..it si Stampn & Charles, Publisher and Prpr!ftor. Editor, E. R. STAMPS, - TAltnOIU)', . 8ATTTEDAY. NOV 22, 1873 gey Merarr. Walker, T.ilor A; C"., Adver tising Arent, Baltimore, are o n cri t for Tbi E.iqcikx hi that city. Our paper may b found on fi:e at tutir offl -e, - i V-v. Hi Mraore strei t. PANIC REFLECTIONS. There are few things that are un mixed evils, as well as fetv goods un accompanied by detracting circum stance. The heat of summer falls marcih saly upon the weary traveler, but is drunken as a delicious bever age by tlie growing vegetation. And o the financial crisis, which has shaken the entire conntry to its cen tre and brought ruin upon so many, has its benefits. We have even now indications of some good it has done in the rise in real estate in those lo calities in which its scourge was felt most powerfully. It is sai i that in the City of Petersburg there Las been a considerable advance in the market ralue of real estate, due, it is thought, to the fact that capitalists have re ceived such a fright that they prefer Investments in real estate, even at Smaller rates of interest, to stocks and bonds of railroads, hanks and other corporate establishments. I: is but right to suppose that the dog that has bitten will be dreads! in future, and experience teaches :..at in financial, as well a.s material mat ters, rebounds always g : b-eyon d tho point of departure. We may there fore look for a greater forsaking of the so-called "' Buchu spoeniat- ms thun the facts would just.fy, an 1 large proportion of the nnti-y invest ed in them seeking a lodgement in food bricks and mortar, or in :h earth with an ownership Irora the centre of the globe :i ccrlun. Thera are other advantages that an agricultural community, l.ke "ur own, could derive fYom the given by the panic. For ms'an v, it will teach, that when good inter est can be gotten at home, fn.tu re sponsible men in the county who can afford the best possible security, and where it can be under the eye ot the capitalist, it is better f t him s-i to use it rather than to kee it at smal 1 rates in the hands of jmmission merchants with no security ;n cage of his failure, or deposited fn foreign banks of whose solvency he can have no opportunity of finding out, or on loans to wildly speculating charac ters who offer large per cents. Has it ever occurred to cur people what a gTeat and prosperous county our's would be, if its superfluous rapital were used within its borders '.' Sup pose, for example, the largo sums of money, known to be deposited and ioaaed out of the county, were ust-d in the various industrious schem.es within it. Suppose instead of farm er B. getting money at from I'd to 20 per cent, from Northern com mission merchants, he cjuM get it from his neighbor C. at v : Suppose the money lander, instead of allow ing his money to lie in the hands of his factors or in doubtful foreign benks, would loan it to his neighbors on real estate security. Suppose the surplus money, nr,t nded by farm ers and merchants ia their business, were devoted to the building up .t' manufacturing establishments, wh it a vast difference would ba discern ible in the wealth and prosperity A' Edgecombe in the next ten ye trs. The one great driwha -k to tin prosperity of the en ire South i a.s been sending its money a: f r i :i -vestments promising iure irin--, when by keeping it at Lorne it might now have been in a state of perfect financial indepondencu . We have no hesitation in asserting, that, in the main, he will accumulate more money who mves's in . I j -cts iu his own county and under :.is own pti whare he can gee and prej are tor every turn offortune. If the crisis has impressed theo truths upm the miul- of our peuple, it will have done th.