THIS l'APEK V L.i. T . JAMES, t Uj Six month?, $- im W. One month, 50 cent,, ce : , i- -..a hr rarriera. ill be aemncw ' Lnr part of the city, at the tn cents per week. l. ratcs lo,r and liberal. - jLff their paper regolarlj. f" " TTT'riiP. CASE. jU there is -a power behind I Ujil that Judge Warwick - i Jr- nnmr r Tin" nWKCT ouij" f . " ,Urr:irM IS all t . .J .. m c and wuo utciue lbij ci & the sapient ( Mj-f if Hayes owes Ins elcva fij jjradlfyVFttlofats.'what 't1 do fur these petticoats? fiicai"l female, will please ( ik7 ivc the judicious: Bradley L'fcko au honest living by LlL ll FLORID A VOTE. the story Ins been told and lilovr now the result iii regard II: i .T.....,ljv-'i.n .- KlimO before the wni"'1""" UUuita'week . ngo, but tbe formally auuouuccd in the joint 111 I . . - 4 JLU -: - ; PLEASE NOTICE, r Wc will bo glad to receive comtnnnict!pt -from our friends oa aUy and til 'ubje'eti ,-.ucri imt-resi, uij : . jj- ji VOL. 2. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2i 1877. " NO. v0. tli tivo Houses uii Saturday l hM been declared, for Hayes y In parti in grounds instead of Itijr'y aii'I rijld. flj-i t'J impeach the integrity of r'oi the Commission, and cs- ill. ;;e who wtro called to it -host judicial tribunal in -the r. 1 1 .. ., . . j 'kuta as wen as siausuieu, uuu Lis'tobe expected that preju- I J ' ... -. $ C'VcrpuwiT reason ;munui is- 1 1 but of those who tat in IMs great cpiest'iuii with tbe ult;! k sau'eity of tlo Supreme w hind around and about them, bailor and nobler might have oil fir. Florida was objected to us given into the hands of and it was decided with- i fllSil!' f'lri; A heading of the., testimony, the to -go. beyond a certain (iuussion of. this testimony. If jiiiflident to foreshadow- It on plainly. partisan grounds. It 'L ! L 1 1 : I 1 P. tne law 10 near ami- bin of evidence, bearing in any ht cornc before it and when libs to hear evidence, the on la lonn out one conclusion anu it liaii oco:i nreiudired and that klreadv fixed in its own ;Ui mi i ins rdict. ansWn in Florida, so will it be ho Tiia AS Hid Oregon. There is ? now ju our mind iu re- Mi. Politics, the' banc of it is the blessing when conQned within its proper W crept iato the highest as well kesj ktations and partisanship pretjit pcoprj foolishly imagined 'n-ik I ; ...!..! i :l. il... Ul uiw(j iuiui guiuu uiu main tut little reason now to hope )3 'jle than a strict party vote J important piestion that may i'jkforo the Commission. The Jotc i !i tliciW il i the, hands of Justice he is a Uepullicau and were hopes from him of an cMsidvration of the matter. m have beeu dashed -Jat oii uome minor u Mwith the Democrat s but this is A-rstoovl to be mearly a blind, a M bW,c wa.v trly charactcr ijf iticiaas of his party but -ng vhkh fair-minded people; did o . I j " 0 oupremc (lie rhajr continue to run this I 1 77 'wuser a oanu, mrougli oaio Ier of the session, but it one now tk .'i ttsS dt':lrl' foreshadowed and we i U? that the-choice of the wtajiy the aggregate Tote and t2 SK -.wili be decided the .lenthf t) CAROLINA. c'tiilk inWh I, oa the wing iu reorganizing the Charlotte s his first CD"rt in the ( 'jin Kaldoloh county. Will aJani ( rW R httle more meat. Uatoa fi-rT "V.S'l were an I D f -I; y 1001 m;lJ llo illj HVr removal to Char- a PirS! Mr6,1'111 him from practising fpM Pmnty. - ?J tril XA3 ia for-a' double kSt? UC merade ball t T0 Friday night by the w a. . j r I i ia Charlotte are vdisf lUe benefit, of their iinuru have thus far y. rn - I m i vV-',' lec' ill tnnhimn count, where I ,aia for a week. - IJggs TJ arid 15 cents in Raleigh. Raleigh i3 to ' have an attack of the Jubilee Singers this week. , ' Daniel Selby, a prominent coloretl man in Ralcigh,died Saturday, aged 66. Dr. Black nail, of the Yar1xrough, Rale'rgh, finds work enough, for three stewards. 