1v I B. A Christian is i in a Souih Georgia ciiy. preacher A New Yiirk woman dyed : cai. And ihen he cat died. tier Stomach Trouble? Are You Nervous? Why Not Enjoy Perfect Health? Wiiwtnn-SiiliMu, N. 0. "I suf fered ttir nbiut eight months with nervous irliKestiun, und h:ui several doctors b see me but found im relief until a friend suggested I'f. I'ii'rt'e's Medicines. I wus not nl'le to tfli'i-p ut night anil could not pal, ju l livd cm bweet milk and lin-;id. I Ivi'in m tukn Hr. I'iiti-ii'm ttiMfii Mi'iln'ul Mi -cuvery and tonk ono Iih'I.' ni Pr. 1'ierce's Favorite I'reviipti uuli wonderful relief. I am now pn-t to, but feel Jnt us I did :it lit. I ul.-.i gave the Discovery to my children, and now I am giving it to my grimd children. "You will nlnuys llnd a bottle of Dr. I'ierce's (iohleu Medical Discovery In my home, and 1 mil rei'ommeiid it to anyone suffering from nervousness." Mrs. Izie liiersi.n, lill'i Hep- St. "You can quickly jmt your- !! in A-l condition by going to your ilnijj Kist and obtaining Hr. l'ieree's (iolden Sledical Diacovesy, in tablets or liquid, or write lr. I'ierce, I'resident Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y., fur free udvica. LIFE in the moving picture bus iness is just one scandal after another. VCk see by the papers that an other moving picture star has gone into eclipse. SOME of he senators found that they couldn't beat the farm bloc, and just joined it. Vt'E don't know whether it is a new revolution in Mexico or just a new one come to life. THE ROANOKK N ti VC S Thursday, Mar. 16, 1922 Published livery Thursday. JOHN W. SLF.DliE, i-Jiliir an! l'mtrktur NTKRJCD AT POHTOKF1CR AT WELDON AW B2COND-CLAH8 MA'ITKK, RVl'ES OF SIBSCRII'TIDN IN ADVANCE: One Year, (by mail) postpaid, fci.Uu, ix Months, " " 1.00 A weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and urTOundingcounties. Advertising rates reasonable and fur- aiahed on application. THE TREATIES. Now the ratification of ihe Pa cific ireaties, which came from the disarmameni conference, are be fore the United Slates Senate. We may expect a great deal of speech' making. But unfortunately the discus' sions will be largely of a political nature. Some senators will be lieve and say, it is their duty to support the treaties because of the partisan politics involved, while others will oppose them for the same reason. What a pity it is that the treaties will not be considered upon their merits, without regard to party lines. What a pity ii is that the senate is not made up of statesmen instead of political leaders. we do not say there are no . statesmen in the senaie. But the man does not live who will say that all senators, or even a large number of them, are statesmen. RAILROAD RATES AND WAUES Railroad officials say that the scale of wages for rail employees, as nxed by the rail labor board, is much higher than the wages being paid for similar work in other lines of industry. As a result, many railroads are having much of their work done by contract, at substan tial saving. There is evidently something wrong with the whole railroad. situaiion. The public is clamoring for a reduction of both freight and passenger rates, which, it is claim ed are hampering business. As an illustration, not long ago, a man bought a thousand bushels of corn in Iowa for 24 cents bushel and shipped it to his farm in Oregon. The freight charge was 36 cents a bushel. He got his corn laid down for 70 cents bushel, but the farmer got only 24 cents. Railroad charges are too high, or else everybody else is under paid. NEW PEACE PLANS. "Take the profit out of war" is the slogan adopted by an interna tional association of machinists which is working for universal peace. The machinists nave gone to Ihe root of the matter. Let it be understood mat mere will be no more profit in wars, and there will be no more wars. In ancient times, kings went to war agmnst each oiher for private glory or revenue, or for the ac quisition of territory, or for mere loot. The principle is much ihe