MRS. A. W'ALKLK, km ALTH IS VITAL lit t is How to Take Proper Care of It Covington, Ky. 'Tor n limit lime I have used Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets i'ur biliousness and cui-tipatiuii to my entire sati.-faeti.m. 1 hue :t!-o recom mended the Kline I" .. 'i. i j pie who have later tlianl.eil ur ; r i ilnm them nhout these Tl. a.-:iht r, .lu-t lake them accordine. b .iireeii. iis ami relief is eerlam." Mrs. A. Walker, l:!5 Baiikln k St. i uristniatitiii is at the ri it of must ail tnenK .ni ean avmd lialt the ills m hie. I'V takiim 1 r . Pi. ive s I'le.iini Pellets. niir iieiL'litiorl,.iil .iiii' lias them iu miihH vials, c..ti . -i i u i it tu can v easy tu lake. Price Till- KOANOKL Mi Vt' S THUKbDAY, Mai Published l-very rhursJiry JOHN W, SLI.DuT.. rjit.-r jiiJlTmiivM -NTKKKU A r I'DSTtlFFlfK AI WM.lU'N A ZVOXi)-i 'l.AS MAI IKK. KAILSIIFSlBSCKII'lliMNUiAM:i: One Year, (by mail) postpaid, tU.un. six Months, " " I.ihi. A weekly I lemoeratie journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and surrounding counties. Advertising rates reasonable and fur nished on application. THESE MODERN UIRLS. "This new fad of women bob bing their hair makes me tired," is the remark of many an already tired crank these days. These in dividuals should try to remember that bobbed hair is not new, and therefore it is not a fad. Stone-hewn pictures on the walls of the temples erected before Moses of the Old Testament was known to the world have found to repre sent dancing Hgypiian girls, not only wearing shorn locks but go ing through contortions that re sembled the "shimmy" in a start ling and realistic manner. Joan of Arc bobbed her hair, though she probably did it for con venience while on the Held of bat tle, and history tells us of the style being accepted by the women of certain sections of France off and on for quite a while thereafter. Later, as far back as ISOO.when women of cenain types, then call ed "freaks" broke away from mat rimony and entered the profes sions, they no. only bobbed their tresses but had 'em off completely and even donned trousers. So, girls, you see that you can't start much that is new. This plan et is a pretty old mass and it is al most an impossibility to pull any thing new that some one else has n't tried out centuries or decades ago- ON (iETTINO MARRIED. A pastor in one of the cities of the country who is being sued by his wife for divorce is quoted as making (he statement to his con gregation that "it takes a mart of nerve and a woman who is brave to face the marriage ceremony to day." If this is true, why the "today?" What difference is there in the marriage ceremony of today from that of yesterday? It lakes more than "nerve" and "bravery" to enter into the mar riage ceremony. It lakes judgment and it takes honesty and sincerity. It requires the squat e deal beiween the two parties to the marriage contract. It means consideration for the other party. No man or woman should enter into the marriage ceremony who does not know how to compromise on the non-essentials. Any man or woman who marries with the expectation of having it his or her own way is headed straight for the divorce court. And this great fact might be taken under consideration by the minister in question as well as by all others. When a marriage ends in failure it is not wedlock that is at fault uui liic parties who enter into it. DO IT RIOrir. It takes very little if any more time and trouble and expense to do a thing right than to do it half right. But many people do not realize this. And when you do a thing well you get so much more satisfaction out of it. Nobody is ever happy over a slovenly job of any kind. One of the main reasons why many people never succeed in life, and are continually discontented, is that they have never learned to do their work thoroughly. General Pershing says the army needs second lieutenants. Well, as the man remarked when he saw a woman kissing a dog, there is no accounting for tastes. 