1 The Asheville Citizen says: One of the'.negro 'convicts at the upper' stockade on the works on the Y. N. C. Railroad wa3 shot and killed on Friday evening last, while attempting to escape. The Hickory Press says: Mr. Nelson Gragg, his sons, E. W. Gragg, wife and three childreu, ahd'E. J.; Gragg, wife and one child, passed through Hickory Mori day on their way to Oregon. They were from .Watauga county, having been pre-; ceeded this winter by several other fami lies. Several years ago about thirty lamilies went from that' county .to, the same place. . The Raleigh News says: A shooting affray, as we learn, occurred Thursday night at a house of ill-faine on the rail-; road two miles from Durham, ( between Frank Collins and Alfred Barrow,-Jrainters, on the one side, and Kllis and Frank Carr, carpenters, on the other, in which the two latter were seriously and it is feared, mortally wounded, one having received a ball in the chest and the other two balls, one jn the groin and the other in tio leg.' No details had been received .up' to the time the train passed Durham yesterday. Collins and Barrow have fled. A special from Weldon to the Peters burg Index o$ Appeal, dated last; Satur day, says : Yesterday-, as the steamer Vesta, Capt. Samuel Locke, came up the Roanoke, his eon, five years . old, fell overboard and was drowned., Capt. Locke sprang into the river to save his bojybut ho sank ere he could reach - him. Mrs; Locke, seeing' the accident, rushed to thg side-of the boat and was in the act of springing into the river to ' the aid of her husband and child when she was caught bjT one of the, officers and with difficulty restrained. The boat was backed,-a rope thrown-to the. Captain, and he. was drawn aboard. Th? Raleigh News says: Harvey Bing ham, Esq.; the excellent Senator from Watauga, is just 'in receipt of a letter From home, winch tells him ot"a horrible trager dy which occurred. in his.county on Friday, the 21 It apeArs that a crowd had collected at the bouse of Elk any South, on the North fork of New River, in the county named, on that day, for the pur pose of having a "frolic." Mrs. South objected, but her wishes were about to be set aside when Smith Tyre, a member of the party, took , part. This brought about still, harder words, and a free fight grew out-ofthe discussion. In this fight Abe Stout and John Stout were both killed, pnd some other of the participants. were injured. An attempt was made also to kill Mrs, South, but she escaped with her life. Frank Osborne, one of the ch;ef of the rioters, fled and concealed himself, and a few days later an officer, armed with a process, went in search of and found him. Osborne resisted arrest and was shot and instantly killed. - t . LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. : A. L. DeKos-et Lost. Giles k Mctrchisox1 Garden Tools. Masoxic HALLrrof. J.' "SVy Hartley. A- Shrier. Rare Bargains. Our friends and patrons will please understaiid that carrier, hoys are not allowed to sell copies of the Review Please do not hvy of them or encourage than to sell as it tcill positively cost the boy his siluatioi when detected. For Legislative proceedings see fourth page. ' . . Simplicity in dress will be en regie this soring, A counter-irritation going, shopping with your wife. - Women's tiats arc no protection what ever to the head. The boys aud girls are busy to-day selecting valentine. The latest slang expression is, He has bitten off more than he can chew." It only cost one cent to send a valentine to any point through the U, S. mail. . When vou see two men arm in arm you may be suro that ore of them is sokr. , Our young ladies are huutiug up their croquet sets and preparing for the interest ing game. We will jay a reward of $5 for the best treatise on "How to make outdoor life attractive for the mosquito." - As yet j we have heard of no one ivho has gone from this section to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Money's too rearce this year. : - ' A WashiugtQii .correspondent says that Mrs. Chancer wears $30001 in diamond?, and dresses to kill all the time, - Capt. A. L. DeRosset will pay a liberal 'reward for a lady's ,semi-circular shawl or breastpin, with the name engraved on it, which was lost yesterday. Sheriff Manning has recently had some changes made in the arrangements of his office which are'decidely an improvement in the way of facilitating business. Superintendent Scott,of the Poor House, will to-day turn over to