THE MOUSE’S PETITION. Found in the crop wh^re he hod been confin’d '' > all night. .'Parcere^fubjc^ff, firclebellcrefaperbos.-—Virg, t . . ' ‘ Oh! hear a pehfivc prifoiiet’s prayer, For fiheny tfia^ 1 And never let th'^e ninrt be (hut .Agaiull the^invti^i’t cries. • >For here fad 1 lit, -- —. 5 Wthmtlre wiiygijic; And tremble f approacliing mpm, Which bniig^impending fiate.' ‘ .’.rr’: ... , If eVr.thy.UwolV^ich'fceedom glow’d, Ai^ /purnVl ai tyrant s chain., ^ Lft not thy ftvongo]^elfive force i A free Ham asoufo detaiu. ■ ^ 4 ■ ^ t . t ■ • * 'Oh ! do not (Iain with guilcle/s blood Thy. ho())italde ibearth ;' Nor*triumph thy wiley betray’d A pnze fo little worth. . . i , The (catter^d gleanings of a feaR; My li ugal meali lupply } Bm if ihine unrelenting heart That ilender bopn deny. The cheerful light, the vital air. Are blefihigs widely given ; Let nature’s commoner’s enjoy The common gillft of heaven. The well tanghr philolbphic mind To all cumpailioii gives » Calls rpund the world an equal eye, • And feels for all that lives. If mind, as ancient fiiges tanght,- A never dying flame. Still fhifts thro’ matter’s vaiying forms, III every form the fame : • • Beware, left in the worm you crufli, A brother’s fbnl you find ,• And tre/nhle, left I'liy luckiefs hand- Diflodge a kindred mind. • I If ^his traufient gleam of day - Be all of life wefoare, Let pity plead withui thy breaft Th^liule all to fpaie. So.may tliy hofpitable board ' With health and.peace be crown’d • And every charm of hean-felt rafe Beneath thy roof be found. / So when deftruftion larks emreen, Wh^ich men, like mice, mav fliaie, nlay (nine kind an^el clear thy path And break the hidden ftiare! time, the pop , are formed j political ideas concenter lUem- ftlves, the patriotic party unite and., more clofely coTinetft themfelves; they gain a for” raldable msjoriiy in the legiflature ; the abafe* m.ent.of cpntnierce, the flavery of navigation, and the audacity of England, ftrengthen it. A^edneert-of declarations and cenfures againft the government arires: at which thf latter is •yen itfelf aftonipied. . 9- ^.‘*,was tb*e (ituation of things towards the cjofe of the laft and at the beginniiig of t!^ prefent year. Let .ns pafs o^cr thedif- contents whjclvwere.moft generally exprefl’sd in tbefc critical moments, They, haye been font to you ai.different pifrioils, and in detail. every quarter are arraigneil the imbecility OT the goverpf^nt towards Gryac-Britain, the defencelefs ftate of the country againft poflible invafions, the coldncfs towards thp French republic : tlie fyftem of finance is at” which threatens, eternizing the debt. P*'Ctext of maHing it the guaranty of public Jiappinefi ; riie complication of that fyftem which lyirhholds from general infpe^ tjon pll its operations—t]ic alarming ^wer qf tke ipjlaence it procures to a man wliofc prin ciples are regarded as dangerous^ the prepbd- qerance which that man acquires fi pm if ay tp ^y in public meafurea, and in a Word the immoral and iaipblitic modes of taxation ———— ^———- • * STOBY OF THE COUNT DE SAINT ‘'JULIEN- Thc count de Saint julien was defoended from a very ancient family j and was only at the age of twenty, when the death of his fa ther made him nrafter of A cvnfiderable fum of money, and of an ellate in Dauphine, which might havp ropponed him in the fame affluent manner his anceftors had lived in,, had not an utiboinided love of pleaforc taken an early poilcffion ot his heart. Dauphine became fbon too confined a fpliere for him to move in, the diflipation^ of Paris better fuited the gaiety of his temper, where his figure, hi.s expence, and his lively pans quickly in troduced him into the poliFcit afleniblics. He was brilliant in all places oi public refort, oftentatious in his gallantries, and was ad mitted to many of the petits foupics of the efprits forts ; which are coteries, conipofed of. witf and free thinkers, wlio have tfM> much van^ to agree in the received notions of uianki^ ; but by their art, and the plea, fantry of their ridicule, often operate too powei fully on weak minds, by undermining die good principles they may have imbilied, and fubftjtutlng their own {>etnicious ones ill . their place. Saint julteii had fbon after his arri^-al at Paris, t^en an Italian figure dancer of the opera into keeping ; who bore hifii one fbn named Frederic j-r-a youth of fine parts, formed by nature with great fonfibiliiy, and with a mind fo happily difpofed, as might have rendered him a wortfiy and (hining cha racter, h^d rot all ihefc advantages l>ecii oveVfhadowed by a falle education, and their n ovements con tipted by the bad example of a father, who having, in a long courfe of d'lfipated connet^tions loft his own moraks, gave himfelf Tittle concern about iliofe of his foM conceiving that the exterior accom- plifliinehts of a gentleman, comprehend every thing that was molt material to carry him fnccersfolly through the world. The infide lity of Saint julien's niiftrefs in a few years totally difiuUed xhe attachment; and Frcde- ric, by the time he attained the age of nine» teen, became a coinpaiiicin to