I HIE USTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVII. WELDON, N. C, TiniHSI)AY,,H;LY I'.l, 11)22. NO. S REMINISCENCES 01 the War Between the States ' The Battle at Plymouth. In reading in The News of July 6ih Col. Olds interesting sketch of the gunboat Albemarle, my mind reverted to that day in April, 1864 When Ransom's brigade left Wei & don under secret orders which re sulted in the battle, of Plymouth snd the events described as men tioned, During the winter of '63 and '64, Ransom's Brigade was staiioned around Weldon for the special purpose of guarding the railroad bridge across the river. This was a wooden structure Which was eventually burned when Weldon was evacuated in April 1865, but was of vast importance as a line of transportation to the , Army of Northern Virginia. The ; 24 th Regiment; Col. Wm. J.Clark Commanding, was quartered on my father's farm about two miles from Weldon during the entire Winter and spring months of this year. A company from Halifax County, with Cupt. W. J. Squig gins, of Weldon, commanding, Was Co. D. of this Regiment, and "Henry Holt, a member of this ..Company, lived across the county road from the Regimental camp. '.-Many of the boys regarded their Hay at this camp as next to being 1 home and they rejoiced at every -aay iney were permuted to remain there. They were allowed many privileges, were camped in a large Woods of white oak and other hard Wood trees, many occupying little . ' huts built of logs and banked with fcartli to keep out the cold. They jlad a drum and fife corps and a Regimental band which enlivened tamp life and assisted dress parade Jnd other drills which were regu jarly performed in the fields near "fiiy home. But alas! On this April day it was whispered that the icgiiiicin wiJM moving aim imuci ' ecrei orders. Instead of to the Usual accompanying music, the long grey line marched silently out from camp to the county road and .on to Weldon with only the glint V bf the sun on rille and bayonet "showing them to be on the line of march. The battle of Plymouth , ...... is wen ucscriueu in msiury aim jCol. Olds gives the result in a most - suthentic manner but this writer , temembers the dreadful havoc v "wrought in the ranks ol the gallant 24:1) and tragic scenes witnessed in the hospitals in Weldon when the boat returned bringing the 340 '. wounded and dying back to the care of loving hands. This was inly one episode of a dreadlul war " snd vqry lew are living to recall t his, but we who do will ever hon or und love the memory of the -men who wore the grey. :! I. T. U. .7 ! I AULANDER QUITS. ; In a game last Friday which stari . ? ed oft' like it was going to be the y best ball game ever seen in Wei don which was a beautiful pitcher's ,4 banle between Edwards and Min- ton, the score then heing nothing to nothing, Casielk) first up for J Aulander in the beginning of the sixth singled to right field, Minion alter an attempt to "bunt" the first ball pitched which resulted in a foul, got a two bagger to left cen ter on which Castello attempted to score from first base and in sliding to home failed to touch home plaie whereupon the umpire called him out and Aulander becoming very J angry at the ruling of the umpiie 1 refused to play the whole team L..,.. nn U. .1 J tl . , .. run in question was offered should they continue the game. The people of Weldon are of the opinion that pure sportsmanship demanded a continance of the game in spite of the fact that the I umpire may have erred in his judg- mem which is denied on all sides, I especially since the selection of the umpires was agreed upon by both I sides: 3 score by innings: R H E I Aulander, 00000 020 Weldon, 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 f Batteries: For Aulander Min- ton and Hollowed: for Weldon I Edwards and Daniel. OLD-FASHIONED SOUARE DANCE. On Friday night, July 1 4th, the Shaw Post American Legion will give an old-fashioned square dance in t-arber s Hall. All members of the American Legion cordially invited to come and bring ladies.' Refreshments will be. served. Everything free no charges. nVER THINK OF THIS? In every city worthy of its name, there is a medium through which business and professional men and women are given an opportunity to give their time and ability lor the best interest of all. This organization in Woldon is the Chamber of Commerce. It is the first organization a business or professional man should join and the last from which he should re sign. Every business or professional man earning a livelihood in a city owes a debt which he cannot erase by giving his time and money to its upbuilding. The Chamber of Commerce