1 AS TO VALUES. A one-cent siamp, printed by the government of British Guinea in 1S56, sold the oilier day in Paris fur $.12,077. Fur that much money you could buy a diamond ring big enough to look as if a small hen had laid it. Values are usually fictitious imaginary. So, too, are the most things in human life, especially emotions and so-called knowledge. SQUEEZED. In one year the 12 federal re serve banks of the country have reduced their commercial loans j from $1,224,53.1,000 to $.162,- j 662,000. The reduction is more I than two-thirds. There seems to be liule human ; interest in thus- rigures. Back of ihein, though, is the greatest trag- j edy of our generation -the story j of deflation, wiili iis hurricane of! desperation, fear, loss, despair and ! necessity. j Many of the broker shops have ! gone broke alo. g wiili their pat rons Till Ki: Ins been another large addition io the unemployed Fatty Arbuckle. It is pretty evident that ihis Col. Nun, one of the chief prohibition officers, isn't one. The party in power is never as good as ii says it is, nor as bad as opposition says ii is. The call now is for red-blooded Americans. The old blue-blooded crowd are out of date. Those Irishmen would get along better with each other if they would kiss the Blarney stone. I r is proposed to train reserve officers by mail. But will the fu tuie wars be fought that way. It would help the government treasury some if Congress would put a luxury tax on divorces. Anybody can view with alarm. It takes real discernment to he able to point with pride these days. Babe Ruth counts thai day lost whose low descending sun hath not seen him swat another home run. A good memory is a wondeiful thing but there is many a man who would be more popular if he did not have one. NX'K suppose lhai after ihe Sen ale has disposed of everyihing else it will lake up the Tom Watson charges again. The New York zoo has a mon key thai eats like a man. Wonder what he thinks of men that eat like monkeys. President Harding's income tax w as $18,000, and one of our exchanges thinks the law may be changed soon. We will have to be careful how we treat those South American republics if we keep on reducing our army and navy. A Chicago woman complains that men will trust a woman indi vidually but not collectively. There is something in that, too. No' some congressmen claim that they are underpaid. But they will not get much sympathy until they can show ihat they are over worked. An Fnglish lecturer who was over here not long ago says Amer icans have bad manners. They must have told hint whai they thought of him. CALOMEL GOOD BUT AWFUL TREACHEROUS Next Dose May Salivate, Shock Liver or Attack Your Bones. You know whai calomel is. It's mercury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and and sickening you. Calomel at tacks ihe bones unil should never be put into your system. If you feel bilious, headachy, constipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. Don't take calomel I It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straightens you right up and you feel great. No salts necessa ry. Give it to the children be cause it is perfectly harmless and cannot salivate. Corsages and all kinds of Cut flowers sold at lowest prices. Weldon Furniture Co Iff .M4 if I ::M You're Next! f j I , " 'J Bottled I U Umc Delicious and Refreshing !! Ice-cold-just l A -W( (h the beverage you j I I lW ) r want fi r whole- j g j j jl some, tfood old I l ' fm Telephone your P i - i $7;- ' '0 grocer for a case I II f j' yUf 111 Weldon Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Inc. 11 j Vi UDON, N. C. Tr.LEPHONL- 294. I I j! j I Bottled Under Jj Sale of Land And Personal Property by Com- j missioners. By ii luc of a decree ul the Miptitiui 1 t un 1 1 dated May 1, YxlX entered in the special iruceediutr entitled ".lei ry heek . and Adelaide t'lieek, Iiih wife, and nth eis Waltei C'lantun, Willi Clanton aud others" the uudersiriied. the duly : appointed 'ommissiouerj., will sell at puhhe atu-l uu at 1- o'clock M., on Monday, June 5, 1922 the -uine li'-mtr the iirst Monday in said ; mouth, at the Court Hoube doot in Hat Max lu.n N C. the tullowinirdciihed tract in parcel of land lymtr situate aud J Ileitis in the county of 1 1 ah fax. Male oi j Noili i un-tiiia. adjoining the laml- ot Sam lik'hai is on the west, Mis .lc-ie n u'iji y mi the north, ('. 