f THIS TAPER . Hcepted Dy jO MIL T. JAMES, I . ...Toil A5P propkietok. I .-Jlv. tnssTAff E PAI1. K-KB";J h. S2 50; Three '-r sj iw , oi-- ' flj5!j0nc P,npr will U delivered by carriers, .rWe, or 13 cents per week. ; tUin rales low and liberal. , erv , !-i,..nf.nort inr and yrc6 to receir their papers regularly. 1 1 ft VOL. 2. WILMINGTON; N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1877. NO. 33. tj; WILL BE PRESIDENT. ,f;.,t tbink tlat tho "irreconci.a II Kill succccl in .(tfeat-"'-'.tin-'of illic votM U'fuijo the l ,llr. stSSiiii and themljournii-nt of Xl "we'feti sure that Ilajc will be Vjly iMupira'c.! as rrcsidei.t on All Wl wc can M" LOCAL, NEWS. Latest : first and quietly submit lil. ' The Democratic party of the bad neither iart nor parcel intne '(Umittcd by the Returning Board tinstoa City and aro tuereiorc not kJf,r the result. Ilia peace of Pu,v - J . Ury is tohetu the primary con- in and before, this ail otner nopes ,Lt!.r desires inust bow. Peace 11 LU- j Uiutism are With thciri superior to apd politics, j : ,. f- lt- : CAROLINA. I M ... . lil-'- tJ.,.lsb 'ipR: expect, their guns Lfwliu s Kumai CI I I . I' .'J an early day. Catholic Church in dernued as unsafe. V. W. BlakcAyJ of Union county, Juvc this Week with Ins lamily to .1 iwinas Garrison, of Morgantun, I . . I ' I A I - J riivn Irom uis mine recently auu irt. rfaiileiice o Mr. Ephniiin Bjw If AlexHiuler bouuty, was .'-burned 3iu;silay, 11th inst. . - Thus. II J. l'Htcnard, 1). 1)., of I m iu'st iublished a volume ;'A Treatise on Infant Baptism." . S." llollowcll, Esq., of Wayne I. km thrown from his horse on the A. kiid was picked . up with a sir jo .!-M - ' ' ite man, llcsie H. l'ierce of John- ty, was locged in jail at Got lsboru hj, charged with trie burning- oi W iiiill, ' near Ijiinctton. uladiboro'i Messenger tells of the A Mr. Uilbek Wards dwelling fat Fremont, a few evenings since Jiitling was enl c. Ltvss jiboht .1,200 bidcntal. - lltileijih Observer savs signed lor ilominissioners to irely destroyed. No The fire Petitions presentation to the LIU on the!! iiri Limttii) :ho; first: Mc g the finehti:. .oigantou call an election ouday jn May un ol logal op- he (pjsdiiieli voters of Wake Blade says: 'Thomas us niurderekt osi 1 ucsdav. the . in .1 ilitH:Mi'!fv whir-h ii,'riii-nl J " . v-. vvw41l4 iwtowu and died on 8atuulay last lift has bee u issued for the orresi Ijlloiucs lis the supposed mur- ii .l,i...n;.. t, v.'.... l.-ii 0v.uHviiiui: uousu sinu OUl JUUlia- U Col Allison, ol 1?, kaewn! as he Joe Dick Cowan Mu the eastern part of Iredell lvasWno.1 1 IliWnin tbo houses had nearly destroyed.! )alctte Obser ver says: The Mas Is colonists who have been "'gin Western NoUh Carolina, WMed for the purchase of $6,000 and lyicg welve miles above on, in the region of country .. th Lmville Valley, and are Efforts to secure additional tracts Ubs. It if. thought that the Villmove oiit m early Spring. Meigh Verr says: About three abil.s Lave jecu referred to the I comaiittcc of the House, of Kmt ninety have been reported aboutj sivty favorably with . I" i r, bstltu, -and a large V-"Which Mewere no questions been reti rned without action me still has a heavv .calendar hve or thirty bills, but hopes to Pnofl iu a few days. ' n Wonderful success. 4 .ieu mm boschee's 'German since j its j introduction in the ltes, reached the immense sale J dozen per year. Over 6,000 fVLV-VVnie!reii th5s medicine n factory, at Woodbury, X. one has reported a single fail every letter speaks of its aston ccm in curing severe Coughs. on the Breast, Consumption, iscase of thQjthroat and Lungs. any person that has any pre JJjo. weak Lyings, to' go to their -and get this Medicine, or m- ... iu-gu:ar size; to cents, pottle, 10r cents. Two doses will t,J .Case. Don't rprWt rmir Of eJiirat Jrtn un,! in.Ml the household is hardly complete .aavertismeut in another column, 8CUJ for illustrated catalogue and jan 8. THOSE, POPULAR New Advertisementa. W. E. X. Sellers Mountain Beef. J. II. Allis New Designs. I. FcauANSKi Lookatit. J. W. LiPPiTT Velocipedes, Ac. A.. SHRiKB.