52 iifiairtrwas1 M iiirTiif ,wi.-.--.J"-:'' T7 T7 if 1 Turn I It ra LAM II II .4 ft I'! I:- 6 Land in this Section is increasing in value. The slump of 1920 is over, and if you want to buy land in this section for a home or speculation NOW IS THE TIME. M1XT MONDAY, XOVKMBKR 20111 AT 10:30 A. M, We will give you the opportunity to buy one of the few pieces of farm property lying betwean Weldon and Halifax for sale, when we will offer AT AUCTION THE CLARK & GREGORY FARM 3 miles trom Weldon and 42 miles from Halifax on Weldon an 1 Halifax Highway. This farm consists of 176 acres, mostly cleared, in good state of cultivation, and well supplied with dwelling houses, etc. It has been subdivided into small farms of from 10 to 30 acres, all with cleared land & road frontage. Every tract will be sold on easy teims At 2:30 P. I! on Same Day Fart of Cok and Bradley Lands Will Bs Soli at Auction. This property lies two miles from Seaboard, N. C, on Seaboard-Pleasant Hill Road. It consists of 292 acres, about half of which are cleared and in cultivation The property is well supplied with buildings, and it has been cut into small tracts each with a road front age, schools, churches, etc., are nearby. gThis property is absolutely going to be sold regardless of price. It is a cutloose proposition. It is going to be BARGAIN DAY. ECTRemember the time and date of these two sales. If the weather is bad the sale will be held in a house on the property. SALE CONDUCTED BY Petersburg, Va. r Li A' u U 1 I OFFICES : Winston-Salem, N. C. Greenville, N. C. Thursday. Nov. 16, 1922 Published Every Thursday. JUIIN W. SLLIKjI-. Liiw anllwwtur. INTKHKD Al' roSTUlf HIK 1 KLUiS Af iionsD-CLAHS sumu. R ilLS Ur ilBSCKIPllllN IN Al AM.h: Oue Year, (liy mail) postpaid, i'-i.W. su Mouths, " " 1(KJ- A weekly Democratic journal devoted K) the material, educational, political aud agricultural interests of Halifax and aurtoundirnr counties. Advertising- rates reasonable and fur a.4hed on application. Thur whu an- in u "iisu .luwu" con litiiiu mil uutii'f tUt i alairh bother tieiii niuoli niDii' than ln u thev aie n ituod lu-allh. Tln faet piuvm that while catairh is a Im'ul Jm, it is Kti'Utly iiiilucnei'd 1-v I'uustitutioua- udiliciis. Hall's it a r 1 1 1 Medicine is a Tumc and Hluod I'utiiiei, aud acts thiouirli the lllood upuu the mucous surfaces of the body, thus reducing the inanimation aud resturiiur normal con ditions. All dtudnists. Circulars free. V. .1 I'HKM V CO., Toledo. liio STOMACH TROUBLE ? Weak Deis? Distress? Ashland, Ky. "Many years ago my moiher used Dr. Pierce's Gol den Medical Discovery for her stomach. She had laken treatment horn physicians and had never ob tained good results. After com mencing to take this remedy she noticed an improvement and I can say it surely helped her wonderful ly. 1 am well pleased to write this to let others know how this medi cine helped our family. Any one will benefit by the 'Discovery' if they will try it." Mrs. M. A. Brown, 642 E. Carter Ave. Obtain the Discovery in tablets or liquid at your nearest drug store or send 10c. for trial package to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., and write for free medical advice. A good many Americans have been wanting to send troops to whip the Turk, but those who went imo die (lendics timing the world war were not among the number. Since Mr. Hoover couldn't avert the coal shortage, he miyht use his influence with the weather man and induce him to give us a mild winter. And now one-half of the people of the country are wondering how the other half managed to win the election. THERKisone lawyer for every ,702 people in Souih Carolina. Do you suppose that is what is the matter witn the old State? Some men do have the worse uck. For instance, the fellow who had two new automobiles stolen, and then bought a second hand one and had it insured, and he's got it yet. How Not to Take Cold Home persons are subject to freiiuent coldi, while other seldom, if ever.have a cold. You will find that the latter take (rood care of themselves. They take a shower or cold sponge bath every day in a warm room, avoid overheated rooma, sleep with a window open or partly open, avoid excesses, over eating becoming overheated and then chilled, and getting the feet wet. Then when they feel the Ant indication of a cold they take Chamberlain's Cough Kerne dy without delay and it is soon over. AND it sometimes happens that the man who didn t vote in the rWrinn rnmnlnins most Inudlv about the kind of men who were elected. Qood Health. If you would enjoy good health, keep your bowels regular. No one can rea sonably hope to feel well, when consti pated. Whenlneeded, take Chamber tain's Tablets. They are mild and gen' tie. DEATH TO GERMS Here ia the best way to keep your house free from disease Few people realize the awm danger lurking in unsanitary sinks, drains, closet bowls and traps. Kitchen and bathroom floors, too, are ideal breeding places for germs. Red Seal Lye keeps these places clean and sanitary It kills all germ life and prevents germs from spreading The surest way to thoroughly cleanse and disinfect the bathroom floor is to scrub it with a