Dr. Lane some five or six paupers to be sent to" the hos pital in the eastern part of the city. Men and statues that are admired in an elevated situation have very, different effect upon, us when we approach them, first appear less than we imagined the last' bigger. thsrfn, In Connecticut, tobacco sweepings are mixed with alcohol, and when the nicotine is extracted .the fluid is sent to the facto ries, where it turns cabbage leaves .into Havana tobacco. Young people vho bet kisses on t!ie result of the elect iou needn't necessarily wait till ldarch. Th'sy can have them riow and the one who lotscs can pay when the matter is decided; The' average head of a family in' view of the fact that man cannot live by. bread alone, is beginning' to'perpare his garden in order that he might: have a few Spring "wegi tables" to take along with it. Temperance Meeting. The Marine Tempcraiice Society will hold their regular weekly meeting at the Seamen's Bethel at 7 J oelockfins (Mon day) evening. The ladiesand citizens generally arc iuvited to attend. City Court. The only case before the Mayorthis morning was thpnVof W. Perry, who ; was charged withJisorderly conduct, beating his wife, &p. lie was found guilty and fined iu and costs or 15 days work on the streets. Yalentines' take their name from J'St. Yalentine, : an early Ch ristian. martyr, w-hose festival is celebrated on February 14th. The custom of exchanging gifts and loy3 messages on that day is variously explained ' A New Euglaud nian has invented a process for disinfecting cnions, but the regenerated fruit does not meet with anv favor. An onion without its fiav r is as much like an onion as an oyster without its slippcriness would be like a raw oyster.' Four times seven days make a lunar month. We observe in heaven fur phasss of the moon, ami since we can observe thess different phases of the moon the human race adopted that division if time called a week; a week of t even days, six forlajaor, and the soventh for rest. Our poor young men s;n ccntiiiue right on marrying heiresses, viih the cousei'-us-ness of having committed n v. rof.g. V country debating society, a flei a protract ed discussion, has decided that. 'it is justi fiable to marry for money Uufnrtunate ly, the decision comcs too late t be of any benefit tons. , , Had a A'ap. Not long since a a young geutle ajii in this city escorted a lady friend to t meet ing of the Choir of which she was a mem ber. Not feeling particularly interested in the proceedings of the organ loft h? went down into the body of the church and stretcbing himself out at full length in one of the pews he soon fell fast asleep. . He dreamed but never mind, what he dreamed. The Choir practice drew to a close, the instrument was shut and locked, tli3 books were put away and everybody started to go; all but the young lady, whose escort was slum bering so T)eacefulljT below her. Jo't knowing-whjpre he was the young lady went oat of the front door with the others expecting to find him there, but in this she was disappointed and was tjrefore compelled to a'ceept another escort to her home. In the. meantime the slumbercr slumbered on until he finally awoke, -cold and uncomfortable, and heardthe clock strike twelve. For some seconds he could not realize his position aud when he did it was with lOir rising on end at the re membrance of the old grave yard behind the chupch that he.made a dash for the door. But the door was locked and the windows next were tried, one of which had been, fortunately for him, left unfas tened. He got out and got home safely and docs not mjnd telling the joke on- himself now. . Cat this Out It May SaTe Your Life. There is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Disease, Coughs, Colds or 'Consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 73 cents for a bottle of medicine that would cure them. Dr. A. Boschee's German Syrup ha lately been introduced m this country from Germany, and its wondrous cures a-stouish evry one that tries it, - If you doubt what we say in print, cut this iut and take it to your Druggist; . and get a sample bottle for 1Q cents and try it, or a regular