same to day, but the lust for gain is not confined to the kings or rulers. Leaders in every country see that there is great pn fit to be made out of war, and they are not op posed to wars. If the machinists get their idea adopitd by the people of the world they will do mire for universal peace than all the disarmament conferences between now and dootnday Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The peace dollars are harder to uet hold of than those that were in circulation during the war. There is this to be said for grand opera: If you don't like if you can get up and go out. "Ia ekyhody loves Uncle Sam" says a Japanese statement. And there is generally a reason. Congress seems to be trying to escape the bonus by failing to provide for the soldier' bonus. The vice-president of the United States is named Coolidge, and he seems willing to let it go at that. Congress seems willing to give the ex-service men a bonus, if hey will provide ihe money to pay ii with. It is said that the next war will be between chemists. Thai's all right, if they don't call the rest of us inio it. An exchange says David Grif fith made the movies what they are. Aren't you glad the blame has been located ? Oi.'R idea of thriftlessness is to make enough money to be liable to the income tax and then not to save enough money to pay ihe tax. A French spirit medium says an American statesman will die this year, but the average congressman should not lose any sleep over this. Don't criticize Mr. Will H.Hays too severely. You would probably go into the movies too, if they would otter you $150,000 a year. We did not know that Hume had a president until the newspa pers announced the other day that somebody had tried to assassinate htm. THERE are two Arthur Griffiths. One produces moving picture shows in this country and the oth er makes a show of himself in Ireland. Women who powder their noses are dishonest, says Lvangelist Booth. But all women haven't got a weather proof complexion, Eyie. It is to be hoped that Mr. Will H. Hays will bring about a greater improvement in the moving pic tures than he secured in the postal service. Anybody know what has be come of Dr. Harvey Wiley, who used to frighten us into conniption fits over the quality of the food we were eating? Now that President Harding has succeeded in silencing George Harvey, there are a number of other men in public life whom he should work upon. Waiters complain that there are no big tips since prohibition went into effect. And the Wash ington Post says ii is because peo ple are not so tipsy now. It is claimed that three New Yorkers in the fur business have robbed the government of $2, 000,000. This sounds like rub. bing the fur the wrong way. Henry Ford is not the only man who cannot see why gold should be ihe basis for money, but he is the most prominent business man who has ever come to that point of view. THE announcement that the Ar menians are to move out of Tur key is me best news that we have heard in a long time. Now let the Turks move out of Armenia and we may have peace. OLD WELDON. 1 Things That Happened 33 ears Ago in Town and Vicinity. .'....i en I I. 19 - Public school ai.I he commenced at Literary hall in tins place, on Monday next.Mrs. J 'X . Sledge, teacher. Mr. B. A. Pope, of this place, brought suit at the present term of the Superior court for $2000 dam ages against the Wilmington and W eldon Railroad Company for keeping up the pond jusi south of ihe town, alleging that it produces malaria and causes sickness. Mrs. Sarah L. Branch, sister of our townsman, J. L. Bass, F.sq., died at the residence ot her son-in-law, Mr James Batchelor. near Halifax, Friday night last, after a prolonged illness; aged 73 years. I'he dwelling house near Tilgh- man s Koads, about three miles from here, was burned Monday. It caught tire accidentally. Mr.W. T. Herring had recently purchased it and was there making some re pairs. In the year 1866, J. H. Lewis, a colored boy about sixteen years of age, a native of