1'. Bound and Ned Cheek on the west and south, and cniitaiiiinir -Id acres, inure or less The 'a'd tiact of laud in yold, huwever, ; MLil'iect to the dower interest of Ida Clauti'U, widuw of -am ( 'tuntmi. de t'easfd. j At said time and place theie will also besnMl.v the undersigned commission ers an interest iu aud to an automo- bile, one hote, one hutruy, oue waifuu, household and kitchen furniture which heluiiL'ed loathe said mn Clanton, de Cea-ed. 'lerm- of Sale fur the real estate ahou described an oue thud t AMI, the hal- ! ance in uiie and two years, the title tu i be retained until the whole ul' the put- j oh ft ur money is paM, the ileieneil pay ment to hear interest from the day of sale at the late ot six pel centum per annum Terms of sale toi personal prop erty are cash. This the lt dav of Mav. U . K. PAN i Ki-, K. T. CLAKK. i wed i CommisMuueis. Notice of Sale of Valuable Real Estate, By it tue of an order of sale made iu the special proceeding entitled Mr Emma Harnsou et ul vs. .Mrs. liai-y Smith et al by the Clerk of the Superior Court ol Manias County, N. C, the un derMyned commissioner beiiitr lawfully appointed will, on the 24th Day of June, 1022, attheourt house door in Halifax Hal ifax county. N. C, at 1 o 'cluck M., eil to the burliest bidder for one-third cash one thud in six mouths, and oue third in iweb.e months from day of -ale the followm. tiaetN of land, towit : HUSl'TliACT. Bein.lulNu. I m the diviMuu of the V. E. I 'aniel estate iu Halifax county, N. l, bouu.led a follows: Bekriuniutf at the center of path opposite stone, corner of division J, in Y. C Dauiel'B estate line, ten feet south of bridge, thence with division of No. a, N 1-D E ::!) feet to stake with pointers, corner of division No, 'J in division No. v! line, thence with divis ion No. 'i. S 7-0 feet to Miry Braueh at stake comer with division No. ; in T. I., Warreu s line; thence up said branch with Warren's to side line holly HI) feel north of Branch run; thence S .'d .jn W 1,'0; feet to T. I.. Warren 'h center, center of Halifax Ivoad; tlience atotiir Haid road, t:;o7 feel to center uf path and rood Y. C. Daniel estate comer, thence alor r said path N 9 l-,'o K Imio feet to bcinmnif coulainintf 1H1 acres more or less MKCONH TKACT. Beinif lot No. 7 in the di . ision ofW.C. Humcl estate in Halifax county, N C. aud bounded follows Beuiuuniir at a stake small pine pointer, coiuer of lot No. 1 in J. H. Hedyepeth's line: thence with Hedyrpeth S 80 E lMJ leet to J. H iledyepetli's corner ou Marsh Swamp, thence up said Rwamp 4 oh U'vl to I'ar linir Branch; thence up Harhnir Branch to a stake, um Pointer, corner of lot No 1; thence lot No. S uJ3n feet to the heinnint? containing 1 Hi acres, mure or Ichb. This valuable real estate is beinir sold for partition amontr the heirs at law, the title is perfect and will lie free from incumbrance. This May '20, 192.. W. H. CARKOLL, Commissioner, HEADACHE, Neuragia, Back ache and Pains of Women quick ly relieved with Byrd's Head ache Remedy. It is guaranteed by your druggist. 5 25 tf HONEY TO LOAN In large amounts on good farm lands for five, seven and ten years. A. C. ZOLLICOFFER, Attorney, Rosemary. N. C. 5 18 et Trade At Rocky Mount Kill two birds with one stone. Come to the baseball games at Rocky Mount and do your shopping while here. Combining business with pleasure in this way vou will find that you have an excellent place to shop and a wide ranjre of styles and articles to select from. Rocky Mount is playing good ball and you will enjoy the games. If there is some article that you want and do not know where to find it write us and we will find it for you. Merchants ROCKY MOUNT, OH MOM Low Week End Round Trip Fares to WILMINGTON $7,05 '1 u'ki"ts will lie solJ i-acli 1'iiilay aud Saturday, until Hriiltfoiber '-'Sid, I mi i led ri'turoini; tu nui'li ontrmal starting point prior to midnight of 1 1 1 1 Tuesday following dale uf?.ale. SUMMEh EXCURSION FARES hj- TiekeU are on Hide daily tu all tlie principal .Mountaiu, Lake and Sea shore resort (until Sept. inlier Sin , limited returuiUK until October Hint, stop overs permitted upuii application tu conductors. I'or schedules, reseivalious, desenplue matter, tickets, aud auy de sued information, apply tu W. l: WINtiLK. Ticket Agent, X'. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, ussenger 1 rallic Manager General Passenger Agent WILMINCTON, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South. Announcement. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination by the Demo cratic party as a member of the next Slate Senate from the Fourth Senatorial District, subject to the coming primary, in Halifax coun ty. W. L. Long. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. .Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing beiween i. H. Howell and K. L. Williams, coudue ted as Howell & Williams, lias this day been dissolved by mutual consent. 1). B. Howell, of the said partnership, as sumes and will pay all the indebtedness due by late rlrm. All persons indebted to the said partnership and firm are re quested aud nutitied to settle the same with the said I). K. Howell. This the 17th dav of April, loja. O.B.HOWKLb, K. L WILLIAMS. 4 2U 4t Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the action of the Democratic primaries June 3rd, 1922. Norfleet S. Smith. Association : North Carolina. MOM MO I'lioue im, Weldon, N. V. MOIMgi-H)N)l Trustee's Sale of Land. North Carolina, I Halifax t'uunty. ! I nder the powers couferred ou tlu undersigned trustee in a certaiu deed of tiust dated the 1st day of January, IHJii, from John Lynch to Allen C. Zollicoller Trustee, and recorded in Book HIT at page &oU, Kegister't Ottice for Halilax county, default having beeu made in the payment of the indebtedness there in secured, and at the request of the holder olsaid indebtedness, the under signed w ill, on the .list Day ol May. 1922, at Vi o'clock AL, at the Court House Koor in the town ol Halifax, N. C , sell for cash to the highest bidder the fol lowing described tract of land, towit: All of those certain tracts of laud in said county and State, described as fol lows: Being farm No. 3 situated uear the town of Halifax, as is shown on plat of property formerly ow ned by Vaughan aud known as the Vaughan tract, as surveyed and platted by B. .1. Downey, engineer, which said plat or map is on record in Flat book 2 at page T2 of Pub lic Register of Halifax county, liefer erence to said plat is hereby made for a more perfect description. The said farm No. 3 contains eight aud eight tenths acres (S.b. ) This the 2!tth day of April, im. ALLEN C. ZOLLICOKFJSR, Trustee UEO. C. OKEKN, Ailj. (get) Announcement. To the Democratic Voters of Hali fax County: I hereby announce my candidacy as Sheriff, subject to the Demo cratic Primary to be held in June. i If nominated and elected 1 promise to faithfully discharge the duties of the office. N. VC. X'arken. Littleton, N. C. Announcement. 1 hereby declare myself to be candidate for the office of Sherilt of Halilax county in the coming Democratic I'rimury and will ap preciate ihe support of all Demo crats. J. A. House. THr. best money crop produced is Sweet potatoes. Government inspected plains, Porto Wico, Nancy Hall, I nuniph. Prepaid mail 500 $1.50, 1,000, $2.50, lix press, AlHIU. $4.5, 5,000 $10; 10, 000, $17.50. Send for price list Tomatoes, Peppers, Lgg Plums, etc. Count and delivery guaran teed. Pahker Farms, Atlanta, Ga. Trustee's Sale of Land. Slate of North Carolina Halifax County. I uder Ihe powers conferred 'on the uuuersigiiru trustee in a certain deed ol trust dated the ,'lrd day of March, Isrjo, from Kdwards Williams to Alien ('. .ol- licotler, 1 rustee, aud recorded in Huok .lbs at page mid, Register s ottice f, Halilax county, delault having heen made iu the payment of the indebted uess theiein secured, aud at the lequ. H of the holder of said indebtedness, tin uuderigned mil, on the 3lst