--Partly-Made Shirta at DO centj, worth $2.50. Oar friends' and patrons will, please understand Viat . carrier boys are not allowed- to sell copies oi. Vie Review Please do not buy of them or encourage them to sell as it will positively cost , the boy his situation when detected. Cream colored dresses are made jwith rub v velvet sleeves. A duck of a wife frequently' makes a goose of her husband. Three people can keep a secret but two of them must be dead. . Mr. Jno. H. Allen has received an in voice of clocks of entirely new designs. Steamship Benefactor, Jones, from this port, arrived at New York on Sunday. The Frederike Weigers, Kriegel, cleared at Maaslius for this port on the Gth inst. That young man who shed torrents of tears must have had a cataract in his eye. Many receive their creed as they do their money; because they find it in circu What is it that a poor man has and a rich man wants? Nothing. Ask us s nncthing harder. The broken sewers on Third street have been repaired and the excavations filled lip level with the street. 1 ' Modern young gents abhor what they call "spo 'ney girls." Of all girls in the woild, we look on them as the most ladv-like. .' The spring 'fashions are about coming in, and the startling coanandrum will soon go sibroad : "What is the sweeftest thing in bonnets?" j The breastpin and bow advertised j in yesterday's Review as lost has been found already. One of the benefits of advertis ing in the Review, you see. ; Our friend Furmanski, of the Reform Barber Shqp, under the First National Bank, is again to the front with a new and attractive ad. in this issue. oxes ENVELOPES of Paper and U, tot rth's wore, hate come to-day, A young lady who knows, defines courtship to be "Looking at each other, taking hold of each other's hands, and all that kind of -thing.'" Exactly so. Hon. Neal Dow, the distinguished Maine temperance advocate, is to stump the State in April and is expected to visit Wilmington during the month. A bandbox containing a lady's hat with tiimmiug, plume and all, was sent lately rom Belfast, Maine, to California by mail, the postage being eleven centsr Judge Seymour went down to Snyth- yille this morning and if nothing unto ward occurred opened Brunswick Supe rior Court at that place this forenoon. An exchange says : It is a singular fact that most dogs in Florida contract bad coughs." In Wilmington they all -appear to be troubled with the bowwowel com plaiut. , The private Hop given at Meginney's Hall last night, on the -occasion of the Jewish Feast of Purim, was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all who were present. " A piercing cold wind blew flown upOD us early this morning from the northwest but since breakfast the weather has mode rated considerably, although the forenoon remained cloudy and overcast. ( Sad Case. It is very sad indeed to reflect upon, that in a Christian community of 20,000 inhabitants and nearly a score of churches, wc hear of a helpless family consisting of five small children and their almost bed ridden parents being without anything to cat for two whole days. The family is said to reside on Queen, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Good Bye Dixie. The little steamer Dixie will leave here this afternoon or to-morrow .' morning for New York, by inland water route, as far as practicable, under command of Capt. Sullivan, her owner, Mr Parsley, having traded her with Capt.. Foster, of New York, for the steamer UnderhUl. She will carry a crew of four men besides her com mander. The Dixie reiristers but l Cl-100 tons. Robin Hunting. The robin red-breast may