size fer 75 cents. In this age of education and genera in telligence the household is hardly complete without a Cornish &.Co. Piano or Organ. Bead the advertisment in.anotlicr column, and then send for illcstratcd catalogue and price list. . ja 8, On Duty Again. The Steamer North , State, which 'was injured over a month ago by a collision in the river with the brig EUida, and "which has been laid up for repairs ever since, arrived here last Saturday night on her first regular trip since repairing. Capt. Green is still in command of her. Bishop Atkinson in Petersburg. Saturday's Petersburg Index & Appezl says : Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, D. D., Bishop, of the Diocese of North Carolina, arrived in Petersburg by . last evening's train from the South, and is the guest of Rev. Dr. Gibson. Bishop Atkinson will preach at Giaco Episcopal Church to morrow. Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours of divine service. Dicss Parade. ' Maj. Taylor proposes to bring out bis Company, the Wilmington Light .Infantry, for a full dress parade to-morrow after noon, aud he hopes (and so do we) that the members of the Company may all be allowed a few hours 1 ave -'from business" so as to present as full, a front and as gallant a u appearance as possible. - Sighting Fire. Yesterday morning., about 10 o'clock, some one put fire to one: of Dr. Scott'-s . fields, near tiro County' Poor House, and there was quite a scrimmage with that fire before it consented to be put out. The man who set it on fire was seen from the house as he ran off and sped down the railway track, but as it was necessary to beat all hands to. quarters to fight for the fences he was not pursuetL , . Our Fruit Trees. The fruit trees hereabouts are in bud and ready to burst out in bloom a fact almost as sad as, that Florida has been counted for Hayes. A few da vs more of this uuwintcrlikc weather and the fruit crops will have gone by default, for -although the backbone of the season "may have been broken there is j'et cold weather probably skct aud snow, ahead for. us before the Spring fairly opens. Dr. Deems In Petersburg. Re,v. Dr. Chas. F. Deems will lecture at the Academy of Music at Petersburg to-morrow evening, for the benefit of the Market Street M. E. Church. His subject will be 'Before Marriage." On Wednes day night he will lecture at the same place aud for the same object on "After Marriage." Of course b.3 will have cn.wded: audiences, aud the Literary Ass 'ciation and the Benevolent Society might do. a fine stroke of business if they could iu luce him to extend his trip to Wilmington and lecture here. The Fire Fiend. The fire fiend is in our . midst of a verity, as witness .tho two incendiary fires last week and the attempts made then and since. This fiend walks around on two legs and carries tils tail in his pocket along with a box f of matches, a bottle of kerosene and some lightwood splinters. Let the city detectives . track this fiend and bring .him to justice in stead of wasting all of their energies in smelling people's brealh as they emerge from rum-mills on Suuday: Another Incendiary Attempt. An attempt was mads this morning, just before day, to tire thejresidencq of Mr. fephriam Wescctt, on Third, between Church and, Castle streets. j lV number cf pieces of lightwood had been saturated with kerosene and placed in ia pile -'under thejiouse and then fired, j tjomo passer by saw the light and called to Mr. Wcscott who sprang from bed and hurried into the yard w hi re he found the flames communicating rapidly - to the flooring of the houe. A servant passed "water to him and ho. soon.: succeeded ; in mastering the flames. The name of be trritor ranrt alvrays b furciibed to the Editor. Gommnnication-rinost bt writlca ol! on one side of tbe pafcer. Personalities ai list be avoided, . i Ana it is especially and particuliriy under stood that iAC editor does not always enddris the views of correspondents,1 unless so sUte4 4 Feath The Thcrmomeler. From the United States Signal Oince at this place wo obtain the following report of tlw thermometer, as talien this nu;rn ing at 7;31 oiclock : j ' 'Augusta, 41 ; Chiflestod, -10 ; Ciiicin nati, 47; Jacksonville, 51 ; Jvey' West, 01; Kiioxville, 38 ; Lyuclibirg,1i37 ; Memphis. 