Day ol May, l"22. ai me court House Horn in tin' tuwu ol Halilax, N. C, at IL' u cluck M .sell I'm cash to the highest hiuder the following ucserihed tract ol laud, towit: A certain tract o I laud, Ivum and hi ing in Halilax county aluuaid, and more particularly described and defined as follows: Being a part ol the land conveyed by lorn Onsoy to K. N. Sater et als and beginning at the intersection oi a uucli aud the A. C. L. 1. Ii. riirbi of-way, theuce aloug the right of way in a northerly direction to a stalie near me path leading to the old house place theuce ruuuini! back from the nuke straight hue. and theuce running back aloug the ditch or in the dlleetiun lh. ditch runs, so as to make teu (IU) acres u oeiug me same laud this dav convey ed by said Sater et als tu Ed Williams Tins the ith dav of April, Itr.'-.'. AI.LEX C.7.UI.I.ICOH Lit, Trustee. tiliO. C. tiiiKKN, Ally. (geg) Trustee's Sale of Land. North Carolina, Halifax County, I uder the powers conferred ou tin uiulersigued trustee in a ceitain deed of trust dated the Hthdayol November. rms, irom liyuuru Uaniel to I . II Hale lusiee, auu recoruea iu Book g( page ma, Kegister'i Utlice for llahla vuumy, ufiuuii uaving been made in me payment ol the indebtedness there in secured aud at the request of the holder of said indebtedness, the under signed will, on the 31st Day ol May, 1922, at Via clock M., at. the Court House iroorin tne town ol Halilax, N. ('., sell lor cash to the highest bidder the fol lowiug described tract of land, towit: All that certein tract of laud lyingand situated and; being in thecounlvcil ifax, ami State of North Carolina, near uieiown oi naiiiaxand being hirm num her lour (4) as shown on plat of land formerly owned by Vaughan and known as the Vaughan tract, as surveyed aud platted by It. .1 liowuev. eniriuiwr. i.lm of which is on record iu Halifax county Kegislerof Deed's Ollice iu plat book fto. z, page Tl to which said Dlat refer. once is hereby made for a more perfect uescnpiioo. ine said lanu number 4 contains n acres. This the tli day of April, IM22. O H. HAL. TrwiU. NOTICE OF kLECnUN To Authorize the Hoard of School Trustees of Weldon to Issue Bonds I udii Chapter IIH, Public, l.oeal and Private I-uws of N , rtll Carolina, -ession pijl, nutice is herein- given tu the voters nl t lie Wei. Inn I i i aded School Putrid that an election will be held ou Tl K , M VY :', ln.'i; under the provis ions of tin- acl entitled "Ail Act to Au thorise the Hoard ufschuol Trustees of U elilnil It) Issue llOllds. ' The ivsuhition which has been passed by the Hoard ol ( 'omniissioners fur the 'town of Weldon, N. ('., is as follows: "WHEKKAS it is desired that the provisions ol the Act, entitled "An Act to Authon.e the Hoard of School Trus tee uf Weldon to Issue Houds" the same being Chapter 1111 Public Local and I'nvale Lans, North Carolina, Ses sion IPl-'l, be submitted to a vote of the quahlicd voters of the Weldou traded .school District, and that better schoul facilities be pioviiled for the children uf the Weldou I. laded .School lllstlld, Theiclole, he it resolved: I. That an election be called as pro vided in said Act to be held ou Tues day, May. loth, I !''!!, aud that at sad election the s.nd Act be submitted to a vole of lie qiiahlled voters of the Wel don cradle. 1 Mdmol District, the said election tu Im belli as provided by law. I nesday, May aiilh, liU'.', i- Ihe day des inalid lu hold the said election. U. I hat thirty days' notice of such election containing a copy uf said Act and ol' said election he published as provided by law. :i. That a new registration is hereby ordered ul the voters of the Weldou mailed School District, said registration to begin ou l-riday, .May I -111 and toc'ose ou Saturday before the election and notice ol the same is ordered to be giveu uccording to law, I. That .1. W. Pierce is hereby ai pointed Itt gistiar for said rcgislialiou and tor said elecliun and It. C. Cornwall and S. '1 luehlood aie hereby uppoiuted t'ullholdcrs aud Judges and ln-peeturs to conduct said eh etion together w ith the said Uegistiai as provided by law. I bis the :ird day of April, HIL'.'