be found in gangs of thousands all through the county. Hundreds of them are killed every day by sportsmen from thU city. The birds are very fat and in fine condition for eating, and readily command fifty toi sixty cents per dozen in market. Personal. The Blue Uge Blade says : Dr. George H. Moran, Post Surgeon at this place, has been ordered to Fort Johusou, near Smithville, N. C, and is to be succeeded by Dr. Buchanan, U. S. A. .Dr. Moran has made many friends, dur ing his stay here, and the chauge will be rft,tijccial relations with our people. Partnerships. It has been decided by the courts that if a partner Of a dissolved firm neglects to give notice, through the local newspapers,' of a dissolution of partnership, he is equally liable with his late partucr. for all debts contracted after dissolution. ! In this connection it may. not 'be im proper to state that the Review offers "splendid inducements" to those contem plating a dissolution of copartnership. The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Office at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn- ng at 7T31 o'clock : -Augusta, 43 ; Charleston, 47; Cincin nati, 32 ; Jacksonville, 54; Key West, 65;" Knoxville, 33 ; Lynchburg, 31 ; Memphis, 32 ; Mobile, 30 ; Montgomery, 42 ; Nash ville, 32 ; New Orleans. 44 ; New York, 36 ; Norfolk, 37 ; Pittsburg, 29 ; Savan nah, 48; St. Louis, 30.;' Washington, 35; Wilmington, 35. - Lrfst and .Found. Last night about 9 o'clock one of the attaches of this office, while on his .'wav home, in company with three young men, came across two handsome picture frames on Third street, jiear tho railroad track. Footprints in the sand, near where the frames were found, indicatedj scuffling. One of the frames was walnut; 32 x 10 inches, and the other was the frame of a looking glass. The gbiss had been broken out and was .scattered about on the ground. Any one haying beeii nbbed can get the property by applying f r it. . ' : I Bishop Lyman's Appointments Among the appointments made by lit. Rev. T. B. Lyman, D. D the Assistant Bishop of the Episcopal Diocjie, as pub lished in the Raleigh p ipers, are'thj fol lowing: I . April 17, Thursday, Richlands Onslow county, April ,20, Friday, p. m., St. Marks, Wilmington. April, 21, Saturdar, p. m., .bt. I'aul s, Wilmington. April 22, Suuday, a. m., St. Jamas', Wilmington. April, 22, Sunday, p. m., St. John's, Wilmington. April 23, Monday, Smithville". Apnl 26, Thursdav, Kenansville, Du plin county. The Henry A. Faull. The cargo of the schooner Henry A. Paull, Capt. Strange, which arrived here on the 18th inst in distress, having been dismasted off Hatteras, bounvl from Man- tanzasj, for New York, with a j cargo of sugar, is now being discharged and the cargo forwarded by steamship to New York, loO hhds. having been snipped yesterday by the steamship Pioneer, the shipment haviog been, made by the Underwriters' agents. The cargo, which was not damaged is valued at about 6,mh, uJ tli imnvI zo,xyxjo, tne damages to thd ship being.estimatcd at oue half her value. Both vesssl and cargo . were insured. J ' Dont Read this. Boys. A letter from Saratoga, dicoursihg upon the novelties in fashion, says : "But better, and above all, is that article of dress which, if my boyish lips had s much .as pro nounced, may grapdmothor would have thumped' iriy heal with hir fiiimb'o I think they call it garter. Well, this hitherto mysterious member of the ward robe, of which the great outside world bad only a dreamy idea, now becomes an ostentatious Ornament of fine dressing. The delicate silk stocking is finished out at the top in laces, run iuto ruffles, and clasped with the most elaborate garters garters with gilt, gold and silver buckles- garters which bring 3 arid $50 the pair. And instead of making omn sweetheart a prsent of bracelets, or of as pin, ring or silk