43 ; Mobile, 51 ; Moitgtniiery, oi) ; Nash ville, 40 j New Orleans, 51; 33 ; Norfolk, 38;"' Piftsburg, nah, 48 ; St. Louis, 3L ; Washington. 08 ; Wilmington, 40. Now York, 40 ; Savau- Pror. Hartley. By advertisement" published elsewhere it will be s jen that Prof. J. W. Hartley, the celebrated elocutionist, will give our citizetu one of his unique and very en tertaining readings at the Masonic Hall this evening, under the auspices of the Wilmington Library Associatidn. Prof. Hartley was ia Rileigh last week where he entertaiued recited audiences of the peopde of all shod of society from the Governor down to members of the Legis lature and our peip!e may rest assured that a rare treat will be offered to them" this evening. P - . Counterfeit Bills. . Quite a number of counterfeit bills are in circulation. They are repostud on the Mcrcl.ants' National Bmk, of Newburg, New. York ; National Bank of Richmond, Iudiana, and the National Rank ol the Cmmon wealth, New York city. Fivesoti on the United States treasury, grc3nbacks of the Usui of March 10, 18G2, have been discovered. Several tW6nty-duJar coun terfeit bills on the Consolidated National Bank of Philadelphia, and the' First National Bank of Chicago, have -also made their appearance recently, Tbe engraving on these bills is well executed au 4 likely to deceive, Every one which has been long dead has a due proportion of praise allottel to him, in which, while he lived, his friends-were too profuse and his enemies to.) sjiri'i. Dill Moore in Trouble. Whi. IL-'Moore, Senator frnn New Hanover, arose to a question of privilege on. Saturday last, in the'eourse of which he stated that . while in ; conversation n the street he had been arreted without cause by a policeman of the city and after having been carried a considerable distance was released without) having been informed of the why and. wherefore of his arrest. Mr Bennett thereupon offered a resolution under-which a committee 'of I three, of which Mr. Bannett is -Chair man, was appointed to enquire into tii3 alleged outrage. l; Tho- Qj.urvcr says that tho whole affair of tho' arrest was a nitre trifle, Moore having bcj-i takerfor soiiiebady else, and we believe tlnit Bill's conscience w-as at least guilt' if his body was not as on the ilar of his arrest lu intraluced a, bill into the Senate to abolish the Penitentiary. . The -lialeigh News says that thj affair turns out to have been a. great deal of . cry and very little wool as the committee appointed to investigate it Gxamiaed witnesses arid found nothing to sustain :an action against the policeman! Shrove "Tuesday or Pancake Day. 'Jo- morrow will be Shrovjp Tuesday, or "Fastnatch," and, no doubt, mny qnantitv of the peculiar kind of cake known by j that name will be brouglit up on the ta bles. The custom of dishing up dough outs on 'Fastnacht" has died out to some extent, but it is still obserjred in many families. In the olden. times it -wa3 gener ally, if not univeri illy, observed, but its, real pleasures are now principally confin ed to our rural- districts, where r almost every family makes it a point pre pared for the day aiad its peculiar obser vance. The' 'esteem it a luxury to see the huge '.dishes- of "Fafctuacht," cakes brought info view and everyone invited to help himself. Shrove Tuesday is so call ed from the ancient practice in tii Cath olic Church of confessing --sins and being shriecedor shrozc -that is, cbtairii.ig abso lution,on this day. Being tho day prior to the beginning of Lent it may occhr to any one between the 2 i of February and the 8th of March. In Scotlrnd, it is called Fasten's E'eu, but ii little k regarded iu that Presbyterian country. iiTh.3 charas tet of the day as a. pHpular festival is mirthful ; it is a season of jc-rai val-like jollity- and drollery. The p.vucakc And Shrove Tuesday are inextricably associated in the popular mind and in all literature. Shakespeare makes his clown, dn 'All's Well thit Ends Well' speak of something being "as fit r.s a pancake for Shrove Tues day. Many other distinguished writers also refer to the pancake as inseparable from Shrove Tuesday. Fashion Notes far Ladies. : ier trimmings arc much , used' On ball dresses. " , ' V.. ' ' '' J" " : - Paluons which have ba very p opu lar through the winter will continue to bo , worn during the early spring." 