-ni a bent-tit greater than the corresponding tem porary loss. Prompt action was taken on Lo urs: day ol the stssiou ot the Legis lature in regard to the Special i.v Bonds case : Mr. Flemming moved that tii House be requested to con- ur in a resolution that a joint committee be appointed to consider the suit now pending against the Treasurer of the ftUte by certain holders of the Special Tax Bonds, and report some line of action in connection with the same The London Daily X?ti I.opes that England and America , ill act in regard to the Virginius outrage. THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. As lias b-. on obs-ived by some of our cotemporaries, the Governor se nis to have been in better humor when his message to tho present Legislature was indited than on previous simi- lar occasions. He thus summarily states the happyj i-onlition of ur State. J J ' Kvery ieancli ? ii.Justry ha- i fl no enti enee or d i ead 1 u 1 d ixax" iu .i I cur territory .'i.o terrib!.- ralamuy. -: 1. . l.as falin upon the people of stn" of :. iter Slat's 1 a r.-.iu 1 "'ir ; ;de a i above arid beiur tlia:i ali. the bit'-: : - j moities w hic'.j have lieret"f' e e est r::r:- 1 : rem ono another, a: e rapi i!y d.r,' I and wp ar l-econi'rig ih.hp rpro I'd ru.ri in a short tim r,n resentment o- i ! - f -': r. ! tv i i I l.r.fier witlijo the hreast i.: ai.y i L- i i . - j 2ent. chrislian being in nirS:ate. T! e i ict ali cUi or." hands a:i ) r. j ;c". p. 1 ' - i. 1 der ll.anks lo Alrnihtv ( t d t.r v..ri j ful and happy ctiange wr Mitr. i:- c.r imi ai.d for al! ilis mac-.es a:. 1 v ,.:'i.s.afed to us a a State.' The message m c-oinpreheusive, presenting various topics of public interest. Thu subjects of public edu cation, the establishment of an or phan asylum, the selection of juries, Internal Improvements, the sale of State property, immigration statistics, the enlargement of the powers of the State Agricnltural Society, the Con stitutional Amendments and other points of general interest received due notice. There is one great defect in the message that we would mrntion, that is its failure to contain the slight est allusion to the Treasury injunc tion case. How a Governor of a State, so insu.tod by the usurpation of Federal authority, could have written an important Staf paper to the Legislature, without pre enting to them the enormity of outrage dom- their Commonwealth and their -It und responsibility in the premise.-, areata loss to coniecture. The subjeet of th State I)eh ce.ved a notice to s jm t-xt- r. t . mensurate with its imp : this con u cc tun t:.e (.i-jvt r:..'-r a 1 O . . . L t . H r , , . , , ; , a ; -leu: 1 1. ..1: v . !. ni"tlLto: the !h- ''. -. . -iditi every ci.n bo;..i., 1-. o o- r ' 1 . r ' v ' ' .' i.o,. 1 tt f : . ti ; ('. -.: : '" T :-- . --.A;.'! .---. (O OPii.s , ' sf "Ur i!..iei. teii usk. i . . - : , o t 1 1 1 ' y ' '.e e v-r: 1 v . .. . rr :.. e.rc that N'-r-li a-.. I. -.a ! ; e" :re ax.otir.t rf her i-'.'-r- .-r.-i - j :, The I .ivernor r-.-c mn;--:. : . 1 risl ature fix 1 1 ro : 1 i-s.-ii(? r.pw h o:;.'- v,:ii .::-r--t a tipu!at?-l an-1 lav a tax -i:!'; -. r. pay the atu. '.vhi-n t:---Il I'CoUp'iu t this inn..'. I-- r . bv 1; vjUi eti taititi tai-a n- . rt : otar me.ins until ,ur d--bt sha'. Lav.- t'en paid Wo are g!a I : , - that th- 'r-.y mor Can a j lkp..-r a a l'.'- magistrate of a peopio and uo: ti i t . t-iher as a partisan, a t.is pro vi ua mssares have h(-en. i I - i PASSING AWAY. Ln the same day last we-k tho tlograpli announcM th" Maths dl Mr.. --:i R. K I. -. th- re'.: t el' ,ur pr.-at r'iii-: x n , and ..f ( J--:; W. J. Hardee, tho c-lebr;Cel -t t:r:an and inilitarv r-ommnn ; -r whom President Davis i.ntn I'har'i' terized as " too proud ( ra' t ' - .': -jk , boT ' e Ktiee to mortal rn ;n.'' Cr- n. liar lee's reputation ind-f an euviaote) uae. lie wad triiiy a 11 T T 1 ' u.t.vated fcoldier, at. 1 wtii ho ioLp rt n,erni;ered hy a devuteJ euntrv a:. : especially by Lii cornra l--.s of the -stern artr.y who sliared wi'h h. i. :1. -it- " nights of danger " and " -1 .v. " d tvastne throuli wai-h that h r-'ii army passed. Gen. ilardee wa personally known to many of th;.