i if .,; ! it JOSHI TV f JAMES, Ed.? and Prop. J -r. , f tit.; it -i f ?i '. -- . . i '- . i !A Boston louraalist announces that ,Mr. JiiMajly'.P a "Hon t in r the .path" the Southern f question ; 1 ' The New lork WortcC thTnlcT'the expression i ii hi - would jbe .TE appropriate ; if the spelling . of.onepjthords was slightly modified. TJao !l40tE birthday of Thomas Paynej thoinfibfclwas'cdebrated in Philadelphia I as t Tuesday ,bythd sorcallocl,Li beral Club . A Httlo peodi pra made ' bye Walt Whit man.! ftha City j Council of ; Philadelphia refused to accept a bast of Payne present ed byjtbeclabv: !k.V.? 1 r.$. 1 -.Li .!.'.' i . Judge DavW ha ' written 3 letter to a frienclw 'his in Bloomington, II!., to the effect that he has concluded to accept the Senatorship;' and '; that he will not resign from the1 Supreme Bench until the 4th of ' tt is also isaid that he had deter to J leave the bench before he was senator, and irrespective of that March J mined elected : The Colum tion is more States Pension agent at tu?, u.l recently aieu. , he post a fat 'lone; said to net $10,000 or per .annum J and there has been a great Bcramblo for it among the Ohio Radical Doliticians. The President has "YVickoff for the place, of the Radical State nominated A. who was chairman committee. . 1 Among the buijdings recently exhumed at Pompeii is a drinkiug saloon with its tables and other; appurtenances. The pictures frescoed rupon the wall represent tavern j ; scenes Jj, Men. arc drinking and gambling at tables ; others are seated upon wooden benches against the walls, and others, are standing in conversation. Walt street, it is said, has a sensation in the advent of a new operator from San Francisco in the person of James Kecne, who has been noted for gigantic specula tionsis Said to; be worth ten millions, and to have transferred twenty millions of fresh capital for employment in the spec ulations of - that scheming street. It is i not ferred, now believed that there is to 1 1 b 3 any war between Turkey and Russia The pacific disposition of the Czar is re- skilfall manner, an i with inexcusable negligence, in consequence - of which the judgment of divorce obtained; by ;them has been adjudged by the general term as ur- regular. She Vlalms'iSlOroOO.damases, together with thaVostaof the faction, if The causes that have lcdte-tho success of President Tilden were thus narrated by himself to a correspondent of the Mobile Register: One thing he told me in quiet tones but vigorous words thatwjien he accomplished' anything he 'did It by aim ing right at the ouUet, pusbing persistent ly forward, never stopping to do small things to the ; right'or leftbut laboring on until the end was gained, and that he felt he was superior to mere party, consid erations where the country was 'cncerned., Col. McClure says of the selection of Judge Bradley to serve on the' Electoral Count commision, that although lie is a Republican, his decisions have "not been marked with any partisan leanings, and the fact that ho is familiar witH the laws and general condition of both govern ment and society in Florida and Louisi ana, where he sits; as District J udge, is regarded by fair men of every political faith, as peculiarly fitting him ' for the responsible duty which may bo imposed upon him. Indeed, he was preferred the more Conservative Southern men to Judge Davis, and his decision against the constitutionality of the enforcement act is pointed to as conclusive evidence of his devotion to law above all party interests. THE FLORIDA ASE. The New York Herald says of the prob abilities-as to when a result in