this county, left here without a ceni of money, and after a while landed in Boston as poor as he departed. He got work in a merchant tailoring establish ment and worked himself up until now he has an interest in the busi ness and is individually worth about $75,000. Dr. J. F. Shields, a native of this county, and for some years a resident of this place, left yesterday for Hawthorn, Florida, where he will live and practice his profession. Dr. Shields is universally liked in this community and there will be general regret ai his departure by old and young. May he thrive and prosper even beyond his most sanguine hopes and may he soon have a special use tor the orange blossoms which will surround him on every side. We learn that the Rev. J. M. Rhodes, who for the past iwo years was president of the Henderson Female College, has purchased Lit tleton Female College, and will at an early day make many additions preparatory to opening next fall. Mr. Gilbert Leggeti, who lives about four miles below Scotland Neck, had (he misfortune to lose his dwelling, kitchen and the enure contents by fire on Sunday after noon last. Mr. John J. Garren, of Ring wood, is engaged as clerk in the office of the Register of Deeds for a short time on account of a press of work. IMVUORUION. Congress needs to take a new vie ot the immigration question, -ud mji is that immigration into thi country i a privilege and not a right. The cuizens ul this country have the right to say whether they want any more foreigners to come into the country, or whether they do not waul the people of any partic ular country or countries to come. Public sentiment in this country now is overwhelmingly in favor of restriction of immigration, and if Congress does not further restrict immigration it will be going con trary to public opinion. CALENDAR Of Jury Causes For Trial March Term 1 922. Y K I X KS KAY, M ARCH 22, 1 92: "Let Ford do it," seems to be the sentiment of the public as to Muscle Shoals. When it comes to thai son of thing the people have more Faith in Henry Ford than ihey have in the government or any other man living. A bill has been introduced in the Kentucky legislature to pro hibit the teaching of evolution in that State The professors who have been teaching the doctrine should assure the indignant legis lator that they meant nothing personal. LIME THE LAND. The value of lime on the land was appreciated in ancient times. As far back as 2,000 the Romans practiced liming. Before the dawn of history the Chinese used lime. England has been liming for two centuries and is still consistently following the practice. The same is equally true of Scotland. Full sue Dimity Quilts were $3 now Weldon Furniture Co. Lace, Voille and afl kinds of cur tains at reduced prices. Weldon Furniture Co. SALIVATES EVEN WHEN CAREFUL treacherous Drug cannot be Trusted and Next Dose Way Start Trouble Calomel is dangerous. Ii may salivate you and make fearfully from soreness of gums, tender ness of dribbling from the mouth. Don't trust calomel. It is mercu ry: quicksilver. If you feel bilious, headachy, consiipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bonle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a tew cents which is a harmless substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up belter and quicker ihan nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and gel your money. If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow besides it may salivate you, while if you lake Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great. No salts neceesary. Ciye it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and cannot salivate. If. II. i.HIliOH.l W, I). liIl'lvKNS HALIFAX HARDWARE CO, HI OKl-SUHS OK T. S. lilCKKNS A ( O.MI'ANY. Halifax, X. C. February 27, lirj- 'i'lii!i is tu uulify yuu that Halifax Hardware I'omi any lias bought out the tinu of T. S. Ihckeii A Company aud win nereaner conduct the business ol i. 1'ickens under tUe linn name ot Halifax Hardware Company. This is to further uolilv vou that T S. Dickens is not connected with the lirm of; Halifax Hardware Company nor iui i. i'iokciis ,v. company This is further notice of the fact that T. S. Dickens has no authority to act in any manner or capacity Ibreither of said linns and suul linns will he in nt way responsible lor any acts or obliga lions alter tins dale. HALIFAX IIAHDWAKK CO., Jlv W. D. DICKU.NS, .Manager. H Hi Iw ill. --until Vs. Smith I i;;i. Il.ll ' B.