- roinniu'iiiv. having married here it. ' r i ' 1 x').-l Mi-s Maty, the daughter of the 1 a e i ; 1 T . I . v i e i i l.'o3 greatest outrage th.it i.us i e- i; ;o-r; etrateJ upon the soverei -nty o: !.o states during these (lavs ot Knl-ral usurpation, is tho in juticti v. p'.arei Tipon th Stat Trea'irr hv i Fe.h-ral J.;''. '(. l'.v l.nt ri'ht ha- any power uu!.-wo d' 1 o ,tah 'iiterlere with an oliie'-r tie-r-of i:, the exercise uf hid ilati-- '.' Does Jude liou 1 pretend to hold that he can issue a m..ini:;i x au::.-'. th-' Stat-- uf Xortli (,'arolina, re puirn;' hr to pav lier debtn, or. ua det.iult, erd-r the rar-shal tu sell th-- tmi he property of tho State ? I'his is h ttiat ter of no ni;. all nienic-nt. an .1 we hope th-- Le'i-iature will s.-o to t'tia' --v-t v I n u f I I ir- : j o . , f .1 u t . O aH-a:i.- ohiL- r . 1 i atiii v ot th.rf 1'ederal Me ssr.s. C'owuiiii.v and Hanly t the Hichmjnd Iipich and Krati i ' 'ne Kiehmind Wkj hav tr-'n-- to Norfolk, to mbark on the tiiership orcoster whiiii leavt s th;." p to day fjr Cuban water.-.. Mr Cowal; : v Lpjes a repjrter ior the New York Herald, Mr. Hanky, ior the Ti dun, and Mr. JL.iii for the Tttatx. The Graud Ixjdrre of ( ),lil Fellows, f Pennsylvania opposes the abolition c . a- . , , , oi uie iLDramptiifeDt urancn order. ty I ho brarid c5ecretar- has been 1 directed to inform Masters fo Grand C T 1 n . t 1 images oi tne action. SPECIAL TAX BONDS. V j publish below r.Vecopitulation - iakx iviu-r uL)ou ma suwoj'H inwiopaai Tax B ad8. Th0fettoraain tTv 1ST. A e- he -ubjc"1 of iifigatrbn. Her k'iv.-n . ti.fn, u nave ei car notice t'ne part T Xurth Carolina by i'.en. lv the nubile press, private co .en by tn I'rw4--urci- of lie State, by tliu'nn Jjae 20tli - of Jdav.1775 wJlich Ofrt'eriinr tf tli iV a'M 'and rv tbol 1'rr sid.ii t of the I 'nited S tates, ('l' tile , ,ie-t rliit ine.-l tlinn t!le b .dies ' fc ' " ... v-.-.w fc'tw.CiUW. L11U11 '11 11(11. .snrv,.i ,i iv I . tm hiu nft wiluL" Wn.tuJTv i - - - ? tyr tne p.-iplc ot .North Carolina. 'hi tne part of the I nited States it talio and maintain a part in the dis---i ndmitted with equal ( learnes y ' cu'ssion than'Go'v: O'rall'fltn; his father, Cours in its act, by General Cnnby j Gfeh'l." Joseph. Crr'ahatoj having been in hisenlois, by G.vernor IToldoa in 1 present at the rdee ting '"held in Meck his proclamation nni by the Conven- j lenburg on the 19th tmctiWth of May, tion and Logis'aturo themselves in f77ft, when and whe imlependence the ofTtcial records of their proceed- ( -as declared. " ' inrj. that Federal authority and not No wonde thftt strangers should State nuthori'y h.ad given them deny North Cattlins the honor of existence. The Uited States was hhe Meckletibarg Declaration, when represented by itl bayoneU; to the fading jt)Urrtals of the State, Federal bayonets, therefore, let the ' ' not . a-ised what position' Special Tax Lond-holdoro look for i gch a man as Gov. Graham would payment. it is surely iietnlteaa to comment on the humiliating coi.di- : 1 1 ttou t.) wliicii niiiitaiy nue ui i. brought us. t From ImII to lh-, tuo iiato cf j North Carolina, was engagod in a L 11 ),.,,...! .1 r,,;t 1 tlt,.. tdoo ly war win tuo Luittu ctatea, , from iNij.;, until ai-r tho mec;Un. .. vi , the 1 ouventiou and Legislature, the f United States were in military occupa- , tiou of the oil of North Carolina,. making and unmaking its laws and appointing and removing its Officers at will. burin- all th:- time only . -m a tat nshll .it.th :r: 1 vers oil 1 p icrty w nors .1 jin r; 1 :roi;t tne muiiary Attito in 10,. jnor.iiu , 1. :,c.'ro-s w. rn ttirte o l oe to piun'n-r ho uror.pr-v of t'oir a to mast or, the 10 proper'' it orphan '1 1 -1 ranch 1 - or! rnx-Tiarrrs an d pro-por'v " wn-t- nnl-T tli" io4d 1 of a corm -: a:;: I and of oarpot-bngtj-w nr'.'i 1 hv I'-.ur il lav.rtPts. 