the Florida case will be reached by the Commission "There are only two States Florida and Louisiana that will require a prolonged examination, the Oregon case not involv ing any dispute on questions of fact, and the question of law lying within a small compass. . The Electoral? Commission should be able to reach a decision respect ing the Florida certificates within six or seven days, and the rules they adopt in this first case referred to them will nar row the ground of subsequent 'in vestiga tion. Such legal points as apply to all the States alike will have been decided in connection with the Florida case,, and in the cases which follow the tribunal will consider itself bound by its previous "de cisions. Florida, therefore, from the fact that it comes first, will probably occupy more of the time of the Commission than all the other disputed States together' among other things, to the recent growth! of- the Socialistic movement in his dominions; A .Vienna dispatch .says: Those eotrMitlees T which" have taken" up the Slav cause) most warmlv have been found to be under iiea vy suspicion of being the most zealous advocates of a thorough political and sooialj reorganization of Rus sia that iSi 'subversion more or less of all thatj now existsj so that fostering the Slav idea- was! indirectly fostering these political and social aspiratious. X t In the annual report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, that officer speaks of the prosecution 'of the whiskey ring as havingjresulteci in the breaking up of the systematic reobery of the Government. It seems' from the'" report that sixty-two dis tilleriesjahd! rectifying houses and other property itvere! seized, the estimated value being' 11,530,744. Assessments were made agaihst yarious distillers to the amount of T $ 1,625,772 ; numerous suits were instituted: upon distillery and other bond, knA for the recovery of taxes to the amounvOI o,ioo,i, auu numerous m dcitments were preferred against 321 per sons charged with 'bffenscs. As a result of these proceedings about $500,000 have been' paid into the ; Apropos of the high prices wHch some cases, it may largest I price ever Treasury resent book sales and aave been obtained in ble well to note that the obtaiued for any work was received at! the great sale of the Duke ofRoxborouchin 1811. The work was . 1 j r"- 1 1 I a copypf the "Decameron" of Boccaccio, ( printed; in tho early part of the fifteenth century, which came into possession of the i Duke after navliig been lost to the knowl- edge of! book collectors for a great many years. It sold' for (2,600 guineas, and was purchased by a nobleman who had another copy o(the same work, in all respects sim ilar to this with the exception that the last few leaves , were wantiDg, so that thi enormous price was practically paid, for the few! leaves needed to make one com plete copy; ; j j ";; ,.. Marii j Paulino Lucca,' the' celebrated cantatrice, obtained a decree of divorcein New York last June from her husband, riaron Adolph Ven Rhade. Ten days after "obtaining the decree sho married Baron yonVTallhofien. j Subsequently the general term adjuged the decree to bo ir regular! and the plaintiff was notified to appear and defend the action in which it was obtained, j This litigation was an ex pensive one to Mrne. Lucca. The matter was to come up in the Supreme Court; general term; for bearing an appeal. The argument will bo upon an - appeal, in a ; suit brought' against Messrs. Newc'ombe & Lerenbreth. her lawyers, in which she charges them with having ''managed said action against said Von Rhado Tn . an nn- hand