-II 51. Nl'VtSulll " XoWHOIIl s7. Cook " Cook KS. Alston " Alston 111, I'lirhain " l'nrliiuii ii7. Hisliop " Bishop !)'.!. Holmes " Holmes KS7. Warren " Warren Kin. Alston " Alston 140. Koss " Ross 151 George " George 162. Williams " Williams 1M. Xediler " Nedder 15(1. Moore " Moore 157. Hoyil ' Boyd 52. Harrison " KxpteBsCo. tio, Halifax Supply Co. " Kioelioh in; Mann " Weldon Lumber Co. 1 1 Hi". Williams " A. V, L. K. H. Co. r.'o. Gil ik 1'ainl Co. " Ayoock Tlll'KSDAY, MARCH 2)1, IH22. - 2-1. 1 louse Va I'urker 41. Nut'Hery Co. " Idle. I I. Drewry lltiylieH Co. " Halo 65. an Lindley Co. " l'ittiiian 114. Swain " KxpreHs Co. 1 is. Uolliday it Wbitaker " 12!i. Hunter " Sears l.'ll. Town Roanoke Rapids " I'atterson 121. Blue Ride Mill Co. " Downs l.lo. Strickland " Berry FRIDAY, MARCH 24. 1H22, Uii. 1'araniore Vs King 70. Carter " Edmonds 72. Vauglian " Shell 70. Strickland " Barbara S2. Hux " Koeteretal s:i. Herald Pub. Co. " Nedder & Co. S'.i. Swift & Co. " Smith no Woodland Co, " Howard Jobbing Co. 112. Warren " Harris il4. Fattleon " Mutual Mereuutile Co. 1)5. Sykes " " " " lis, Jackson " " " " 101. Furgerson " Richardson. 104. Adams & Co. " Nedder & Co. MONDAY, MARCH 27, ia22 Dawson Vs Jones :!0. Medlin " Hawkins TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1922 102. Inseo Vs. Johnson et als lo;i. Morris " " " !t:i. J olinstou, Guardian " Insco lo7. l'age " Laughter 1UH. Myrick " Glover 112. Ueaslev Shoe Co. " Mutual Mercantile Co. 115. S. A. L. Ry. Co. " Faueett ll'.i. S, A. L. Ry. Co. " Florence Lumber Co. 122. Howler " Norman 12il. Jones " Bullock KI5. Vincent " 8. A. L. R. R. 147. Littleton Lumber Co. " Scblichter 142. Dunn & Johnson " Robbitt WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2'J, 1922. 12H. Vinegar Co. Vs King 127. Vinegar Co. " King Bros. 128 Whitaker " The Texas Co. KIM. Bank of Tillery " Page 14:1. Harris " Hamlet 144 King & Arrington " Perry. 14!!. White K Son " Savage 165. C. R. Daniel, Admr " Fire Ins. Co, 158. Williams " Hedgepeth Farmer Mfg Co. " A.C. L. Co. 15:!. Harrington Bros, " Andrews & Co. 125. Robersoti " Martin NOTICE OF SALE. t'nder the power- aud authority con ferred uouu the undersigned hy ti cer laiu deed of trust executed ty .1. T. 1'ope and Alma V. Pope which is re corded in hook ;tl", at paee ;i3o, nilice of the lieirister of Deeds fur Halifax county, default having been made in the payment of certain part ol the in debtedness therein secured, aud hem duly requtnied thereto by the legal holder thereof, the undersigned Trus tee will, on Saturday, April 8th, 1922, between the hours of Vi nad 1 o'clock I'. M.. in front of the Font (Mice door in the Town of Weldou, N. C, oiler for ale at public auction to the hiirheat bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel ol land wiin -an improvements now thereon situate, Iviug and being in ttehloD lownslnp, tialitax county, N, C, described, defined aud bounded aa followa: Beginning at a stone corner on the V edge ol the public road leading from eldon to Halifax, corner L. T. Garner on Bald road, and runuing thence H 19 deg. 4," mm. w Bill feet to a sweet gum tree, thence thence ,W deg W l!5!i feet to a stake, thence S 0 deg W 14'.' feet to a stake, ttience ! 