'i'his t.lun-iTinp: t'n.-v h .tcrht to arooiuplish bv rn n-s (t the fr-'cial Tax liorul 1 - -1 1 1 i hv :fi" t'inv.'itinn hdU Li.i i.ittiro ot l'i. tii v--r- boui-, jt i no-.r i-o!;'ctj tii' jruH rty owners of rrlll t 1 1 ' 1 v : 4.4 . am iii;.it tu i- t.ut'ii ar p-op ii: v laauio : i.v tafit tnov aro in iooua.. t-v tlao i.t tucn , t:.a; put : : : . . ; . -, I . : io la .a :ao.; L . o i y s ar i No 1 - -a : ta . a I y :uo 1 L-ucta. . : a y r V wi-ri- lui-i: bi-iug t ; i-c a 11 .U.il 1. o. r :.it Ho valid- . ar ; :. it ;.v. :i to ;!..-::; i-y X , - ino pr Ti-a r n I 1 fir u , 1 lovo -!T.p .-d tit at th.- J-i- 1 1 i -..V'. 1 'ir-'i:. t wtiti)d i a r t'.o I -. : r I ; '., fi nn mi- I -t t - : ' a : :.- r i io v a iu:r-d thp p w rr t' I -i. -ik- T a :n dt. l .vory pnrea: sor had j tu',1 n. t 0 ot t... ir tiijrr-M', una in 1 lor;- o t ; n : -i 1 il j 1 1 not lorn in-Miii'iit I : . . n--; i- r ::i..t tin- -'-tat ' ol 2srt!i ( I 1 .iroiil. l li ;d ,.:;V 1 . 1 te 'ICt- iudt'piill'h ' . t . r . 1 : .: o 1 1 1 o ! .ir.i. 1 1 o v o f 1 a i -1 . a : 1 v a 9 k 1: 1 11 n .i-a uo 1 ' Alio' 11 ih", ' tint t : proioi tv i'A iit-r-, ol Xurth an . 11 ,rii- d .111 f- ai' -u. t4ii Jl. d ' ' -tiv uticti :t!i-l L-i.-l.c.uri- ! lvoS t It :a oii-.j.ly iaip..&:L..o li-r a . v ;oi -on . " o bo lj. 11 ; 1: u ,: 1 :i a IN ui '.'.1 ( Li--n.:. : " t:: -h. . wl . e .i. ... !. il-.llllu- 1 . t ;:i ol 1.',- cut.t .r : ' . .7 1 r ' H 'i 1 T Lu Vu'.i f r . V rf tht h- Ttt.-owr-r shall f lo-.lof lm trwiiiff. ton - u-.-h ,Un 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 b 1 J 1 : 1 b .u-.d tt. ' I- t . 1 ,-rr. -u rr ir.t-r-t oi rrif -o rj ... . Tht I' 'Ttds 1 ! ,v , ' -i.o ioo-iov paid hv tho ' I h-er ;i he, b.r.M la, e it, t the 1'ti'oM' '1 reitg.irv ot North1 ' ( u i lt mum -,r tittsised from ti control i : tlie Legislature of ' 'il' 7"; or it anv -uch money knt- h.-.-n exnen to I ior -iie hotit-lit ot the 1 tat. and tlie .tut-. iltu atoepteJ taut ' tit V' a t deny t'ii.kt tuo Stiit- i s i.ut.ie lor it is ai t ureut, uovv- 1 ,.v. r .".ia. ;: o(1.,-.y dw iK-i ttdiuit ' - . , , ativ re.-po:i3iiMi.;y g.i-v. iUl; ol tuei 'oatianee ul the ioao; it . admit .s ;t i U li i J lor Lrtaia lii-uey-; . o 1 and Used. no c;ui.f i,a u i . e i ana usiu. j liuL tll.S Vi-.-W o '. ti. .- I l;.' ia UIilll- a'ti'.ii;, Lt-i'aus I j! i'-v'-'V-Y ei very tt.Mio.o a v til 1 : :. 1 : !.v.. , :. ti th.- .rth 'ar .litta ia ut.t :or A'Juol St it.; liable. v , uu. fty . , hat i-s generally f . : hi g: t:!-1 r-:arr ot p.iv the Special Tux is tlterrlor, . 1 r ti s the tiff.-r-tin 1 aii i its !i.--r:t el :ai';i f e 't r eop! rfltlter tdan niv n 4-tl teehnifa!iti. id. Ti: Tho Hccltl A 1 1 .b'tr Declaration of In- depenotence. i ----- Iho i o. , : Thhs subjeet ! 1, ! i eoti-i h -r.'.idy disj us.tjiI . lr p.io..;, -,, wh-''i r it was r : i u , . , . - a. i - ' " 11 )n of out 1 o'volu'ie.-r, Hein'-ot 'th O ; that it woh t" LTlve a p i - - i n ? n o i r o .a hisforiral fai app lied item ' : savs ' lion 1 'I he Kale .:r . , . . no" W A. rah un 1 llillnD-.ro is pre- i i irinnr an article on tlie .Meek I utiuro; - aruti-.n of I nd-pendenco, hut wo at"" not a ivn.d as to t'uo potitiou the i rov-mor wil, take in tne di.eusiuii. ii. J-niri.ai, el., '11, No. '!'. lii.s appearing itk the loading newrtp - ppfs oi our State, should iiot )re9--nt Gov. (irahatu in so duubtful afio.s-.tioti in regard to the Liistjrical trui.li ut the Ml ok leu bur e; JJedara- . tt-'ii. ie Le- one ol tue lirst latiz.-ns oi our ate a:. a tiiu IKc.arati n, one of its prou b st historical r minis- 1 eelices ol' prouiiaent titu-o-i. It rip- 1.-Ht rn, tin. it,,,,, t iO f , .. 1 I 1 ii'i t. 113 it' 111 llllll Ll.!.' 