it is declared that it was not. The law. says it shall be- composed 1 of 'five members, ,mjthe,face of the fact that four ... . i J jiit .......1.: - -'i-T-i iuvwisea an a aeciarea jipe rexurns. ; mot, otilis thejla agattKe legality of the bam; butjtha testimony of its own mem bers submitted to two committees of the Honse, one hio '.,jjoger,than yesterday, shoVs tHat no" effort was made to fill this vacancy and Kenner, the rum-mill member, testified yeaterday that be really did not remember anything about the vapancythoiigh. pe was certain,- that Dr.-J as a member of the board, was a promi nen t , respected citizen.of Ne w Orleans. ,; Senator Cameron, of Pennsyl vania, as one of the "Republican leaders 'wjib op- posed" the electoral bill, is satisfied that the measure gives the Democrats tba 'case, though he is not . willing to admit that they have the equity of it as JWell as.' the law. '.' The Republican lawyers are not quite so united on vthe !Florida returns, though under the decision of the Supreme Court of the Srate many J 'of them admit that the TUden electors were duly elected. Watchmakers, &c. GOING BEHIND THE RETURNS. The Cincinnati Enquirer says : Specu lation as to the probable decision of the grand commission is the .order of the day now." j Among Congressmen, llurd 01 Ohio, one of the best lawyers in the House, says he has examined thoroughly the Louisiana' statutes, and that the re turning board have no power, under the law, to canvass the electoral vote; that they are empowered to canvass the vote for Governor, State officers and, Congress men, but not one word is said about their canvassing the electoral votes. The can- - -. vass of that vote is by a, previous statute delegated to the Governor and cei tain State officers. Prominent Republicans concede that the only possibility of Hayes now winning is by a broad, decision on the part of the Grand Committee, that Congress cannot go behind the decision of legal State officers, and that the Florida and Louisiana returning boards, and the Secretary of the State of Oregon are such officers. Any . other decision will elect Tilden, and the Grand Committee may decide either that Oregon has cast only two legan electoral voles, that fraud has vitiated the election in Louisiana, that the Louisiana pcturhing Board has no legal existence, or that the Supremo Court . of Florida is a higher State authority than the Returning Board. Any of these de cisions would elect Tilden, and Republi cans seem to appreciate the fact that the grand committee can hardly avoid making one off t hem . The very prevailing opinion is thai Oregon will decide it, the commis sion ruling that only two legal votes can 1 be counted from that State. This would ake a tie, if Louisiana aud .Florida are given to Haj-es, and throw the a into the House and Senate of President and Vice President respectively. m - j. " REPUBLICAN FORECAST OF THE RESULT. The New York , World through a Washington telegram, gives the following as a Republican forecast of the situation before the Electoral Commission: xnere 11 as oeen several important conierenccs 01 inc itepublican leaders since the passage, ot , the electoral; bill. Now that the law and the facts on the contest ed Presidential returns are to be referred to the commission of arbitration, they are very anxious to ascertain what will be the probable result in the constraction'nf: 'the statutes covering the Florida and Louis iana and Oregon cases. There is some difference found regarding the latter, but the more the law is applied to the former there is a degree of unanimity that, is quite startling to the supporters of ilr. Hayes, who almost generally concede that the Louisiana case alone will: Sleet Mr. Tilden. v "- a i -i.