01 deg h &1 feet to stake, thence 'i deg do mm K'1 feet to a stake, thence b 13 drg 16 unu V 4tni feet to a slake, thence S 15 deg W :t'ii feet to a stake, thence N M deg V .Vw feet along the line of I,. T. I.aruel to a stake in the corner of said Ijarner and M. W. Kansora line, thence ,S 1G deg 45 luin W along the line of M. W. Kansom '.1" feet to a stake in the cor ner of aaid Itansom, and the land of ,J. A. Johnston, a pine tree, ihence S 7tj deg. au mia K. :tt) feet fo a stune.tlicnce S lbdeglW min W 675 feet to a stone, thence N 75 deg V 1711 feet to a atone in the cor. .tohnst n line, thenee sj 11 deg. 45 min W A'll feet all along the John stonlinetoa stone in thecorner of JohnBton and A. J. Joyner, thence N 7li deg 3u mia E 1624 feet along the A J. Joyner line to a atone on the west edge of the aforesaid public road, thence along said public road N Vi deg W 2442 feet to a coi ner on the W edge of said road at a curve, thence continuing along the said road 24 leet W 346 feet N 81 deg W 473 feet to the heginniug, the same containing 62$ acres of land by urvey of K. H. Barrow made January l&U, and being that identical tract ot land which was conveyed uulo Mrs. Alma V. fope by Robert Kansom on the 3(lth day of December, lDl.i, by deed which is duly recorded in the of fice of the Kegn-ter of Deeds for Halifax county, in book of deeds 264, at page 485. This the 8th day of March, 1922. WILLIAM L KNlUHT, Trustee, FOR SALE At Camp Lee Office. liuilding Material aud Kquipmeut of every description needed to erect and equip a home. Sash, Doors, Framing, Sheeting, Siding, Wall Board and Builders' Hardware. Hot Water Boilers, Storage Tanks, Hotel and Family Ranges, Toilets and Slop Sinks. Send me your specifications. I will build you a home anywhere at a lower cost than yuu will ever be able to have it done again, 1 also have for sale Benches, Wood Fencing, Stand ard Chestnut Poles, Wire, X Arms Insulators. And a complete tire alarm system large enough to serve a city the sue of -Norfolk. Na. For further information write me at The Liberty Thealre, I 'amp Lee or tele phone No. 2472. C. R. SANDERSON, Camp I.ee Salvage. Mortgagee's Sale. t'nder and by virtue of the power con ferred on the undersigned in a certain Deed of Trust dated 2Mb day of Febru ary, 192U, by aud between Kd. Clantuu and Hattie ilauhm, which said Deed ot Trust is of record in liook 1117 page 447, Hahtax County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness therein secured and at the request of the leal holder ol said in debtedness the uudersigned will, on Saturday, the 1st Day ol April, lu22, at the Post Otlic door in the town of tt eldon, X. C. sell lor cash the fol lowing described laud, towit : That tract or parcel of land situate in Weldon Township, Halifax countv. N. C, bounded on tiie North by the public road leadiug from Weldoon to Roanoke Rapids, on ttie hast hy the land of C, F. liore, on Ihe South by the land of C, F. (lore, on Ihe West by the land of 8 A. Ponton and lleury t'lautou. This the 27th day of February, 1922. l.KO. C. (iKfiF.N, tiuardian, Moilgagee, Sale of Land by Trustee. IW virtue of the power contained in a cerlaiu deed ol trust dated .Ian 21. 120. executed and dehveiedby John Dinos to W. K Darnel, duly recorded in Rook :4 9 page 515, office of the Register of Deeds for Han tax county, to secure a certain indebtedness therein set out, default having been made in the payment ul the same and the uudersigned trustee having been requested to exercise the power of sale, the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction lor cash front of the l'ost office door in the Town of Weldon, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., on Saturday, March 25, 1922, the following certain lots or parcels of land lying situate and being uear W el don in Halitax counlv, N. I'., and more particularly described as follows: Lots Nos. four (4), rive (5) and six (rj in block 'B." fronting on road from Weldon to Roanoke Rapids, as shown on map made by K. M. Kutsler Fogi neering Co., January, 111-1), and record ed in otlice of Register of Deeds, Rook ot Maps No. 2, at nages H7 and 88, ref erence to which is made for more de tailed description; and being the same lots this date bought of W. D. Smith and wife, which deed is recorded in of fice of the Register of DeedB for Halifax county, Boot at