'l-Tl- nor may aiLo either bote in tho ussion : and if tho n-,, t . ie said o! other pr tninent North Jarolinians, like Gov. Oraham, ii j . ... . re.l learned tn tne history of-'tijis-fsio. we i i State, then indeed ironld appear i uiai our ?tato niot-i-grnmsiaer. - iWrfm jcaiji ifiiet jat Mryvvt, fporaung iWr &Vklk jias Ail hejte toisJSLavs : ! Kit any lY:eno,Hcti tcNfSirffiMllarize t any bS- eno'Heh t Wilmine-ton. Cumberland. Rowan taA Tryon Associations, and the innmiimhlA maciinir in Afnr.lt lAnhurc delaTd n j From the above we - can anticipate ' ,,! 1,, 1. 4. XA , Q f sed, gay what m m . - 1 . a m m m -w j f lu ! wilv taiei or ar leasi uas And no one ia better qualified to take in tiro disvio . ' " Mom a. .j m," Geu I-Cemper's majority in Virginia 28,t8'A rS t ... The election in Trias comes off on .. . t the '2ud day of 'Da'cember, and . will doubtless result ia&tlmr Democratic Tictorv. , Af Cleveland, O., there are' sixty cases of small pox, and the disease In a,iirtiji.in !viouirtRi. ttnMM. nas me siTBJHSi I m . 1 S 1 - L 1 ueaers are iced. , littlfji million, deliwta wag. bought 1 - 11 . . T I "T"1 iJU 11 v" v" Werlrresnr, for New York' A Ivingstua di?patcb sava the Ucttl iStatt-s (tfanier AJa, feared ls&t, iiae arired At Detroit. N EWACT V ERTISCMENT3 . -mV - - T heretofore cirrird on iti the naiuj 0 a. .. Mitt-ii, iAt;ent, i hvrchy op r in:: A" j-r- n- Invt'ifd to th -:ne, wilt plus e octuo tlicir ui.-unuW with the uu d -'.-:.i 1 :i i- - f', or p'a-e t-tton In toS-i brad.- lor nhipoii-iit tj MurehL-onJc o. s V ' S S. WAS!!. . : 11 111 1 I : I 1 ;d h .-. '!;.i d..j 1'oriucd a r iir under the 1. in namv f S S. 1 , ,r..l vv :.: 1 -atiuae tb-- - . ,;r.,.-v tinlnoA Icretolure rarraied ' j : 1 1 , oi 5. Na,!i, A -cat. C. d LANIER. Nov. f0, 1 73. tf. . To Ihe CillEf ns of Edge- rombe aTid adjacent ' COUIltr)'' 1 TfP I rU UMMrnli mnr,nr.T,.. I r 1 rvi 1 ill. UCIICI Ol O I du r 3 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 ")! 1 o rf .1 St r T?rir 'Mr. Pozcrs 9tor. . SI'" rAl -..t. -paid GUN ANI CJTY WORK. "rirtu-ula care nald to " IX O l'SC-?'!! ('ill A 1 -o ; ,. i t'e ; u ri ti atid repairing ".II general I5LACK- :; : o t eo-it -.iitin ;i; r.i. SfITiT WitflK. An mtmboj oi vr, 1 W ENT V YEARS Ol J lci,e tOIUL iLlUehyit U-iUiiiony to my ilViTiMiry. I ren,tfrV71y retnrn thanks for tTi vt:on m inUuuion!i of kindness fcere- rwwiv, lujc to coutuiue to do st-rvt th ui. .Nrir .tf M: RTAhAMOUNTAIN. :' i : -r n - II Tint -mm. A n CC rr fU P I ET IV C IU t nt r r r"fraiTi rmirxi 1 , L.MU1L J Ul VJ Ix 1 1 I iaUlll b 11 M-IMRTWRSH P IMtl 'IIlVIIII HliU OVlSTEBS FRIED orSTEWEI.iTflpT p noy rnno iUl-t rprv ict qualiv tlie market affords OAiHTJU-U IfUUJjD ,H;oT,c?P?fEB! mllE wndrrMe-J h 'rili 1 - ,i f," iti f,U TO 1 ie fttlestion i ftfi-ntts nnd patron that h i now prc h'ynor Parocl lu l'oriuli at rcasouaUit; liouri", Oyster . , iiukr.l or 1 1 - mrnnrt1 :mil rcciii.-f fhif ill v ho deire'tc) tuirclni" Ovstnrs dnrln.n- the uason, will M l at "THK SALOON," where overstrung Till bo eondactcd ia a mnuuer to ht.it thoc w ho may patronize the nndersign- i ! 11 r.t hi5 old -tana." - - ' J.-M. eiiiAGINS, Confectioner. Ovt. -."-1 m. THK AHEBICl' FARMER B i-ins a m-'.v voUim Jinnary 1. This is an '"-naMieM s andard Ynnuer'f? paper, de- w i i gLnii 111 c lVA i ac ti hji call-. UU( l.- i ;i : in:. ii 1 1 on is tv, 1,1 h.-se es I i i' "ivi-n to 1 1. .-! .1 , ' i ero ji-, artili i.il aud hnme-niade m.inu- 1 er, iSlu., to J.jvo toek, i- ruit Growing:, t 1 1 a-rff:.1,.t,irjat ,vrifPflir fr Ir i PRACTICAL, SCitesTANTl AJU, KKLiABLii. I1.5U a yeir. " livo or more ouly 1 each. Very 1 ' 'er-o a-n :i oi a -n:in- pi ( Hi l :::ns in c;:iik. I. ,hre ntim of "W fro to nil n. w uauiex ieeeiyi tstvre Uee. ,. Speinn n . ' Ul 11 M I - 1 O U. . V 1 I 1 1 1 Ull' U 1 HI 1 III 1 l' X ,..0....