-. - - They arrive at this by answering the Dim;uu luqmry, as me iteiurjnng ioara of Louisiana constituted according to the requirements of the statute? And on eTery JohnlH. Alien, l Watchma5 and Jexsreller Hoa.ru FbOnt Sj two dooas above-Market. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED, TO KJALL and inspect the elegant stock of jroods of fered for pale 'by "me;' Fine assortment of LADIES' WATCHE3v. SEAL and PLAIN GOLD RINGS and LADIES' and GENTE MEN'S CHAINS. - Work left. with me will be neatly exe cuted. All I ask of the Public is to give me a trial. 1 J. H. ALLEN .. jan!7 ' .... - - - . - I ; , T. W- 3RO WJNT di SpKS, WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLKUS. Groceries, P &c. Will M: 1 - y 11 : -o- V I fj. IlAVEiINTORE JIOM.THE ABOVE IMPORTERS . ff 1 TiTTi tii 1 v nn n 1 ' IDiilER X PIPER (ME BLAX HEIltKlCK fHAMPAtt! Ia Baskets and Cases, Quart3 and Fiats. PERFECT IN QUALITY AND Li . ONLY", !'";' PRICE if Used all over this State and South Carolina. It is always up to Standard;.and ntieds No. 37 'Jfarket s.trcet, Wilmington, N. C. ; (Established 1823.) GUARANTEE THE MONEY'S -.WORTH for every article purchased of theni. An elegant stock of fini Watches, Clock?, Jewelry, Silverware, Fancy Goods, &c$ kept constantly on hand for sale at a very slight advance on New York cost Agents for the Diamond Spectacles. Our country friends are invited to call and see us.' : ! dec 13 Mo, . I m p r o v e menti GOOD SHEZIRY ilt and New. Cauiiefl Yegetailes ani Trait AT REDUCED PRICES. Family Supplies : Imported and Domeitic at . 12, a. jan'18 23 South Iroat Street. FORQET,, HOUSES SHOULD NOT Lose Their Temper WHEN USING G "OF JEL PUFFED UP BY WINDY ADVERTiSEMENTS! But malic up their minds in the Future TO USE "ONLY AND THAT PAR EXCELLENCE IS Plant's : ' . " . - - The Best Flour Made in America !! OUR OWN BRANDS OF WHITE ROSE '., .. - - AND ' ; 1 ? a b , ..' ARE". BETTER than most Brands sold in this market and we offer them at . . VERY MODERATE PRICES ! But for those who want and will have the CREME-DE-LA-CREME FLOUR ' r ; WE SAY USE ? ? 1 J. OX J. SIJEPA11D can be found ! JOSTI1 SIDE MARKET ST. Between Second and Third Sts., Kcal! and willing 'to do all kinds PAINTING, GLAZING, &c Also Dealer in GKOCEJUES, .COXFECTIONEJUES, dec 13 Fancy Goods, fec. TonsoriaL NOTICIUJItJSl.HqTICE! , f-'i M"' fit L; 1 t gHAGjK lUp fRhE btock 1 sellnW,ARaiCaiel'a3 wlfale, a at the folio wingryeducfd rates . F 1 i ' First Class Shav.inglO cents a y.ay. . Hair CutlTbsW cen a'tushei. . Shampooing) onl 25 cents a cord. Come and see how it is yourself at the Great Reform Barber Shop, under thei; First Nation al Banfc. V . ;f dec21 J JWSVf BARBER .gHfm :.. - utij. "JIT X PATRONS. and toe puouc generair SEW ..TiAKBKK .SIlOl,. - attNo. 7' South Front street, where the fol lowing low prices hare been adopted : ; f ; Bbavins 10 cents ; Hair ..Cutting 25 cents ; Rail T?r.!j tj . imes f c WilmiBgtox, S. n ' t 1 r sdci! . Oa and after ttetfncsda t ; i I n'i V PTDDtian ! . J ; 1 f L4aTe.Wilmington. leave riorence....... -""12-- Arrireat Columbia s: tiara V V... Opea im'Siioday idjec3 CHAS. JE CLEAPPR-U .1 ' J I. i ) 17 ASH ION ALE BARBER, vj,.. i f J. Front Street' under" Tarcell House, ? .-.j. .-. Uvt - Wllmingtoni-N. C; Hair. Cutting! Sharing and Shampooing, done in thhigheet etjie of iho tfO 1 t ' V ' ! Attentivo and polite Barbers ahvays:reacjjr to wait upon customers? 