fur nishes machinery for the payment of this obligation. If you are not a member you are defaulting in the payment of a debt to your own town and your fellow citizens. Send in your application today and help make Weldon a better place to live in. AMERICAN LEUION CONTEST. On Friday night. June30th, Dr. Suiter, post coiiiniauner ol Shaw Post American Legion, was host to ten member's of the post at a dinner given at the New York Cafe. The dinner was the opening event for launching a membership drive for the post. The ten men were divided into two teams "The Reds" and "The Hlues." The team securing the smaller number of members will entertain the post at the close of the campaign. The drive will lasi two weeks and will close on Friday the 14th. The American Legion Auxiliary will assist in preparing the enter tainment. All members of this post are invited to be present and bring his wife, sweetheart or some one else's sweetheart, The local post now have approx imately fifty paid-up members, with others yet to report. HALIFAX WINNER. The following is taken from the News and Observer of the 8th in stant: "Halifax cooiny with an original skil entitled "Edwrs From Hali fax," featuring every phase of the life of the county, won the Hi st prize Thursday evening at the State Collrge Summer school when that pan of the Fourth of July pro gram was i aincd out Tuesday was presented before a large and ap preciative audience. Wayne coun ty look second honors with a pan tomime depicting the transition "From College Hoy to Soldier," and ilic tliird place went to Wilson couniy wlm presented "A Tobacco Sale." BE'IINS AC I ION. On Wednesday night ot last week, iIk Chamber of Commerce held a most important meeting for purpose of establishing a cotton storage warehouse in Weldony Committees were appointed to select the site and to solicit sub scriptions' Should this warehouse be loca ted in Weldon, it will mean great things for our community. Wei don has been set ci?i! is one of the few places in the Slate to locate a warehouse and we must not let this opportunity get by. DESIRED INFORMATION. A little Weldon boy contempla ting a visit to a distant town, made all die arrangements lor the jour ney, and just before starting, he said to his mother: "Mother it's been so long since I went any where, I want to know whether I shall keep my hat on my head while on the train, or take it oil?" The mother informed him to keep it on just as tight as he could wear it, as that hat cost her $2. A WORD TO THE WISE. ' An esteemed contemporary says that a young lady in that town kneads bread with her gloves on. That's nothing the editor of this paper needs bread with is shirt on, he needs bread with his shoes on, he needs bread with pants on, and if some of the subscribers to this old rag of freedom don't soon come across with what they owe him, he'll be needing bread without a darn thing on. ATTENTION FARMERS. The Scotland Neck Bank has $400,000 immediately available for long time, exclusively for ihe farmers of Halifax county. If you desire to borrow on long time at reasonable interest, you will do well to communicate with this bank a ( once. See advertisement. THE NEW COUNTY HOME At the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held at Halifax on Monday of last week, contracts were awarded for the erection of a new county home. The new home is to cost about $4 1,000 and will be modern in every particular. It will contain filty-six rooms and will be able to care for about sixty inmates. The Superintendent and other attaches of the instituiiou will also have a partmeim in the building. It will be erected on the one-story plan and built of brick and will be tire proof. It will be equipped ,wiil) heat, water, lights and other mod em conveniences to better take care of the unfortunates of ihe county. J. W. Stout & Co., of Sanford, was awarded the contract lor the construction of the building. The Weldon Sheet & Metal Works, of Weldon, was awarded the contract for the plumbing and heating and J. W. Daley, also of Weldon, re ceived the contract for electrical wiring. Our commissioners are doubtless looking to the future in spending such a large sum. . If the tax rate is not lowered it will not be many years before many more buildings will have to be erected. TAKE A VACATION. The best investment that the average man or woman can make during the summer is to take a vacation. Get change of surround ings, change of diet, change of climate if possible. Change is what you need, more, probably, than actual rest. Constant application to one kind of work will wear out the best of us. We get in a rut, we slip, men tally