umbrella, you lay in her lap. a pair of expensive garters for her point lace stock-mg-tops.: What a novelty, it ; is, to be nreri. -' l' Got It Wrong. We got it wrong again. The Auditing Commission ispokeu of by lis yestarday in the bill which passed the House on Saturday, appointed Hon. R. S. French, Maj. F. D. Poissou and E. S. Martin, Esq., as' the Commissioners, instead of the gentlemen named by us, who are in another bill. The bill, we understand, as adopted, pays them $3 per day, each, but in this respect there was some amendment although we do not know what it is. Rocking a House. John Perry and Hush Currie, two jolly sons of the sea, got on i big drunk last night, in the course of which they visited LEaddy's HoJlow,rjjere , they rocked the houso of a colored man named John Toomer. Not relishing such a method of ratifying the verdict in favor of Hayes Toomer called in the police who, after much persuasion of a forcible nature, suc ceeded in getting the sailors to the guard house. The only explanation they gave of their conduct was that they were "looking for a long Dutchman."' Their cases were disposed of by the Mayor this morning. A Brief Story With a Moral. When trade grew slack and notes fell due, the merchant's face grew long and blue; his dreams; were troubled through the night, with sheriffs bailiffs all in sight. At last his wife unto him said: "Rise up at once get out of bed; and get your paper, ink and pen, and say these words unjo all men: My goods I wish to sell to you, and to your wives and daughters, too;j my prices are ' so very low, that all will buy before they go." He did as by his wife advised, and in the .papers advertised. Crowds came and bought off all he had; his notes were paid, his dreams were glad; and he will tell you to this day how well did printer's ink repay'. He told us, with a knowing wink, how he was saved .by printer's ink. City court. The following-cases were disposed of by theMayor this morning : John Perry, charged with disorderly conduct, was fined $10 and costs or 30 days work on the streets. The same, for throwing rocks at a house, was fined $10 and costs or 30 days work on the streets. Hugh Currie, disorderly, $10. and costs or 30 days work on the Btreets. The same, for drunkenness, 10 and ' j - costs or 30 days work on the streets. The same, resisting a police officer, $50 and costs or 30 days work on the streets. Fannie Gore, drunkenness, $20 and costs or 30 days work on the streets. Henry McOrae, disorderly conduct, $5 and costs. Monroe Wilkins, disorderly conduct, $25 and costs. One case, in which the defendant watt charged with -resisting the police, was dis.niised. The Legislative Session. The II deigh papers have reported that the Legislature would adjourn on Satur days . This is.a mistake, as we learn from Mr. James Wilson Representaivo fr.m this county, who was in the city yester day, and who informs us that the House Judiciary committee justify a continuance beyond the sixty days to which it is re stricted by th.3 present constitution on legal grounds and that the adjournment will therefore probably take place about the middle of the month. It is said that there; are one or two young lawyers on the committee who find that the present ses sion js being beld under the old constitu tion, which did not restrict the session, and not under that which went into effect On the first of J anuary which does restrict it. Per contra, we can find one or two and perhaps a dozen (we have already found two) old lawyers in this city who dis tinctly aver that the present Legislature cannot hold for more than sixty days at the public . expense;" that is to say they can stay in Raleigh, and in session, just as long as they please, - but can only draw per diem for the sixty days allowed by the Constitution. We cannot see bow any other argument