page This the -22nd day of February, 1922. W. K. DAN I FX, Trustee. Cases will tak ureeedence fromdav to day until disposed of. Suitors unil witnesses need not attend before tins day on which their cases are set. STERLING M. GARY, Clerk Superior Court. CALOMEL HAVE YOU THESE jYMPTOMS? If So, Commence Taking Qude's Pepto-Mangan and Get Back to Good Health Lack vitality, a feeling of tired ness, bad breath, pale lips, color less cheeks, loss of weight, flabhy flesh, lessened strength all of these call for the immediate use of Gude's Pepto-Mangan. It will positively produce satisfactory! re sults. Try taking it with your meals for a few weeks and be sur prised with the improvement in your condition. Gude's Pepto Mangan will help you back to strength duringconvalescence from any illness. It has been prescribed successfully by physicians every where for thirty years. It is a rec ognized iron tonic of honest merit. For sale in liquid and tablet form by all druggists. Ask for it by the full name, "Gude's Pepto-Mangan. "Advertisement. Trustee's Sale Of Land. U nder and by virtue of the power aud authority conferred upon me by a 'er tain Deed of Trust executed tu me by I,. W. liuplon and Bessie 1.1, Upton, his wife, on the 2ith day of May 1 111 S, which Deed of Trust is registeied in the office oj the Register of Deeds for the county ol tlalnax, Male ol North I aro lina, in the book 2M, page 2MI, default haviug been made in the payment of the bond described iu, and secured by, said Deed ol Trust, 1 will, at the re quest of the owner aud holder of said bond, sell at twelve o clock M.. on the luth day of April 1922, in front of the bank of llollister, iu the town of Hulhs ter, Halifax county, Male of North far obna, at public auction to Hit highest bidder lor CASH, that certain lot 0 parcel of land in said town of Holhster, bounded as followa: One lor on liibbs avenue iu block A. lot -No 1., fronting twenty-live 2o) leet on liibbs avenue running back along Williams street one hundred and titty 1150) leet, (comer lot) on which there is located a frame store building, with all fixtures con tained therein, and being the same lot and fixtures which were conveyed by H. F. Honney, trustee, to R, W. Raw Is by deed dated April Hlh, Idl.t, duly re cerded in baid Halifax county, and by sajd Rawls to said L. W. Uupton by deed dated May 21st, 118, which deed iB also duly recorded id said Halifax county. This th day of March 1!22. TASkER l'OLK, Trustee. Full size Crochet Quilts were $4 now $2.50. Weldon Furniture Co. Sale for. Division. North Carolina, 1 Halifax County. Willie E. .Motley, E. E. Motley, Lucius E. James 11. Motley, Luther Motley, Mary F. Motley, Ida P. Motley, liretch in F;. Motley, Beulah H. -Moore, Eflie R. Moore, Macon Moore, Jr., Macon Moore. ??r., Spurgeon Pegram, Carry Pegrain, Lola Freeman, J. W. Freemau and C. S, Pegram, Guardian Ad Litem. VS. James Sanders, William Sanders, Wil lie Conway, Richard Conwav. Frank Conway, Ida Conway and Carrie Con way. Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court uf Halifax countv, N. C, made in that certain special proceeding en titled Willie Motley et al, plaintiffs, versus James Sanders et al, defendants, w hich is of record in the otlice of the clerk of Ihe SuperiorCourl of said coun tv and State aforesaid in Rook Page , special proceedings docket. the undersigned commissioner will on The 20th Day ot March, 1922, at 12 o'clock Al., at the court house door in the tow n of Halifax, Y C, sell to the highest bidder at public auction for division, subject to the continuation of the court the following described real estate, situate, lying ami being in the county of Halifax, llrinkleyville township. Slateof North Carolina, towit: Beginning al a stake at Pine pointers, the said Temperance Powers comer and running N 13 degrees K :i poles tu a black jack; thence N ? degrees K KM poles tu a pine stump; theuce S 4m poles to a dogwood; thence N xu degrees W 112 poles th tiie beginning, containing about 27 acres. F'or a more accurate description, Bee book 24, at page 12, Register of Deeds ortice of Halifax county- This the Nth day of February. 