as well as physically. We are ess ub!; to bear a strain when it does come. Take a vacation. Go away. Your job will run lor a while with out you. II it won I, it isn t worth having. Your vacation, your change, will help you. Ii may keep you from a complete breakdown and a heavy doctor's bill, and at any rate it will make you lit for more and better work when you gel back, and in that way it will be a good invest ment. KILLED ON Till: TRACK. On last Sunday morning, Ben Braswell was instantly killed near Roanoke Junction by S. A. L. train No. 16. It seems Braswell was asleep on the track near a curve in the road, and the main being late was run ning at a very rapid rate. The en gineer did not see him in time to stop. Coroner Rowe held the inquest on Monday, and the verdict of the jury was that he came to his death by contrbutory negligence. ROOM 23. A much-baitered young man came into the hotel at midnight and asked the clerk for room 23. "Can't give you that one," re plied the clerk. "It's taken." Who's got it?" asked the un steady one. "A man named Jones." "What Jones?" "Mr. A. B. Jones has room 23." "That's all right," he grinned: that's me I fell out the win dow." DEATH OK MRS. RAWLIIN'.IS. Died at her home, near "Twi light," in the 51st year of her age on Sunday morning last, Mrs Helen Rawlings, wife of Mr. R. A R j wliiigs. The funeral took place Monday anernoon trom her late residence, Rev. William Towe, of Garysburg, conducting the ser vices. The interment was at Cedarwood cemetery. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn their lost. BOYS WIN 7-0 The American Athletic Girls, ably supported by some ball play ing men, came to town last Mon day and played a game with the local boys, winning the game by a score of 7 to 0. The girls played well, for girls, but they were no match for the girls. THE REAL TEST. Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor thai are cast out to thy house? when thou seesi the naked, thai thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? Isaiah 58:7. PERSONALS And Other Items Told In Brief Form. Down with the grass. Money talks, especially in poli tics. "General Green" is on the march. A big July crop is very much desired. Home-raised tomatoes are on the market. The way of the transgresser is seldom upwards Short skirts seem to be the mod ern girl's long suit. Mrs. I. E. Green visited friends at Littleton last week. If reform would begin at home ii would probably go further. Many a man never gets any where because he just drifts. Miss Susie Medlin spent a few days at Ocean View last week. Many a girl had rather wear a bathing suit than go in swimming. By the way, what have you done about getting in your winter coal? A man is considered the head of his household, and sometimes he is. Mayor Allan W. Andleton, of Enfield, paid this office a visit Mon day. Master John Collins Green is visiting relatives in Henderson ville. The heavy rains almost com pletely destroyed the blackberry crop. Some homes are comfortable, and some are kept scrupiuusly clean. Masters Arthur and Hayward Cochrane are visiting relatives in Ashboro. Miss Mary Fleming, of Raleigh, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Jones, The woman who married eiglu men never did admit that marriage is a failure. Miss Lillie Stainback and Master Madison Armstead are visiting rel atives in Norfolk. Not much can be done with a man who mistakes his prejudices for his convictions. Miss Grace Moseley Green has returned home from a visit to rel atives at Loutsburg. Miss Julia Turner, who has been visiting relatives at Tillery, has returned home. And when all is said and done, most of the girls who paint are mighty poor artists. Miss Virginia Stringer, of Rich mond, Va., is visiting Misses Mary and Martha Stringer. Some men have peaceful home lives, and some have wives who call them "Darling" in public. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Carter and children have returned home from a visit to relatives atjilm City. Mr. A. L. Cochrane has return ed home from a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. H. McCain, at Ashboro, The fans love a baseball player who knocks a home run, rather than one who knocks the umpire It must be nice to be a banker and have nothing to do but open up occasionally between holidays Some women smoke, and some darn socks, but you never saw woman doing both at the same lime. Sometimes, we fancy, Opportu nity has started to knock but has been dismayed by the knocker within. Mrs. Anna Russell, who has been visiting relatives in Oxford and Henderson, has returned home. Few things come to pass with out careful thought before hand Few worth while things happen by accident. Prohibition may not prohibit, but a lot of people are now wear ing better clothes than they ever had before. It used lo be that people would go to the farm to see fine calves, but now you only have to stand on a street corner. In die days of Mother goose you could buy a pocket full of rye for six pence, but now it will cost you about six dollars. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Anderson left Wednesday for Hot Springs, Ark,, where they will remain sev eral weeks. The rich are a pretty good sort. They realize that the poor are hap pier, and yet remain martyrs to their bank rolls. The Misses Nellie Wright Vin cent and Alma Wyche have re turned from a pleasant visit to friends in Raleigh. The season matters little, Em tying the drip pan under the re frigerator is about as troublesome as emptying the ashes. What's the use? Just as we be gin to save up a few dimes another drive is started and somebody begs the money from us. Say what you please, but the children of the present generation will have mighty little to brag about to the next generation. Another thing that this country needs just now is a thermometer that will register about five degrees cooler than it really is. The straight and narrow road may not abound in beautiful scen ery, but it is paved with something better than good intentions. In the old days girls learned to cook you see, they didn't have any mayonnaise dressing under which to hide their ignorance. If the hammock girl permits you to hold both hands, she loves you. If she didn't, she would keep one hand free to slap the mosquitoes. "Automobiles were first intro duced twenty-live years ago," says an exchange." Yes; we saw one of them down the street this morn ing. Miss Narcissa Daniel is spending the summer at Camp Pukwana, Sebago Lake, Richville, Maine, with a party of one hundred school friends. Health Brings Beauty Every Womtn Should Read Thii Hiiukst.in. Ala. ''I liiul lieon down with imiihlc of n fominin diameter for a good nuiiiy years, I hmk inedieine I'rotn dilTerciil iliii'tiirs, but it did nut do nut any good. Then I heard cif Dr. lVrecs Favorite Prescription ami I ordered some ol this medicine. I took six dollar' worlh of it and I would not tuke uly for the gisid it did uie. 1 surely eun pruisu )r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I dvii't intend to be without it in my home as long as I can get it. I would advise every woman Hint is bothered with trouble from which women miller, to use this Prescription." Mr. Williamson, Honte 2. ( let this Prescription of Dr. Pierce's in tablets or lupiid and s 'e how ipiieklv you Ytdl have sparl. lir.it eyes, n clear r-hiu and Vim, viimr, vilahiv. Write Dr. Pierce' Invalids' Hotel in buffalo, N. V., for free medical advice. I'm i .". .' i i. ' OR SALE. Small refrigerator good as new at a bargain. Also want to buy some sectional book cases, (..all Kev. L. U. POK, phone 208, or come and see. OR SALE. One 3 burner oil stove in good condition. , Apply to Mks. B H. Wear. WANTED To borrow 2,001) dollars on improved property, in the center of the Town of Wel don, Apply to ROANOKK NliWSOl'I'ICK. COR SALE CHEAP. -Haynes i Five passenger, 1910 model, good condition, tires new. Cash or terms to responsible party. Mks. Annii; B. Ji-nnings, Halifax, N. C. NEXT DOSE CALOMEL MAY SALIVATE YOU It Is Mercury, Quicksilver, Shocks Liver and Attacks Your Bones Calomel salivation is horrible. It swells ihe tongue, loosens the teeth and starts rheumatism. There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calomel when a few cents buys a large bot lie of Dodson's Liver Tone a per fect substitute for colomel. It is pleasant vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and cannot salivate. Calomel is a dangerousdrug.be sides it may make you feel weak sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feel ing great. No salts necessary Your druggist says if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone acts bet ter lhan treacherous calomel your money is waiting for you. On Sale everywhere from iheuCOTire ''with many improvements 1 'W- y Where You Can Buy U. S. Tires: $-100,000.00 Immediately Available For Long Time Loans We have completed arrangements whereby there is now available to the farmers of Hali fax County FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. If you desire money on long time at reasonable interest advise us and we will take pleasure in submitting you details. The Scotland Neck Bank SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Report k rii k co; m iton or TEE BAM OF HALIFAX, At 1 lull lux, ill tlieSlule ol'Noi'tli Caro lina, at tlie olcise ill liuMiiesH June iln, Resources l.ouusiiml iIikcuuhIh tHii,."ill!i.:n liemuuil Luuiim, I, r-". Oveliliulls, tlllM CUleil l.lW.t. Ill V. S, ami l.ilierly IIoihIk '-'.