ff)*® «1 folkwioS i» “ ,b« the rig" ‘'®' iwjrily * we, fr* j Kii*** -toed ®n bear"'"* «sW”^e«fti8.i79P ^ Ae Dot!4i we« «u,iion, having a fSih^^.^jerh ftrfon the fliore, k*'f« ,h« wefcouia roflefi, it >^“„ aaior general Crate, «ftef of the fleet with '^^STrfthe liri'a, "''*?"■"«*'■’ ptoeat r«r|Mcion of m **-y^ oppentititty miglit 1 .!*it « l'«b‘ '>'**“ •P™"* o'clock after, tfte 15re opened, DatdiSo abandon their ' ■•ft precipitation, taking . ^tiofidd pieces, and at foar took pftileffion of ■“^nirch over hea^y landy blbl!ie| leave to refcr for the ^atatwataken therein, as the ^ttaiBoperfbnfroin the fliips *® y®tt the proceedings of LL^^*®™|®and, I fliall at all kStu^**^®** in doing juftice JlJ^fewai officers. To their Ll in iheprefent tj^J^brted the immediate fuc- rj^^*ttenipt; it is there- K^»eiid to his ihajefty; NTSS^*" Ken- kwl? commanding nlln of the ^ttlcfuake, and ^^nnarch, midlhip' each individually, onteQ dilcharge of my judici- L?^iikbit V Wounded Nn’ hy a (hot; P«> but did not ‘tnater i- “"“b Eia Inaia- From the London Gazette, of 31ft Odl. 170 c “ Downing-ftreet, 23d Otft. 1795. ‘ «* The ratification of the treaty of amity commerce, and. navigation, between his *r majefty and the United States of America / figned the Tpth of November la(t, werfe this ;« day exchanged by lord Grenville, hit ina- jefty'i TJrincipal l^retary of ihne for fo- 7' reign afiairs, with William Alletr Deha, 7*'erq. charge dWairi from Uie Uiiiied Slates.*^ •; * ‘ : A (lone was thrf^vn at the king»t coach on his' return from Cogent- Garden theatre • on jfriday nigh« . rfpm the darknefir of the bight, and thfclfnbU who filled the ftreets, it was impdKble ’to'difeovef the niilcreant m ho did it. After all the'chntradidiory accounts con cerning oOr two Hlortunate hpihe^rdjmund ^he following may be refied upon at Of the Mediterranean fleet, two thirds dre miffing. Abodf 90 (hips failed frotn^ibral-> tar, cf which only 7,2 arc arrived. ® ‘ r\e^u^ r ? a • /• •• .. ^. fewl was made, when with hif accuftomed ffjiflty, inlUmly pat the forces ^SToid, at the &me moment, Sett, eqatlly zealous, in the Setriyf Echo, and Rattle- ^bile the gun boat pr^cd the march of jet Irtwited yarns, to pre* the fci?* ^»"g abreaft of two guns, fiicd a few i'nhiiib^ in ebarge^o dc|)ai t, -^afccoou poft of one gun or howitzer, the effetft t On prsceoting off the camp, ivaaiUntiyaanifeff, although th (hips was greater than ^ks wifced, bat the (haHownefs iiKwrippmcb. jiH,coininan4ed by lieutenant [irNmicti, and anchorod in two ^ folWed by the America, ^.'n fair and a half, then the illvMnke, anchoring nearer, iatttiieffk8*er draoglits of water, ■n'l ««U which began to fire, km retmed by the floops; but 'if«y prenesit^ the large (hips {Baitlqladcanie4i out heavy TskIkj vas performed by the ■ntiti jrtnt coolnefs, much 10 kar.^tt their country's cre- Bo- Louf; Of the Jamaica fleet, befides the eight (hipi known to be taken, tliere^ are ’eleven* (hips wanting, making in the whole, nineteen fail taken or milling. * f ' M.-Monnevon-s rcvnrh to England is daily cxpeifted : his mind has been lately .drvWted from the original cbjedt of his mimoty; and there are intelligent men who affirm,, that fince the'lkte triumph 6f the tonventioh, fu ture negotiations of the two countries' will be of a’pacific nattire. ’ ‘ ‘ From the fouse ahthority we are alTurcif, that, prevlonlly to any negotiations, the con- vemion infilk,' that Great Britain ffi^l ac knowledge the French republic. ~ ^ly. Very, ^lem - Ealon, Charleflon ' Hope, Gee, Gnadaloupe. „ . • CLEARED. ^rig Harmony, Burr, Hiipaignola Riiflel, Kingiley, Cm;acoa pch. ^zard^ .Il'iillar, Weft ladies r— Americana, Taylor^ Kew-York *— Po”y* Davis, St. BarjOvpJomew'i ^ -—^«»Kcy, Harthoway, .port.*u Prince . • Bet fey, M'llhinny, CbarTefton Dolphin, Davis, Charje^on . , ploop Two Brothers, Conkling, New^York. PUBLIC AUCTtON. O N Monday, the 25th inftant, will be fold, lor the benefit of the owners'or under writers (if fair weather) otherwife, the firft mirday, one hundred and forty>eight baireUi Kilii dried Indian Meal -fifty barrels Flour; red oak and white oak Hog(hca|.Staves; Pipe ditto; and a few Pitch Pine Boards ; being a part of the brig Governor. Pinckney's cargo. T. FITZ-GERALD, Vj M. 15th January, 1796. * For Private Sale, t EIGHT PIPES MADEIRA WINiTi .. Cheap for Calhi^’ Appiy.to . T,;FJX21GERALD. 