can hold. As long as the old Constitution was in force the two Houses could name their own time but now that the new, instrument ' is the law the old one is of "necessity annulled and superseded bp the new one. Their delib erations are all made with regard to the Constitution as it is now and not that which is dead and done away with and how they can make the dead letter of a 'dead law apply to living issnes in one respect, while it is excluded in all others, is more than wc can understand. We venture the assertion that there is not a lawyer of any prominence in Wilmington but will sustain us iu this. List of Letters. The following is the list of letters re maining unclaimed in tho Postofficd Wil mington Is. C, Wednesday, Feb 21J 1S77: B Thamos' Barfield. Rev John Bcatty, Miss Emilv G Berry. E N oenneu, jurs m i: Berry, llenhett Biair, Henry Bowinsr. Miss Marv Brmvi. I AT? M B Brown. Miss Fannie Brown r,M fY Burnett. C Frank CopDis. Miss Ama T. tW Mrs Mary Carter, care Owen Nixon' Mrs Jane Ceals, Mrs Eli Chad wick, liss D-Bynum & Daniel. Miss Eliza Davis. J B Damifino. - ; ' G Mrs Mary L Futch. Ij j F--Mrs Harriett Gary. Miss Marv J. Granger. H Peter B Haynes. Janeuv W Hoel. Miss Lou Hill, Lula Hcrriug, Jack High -smith, Mis3 Diner Hill, Miss Lizzie Humphreys, !Proprietor ' RockS Snrinf? Hotel, Miss C L Howard. ! J Mrs Caroline V Jackson. Ij Sol Levy. M Miss" Anna Jane Marshall 1 Wm May, Miss Mary McDuffie', Miss Mclvina McKoy, Miss Mary McAllister, Mrs Litty McKoy, A L McDonald, M Miller; 2, Mrs James C Moore, Mrs Emily Moore, Miss Nora V Morgan, Joseph Myers, f JS Luisand Nixon, George Night. O Mrs Ann Ord, N E Owens. ;j ! P T W Pavne. Miss H W Perkins Joseph A Phillips, Mrs Biner Pierce B William liegister, 'Thomas-" Reid, Rosanner Ritchardson, Mrs. Rhoda Roan, b Bengamm Shaw. Mrs. Josanhine Smith, George W Smith, David Spicer, Miss bsillie bpooner, V 11 Strickland. 1 Uapt Wm Tiudall. W Joshua Westray. , Mrs Daflnev Whitehead, Dudley Whitehead,1 Susan Wiggins, Henry Wiggins, Mrs -Minnie Williams. Mrs Joahner Williams!" Albert B Willis, A M Willis, Miss Ellens Wood. Persons calling for letters in-above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to -di ad letter office, .Washington, D. C. f . . E. R. BRINK, P. 31. PLEASE KOTICE. v ?? We will be glad io reeelTe eomiBnieatioat from our friends onlny and all taljeeli of general interest but : ? The name of the writer matt alirayt b farnkhed to the Editor. ; '''."'....' - Communicationt must b writteu b1j ob one side of the paper. I i vjk A M. Personalities must be avoided.' ' r , And it is especially and particularly under-' stood that editor does not always endow the views of correspondents, unless so stated ' in the editorial columns. ' ; ' Nqvt Advertisemonta. KITE COED! KITE COM) ! EST ENGLISH KITE CORD, telling cheap at '. .'!' :--"-' " ;--'.. GILES & M.URCUISON'S. fb 26 , :' The Latest Out. THE HERITAGE OF LANG DALE, "The Fatal Secret." By Mrs. Southworth. "Some Other Babies" Very Liko ' Helen Only If ore 8c. "The Century, Its Fruits and its Festival.' "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.? - 1ST Ala? k Tri r, For sale at f . .. feb 2C Live Book and Musit Store. Home Light Oil. -ILL XOT EXPLODE, BEST IN USE. Eureka Mills Paper, 1000 sheets In a package. at only 25 cents. Canary Seed at IS canU per pound, together with a full stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Toilet and ancy Article?, for sale loir by - , ; -. . JAMES a MUNDS, feb 13 v - Druggist. New Advertisements; MOUNTAIN F2' TO-MORROW MORNING AT THE NEW MEAT DEPOT C JRXER FOURTH & MULBERRY STS. feb 27 W. E. N. SELLERS. Wew Design. INVOICE OF CLOCKS of entirely new designs has just been received and are Y- being sold at extremely low figure a;!; also a fine assortment of LADIES' WATCnES, SEAL and PLAIN GOLD RINGS and LADIES' an