(Mii.im All oilier stoeks', llou.ls tunl Mori,,n,rp III mm mi KiiiinUne uml Fixture, MI.IL1 All nllier rett elule ottiletl li,.i.i.,V( Cu-li in vault antl uel tiiuouulx ilue lioui llauU, llaula-iH ii,.l TniMt rnuiliil.ileM 4.i.,priti..'it Cli ileum lielJov. t I'l hours :i,u!tu.U Clieekn tor clemuiK 'Ml. U Kevenue Stnmn. A.ti.i Total, 217,80.VU Liabilities Capital stoek paid in tM. uim I'uud, to. I u.livkled prolilu, less euneut expeuHes and taxes paid 2, DivnteudB unpaid Bills I'ayable, lleposila Hiiliject to check liO, Canluer'n Cheekn outslaudini? SaviuiM HcuoHits ifcl (Kill d(J JKi.UO m.4H ,(j',M,HII KeHerveddor Taicn, Total, -J17,Ml.-).U State of North Carolina, County of Halifax, July 6, WJti 1, Fletcher 11. lrKory, C'anhier of the above-named hank, do solemnly Hweur that the above is true to tlie best ol my knowledge and belief. I'l.l'.TCIil'.lS M. UKKIitHf I, Cashier. Suhscrilied aild sworn to before tme tins U day of July HWa. W. K.COI'l'KDUK, Notary I'ubhc. Correct-Attest: N. L. HTEDMAN, K. L DICKENS, S. M. OAKY, Director!. the price remains the same for the 3 frvlM AlJi !iS--j2.J United States Tires United States Rubber Company t'uliliils .Mutol ( 'u., Wi'liloti. Kimlull llahluuu 1 1 , Km In-Ill. I ilaHicuw-ilaucani '., l.iltli'Uni ; W liiUU-ItMliuTis Cu., KiDiruuuil. I.. Ii. Shell Co., luc, Knseinftry. ('. W. (.i.'Kury ,V Co., Tillery. (Report OK I'll K CONDITION OP THE BANK OF WELDON At WelJou, in theSlule of Nortli Cur , ulina. lit the close of husiues." .luue :!, l!r."'. Res sources Loans and discounts, :mii, Overdialts L't I S. bonds and I.ibcrtv I'.onds III, 'All ol her stocks. Ilomis, etc. l.'i, Furniture, and Fixtures. CamIi in vtinlt ic, rt"t nniount" due from Hanks, bankers und Trust Companies .VI, Cash Items held over lit hours t 'hecks for cleariuir 1, Total, His,; Liabilities Capitul stock .(XlO.W ,000.11 Surplus Hum Undivided prolits.less currcu expenses and taxes paid Notes and lulls rediscounted Hills payable Deposits Subject to Check Savings Deposits Ac. interest due depositors ,IM!S.77 ,748.00 000.00 11 , 01 151 .' 2, 4UI.00 ' Total Hrm,777 State of North arolma, 1 County of Halifax, I ' July lH-'2. I. I.. C. Draper, Cashier of tho above named hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L.C. DHAl'F.lt, Cashier., Subscribed and sworn to before nie this 10th day ol July 1!22. JANlli 11AVWAHD, Notary I'ubhc. Correet-Attest: .1. W. S1.KIKIK, W. K. DANIKI., Directors. COR SALE. One piano in first I class condition for sale cheap. Hor terms apply to J. A. Harvell, Weldon, N. C. Now on HnN'TJSCO'announced its new low rvriee nf' $10M) last Fa,, the makers w're already busy developing a stiff fired ter "Usco" value. The new anil better "Usco" as you see it today with no change in price and tax absorbed by the manufacturer. You'll note in the new and better "Usco" these features Thicker tread, (jiving greater non-skid protection. Stouter side walls. Altogether a handsomer tire that will take longer wear both inside and out. The greatest money's worth of fabric tire in the history of pneumatics. Report OF THRf ONni riON or Tie Weldon Bant & Trust Co., at Weldon, in the Slate of North Car olina, at the close of busiiiess June a i, l!i:'2. Resources. Loans and discounts :i'iH 1, 012.12 41H.U2 loo. 00 700.00 :too.oo 0U8.4:i I verd rails, I . S. Iiomls ,v l.iberlv IIouiIn All other Storks, lion, ami MortiniireN. Furniture and Fixtures 2, All other real estate on ned in Cash in vault and net amouuta ilae Iroiu Hanks, Hankers aud Trut Companies. l'S 977.31 1H6.7U BH5.76 Cash items held over 24 lioum Checks for cleariuir 1, Total, $418,538.94 Liabilities. Capital Stock paid in 25.U00.00 Surplus fund, 40 UUU.0U Lihliviueu profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, 3,882.39 Hills payable, 7o,000.00 Deposits due banks, bankers and trust companies 1,499.48 Deposits subject to check 134,564 H Cashier's checks outstanding 91. U4 Savings Deposits. 13M.lkil H 4c. intercut due depositors Total, H1H,538.94 Ju ly 0, 1922. Htate of North Carolina, County of Halifax I M: I, H. H. Travis, I'residentof the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ia true to the best of niy knowledge and belief. It. S. J'KAV 18, President. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this bill day of July 1922. W. H. LAWSON, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: W. A. WEKC'E, H. V. BOUKby, I Directors. D. R ANJJERkON, J