20th January, 1796. . WILMINGTON, January'21. Forthe WltMlNGTQN CHRONICLE. Mr, Printer,. , I had the honor fame time paft be dine in company wah two.grmlemen, both fubitan- tial Cape Fear planters, when the (uk^cift of'j converfation turned* an -the politics of the times, and.more particularly on the opeia^ton of the war in Europe upon the agricultural intereft of. this cotmtry. After a ferious and fenfibledilctiffion, the point agreed upon was, that provifions of every kind would be in gr-at demand : their proipetfts of immerife crops, and the idea ^ an enhanced price l^inir given, (b dilated and exixnided their hearts (though 1 do iior*mean to fnggeft they were ever doled to objetfts of charity) that on the name of a certain diftrefled inhabitant of this county being mentioned, tlicy both, by a .fndden impuBe of benevolence, pledged themfelves to tlie company, that they wonld, on gathering their crops, compliment him with two barrels off com each.—As thefe two gentlmien have received, for that difinte-*’ relied and nohle flow of lirnevolence, not only high and exalted encomiums, but alio the approbation of their own hearts, I tn-li, on being reminded (for they dclired they (huulo) perform with the nioft icrupulous puntfiuality their (everal promil'es. A FRIEND TO THE POOR. NOTICE. T he fale of ihe febooner. MARY AND HELEN (as advertiled to be fold on the 25th inftant) i% polbponeduntil Satnrdsiy the 30th inftant. ' T. FITZ-GERALD, V. M. 20th January, 1796. W'hcaton, TiClalc, &'Co. I NFORMS their cuftomers and the public, that they have removed their ftore to the one formerly occupied by Mr. James Lock- wood, deceafed, at the S. £. comer of the New Market.—They have on hand, at the luweft rate, for ca(h, an aflbrtment of Dry Goods, and Wines of different kinds, by quarter-calk, or by retail, which they warrant genuine. Alfo, St. Ubes, and Turks -Ifland Salt. Malaiies'uv che bopfliead, Wilmington, January 20, 1796. LAND FOR SALE. T hree hundred,and twenty acres in Bla den county, on the North Weft River ; Being one half of the tratfl formerly called Pcrlemberg.—For terms apply to the fab- feriber, who is authovifed to fell. F. BRJCE. Wilmington, January 20, 1796. On Friday morning laft, a duel was fought near this town between mr. S———and mr. D. , when the latter was ftightly wonnded in the thigh. DIED.] On the 3d ult. after a few minutes ilhrelk, David M'Niel, elq. of Cumberland county; a genilemairunivcrfally lamented. ^ i.. -xttf the cultivation of Indigo, ^ mUi«h Corn, and fniall grain ; a (dearing and foine iinprovenieiitt on each. They will Cold fefnrate or together, on reafonable terma. One third of the money to be paid down, for j the other two thirds a credit of 5 years will ^ be|;iven, bearing intereft, and bein^ fatisfac- ^torily fecuied. Apply to Edv^ard Jones, nt* torney at law, who has the original patents in his hands. WILMINGTON PRICES CURRENT. MERCaiNTABLE PRODUCE. A II to 12 none, ditto. 14 to 14 Tobacco, Rice, Floury Com, Peafe, Pork, Beef, Butter, Tallow, Bec*s wax, Tar, Turpentine, ■ Pitch, 2 . Decrlkins, — ' Shingle’S,' I L umber aborted, i o Staves, w.o hhd. 18 to >9 — r.o.ditto It —w.o.bll. 10 4 dollars 50'cents per icwlb- 50 per ditto, per bll. t 2 to 16 i4 30 50 50 2^ 17 ^7 06* 00 50* 00 per bll. per bll. per lb. per Ib. per lb. A S the fobferiber intends leaving this (late as foon as poffible, he requefts all thofo who have demands ag^inft him to render in their accounts for (ettlement. Tboie who aro indebted to him (who are not alreadv fued), may tako this u a poftfoript to the final no tice. J. JOHNSTON. • f 4-t fame time he wKhes to inform his friends, that he will (ell his remaining (lock of goods (wbolefate or retail , low for caih, or wines, porter, ke. ^ \ ^ • prodoee—confining of dry goods, rcer, gyind-ftones, lombcr, ihingles. J. JOHNSTON. Wilmington (N. C.) Jan. 13, 1796. PORT OF WILMINGTON# entered. Sell. Colombia, Mathews, Bofton ✓^ASH, or GOODS given for AUDITORS In the year 1739. e"tiled, « An ad concern- « «f\L*.nSftrntlW ; » P"’*”* « in the martagement of intcftates eftates. benjamin mills, Exc.