'v The 2'rcssei pcloitaise, made to wear with long-trained dresses ii also very long, and .has-to be looped with the under dress when ;worn in the street. "-; ' - '-i- - ; These arc What are fashion ib!e in Tari J: Silk stockings ornamented with lace inser tion; stockings nladc7 of silk and ; silver, ' and stocking's powdered with gold dust."4' A .-few years ago white cloakihgsfwciO : considerably used. At prcent it'isnet allowable to wear a white vnkn: in thr- Street.. .. .. - , .j- .-V;::r-t's r r: Sacquej made to be worn with Calkin ' dresses are tho same length all around,- shaped half tight-fitting and -buttonee-l down the front.-... ; U )i r.; ;-;'. uu, Many Iadlci when walking kbep 'their dresses from the ground by uieanB.oCL patent clasn, which is suspuded frenl a chain at the side. , . ?r;". The costume of Miss Angcn.lij. adopted by yomig 1 idies for fancy dressy It. is after the style of a vouiig uomin i:i ! Miss Thackeray's n ve!. ? - 5 Young ladies show partiality fjor thi I ca;olc bonnet this season. This-lias -"arson eiuwn w;hich is shaped; soinethiug like a NVynnandy cap, and, litb closely around 'the- face over a Itsisc or lice rush. A-. si mplo w ay tomake a .lvag . tlrwf sIk i t for wear in - the street ,is la Jaco small br;us' rings on the back breadths in u manner to slope like a (rain and the a raise; it by means of a linen tape or cord which 'is run through them. , . , J Au elegant reception dress is,-fsbl;uk, velvet and lemon colored silk. Tb train v is oi' the silk, .very long and trimmc;tVwiU .knife p.htitings. Black velvU fomis.lha iiprou and' 'sleeves. Pipings of .black .velvet edge the basque aud: rcccrs arouVnl . .the. neck. ' ! " ' '. . " ' It is now about three o'clock ia lbs afternoon of the nineteenth century, and yet tho average man will pause an4 gaze into the show window of a ladies' furnish ing store with a crtxiosity that is perfectly mediaeval. New Advqrtisemcntai ' ; ' Loot, ; v;:. SUXOaV AFTERXOUX A lTcavil Chasl''ij Seiui-Clrcular : Shawl:! r. llrea--.t IMn, with the nauie cligravcd tliereon, T : - - - ') . '.- J i-. i. ! i ' A reva d fu rctariiinnr taml'. , ';. . .- :. -,-.- i'-i. ".?'. ' -bl2 A: L. PsfiOSETy GAEDEN TOOLS ! 't l; 7 Garden Too A FULL 'SUPPLY OF GA11DEX T0b.V 1 in reatvarielv, both insets and separ ate f icceF. For sale at very lowfi9rftjat. 1 GILES & MURCHISOJTS' feb 12 New Hard nrare Store,. EVlasonic Hall.l" KIOfTDAV, FSB. 12. 1S77. Dramatic an! Dialect .' Fersoiik' - " .' '. : -r ' - ie "- peof. j. w. hartley; : WILL CIVC OXE -.OF JllSi HOUUlrAIt EXTERTAIXMEX t l.v'y Uudcr the Aapices of tbe LI D 8 All V ASSO . CIATIOX, when he , will render the r ; Iloratia PART FIRST The New Church Urgan........;,..f.Caetvff The Yafabonda......... Trqwbridg Lo-ve in a lalloon..................!Mo$le PAUT SECOND. v 'hm ..qtUX: Sccno from Uaralet... ......s.SftaJMpoaj: Curfew shall not ring to-ni?bt...Ajaonjmot4 Buck Fanhaws'a Fancral (by rt-' - tA0,cv.i quest... Mark Twaii To commence at 8 o'clock.4 AdxnUsion oO cU. tSU Tic'-fets at Ueinfcberger'a and ii Libra ry. . fttfy li .r, J am es LI u ndGa : ', ZB.TJCCI2!T nas-f-i -' V XD DEALER IS VANCT GOVVS ia V Toilet Article, Truces, CanJagw and i?a: - f-: i,v- :t.iAr;f.:u. po-teri. A fall stock alivaj oa haaJ, V-j ' j??r Tbird etrtit, opposite Cityllkn: P'- ' OPERA HOUSE:: A TAXAGEU FOKD TA KES , I'LEASUiB in announcing tbe firjt ' anr enrahee : 'of Vt9 BaiLLiAsr Yocso DuiTic Jlanrra -:W IMISS MAEY AlJDECSOir, "": :. titled by. tbe popular actort - mTL. ceo. c. 13 or jit act ? L":''-"-; "'.' vt''.p' CTTXLII. CnAIlIiEi ' Fi:iDAY-"JCVNIJrO, F1ZB. -lOth. SbakMpare,s Love Travel, : f. Romeo and Juliet, The tale of scats will com men eo ba Tuesday, February 13, at Ilclniliir2crS iJook Store. r . feb 10 . ., , . . . i ,

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