- IV ... ... . V. . F.NMM. SANDS A N. Pnhlishet?, Nov. l -u Biilliiuore, Md. Nov. -jj an -r L'nton Street, VOKFOr.K, V A. M mnrHetnrer nrtd rVnler In L' I b' S U A 1 U 17 U C 1 lllll t- wl HALTL1I8, iiAMfcl, VJllu, HOUSE CLOTHING. LAP ROBES. Ac. Ai-o, F.usn Wagons, Car!.-, Car Wheel? tles, Pnrru Oear, Ac. A I.;r- varied Mock v-. unn u. f ia ii I 1 f iziul Smlii.iir.i,.,n T . . 1 . . eU uucrcu mercn- i 'l - . nr ; hm l I fl to O V 6 r day. . I U wZ U; laiicve. j wXei i liculurs trie. A, ii. IiL-i-nTiS: Co , St. v.. r h ; . r day. Agents j liere. Pur- ! a-ouis, wm s? . i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 ; AV . HOW TO SMM BR mm mimm f i rw 'wiiinin ill' wiiMtwi fJIIE stiDScrlbers Iinvlng concluded to close Ilonsc,) SOW OFFER THEIR ETTTRG AT C O ST FOR CASH ON DELIVERY ! The whole must be eold by the last of Decem ber. Now Is the time for threat Bargains I COME ALONG AND SECURE THEM. M . WED DELL & CO. Tarboro", Now. 15, 1873. tf. K'ef The Store is for reui next year. 1873 PALL TRADE, M Arrival of NEW GOODS Rare Bargains ! Great Inducements ! I N" FALL A WINTER o o o r fss : AU'EDDELL&CO. 4I'K ihM'u-o that they have ',:) ;ore and f are daily n'ci'iv'mj from fi'st ! a s .1 very larjre and well selected t-toek cf Dry Goods, Motions. Hard ware, Boois & Shoes, Crock ery and Mass Ware, Groceries, &c. with t very; ldnr lse generally fonn d in a first cdis csUibl ' 'hmwit, ail of wbicb a p4in-ha- cd HirCAMl at ttie love-t caIi rate-, and v : 1 1 l.e o' 1 .'. t a !:iall adv iii-'e. Call and see before purchasing iuid tliLi-, save your money. M WFPDFLI. A: CO. Tarboro", N. C, Oct, 11, KTd. lni. IXSuEE I IN THE Equitable Life Assuranee So ciety OF THE I I ni t States. IttVHt'St ClYtrf 7710 ft T fl 1(1- nil' Atrurance Lom-pany in the WorM.3 1 ORREN" WILLTAMS. i Sept. 8u.-lv Oencial A?ent. J. i. WILLIAMSOA GENERAL GROCER A"NT DEALER IN I MO T'ISIO.VS, Boots & Shoes, Tin ar.d Wood en Ware, &c. -Iu1ji f-L., - Tarboi o", N. C. Mr. LaFayette JLpore will take phiure in arrormnodnTlnu customers. apl 19-ly. TERRELL & BRO., - DB AJER6 IN AND Street, Sear the Bridge, Sept. oO-it O. Jordan & Son, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS, A"D DIALERS IX Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Pickles, I' reserves, 1 randy Fruit, Se eJ8, CaunU Goods, Toys, Fire Works, &c., &.c. Store, No. 172 xMain Street. Factory, ol Church Street, IXTorfollsL, Va. Sept. 6. lbTo. Cm. WILSON Collegiate Seminary - FOR YOUNG LADIES. rytHR 14th 8i-8irn win coiumpnce on nt? t oi pat ticular mtormation, addi ess J. HeB. HOOPER Ane. M.-dm. Wilson, X. C. ,La Pierre House, BROADWAY y EIGHTH STS., rillUS Is deaiiaoie Uoqm for business meB A or families, bciue cw. elegant and conimi. r-arne? wno ean apjrreei.it e a ood t- . . . . e- to stop at iu New York. Board and room S3 per day. Rooms ?1 per da . c. B.'ORVIS, Proprietor. July 88, 1878. V .if .1 .1 ' vir "111 ' V ' i t ' f ? ADVERTISEMENT, restate of iorth Carolina, PWK.TI' Or EDGECOMBE SUPERIOR Wi COURT. tpbil Aa&tin and Cofflehl King-, Plaintiffs, ienntttfeell. .(nmos Helh .h mes T. Daniel 1 ;0 llUI4Lilvc -rt . 1.H1R i auu ij.su i .1 lieu. jurivn - A Al: T . T . 1 1 T . ,. 17. M MofTl. Summons. Ojpi fial proceedings for partition by sale of real i'stat", tituate in Edgecombe County, and of which the Plaintiffs and Dcfendanis are Rlleped to be tenants in common. Tae. above panjed defendants bein"; non-res-UJeflt of the State lire by this mode notified and snmmoncd to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Edgecombe, at. the Court House in Tarborouath, within eighty la - alter the first publication of this summons, and -answer the Lcocapiaia f the plaiiiUild which was duly illed in the office, of the Clerk of said Court, on the i2nd day. of October, 1S73, and let them take notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint within that tinievlUe plain- tuts win apply to tne court Mw me rcitei lie- By rcer of snid Uorrrt.