4C :i1 f- AMIECOtYMEltty- ; NEW REVISiiC 'EDltrXOXi 1 Entirely re written by ith ablest IwrHers on every subject. VrinteU,, .frojui Jiew- type, ond illn tinted " with. Several TiiOutiaiKl Engravings and. Maps i " f ' -.v.' r ' The work originally .published uiider the title of THE NE W. AMElMCAJf C Y UCCH'Al DIA was completed in 1S73, sinoe ! which time the wide circulation wliicli it Las at tained in all parts of the United a tales and tno signal developments which, have taken place in every; brance of science,, literattre, and art, nave, induced the editor and pub lisher to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and to issue a new edition entitled THE AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. .Kr y Within the last ten years tlio jjrogress of EAILHOAD COMPii' .Qswicnfow Geh'l ScrEaismDEn -) 'ilmia5ton' N' C., Jam 1, Oa and after Wednesdaj, JaBBV..! Ui6 passenger trains on the th' Weldon Railroard will run asfot DAY MAIL AND EXPRFsu! jliRfini-fM'V in pvpi-v flsnart 1 nMi t, tit kTiowlplsr jt '. nr-". . . - haVmae a new wok of refoj-enoe an iu&t??: "umington, irontgfD . r . -;. Of CLOSING OUT AN INVOICE A PPLES, OXTOXS, TURNIPS r and POTATOES uneu Leer, ilatns, Kichmond, Va., and Duplin, Si CV, Sausage, Lard, &c. Turkeys, Chickens and Cheese,, 2Ioantain -Butter Kits and Rolls, . Mullet?, Mackerel and Blue Fish, -, Bacon Hams and Shoulders, Our Fish are guaranteed, " Will sell the entire Invoice or less, . Be quick if you wish bargains. TETTEVAY & SCI1ULKEN, Brokers and Coonnission Merchants, Second door North of jxn Princess and Water streets. resh Groceiies; rjiHE UXDER'SIGXED HA? RECENTL opened in Lippitt's Block, South Front St. l family Grocery Storg,7 where nice, choice, fresh Family Grceries may be bought at the lowest living prices. v - J On hand constantly, poultry ducks geese ana cnicken". W. G. FOWLER, Jr., jan Aro. 2, Lippif s Block. NEW CROP MUSCOVADO GLASSES! HIIDS. 252 100 BBLS- I : 17 ery Supsricr. Ex Brig John Piece, direct from Matanza3. For sale low from wharf. jan 56 WORTH $ WOUTH. JAS. r :k Extra ! AXD DEFY THE WORLD TO Produce a Better I mm 5 A 7 EXofth Front Street. jan SO . .- . - Mil) FE-TtEWiY, 1ASDISE C. H. SCHULKEN mim AXD . ' " - - - W Uxhibitlon, sample of Coflee, Flour, tjbs tau. v. uui.8 ior jueai, i,ara, Bait, Candles Butter, Cheese, Soap, Lye, Potash, Ac. ; ire prompUy all orders. Orders and con irnments solicited. ' ... - V e are agent for the gale of WILOOT viooa a u sMAMfULATED GUANO PETTEWAY & SCHULKExY. dec 13 r DENTISTRY. I RESPECTFULLY CALL attention to my Opera tire and 'Mechanical Dentiatrr as oeinz equal, w tne Dt, a'l work war- raniea, uauatmy umce. No. Rnth, side Market Street Wirmington. ; i JAS. E, REAr - dec 13, ..... , Surgeon Dentist. Dentistry DR. W. M. HUSTON, Grad uate of PennsvIraniA Mph. tal Coll ere. -will proiession m Wilmington. PK.,a njoderate and satisfaction guaranteed in eterr - -zj -w ' . w vuvu.u HiUiUUt pain. Rooms. 22l lIarWtrA .f. of Dr. Kea's office, " -, : . is Just Received SD XOW OPEXIXQ AT THE f . snooiizi'srr Gaoccinr, a fulfaad fine stock of choice Groceries, Coafcctioaeries, Fruits, Ms! 3.aisins, Cnrrants, JELLIES, PRESERVES, &c, &c. s Which wiU bc oSered at the loweat prices to the Chriitmaj trade. - - , . 4 J ,.,-; ' Come and be convinced. S. J. WEST, .li Corner Ith and Campbell aU.7 dec 13 H9II Pearsl! OFFEB LOW ; -' nh -hi 1A) CI BAGS IttO COFFEEir ; 4 4 ! 