11122. Terms of Sale: CASH. w. f. Harvey, Commissioner. IT ..IIW ITUli St) 1 RED WC' PHot Breads, Biscuits Delicious and Wholesome Mixing llnrsf.ir.l's with '"'" ""'"' ,! .nu-i. ili rll-r.i.iw ur Hmidh. biscuits, Pii-s'rv "u"1'' fr,r are nlwnvs Unlit. i-vnl-tt "'. nuMtiil-l""" i. tt r. Issle heller, discbt with fuse. Viiluiililr, stylish PREMIUMS FREE tor TI..rsf,..rfs labels. Wrilel lluniford Cliemleal Works, Providence, 11. 1.. Hit. free Prize LJst. morsford's SELRAISING BREAD PREPARATION. JUST LOOK! Trustee's Sale of Land. I'nder and by virtue of the power aud authority conferred upon me by a cer tain 1'eeu Ol hubi executed 10 me by L. W. liupton and Bessie I. (lupton, Ins wile, on the 1st day of March, luin, which deed of trust is n gisterij iu Uw olUce of the Register of Deeds of tiie county of Halifax, State of North (Car olina, in book 2!H, page 4"4, default having been made in the payment of the bonds desenbed in, and secured by said deed of trust, I will, al the reguesl of the owners and holders of said bonds sell at 12 o'clock. Al., on the 10th Day of April, 1922 in front ol the Hank of Holhster, in the Town of Holhster, Halifax county, State of North Carolina, at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract or parcel of land in said town of Holhster, bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron stake (formerly coruer with N lek Richardson ausl the F'osburg Lumber Company) and run ning thence N H7j W 2211 4-IU feet, thence N & E 5M feet, thenee.S S E 223 and 4-IU feet, thence S a W SMi feet to the place of beginning, and beinr the same land which was conveyed by Luther . Wihams and Arhne Williams to J.J. Odom by deed dated June 2H, 11)14, which deed is legistered in the othceof the Register ol Deeds for said Halifax county, in book 2nl, pagebij. This ihe Dth day of March. 1922. TASKER POLK, Trustee. ! lift I 1 , It ill) u HEW PRICE $445 V Delivered on your Farm We furnish a man to teach you to;, work with a FORDSON To Plow, Harrow. Haul, Run your Grist Mill. Wood Saw, Thresher, Shredder, Cotton Gin, Saw Mill and many other things too numerous to mention here. Henry Ford has just cut the price $230 on the FORDSON to help the farmer. You should certainly help yourself oy letting us show you what a Fordsc n will do for you. Call N. S. BARNES Weldon Motor Co. Phone 328 WELDON, N. C. m iffi Isn't it about time for one of those dandy chicken din ners? You know what a "hit" they always make. We have a fine se lection of chickens for you to choose from now- frying chickens, roasting chickens and stewing chickem,. Or, if you prefer some other kind of poultry or a good imcy roat we n can give you jujt what you want. j Prices and Meat That Meet Your Favor SANITARY GROCERY COMPANY, W. D. SMITH'S OLD STAND, NEAK I'liANUT FA( TcjUY Weldon, N. C. M. T. BELLAMY, Manager. Hho.te 46 72x90 Sheets were $1.25 now 90 cents. Weldon Furauupe Cu, Administrators' Notice. The undersized haviutr quuluied in the rnipeiior Court ol halilax uuunly as adiuiDistiutors ul the estate ol l l:. Medlin, denused, hereby notify 1.I1 pe sous liuldmtr clianns against said estau- tu . resent tltr'ii du.y wnllrd on or beioie IWt tve mtmllis fn'mi tin- tlule of this notice ur lUe same will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby nutilled to make immediate payment. This the 10th dav of February, 1DJ2 EUNICE M. tki ebi.dOu: COOKIE M. BTAINBACk, CHAKLE8H. MEDI.IN, Admrs. ot ( V. iltJhu, dee d. ..... sU COK SALli -10,000,000 !ono I Kieo swiet njiuioand KedHcal, y .omaio pan.s $.50 per 1,000.' .Sw. uiuuii niants Mi I ..II C r .. r. vj ri ur "IIIIIH orders special dlt I. tltlil ishipmeni; large price, . "'ge orders spe Dorris Pi iTrf Valdosta, Ga. Improved Porto Rico and Nancy Hall potato plants, $1 65 ner ,h y sand; over 10,000 a, $1 45 "i" May, June delivery cL 'a

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