. i:, L. HAY WARD, Clerk of the Hoard of Commissioners fur the Tow n of Weldon, N. C. " The Act, Chapter 111), entitled "An Act to Autliui ize the Hoard of School rrustees ol eldou lo Issue Honds" is as follows: '1 lie tieueral Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That "The Hoard of School Trustees of Weldou shall be and remain a body corporate under that name, and may adopt and use a com mon iieal, and the members thereof shall be chosen iu the mauuer provided bylaw. The said corporal ion shall be vested with title toall the properly, real aud personal, choscs iu aetiou, rights in action and other righis, privileges and puwers now owned, held, and en joyed by. and shall be responsible lor all the drhls and liabilities ol, and sub ject tu all Hie dunes aud obhgatious levoivuuf upon, th - Hoard ul trustees of the W eldou ilraded School District by existing laws. Said corporation shall be capable ol receiving gilts aud grants or purchasing and hoidiug real aud per sonal estate, of selling, mortgaging aud transferiiig the same for school pur poses, and ol prosfcutiutr aud defend ing suits lor or auainst the said cor poration. Conveyances to said board of school tuistees shall be tu them aud their successnrs iu olhee; and all deeds, mortgages, and other agreements alleetiue real estate aud all bonds and obligations shall be deemed sullicieiitlyexectited ttheu sigued by the ehau man and secretary of said h'uaid ami allestid by the seal ol said coipor atiou. sec. I hat the said Hoaid ul School 1 lusters ol W eldon in the:-; air ul .Niulh Calol na is helehy autholUr.l lo Issue coupon bonds, nut to exceed 111 umouut Ihesiiui ol seventy-live Ihuusaiid iK.'i.- iiiiiioii) dollars ami in denominate s of one th usaud (M.uilo mi) dollais or nmltiplrs theieut, beaiiug iiiieiest Irum the dale ul said bunds ai a rate nut ex ceeding six percent, per annum, inter est payable semi-annually uu th,. Hist day ul .lainiaiy, and the liist dav of July ul each ycai, at such place as said trustees may designate, until the said bonds nie paid: that the said bonds shall in1 made payable al a time and place to hcli.ved hy,hoaid ol school trus lees named theiein. nut lo be less than lilleen nor mure than th rty years frum dale of issuing. The said bonds and their coupons shall he uu , hered, and the bonds shall be signe.l by the ehau man ol said boaid and couutersigued by its seeietarv, aud have the corporate seal ol said Imard allixed thereto, aud the coupons thi-r. to attached shall heai faclsiniile uf the signature ol chairman said hoard. A record shall .,. k. ptol'sanl bonds, showing Ihe numbers ,)e. nominations thereof, and tow hum sold, the dates ul issuing therenl. and when the same shall mature, ami the interest beailliL late tbereol, the umuiiut re ceived hum the sale uf the same, ami the date ul Hie payment ol the proceeds into the tu asm y. and such other data hi relation to tlie same as the boaid may dneet tu he kepi. Sec. ii I hat Ihe bonds hereby au thonzed lu be issued shall nut be suld fur less than their par value, and the said huaid ul schuul trustees shall uut delnei said bonds oi auy ol Ihem to the pilichasii Ihereol until tlie liurclmse money si, .ill he paid to tlie treasurer of sanl iiuaol ami Ins receipt tu ihe pur chasci piuiluci.l as evidence of such payment; ami Ihe ilie treasurer of said buald shall leceive all such llluueys panl III the pllli of the bunds in hi uihciiil capacity as treasnn i of said board, ami In- and the sureties ou otti cial bund shall he h hie to account for aud pay ovei ihe same, aud it it shall lie the duly ol Ihe said board of school trustees tu see that the bond uf said treasurer shall at all times he sullicient iu amount auu wiiii saiisiaclury sureties to provide against auy loss oi moneys arising Hum the sale olsueh Omuls, and to Ihat end may at any tune u quire said tieasui, i tu renew ins nllieia' bond oi sin ii sum an ' i woo sausiiieioi i sine- ly as they may ieiuire, and ui .'ela ill thrieul lo lemove him from his said ol lice us Ireusuier. Sec I Ihat the treasurer of sad hoai'l ol schoul trustees shaH keep sep uiuie huiii all ulhei mouevs coming in to his hands the moneys ansmg ,,u pro ceeus Hum Hie salo ol said bonds, anil the same shall be expended by the said Imard in the purchase of la id for nec esssaiy sciiuui sites, in Hi etion of suitable new luiildiugs, in biinishing me same won neessary equipments and niiui.