2S BBLS. BEFINED SUGAR, i ?: 30 BBLS. PORK-Prme andMeis, 00, Boxea Balk Sidei an4.ShpnUirj: . W jan 20. . , . :,' ; X Citj- Subscribers at 60 cents a month tKirative want. Thfi tnovpiTiifinr, of nnTirie.nl nfTnirs have kept pace with the discoveries of science arid tneir iruitiui application to tne inausiriai and useful arts and the convenience and. re tenement of social life. Great wars, and con sequent revolutions have occurred, . involv ing national changes of peculiar iionient. The civil war of our country, which was at its height when the last Volume of the old work appeared, has happily ended, and a new course of commercial and industrial activity Iras been commenced, 'p - ' - Liarge accessions to onri'gcographieal knowledge have heen niaUc byi ilie indeiati gable explorer of Africa. . f The great political revolutions, of the hist decade, with the nat ural icsuit of the lapse of time, have brought iho publio .view a multitude of now men, Whose names are in eVcry one's mouth; And of f whose lives evervone is curious tc know the paf ticulars Great battles have bon fought and! impor tant sieges maintained; of wnich thti details are as yet preservedonJy in the newspapers or in the trasienfemblicatioiis of the day, and Which ought mow to takeitheir place m permanent and authentic history. In preparing0) e present edition for the press, it has ayc&rdingJy been the aim ofth-e editore to brim down tiie mlbrpiatioii to the lowest possib5. rates, and to furnish an ac- t ot the most recent discoveries m science pi every fuehs production in literaure, Aud of tha newest inventions in the practical arts.as well as to give a succinct and original record of the progress ixslitical and historical events. f Jl . , , ,' The jrtrork.has ben begun after long and careful prelimlnarj-iabor, and itvith Mie indst ampie resources tor carrying it 011. toa suc c. ssful teminatiou. I ; ; ne of the original stereotvba nlates rin.vp n used, but every, pasre lias -bee n nriatpd new type, forming, infiict, a new. Cyclo dia, with the same nhn uhd iriiK. .aa its iit;ut;Bc!sui, uui wiui a iargreater pecun iary expenditure, and with such" improve- cu v xuuci uAperieiicca ua eniargea know lede. - j 1 1 -; . ? . .. . , ... ,- Tne illustrations which are introduced for me nrst time in the present i edition nave peen atidednot for the sake of pictorial ef- let, uuu w give greater lucidity and fores to the explanations in the text. They f-mbi ace ou wiaucues 01 science ana natural history, and depict the most famous nnti wmnrirahK features of scenery, architecture and art, as well as the various, processes of mechanics and? manufactures. Although! intended for Instruction rather than embellishnielit, no pains have, been pjired to insure their artistic excellerrcejthe cost of their execution Is enormous, and it l)elievedthey will find aAvelcome reception as an adnrirable feature uim yciopceuia, aira worthy of its high - This work is sold to subscribers only, pay auie on ueiiveryoteacn volume. It will be uunipietoa in sixteen.. kirge octavo volumes eachcontaining about SUl) pages, fully illus trated with several thousand Wood Knrmv. ings, and with'numerous colored Lithogran- Prico and. Style of Binding. T In extra Cloth, per vol, $1 OJ; Ili Library Leather, per vol.- t )(): In Half TurhnvMo- roco, per yol, S7 0 ) ; J n Half ; liussia, extra voi, 3 w; in t uiiinoroco, antique, gdt edges, per vol, $10 00; In F nil Kussia per vol, 10 09, , , , ? , J , , r- Thirteen volumes now' ready 8nccceding volumes, until completion, will be Usued "i iwu uionins.f f t peciinen pages of the American Cy Sd rAowing typo, illnstrations, etc. will be sent erratis nn :mni ir.. ir... ' lrst-Llass Canvassing Atreiit4 Wmttui' Address the Publishers, .-?SN- fnteL : U. Al'l'LETOX & CO., , C19 & 55 Broadway. N". Y. Arrire at Wilmington ' . This Train wUlnD7;--- i; . NIGHTEXPRESS 7U?S Leave Wilmington Leave norence......!i.7j' ;-. Ir Arrive at Columbia. . 