solution of Red Seal Lyc. Cleaning the toilet is also a simple matter. Sift a little Red Seal Lye into the bowl, allow it to dissolve and flush. The result is perfect sanitation. Red Seal Lye prevents pipes from clogfiini?. It keeps drains open and irie-runriirig. Use either in powder or solution, at frequent Intervals, at least once a week. Twenty half-pound cakes of pure soap may be made with one can of Red Seal Lye and rive and one half pounds of waste grease. The di rections are in the can. Red Seal Lye is absolutely pure and unadulterated. Red Seal Lye far excels cheap brands. Ask your dealer for Red Seal Lye and take no substitute. Send us a postal for the Red Seal Booklet which will be mailed you free Write today. Farms That Pay! In the 1-amous Shenandoah Valley ol Virginia. Maryland and Perm sylvania. Rich, level, smooth loam Blue-grass stock, Dairy, Gram and Orchard l-arms ol 25 to 1000 acres, with good buildings. On or near National Highways. Water Power FlourMill andBusiness Openings, 22S acres, 10-room residence, large barn, good orchard, 100 acres heavy blue-grass pasture with running water, 20 acres heavy umber' Near railroad town. $45 an acres. 300 acres, 3 excellent houses, 3 large bank barns, building first-el iss and level, smooth and very productive, 2 mile of city, $20,000. 122 acres, splendid brown stone residence, 10-rooms, electric lights furnace heat, running waier, large 50x100 ft. bank barn, 2 large silos' Near ciiy on National highway. $100 an acre. Perfect Climate, abundant rain fall, pure water, solid roads cheap farm labor, low taxes. Near the largest and best markets of our ronn. try. Write for farm bargains that will make you money and fine homes. W.T. BIRMINGHAM. 35 W. Water Street, WINCHESTER, VA. nep'.'l lut Some college boys make the i football team. And others are just I as well satisfied to shoot craps. Washington correspondents claim that Washington is dull with congress away. 1 hink of that. Sale of Land By Trustee, I'.y virtue of a certain deed of trust dated .lauuary 3, by (J. II. Hale ami J. II. Norman, Jr., to K. II. iJaniel, Trustee, which said deed of trust is duly recuided in Hook 1!U, Fae 14U, Ultice of the KeiriHter of Iieeds for Kali tai county, N. (,'., to secure certaiu in debtedness therein Het out. the under signed, H H. Daniel, Trusteo, in said deed of trust will sell at public suction, at the Court House door in Halifax Town, N. C, on the 25th Day of November, 1922, at VI o'clock M., lor cash the following described tract or parcel of land lyinir, situate and being in Faucetts Township Halifax county, N. C, and being de scribed in said deed of trust as follows: LOT NO. 3. Beginning at a stake on hedgerow corner Uiv. No. 2. in Charles W. Johnson's line, thence with John son about iSB E 3U7U feet to Johnson corner on Marsh Swamp; thence down said swamp 3O0O feet to Willow Oak 2d feet west of run of Bwamp T. L. War ren's corner at about the mouth of Mirey Branch, thence up said branch to stake corner Div. 1, in Warren's line thence with No. 1 and No. 2 N 14U5 feet to beginning, containing 109 acres. This the Uuth day of October, 19B2. R. H. DANIEL, Trustee. P. C. TOMSON 4 CO. Soathwark P. O., Phil., Pa. Sale of Land for Taxes, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town or Halifax, on Monday, December 4, 1U22, the following described lands in Faucett Township, for taxes and costs lor we year issil: Mrs. Sarah Hudson, 47j acres. Mingo, $17.32 v, w. jonnston r.siate, z7 acres Daniel land 7S.04 Victoria Robinson, 31 J acres, Robinsoa land 9 J. B. DICKENS, ' Tax Collector Faucett Township. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS, Expert Dyers and Cleaners. ('leaning of I'ortiers, ( urtaius.lilau "". "ilks. I.aces, Velvets, Plush, Ladies liresses aud (ientlemen'i Clutlnng. ( arpets, Ktc. All orders will receive prompt at tention if left at THIS OFFICE. ACHIiYESllU ANNOUNCING A New Truck for Hauling aud MoviL. Call Smith's Ooal Yard, Phone No. 90. 1 K J III Manufacturers of Plows and Plow Castings Your Orders Promptly Filled Let Us Quote You winner) m Inula An Appetizing Meal Everybody wants it. Everybody like It. Everybody's looking lor It. BUT You can't get It unless you have the right kind of groceries fJet 'em MERE t Phone 280. R. M, PURNELL, Weldon, N. C. Belts and Pulleys Fittings, Etc. Gas and Steam Engines BUICK SERVICE EXPERT MECHANICS. EMPORIA MACHINE C01PMI Incorporated 'Everything In Hardware," " EMPORIA, VA. Agents for Buick Cars. Call 66 for DemotutraUa LUMP COAL NOW New River $12.00 TON $10.00 Run-ol-Mine E. H. SMITH, Coal Wood and Transfer SEE ME AT BANK OF WELDON Trade At Rocky Mount The values you get in Rocky Mount will, in many cases, offset any expense you are put to in shopping here. Keen competition among the merchants means a quicker and better service The Merchants Association will help you in any of your buying problems. Merchants Association ROCKY MOUNT, : Nonh Csrolins. F ATI V "MTV t nn JPiifr, ft Pencil No. 174 rot lata at jow Daalw HUa la ftra frwi- ASK ro THE YUXOW PINCH. WITH THI ID BAND EAGLE MIKADO 1'ACLE PENCIL COMPANY. NEW YORK

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