- '" '44XO,rOSiTruZE$, Clerk "'" ttT$fitiFr- " Superior Court, ttoraeylotaintill. new mm 1 V- NEW GOODS ! Low Prices ! Low Prices ! Low Prices ! R. H. Austin & Go's OLD ST A3 I) ! BUT YOUR GOODS OF THE NEW FIRM, AND GET THE FFLI OF YOU.a MONEY. T. H. GATLIN, Oct. ) CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C, TOYS AND TARBORO, N. C. Feb. id. ly CIUMBEKLAIX & RAWLS, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKERS JEWELERS. D lALl Kll IN FINE JEWFItY, FiNK n o . - J.iiK! Lie:. oo .e Ware Silver Plated Ware. SPECTACLES, Rf Fine Watches K ;..: in d tV.thfaliy ! and Seienti ttcallv, and H'o-rit.: '51 ' TAKBOIt..., Iv. C. ! -Tan. IS 72. 1-tf I Blamire, V: iikins & Wilson, o. Iri2 TJ.iiii Sjreet, NORFOLK, -V. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. s($ooo oo WORTH Butterick's Paper Patterns ACTUALLY ON HAND 2I0ST EXTENSIVE DEESS MAXIKG DEPARTMENT IN THE STATE. Order? i eipeetlully solicited. B LA MI HE. W1LK.IN3 & WILSON, No. 1"2 Main Street, NORFOLK, VA. Nov. 1, 1S73. John T. Alsop, Enfield, N. C. John T. Alsop & CASH ler.Al.F.KS 1 Choice Family Groceries and Ai the Old Stand of 11. B. Alsop, MAIN ST., TAKBOKO', N. C. Strict adherence to Cash, enables r.s to i uv and sell .at low prices. We appeal to the in-ejo- to c ou';der this fact, and sustain us on the C:i!i basis, th-.-re-by proiuotin: thtr own interest, ocll.-'hn GIN GEARING GIN RIBS, i FOR BALE AT THE j POUNDER y. flS GEARING m P..r t and w t , i: ten to te the bet in market, (iin brushes repaired with best dri-ales. i Tnrhoro', Sept. IS, om. I M. L HUSSElf & BRO., Carriage Manufacturers TARBORO', N. C. VLL kinds of REPAIRING jT-mptlv at tended to. They now oc-.upv their NEW CARRIACiE S1U)PS. Enquire lor ihe New Shop ni-ar Main Street. Aui. 23, l&To jy " sfoRFroLETr i TI1E Store formerlr occupied bv H. II nuiiiuoiov ou., Illil'CIIJ QUtlOSIte V . 15. Wi.ns Grocery Store, aviii be let ou reasonabie ternig. Apply to il. WFHTLOCK t CO., tor. .Main -yi sts., Iron Fron. ( e- ilons0, Sept. 6.-tf. Tarhor o N. C. QifQL0f per Arent u.tnted! All lifcJJAiV L-hiKsas of working peorle, of either .ei, j-oun? or old. make more money at work for u In their spr moments, or all 'the time, than at anything else. Particulars fre Address Q. Stinson & Co.,Portland, Msiii. xj Suce ssor to R. li. Au.-tin it Co. is.;;. em. ; "'1 "JI. f RAiifi'f" Coulecti qiibft P3 MISCELLANEOUS. .jreni3 x ke$l250 per day, v per SEWING-MACHINE f For Domestic Use ONLY FIVE DOLLAR With the New Patent HOLE WOlUvrrt F (tented June 27th, 1871 AW.M'.PEP THE FIRST PREMIUM VT Tnr AMERICAN INSTITUTE ' AM. MARYLAND INSTITUTE FAIRS. 157, A most wonderful and eleantlv ted Si-winu' .Machine for Familv xf'Z ph-te ill all it P.-o I - I'fM the Str.l.A. - Pointed Ne dl-. Sei Thrf ?,:., ri-ht Po,;-ive Motion. N,-w f intioT 5" Feed audi Cloth 4nid--r. Operates bv Vh ( and on a Table. Lirut Rnnnin- SmJ ana noiselesr, like ail good hiaiDriepjdT chine,. Has Patent Chk to pfSS?. wheel heinr turned the wrone way r the thread direct from the spool. Mak t5'' Elastic l-oek Stitch (lirJst and on s-atca known ;) tirui. durable, close and rani W!M da .11 kind, of work, fine and cESe from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather ant uses .!i;h-r-., : ,;: of thread. This Machlw is heavuy eo;,.trueted to pive it Mrenetl. all the t.. irt. of each Machine heino- t,y m.uhm. ry, and beautifully finished and I -nameiued. Tt is very easy to learn R, Z id, Smooth and Silent in operation. ReliahtZ I at ail time?, and a Practical, SeientiSc y chamcal Invention, at Great I j Reduced Priei" I A (iood, Cheap, Family Sewing MachineVi , last. The iii-t and only enccess in prodne!np j a valuable, substantial and reliable loir priJj I Sewinir Machine. Its extreme low ! reaches all conditions. Its simplicity ,i I strength adapts it to all capacities, while ill ni.itiy