-hiuns, aim iu lepainuy. furnish His ami i .U.pnii,' old buildings lor Ihe accommodation ul he public schools oi me weldon iiiaile.i Scuool Districi and lui such other schoul puipoes as the trustees may older the sme to be disbursed. Sec 5, That the board of school trua. tees shall have power to tlx theeomueu- satioti ol the tieasuier fur performing the duties cuulerred upon linn by tins act. Sec. II. That it shall be the duly of said board of school trustees lo piovide a sinking fund lur the payment of the principal ol said bonds at'maiunly, aud for that purpuse to set apart each year fioiu the laxes colluded iu or tiiunes appoitioned to the We dull lii,,h-,l school D.stiicl fot public schouls, an,., the payment ol the interest on tie- s;n bonds, a sum which will be sullicn ni to letue any series of buuds falling due by the time of then maturity. Sec. 7. That it shall be tiie duty of said board ol school trustees lu provide each year lui the payment semi auually ol the in crest of said bonds, aud lor" Ihal purpose tu set auart each vsm from the taxes co leeted in or moneys apportioned to the Weldou School District lot puta aeiioul asuin i Mttweat to ff Ittim I lira, led I M C. s. ttial Hum ui said bun. is slin i be dlspused ul by sale, exchange, lv, polliecalion or otheivslse, fur n' t'aj ' price tluu men par value; uorshall said r bunds or thru proceeds lie used tor a0. oilier purpose thau that declared it s, etion tour ol litis acl. sec. lb I bat said bonds an. I tlelt f sliall jot be subject tu taxation i by toe towu of Weldou until they ),,.. j cuaie due, aud tender uf payment s j have been made, aud such coii,oul , shall be. receivable iu payineut t,t ,u laxes aud ulher dues ol said town lut auy liscal year tu which the Saul coii puus sliall' become due, or thcreai'iei " aud it the holder of said coupons sia' fad to prcseut the same for payment it IOC llllieOl IIIUCD IUUM ,.JC nuce nlaces thereiu named, lie shall not W eulitled to mteresl thereon for the lime outstanding alter maturity. See. Ul. That for the purpose of pro. . vidiug for the payineut of said bundi ' aud Ihe interest thereon the board 0 commissioners of the town of w eldou -shall annually at the time of levying the municipal taxes, or as souu ih,.re. ' aller as piaclicable, commencing mu, the liscal year lullowing the issuing 0 said houds, levy aud lay a particulai tai ' ou all prisons aud subjects ol taxation ' iMtlnii the hunts ol said school district ou which the said board of commission'. ' eis may mm or berealler, be aulhuru lo lay and levy tuxes fur auy puipon whatever, the said patticular lax lu bt uul mure thau Unity. three aud uut. thud cents uu the oue huudred dullin assessed valuation ul ptupeity, ami uut mule than ulie dollar ou each taxable pull, this levy shall be lu addition to the tax aheady provided lor the n.siu. Icnauce ol the schools of the W iiuou (.laded School iMstnct uudei laws l,ri(. totore enacted. Sec. II. That said laxes shall be col lecleil by the lax collector ol the town ul H eldou at the time aud IU the mu uer that the municipal taxes are cuilec. ted, and said tax collector shall pay the saiueuverlo the treasurer ol said town, who shall keep such moneys sepaiatc aud apart hum the municipal iui,.U, And said treasurer sliall pay out laxei and uthei hinds much may come luto Ins hands lur Hie use ul giaded tchuola, uuly upuu the waitaul ul Ihe chairman and secutaiy ol Hie board of trustees: ft Provided, thai ihe sai i tax collecloi uuil , , aud slid treasurer shall enlet lulo bond : . iu such amounts us said hoard of lrun tees shall direct, the lormer couditiuu : cd for Hie lailhlui eullcclion aud paying ' ovei, aud the latter fur the aale keeping and proper distnbutiuu of said laxes aud other funds thai may come into the bauds of either lor Ihe use aud ben. ' . flu ul said graded schools, Ihe compere . saliuu to be tixed by the said buartl ul -trustees. - . Sec. l-t. That tins act shall be sub- , milted lo a vole of the quahtied volera ; ol said school district al au election uu a day lo be designated by the board of ' commissioner ol Hie luwn ol Weldun at auy lime alter Ihe latiueatiuu of thin act. That thirty days' uolice ot such ; Icctiuu, coniuiuing a copy of this acl, - shall be published in oneur more week- ly papeis published iu Hie town ol Wei- . ion. aud in all olbei respects said elec , tiou shall be held mid conducted under i the provisions ol law guveruiug the " holding ul municipal elections in said town. Ihosc qualihed vuters apptuv- ? ing the issue ol houds provided lor m . section two aud the levy aud collection ., ul the patlieulai tax piuyided for msec- Hon leu, ol tins ael shall deposit a bal'ol cotilaiumg the written ur pnul- ed wuids "I'ur Scbouls," aud those .lis- approving the stue shall deposit a bal- lol containing the writleu or printed , words "Agaiusl Schools." 11a majon- .. tv of such voters shall vote "lur .schools' il shall be deemed aud held thai u majoiity ul Ihe quahtied l. ul said scouol district aie in favor of : grauling lo the aforesaid board ol school i tuistees authordy lu .ssue such bunds. aud lu the huaid ol commissiouers uf . said towu authutily lu levy such panic : ular lax, and said hoard ot school tius tees and said boaid of coiuunssioueii ' shall have such uutborily. Hut il a j inajuniy ol such quuhlicd voters shall . lute "Agaiusl schools," then said bouid ol schuul trustees uud said boatd of ' school trustees uud said boaid ot com- . missiuners shall not have such authuii ty: Pruvuled, thai Ihe result of such election duly ascertained, in accordance , Willi law, shall be etitulled auiuug tlie public iceuids ul the towu ol Welduu; i' aud, alln tinny days Hum the date ol a such euiolliueiii, such tecutd shall uul be opeu tu attack, but shall be held aud I deemed conclusive evideuceol lire truth -ul the laels iheioiu recited: Provided, , luillier, Ihat it a inajuniy ufsaid quah- hid vuters shall lull to vole iu tavor of said buuds aud ul lei ) dig ol such panic- i ulai tax, the boaid ul commissioners ol said towu of Weldou shall order anulh- j ei election, at auy nine alter the expu- ... atiuu ol six mouths liomthedateol the lunuer elecliun, aud if at such election a majority ol Ihe quah lied vutera shall 't vole "t ur schuols, ' it shall have the same lurceund ellecl us if no electiuu had beeu previously held. Sec, 13. Thai lur ihe purposes of this elccliou the huaid oi commissioners of Ihe said luwu ul W eldon shall order a lie registratiuu of the voters uf the Weldou Ilraded schoul District. Sec. 14. That this act shall be in furce frum aud after its ratification. hull lied tins day ol March, 1H21." This notice is published by yirtue of Section I'J, L bapler 4 HI, Public Local and Private Laws Not iu i aroliua, Ses siuii IP'l. '1 Ins the I'.Hh day of April, 1H. Ii. L. HAY WARD, Cleik of the Hoard ol I omniissioners of the'lowu ol Weldou, N. C. 4 'JO fit Announcement. I hereby announce that 1 will be a candidate tor Register ot Deeds tor Halifax county subject to the Democratic Hrimuiy to be held on the 3rd day ol June, 1922. II noniinaicQ and elected, I prom ise to t've the people the most ef licieni service in my power. Respectfully, Hobt. Liiti Dickens. I wish to announce to the puhhc tiiat I have bought the South Wel don Drug Store and will run it under the name of Palace Pharmacy. I will i u ii a nice, clean sanitary place and will handle a nice line of Toilet Articles and Ftueiit Medicines and the best line of Ice Cream that can be bought lluen's Ice Cream of Quality. I ables reserved tur ladies, (jive me a uial-any business will be appreciated, TWIII close on Sundays lor preaching from 10 to 12 a. m. and Irom tJ to V p. m, W. T. COLLINS, WEUMUN. M. C. i kmm, f 27 M