a more wholesome, t ltlcit ni, m 11-ntisiiin 1ur thiiii cull be buunht muly-prepum), Vure phosphates it) lliU'sfonl's inn lie hritids und pastry more nutritious, alri-riritli-bulldiug, lusty unit nitislyiiiR. I'ur free Prize l.lsl, wrlle fluiufunJ Uieiuleul WorUi, 1'rovltlt'iii-i', It. 1. Horsfords SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION SAVE the LABELS Americans Find Armenians Victims of Circumstances, not Beggars The Armennn government wot.M loon be able to work out iu uv.it salva tion if it tuulil en joy g brief period of peuce, in tut; opin ion uf an Aiiktii.tii Cotnmistion winch has just rrttinird to the I'niii'tl -!'" after an extuuktiv aurvry of the Mltia tion in the Levant. Thil Commissifin, which was sent out by the Near hast Relief, mads a ler aonal inHecUtin of conditions from Syria to the Cauca HUI Mountain!. In addition, the rcpnru of relief worker who have been long on the field ami of government official! carefully examined. "In those few districts where the Armenian has been able to live in peaic he lus thoroughly demonstrated his ability to care for himself and his own," declares C'haa. V. Vtckrey, gt ncral .secretary of the re lief organization, who headed the Commission, "Naturally indus trious, will, an in herent dutasie tor accepting charity, it has bren the whole sale disorders of the past year that have prevented the people from realizing their cherished dre.nn of stable, Independent government. "Even in the pres ent ciiais, uitfi star vatimi and i-hulcru making such rapid inroads into the pop ulation that it seem) tmpirssiblc fur any to sorvive, the peo ple are atniKgting A Victim of Scabies, Nearly as Prevalent aa Starvation. bravely again iverp'wertng circtim- stances. "Armenia is starving, not became her people are di pen. linn on outMtle d for their existence, but because occupation of thefr land by hostile forrrs and the consequent interruption of minimi occu pation, have made them helpless. EAGLE "MIKADO For Sale at your Dealer Made in fir grade ASK FOR THE YFLI.OW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK Bargains for you IF YOinBUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., "Wholesale Gash Store WELDON N. C. i - a w mm mWM MMltmm IS II I THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. X hen aii opportuniiy conies for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down it YOU have cultivated him properly. Why not sian thai account today and be prepared 10 laugh ai adversity? -HiiV ti i -4.sii 'z HOIUHFORITf j j t SELF-RAISING 1 i J Pure Bi CjrtMjie iki ""-""""" r' AT HOME. ii'J y , r He tltV.P, OVC(B S P Zllj for FREE PREMIUMS "Time after time since the outbreak of the world war, the Armenians have made a brave attempt to cultivate their liiiul. And time alter time Some new disorder has prevented them from gather ing Iheir crops or laid witMte their fields before the grain has ripened and been gathered in. "After two years of American relief activity it seemed last till as il we would be able to reduce our program in Russian Armenia to the care of the children we h id g tthercd into our orphanages. But then r. me the new invasion, crops were trampled dnwn in the fields, live stock Was carried otF. and the peasant population were driven from their homes. We may rrnt be able to save all of the helph-M rehiHi' . w hu art- now crowded In tins territory, but we certainly cannot desert the lumdrt-d thousand orphan children w ho are now in ..ur orphanages cr un ler our protection in the ( aucaias, , Anatolia, (ilicu and other devastated areas of the Near East. Last spring, when our supplies ran low, 3.000 of these children died out of a tot I of 20.000 in one of our orphanages. These children are absolutely dependent upon aid from America and will perish if our aid is with held. , Next year, If further chaoe ctn be avoided, possibly we will be able to reduce our program, hut prompt action is necessary now or for thuuse ds there will be no next rear." WfSLDON. N C. I nv5 l Honle Waif, at F.riv.n Rail it '1 1 road Station. "PencilNo.l74

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