merits make it a nniversal laToritt - hercver used, and creates a rapid demand I IT IS ALL IT IS RECOMMENDED, j I can cheerfully and eoniidenrlr recom i:aud its u-e to those uho an- want in "-a I ally eood Scwiu. Machine, n low nrjee Mrs. H. li. JAMESON " I Peotone, V ill County, IU Price ot each Machine. Class A." "One (warranted for live yea's bv special certifi cate.) wi-h all ihe fixtures, and everythinff complete helongiu? to it, inelndir Se!i Threadinc Needie. packed in a strong "wood en box, and c'.e ivcred to any part of ibr country, by expre., ?ree of further charges on receipt oj prh-e, ovt.t F:vE Dollars. Sife delivery cuaranteed. With each Machine we will send, on receipt of ?1 extra, the newna-. cut 1 BUTTON HOLE WORKER V y .X'pc! I Un0 ofibc most important and nsefu! invsn - I tions of the are. So vmple aud certain. th a child can work ike tines: button hoie with regularity and case. Strong and beautifa Special Terms, and Extn Inducements "to Male and Fema'e Awr,ts, Stoie Keepers.tc who wili esuhlisa agencies through the coun try and keep our New Macaines on Exhibi tion and Sale. County Rictus piven to smart ;'!." :'t i c. A- ut's cotnpieteoatflt, fcroisb- I without any extra charge. Samples o! st-u lu ;, descriptive circulars containlsg Tern.-, Tetimonia's, Enirravins, Jfcc., &c, INT i'see. W also app!y AGRICULTURAL I MPLE M ENTS. Latist Patents and Improvements lor the Farm an i Gardt u. Mowers, Reapers, Culti vators, Feed Cutters, Harrows, Farm Mills, P.ar.ters. Har e--rs, Threshers and all aru eles needed lor F..rm work. Rare Seeds ia lar,-e . iricty. All Money sent in Post Offiu? Moiuy 'Jrdv-rs, Bank Drafts, or by Expre, wid be a; our rist, and are perfectly secure. Sale delivery of a!l our rooJs rjaniuteed. An oij uud responsible firm that sell the V--t Luoil- . tie lowest price, and can be rr Led a; on 1 y ..;;r reader. Farmer's JoxmsL A r ,r ) ... Not Responsible for Registered Letters. A.-M-. O-d.-r- JF- OMF. Pi. HUDSON CO., c ,r. ; wh.-u Corthindt Sts., N. T. iv.. 4. lTH.-an. HAMPDEN SIDNEY VOL, LEGE. THE NLXi LsSIoN C)F THIS ?t:-tt.l-n;i:v ot io.-iiiuj; -iii commence cn Thursdiv. t-e; t. 4:h, Hatu- d-:-. Sidrey i '.tutted in Prince Ed ward County, V.i . within a fe'w hnndred yard o.- I" n i ia Theological Seruin.iry. and seven niiies from Fnrmvitle the nearest de pot of the Atlantic, Mississippi fc Ohio R. R. i .ie ioeauty ot the Ceilere is most healthy, u:d the t-omrunnity aronnd dijtinulshed for ir.telMLrerce and piety. I There is no Grammar or PrenfinUory SeLool conueetcd -with the Coce. Itre I t.iias the carrictslum aud the great aim of its t. chars is to secure tboroajrhaess ia the i ivdmiiLT -ind instruction of their pupils and t":.i; to prepare thera for professional stndles or Lhj active dories oXlife. : Tlte ord iim rr expenses of stodact ecTn sire of the cost of clothiHgrj traTelling and books, are from ?2t?o to $2?5 a year. Feir CatalOirue and further Information ap ply to Rev. J. M. P. ATKDTSON, President H.ncpden Sidney College, i.v '-t:'. Prince Edward County, V. FIRST ARRIVAL Fall & Winter T AT iVllliijIiXJltlll K'ls. mam MRS. FELDEXHEIMZR respectfully in- torms the Ladies of Tarhoro and ricinity that she is now receiving her large and care fnlly selected Ptock of r S 11 I II consistias in part of Dress Goods, Silks, Ribbons, Bonuels, Hate, Fealbers, , Scarfs, Collars, Cufts, Laces, Yelretines Trimmings, Ladies' & Children's SHOES, &s:C9 and every thinLT that is nsaa ly kepi in a rt class establishment. She is receiving ew Styles Weekly t 1"h Larliee are earn3ty reqtteittl i0 caM and examine my stok before purci.as ing elsewhere. Respectfully, MR3. J. FELDENHEIME3. Tarboro', N. C, Sept. 6, 1873. I 0,000 Agents Wanted 500.00 a IVIoxxtH V R ARE CHANCE Fnli Particulars Free, or six Saxnp'e for $1J. Address PITTSBURGH SUPPLY CO., Pittsburn,. ra. F ALL & WINTER GOOD