his father in all his vices, and was likewife ercouiaged in fuch as be had a propenfiry to hiinfelf—the dig nity of a parent being as much forgotten by the one, as the refpea ot a fbn was bv the other. Pleafore and extravagance gradually wade the ampleft fonuiie. The count’s had, dur- ing die twenty lour years he had quitted Dauphine, been annually decreafingnor ^^^w*-** oi his expemes, have lafted fo long, but for his abhorrence of every kind of play j and had not fbme beneficial ^iieftsfrom deceafetl relaiimis, reterded it’s difiolution. He conftantly expended far more than his income, and his cftaic had dwindled away by fales of an hundred acres at a time, till nccefliiy compelietl him to abridge many of bis expences. The contratft for the old family manfion, with all the remaining land about It, was juft compleaicd, and the four t.ioufand luuis d’ors, which the purchafe amounted ,to, paid into his banker's hands, when the foMowing event gave a new turn to his life and fortunes. ^ Among les filles entretenues, there was at that time at Paris the Clairville, who then lived under the protecftioii of one of the far mer s general, whom I fhall fpeak of by the name of d’Avignon. She was a woman of imich lieaury and great intrigue ; but by her add refs, conftantly flattered his vanity and weaknefs ; and by the fuccefs of her art. kept her gallantries concealed from hioi. Saint At u T Mot. sf certatt? a ft»nlei- begged him ^ ’’r- fuch were to be Initcii had made repeated overtures to this lady, and l,ccn treated by her with a dif- daiii ^s pi ide could not brook; fhc had how ever beftowed a more favourable look on his foi^ whom (he had met in the Tliuilleries, and frequently had converled with; and ti|y>reflion&>n her hearr; 1^k>rWf|^e was ft.ll an amiablenefs of cluraaeTabmit nLfs .^flumed air of Hcentiouf- Sni' 'I’*”®*** '>at rrwleric, romin. one even- Clairvuu'f '*'* r'"*,"*'' found the ■ fre fi”L“r of the thea- 'on, ^ ‘•*® i which by fonie ‘he carriages wa, prerem^ ^ ' heoffeTt'o"? T of lialf an 'cr jafe out;—and the refult was « a^poLTmenSh"" marquerile wTJr,! “>e after wh»r!a n ^ nights > *‘®>*ee»»e him to undcillamlnie at the famrjlll,’ ft from'p '““W by eompliniment of a S?"? ib, i *0 communicate to him the*"’ “'’*4 ""y he wa* engaged in hit acenftomed tamiliari,;'/'‘"ftn »he^,ation he lad trefli poignancy, from ek high fpirit luffered by tht^n, Frederic ; he however fe k himfelf, as not to aDDc! ft pofed, and advifed him luc the affair. ^ ^ ®caij| | When a father is fo • ronie a riTal to his fon nature, it argnei a miJ r " ““"'t »toreqnire'l„.tli„re™i‘‘'''’>’'j4 the deipicable meanneft ofTe" ing this occafion to revenoJk^ man, and by expoOng herisliT’^ non, rum her power-nl,- ?'' oi hispaflion fmcfeei^Mh":?®" thatm.ghtliappen,ohUfo„”;“ The farmer oenera] mous letter, whfeh hinted 10^® next niafquerade might dif ' fefled,i.„roffe J* -’oobtrd for be niould pay any attention j,,, Intt jealoufy „ a paffion enfil, meti ot ‘Irhanehedcharadier,.;,/ dominant ,n advanced yean. Pe, his intended journey; but took cj hack to Pans time enough to be i the maiqnerade At be k, ij^,, ‘ \ he might h, fc aflentbly have probably*,e,„tn,d finding her, had he not, after mow hours of anaious fearcb, at M d her, by means of lone jeaels in which he had prefented wiih He faw her whole- attemion ci^cj gentleman who was with her, cbfei foe converfed with no other, anJ little reafon to fcruple the iiitelUcen received. He watched them vith es and rage, the whole night, till ik ball ; nor loft fishi of her, ti' her enter with her gallant ti e bcuii for her. The fervaius obferving; a low almoft iinmediaiel) their miilrel friend, cone]tided it to be one ot tli —but the inftant that d’Avijpcn hac the garden apartment, which was I fupper room, and whither Ibe had 0 her lover-, he threw them both info nioft conftemation, by difeoverirg li them ; with ungoventable paffion re] the lady for her irconftaiicy; r"'*'’’’ fword, which he had couceaii drefs, ran with fury upon h Frederic throwing off his oa foized one of d’Avignon’srwnf hung with a hat and belt, in th they |Were ; and thus armed, 11 deavour to appeafe his antagoni but the other pi effing on him nicnce which would liften to the unfncccfsful youth four)d pelled to defend bis own lift rencounter mortally wounded tl neral. Clairville fell in s fwo deric fled inftantly out of thf that precipitance and perturbatK ever be natural to fo unlmppy^ This unfortunate event bapi in the morning, d’Avignon die many hours. Though Saint ju in idea, the fccret triumph whu gem gave him over a woman, toward him had provoked fon fentmen?; yet he apprehended cefs ntr^er refult, than her di | conceiving that from foch a c d’Avignon had with her, any would have ftimulatcd him, to arm of age to the vigour or .^0^ himfelf, however, when the ti no means in an eafy fituation--t fafpenfe, between ho|« ?•* .; alarmed for the difficuln^ tn poffibly have of alfo that the general, when he fhonld Wo fopplanted him in the ^ trJfs, might be highly future interefts of Freden - (Tc be Ci

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