1 1 1 Arrive at Augusta..;;""'''"- $; Leave Augusta.... "''"""'" is Leavoukbia;S;::::::::--j; JLeaye Florence......-.... ;! Arrive at Wilmington '""-- U t . ,. . .. " "'., J TUUOUGH FREIGHT, TRu ' ; f cept Sundaw,V.f- Leave vvilminirton 7 Leave Florences. 77-1 Arrive at Columbia..." "'7f' h L4aVeCorumbU...-;vZ2- Leave J?iorence... Arrive at Wilmino-tnn ti S", Passengers fo Charlestn. A iron? immgton. '. j in 4 Augusta- JAMES AUm, I i.V Arrive at (TOldshnrri nt Arrive at Uocky Mount at...-,.,, Arrive rtWelJcn at.... U Leave Weldon daily at......... Arrive at Rocky Mount at,"Z J1 Arrive at Goldsbora at....... 3' Arrive at Wilmington, Front 8t 1 Depot at J NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS J ' D AIL Y fcXCEPT SCXD1I Leave Wilmincrton at.. ... i( Arrive at Goldsboro at...., Arrive at Rocky Mount at.;....,J; Arrire at Weldon at Leave Weldon, daily, at.... a.1 Arrive at Rocky Mount at........ It Arrive at Goldsboro at..........JI H! Arrive at Wilmincrton at Pi1 1 The Day Train makes close mok Weldon for all points iforthiak daily, (except Sunday) and dailr,ii mond and all rail routes. ' j Night train makes close cotntd Weldon for all points north tU Eick Pullman's Palace Sleeping Can itt' aU Night Trains, and run through fm' t rederjcKsburg & Potomac Klroi Freight Trains will leave WilohipL nroAVl.V t K On k f . J fit jan 18- General Sareratoi' AM SELLING OFF DALANCE OF Chrutmas Sweet Goods at IM-E:':C08Tl;" uvaoxi give gooa bargains Call befre it w 100 late. 1 ' - -r ah gooas Donit of me3 an AAWaraA f , - - . .. ; . . iree 01 cost.' ' ' S. Jl.WEST ' Family GroCorhcrjfth Campbell gta. ,f Jan 30. -' 1 ; . , . : She Zkandmarls. w. vvJLHia. r in Irld "cuv md?ratii Vwubiihed "AM ' tJr-one , of the Iarire'f and per ever htM' u' X" uJ Pa- iZy i?1 he; f0S disrapTdinS! tron foothold; ia Fowythe; Surry RovaI andTOtera'aieeklgnburg. ' '.P.' Ifc0V ma iir mj .paper m -Werteta North Caro- i , : r',- '"-ouW' vanvassiiir , "iafciUU - W lilC result ! Thafrfnn. Landmark the best adre-rt&JL 5 tnediuci -In ; .Ml LANDMARK; , - Office Gjexeral ScMBHcnwrj WUaiington, N. C, SepUj Change pf Sclied: ON AND AFTER SUDATjJ inst., trains Vril jua brw as follo'.vsi 1 Passenger and Mail Leave Wilmington at. . Arrivn in Charlntte at Leave Charlotte at.. Arrive at Wilmington at.........! Daily except Snndsjv J ' V. Q. JOHfc, , dec 13., ;. Genaral Superb removalT") jQRS. LOYE AND MUBPHTlfj movea their Office to the Xau'Qnalk, trance on Princess street by ooto ) auu Miuce on secona noor vi va. door on the griht. -Prime Enjoymsnt fGral- lil! JLess ThiiTour Centi Tj MAKE HOME ATTBt BY I.NTBODCCIXOC! Si ITIlHli.tV .-WEI , Uil 1 U il Uil 1 li I li'l w j Whtcli for more than 55 Ycari k DBflT J ST0RV, SKETCH ANDV F'j as is well known all over J"ie! It ia published ireekly, pages, clearly printed on SWJ with the choicest storiesnJ best writers T not sensational as a mother is willing to bT' read.? The whole tone of tM r j and elevating. ; . . "-it It also contains Histonc!, articles; Scientific j Agncttlt hold Departments Fsshios j fresh and unexcelled ; Hoinor,r erarj Reviews ; News A otcf$JV Columns: and Strong "fr rials, etc., etc 'Isj'W body loves to read, and the pn . TW j D OIXAES A Sample ipy containing clal on receipt of a 3ent stamp. ! Etl6sr:9l8rBEj' -: 276 Sansom Street, T' yr -n t- fii before BENNETT A FITCH. know through what pap comes. t 9' .; raotice. ' ... . - APPLICATION will D$Bi' ent session of the .LegUlt?re' . : charter of the Wilmington - Company r - SAlI'I & 1 i A'DVERTIfJU 1, :tcsvlle.N, C,