djGENTLEMEN'S CHAINS. Work left with me will be neatly exe cuted. All I ask of the Pnblic is to give me a trial. Ji II. ALLEN. feb27 ' .Watehuiaker and Jeweller. Velocipedes, I yAGONS, CARTS and Wheelbarrows. TOPS and MARBLES from one cent up. v .' ' Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Ap ples and Tears. , : , Centennial jumping Hopes, for little girls, ' - . II"- Dusters, Cigar Lighters for Picture fraiies. J. W. LIPITT'S, CONFECTIONERY STORE; - . N.K. Corner Front and Princess Sts. ieDz Look at It ! A FIRST-CLASS SHAVE with Bay Rum, only 10 cents. Stylish hair cut, 25 cents. Lucious Shampoo by "machinery, 25 cents. Moustache djed,!25 cents. Everything done in silence. A liberal .reduction to monthly customers at the great Befo m Barber Shop under the First National Bank. . Come and try the new and skilled barbers feb 27 I. FURMANSKT. Rare Bargains. jyj-AY BE HAD IN GENT'S and Youth's CAM MB Qhlier'S Clothing Hanse. South side of Market street. Getting ready for Spring stock fnd all heavy goods must be sold. ! . ' Our specialty is the all-made Linen Bosom Shirt for 00 cents. J feb is a. axxnxsxx. They Have Come ! N0THE3 INVOICE of tho "X L N T" and 'Tride of Cuba" Cigars, city for S cents, at Best in 4he feb 23 'O Tobacco Store, Zki Market Street ECONOMY, WHY) NOT ? DURE MOSS ROSE BUTTER 36 cents. COUNTRY-ROLL BUTTER 26 cents canned i ruits astonishingly, low fijrures. , f ccivijr reeeipw oi x ouury ana xgg irom the Oakville and Beaver Honneries. ; oUU uozen Ec-jrs tnis dar. i fair trial All I ask is a feb 19 W. G. FOWLER, Jt. W. J. Buhmann, .BROKER, S- Office Corner Front and Orange Sti. , Respectfully solicits the patronage of the trade.- Strict attention to business guaran teed. feb 31 LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID! HE LOSSES SUSTAINED BY THE. LYCOMING, PAMLICO, SOUTHERN UN- DERWRITER'S ASSOCIATION, and MISS ISSIPPI VALLEY INSURANCE COMPA NIES, by the recent fire at Darlington, S. C., HAVE BEEN PAID. Besides the above named Companies we represent the LIVEHPOOL & IiONDON & GLOBE, HAMBURG-BREMEN andothew. with assets amounting to over SIXTY MIL LION DOLLARS. . v; :-j JOHN W.'GORDON & BRO' General Insurance Agents, fib 13 21 North Water tit. Sol Bear & Broo.f i & 20 Market Street, . " '' 1 . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ,: CLOTHING, DRY . GOODS, BOOTS 4l OnOSO. ! II A T S, N O T I O N-S. &c., One of the Largest and Most Complete Stocks in the City or State, Which we guarantee to sell at New York Prices. ,; We respectfully request the public to ex amine our fctoct belure purchasing elsewhere. feb 11 SOL BEAR &. BROS. Brock's Exchange JJAVING RECENTLY changed hands is now open for the accommodation ; of the public. 4 . ' - '. The HOUSE has been thoroughly rena vated throughout and the ROOMS are neatly and comfortably f urnished. . Polite and accommodating attendants ars always on hand to see to the wants of Guests. The BILLIARD ROOM is opca and tho TABLES are free to the Patrons of the House. feb 17 . Fresh Supolies. RECEIVED CONTINUALLY AT MY v k m n.v GROCERY STOHB, pwmmmtum bell and Fourth Sts., the luxuries as well as the necessaries of life. All fresh and all cheap. Splendid stock of Candies, PreseTT ett Jellies, Pickles and Canned Goods and all " CHEAP! CHEAP!! CHEAP III1 8. Ji WESTVfV Familr Grocery Corner 4th and Campbell sts. feb 21. "DONT rORGET" J. J. SHEPARD i can be found .' OX NORTH SI DET M A UIC.ET CX. Between Second and Third 8ta.V " Really and willing to do all kinds of i PAINTING, GLAZIHG- Ccs Also Dealer ia - ' . C , j . . ..... ' - . t GUOCEHIES;- FECtlGmi dec 13 Fancy Goods &c -r OLv H Agents selling our Clro-' mos, Crayons, Picture and Chrono Cardt. 100 samples worth $4 tent postpaid for T& cents. Illustrated Catalogue free. J. IL BCFFORD'S S0N8, BOSTON: ' jau 27 EstallbheU 1S30, ; c--:. v 1 . i i i